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Parents learn more from their children than their children do from them nowadays.




1.Wide availability of internet—abundant resource on education—access for children to improve their ability and skills on their own—more capable in terms of life and work—close to parents—be the portal for parents to catch up with the fast-changing world

2.Fiercer competition—demand for advanced and latest technology and skills—relatively easier for children to embrace for their intellectual level and stage of life—also a missing part in parents’ education—parents learn from children to fit into the society



在经济危机时期(times of economy crisis),你认为政府应该减少下面哪一方面少花钱?-Education

-Health Care

-Support for unemployed



health care重要的原因

support for unemployment重要的原因




health care 和 support for unemployment重要的原因分别讲述几句话














In order to attract good students, university should spent a lot of money in society activities

此题考察social activity和good students之间的逻辑联系

容易出错的地方是大部分同学可能只写到了social activity的好处和功能,而忽略了是否这些功能能吸引好学生来这个学校


1.social activity—interaction with various types of students—expand one’s social network—help in the future—attract good students

2.social activity—shape multiple skills that hardly can be learned within class—supplement for normal education—improve the quality of education—attract good students



People should state their honest opinions even though they know others will disagree with their views.


1.bold to express—make sure no misunderstanding—build up the trust—win the respect from others--

2.dare to state honest opinions—after discussion and argument—a chance to help others or oneself to improve



Though modern agricultural practices damage the environment, feeding the world's growing population is more important than protecting against environmental damage. Disagree

1.feeding the population at the cost of hurting the environment—pose a real and irreversible threat to the food production in the long run—endanger the future generation—unwise choice

2.Many solutions can be taken to ease and lessen the poverty problems—charity, reasonable distribution of food, recyclable resource and energy, awareness



Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they were before.

此题类似2012年NA题Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.








https://www.doczj.com/doc/184100637.html,cation improved—high demand on teachers—teachers are more capable—more appreciated by students

2.fierce competition in society—students value more about knowledge—as the major resource to learn knowledge—teachers are more valued



The best way to reduce air pollution is that government to raise the cost of fuel(petrol)of the cars.



1. government enact certain laws—prohibit the abuse of vehicles—lower the usage of


https://www.doczj.com/doc/184100637.html,ernment propagandize the public transportation—lower the total number of vehicles—lower the gasoline cost



The most important thing people learnt is from families.


有些同学会先定义下这个most important的事是什么,然后再写为什么是来源于家庭。


高大上一点的写法是不定义这个most important thing是什么,而是直接分析哪些环境,



1.people learn their most important lesson in failures—families are nice and protective—hardship usually is out there—hence most important thing often learned from outside

2.people learn their most important lesson in unfamiliar surrounding—independent and alone—be forced to channel one’s potential—spur the development of oneself—hence most important thing often learned from outside



Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones.




small assignment

1. greater ability is often forged through a process rather than a second or so because of the accomplishment takes time and overcome of challenge—determine grades in such manner can serve as a signal to encourage students to pay more attention to daily hard work—therefore truly complete the value of education

2.test results can be deceiving—many factors contribute to this, such as cheat, short term memory and luck—not authentic and trustworthy—unfair and not precise to weigh on one’s abilit y



Is it as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people?






1.the young are facing the future challenge and fierce competition in the society—ought to have oneself trained and be adept in certain new skills—live on oneself and survive

2.young people are at the best status of receiving and mastering knowledge—energetic and creative—cannot wait until the knowledge is practical or required

3.older people have existed way of life—won’t suffer too much without advanced technology


When choosing living place, which factor is the most important one for you?

living in an area that is not expansive

living close to relatives

living in an area with many shops and restaurants






1.Close to family—spend time with families—share with each other, chat—deepen the bond among families

2.Close to family—receive the care and help from families—cover some expense by eating at home and so on—save money—also not expansive

3.Close to family—homemade food, delicious, safe, better than restaurants; grocery and other stuff from home, save time, convenience—don’t have to live close to shops and restaurants



If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do?

interrupt your teacher right away

keep silent

correct your teacher after class

选correct after class

1.Interrupt—jeopardize the integrity and the pace of the teacher and class—negative image for teacher—students will start to doubt the teacher’s ability or lose faith in the teacher—subconsciously choose not to listen

2.Keep silent—teacher may not be aware of the mistake—students may suffer from the wrong explanation of knowledge

3.incorrectness is debatable, sometimes it may only be a misunderstanding or misinterpretation—after class, sufficient amount of time to fully discuss with teacher—figure out the right answer—bring the solid one to students some other time with a comprehensive version—avoid the recklessness


Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social-networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online. 这题如果我没记错的话就是NA13年的新题,至少在09—12年的NA题库当中我没见过这题。十分接地气的题目,问的是,你是一个直播逼,还是一个死宅深度闷骚男。




1.log every memorable money and every sip of taste of life—reminisce and recall—relive the moment—great joy

2.keep others in the loop/keep others noted—share the happiness—have an impact on others—others will be happy

3.present society—less physical connection, more cyber work—trend: share, comment, 点赞—e in this way people form their social network


Government should support scientific researches which do not have practical uses. 2010NA老题


1.such behavior can function as an attitude from the official—boost the participation of scientists and their dedication towards scientific study

2.not all science is practical in the beginning—in given time, researchers may be practical and useful



When making major purchase(eg. Car or laptop), our decision can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of the following source of information can influence your decision.

1)recommendations from friends or colleagues

2)information from media(eg. TV, magazines, newspapers)

3)recommendations from the sales person in the store


friends and colleague:较小利益冲突,较低的欺骗可能性,能给出中肯意见;朋友家人会更了解我的需求,给出合适的建议





Children should play and study rather than learn how to do household chores. disagree

1.do household chores—shoulder the workload and share with other family members—cultivate the sense of being responsible

2.do household chores—shape life experience and living skills—independent in the future



Using clean energy to protect the environment, but the traditional energy sources such as coal and oil is less expensive.


1.over exploration of traditional energy—break the balance of the nature—endanger the environment—the planet will not be a friendly place to live—harm future generation

2.traditional energy will be depleted—as the deposit drops to a certain amount, the price will rise—no time to adjust to the clean energy because the market is not well developed



Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.



1.political leaders—decisions—influence every aspect of the society, including the art industry—the core cog the state apparatus—their job are more irreplaceable and key to the benefit of the society

2.political leaders—image of the country—give spiritual support to the citizens—their influence is wider and bigger than artists—benefit the society more



Some people think that it is an important part of children's education to go on field

trips(eg. Museums).other people think a child's time is better spent in classroom at school.

简单题。选field trip,好处可以有学到课内学不到的知识;拓展人脉加深同学间友情;放松身心,环节学习负担,更好的投入学习等


When making major purchase(eg. Car or laptop), our decision can be influenced by different sources of information. Explain how each of the following source of information can influence your decision.

1)recommendations from friends or colleagues

2)information from media(eg. TV, magazines, newspapers)

3)recommendations from the sales person in the store


A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in

cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take?



1.managing personal finances—cultivate ability and skills—earn more money—better quality of life in the future

2.managing personal finances—shape the mental preparation and awareness of such aspect—be positive and strong when facing dilemma in the future



You are helping to elect a student leader for a student organization or a club. Do you agree or disagree that honesty is the most important thing to consider in deciding whom to vote for?


1.In terms of leadership, things tend to be delicate and tricky—bluntness and pure honesty tend to pose a threat to the leader himself and the group

2.other quality, such as intelligence is also an inseparable part because…

3.other quality, such as persuasive ability…because…


Busy parents have less time to spend with their children. Some people think time should be spent to play games or sports. Others think time should be spent by doing something together related to schoolwork.







The government is not educating people enough about the importance of good and healthy life style.








Scientists have been working to make technology easier and human friendly. How do you think technology had affected our lives?







The most important investment that can be made to the education of children aged from four to seven is giving them a computer.







If people are on vacation, they should leave their mobile phones at home.


1.out on a vacation in a strange city—inevitable to encounter certain problems—mobile phone---contact others to seek help in case of emergency

2.mobile phone in present time—multi-function---facilitate the trip—convenience and happiness

3.deal with problems at home


The more money people have, the more they should give away to charity.


属于证明逻辑类的题,即:money---X---Y---should give away to charity




1.Whether donate one’s fortune to charity does define one’s integrity or righteousness---such character cannot be simply concluded from one aspect of life---it is the abduction on one’s moral fibre if rich people ought to donate more

2.Charity will work only if it connects and involves the majority of the population---relying solely on rich people will not be the solution of all these problems---the awareness and donation from the world matter more



Should government spend money on public park for everyone or build a sport field for students?

乍看很简单的题,其实深沉思考的问题是大众优先,还是特权(弱势群体)优先。当然,作为托福作文来说,不需要想那么多,选择public park,写2-3个好处即可:

1.public park—increase the green land—absorb the pollutant and air contamination—nice environment—good for general health

2.public park—free—a place for people to hang—expand their social network

3.让步写sport field对学生的好处


0308 托福试题 阅读( 55minutes ) Question 1-11 seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15) structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen If food is allowed to stand for some time, putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful spontaneous generation microbiologist Louis showed that structures present in air closely found not that it to be seen in such process by which of the theory of French chemist and opponent was the Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur resemble the microorganisms


托福OG综合写作题目(1-3套) 智课出品 TEST1 Altruism is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness; individuals performing altruistic acts gain nothing for themselves. Examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals. Unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs to family members, and even to strangers. Such acts are altruistic in that they benefit another, yet provide little reward to the one performing the act. In fact, many species of animals appear willing to sacrifice food, or even their life, to assist other members of their group. The meerkat, which is a mammal that dwells in burrows in grassland areas of Africa, is often cited as an example. In groups of meerkats, an individual acts as a sentinel, standing guard and looking out for predators while the others hunt for food or eat food they have obtained. If the sentinel meerkat sees a predator such as a hawk approaching the group, it gives an alarm cry alerting the other meerkats to run and seek shelter. By standing guard, the sentinel meerkat gains nothing—it goes without food while the others eat, and it places itself in grave danger. After it issues an alarm, it has to flee alone, which might make it more at risk to a predator, since animals in groups are often able to work together to fend off a predator. So the altruistic sentinel behavior helps ensure the survival of other members of the meerkat’s group. Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage. TEST2 Professors are normally found in university classrooms, offices, and libraries doing research and lecturing to their students. More and more, however, they also appear as guests on television news programs, giving expert commentary on the latest events in the world. These television appearances are of great benefit to the professors themselves as well as to their universities and the general public. Professors benefit from appearing on television because by doing so they acquire reputations as authorities in their academic fields among a much wider audience than they have on campus. If a professor publishes views in an academic journal, only other scholars will learn about and appreciate those views. But when a professor appears on TV, thousands of people outside the narrow academic community become aware of the professor’s ideas. So when profes sors share their ideas with a television audience, the professors’ importance as scholars is enhanced. Universities also benefit from such appearances. The universities receive positive publicity


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO48独立写作题目文本+满分范文,希望 对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO48独立写作题目原文: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and https://www.doczj.com/doc/184100637.html,e specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 托福TPO48独立写作满分范文1: Increasingly sophisticated technology, explosive information and intricate international relationships all work together to complicate the modern life, which makes our modern people somewhat overwhelmed. Individuals whoever want to have a better control of one’s life must equip themselves with some essential skills or abilities. Planning and organizing, which embodies the skill of anticipating, influencing, and controlling, in my view, is becoming gradually important in coping with today’s complication especially for the young who are always the most passionate but also with less self-control. First of all, planning helps keep one on course in achieving goals and crystallize objectives. Young people always possess some grand dreams which may take years to accomplish. Planning ahead, on the one hand, could effectively put one on the right track thus prevent energy from being scattered or wasted. A survey conducted by experts from Oxford University shows that over 90% of elites and enterprisers had precise objects and made plans for decades later at very young age. Like Bill Gates, one of the most prominent persons I have ever seen, discontinued their studies since he was definite aware of what he should do in order to become the leader of IT field. On the other hand, plans, which are organized step by step, could turn the ultimate goals into several achievable ones. With achievable objective achieved one by one, the ultimate goal will finally be attained. Besides, planning and organizing help to promise one’s best performance in most occasions. Panning means trying to anticipate all the possibilities and arrange things in a scientific order. It clearly tells people what to do currently and what should do the next, which prevents disorder or chaos. Thus, people may feel assured and will be with less stress. For example, a student who sticks to a study plan is less likely to be nervous thus will be more likely to have better performance than those who crams for tests. Today youngsters are exposed with fierce competitions but also abundant opportunities. Good performance is key to hold these opportunities in hand. It is undeniable that our society changes at such a quick pace that we cannot plan everything in previous. But this by no means implies that the ability is not important. Without a plan, complex things will only get more complicated. Abraham Lincoln reportedly once said, “If I had 60 minutes to cut down a tree, I would spend 40 minutes sharpening the ax and 20 minutes cutting it down.” Planning is just like “sharpening the ax”, which will no doubt facilitate a task easy done. All in all, though the ability of planning and organizing may not be omnipotent for people


托福写作高分范文仿写技巧作为托福考试写作部分两篇文章其中之一,独立写作主要以学生的学术知识背景和个人生活经验为基础来考察语语言的学习规律是相通的。有了正确的『输入』,才能有正确的『输出』。所以,要想在英文写作中有所提高,我们可以借鉴一些上乘的范文,对其思路、结构、语言等进行模仿,并最终应用在我们自己的文章中。这个过程就叫做『仿写』。今天文都国际教育小编就给大家介绍下托福写作高分范文仿写技巧。 如何做仿写? 托福写作高分范文仿写技巧Step 1 通读范文,了解通篇大意,仔细研究各段构思。 在教学过程中,我会为学生甄选符合国外考试评分标准的优秀范文。学生拿到这些范文后,可以从宏观的角度了解作者对于题目的观点,是采用了单边、双边还是中立的角度来进行论证。学生还可以从微观的角度,深度分析每个主体段,作者是如何通过有逻辑地说理,并配以恰当具体的例子,来证明此段的分论点。 以下为范?段落实例: Modern society places a lot of emphasis on success. Though success is clearly desirable, Ithink our intense focus on success is unhealthy and counter productive.People would be better served by learning how to adopt a positive attitude towards failure. 托福写作高分范文仿写技巧Step 2 学习优秀的语言点 针对每一篇范文,我会为学生总结出其中用法得到的词组和句式,并让学生趁热打铁,强化对这些语料的记忆。这种从整体中提取,呈现成个体的形式,会让学生对这些语料的印象更加深刻。 以下为提取实例:


如何写托福独立写作的主题句 在托福独立写作部分应该包括开头段、中间段、结尾段这三大部分。因此每一段都应该有一个主题句,那么应该如何写托福独立写作的主题句呢?下面前程百利小编就为考生详细分析。 主题句的要求 构建主题句的最基本的要求应该是“不偏离总论点、言简意赅、不相互包含和不互为因果”,细细探究这些写作要求,它们其实是围绕着“论述逻辑性”、“句子单词数”和“说服力强弱”而存在的。换言之,只有做到了这三点,主题句才算比较好的主题句。 严格按照这些要求所写出来的主题句,在逻辑维度绝对是严谨的,能够让考官对考生的理解力给予肯定;在篇幅维度一定是简洁的,能够让考官对考生的概括力给予肯定;最后,在表述维度必须是多元的,能够让考官对考生的思辨力给予肯定。 案例分析 例如,托福写作-学习和教育 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. 高中学生必须学习音乐和艺术吗? 题目分析: 尽管All是绝对修饰词,不过要注意,是secondary school(中学)。所以,不妨同意。因为仍然处于义务教育(compulsory education)阶段。

范文主题句分析: 在本道题目中是同意学生应该学习艺术和音乐,因此我们应该从学习音乐和艺术的好处着手。所谓的主题段跟作文的大纲极为相似,如果把作文的每一个主题段都确定下来,作文的大纲也就有了。 在本篇独立写作的主体部分有三个段落:每个段落的主题句如下, Studying art and music makes a person more diverse and thoughtful.在这句话中说到学生学习艺术和音乐使人更加多样化并且思考方式更加周全,呼应了主题的应该让学生学习音乐和艺术。 These subjects give the students an outlet for expressing their turbulent emotions during puberty.这些课程让学生释放他们在青春期的骚动。 Viewing art and listening to music are excellent ways to relax.欣赏艺术和听音乐是放松的最好方式。 这三个主题无论从逻辑上还是从结构篇幅上都符合要求。从逻辑方面来看,跟文章主题切合,不偏题,都从学习艺术和音乐的好处出发;从字数上看,句子没有太长都在20单词以内,体现了学生的概括能力。从说服力方面来看,第一个从音乐能提高能力方面,第二个从同学们的需求方面,第三个从学生的生理和心理方面论述了学习音乐和艺术的益处,具有很强的说服力。这样的主题段是符合考官要求的,因此考生在写主题段的时候也要这样写,才有可能取得高分。 以上就是如何写托福独立写作的主题句的相关内容。希望通过以上分析考生可以参考一下,多多进行实践,争取写出符合考官口味的作文!


2019托福阅读:模拟试题及答案解析(6) 【托福】 Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. "The cities predicted the future," wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, "even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China." Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775. The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO45独立写作题目文本+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO45独立写作题目原文: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past, young people depended too much on their parents to make decisions for them; today young people are better able to make decisions about their own https://www.doczj.com/doc/184100637.html,e specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 托福TPO45独立写作满分范文: With the development of society, our living habits have been changed greatly. One of the most significant changes is the issue of whom we young people depend on when making a decision. In the past, young people usually depended on their older family members, especially their parents. However, in contemporary society, we young adults tend to make choice on our own. Here are the reasons. Admittedly, in the past, the ways they acquired information, most of which come from experience, were limited. It was parents who are much more experienced than their children. In this case, they tended to listen to parents’ advice and let them to control determination. As we all know, over the several decades, parents made the decision for their children who they would marry with in China. At that time, girls had no chance to meet the young men with the same age. However, their parents had the permission to know their children’s future partners through various ways. Without doubt, it was a right choice to depend on their parents when making a decision in the past. However, we can get access to a great amount of information, which do good to decision making nowadays. Surfing on the internet, clicking on the mouse, news will display on your computer screen within seconds. What’s more, after educating, we have learnt knowledge in a systematic way, which enable us to understand ourselves and the world better. All of these create a good atmosphere for us young people to make decision on ourselves. According to a survey conducted by Peking University aiming to find out how students choose their majors, 80 percent of students depend on their own while less than 20% decided by their parents or teachers instead. Most students are independent nowadays. They would listen to their parents, but it is themselves who determine the final choice. Another important reason is that some of adults’ experience work less effectively on our generation because conditions change rapidly in the information age. In the past, it was less likely for youngsters to move out of their hometowns while we usually move from one place to another nowadays. So parents’ idea might not fit our situation any more. Consequently, we prefer to make a decision depend on our own experience. In sum, for the reasons I mentioned above, I totally agree that in contemporary society, we young adults are better able to make choice on our own. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO45独立写作题目文本+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!


托福独立写作主体段写法技巧——双观点篇 托福独立写作对于很多托福考生来说是取得高分难以逾越的一道鸿沟, 这不仅需要大量的练习, 还需掌握其中的诀窍。今天, 教育优选为各位考生带来托福独立写作主题段双观点的写法点拨,希望对各位考生有所帮助。 通常对于独立写作我们都会选择五段式的结构,这个结构包括三个主体段, 按照题型我们可以将写作类型分为三个:支持反对类 (单观点、对比比较类 (双观点、自主定义类。今天,闫玲娟老师跟各位考生分析一下有关双观点类题目的写作技巧,下面是一道典型的题目: Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 题目中明显要求就电视的优点以及缺点进行比较,我们暂且用 A 、 B 表示两个不同观点 1.A+A+B 双关的写作的第一种写法是运用两个正向的论点去支撑 A , 再用一个论点去支持 B ,因为 A 的优势更大一些,所以最终得出 A 更合适的结果。 Topic 2008.11.9 Movies and TV have more positive effects than negative effects on young people’ s behavior. 电影电视对于青少年行为的影响利大于弊。 Agree :

The positive influence outweighs their negative effects. Large quantities of motion pictures (movies about encouragement strengthen young generation’ s willpower to chase dreams with determination. Influenced by a number of interesting TV programs, young people begin to learn things that they used to feel boring. Admittedly , we should not ignore that there are some violent plots which tend to result in teenage crimes.However, this kind of movie makes up only a small section of products in film industry and is under the strict control of government. Therefore, its influence is quite limited. 我们可以看到, 在这种写法中, 我们所支持的观点为电影电视是利大于弊的。 前两个理由我们先正向抛出两个论点说明为什么它们对青年人的影响利大于弊, 最后一个分论点我们写让步段, 先承认它们的确有可能对青年人行为产生错误的引导, 但是其后又对这些错误影响做一些弥补, 因为有负面影响的节目只是整个电影市场的一小部分,不能够以偏概全,断章取义。 2.A+A-B 我们介绍的第二种写法是, 先用两个正向的论点支持 A , 再用一个论点去反对B ,最终得出 A 更适合的结果。 Topic :Some people argue that the government should not spend money on public services and facilities, but on arts. 有一部分人认为政府应该花更多的钱在公共服务和基础设施上,而非艺术上。 Public facilities, widely accepted as the main foundation to a city’ s development, should be one of the highest priorities. In addition to social benefits, ther e are a great number of economic merits that …


托福独立写作高分开头写作方法 好的开端等于成功的一半,所以托福写作如果能写好开头,你的作文也能奠定下高分的基础。今天和大家分享托福独立写作高分开头写作方法,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作高分开头写作方法 一.先根据话题铺设背景 在独立写作的背景铺垫中,首先我们需要明晰独立写作常考的15个topic,其中包括education,technology,sports等。在审题、理解题意之后,可以适当定位关键词进行文题分析和头脑风暴,进行社会背景定位。 示范:Increasingly,under the backdrop of the fierce social competition and the need for searching for individual growth,people especially employees show great concern to their career development. 二.确定观点 此步骤一定不要直接抄写原题。结合第一句的背景铺垫,可适当改写题目,引出有争议性的argument。 三.表明自己针对话题的立场

立场是开头段最为重要且核心的句子,其作用是表明了考生对这一论题的态度,且后面内容的陈述也是建立在这一立场基础上进行论证、分析;立场表明时,尽量用自己的语言进行表述最佳。 四.结尾句启下 过渡句的作用是承上启下,承接开头段内容的同时,以一种自然流畅的方式简要引出下文,从而加强*的逻辑关系;也可以适当提及中间段会涉及的论点,进行实际内容的铺垫。建议大家多进行练习和范文积累,一定可以总结出不同的过渡句写作方式。 示范:… with several reasons t o exemplify. 托福独立写作是托福写作的重点,而开头段对于独立作文整体评分影响颇大,所以小站君建议大家认真学习上文中关于开头段的写作方法,并运用起来,写出漂亮的开头。 托福写作解析:take more exercise 托福写作解析: If there’s a way to improve yourself, which one among the three choices you would take? 1. take more exercise 2. eat more healthy food


0308 托福试题 阅读(55minutes) Question 1-11 If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied material is examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do these bacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenth century, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous (5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter. The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structures present in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it had trapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteur found that in ordinary air these exists a variety of solid structures ranging in size from 0.1 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of these bodies resembled the reproductive (15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells . As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they could not be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originated from the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that


2013年3月2日托福写作真题解析 托福综合写作题目 阅读:科学家发现到达North America的最早的inhabitants是欧洲人并不是之前认为的亚洲人,给出了这个thesis三个理由 一是科学家在欧洲和北美都发现了spear points,而且都是single,large and sharp blade,但是亚洲的spear point很小, 二是有一个human bone被发现可以证明这个结论, 三是欧洲人可以穿越Atlantic Ocean,因为海路相对方便,并且一路上的ice可以用作resource of water 听力:反驳。 北美和欧洲的spear point发展过程是独立的,欧洲的spear大是因为他们要hunt mammals, 然后人骨只是一个single sample更多的其他人骨发现不是欧洲人, 最后是那个时期,在欧洲人那儿没有发现boat、钓鱼工具等等,说明他们对航海没啥经验,a lack of experience of sea travel会让他们不容易存活下来。 托福独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Our society today is so busy and crowded that people do not need to be polite to each other. People today enjoy great material wealth due to hardwork, but some complain that people today are less polite than they used to be. Extremists argue that people do not need to have the conventional social norms, such as saying hello to other people, because those manners are a waste of time. However, I think politeness is

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