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TED名人演讲稿 微笑背后隐藏的力量

TED名人演讲稿 微笑背后隐藏的力量
TED名人演讲稿 微笑背后隐藏的力量




Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling英语演讲稿带中文翻译:

When I was a child, I always wanted to be a superhero. I wanted to save the

world and then make everyone happy. But I knew that I’d need superpowers to make

my dreams come true. So I used to embark on these imaginary journeys to find

intergalactic objects from planet Krypton, which was a lot of fun, but didn’t

get much result. When I grew up, and realized that science-fiction was not a

good source for superpowers, I decided instead to embark on a journey of real

science, to find a more useful


I started my journey in California with a UC Berkley 30-year longitudinal

study that examined the photos of students in an old yearbook and tried to

measure their success and well-being throughout their life. By measuring their

student smiles, researchers were able to predict how fulfilling and long-lasting

a subject’s marriage will be, how well she would score on standardized tests of

well-being and how inspiring she would be to others. In another yearbook, I

stumbled upon Barry Obama’s picture. When I first saw his picture, I thought

that these superpowers came from his super collar. But now I know it was all in



Another aha! moment came from a 2010 Wayne State University research project

that looked into pre-1950s baseball cards of Major League players. The

researchers found that the span of a players smile could actually predict the

span of his life. Players who didn’t smile in their pictures lived an average of

only 72.9 years, where players with beaming smiles lived an average of almost 80




The good news is that we’re actually born smiling. Using 3D ultrasound

technology, we can now see that developing babies appear to smile, even in the

womb. When they’re born, babies continue to smile -- initially, mostly in their

sleep. And even blind babies smile to the sound of the human voice. Smiling is

one of the most basic, biologically-uniform expressions of all humans.

In studies conducted in Papua New Guinea, Paul Ekman, the world’s most

renowned researcher on facial expressions, found that even members of the Fore

tribe, who were completely disconnected from Western culture, and also known for

their unusual cannibalism rituals, attributed smiles to descriptions of

situations the same way you and I would. So from Papau New Guinea to Hollywood

all the way to modern art in Beijing, we smile often, and you smile to express

joy and satisfaction.



How many people here in this room smile more than 20 times per day? Raise

your hand if you do. Oh, wow. Outside of this room, more than a third of us

smile more than 20 times per day, whereas less than 14 percent of us smile less

than five. In fact, those with the most amazing superpowers are actually

children who smile as many as 400 times per day.


Have you ever wondered why being around children who smile so frequently

makes you smile very often? A recent study at Uppsala University in Sweden found

that it’s very difficult to frown when looking at someone who smiles. You ask,

why? Because smiling is evolutionarily contagious, and it suppresses the control

we usually have on our facial muscles. Mimicking a smile and experiencing it

physically help us understand whether our smile is fake or real, so we can

understand the emotional state of the smiler.


In a recent mimicking study at the University of Clermont-Ferrand in France,

subjects were asked to determine whether a smile was real or fake while holding

a pencil in their mouth to repress smiling muscles. Without the pencil, subjects

were excellent judges, But with the pencil in their mouth, when they could not

mimic the smile they saw, their judgment was impaired.



In addition to theorizing on evolution in “The Origin of Species”, Charles

Darwin also wrote the facial feedback response theory. His theory states that

the act of smiling itself actually makes us feel better -- rather than smiling

being merely a result of feeling good. In his study, Darwin actually cited a

French neurologist, Guillaume Duchenne, who used electric jolts to facial

muscles to induce and stimulate smiles. Please, don’t try this at home.




In a related German study, researchers used fMRI imaging to measure brain

activity before and after injecting Botox to suppress smiling muscles. The

finding supported Darwin’s theory by showing that facial feedback modifies the

neural processing of emotional content in the brain in a way that helps us feel

better when we smile. Smiling stimulates our brain reward mechanism in a way

that even chocolate -- a well-regarded pleasure inducer -- cannot match.


British researchers found that one smile can generate the same level of brain

stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate. (Laughter) Wait. The same study

found that smiling is as stimulating as receiving up to 16,000 pounds Sterling

in cash. That’s like 25 grand a smile. It’s not bad. And think about it this

way: 25,000 times 400 -- quite a few kids out there feel like mark Zuckerberg

every day.




And, unlike lots of chocolate, lots of smiling can actually make you

healthier. Smiling can help reduce the level of stress-enhancing hormones like

cortisol, adrenaline and dopamine, increase the level of mood-enhancing hormones

like endorphin and reduce overall blood pressure.


And if that’s not enough, smiling can actually look good in the eyes of

others. A recent study at Penn State University found that when you smile you

don’t only appear to be more likable and courteous, but you actually appear to

be more competent.


So whenever you want to look great and competent, reduce your stress or

improve your marriage, or feel as if you just had a whole stack of high-quality

chocolate -- without incurring the caloric cost -- or as if you found 25 grand

in a pocket of an old jacket you hadn’t worn for ages, or whenever you want to

tap into a superpower that will help you and everyone around you live a longer,

healthier, happier life, smile.





微笑的力量英语演讲稿优秀范文精选篇一:微笑的力量英语演讲稿 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen I’m very glad to be here for this English speech contest.first of all,please let me introduce myself. My name is LiHongbo,I come from Taiyuan,Shanxi province ,which with many famous historic and cultural sites.Welcome everyone to visit my beautiful hometown. I’m a very outgoing and friendly boy who have l ots of hobbies like basketball especially to make friends with everyone. My today’s speech topic is “The power of smile” A smile has many many means:pleasure,welcome,hap piness,and more, And it’s part of an universal body language that doesn’t need any extra interpretation. Smile is a very simple and easy thing to do. As ereryone knows,butterfly effect is that a small butterfly shake its


关于微笑的力量演讲稿 全球变暖,是因为环境变得恶劣,全球变冷,则是人心变得冷漠。什么力量才能强大到足够消除这种冷漠?我能回答你:微笑的力量。下面是新励成小编分享给大家的关于微笑的力量演讲稿,希望对大家有帮助。 关于微笑的力量演讲稿 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 微笑是化解矛盾的咒语。微笑可增强朋友之间的感情,偶尔闹出矛盾,是微笑的力量可以化解的。曾经,我怀着高兴的心情来到教室,跑到朋友的身边,想和她讲讲我发生的趣事。而她的心情却是阴雨天,用不理睬的眼神看我一眼。顿时,我心灵中完美的蛋糕便被她踩了一脚,变的沉闷起来。于是,我没有再次理会她,只是埋头背着自己的课文。就这样,沉默着的两三天时间如蜗牛一般慢慢的过去了,心中有种异样的难受。不想与她交流,但有想与她说话,心里的矛盾冲突只好让我选择微笑面对。之后,正因我的一抹微笑,使僵持了两三天的沉默破碎了。打那以后,

我们的友谊不知怎的变得更牢固了。是的,微笑的确有一股化解矛盾的力量! 微笑是放松心情的法宝。或许,一份微笑可以调节一天烦闷的心情。在学校,学生的作业如五指山一般,压得我们气喘吁吁,让我们的心情高兴不起来。然而,正是别人对自己微笑,缓解自己的心情,是自己精神焕发,不再疲劳。这微笑,可以让心情变得高兴,可以让生活过得开心。也正是这微笑,才让我感觉到学习其实并不是很累,让我对学习没有厌烦感。是的,微笑的确有一股放松心情的力量! 微笑是解决困难的武器。有时,一抹微笑可以解决许多困难,做习题也不例外。某天,我被一名老师布置的难题难住了,真是绞尽脑汁也想不出答案,只好获得同学的帮助了。然而,同学却说:“你再想想,怎么会想不出来呢?”当时真的不知道同学为什么不给我讲。过后,我才明白忘记挂上微笑了。于是,我挂上微笑,再次寻求帮助。果然不出我所料,同学不但给我讲了这一道题,而且讲得特别仔细。是啊,微笑的确有一股解决问题的力量! 微笑的力量不可估量。微笑不仅能化解矛盾,并且能放松心情,还能解决困难。微笑的力量真神奇。 关于微笑的力量演讲稿 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们:


关于微笑的力量演讲稿经典范文 演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场所发表的讲话文稿, 关于微笑的力量演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 有一家店铺,有两个售货员:甲和乙,不知怎么回事,甲总是比乙卖的多,来找他的 回头客也多。乙很纳闷。有一天,乙实在是憋不住了,就问甲:“我也很卖力啊,说实话,脑筋也很好使,为什么那些顾客总喜欢找你说话呢?”甲一愣,随即笑了:“你每天都很 难过吗?为什么总是板着脸呢?”乙顿时恍然大悟,原来正当自己为自己的业绩不好而整日 愁眉紧锁的时候许多机会都像风一样,来了又走了。 生活就像一面镜子,你笑,它就笑,你哭,它就哭。 这个道理很简单,但我们却总是视而不见。在一次次机会来临时,如果我们统统以一 副生硬的面孔把它拒之门外,在幸运之神一次次想要眷顾我们的时候,我们却愁眉紧锁, 忘了对它报之以欢迎的一笑。那么我们就会因为与许多机会擦肩而过而感到命运的捉弄, 于是我们的心里就会装载着过多的烦恼,这些我们耿耿于怀的烦恼、怨天尤人的思绪将我 们带进了一个怪圈,才真的变成了一个碌碌无为,整日怨天尤人的堕落者。失去了原来本 真的面目,人群之中,没有人会一眼将你认出。这才是人生最大的悲剧! 做生意如此,做人亦如此。 我曾经是一名设计师,曾经一直是一个只会埋头苦干,不习惯与人交际的设计师,令 我更加自豪的是我的水平也得到了国家的认可,先后得到了好多国家级的奖项。可是在工 作中我却郁闷了好久,顾客看不透我的设计而失去了好几单生意-----我不解,不解为什 么我会这么“倒霉”,不解我为什么总是碰上不懂艺术的顾客。就在这个时候,同事的一 句无心的话让我恍然大悟:兄弟,怎么从来没见你笑过啊? 如同天使堕入地狱,长久以来我失去了内心本能又最为真实的微笑,失去了作为一名 设计师应该具备的与人交流的能力。也失去了生活赋予我的最美好的一面。我几乎成了一 个“木头人”。 原因如此简单,越加显得我更加难过。 成功不仅仅需要才华,更需要一颗对生活微笑的双眼。 微笑是全世界通用的语言,是美好的代名词,突然之间,我好想问自己,今天我笑了吗?昨天的我忽视了它,我的未来呢?该怎样续写? 人生很难参透,未来无法预言。


Ted中英对照演讲稿 大人能从小孩身上学到什么 Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called childish? For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. Every time we make irrational demands, exhibit irresponsible behavior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens, we are called childish, which really bothers me. After all, take a look at these events: Imperialism and colonization, world wars, George W. Bush. Ask yourself: Who's responsible? Adults. 首先我要问大家一个问题:上一回别人说你幼稚是什么时候?像我这样的小孩,可能经常会被 人说成是幼稚。每一次我们提出不合理的要求,做出不负责任的行为,或者展现出有别于普通美 国公民的惯常行为之时,我们就被说成是幼稚。这让我很不服气。首先,让我们来回顾下这些事件:帝国主义和殖民主义,世界大战,小布什。请你们扪心自问下:这些该归咎于谁?是大人。 Now, what have kids done? Well, Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust, Ruby Bridges helped end segregation in the United States, and, most recently, Charlie Simpson helped to raise 120,000 pounds for Haiti on his little bike. So, as you can see evidenced by such examples, age has absolutely nothing to do with it. The traits the word childish addresses are seen so often in adults that we should abolish this age-discriminatory word when it comes to criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking. 而小孩呢,做了些什么?安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)对大屠杀强有力的叙述打动了数百万人的心。鲁比·布里奇斯为美国种族隔离的终结作出了贡献。另外,最近还有一个例子,查理·辛普 森(Charlie Simpson)骑自行车为海地募得 12万英镑。所以,这些例子证明了年龄与行为完 全没有关系。 "幼稚"这个词所对应的特点是常常可以从大人身上看到,由此我们在批评不负责 和非理性的相关行为时,应停止使用这个年龄歧视的词。 (Applause) Thank you. Then again, who's to say that certain types of irrational thinking aren't exactly what the world needs? Maybe you've had grand plans before, but stopped yourself, thinking: That's impossible or that costs too much or that won't


微笑的力量英语演讲稿5篇The power of smile 编订:JinTai College

微笑的力量英语演讲稿5篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:微笑的力量英语演讲稿 2、篇章2:微笑的英语演讲稿The power of a smile 3、篇章3:微笑的英语演讲稿Smile and the World Smiles With You 4、篇章4:微笑的英语演讲稿 5、篇章5:微笑的英语演讲稿 有时候微笑是一种强大的力量,下面是小泰为大家推荐的微笑的力量英语演讲稿精选,欢迎大家进行学习和参考。

演讲稿范文【一】 Smile, and sometimes can be a life to retain power. "To retain the life of laughter," tells the story of a place in the true story of the war years,in the story, a huge smile to show her magic. War, a number of German soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake had been closed to general,including one soldier in particular would like to go out alive, but this possibility is too remote. He was informed of his life in the death of the ultimatum had been issued - and three months would be shot, so he does not pin any hope on the survival of the. Two weeks later, he calmed down. He visited every day to face the smiling general, the generals began to ignore him, then, he has a little goodwill, and began to talk to him ... ... three months after the date on the blink of an eye later, shot By the time this is a very strange shot: General cite shot on the left hand, right hand to give back to the team that


Smile Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon! Today, my topic is smile. First of all, I want to ask you some questions. Just think it. Whit is smile? What your attitude towards it? Why should we smile? In my opinion, smile is a kind of art. Smile is also a kind of language which cannot be heard by anyone, but persons always know its meaning. When you meet your friends in the morning, smile means “Good morning!” When you fail, the friend’s smile means “Have another try!” So when you smile, although you don’t say any word, you can understand each other. When you need some help, you should say: “Excuse me.” At the same time, if you show your unhappy face, he will be unhappy too. How can you get the help while he has no pleasure? So if you smile, you will get his help. Then, for this question why should we smile, there are several reasons for keeping smile. For example, the first one is smiling can change our mood. One day, I feel down. Walking on the road dejectedly\in low spirits, I came across someone. A slight smile is on her face. Maybe she did not know me. However, I saw sincerity and hope in her eyes. The corner of her mouth tilted up, and her smile affect me. Finally, I give a smile to her then. And there is sincerity. This moment, I know there is nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears. We should learn to use your smile to change the world. Do not let the world change your smile. The second one is smiling can make you seem successful. (Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meeting and appointments and people will react to you differently.) I once read a story. A salesman tried his best to sale things but always failed before. Then he learned how to smile. He smiled all the time and others felt he was so kind and his smile was so attractive that they all wanted to buy his things. Finally, the man became successful. The third one is that smiling can make us happy and relaxed when we are sad or stressed. When you smile, the world in your eyes is better. For others, smile can make others feel comfortable and relaxed and they will like you. A saying goes: “life is a mirror, if you smile to it, it will smile to you.” Give losers a smile that is encouragement; Give the sad one a smile that is comfortable; Give a smile that the weakness is courage; Give a smile that the happiness is shared. So no matter you are happy or sad, do it now. The power of a smile is large. It can make all of us feel happy including yourself. Smile to the world, to others and to everything.


Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability So, I'll start with this:a couple years ago, an event planner called me because I was going to do a speaking event.And she called, and she said,"I'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flier."And I thought, "Well, what's the struggle?"And she said, "Well, I saw you speak,and I'm going to call you a researcher, I think,but I'm afraid if I call you a researcher, no one will come,because they'll think you're boring and irrelevant."(Laughter)And I was like, "Okay."And she said, "But the thing I liked about your talk is you're a storyteller.So I think what I'll do is just call you a storyteller."And of course, the academic, insecure part of me was like, "You're going to call me a what?"And she said, "I'm going to call you a storyteller."And I was like, "Why not magic pixie?"(Laughter)I was like, "Let me think about this for a second."I tried to call deep on my courage.And I thought, you know, I am a storyteller.I'm a qualitative researcher.I collect stories; that's what I do.And maybe stories are just data with a soul.And maybe I'm just a storyteller.And so I said, "You know what?Why don't you just say I'm a researcher-storyteller."And she went, "Haha. There's no such thing."(Laughter)So I'm a researcher-storyteller,and I'm


微笑的力量英语演讲稿范文(精选3篇) 微笑的力量英语演讲稿范文(精选3篇) 通过对演讲稿语言的推究可以提高语言的表现力,增强语言的感染力。在生活中,很多地方都会使用到演讲稿,演讲稿的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编为大家收集的微笑的’力量英语演讲稿范文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 微笑的力量英语演讲稿 1 Smile, and sometimes can be a life to retain power. “To retain the life of laughter,” tells the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in the story, a huge smile to show her magic. War, a number of German soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake had been closed to general, including one soldier in particular would like to go out alive, but this possibility is too remote. He was informed of his life in the death of the ultimatum had been issued - and three months would be shot, so he does not pin any hope on the survival of the. Two weeks later, he calmed down. He visited every day to face the smiling general, the generals began to ignore him, then, he has a little goodwill, and began to talk to him ... ... three months after the date on the blink of an eye later, shot By the time this is a very strange shot: General cite shot on the left hand, right hand to give back to the team that can be a continuation of the war. His turn, he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, this time, his generals to see, he slowly raised his right


关于微笑的即兴演讲稿5篇 我一直对自己说,要有微笑,时时刻刻要有微笑,不要让它从你身边溜走。因为你是幸福的,你可以在这个浪漫的校园生活着,你可以自由自在的生活着,你可以自由自在的生活在这么美的地球。下面给大家分享一些关于微笑的即兴演讲稿5篇,供大家参考。 关于微笑的即兴演讲稿(1) 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学: 微笑,是每个人脸上最美丽的表情;微笑,是人与人沟通的纽带;微笑,是一座隐形的桥梁……生活需要微笑。 周末上午,我和爸爸、妈妈、弟弟、妹妹一起去沃尔玛超市购物。那里人山人海,很多人面带微笑把”战利品“大包小包地从商场里提出来。我们一家要上第四楼选购运动鞋。来到一楼电梯口,乘电梯的人很多,有白发苍苍的老人,有活蹦乱跳的孩子,有衣着时尚的阿姨,有风度翩翩的哥哥…… 电梯门开了,站立在电梯口等候的人们立刻闪开一条过道,在电梯里的人微笑着走了出来。进了电梯,我站在了电梯最里面的角落里,一把清脆的声音从我耳边响起:”叔叔,麻烦你帮我按一下三楼的按钮。“随后,我看见一位叔叔朝控制板按去,那个小女孩立刻向那位叔叔道谢,叔叔微微一笑。电梯门上的数字在跳动,门打开了。有一个人说:”二楼到了,谁要出去?“一位老爷爷着急地说:”我要出去,让一下,让一下。“之后,人们都微笑着往边上靠,让出一条通道。 又到了一层,一位妇女推着一辆婴儿车走进来,大家都把脚往边上挪,小小的电梯竟腾出了一大片空位。妇女面带微笑推着婴儿进来了,电梯里更热闹了,有人说:”这个宝宝真乖。“”来,笑一个!“”哈哈哈“欢笑声络绎不绝……门”叮“的一声,四楼到了,我们一家五口有序地走出了电梯门。

回头看看,电梯里的人们脸上都洋溢着善意的微笑,是那么甜美,那么温馨,那么亲切,让我倍感舒心。 微笑,是最美丽的无声的语言。如果我们人人都带着一份微笑,那么世界将会更精彩。微笑吧,生活需要微笑。 关于微笑的即兴演讲稿(2) 尊敬的老师、同学们: 大家好! 不必“神功盖世”无须“学富五车”,人生的路上,只需带上微笑。也许没有欧阳修的超俗,也没有李白的潇洒,但我们只要有微笑,一样也可以“笑傲江湖”,因为,生活需要微笑。 学会微笑吧! 早上出门,展开你那甜蜜的微笑,何必处处计较,何必笑里藏刀,一抹甜蜜的微笑加初升的太阳,打开你我心里的枷锁。让太阳温暖你的心底,让微笑为我架起桥梁,让友谊为我们创造美好的生活。 遇到困难时,展开你那甜蜜微笑。何必愁眉苦脸,何必心急如焚,一抹甜蜜的微笑如春天的甘露,解救了快要干枯的小草。微笑它让你坚强,让你勇敢,更让你成长,也正是这一抹微笑,让你在生活的狂风暴雨中,为自己建起挡风的宫墙,让自己成为悬崖上那棵参天的古松,沙漠里那茁壮的白杨。 当你的脚被别人践踏,展开你那甜蜜的微笑。何必职责连连,何必臭骂片片,一


ted演讲稿脆弱的力量 欢迎来到聘才网,以下是聘才小编为大家搜索整理的,欢迎大家阅读。 ted演讲稿脆弱的力量 那我就这么开始吧:几年前,一个为我讲演活动的策划人打电话给我,她在电话里说:“我真很苦恼该如何在宣传单上介绍你”。我心想,这有什么苦恼呢? 她继续道:“你看,我听过你的演讲,我觉得我可以称你为研究者。可我担心的是,如果我这么称呼你,没人会来听,因为大家普遍认为研究员是很无趣而且脱离现实。”这说的很对。然后她说:“但是我非常喜欢你的演讲,你的讲演就跟讲故事一样很吸引人。我想来想去,还是觉得称你为讲故事的人比较妥当”。而那个做学术的、感到不安的我脱口而出道:“你要叫我什么?”她说:“我要称你为讲故事的人。”我心想:“为什么不干脆叫魔法小精灵?”我说:“让我考虑一下。” 我试着鼓起勇气。我对自己说,我是一个讲故事的人。我是一个从事定性研究的科研人员。我收集故事,这就是我的工作。或许故事就是有灵魂的数据。或许我就是一个讲故事的人。于是我说:“听着,要不你就称我为做研究兼讲故事的人。”她大笑着说:”哈哈,没这么个说法呀。“所以我是个做研究兼讲故事的人,我今天想跟大家谈论

的:我们要谈论的话题是关于拓展认知。我想给你们讲几个故事是关于我的一份研究工作,这份研究从本质上拓宽了我个人的认知,也确确实实改变了我生活、爱、工作还有教育孩子的方式。我的故事从这里开始:当我还是个年轻的博士研究生的时候,第一年,一位研究教授对我们说:“事实是这样的,如果有一个东西你无法测量,那么它就不存在。”我心想他只是在哄哄我们这些小孩子吧。我说:“真的么?”他说:“这是理所当然的。” 你知道我有一个社会工作的学士文凭,一个社会工作的硕士文凭,我当时在读的是一个社会工作的博士文凭,所以我整个学术生涯都被人所包围,他们大抵相信生活是一团乱麻,接受它。而我的观点则倾向于,生活是一团乱麻,解开它,把它整理好,再归类放入有条理的盒子里。 我当时认为我领悟到了我的方向,找到了我的工作,有能力自己去创一番事业。社会工作的一个重要特征是工作的环境是一团遭的不适环境。我当时想我就是要把这不适环境翻个底朝天,每科都拿到A。这就是我当时的信条。我当时真的是跃跃欲试。我想这就是我的职业生涯,因为我对乱成一团,难以处理的课题很感兴趣。我想要把它们弄清楚,我想要理解它们,我想进入那些我知道是重要的东西,把它们摸个透,然后用浅显易懂的方式呈献给每一个人。 当时我的起点是“人与人之间的连接关系”。这是因为


微笑的力量演讲稿2篇The power of smile 编订:JinTai College

微笑的力量演讲稿2篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:微笑的力量演讲稿 2、篇章2:关于微笑的力量国旗下讲话稿 篇章1:微笑的力量演讲稿 微笑可以使人生活得更好,它使经历挫折的人不会失去生活的信心和勇气,这就是它的力量。下面为大家分享微笑的力量演讲稿精选,欢迎了解和关注。 微笑的力量演讲稿精选

大家好!今天我演讲的题目是“微笑的力量”。 著名诗人斯皮特勒曾经说过:“微笑是具有多重意义的 语言”。的确,微笑是一种通用的语言,它以自己独特的方式表达了许多美好的事物——宽容、关心、温暖、智慧等等。 正如语言有一种说不出的魅力,微笑也有一种说不出的 力量。中国体操运动员桑兰在致命伤害面前不放弃而受到尊重和赞扬。由此可见,微笑可以使人生活得更好,它使经历挫折的人不会失去生活的信心和勇气,这就是它的力量。 微笑的力量可以使人拥有乐观和冷静的态度。当霍尼兹 决恩担任CKN钢铁公司常务经理时,那时候正是20世纪70年代经济危机。当时公司还没有形成一个整体,管理混乱。然而,他仍然乐观地面对形势,大胆地为公司做出了几项优秀的决策,帮助公司渡过了难关。后来,英国出现了工业衰落的先兆,然而,在霍尼兹决恩乐观的面对下,这家公司生存了下来,最终成为世界著名的钢铁公司。 由此可见,霍尼兹决恩的成功不仅在于他的能力水平, 还在于他的微笑,这给整个公司带来了强大的乐观活力。 微笑的力量也能使一个人拥有宽广的胸怀。东海宽广深邃,是因为它谦逊地接纳每一条河流。五岳之所以高大,是因


ted精彩演讲:坠机让我学到的三件事 imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. imagine a plane full of smoke. imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. it sounds scary. 想像 一个大爆炸,当你在三千多英尺的高空;想像机舱内布满黑烟,想像引擎发出喀 啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦的声响,听起来很可怕。 well i had a unique seat that day. i was sitting in 1d. i was the only one who can talk to the flight attendants. so i looked at them right away, and they said, no problem. we probably hit some birds. the pilot had already turned the plane around, and we werent that far. you could see manhattan. 那天我的位置很特別,我坐在1d,我是(转载于:ted演讲稿三分钟)唯一可以 和空服员说话的人,于是我立刻看着他们,他们说,“没问题,我们可能撞上鸟了。” 机长已经把机头转向,我们离目的地很近,已经可以看到曼哈顿了。 two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time. the pilot lines up the plane with the hudson river. thats usually not the route. he turns off the engines. now imagine being in a plane with no sound. and then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words ive ever heard. he says, brace for impact. 两分钟以后,三件事情同时发生:机长把飞机对齐哈德逊河,一般的航道可 不是这样。他关上引擎。想像坐在一架没有声音的飞机上。然后他说了几个字,我 听过最不带情绪的几个字,他说,“即将迫降,小心冲击。” i didnt have to talk to the flight attendant anymore. i could see in her eyes, it was terror. life was over. 我不用再问空服员什么了。我可以在她眼神里看到恐惧,人生结束了。 now i want to share with you 3 things i learned about myself that day. 现在我想和你们分享那天我所学到的三件事。 i leant that it all changes in an instant. we have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and i thought about all the people i wanted to reach out to that i didnt, all the fences i wanted to mend, all the experiences i wanted to have and i never did. as i thought about that later on, i came up with a saying, which is, collect bad wines. because if the wine is ready and the person is there, im opening it. i no longer want to postpone anything in life. and that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life. 在那一瞬间内,一切都改变了。我们的人生目标清单,那些我们想做的事,所 有那些我想联络却没有联络的人,那些我想修补的围墙,人际关系,所有我想经 历却没有经历的事。之后我回想那些事,我想到一句话,那就是,“我收藏的酒都 很差。”因为如果酒已成熟,分享对象也有,我早就把把酒打开了。我不想再把生 命中的任何事延后,这种紧迫感、目标性改变了我的生命。 the second thing i learnt that day - and this is as we clear the george washington bridge, which was by not a lot - i thought about, wow, i really feel one real regret, ive lived a good life. in my own humanity and mistaked, ive tired to get better at everything i tried. but in my humanity, i also allow my ego to get in. and i regretted the time i


微笑的力量演讲稿600字 微笑的力量演讲稿600字 说起力量,你会想起大力士还是变形金刚?据我所知,貌似小草 的生长力量还要更大。可毕竟,在你困酣娇眼的早晨还是灰心丧气 的傍晚,能给你力量的,还是一抹微笑。早晨,拥挤的地铁。旁人 不时地看下手表,皱着紧紧的眉头,个个都向车门靠拢,希望有个 绝佳的位置上车,一股紧张的气氛在空中蔓延。本来还有小憩一会 儿的欲望霎时荡然无存。一个个在西服外套包裹下的严峻面庞越发 吓人。 这时候,倘若有个女孩在微笑,必然是一道美丽的风景。一位年轻人站起来给老人让座,笑意盈盈。旁外几位政治人士也面带笑容 地谈起国家欣荣。年轻女孩哼唱着愉悦的歌曲,严肃的老总也面露 笑意,谈笑几下,车厢的气氛顿时轻松了许多。当一个人看到另一 个人面露微笑,就会产生开心的心情来回笑。这种微笑的传递性更 增添了微笑的力量,在无形之中改变了你上班的心情。来到了新环境,什么都很陌生,紧张不已,又导致学习不顺,屡屡失败,成绩 下滑。心灵就会变得空虚,没有了对生活的热爱和希望。可是同学 的微笑,老师的笑容似乎在告诉你,他们很欢迎你。心境顿时开阔,什么都变的美好,而你若回敬一个微笑,又会拉近心与心之间的距离。据我看书中读到的,一个男孩曾因为老师的的微笑而放弃了自 杀的念头。 在这个孤独的世界,需要人们的微笑而不是人情冷漠。如果你赋予一个微笑,得到了别人的回笑的同时,可能也获得了拯救迷途少 年的力量。微笑,它没有只言片语,没有矫情的动作,可能只是嘴 角微微上扬的一个神态。可是它的力量强大又与众不同,它用无形 的手,把温暖传递,把人心拉近又给予了你愉悦的生活状态,甚至 拯救了人的心灵。微笑的力量,如此强大! 微笑的力量演讲稿600字


2019年小学生英语演讲稿:微笑的力量 2019年小学生英语演讲稿:微笑的力量 Astimegoesby,peoplearebeingbusierandbusierwithworking,suchassigningtheircontracts,meetingtheircustomers,drawingupthebalancesheetsoftheircompaniesandsoon.Inthiscircumstance,peopleforgetourmostexcellentskill--smile. 随着时间的推移,人们在工作上越来越忙,如签订合同,见客户,制定企业资产负债表等。在这种情况下,人们忘记了我们最优秀的技能——微笑。 Thereareagreatmanykindsofpowerofsmile.Firstofall,commontouchcanbeshowedbyakindsmile.Imaginethatyougotoacompanyt oattendanaudition.Withaconfidentsmile,youaremorelikelytoanswerthequestionbetter.Furthermore,smilecaneliminateangry.Asaphilosophersaid,smilebeforeyoubegintogetangry.Thelastbutnottheleast,itreflectscalmofapersonwhenheisindangerorintrouble. 微笑的力量很多。首先,微笑可以作为平易近人的一种表现。想象一下,你去一个公司参加面试。带着自信的微笑,你有可能会更好地回答问题。此外,微笑可以消除愤怒。一个哲学家说过,在你开始生气之前微笑。最后但并非最不重要的,当一个人处于危险或者麻烦的时候,微笑反映了一个人的镇定。


护士微笑与服务演讲稿6篇 尊敬的各位领导、同事们: 大家好!从心做起,听似简单,其实不简单,如何才能从心出发把工作做得更好呢?好,即完美,完美的工作就要求我们全心投入,真诚相待。 记得在我的孩提时代有着这样的记忆:因为生病,心急如焚的父母把我送进了医院,本来就对医院有恐惧感,刚一进医院大门,就一直哭嚷着要回家,医生还说需要打针,于是在爸爸妈妈软硬兼施的诱逼下,来到了打针的地方,就见有位阿姨穿立脚点白大褂,戴着白口罩,头上还戴着一顶白色的帽子,全身上下都是白色,一手举着针,一手拿着棉签,面无表情地来到了我的面前,我越发害怕,吓得一直往后退,虽然被父母强行按住身体,但还是不停地扭动,就这样,折腾了老半天,那阿姨急了,大嚷道:“你再动,再动就给你多打几针!”还边责令母亲将我按得动弹不得,现在想来,如果当时那个护士不是那么隐,而是微笑症鼓励我,也许我就不会那么害怕了吧! 随着时光的推移,我慢慢地长大了,面对人生选择时竟然也戏剧化地做了一名护士,成了人们眼中的“白衣天使”,当我成为儿科护士的第一天起,我就告诉自己说:既然我也是一名儿科护士,就一定要用我的微笑来面对生病的孩子,改变我孩提时脑海中那咱面无表情,

看上去让人生畏的护士形象。前不久,有一位6~7岁的小男孩的一句话让我更坚信我这样做是对的。第一次给这个小男孩做治疗的时候,我就像平时一样面带微笑一样走进病房,他就总是盯着我看,到了第二年,他哭吵着奶奶要找我给他打针,听他奶奶说本来有护士准备给他打针的,可他硬是不肯,握着小拳头不让人碰,偏要找我,于是我就去了,他看到我之后竟然不器了,只是乖乖地伸出两只小手由我挑选,我很诧异,为什么这个小男孩会有这样的举动,但当时没有问,只是在思考,接下来几天的治疗都由我为他进行的,可由于工作忙,打完了他的针,我便忙着我自己班上的事儿去了,好久没看到我,他就说打针的部位很痛,要奶奶找我去看他,我去了之后,边微笑着轻轻抚摸,边细声问道:还痛吗?他眨眨眼望着我说:不痛,其实一点都不痛。到了他出院的时候,我就问他,为什么每次打针都找我,而他说了句让我非常感动的话,阿姨,因为我想看见你对我笑。 各位领导、各位评委、来宾们、朋友们: 大家好! 随着社会礼貌程度的不断提高,现代人越来越意识到礼仪在工作生活中的重要作用。正如古人所说的“不学礼无以立”。各行各业的从业人员都迫切需要掌握规范的礼仪,完善自身的形象,以求更好地把握自我的社会主角。

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