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I have many friends. Some of my friends have dogs that work. My friends,Tim,cannot walk. His dog brings him the newspaper. My friend,Susie,cannot see. Her dog helps her

walk to school. My friends,Mr.Kim,is a policeman. His dog helps him catch criminals. My friend,Mr.Park,is a soldier. His dog helps him guard our country. My friend,Mr.Lim,works at the airport. His dog helps him look for drugs and bombs.

My friend,Ann,cannot hear. Her dog helps her know when someone knocks. My uncle,Bob,is a dogsled racer. His dogs help him race in a dogsled. I like my friends. I like their working dogs,too!









少儿英语小故事带翻译 故事一般都和原始人类的生产生活有密切关系,他们迫切地 希望认识自然,于是便以自身为依据,想象天地万物都和人一 样,有着生命和意志。以下是为您整理的《少儿英语小故事带翻译》,希望大家能够喜欢。 少儿英语小故事带翻译篇一 The Ugly Duckling IT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools. It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the country. In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand upright. The spot was as wild as the centre of a thick wood. In this snug retreat sat a duck on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was beginning


龟兔赛跑 Intheforest,thereisafastrabbit.Helikestoraceotheran imals.Healwayswins."Iamveryfast,"hesays."Icanwinany race." Oneday,therabbitseesaturtle."Youaresoslow.Iamfaster thanyou,"hesays."Doyouwanttoraceme" "Yes,"saystheturtle."Ha,ha.Itwillbeeasytowin,"laugh stherabbit."Youwilllose.Yourlegsaretooshort." "Tomorrowwewillhavearace,"saystherabbit.Alloftheani malsareexcited.Theywanttoseetherace."Theturtlewilll ose.Heistooslow,"theyallsay. Theturtlegetsupearlyinthemorning.Theraceistoday.The rearemanyanimalsattherace.Theturtlewalkstothestarti ngline.Alltheanimalslaughathim. Therabbitiswaitingfortheturtle."Iwillwin,"laughsthe rabbit."Iwilltrymybest,"saystheturtle. Theracebegins.Alloftheotheranimalsareexcited."Go,go ,go,"theysay.Therabbitrunsveryquickly.Theturtlewalk sslowly.


英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译) 线话英语|2016-03-14 17:03:05 英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下: Midway Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue. The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!" The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE". 中间战术 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。 右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书:“大减价!”“特便宜!” 左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称:“大砍价!”“大折扣!” 中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:“入口处”。 Very Pleased to Meet You During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers. One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I’m going abroad tomorrow, but I‘d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months. Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England. Joan went there and said to the matron, "I‘ve come to visit Captain Humphreys." "Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said.


少儿英语哲理小故事带翻译:望洋兴叹 When autumn came, all the water in the large and small rivers rose higher and flowed into the Yellow River. 一到秋天,大河、小河里的水都涨了起来,流入黄河,河面顿时显得非常宽广。 The surface of the River at once appeared much wider, On one side of the bank, one couldn’t see the https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d14825852.html, cattle and sheep on the opposite side. The River deity Hebo was therefore immensely proud and considered himself the greatest in the world. 在河岸的这边,一眼望不见对岸的牛羊。黄河的河伯所以得意洋洋,自以为是天下最伟大的了。 Hero followed the Yellow River to the North Sea. Then he looked at himself and felt he could not see the bounds of the sea. Then he looked at himself and felt he was so tiny and insignificant. He sighed and said to Hairuo, the deity of the North Sea. 河伯顺着黄河来到了北海,朝东一望,望不见海的尽头,再看看自己才觉得自己很渺小。他叹了口气,对北海之神海若说: “Asa the saying goes, a person who has gained a little learning tends to regard himself as the wiset person under the https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d14825852.html, sky. I am just that kind of person. Seeing how broad and great you are today, I have come to realize how insignificant and ignorant I am. If I didn’t meet you , I’m afraid I would I would always be laughed at by people with knowledge.”


大学英语故事带翻译大全 学习英语是很多英语学习者的必备之一,因为,它对英语提高有很大的帮助,以 下是小编给大家整理的关于大学英语故事带翻译大全,希望可以帮到大家关于大学英语故事带翻译大全<一> I looked at my beautiful Christmas tree and sighed. It was time. The New Year was a week old and my tree still stood in the corner of our room with its collection of memories proudly displayed in a shower of colorful lights. I'd procrastinated long enough. 我望着我的美丽圣诞树叹了口气,是时候该把树收起来了。新年已经过了一个星期,而我的圣诞树依然挺立在我们房间的角落里,在缤纷的彩灯光辉中骄傲地展示着 它珍藏其中的种种回忆。(对于收起圣诞树)我已经拖了很长时间了。 I got up, went to the garage and hauled all the boxes into the room. The garland was the first to come down. The tree looked naked already. I took the large ornaments off next. They made a large pile on our bed. An hour later, our bed was covered with Christmas memories. Each pile contained an ornament along with its matching brothers and sisters from sets purchased many years ago. 我起身去了车库,把所有的盒子都拖进了房间。花环首先被摘了下来,圣诞树看 上去就显得光秃秃的了,然后我又把大的装饰物拿了下来,它们在我们的床上堆了很 大一堆。一小时后,我们的床上堆满了圣诞回忆。每一堆都包含着一件多年前购买的 装饰物以及与之相配套的其他装饰品。 I prepared the boxes and carefully placed ornaments in their protective packaging, pausing every few minutes to admire a favorite. "Hey, little Santa!" I held the Santa from my childhood. "Thanks for being my friend for almost fifty years." He was a little ragged but still gives me a flood of wonderful memories. —Until next year, my dear friend." 我准备好盒子并把这些装饰物小心地放进包装袋内,每过几分钟就会停下来欣赏 一件我最爱的饰品。“嗨,小圣诞老人!”我拿着自童年起就陪伴我的圣诞老人,“谢谢你和我做了将近50年的朋友。”圣诞老人有一点破旧了,但仍然带给我如潮般的美好回忆,“明年再见啦,我亲爱的朋友。” There was a collection of handmade ones. My children made in their first years of school, more than twenty years ago. Made by tiny hands, they are far from perfect


简单英语小短文加翻译 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 阅读是人们获取信息的重要手段,更是学习英语的主要途径之一。在我国,由于英语是非母语的学习,在学习过程中没有语言环境的熏陶,那么,阅读便成为人们获取信息、提高英语水平的有效途径。小编整理了简单英语小短文加翻译,欢迎阅读! 简单英语小短文加翻译篇一 Chinese movie market has great potential, even the hollywood directors have seeked for cooperation with Chinese actors. Actually, the actors in China that known by the world are not many, Jackie Chen takes the lead. Early in the 1990s, Jackie Chen was very successful in China, his movie was very fun. The actions that were designed by him were acknowledged

by the audience. Then Jackie Chen started to conquer hollywood, his style was very popular around the world, he was known and favored by the people all over the world. Many famous celebrities said their hero was Jackie Chen. The achievement that Jackie made was not easy, he was overwork and made himself wounded all the time. Now this man finally gets the greatest award, this is the biggest prize for him. His effort has been acknowledged. 中国电影市场潜力巨大,甚至好莱坞导演都提议与中国演员合作。实际上,在国际上有声誉的中国演员并不多,成龙首当其冲。在1990年代早期,成龙在中国很成功,他的电影很有趣。由他设计的动作得到了观众的喜爱。然后成龙开始征服好莱坞,他的风格在世界各地都是非常受欢迎的,许多名人说他们的英雄是成龙。成龙取得的成就并不容易,他拼命地工作,总是受伤。现在,这个男人终于得到了最大的奖,这也是他最得到的最重要的


英语故事短文带翻译-小红帽 There once was a cute little girl, who met with like, but her favorite was her grandmother, and there was nothing she wanted to give her something. Once she gave her a velvet, Little Red Riding Hood, worn on her head just right. Since then, the girl no longer willing to wear any other hat, so always called her “Little Red Riding Hood.” One day her mother Little Red Riding Hood, said: “Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine to your grandmother, she is ill, weak, and they will do better now take advantage of the day yet. heat, and quickly leave it in a good way to go, do not run, do not leave the path, or you may fall, so the grandmother could not get anything on. to grandma’s house, do not forget to say ‘good morning’, also Do entered the room look east look west. “ “I’ll be careful.” Little Red Riding Hood to her mother, and gave her hand on it. Grandma lived in the village outside the forest, Little Red Riding Hood from the house there is a long way. Little Red Riding Hood had just entered the wood, a wolf met her. Little Red Riding Hood did not know the wolf is the bad guy, so is not afraid of him. “Hello, Little Red Riding Hood,” Wolf said. “Thank you, Mr. Wolf.” “Little Red Riding Hood, Whither away so early?” “I’m going to grandma’s house.” “What have you got in your apron?” “Cake and wine. Yesterday was baked some cakes, poor sick grandmother, eat some good things in order to recover.”


初中英语故事带翻译欣赏 狮子和老鼠 Lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the mouse piteouslyentreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: "You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favour; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a lion." Little friends may prove great friends. 一只老鼠从一只狮子面前跑过去,将它从梦中吵醒。 狮子生气地跳起来,捉住老鼠,要弄死它。老鼠哀求说:“只要你肯饶恕我这条小生命,我将来一定会报答你的大恩。”狮子便笑着放了它。 后来狮子被几个猎人捉住,用粗绳捆绑倒在地上。 老鼠听出是狮子的吼声,走来用牙齿咬断绳索,释放了牠,并大声说:“你当时嘲笑我想帮你的忙,而且也不指望我有什么机会报答。但是你现在知道了,就算是小老鼠,也能向狮子效劳的。” 强者不会永远是强者,强者也会有需要弱者帮助的时候。 驴子与蚱蜢 An ass having heard some grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, "The dew."


儿童英语小故事100字左右 Julie and Jamie are sisters. They both think Easter is a lot of fun. On Easter morning, Julie and Jamie go downstairs. They find their Easter baskets. “Oh, how pretty!” says Julie. Julie’s basket has pink grass, lots of jelly beans, marshmallow chicks, and a big chocolate bunny. “It’s perfect!” says Jamie. Jamie’s basket has green grass, jelly beans, marshmallows, and a big chocolate bunny. Both Julie and Jamie love chocolate. They love to get chocolate bunnies for Easter. Julie and Jamie think that chocolate bunny ears are the best chocolate in the world. Julie always eats the bunny ears first. She says that the best things should come first. She nibbles at the tip and works her way down. Jamie always eats the bunny ears last. She says she is saving the best for last. She starts with the


英语简短童话小故事3则带翻译 小编整理了以下英语童话小故事,在回味童年时光的同时也加强英语的 学习,欢迎大家阅读。 1英语简短童话小故事——爱神丘比特Eros(Cupid) eroswasthegodoflove,betterknownbyhislatinnamecupid.sonofaphroditebyares,h etookhisplaceamongthesmallgodsofolympus. 厄洛斯(丘比特)厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是 阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。 hewasrepresentedasalittlenakedboy,withsparklingwings,andhecarriedhisbowand arrowswhereverhewandered.shootinghisthrillingarrowsinevils,heinspiredthepassi onofloveandprovidedallnaturewithlifeandpowerofreproduction. 他的形象是一个裸体的小男孩,有一对闪闪发光的翅膀。他带着弓箭漫游。 他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予 万物繁衍的能力。 thelovely,naughtygodhadtwokindsofarrows:thegoldtippedarrowsusedtoquickent hepulseofloveandtheleadtippedonestopalsyit. 这位可爱而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭:加快爱情产生的金头神箭和中止 爱情的铅头神箭。 besides,hehadatorchtolightheartswith.thoughsometimeshewasblindfolded,noma


儿童英语小故事50字带翻译:守株待兔 Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in the field of radish, he was too tired to day is sweat. Just then, he saw a rabbit, a head of bump in next to a tree. The farmers walked over a look, the rabbit and killed. The man was pleased, picked up the hare, in the evening he ate the hare. He think: if there is a rabbit to eat every day it would be great! Don’t work the next day, he went to the field, sitting in the tree an inferior, hope to have the hare ran, killed himself in a tree. He waited day after day, the hare didn’t come, all the turnip farmers. “Waiting” is from the story. “Plant” here is the “tree”. This idiom has two meanings. A metaphor is someone accidentally happened as experience, still firmly hold on to. A metaphor is people are reluctant to work conscientiously, delusional get unexpected harvest. 从前,有个农民在田里种萝卜,他累得满头都是汗水。正在这时,忽然跑来一只野兔,一头撞在旁边的大树上。农民走过去一看,兔子撞死了。那个人很高兴,把野兔捡了起来,晚上他把野兔吃了。他想:要是每天都有一只野兔吃该有多好啊! 第二天,他到地里不劳动了,坐在大树下等着,希望再有野兔跑过来,自己撞死在大树上。 他等了一天又一天,野兔没有再来,农民的萝卜全都枯死了。 “守株待兔”就是从这个故事来的。“株”在这儿就是“树”。这个成语有两个意思。一个是比喻有人把偶然发生的事情当作经验,还牢牢守住不放。一个是比喻有人不愿切实地工作,妄想得到意外的收获。


A man was going to the house of some rich person. 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去, As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. 当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果 He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." 他说:“我不打算吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我很好吃的东西。” Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. 然后他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。 He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了 so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; 因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿 then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." 然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。” He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的, He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. 他找到苹果,很高兴地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time. 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有用处。


儿童英语小故事 儿童英语小故事1 highly talented才高八斗 tsau pi and tsau jr were sons of tsau tsau. both were very gifted writers, and tsau jr was especially quick-witted. 曹丕与曹植都是曹操的儿子,二者均有才华,特别是曹植更具文采。 after tsau tsau s death, tsau pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei. jealous of tsau jr s literary ability, and afraid that he might cause problems, tsau pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother. 在曹操死后,曹丕继任大统,但他嫉妒曹植的才华,同时也惧怕曹植回谋反,所以一直在伺机杀害曹植。 one day, tsau pi called tsau jr into see him.he ordered his brother to make up a poem within the time it took to walk seven steps, adding that if he could not, his life would be in danger. 有一天,曹丕要求接见曹植,他要求曹植在他七步之内作诗一首,如果做不到,就会有生命危险。 greatly saddened, tsau jr began to walk and to think. before he had taken the seven steps, he had already finished his poem, the meaning of which was: brothers are of the same family, so why should the oppress each other? 悲愤之下,曹植急中生智,作出七步诗,是的意思就是本来就是亲兄弟,为什么要这样步步紧逼,伤及感情? tsau jr was very intelligent and loved to study. he wrote many outstanding articles which showed his artistic talent and earned him the admiration of many people. one scholar said of him: heaven gave the world ten decalitres of talent, and tsau jr alone has eight of them.


4篇英语励志小短文30字【带翻译】4篇英语励志小短文30字一 Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young. 无论是60岁还是16岁,你需要保持永不衰竭的好奇心、永不熄灭的孩提般求知的渴望和追求事业成功的欢乐与热情。在你我的心底,有一座无线电台,它能在多长时间里接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量的信息,你就会年轻多长时间。 4篇英语励志小短文30字二 Sometimes we think of dreams as fantasies - it's easy to do when you have money, rent, and work. But you can't prepare yourself and jump off the cliff: you should grow your wings first. A little bit toward the dream. Step by step. Take a step forward. After all, it's your mission. 有时,我们把梦想看成是幻想——当有钱、有租金、有工作时很容易去做。但是,你也不能不加准备及跳下悬崖:你该先长出自己的翅膀。一点点的朝梦想靠近。一步一步的往前走。往前迈一步吧。毕竟,这是你的使命。

英语动物小故事带翻译 有教育意义

英语动物小故事带翻译有教育意义 故事一: One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a vi sit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell. 一天,老师带学生到养鸡场参观,当他们走近孵化器时,刚好一只小鸡 破壳而出。 "It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, i sn't it?" the teacher said. “看见一个小生命从蛋壳里出来,岂不是很奇妙的吗?”老师说。 "Yes, sir." said one of the boys, " but it would be more wonderf ul if we knew how a chick gets in to its eggs hell before hand." “是的,老师。”一个男学生说,“可是,如果我们知道它是怎样事先钻进 蛋壳里的那就更奇妙了。” 故事二: Good and evil 善与恶 Weak forces of good and evil was expelled to the sky. Asked Ze us is good at, how can we return to earth to. Zeus told him that we should no t and go, one by one of the world to visit it. Evil and people very close, so one after a no ther to find them. Good because down from the sky, on the very slow to very slow. 参考译文: 力量弱小的善,被恶赶走到了天上。善于是问宙斯,怎样才能回到人间去。 宙斯告诉他,大家不要一起去,一个一个的去访问人间吧。恶与人很相近, 所以接连不断地去找他们。善因为从天上下来,所以就来得很慢很慢。 故事三: A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do no t want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dus t. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then h


1/22 非常适合儿童的英语简单的小故事大全( 共16篇) 目录 英语故事:A French Traveler 英语故事:The Dog and His Shadow 英语故事:疯狂的万圣节 英语故事 少儿英语故事:金色的羊毛 英语故事《聪明的兔子》 英语故事:《乌鸦与狐狸》 英语故事:《狼来了》---伊索寓言 少儿英语故事—小金鱼 少儿英语故事:点金术 英语故事:四只老鼠 少儿英语故事:牙齿仙女 英语故事:小马过河 少儿英语故事:The Moon and The Well 英语故事:生金蛋的鹅 英语故事:井底之蛙 2/22 英语故事:A French Traveler 这位法国人说的英语实在不敢恭维;但他能利用极之有限的几个单词,解脱了 困境,其急智与机巧令人叹服。 A Frenchman was once traveling in England . He could speak English quite well but not perfectly. For one thing, his vocabulary was not large.

One day, he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs. But he couldn't remember the word for eggs. Suddenly, through the window, he saw a rooster walking in the yard. He immediately asked the waiter what the bird was called in English. The waiter told him that it was called a rooster. The Frenchman then asked what the rooster's wife was called. The waiter told him that she was called a hen. The Frenchman then asked what the hen's children were called. The waiter told him that they were chickens. The Frenchman then asked what the chickens were called before they were born. The waiter told him they were called eggs. "Fine!" said the Frenchman. "Please bring me two eggs and a cup of coffee. l.perfectly 熟练地 2. vocabulary 个人所使用的词汇量 (集合名词,单数概念.) 3. rooster 公鸡(美国英语,同cock.) 4bird 此处泛指禽类。 3/22 英语故事:The Dog and His Shadow 少儿英语故事: It happened that a dog had some meat that he wanted to eat at home. On his way home he met a river. As he looked down, he saw his shadow in the water. 一只狗叼着肉打算回家去吃。在回家的路上他遇到一条河。他朝 河里望去,看见水中自己的影子。 "Just look!"said he to himself. "That dog down there has some meat, too. If I could get it away from him, I would really eat well tonight!" “看呐!”他自言自语道。“下面那条狗也衔着肉呢。如果我把 他的抢走,今晚上一定可以美餐一顿了!” With this thought, he made a snap at the other dog's meat. And as he did, his own meat fell into the water. So then he had nothing at all. 这么想着,他就冲那只影子狗咬去,这时候他自己的肉掉进了水

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