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1、-- How is your father today?

-- _____C_____, thanks.

A:He is over forty

B:He's a doctor

C:He's much better

D:He's Brown

2、--Will you please give the note to him?

-- ______A_______.

A:Certainly, I'll give it to him

B:No, please not

C:Sorry, I don't

D:Yes, please do

3、--I was born in Boston, but I studied in New York.____B_____?

--I was born in New York, but studied in Boston.

A:What do you do

B:And you

C:Where were you

D:Do you

4、--What does your father do?

-- _____C______.

A:He is cleaning the street

B:He is forty

C:He is a farmer

D:He is all right

5、-- _____C________?

-- Do you have a toy horse?

A:What do you want to sell

B:Shall I help you

C:What can I do for you

D:Do you like a toy horse


1、 Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around, but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom's workmates came in and sat with Tom. "What time is your bus?" asked Mike. "There's plenty of time yet" answered Tom.

"Well, I'll get you some more tea then" said Mike.

They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Oh! It's going backward" he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve, and now it's half past eleven."

"You're looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.

(1)、Tom went into the station cafe because Mike asked him to have a cup of tea. ( B )



(2)、Tom and Mike talked while drinking. ( A )



(3)、When Tom looked at the clock in the mirror, it's actually half past twelve. ( A )



(4)、From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find it's going backward.(A)



(5)、Tom arrived in Paris on time.( B )



2、 My Aunt Edith was a widow of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very serious heart disease.

Aunt Edith didn't accept defeat easily. She began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart surgeon, Dr. Michael DeBakey, of Houston, Texas. He had saved the life of someone with the same disease. The article said his fees were very high; Aunt Edith couldn't possibly pay them. But could he tell her of someone whose fees she could pay?

So Aunt Edith wrote to him. She simply listed her reasons for wanting to live: her three children, who would be on their own in three or four more years; her little-girl dream of traveling and seeing the world. There wasn't a word of self-pity-only warmth and humor and the joy of living. She mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer.

A few days later, my doorbell rang. Aunt Edith didn't wait to come in; she stood in the hall and read aloud:

Your beautiful letter moved me very deeply. If you can come to

Houston, there will be no charge for either the hospital or the


Signed :Michael DeBakey

(6)、Aunt Edith stopped working as a secretary when she knew she had a very serious heart disease.( B )



(7)、From the story we can see Aunt Edith accepted defeat easily. ( B ) A:T


(8)、In Aunt Edith's letter to the doctor, she showed she was warm, humorous and enjoying living. ( A )



(9)、When Aunt Edith mailed her letter, she didn't expect the doctor would give her a reply. ( A )



(10)、Michael DeBakey mainly told Aunt Edith in the letter that her disease was so serious that he couldn't cure her.( B )



3. The Swedes are among the most charming peoples in Europe. And their charm comes from an apparent contradiction in the national character. They are extremely conservative in social relationships; within the family and when meeting friends and business acquaintances, their conduct is governed by strict social patterns. At the same time, they are one of the most intellectually progressive people in the world. They are always open to new ideas.

All social occasions in Sweden are regulated by rules and traditions. And

these traditions are expressed in a specific ritual (仪式) made up of formal bows, handshakes, and greetings. When a visitor enters a Swedish home, he is invariably received with a "Welcome"; when he leaves, his host will tell him "You will be welcome again". These charming phrases are an indestructible part of Swedish social life and they give it an old-world flavor of good manners.

Equally attractive is the Swedish acceptance of modern technological equipment. A traveller never needs to search for a telephone in Sweden: telephone booths are placed at regular intervals along the main streets and highways. And in church, for example, long benches are fitted with hearing aids for worshippers who may be hard of hearing. Swedish homes are among the best equipped in the world and travellers in Sweden find their journeys made easy by the use of the most efficient modern devices.

11. The contradiction of the Swedes can be found in __B__.

A) their strictness in social activities and friendliness in entertaining guests

B) their conserved attitude towards social relationships and openness to initiative ideas

C) their clearly set social patterns and enthusiasm about big parties

D) their specific ritual and concern about good manners

12. "Invariably" in the second paragraph can be best replaced with __D_.

A) "often"

B) "usually"

C) "sometimes"

D) "always"

13. It cannot be inferred from the passage that the Swedes are _ A___.

A) hard-working

B) polite

C) considerate

D) efficient

14. According to the passage, the Swedish social ritual doesn’t include


A) greetings

B) bows

C) handshaking

D) embraces

15. Which of the following statements is NOT true?( C )

A) People can hear the priest more clearly with the hearing aids in the church.

B) The Swedes' homes are among the best equipped ones in the world.

C) Travelers will be most satisfied when travelling in Sweden.

D) It's very convenient to make a call in booths in Sweden.


1、A pilot should be responsible __C__ the safety of all the passengers on board.





2、The construction of the new bridge has been _D___ for two weeks because of the bad weather.





3、It was because of the heavy rain last night __A__ I didn't go home before 10 o'clock.





4、The reason I didn't go to Canada was ____C___ a new job.

A:because I got

B:how I got

C:that I got

D:why I got

5、Professor White contributed a lot to our community, ___A____.

A:teaching, writing, and lecturing

B:teaching, writing, and a lecturer

C:a teacher, a writer, and lecturing

D:teaching, lecturing, and a writer


1、 A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much

___1___ a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it so much that he decided to buy it. But the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it.While the American was hesitating, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took the watch out of the owner's hand and ran out with it. It all happened in ___2___ seconds. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man had already ___3___ among the people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw the young man with the stolen watch in his hand, "Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?" he said in a low voice, "It's only a hundred dollars."

"The young man doesn't know I saw him ___4___ the watch just now," he thought. The American paid at once and went happily back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend ___5___ a look at the watch and started to shout immediately. He said, "You are a fool. This watch is worth only ten dollars. I'm sure the shop owner and the young man planned all this together."

(1)、 C

A:a few


C:to get



(2)、 A

A:a few


C:to get



(3)、 B

A:a few


C:to get



(4)、 E

A:a few


C:to get



(5)、 D

A:a few


C:to get




1、She looks lovely when she is happy.


2、Okay, and I need a pen to fill out the address.


3、I've been so busy lately,I haven't had time to call anybody.






My English teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. There is always a smile on her face. Miss Huang likes singing. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is a good dancer, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue, because blue is the color of the sky and the sea. She is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.


****大学课程考核试卷 xxxx—xxxx学年第x学期xxxx 级xxxx 专业(类) 考核科目大学英语二课程类别必修考核类型考试考核方式闭卷卷别 A Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks, 1 mark) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A., B., C., and D., and decide which is the best answer. 1. A. To the restaurant. B. To the subway station. C. To the hotel. D. To the railway station. 2. A. To get enough money for the course. B. To set aside more time for the course. C. To take a full-time course in computing. D. To attend a part-time course in computing. 3. A. Because he’s very busy in the office. B. Because he’s dining with a client. C. Because he’s having a meeting. D. Because he’s on a business trip. 4. A. A police officer. B. A bank clerk. C. A waiter. D. A journalist. 5. A. She had a terrible headache. B. She couldn’t see the questions clearly. C. She couldn’t remember what she had reviewed. D. She quit the exam in the middle of the exam. 6. A. In a coffee bar. B. In an office.


Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. Decrease imports. B. Increase imports. C. Decrease its deficit by 5%. D. Increase its deficit by 5%. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. Raise the oil prices. B. Import less oil. C. Use less oil. D. Take buses more frequently. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog.


应用统计学试题及答案 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

二、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分) 1.重点调查中的重点单位是指( ) A.处于较好状态的单位 B.体现当前工作重点的单位 C.规模较大的单位 D.在所要调查的数量特征上占有较大比重的单位 2.根据分组数据计算均值时,利用各组数据的组中值做为代表值,使用这一代表值的假定条件是()。 A.各组的权数必须相等 B.各组的组中值必须相等 C.各组数据在各组中均匀分布 D.各组的组中值都能取整数值 3.已知甲、乙两班学生统计学考试成绩:甲班平均分为70分,标准差为分;乙班平均分为75分,标准差为分。由此可知两个班考试成绩的离散程度() A.甲班较大 B.乙班较大 C.两班相同 D.无法作比较 4.某乡播种早稻5000亩,其中20%使用改良品种,亩产为600公斤,其余亩产为500公斤,则该乡全部早稻平均亩产为() 公斤公斤公斤公斤 5.时间序列若无季节变动,则其各月(季)季节指数应为() A.100% % % % 6.用最小平方法给时间数列配合直线趋势方程y=a+bt,当b<0时,说明现象的发展趋势是() A.上升趋势 B.下降趋势 C.水平态势 D.不能确定 7.某地区今年和去年相比商品零售价格提高12%,则用同样多的货币今年比去年少购买()的商品。 8.置信概率表达了区间估计的() A.精确性 B.可靠性 C.显着性 D.规范性 9.H 0:μ=μ ,选用Z统计量进行检验,接受原假设H 的标准是() A.|Z|≥Z α B.|Z|-Z α 10.对居民收入与消费支出的几组不同样本数据拟合的直线回归方程如下,你认为哪个回归 方程可能是正确的() A.y=125-10x =-50+8x =150-20x =-15-6x 三、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分) 1.抽样调查的特点有()。 A.抽选调查单位时必须遵循随机原则 B.抽选出的单位有典型意义 C.抽选出的是重点单位 D.使用部分单位的指标数值去推断和估计总体的指标数值 E.通常会产生偶然的代表性误差,但这类误差事先可以控制或计算 2.某种产品单位成本计划比上年降低5%,实际降低了4%,则下列说法正确的是 () A.单位成本计划完成程度为80% B. 单位成本计划完成程度为% C.没完成单位成本计划 D.完成了单位成本计划 E.单位成本实际比计划少降低了1个百分点 3.数据离散程度的测度值中,不受极端数值影响的是() A.极差 B.异众比率 C.四分位差 D.标准差 E.离散系数


Book 2 习题答案(unit 1-unit 5) Unit 1. Inside view 2. They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5, 1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6. 1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing 3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better 7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about Outside view 2. The true statements are 3 and 5 3. 1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students 3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be 7. on another campus 8. it’s a fun place 9. go to concerts 10. during the week Listening in 8. 1. b; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B ; 5, a Unit 2 Inside view 2. Kate; Kate; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Kate 3 4-1-2-7-3-5-6 6. 1. b; 2, a; 3. D; 4, d; 5. D;


大学英语2试卷( A卷) 时间90分钟 ⅠMultiple Choice(30points, one point for each ) 1.____being greatly respected in the community, he earned barely enough to provide for his large family. A Despite B Despite of C In spite D Spite of 2. The policeman insisted ___ seeing what I had in my bag. A in B on C of D by 3. If I had stayed in business, I ___ a really wealthy man today. But now, I haven’t enough money. A might have been B would have been C might be D will be 4. ___ conditioned are most of us to the idea that success is money that the thought of giving up a good salary for happiness seems foolish. A So B For C As D Such 5. They could not decide what to do, ___ would they ask for help. A so B nor C and D for 6.In a truly free market, you wouldn’t be able to ___ money without making a quality product. A obtain B receive C make D achieve 7. “Stepparent ” is a term we attach ___ men and women who marry into families where children already exist. A to B with C as D for 8. If a computer message came ____ to “Dad”, for example, I’d feel forgotten and neglected. A addressed B addressing C being addressed D been addressed 9. The medicine needs to be taken ___ a daily basis. A on B at C for D as 10. The United States consists of ___ states including California and Maryland. A fifty B forty-nine C forty-eight D fifty-one 11. You can’t see through a telescope unless it is ___ correctly to your sight. A adjusted B adapted C adopted D admitted 12. When I read the letters, I can’t help ____ my parents. A missing B to miss C miss D to missing 13. “ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” This sentence is said by ___. A Thomas Edison B Albert Einstein C Leonardo da Vinchi D Bill Gates 14. It took the experts several months to decide on the ___ for the new airport. A source B earth C site D character 15. He was seriously injured in a car ___ last year. A shock B crash C passage D mistake 16. You also have trouble ___ time to get your hair cut. A find B to find C found D finding 17. I failed to ___ Sally to go with me to the party, so I went alone. A handle B achieve C inspire D persuade 18. His brothers and sisters all live close ___ . It’s easy for him to seek help. A to B by C on D in 19. I saw him ___ along the street with a large balloon and then ___ into the crowd. A run, disappear B run, to disappear C to run, disappear D to run, to disappear 20. My father gave up ___ only one year ago.


2011年12月考试统计学第一次作业 一、单项选择题(本大题共45分,共 15 小题,每小题 3 分) 1. 对单项数列,其满足左偏斜分布时有( )。(X为均值) A. B. C. D. 2. 报告期总量加权的平均指数在计算形式上主要采取() A. 综合指数形式 B. 算术平均形式 C. 调和平均形式 D. 固定构成指数形式 3. 红星企业的2010年的产值比去年上升了8%,则8%为() A. 平均数指标 B. 总量指标 C. 相对数指标 D. 离散指标 4. 对某种连续生产的产品进行质量检验,要求每隔一小时抽出10钟的产品进 行检验,这种抽查方式是() A. 简单随机抽样 B. 类型抽样 C. 整群抽样 D. 等距抽样 5. 若销售量增加,销售额不变,则物价指数() A. 降低 B. 升高 C. 不变 D. 无法确定 6. 某灯泡厂为了掌握该厂的产品质量,拟进行一次全厂的质量大检查,这种检查应当选择() A. 统计报表 B. 重点调查 C. 全面调查 D. 抽样调查 7. 根据各年的月份资料计算的季节指数其平均数为() A. 100% B. 1200% C. 120% D. 400% 8. 直接反映总体规模大小的指标是() A. 平均指标 B. 相对指标 C. 总量 指标 D. 变异指标 9. 说明回归直线拟合程度的统计量主要是() A. 相关系数 B. 回归系数 C. 判定系数 D. 估计标准误差 10. 如果调查对象之中包含的单位很多,而且缺少原始记录可供参考,这种情 况应用() A. 抽样调查 B. 重点调查 C. 普查 D. 统计报表 11. 某连续性变量的分组中,其末组为开口组,下限为200,又知其邻组的组 中值为170,则末组的组中值为()。 A. 260 B. 215 C. 230 D. 185 12. 当已知时,总体均值μ的1- 置信水平下的置信区间为()。 A. B. C. D. 13. 计算平均指标时,最常用的方法和最基本的形式是()。 A. 中位数 B. 众数 C. 调和平均数 D. 算术平均数 14. 若已知是的3倍,

新标准大学英语综合教程二 unit1 课后习题答案

综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案 Active reading(1) 3).Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue) 2 a chance to do something (opportunity) 3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment) 4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus) 5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc (protest) 6 to start a major activity (launch) 7 chances of success, especially in a job or a career (prospects) 8 work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company (employment) 4). Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. What are the most important (1) issues for students today? Is the university (2) campus really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggests, there are fewer (3) protests by students against the (4) establishment than there used to be. And of course, improving your (5)prospects of being competitive in the (6) employment market is a major concern for students everywhere, since a good university degree is the means by which you can (7) launch your career. But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportunity to learn to think for yourself. 5).Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 There were fights between police and protestors outside the US Embassy. (clashes) 2 The two parties formed a temporary political arrangement to respond to the problem. (alliance) 3 I’ve always considered myself as someone who is tolerant of other people’s idea. (liberal) 4 The chief official of an American state has a lot of power. (governor) 5 The financial situation of Western European countries rapidly improved in the 1960s. (economy) 6 The 1960s were associated with a new type of popular music. (characterized) The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music. 7 Mark left college without finishing the course and joined a rock band. (dropped out) 8 For many people, listening to their music was an experience which made them feel free. (liberating) For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience. 9 For some people, an interest in politics went hand in hand with a strong enthusiasm for music. (passion) 6) . Answer the questions about the words. 1 (b) not very clearly? 2 (a) active?


从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1. There are signs restaurants are becoming more popular with families. A. that B. which C. in which D. whose 2. In no country Britain,it has been said,can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. A. better than B. more than C. other than D. rather than 3. Our son doesnt know what to at the university; he cant make up his mind about the future. A. take over B. take after C. take in D. take up 4. My father seemed to be in no to look at my school report. A. mood B. emotion C. attitude D. feeling 5. He is about the chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. A. optimistic B. optional C. outstanding D. obvious 6. The manager would rather his daughter in the same office. A. had not worked B. does not work C. not to work D. did not work 7. The clothes a person wears may express his or social position. A. curiosity B. status C. determination D. significance 8. in this way,the situation doesnt seem so disappointing. A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at 9. Evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated. A. It is B. There is C. It being D. There being 10. After the guests left,she spent half an hour the sitting-room. A. arranging B. tidying up C. ordering D. clearing away Ⅱ. Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each) 下列短文有十个空格,每个空格有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 The price of hotels in Britain is going up 11 at any time since the war. There are a number of reasons for this but the 12 all is the Governments economic policy. Managers in factories see 13 so they are attracted to the idea of owning 14 business. 15 Britains weather is often disappointing,the tourist industry is growing. Many people 16 like to combine a 17 holiday with the opportunity of improving their English. It is therefore not surprising that businessmen are buying hotels. The only thing 18 worries me is the kind of treatment their guestes are 19 to receive since 20 of them know anything about hotel management.


听力部分 Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions 1. A. He does not like what the woman bought. B. He does not remember the price of the shirt. C. He does not remember in which shop the shirt was. D. He remembers only the woman's phone number. 2. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 3. A. He has lost his memory completely. B. He has lost his sight. C. He drank heavily last night. D. He danced until after midnight. 4. A. He remembers his life in primary school. B. He remembers his life in his nursery. C. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in the nursery. D. He remembers his life in both primary school and the nursery. 5. A. He has a bad memory. B. The woman has a bad memory. C. The couple have forgotten to bring their keys. D. The couple are blaming each other for forgetting the keys. Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions 6. How long is it the man and woman haven't seen each other? A. a couple years. B. several years. C. quite a few years. D. less than 10 years. 7. How did the man find the woman in the Math class? A. The best in the class. B. At the bottom of the class. C. A mystery because nobody knew where she came from. D. Able to solve easy problems but not difficult problems. 8. How did the woman find the man in the English Writing class? A. He was weak in writing. B. He was strong in writing. C. He often read his compositions to his classmates. D. He sometimes posted his compositions on the walls. 9. What do we know from the conversation? A. Alice did not play table tennis in school. B. Ed did not hate the drama class. C. The woman played an instrument. D. The man played in the school band. 10. What do we learn about the man and the woman from the conversation? A. The man has a good memory while the woman has a bad memory. B. The man has a bad memory while the woman has a good memory. C. Both the man and woman have a bad memory.


统计学 1.总体与总体单位之间的关系是( B ) A.在同一研究目的下,两者可以相互变换 B.在不同研究目的下,两者可以相互变换 C.两者都可以随时变换 D.总体可变换成总体单位,而总体单位不能变换成总体 2. 下列标志哪一个是品质标志( C ) A. 产品成本 B. 企业增加值 C. 企业经济类型 D. 企业职工人数 3. 构成统计总体的总体单位( D ) A. 只能有一个指标 B. 只能有一个标志 C. 可以有多个指标 D. 可以有多个标志 4. 某连续变量数列,其末组为开口组,下限有500,相邻组的组中值为480,则末组的组中值为( A ) A.520 B.510 C.500 D.540 5. 社会经济现象构成统计总体的必要条件是总体单位之间必须存在( B ) A. 差异性 B. 同质性 C. 社会性 D. 综合性 6. 研究某市工业企业生产设备的使用情况,则总体单位是( C ) A. 该市全部工业企业 B. 该市每一个工业企业 C. 该市工业企业的每一台生产设备 D. 该市工业企业的全部生产设备 7.对某市占成交额比重大的7个大型集市贸易市场的成交额进行调查,这种调查的组织方式是( C ) A.普查 B.抽样调查C.重点调查 D.典型调查 8.某一学生的统计学成绩为85分,则85分是( D ) A. 品质标志 B. 数量标志 C. 数量指标 D. 标志值 9.下列变量中属于连续变量的是( C ) A. 职工人数 B. 设备台数 C. 学生体重 D. 工业企业数 10. 某企业1994年计划规定劳动生产率提高8%,实际提高6%,则计划完成程度为( B ) A.75% B.98.15% C.133.33% D.101.89% 11. 假设计划任务数是五年计划中规定最后一年应达到的水平,计算计划完成程度相对指标可采用( B ) 累计法 B.水平法 C.简单平均法 D.加权平均法 12.“平均每个人占有钢产量”这个指标是( D ) A.总量指标 B.平均指标C.比较相对指标 D.强度相对指标 13. 对于不同水平的总体不能直接用标准差比较其标志变动度,这时需要分别计算其( A )来比较 A.标准差系数 B.平均差C.极差 D.均方差 14.产品单位成本、产品合格率、劳动生产率、利润总额这四个指标中有几个属于质量指标?( C ) A. 一个 B. 两个 C. 三个 D. 四个 15.在校学生数和毕业生人数这两个指标( A ) A. 前者为时点指标,后者为时期指标 B. 均为时期指标 C. 前者为时期指标,后者为时点指标 D. 均为时点指标 1、构成统计总体的个别事物称为( D ) A、调查单位 B、标志值 C、品质标志 D、总体单位 2、对一批商品进行质量检验,最适宜采用的方法是( B ) 。


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in

Passage 1 1.2 2. 6 3.1 4.5 5.3 6.4 to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2


江南大学现代远程教育第二阶段测试卷 考试科目:《大学英语(二)》(总分100分)时间:90分钟 学习中心(教学点)批次:层次: 专业:______ ____ 学号:身份证号: 姓名:得分: 一、交际英语 1、-- How is your father today? -- _____C_____, thanks. A:He is over forty B:He's a doctor C:He's much better D:He's Brown 2、--Will you please give the note to him? -- _______A_______. A:Certainly, I'll give it to him B:No, please not C:Sorry, I don't D:Yes, please do 3、--I was born in Boston, but I studied in New York._____B____? --I was born in New York, but studied in Boston. A:What do you do B:And you C:Where were you D:Do you 4、--What does your father do? -- ____C_______. A:He is cleaning the street B:He is forty C:He is a farmer

D:He is all right 5、-- _______C______? -- Do you have a toy horse? A:What do you want to sell B:Shall I help you C:What can I do for you D:Do you like a toy horse 二、阅读理解 1、Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around, but there was no place for him to sit. He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom's workmates came in and sat with Tom. "What time is your bus?" asked Mike. "There's plenty of time yet" answered Tom. "Well, I'll get you some more tea then" said Mike. They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Oh! It's going backward" he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve, and now it's half past eleven." "You're looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors. (1)、Tom went into the station cafe because Mike asked him to have a cup of tea. B A:T B:F (2)、Tom and Mike talked while drinking. A A:T B:F (3)、When Tom looked at the clock in the mirror, it's actually half past twelve. A A:T


UNIT1 1.Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2.She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless. https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a4472451.html,municating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4.Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5.He wants her to give up working and stay at home to look after the children. She feels, however, that is too much for her. 6.Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing. 1.我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学习外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语不会像现在这样说得这样好。 2.没有任何其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅。 3.写作不仅仅是要写老师布置的话题,而且要写自己感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。 4.远程教学课程是指授课者与学生通过计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。 5.英语不但是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界最易学、易用的语言之一。 6.远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,但与其他课程比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律能力。 UNIT2 1.As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into her room and shouted at her, “Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?” 2.The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to. 3.Rock music appeals to sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection. 4.As us ual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start to bug him. 5.At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students. 6.It makes my blood to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg money along the streets. 1. 我认为那些在镇上四处闲逛、浑身上下又文身又穿洞的青少年是在表达他们的个性。 2.因特网提供了一种更快捷的方式,让我们与全球的新老客户取得联系,并保持沟通渠道畅通无阻。 3.父母与自己十多岁的孩子的沟通问题不仅仅在于“代沟”,而且还在于双方都不完全理解对方的思想。 4.当父母与子女间有了这类沟通障碍时,青少年面临的问题更大。

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