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1 Covering an area of 175 acres , the Palace is enclosed by walls over 35 feet high.

2 The farm was ringing with the sound of the iron gong and they could see the laborers pouring out of their huts, pointing at the hills and shouting excitedly.

3 I walked the unemployment lines the other day to talk to this American,who was depressed, pained and bewildered.

4 Not knowing where the supermarket was, he couldn’t buy what he

5 There are variety of means to accomplish students’ employability, including helping students to acquire well-developed communication skills, research capabilities, and analystical abilities. 参考答案:

1 该宫殿占地面积175英亩,四周为超过35英尺高的墙壁所围绕。

2 农场里响起了铁锣声,而这时,他们可以看到劳工从棚屋中倾巢而出,指着小山并激动地呼喊着。

3 前几天我走近失业人群并同这位美国人进行了交谈。他看上去神情沮丧,疲劳不堪并且处于迷茫彷徨之中。

4 由于他不知道超市在哪里,他不能购买到所需要的东西。

5 帮助学生获得受雇就业能力的方法有很多种,其中包括帮助他们获得良好的沟通技能、研究能力以及分析能力。

1. This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequences in the future.

2. New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the times past.

3. The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty rears or so at the present rate of use.

4. It is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.

5. In my view, rather than a melting pot, the United States today may be more accurately described as a multicultural society.


1. 支持一定数量的研究,并非一蹴而就,却放眼未来,这看上去是最具成效的。

2. 我们必须寻找新的能量资源,这诚然会耗费时间,但却不会让我们再次孳生廉价能量取之不尽、用之不竭的想法。

3. 石油任何时候都会突发性停止供给,而无论如何,如果我们按照现有使用率开采石油,在30年内油井也终将枯竭。



1. 他酷爱古典音乐。

2. 他统治那个国家长达27年之久。

3. 请记住,我会永远支持你的!

4. 我们迫切地想弄得消息。

5. 那个老头老是滔滔不绝,说个不停,烦死人。


1. He is a keen lover of classical music.

2. He has been the ruler of that nation for 27 years.

3. Please bear in mind that I will always be your supporter!

4. We are information-hungry.

5. That old man is a chatterbox. What a nuisance!

1. Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat.

2. It is to be emphasized that a source of electricity current is simply a device for causing electricity to move around a circuit.

3. Water is considered to be of high quality and drinkable if it has no more than 500 parts minerals, or salts, per one million parts of water.

4. Covering 71 percent of the earth surface, ocean is a basic component of life support system on the earth, as well as a treasury of resource and an important adjuster of environment.


1. 大多数研究者认为吸烟是患上肺癌和咽喉癌的重要原因。

2. 需要强调指出的是,电源仅仅是一种能让电流在电路中循环流动的装置。

3. 如果每一百万份水中矿物质或盐的含量少于500份,该水质则被视为高品质并适于饮用。

4. 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分,也是资源的宝库,环境的重要调节器。

1. 改革开放不仅是中国经济建设的一项基本国策,也是中国当代文化建设的基本方针。

2. 这是在大文化的概念下的中法各个领域之间的交流与合作,300多个项目内涵盖文化艺术、教育、科技、体育、民族、旅游等各个方面。

3. 文化的交流是人与人的交流,是心灵的沟通。交流与沟通带来理解、友谊和合作。

4. 我深信,有着悠久文化交流史的中法两国,一定能把互办文化年



1. Opening up and reform is not only a basic state policy of China’s economic construction, but also the basic guideline for China’s contemporary cultural construction.

2. This is the exchange and cooperation between China and France in each domain and on the basis of the Great Culture Concept, with over 300 items covering different aspects, to name just a few, culture, art, education, science, technology, sports, nation and tourism.

3. Cultural exchange is the exchange between different people and the communication between different minds. Ultimately, exchange and communication will give birth to understanding, friendship and cooperation.

4. I am fully convinced that China and France, the two countries with

a long history of cultural exchange, will surely succeed in hosting the cultural year respectively.

1. Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.

2. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public

education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.

3. It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price, there by establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.

4. Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.


1. 特殊儿童和其他同龄儿童有着某些显著的区别。为使这些儿童能够达到成人标准,对他们必须进行个性化的教育。

2. 过去30年内公共教育对特殊儿童进行了广泛关注,这一切表明了一种强烈的社会意识:所有公民都享有充分开发自身能力的机会,无论其条件如何特殊化。

3. 以合理的价格支持货物的快速分销,从而建立巩固的国内市场并以具备竞争力的价格出口货物,这种做法会产生立竿见影的效果。

4. 除了议会出台27项法令监管广告条款以外,正规广告商也不敢贸然推销与广告宣传不符的产品。

1. As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow

of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable. 2. The individual now has more information available than any generation, and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant to his or her specific problem is complicated, time--consuming, and sometimes even overwhelming.

3. Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and/or jobs to travel to a distant conference site.


1. 随着家庭们与固定社交圈的脱离,与多年老友的分别以及与其他家庭成员的疏远,信息无法通过这些非正式渠道传播,人们也不再相信这些信息能够在需要的时候获得,并且不再相信这些信息是值得信赖和依靠的。

2. 与前辈们相比,目前人们有着更多的信息来源,因而要找到其特定需求的信息是一个复杂的、耗费时间的甚至有时候难以攻克的问题。


1. While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether

your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your "wares" and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.

2. The Corporation will survive as a publicly funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programs are now the subject of a nation wide debate in Britain.

3. The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC--including ordinary listeners and viewer to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping.







来源:互联网更新时间:2011-12-1 9:20:43【点击进入论坛】

【摘要】想在口译笔译考试中取得好成绩就一定要注重在平日的积累中总结经验技巧,下面小编为大家整理了口译笔译练习:英语俗语翻译精选,希望对大家备考有所帮助。英语俗语精选 1.熟能生巧:Prac…



1.熟能生巧:Practice makes perfect

2.天助自助者: God help those who help themselves

3. 说起来容易做起来难: Easier said than done.

4.有志者事竟成: Where there is a will, there is a way.

5.失之毫厘,谬之千里: One false step will make a great difference.

6.稳扎稳打无往而不胜:Slow and steady wins the race.

7.吃一堑,长一智: A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit

8. 实践出真知: Experience is the mather of wisdom.

9.只工作不休息,聪明孩子也变傻: All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

10. 无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表: Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance.

11.欲速则不达: More hasty, less speed。

12.活到老,学到老: It’s never too old to learn

13 .闪光的未必都是金子: All that glitters is not gold.

14.千里之行始于足下:A journey of a thousand miles begins with

a single step。

15. 三思而后行: Look before you leap。

16.伟业非一日之功: Rome was not built in a day.

17. 英雄所见略同: Great minds think alike

18.好的开始等于成功的一半: Well begun, half done

19.众口难调: It is hard to please all

20.眼不见,心不念: Out of sight, out of mind

21.事实胜于雄辩: Fact speak louder than words

22.颠倒黑白: Call back white and white back

23.凡事有轻重缓急: First thing first

24.坏事传千里: Ill news travels fast

25.患难见真情: A friend in need is a frend indeed

26.活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着: Live not to eat, but eat to live.

27.行动胜过语言: Action speaks louder than words.

28.金窝银窝不如自家草窝: East or west, home is the best.

29.君子在德不在衣: It’s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.

30. 漂亮不能当饭吃: Beauty will buy no beef

31.趣味相投: Like and like make good friends。

32.姜是老的辣: The older, the wiser.

33.入乡随俗: Do as Romans do in Rome.

34. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲: An idle youth, a needy age

35.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆: As the tree, so the fruit

36.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着: To live is to learn, to learn is to better live.

37.World is but a little place, after all. 天涯原咫尺,到处可逢君

38. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗

39. What you lose on things you get back. 失之东隅,收之桑榆

40.What are the odds so long as you are happy. 知足者常乐

41.Entertain an angel unawares. 有眼不识泰山

42.every dog has his day. 是人皆有出头日

43.every potter praises his own pot. 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸

44.Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦就是快乐。[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。]

45.While there is life, there is hope. 有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

46.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。

47.Storms make trees take deeper roots. 风暴使树木深深扎根

48.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 心之所愿,无所不成。

49.The shortest answer is doing. 最简单的回答就是干。

50.All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。

51.Great hopes make great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物


1.Love is like war, easy to begin but hard to…



1.Love is like war, easy to begin but hard to end..爱就像一场战争,开战容易停火难。

2.Love opens your chest and opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up..爱扒开你的胸膛,掏出你的心脏,有人就乘机侵入你的心胸把你搞得一团糟。

3.Does God punish or reward us with love?.爱,是上帝用来惩罚我们的还是奖赏我们的呢?

4.Love your neighbor, but don’t get caught..爱你的邻家女孩吧,但注意不要被逮着了。

5.I love a hand that meets my own with a grasp that causes some sensation..我喜爱这样的一只手,它的力度让我有几分感觉的手。

6.The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost..珍爱一切的好办法是:意识到你可能会失去它。

7.Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away..爱就像是握在手里的水银,把手指张开,它好好的呆在那里,要是你紧紧抓着,它反而溜走了。

8.If you judge people, you have no time to love them..老是审视别人的话,你就腾不出时间去爱他们了。

9.A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of


10.At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet..一谈到爱,每个人都变成了一位诗人。

11.Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect..有时候,最适合你的人恰恰是你最没有想到的人。

12.How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard..我是多么幸运啊,拥有一样东西让我的"再见"迟迟说不出口。

13.The Eskimos have 52 words for snow because it is so special for them; there ought to be as many for love!.爱斯基摩人有52个分别表示"雪"的词语,因为雪在他们的生活中太重要了;我们也应该有这么多表达"爱"的词语啊!

14.If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me..如果世上真的不存在两方对等的爱,就让付出更多的一方是我吧。

15.When two eyes meet and hold strongly, they are bound to meet again..当两眼相遇久久凝视,这两双眼睛注定将会再一次相遇。

16.I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life..我喜欢成家,拥有一个在自己的余生中特别想去得罪的人,这不是一件很美好的事情吗?

17.Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile..爱不是把地球变圆,爱是让环球旅行有价值。

18.To love is to be vulnerable..去爱一个人就是把自己变得特别脆弱。

19.Love at first sight never happens before breakfast..一见钟情的爱从来不会发生在饥肠辘辘的早餐以前。

20.To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction..相爱不是你看我我看你,而是一起朝着相同的方向望去。

21.I wasn’t kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth..注意了,我不是在吻她,我只是在她的嘴边呢喃。

22.My love is like an ocean; it goes down so deep. My love is like a rose; whose beauty you want to keep..我的爱就像浩瀚的海洋,它深沉厚重;我的爱就像芬芳的玫瑰,你疼爱珍重。

23.All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill..一切都会好起来,她会向你走过来。

24.First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity..初恋只是一分傻冒再加九分好奇。

25.When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out..当你爱上一个人的时候,所有深藏在心的祝福都奔涌而出了。

26.Came but for friendship, and took away love..你为友情而来,却把爱情带走。

27.For, you see, each day I love you more, today more than

yesterday and less than tomorrow..你看,每一天我都爱你多一些,今天比昨天多但比明天少。

28.Love doesn’t sit there like a stone. It has to be made like bread; remade all the time..made new..爱不是一块木头,一动不动的坐在那里;对待爱,要像做面包那样--反复揉搓,不断翻新。

29.A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears..男人是透过他的眼睛捕捉爱意的,女人是通过她的耳朵体验爱意的。

30.Life is a flower of which love is the honey. 人生是鲜花,爱情是蜂蜜。


In Singapore, chewing gum is prohibited. This rule was introduced because of the high cost and difficulty in removing stuck chewing gum from public premises. In particular, chewing gum stuck on the Mass Rapid Transit train doors stopped the trains from moving. It happened a few times and those were a few times too many.



Drivers in Denmark are supposed to drive vehicles with their headlights on. You’d think this law would apply to night driving but it doesn't. It is considered essential during the day as well or they may face a fine of up to $100. Studies have shown that this has helped a lot to avoid road accidents in Denmark.



In Bangladesh, children 15 and older can be put in jail for cheating on their final examinations. Every year, Bangladeshi government takes strong measures to stop cheating and carries out a massive media campaign to forewarn students through print and television.


According to Akron- Ohio Act 925.62, No person, firm, or corporation shall dye or otherwise color any rabbit or baby poultry,

including, but not limited to, chicks and ducklings. No person, firm, or corporation shall sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, raffle, or give away any rabbit or baby poultry which has been dyed or otherwise colored.


In Canada, Currency Act of 1985 prohibits consumers from using unreasonable amounts of coins t(o pay for purchases. This means you can’t pay for an item in all coins (especially if it’s over $10). Even the use of dollar-coins is limited. The shop owner has the right to choose whether or not he wants to take your coins but doesn't have to.



In France it is still against the law for women to wear pants. The law reportedly has been on the books since 1800.It was amended several times: once in 1892 to allow women to sport trousers while

riding horses and again in 1909 to permit the ladies to wear pants while on bicycles.



In Georgia no bicycle shall be equipped, modified, or altered in such a way as to cause the pedal in its lowermost position to be more than 12 inches above the ground, nor shall any bicycle be operated if so equipped. The question is: Who would ride such a bike?



In Massachusetts at a wake, mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches. It is one of those laws that was written in books and never removed since then. Bad manners, one might consider it, but in Massachusetts it is a criminal offense.


In Britain, it is illegal to consume a mince pie on Christmas Day.

It is one of the odd old laws on the statute book, although rarely enforced by even the keenest police officer. It was brought to existence by Oliver Cromwell, self proclaimed Lord Protector of England. Festivals that promoted gluttony and drunkenness were against the righteous Christian ethics, including Christmas.





Opening Remarks by Vice Premier Wang Qishan At the Fourth China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue

London, 8 September 2011


上海历届春高考英语句子翻译汇编(2000年-----2016年) 2000上海春考 1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) 3. 只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) 2000上海高考 1. 这张照片是我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。(remind) 2. 假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take up) 3. 你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) 4. 同其他同学相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听,说能力。(compare) 5. 众所周知,成功来自于勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without)

1.早睡早起有益于健康。(do good to) 2.乘车时你有主动给老人让座的习惯吗?(offer) 3.就我所知,在那座小城市里购物很方便。(as far as) 4.他很后悔失去了获得奖学金的机会。(regret) 5.到目前为止,我们学过的英语单词总计大约有三千五百个。(add up to)6.学生们逐渐认识到友谊胜过金钱,患难朋友才是真朋友。(realize) 2001上海高考 1. 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样那个强大。(Never) 2. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终的结论。(before) 3. 据说在那个湖底发现了一个古城遗址。(discover) 4. 这个地区的经济发展得很快,可使某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality) 5. 他们应该从这件事中得出教训,玩火者必自焚。(burn)


英译汉几个常见问题如下: 1)英译汉时语言组织不符合中文的讲话习惯。在不改变原文绝大部分意思的情况下,不需要字对字或者严格遵守英语语序,在获得原句含意后务必采用中文的思维将译文写出。要求是在读着看过译文后,不能让读着感觉到文章是翻译而得的,即不能留有丝毫翻译的痕迹。 2)英译汉时译文上下文的用词不一致。尤其是学术文献或论文的翻译,除了学术用语和专业用语需要准确,更重要的是全文上下文中同一个词或者短句翻译出的用词或短语必须一致。例如一开始将control panel翻译为“控制面板”,那么全文都不得改变这个译法。 3)英译汉时用词过于口语化。除了剧本,台词,字幕等需要口语化用词的翻译稿件以外。其余大部分翻译,例如文献,论文,合同,申请书,标书等,用词尽量书面化。例如“weight”在统计学和分析学中不可翻译为“给予数值”,必须翻译为“赋权”,两者意思相近,但是采用后者。 4)英译汉时词汇含意理解产生偏差。这是死记单词造成的后果。翻译中,在无上下文的情况下,除非是专有学术名词(例“diabetes”基本上永远都是糖尿病的意思),其余的单词很难说究竟是什么意思,我们只能说某个词大概是对照中文某个词的感觉,但是决不可死认一个意思,死认单词意思造成翻译不通、翻译错误等。当然也不能糊译,不能为了使句子翻译通顺而胡编一个意思。 5)英译汉时英语长句中的意群划分有误。原版的英语资料中长句较多,往往40-50个词之间没有一个标点,修饰成分和意群划分的错误会导致理解错误和翻译错误。原则上,英语中的各类从句,特别是状语从句在句子中的位置相对灵活,没搞明白其修饰对象就会错译。 汉译英几个常见问题如下: 1)汉译英时字对字翻译。这是翻译中最致命的错误,很多人以为认识对应的英语单词或者知道对应的英语单词,这句话才会翻译。其实不是,原则上四千词汇量就能解释大部分英语单词的含义,只不过大部分人不知道如何用简单词汇造句去描述或解释高难度单词。 2)汉译英时中式语序。何谓中式语序,即以“主+谓+宾”为主的句型。这种句子写多了,一旦遇上长句或者语法功能上缺少成分的句子就懵了。所以必须多读,多了解原版英语的句子是如何写的。 3)汉译英时短句太多。这里并不是指写英语短句不好,在考试中建议写短句,这是为了避免语法错误,当然也不要太短了。在较为正式的或专业性强的文本中,汉译英在必要时需要翻译成长句。例如不久前的某论文中的一句:筛选出对靶基因干扰效率最高的 HER2-shRNA慢病毒表达载体并成功包装成病毒去感染SKOV-3细胞而后在体外进行实验的结果显示Her2/neu的siRNA慢病毒载体可以显著抑制靶基因的表达并使卵巢癌SKOV3细胞的生物学行为明显受抑。因此,熟练掌握各类从句的写法和作用很重要。 4)汉译英时英语词汇词义辨析不清而导致误用,用词不准。大部分人的翻译习惯是,凡是中文有英文的对应单词,就二话不说直接用,其实这个是不对的。很多同义词意思相近,用法和所用的语境场合完全不同。例如“base”“basis”“foundation”,意思几乎相同,但是用法完全不同。尤其是学术文章,误用就导致歧义。 5)汉译英时逻辑混乱结构不清。汉译英中的逻辑和语句结构相当重要。逻辑混乱,即译文毫无章法,思绪混沌,不知所云。结构不清,即英语的从句或其他成分在句中的位置胡乱摆放,进行翻译的人员自然是清楚的指导这些英语句子的含义,因为是看着中文翻译过来的,想不知道中文含义都难,但是没看过中文的读着就会因此而看得云里雾里,从而导致读者难以理解译文。

大学各专业名称英文翻译—— 文科方面 ARTS

大学各专业名称英文翻译——文科方面ARTS 澳门历史研究Study of the History of Macao 办公管理Office Management 办公设备运用Using Desktop Publishing in Business 比较管理学Comparative Management 比较诗学Comparative Poetics 比较文化学Comparative Cult urology 比较文学研究Study of Comparative Literature 必修课4-10学分Restricted (4-10 Credits needed) 病理生理学Pathological Physiology 财务报告介绍An Introduction to Financial Accounting Statements 财务报告运用Using Financial Accounting Statements 财务管理学Financial Management 财务会计学Financial Accounting 财务理论与方法Finance Theory & Methods 财政与金融Finance 财政与金融学研究Study of Finance 财政预算Preparing Financial Forecasts 产业经济学Industrial Economics 传统文化与现代化Tradition Culture and Modernization 当代国际关系研究Contemporary International Relations Studies 当代世界发展研究Contemporary World Development Studies 当代中国外交与侨务专题研究Monographic Studies of Diplomacy and Overseas C hinese Affairs of Contemporary China


翻译达人们写给翻译新手的一些建议随着经济的发展,和影视剧《亲爱的翻译官》的热播,翻译这个行业渐渐走进人们的视野。很多人对翻译这个神秘的职业产生了浓厚的兴趣,甚至想要成为一名翻译官。今年高考过后,相信不少的高考学子在填报时就选择了翻译专业或者外语专业。那么,在大学学习过程中,应该怎样来准备自己的翻译之路呢?针对大家对于翻译学习的疑问,一些翻译达人们也给出了自己的一点建议:疑问一:学好翻译应该从哪里入手 很多人表示自己对翻译很感兴趣,但是却不知道应该从何入手,也不知道翻译理论要不要看。很多人对于理论知识都会有一个误解,认为没什么用,关键还是看实践。其实,想要学好翻译,理论知识是很有必要学习的。之所以这样说,是因为语言的基本功在学习翻译的过程中是必不可少的。如果没有这个理论知识的学习,在你以后翻译的过程中,也会受到不少的阻碍。什么同义词辨析;英文构词法规律;否定句、被动句、长句的翻译;倒装句、非谓语动词等特殊结构的翻译等等,没有这个理论的准备,直接学习翻译是很困难的一件事。而这些基本功也不是一朝一夕能够学成的,大家要做好打持久战的准备。 疑问二:怎样提高翻译能力 在学习翻译的过程,可能会遇到一些瓶颈或者挫折,很多人会觉得自己的翻译水平和能力似乎一直没有提高,感觉遇到了瓶颈期,想要有所提高却不知道应该如何做。其实,“千里之行,始于足下”,翻译的能力是要在实践中成长的。不断地训练自己的翻译能力,不停的进行翻译。当你同一本书第一次翻译和最后一次翻译出现很明显的差别时,你就会发现自己进步了。翻译这条路是没有什么

捷径可以走的,唯一的路就是不停的练习。一个同声翻译,在正式成为同声翻译之前,他至少精听了2000盘磁带,这还是精听,可想而知,泛听又得听多少呢?而,想要成为一个合格的翻译,达到翻译技能的水平,起码要翻译3-5万字,想要成为一个熟练的翻译,10-15万字的量是不可少的。那么,想问一下,大家现在翻译了多少字呢?而在你翻译的文字中,是不是涵盖了各种类型和文体的素材呢?不管是论文、合同、还是产品说明,抑或是诗词歌赋、散文小说,各种文体的翻译都要勇于尝试进行翻译。以前一直提倡翻译要专才,但现在,翻译不只要专才,还要通才。除了要精通某一领域的专业知识,同时也要学习和涉猎其他相关行业领域的知识,这才是21世纪需要的翻译人才。 疑问三:翻译证书要不要考 由于国家现行的法律法规对翻译人才暂时还没有制定硬性地入行要求,很多人觉得既然翻译重在实践和积累,那么翻译证书还有必要考吗? 从能力角度看,翻译证书是对自己能力的一次检验。每年的CATTI(全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试),都有不少人报考,而CATTI考试得评分是分厂严格的,对考生的能力要求也高,因此,参加翻译证书考试也是对自己多年来的努力来进行一次磨砺和检验。从求职角度来说,一个含金量高的证书无疑是从事翻译行业一块很好的敲门砖,也是可以与其他求职者竞争的筹码。 当然了,很多人还会有这样的一个疑问;有了证书是不是就可以从事翻译这一职业了?有了证书,但是没有实战经验,一样是无法做翻译的,只有在实战中不断地去学习成长,才能成为一个翻译。


上海高考英语翻译精华100题中文 1. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗,(arrive) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 2. 说实在的,我对物理期终考试的结果有点担心。(worry) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 3. 我一生中从未尝试过这么美味可口的食物。(Never) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 4. 他设法找到三种解这道数学题的方法。(manage) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 5. 她似乎已了解那件事的一切。(learn) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 6. 说起中国,大多数外国人想到的是万里长城。(talk) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 7. 无论多忙,我每天晚上要看电视晚间新闻。(watch) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 8. 他希望从此以后没人再提那件事了。(mention) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 9. 这取决于你的决心有多大。(depend) ____________________________________________________________________ _______ 10. 你从这吃饭的错误中得到什么教训,(learn) 1 11. 三天后是我父亲的生日,我打算去预定一只大蛋糕。(place v.)


Analog computers are analog devices.That is,they have continuous states rather than discrete numbered states.An analog computer can represent fractional or irrational values exactly, with no round-off.Analog computers are almost never used outside of experimental settings.模拟计算机是模拟设备。也就是说,他们是连续状态而不是离散的有限状态。一个模拟计算机可以精确代表小数或无理数,没有舍入。模拟计算机几乎从不被使用在实验设置以外。 A processor typically contains an arithmetic/logic unit(ALU),control unit(including processor flags,flag register,or status register),internal buses,and sometimes special function units(the most common special function unit being a floating point unit for floating point arithmetic). 一个处理器通常包含一个算术/逻辑单元(运算器),控制单元(包括处理器标志,标志寄存器,或状态寄存器),内部总线,有时特殊功能单元(最常见的特殊功能单元作为一个浮点单元用于浮点运算)。 CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer.Mainframe computers and minicomputers were CISC processors,with manufacturers competing to offer the most useful instruction sets.Many of the first two generations of microprocessors were also CISC. CISC代表复杂指令集计算机。大型计算机和小型计算机是CISC处理器,与制造商竞争提供最有用的指令集。微处理器的前两代中许多也是CISC。 Lesson2 Supercomputer is a broad term for one of the fastest computers currently available. Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense mounts of mathematical calculations(number crunching). 超级计算机是一个广泛的术语,因为它是目前可用的最快的计算机之一。超级计算机是非常昂贵的,并且它被用于需要大量的数学计算(数字运算)的专门应用。 It is a midsize computer.In the past decade,the distinction between large minicomputers and small mainframes has blurred,however,as has the distinction between small minicomputers and workstation.But in general,a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting up to200users simultaneously. 它是一个中型计算机。在过去的十年中,大的小型机和小的大型机之间的区别已经模糊,然而,有小的小型机和工作站之间的区别。但在一般情况下,一个小型机是一个能够同时支持多达200个用户的多处理系统。 Workstations generally come with a large,high-resolution graphics screen,a large amount of RAM,built-in network support,and a graphical user interface.Most workstations also have a mass storage device such as disk drive,but a special type of workstation,called a diskless workstation,comes without a disk drive. 工作站一般都配有一个大的,高分辨率的图形屏幕,大量的内存,内置网络支持以及一个图形用户界面。大多数工作站也有一个大容量存储设备如磁盘驱动器,但是一种特殊类型的工作站,被称为无盘工作站,是不带磁盘驱动器的。


各位大家好 我就是jacky,那个帖子《我如何用一年考上欧盟口译司》一文的作者。 我一直都想把这种系统的方法能够通过一个很好的方式传递给其他人,让更多的人找到梦想,发现真谛。 所以,我和朋友们一起集中智慧,起草了下面的这个操作的原则和程序,算作是一次大型的免费口译培训,希望你能够看懂,如果有什么问 题,可以回帖,如果没有,就可以直接开始了,一共六个月的进程,如果你能严格执行下来,考上二级口译应该没问题 1 分为6个不同的阶段,也就是6个月,到什么阶段,达到什么程度 2 在论坛上法帖,监督自己学习,也接受别人的监督, 3 完成了一个阶段,给负责人发邮件,才可以收到下一阶段的学习指示,所以大家必须要学习后在论坛上发帖,证明你每天都在学习,我们的 方法,只能提供给真正热爱的朋友。 4 办一个经验口译员解答专栏。稍候我们会开通这个服务 7 有关学习的具体进程: 第一个月: 模仿新闻1h + 新闻精听2h 基本上听新闻同类话题可以大致理解 第二个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约50-60%,语言能力得到增长,语音有所转变 第三个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约70-80%,基本上达到语言的运用有了一定积 累,新闻听力一次准确理解大约80-90%,语言运用比较正规,能够用新闻和标准的语言来表述一些复杂论点,开始笔记练习 第五个月: (该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力进入快速阶段,越来越好。语言能力继续提升,笔记基本上能够纪录短时间的文章 第六个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力达到接


not …until…/ Not until…/ It was not until…that 1.直到会议快要结束时他才露面。(show up) 2.直到二十世纪初人们才学会怎样防止这种疾病的蔓延。(prevent) 3.直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(considerate) 4.可惜他们直到事故发生之后才采取措施防止它。 5.直到上周末收到你的来信时我们才如释负重。(relieve) The more…the more.. 1.你的词汇量越大,你就感到用英语写作越容易。(feel it + adj. to do ) 2.人们普遍认为,用脑越多,思维就越活跃。( it is generally believed that ) 3.问题发现得越早,解决起来越容易。 4.问题越难,我越有可能能够解决他们。(likely) 5.我们学习得越多,将来就越能为我们国家工作的越好。 6.你练习讲英语越多,就越对你有好处。(do sb good) 7.我们经常讨论的一个问题是:是否钱越多越幸福。 8.相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。(suffer from) No matter how / however + adj. / adv. + S + V 1. 不管这个新体系有多复杂,我们还是要用它。(complicated) 2.无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。(pass on) 3.无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。 4.不管我们有多忙,下星期我们一定会举行一次欢送会向那些退休工人们表示敬意。(in honor of) 5.不管天有多晚,他从不把今天必须做的事拖到明天。(put off) 6. 如果我们以一种强烈的意志工作,我们能够克服任何的困难,无论这个困难有多大。Adj. / adv. / n. / v. + as / though + S + V 1.虽然他很聪明,但他不愿把全部时间用在学习上。(devote…to) 2.他很累,但他还是工作到深夜。(work late into…) 3.虽然他是个孩子,但对于这个世界他了解很多。 4.虽然我敬佩他作为一个作家,但我不喜欢他作为一个人。(admire) Hardly / scarcely / barely…when no sooner …than 1.我刚到家,电话铃就响了。 2.他一到实验室,就开始做实验。(set out) 3.这男孩刚打开电脑,他父亲就回家了,叫他做功课。 4.他一到家就迫不及待地把好消息告诉他父母。(can't wait…) 1.Not until the meeting was almost over did he show up. th century did people learn how to prevent the disease from Not until the beginning of the 202. spreading. 3.Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful / 1 understanding.


南京艺术学院第二册英语课文翻译(1~10) 第一单元 你去过古玩店吗?如果你能像买家那样博学,你就有可能买到不同凡响但又很便宜的东西。 幸运的发现 古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。高档一点的古玩店为了防尘,把文物漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。而对不太装腔作势的古玩店,无论是谁都不用壮着胆子才敢往里进。人们还常常有希望在发霉,阴暗,杂乱无章,迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在地面上的,一堆堆各式各样的破烂货里找到一件稀世珍品。 无论是谁都不会一下子就发现一件珍品。一个到处找便宜货买的人必须具有耐心,而且最重要的是看到珍品时要有鉴别珍品的能力。要做到这一点,他至少要像古董商一样懂行。他必须像一个专心致志进行探索的科学家一样抱有这样的希望,即终有一天,他的努力会取得丰硕的成果。 我的老朋友弗兰克哈利戴正是这样一个人。他多次向我详细讲他如何只花50英镑便买到一位名家的杰作。一个星期六的上午,弗兰克去了我家附近的一家古玩店。由于他从未去过那儿,结果他发现了许多有趣的东西。上午很快过去了,弗兰克正准备离去,突然看见地板上放着一只体积很大的货箱。古董商告诉他那只货箱刚到不久,但他嫌麻烦不想把它打开。经弗兰克恳求,古董商才勉强把货箱撬开了。箱内东西令人失望。除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外,货箱内装满了陶器,而且大部分都已破碎。弗兰克轻轻地把陶器拿出箱子,突然发现在箱底有一幅微型画,画面构图与线条使他想起了一幅他所熟悉的意大利画,于是他决定将画买下来。古董商漫不经心看了一眼那幅画,告诉弗兰克那画值50英镑。弗兰克几乎无法掩饰自己兴奋的心情,因为他明白自己发现了一件珍品。那幅不大的画原来是柯勒乔的一幅未被发现的杰作,价值几十万英镑。 第二单元 无论是男人、女人还是儿童,都可以从他们的衣着和外表的其他方面感受到时尚的影响。 时装流行的原理 时尚一直在变化和发展。时尚的五条基本原理是识别时尚及其流行趋势的基础。这些时尚原理保持不变。尽管时尚在变,但是这些原理却不变。他们是识别和预测时尚流行趋势的坚实基础。时尚流行的基本原理包括以下几条: 1.时尚的流行一般采取渐进的方式,很少采取突变的方式。时尚通常从一种风格逐渐地向另一种风格进化,是进化式的,而不是快速地变化。这一点经常可以从女裙长度的变化中得到体现。在一个季节中人们不希望裙子的长度有较大的变化。一般裙长要在几个季节甚至几年时间里缓慢地增加或减少。在20世纪50年代后期以及以后的10年里,裙子的长度开始以每年约1英寸的速度缩短,直至变成20世纪60年代后期的超短式样。在整个70年代,裙子的长度又逐渐增加。 2.消费者创造时尚。是消费者通过接受一种款式而抛弃另一种款式来决定流行的时尚,而不是设计师或制造商。尽管设计师、制造商、销售商可以促进或减缓新时尚的流行,但最终对时尚的接受与否还要取决于消费者。 3.价格不会影响时尚的流行。时尚的流行与否并不取决于价格。尽管一个新款式推出的价格会很高,但很快会有各种价格变化。一件向设计师定做的服装售价可能会高达几千美元,但是一旦此款式被仿制并以成衣批量生产,就会出现不同的价格以适合不同层次消费者的要


研发项目管理工具与模板实战训练 【时间地点】2011年6月11-12日(上午9:00-12:00下午13:30-17:00)北京清华大学 (常年多地循环开课,如果以上安排已过期,请来电查询最新安排) 【参加对象】企业CEO/总经理、研发总监、研发经理、研发项目经理、技术管理部/研发管理部/项目管理部、研发骨干、测试、PQA等 【费用】¥2800元/人(含学费、资料费、茶点)同一单位3人以上报名可享受9 折优惠 ●课程背景curriculum background 科技型企业在新产品/新服务的研发和项目管理过程中面临着如下一些长期困惑的问题: 1、如何平衡市场竞争的压力和客户多变的需求,快速将产品推向市场; 2、如何建立一个真正的“以客户为中心、以市场为导向”的研发组织体系,快速响应市场需求; 3、产品开发的过程中研发如何与市场、财务、生产、采购等相关职能部门协同工作; 4、矩阵式组织运作出现的问题(一个人两个主管听谁的、怎么考核、项目经理调不动其他部门资源、是否要 给项目经理考核权重); 5、研发资源管理中的“会哭的孩子有奶吃”、一个人做多个项目资源冲突、公司优先级高的项目在每个部门 却无法保证资源优先、开始了很多项目却总是不能上市、立项评审会上为何总是问题不断; 6、领导“该管的时候不管、不该管的时候乱管”; 7、如何在保证产品质量的同时又要降低产品的研发费用和设计成本; 8、如何在产品开发的过程中积累技术和管理的经验,从制度上保证公司的成功; ●培训收益training income 1、分享讲师上百场研发管理培训的专业经验,通过现场互动帮助学员理清适合自己企业的研发管理思路 2、掌握业界最佳的研发管理模式与实践,并总结如何与公司的规模相适应来建立研发管理体系 3、掌握研发管理的决策体系、组织体系、流程体系、项目管理体系等关键构成要素 4、掌握科学的新产品开发流程和研发项目管理操作方法 5、分享中国企业推行研发管理体系建设、优化、变革过程中的经验和教训 6、分享研发绩效管理方面的业界最佳做法 ●培训方式:案例分享、实务分析、互动讨论、项目模拟、培训游戏 ●讲师资质 张永杰研发管理资深顾问 2010年度亚太软件研发团队管理年会特邀专家之一,清华大学EMBA研发管理课程特聘专家,长期受邀于广 东省企业联合协会、深圳高新技术产业协会等行业协会。 ◆教育背景及曾任职务: ==>教育背景:西安交通大学工学学士、管理学硕士,1999年硕士毕业后先后任职于华为&迈瑞。 ==>曾任职务:项目经理、研发管理部经理、产品经理等 ◆书籍: 先后参与研发管理类有影响力书籍的翻译及校对工作,如: 《PDMA新产品开发手册》、《新产品开发流程管理:以市场为驱动(第3版)》、《PDMA新产品开发工具手册1》、 《PDMA新产品开发工具手册2》…… 感谢您的真诚,愿我们携手共进——广州森涛培训咨询服务中心公开课事业部1


2015上海高三英语翻译训练4(E组) 1. 每次当他遇见我的时候,他都假装没有看见我。(Each time) Each time he meets me, he pretends not to see me. 2. 要克服一个坏习惯并不是一件容易的事。(easy job) It is no easy job to overcome a bad habit. 3. 这是一场教育公众吸烟有害的运动。(educate) It is a campaign to educate the public about the dangers of smoking. 4. 医生们虽然尽了努力,但手术以后病人仍没有存活下来。(effort) In spite of the doctor's great efforts, the patient failed to survive the operation. 5. 我必须强调这一事实,即他们只不过是孩子。(emphasize) I must emphasize the fact that they are only children. 6. 这项阅读技巧使我们能学会在上下文中猜测词义。(enable) This reading skill enables us to guess the meaning of a word in the context. 7. 他本想在这家书店里消磨时间,但结果却被几本时尚杂志迷住了。(end up) He had meant to pass the time in this bookstore, but he ended up fascinated by several fashion magazines. 8. 据报道,近年来,生态旅游每年在全世界有大约5%的增长。(enjoy) According to a report, in recent years eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of about 5% worldwide. 9. 很多化妆品都在动物身上试验过,以此确保它们对人不会造成任何危害。(ensure) Many cosmetic products have been tested on animals to ensure that they cause no harm to human beings. 10. 凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。(entitle) This ticket entitles you to a free lunch. 11. 有多条海上航线可以让你在中国沿海的城市之间旅游。(exist) There exist a number of sea routes that can take you from one seaport to another along the coastline of China. 12. 报道没有提及由炸弹爆炸引起的损害程度。(extent) The report didn't mention the extent of the damage caused by the explosion of the bomb. 13. 我们都祝贺他在上回选举中被选为主席。(elect) We all congratulate him on his being elected chairman in the last election. 14. 这是常识,充足的睡眠能保证我们快些恢复体力。(ensure) It is common knowledge that a good sleep will ensure us quicker refreshment. 15. 我对他一无所知,只知道他是我班新来的名叫李海的学生。(except) I know nothing about him except (for the fact) that he is a new comer by the name of Li Hai in our class. 16. 我将随信附上一张十英镑的支票。(enclose) I’ll enclose a check for ten pounds (with my letter). 17. 政府提高个税的计划遭到了强烈的反对。(encounter) The government has encountered strong opposition to its plan to raise income tax. 18. 我们不能走那条路,因为牌子上写着“禁止入内”。(entry) We can’t go along that road because the sign says “No Entry”. 19. 作为家庭度假圣地,这个海边首屈一指。(equal n.) As a family resort, the seaside has no equal. 20. 这个部落几乎没有受到外来的影响。(external) The tribe was hardly affected by external influences. 21. 目前还没有证据表明其它星球上有生命。(evidence) At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.


中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism xx 哲学Chinese Philosophy xx 哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic

西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics


口译笔译实战练习:长难句翻译100句 1. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the 19th century and then by several local geological journals in the 20th century.这样一来最终的结果便是业余爱好者想在专业地质学期刊上发表文章就更难了,广泛使用的论文评审推荐制度又进一步强化了这一结果。评审推荐制度最早被使用于在19世纪的国家级刊物上,后又在20世纪被几家地方级地质学刊物所采用。 2. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way. 一个颇为类似的分化过程让全国的专业地质学家走到一起,组成了一两个专业学术社团,另一方面,业余地质爱好者们倾向于要么仍留在地方社团,要么以其他方式组成全国性机构。 3. Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want. 遗憾地讲,这次新闻机构可信度调查只得到了一些含金量低的发现,比如新闻报道中的事实错误,拼写或语法错误。调查结果中还交织着一些令人搔首顿足的问题,譬如读者到底想读些什么。 4. I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&M wave are the same that underlie the globalization process: falling transportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers


2019年高三一模翻译汇编 1.上海市黄浦区2019年高三英语一模翻译 72. 很多人对他们的潜能一无所知。(ignorant) 73. 这些政策在一定程度上对该地区的经济衰退负有责任。(extent) 74. 自古以来老百姓就希望天下太平,同各国人民友好相处。(long for) ~ 75.青少年问题的发展趋势值得我们关注和研究,也值得整个社会群策群力,共商对策。(which) 72. Many people are totally ignorant of their potential (abilities/talents). 73. These policies are to some extent responsible for the region’s economic decline. 74. Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world to live together in friendship with people from/of all countries. /Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world, where people of all/different countries live together in friendship. - 75. The developing trend of youth/adolescent/teenager problems deserves our attention and research/ analysis, which also deserves the joint efforts of the whole society to find solutions. 2.上海市普陀区2019年高三英语一模翻译


专业英语的翻译技巧 一、概论 1.翻译的标准 我国清末翻译家严复认为翻译的标准:信、达、雅。所谓“信”,就是忠实原作,不任意曲解;所谓“达”,即通顺,流畅;而“雅”,则是文字优美,高雅。由于专业英语本身注重表现技术问题的科学性、逻辑性、正确性和严密性,所以,专业英语的翻译标准更侧重于“信”和“达”(或“顺”)。 【例】The importance of building modern road can not be overestimated in the economic development. 在经济发展中,修建现代化道路的重要性无论怎么估计也不过分。 【例】A novel solution to car which runs out of control into bridge abutments and the like has become popular in North America although not yet in Europe. 对于如何避免汽车在失去控制时撞到墩柱上或别的类似的物体上,已经有了一种新的解决办法。这种办法在北美已普遍使用,然而在欧洲却未能做到这一点。 【例】Grouting of the tendons usually follows the freedom of the ducts from obstruction. 钢束灌浆之前,孔道应畅通无阻。 2.翻译的过程 (1)阅读理解 阅读理解阶段应注意:一是正确地理解原文的词汇含义、句法结构和习惯用法,二是要准确地理解原文的逻辑关系。 【例】Pavement are classified as “rigid” or “flexible”,depending on how they distribute surface loads. 按照传递表面荷载情况,路面可分为“刚性的”或“柔性的”。 (2)汉语表达 表达阶段的任务就是译者根据其对原文的理解,使用汉语的语言形式恰如其分地表达原作的内容。 【例】Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary direction.

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