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2015-2016高中英语 unit3 A taste of English humour section1练习 新人教版必修4

2015-2016高中英语 unit3 A taste of English humour section1练习 新人教版必修4
2015-2016高中英语 unit3 A taste of English humour section1练习 新人教版必修4

Unit 3 Section Ⅰ


1.My friend knows where he can pick ________a good used car at a reasonable price.

答案:up 句意:我的朋友知道在哪里买到价格公道而质量尚好的旧车。pick up“(便宜地)买到”。

2.Up to now, the program________(save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.

答案:has saved 考查时态。up to now表示“直到现在”,句中谓语动词往往用现在完成时态。

3.________was expected, only five people turned up at the party,________disappointed the hostess very much.

答案:As; which as引导非限制性定语从句,位置比较灵活,表示在意料之中;which 引导非限制性定语从句,表示在意料之外。本句话意思是“正如所预料的,只有5个人参加了那次聚会,这使女主人非常失望。”

4.Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea.________(fortunate),neither of them could swim.

答案:Unfortunately 从neither of them could swim判断,可知应该是“不幸的是”。句意:两个中年乘客掉入海中,不幸的是,他们两个都不会游泳。

5.He often listens to music in his spare time to entertain________.

答案:himself 句意为“他经常在空闲时间听音乐来愉悦自己”。

6.Jack was ________ failure as a leader, but he achieved great success in writing.

答案:a 考查抽象名词及抽象名词具体化。failure,[U]失败;[C]失败者,失败的人或物。句意为“杰克作为一个领导来说是一位失败者,但是在写作方面他取得了巨大的成功。”

7.The worker had a finger cut________ by the machine he was operating.

答案:off cut off“中断,切断”。句意为“这个工人的一个手指头被他开的机器切断了”。

8.—Can you lend me some money?

—I am ________(bad) off than you. You know I live from hand to mouth.

答案:worse badly off“穷的,境况不好”,比较级形式worse off“情况更糟”。句意:——你能借给我点钱吗?——我比你情况还糟,你知道我现在仅够糊口。

9.—Is he really content ________ the low pay?

—Of course not. He wants to get some extra pay.

答案:with be content with“对……满意”。句意:——他真对这份低工资满意吗?——当然不。他想得到额外报酬。

10.It's easy to pick________ the boy who will meet you at the airport because he is rather tall.

答案:out pick out“挑出,辨别出”。句意为“你很容易认出在车站接你的男孩,因为他相当高”。



(2015·陕西卷) When the dog named Judy spotted the first sheep in her life,she did what comes naturally.The four-year-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and,being a city animal,lost both her sheep and her sense of direction.Then she ran along the edge of a cliff(悬崖)and fell 100 feet,bouncing off a rock into the sea.

Her owner Mike Holden panicked and called the coastguard of Cornwall,who turned up in seconds.Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90-minute search.

Three days later,a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall.Mr.Holden returned home from his holiday upset and convinced his pet was dead.He comforted himself with the thought she had died in the most beautiful part of the country.

For the next two weeks,the Holdens were heartbroken.Then,one day,the phone rang and Steve Tregear,the coastguard of Cornwall,asked Holden if he would like his dog back.

A birdwatcher,armed with a telescope,found the pet sitting desperately on a rock.While he sounded the alarm,a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect Judy.

The dog had initially been knocked unconscious(失去知觉的) but had survived by drinking water from a fresh stream at the base of the cliff.She may have fed on the body of a sheep which had also fallen over the edge.“The dog was very thin and hungry.”Steve Tregear said.“It was a very lucky dog.She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water,”he added.

It was,as Mr.Holden admitted,“a minor miracle(奇迹)”.


1.The dog Judy fell down the cliff when she was ________.

A.rescuing her owner

B.caught in a hurricane

C.blocked by a rock

D.running after a sheep

答案:D 根据文章第一段的句子:The four-year-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields...Then she ran along the edge of a cliff(悬崖) and fell 100 feet, bouncing off a rock into the sea.可知,叫Judy的狗在追赶一只羊的时候,从悬崖上掉下来。故选D。

2.Who spotted Judy after the accident?

A.A birdwatcher.

B.A student from Leeds.

C.Six volunteers.

D.The coastguard of Cornwall.

答案:A 根据文章第五段的句子:A birdwatcher, armed with a telescope, found the pet sitting desperately on a rock. 可知,后来是一个观鸟者看见了Judy,故选A。

3.What can we infer from the text?

A.People like to travel with their pets.

B.Judy was taken to the fields for hunting.

C.Luck plays a vital role in Judy's survival.

D.Holden cared little where Judy was buried.

答案:C 根据文章第六段的句子:It was a very lucky dog. She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water.可知,在Judy的事故中运气起着至关重要的作用。故选C。

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Miracle of the Coastguard.

B.Surviving a Hurricane.

C.Dangers in the Wild.

D.Coming Back from the Dead.

答案:D 由文章大意可知选D。


Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table and reading his book. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to copy him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa, I try to read the book just lik e you, but I don't understand it, and I forget what I understand as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the book do?”

The grandpa quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.”

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandpa laughed and said, “You'll have to move a little faster next time,”and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.

This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned. Out of breath, he told his grandpa that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, so he went to get a bucket instead.

The grandpa said, “I don't want a bucket of water; I w ant a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough.”

The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandpa the basket was empty again. Out of breath, he said, “Grandpa, it's useless!”

“So, you think it is useless?” the grandpa said. “Look at the basket.”

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean.

“Grandson, that's what happens when you read the book. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you'll be changed, inside and out.”


5.What puzzled the grandson most was________.

A. whether it was useful to read books

B. why he forgot what he read soon

C. what kind of book he could understand

D. how he could read books like his grandpa

答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段小男孩问他爷爷时所说的话“What good does reading the book do? (读书到底能带来什么好处?)”可知答案。

6.Why did Grandpa ask his grandson to fetch a basket of water?

A. To train him to run faster.

B. To clean the dirty basket in the river.

C. To punish him for not reading carefully.

D. To get him to realize the use of reading books.

答案:D 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知竹篮打水就像读书一样,读书时你可能记不住里面的内容,但是它能够从内到外改变你。由此可以判断出爷爷让孙子打水的目的是让孙子意识到读书的真正好处。

7. What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. The old are always wiser than the young.

B. It is foolish to carry water with a basket.

C. Reading books can change a person gradually.

D. You can't expect to remember whatever you read.

答案:C 推理判断题。本文的主旨是“读书能从内到外改变一个人”,再根据文章最后一段中的but when you read it, you'll be changed, inside and out(当读书的时候你从内到外都在发生着变化)可知: A项“老人总是比年轻人更有智慧”并非本文想要讲述的内容; B项“用竹篮打水是愚蠢的”跟本文毫无关系,脱离了中心; C项“读书可以逐渐地改变一个人”正确,这正是爷爷想要告诉孙子的道理; D项“你不能指望记住你读的任何东西”与本文中心不符。故C项正确。



Our heart is very important. __1__ Heart disease, also called cardiovascular disease, mainly affects older people and means that there are problems with the heart and blood vessels. This disease includes a variety of problems, including high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, chest pain, heart attacks and strokes.

What Is Heart Disease?

__2__Through the body's blood vessels, the heart pumps blood to all of the body's cells. The blood carries oxygen, which the cells need. Cardiovascular disease is a group of problems that occur when the heart and blood vessels aren't working the way they should.

How Do You Get Heart Disease?

Heart disease isn't contagious (传染的)—you can't catch it like the way you

get the flu or a cold. Instead, certain things increase a person's chances of getting cardiovascular disease.__3__

For some of these risk factors a person can't do anything about them, like being older and having other people in the family who have had the same problems.


Many people do not realise they have cardiovascular disease until they have chest pain, a heart attack, or stroke. These kinds of problems often need immediate attention and the person may need to go to the emergency department of a hospital.

Can Kids Get Heart Disease?

Kids usually don't have any symptoms of heart and blood vessel problems. But by starting heart-healthy habits right now, kids can reduce the chance they will ever need to worry about cardiovascular disease.

So what should you do? Don't smoke, for one. __5__ Your heart and blood vessels will thank you later!

A.How do we deal with Heart Disease?

B.Doctors call these things risk factors.

C.What Are the Signs of Heart Disease?

D.The heart is the centre of the cardiovascular system.

E.And be sure to eat healthy, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight.

F.It's no wonder people worry when they hear someone has heart problems.

G.If someone you know is getting one of these operations, you might feel worried.


1.F 首句说心脏的重要性,后一句开始讲心脏病。F项承接前后两句。

2.D 下一句讲的是心脏和血管的工作原理,由此可知心脏是心血管系统的中心,故选D项。

3.B 上句说某些东西会增加患心血管疾病的几率,这些东西应是危险因素,选项B 中的things和文中的certain things指代一致,故选B项。

4.C 下文主要讲得心血管病会引起胸痛、中风等。由此可知本段叙述心脏病的症状等,故选C项。

5.E 根据该段句首So what should you do?可知,此处表示我们应该如何做来减少得心脏病的概率,故选E项。



Many students may feel stressed because of their parents. Most parents have good

intentions, __1__some of them aren't very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in __2__ (adjust) to college, and a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to their children's __3__ (difficulty).

For one thing, parents are often not aware __4__ the kinds of problems their children face. They don't realise that the __5__ (compete) is stronger, that the required standards of work are __6__ (high), and that their children may not be prepared for __7__ change. They may be upset by their children's poor grades. At their kindest, they may __8__ (gentle) ask why John or Mary isn't doing better, whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she should, and so on. At their worst, they may threaten __9__ (take) their children out of college or cut off living expenses.

Sometimes parents think it right and natural that they determine __10__ their children do with their lives. They forget that everyone is different and that each person must develop in his or her own way.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


1.but/yet 考查连词。根据句意可知,前后分句表示转折关系,故填but/yet。

2.adjusting 考查非谓语动词。in是介词,后面跟动名词作宾语。

3.difficulties 考查名词。此处difficulty指“难题,难事”,是可数名词,常用复数形式。

4.of 考查固定短语。be aware of表示“意识到,明白”,是固定短语。

5.competition 考查名词。所填词表示“竞争”,且前面有定冠词the修饰,故填名词。

6.higher 考查形容词比较级。由前面的stronger可知,此处也应用比较级形式,表示“竞争越来越激烈,对工作的要求标准越来越高”。

7.the 考查冠词。特指上文中提到的这种转变,应用定冠词。

8.gently 考查副词。修饰动词ask应用副词。

9.to take 考查非谓语动词。threaten to do sth.表示“威胁要做某事”,是固定用法。

10.what 考查宾语从句。所填词引导宾语从句,在从句中作do的宾语,且表示抽象内容,故填what。


Before lunch Allen happened to see a man fished in a water hole about five metre

outside a bar. Allen stopped curiously. All people passing over the man who was fishing regarded him like a foolish man. Therefore, Allen said kindly to fish -catcher, “Hello, will you please do me a favor and have a drink with me in the bar ?” The man gladly received his invitation. After buying the man several cups of soft drinks, Allen asked, “You are fishing there, right? May I know how much fish you have caught this morning ?” “You are the number 8,” said the man hu morous.


Before lunch Allen happened to see a man fished fishing

in a water hole about five metre metres outside a bar. Allen stopped curiously. All people passing over by

the man who was fishing regarded him like as a foolish man. Therefore However , Allen said kindly to ∧the

fishcatcher, “Hello, will you please do me a favor and have a drink with me in the bar ?” The man gladly received accepted

his invitation. After buying the man several cups

of soft drinks, Allen asked, “You are were fishing there, right? May I know how much many

fish you have c aught this morning ?” “You are the number 8,” sa id the man humorous humorously



高中英语学生能力的培 养精选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

高中英语学生能力的培养 在现在的高中英语课堂之中,学生不能够主动地去学习英语,这是造成课堂效率不高的原因。但正是因为教师在教学过程中不去培养学生自主学习的能力造成了这个结果。在以往的教学中,是由教师传授知识而学生接受知识,这是一个单方面的学习过程。这种落后的、单方面的教育模式已经严重地影响了英语的课堂效率。对于学生而言,这种方式不利于他们的学习和身心发展。所以,英语教学必须改革。而课程改革的重点要放在培养学生的实际语言运用能力上,要从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平上出发,培养学生主动地思维和大胆地实践,从而形成自主学习的过程。笔者从事高中英语教学五六年,对于培养学生自主学习能力有一些自己的经验。 一、英语教学中的问题 传统的教学模式放在今天已经不再适合,学校已经随着新课改而改变了自己的教学方式。但是大多数的教师依旧不能改变自己的观念,他们仍旧坚持在课

堂中实行教师的“一言堂”,这是一种错误的观念,这样大多会引起学生对于学习的厌恶。要知道只有一个轻松愉快的课堂才能够让学生自由地发言,大胆地讨论。而新课改中强调了教师在课堂中的位置,他们不再是单一的知识的传授者,而是引导学生去学习,激发学生学习的积极性。培养他们在听、说、读、写这四个方面全面发展。 对于教师而言,英语教学的目的太过于单一。大多的教师只讲高考会考到的知识和语法,而对于高考不涉及的内容只字不提,这固然能够提升学生的英语成绩。但同样会让学生错过听力和口语训练的最佳时期。故此,教师在课堂之中除了语法之外,还应当在课堂之中多与学生进行口语的训练。或者要求学生读一些优美的英语句子或者段落增强自己的语感,甚至可以要求学生尝试自己去翻译句子。这样不仅仅能够帮助学生提升自己的英语翻译能力,还能够帮助学生不再将学习英语作为一个学习任务那么简单,而是将英语作为一门有趣的语言来学习。 二、培养学生的自主学习能力


高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建 浙江省桐乡市高级中学 2003年11月8日

目录 1、《高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建》开题报告 3 2、注重语篇教学,发展学生能力 ----《高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建》课题研究结题报告7 3、有关语篇教学的论文 1)高中英语语篇教学课堂模式探讨16 2)语篇教学模式在中学英语阅读教学中的运用20 3)注重语篇教学,提高写作能力27 4、教案 1)Chapter Three, Oxford English S2A 32 2)Lesson 18, Unit5, SEFC1A 34 3)Sample articles of MNET 38 4)Lesson 33, Unit 9, SEFC 2A 41 5、获奖证书 6、专家鉴定证书

高中英语语篇教学课堂模式的构建 开题报告 一.问题的提出 1. 课题的提出 英语是一门工具性的学科,英语教学的主要目的在于能使学生用英语进行交流,也就是说用英语来表达自己和用英语来理解别人,这就需要我们教师在课堂上调整教学目的,以话语训练为基础,突出基于信息获取的阅读(information-based reading)为语篇教学的主要目的。 2.现状 长期以来,英语教师始终没能,也不敢摆脱升学的指挥棒,热衷于“一支粉笔一本书,教师在讲台上滔滔不绝,学生在底下埋头笔记”的课堂教学模式和教学方法,教师只注重字、词、句的分析和语法讲解,学生的总体英语水平偏低,使用英语的能力差,许多学生只粗略懂一点语法,能辨认一些单词,听、说、读、写能力低下。这一现象极不利于当前的素质教育的开展,极不利于学生英语能力的培养。在这种模式下,往往使学生形成一种听不懂、看不懂、写不出、讲不出的畸形英语。因此,我们要改变这一现状,就必须改变课堂教学模式。 3. 本课题研究的意义 通过对课堂教学模式的改变,能改变学生被动地听的教学形式,能调动学生的积极参与课堂活动,通过听、说等语篇训练来提高学生的英语水平,使英语学习更具有实用性,能改变“哑吧”英语的现状。 二.对语篇教学的课堂模式主要内容的思考 《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲》提出高中英语教学目的主要是:“在义务教育初中英语教学的基础上,巩固、扩大学生的基础知识,发展听、说、读、写的基础上,培养在口头上和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力,侧重培养阅读能力,并使学生获得一定的自学能力,为继续学习和运用英语切实打好基础……”。 “巩固、扩大学生的基础知识”,我们认为是巩固、扩大学生的词汇知识和语法知识,这一部分无需在课堂上进行大量的讲解,作为教师可侧重进行学法指导;这样“侧重培养阅读能力”就成了课堂教学的主要任务。阅读能力的培养主要是加强对学生语篇理解的培养;只有在语篇理解的前提下,才能发展学生的口头上和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力。而交际能力的培养正是英语学科培养创新能力的核心之所在。因此,我们主张在英语课堂上构建以图式理论和认知理论为指导,以学生为中心,以培养交际能力为目的,以语篇教学法为手段,以发展学生的英语能力为目


必修1 Unit 1 △ survey n.调查;测验 add up 合计 upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt. (upset, upset)使不安;使心烦 ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视 calm vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm(…)down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来have got to 不得不;必须 concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about 关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose adj .松的;松开的 △ vet n. 兽医 go through 经历;经受 △ Amsterdam n.阿姆斯特丹(何二首都) Netherla nds n.荷兰(西欧国家) △ Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 Germa n adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的 n .德国人;德语 △ Nazi n. 纳粹党人 adj.纳粹党的 set dow n 记下;放下;登记 series n. 连续;系列 a series of 一连串的;一系歹U; —套 △ Kitty n .基帝(女名) outdoors adv.在户外;在野外 spellb ind vt. (spellbo und, spellbo und) 迷住;迷惑 on purpose 故意 in order to 为了…… dusk n. 黄昏;傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thu nder vi.打雷;雷鸣 n .雷;雷声 en tire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 vt.使定居;安排;解决 suffer vt. & vi.遭受;忍受;经历suffer from 遭受;患病 △ Ion eli ness n.孤单;寂寞 highway n. 公路;大路 recover vi. & vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得 get/be tired of 对……厌烦 pack vi. & vt.捆扎;包装;打行李 n. 小包;包裹 pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱打包suitcase n. 手提箱;衣箱 △ Margot n. 玛戈(女名) Overcoat n. 大衣;外套 tee nager n. 十几岁的青少年 get along with 与……相处;进展 △ gossip vi. &n.闲话;闲谈 fall in love 丿相爱;爱上 exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地disagree vi. 不同意 grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的dislike n. & vt.不喜欢;厌恶 join in 参加;加入 tip n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 vt. 倾斜;翻倒 power n. 能力;力量;权力 face to face 面对面地 curtai n n. 窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty adj. 积满灰尘的 no longer/not …any Ion ger 不 再 part ner n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人 settle vi. 安家;定居;停留 adv.完全地;全然地;整个地en tirely


1 高中英语单词表 2 高中英语单词A开头单 3 1.accept vt.接受,承认 4 5 2.achieve v.达到,取得;完成,实现 6 3.add vi.&vt.加,增加,增进,补充说 7 4.admire vt.钦佩,赞美,羡慕 8 5.admit vt.接纳,让…进入,承认 9 6.advance[] vi.前进,进展vt. 推进,促进,提升,预付n.[C,U]前进,进展,进步,提10 升,预付款 11 12 7.advise vt.劝告,建议 13 8.afford vt.买得起,经受得住,承担得起 14 9.agree[] v.同意,赞成,答应 15 10.allow[] v.允许,准许 16 11.apologize / apologise[] vi.道歉 17 18 12.appear[] vi.出现,看来,似乎 13.apple[] n.[C]苹果 19 20 14.argue[] v.争论,说服,证明 21 15.arrive[] vi.到达,(时间)到来, 得出(结论),(婴儿)出生 22 23 16.ask[] v.问,要求;请求

24 17.astonish[] vt.使惊讶,使吃 惊 25 26 18.attack[] v.攻击n.[C,U]进攻;(疾 病)发作 27 28 19.attempt[] v.& n.尝试,试图 29 20.attend[] v.出席;照料,护理;注 意 30 21.attract[]vt.引起(兴趣、注意),31 招引 32 33 22.awake[] v.(awoke, awoken / awaked, awaked)醒,唤醒;使醒adj.(作表语)醒着的 34 高中英语单词B开头单词 35 bake[] v.烤,烘,焙 36 bathe[] v.浸,洗,(在河或海里)洗浴,游泳n.(用单37 数)游泳 38 be[]v.(am, is, are, was, were, being, been)是; 39 在;成为 40 beat[]v.(beat, beaten)敲打,(脉,心脏)跳动,打胜,41 打赢 42 become[] v.(became, become)变得,成为;适合(某43 人) 44 begin[] v.(began, begun)开始,着手 45 believe[] v.相信,认为 46 belong[] vi.属于,为…所有 47 bend[] v.(bent, bent)使弯腰,弯曲,专心于 48

【状元之路】高中英语 语篇提能12 必修4

语篇提能 Ⅰ.完形填空 My name is Benjamin Belinski and I don't have a talent (才华) to show at talent night. But every day my teacher asks me to think of __1__. “I'll just have to be __2__, the day of the show,” I tell my __3__ one afternoon. “If you get a cold, be sure to cough on me.” “You must have a talent,” says Kate. “What are you __4__?” “Eating,” I answer. “Watching TV.” “Benjamin, be __5__,” Kate says and turns to our friends, “__6__, guys. What are Benjamin's talents?” “Benjamin is __7__,” says Tommy. “He could make a comedy show.” “Yeah. Every __8__ could be about how I have no talents,” I say. “Benjamin,” says Olivia, “maybe you don't know how to make a comedy show, __9__ you always get us together to do something fun.” What my friends say gets me __10__ and I come up with a plan. My teacher says that's a good __11__. In the next few weeks, I am busy making sure everything is prepared and __12__ for the show. On the night of the big event, when people __13__ the gym, they all agree it looks amazing, when the __14__ begins, each person with an act __15__ whose turn it is to perform. After the last act, __16__ stand on the stage and my teacher says, “Everybody worked hard to put together this impressive night. However, we should give special __17__ to one person for making it go on so smoothly (顺利地). He __18__ behind the scenes, but please give a big hand to a special talent —Benjamin Belinski, Producer!” People __19__ their hands as I step onto the stage. Benjamin Belinski, Producer. I __20__ being a producer and I bet that is my talent. 1.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 2.A. sick B. popular C. sad D. famous 3.A. teacher B. parents C. audience D. friends 4.A. sure about B. worried about C. angry at D. good at 5.A. excited B. quiet


必修1 Unit 1 △survey n.调查;测验 add up合计 upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦ignore vt.不理睬;忽视 calm vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm(…)down(使)平静下来;(使)镇 定下来 have got to不得不;必须 concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose adj.松的;松开的 △vet n.兽医 go through经历;经受 △Amsterdam n.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Netherlands n.荷兰(西欧国家) △Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 German adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的 n.德国人;德语 △Nazi n.纳粹党人 adj.纳粹党的 set down记下;放下;登记 series n.连续;系列 a series of一连串的;一系列;一套 △Kitty n.基蒂(女名) outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外 △spellbind vt. (spellbound, spellbound) 迷住;迷惑 on purpose 故意 in order to为了…… dusk n.黄昏;傍晚 at dusk在黄昏时刻 thunder vi.打雷;雷鸣 n.雷;雷声 entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地power n.能力;力量;权力 face to face面对面地 curtain n.窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty adj.积满灰尘的 no longer/not…any longer不再……partner n.伙伴;合作者;合伙人 settle vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决 suffer vt. & vi.遭受;忍受;经历 suffer from遭受;患病 △loneliness n.孤单;寂寞 highway n.公路;大路 recover vi. & vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得get/be tired of对……厌烦 pack vi. & vt.捆扎;包装;打行李 n.小包;包裹 pack (sth) up将(东西)装箱打包suitcase n.手提箱;衣箱 △Margot n.玛戈(女名) Overcoat n.大衣;外套 teenager n.十几岁的青少年 get along with与……相处;进展 △gossip vi. & n.闲话;闲谈 fall in love相爱;爱上 exactly adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地disagree vi.不同意 grateful adj.感激的;表示谢意的dislike n. & vt.不喜欢;厌恶 join in参加;加入 tip n.提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费vt.倾斜;翻倒 △secondly adv.第二;其次 swap vt.交换 item n.项目;条款


M5 Unit3 Life in the Future private school 私立学校public school 公立学校 in private 私下地 lack: lack sth (vt) 缺少……eg: lack courage/ confidence/ responsibility 缺乏勇气/信心/责任感be lacking in lack of sth (n) eg: The plants died because of lack of water. 同义词:be short of eg: I’m short of money. lack for nothing 应有尽有 press down 往下按 the press 新闻界 master a language 掌握一门语言master English 掌握英语 switch on/ off 开/ 关 take up a prize 接受奖励 rub one’s eyes 擦亮眼睛 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 be unsettled 不安的 as a result 结果是 suffer from 遭受 be similar to 与……相似 feel nervous and uncertain 感到不安 be understanding 能理解人的 make sb sleepy 人们感到昏昏欲睡 be known for 因……而出名be known as 作为……而出名 transport sb into the future 把人送到未来 hit by the lack of fresh air 由于缺乏新鲜空气 in no time立刻,马上 at any time 在任何时候 in time 及时;迟早,最终eg: In time, you’ll forget him. be back on one’s feet=well by doing 通过某种方式,手段 get lost 迷路 in all directions= in every direction 朝四面八方 sight: lose sight of 看不见 catch sight of 瞥见 at first sight 乍一眼 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。in sight 在视线范围内 slide into/ out of (slid, slid) 悄悄溜进/ 溜出 on earth 究竟 in length 在长度范围内at length 详尽地;最终 an optimistic view / a pessimistic view 乐观/悲观的观点

最新高中英语全册教学大纲 (全)


创业培训课程一、四大培训特色: 3

1、全实战专家授课:授课老师全部都是具有资深企业管理、运营经验的企业家、企业高管、投资人等,通过传授自身的企业运营经验,给创业培训班学员带来务实的指导和帮助!课堂之外,我们根据创业业者不同层次、不同阶段的不同需求,邀请资深专家给学员提供个性化服务,伴随创业者一路成长。 2、案例教学。我们以案例教学、头脑风暴、企业参访、角色互动等方式,让学员分组讨论学习商业计划书的写作,以帮助学员更系统地分析创业计划,在实践中更容易获得投资人的赏识。学员通过系统的学习创业知识,不仅能够提升创业能力,降低创业风险,还能结交到良师益友。 3、模拟商战。引入全球模拟公司联合体中国中心的“金马兰创业实训平台”,组织学员模拟现实市场环境,进行实战演练。通过创业实训平台的学习,学员对企业经营管理有更深入的理解。 4、增值服务。我们以创业培训为基础,整合各类创业资源,为学员提供融资、法律、财务、营销、媒体、孵化器等各类资源,充分满足学员的个性化需求,以最大程度地帮助学员创业成功。学员结业后均可加入第一创业俱乐部,参加我们举办的各类主题的创业讲座、沙龙、论坛、项目路演、聚会等,我们将为学员提供持续、有效、完善的增值服务。二、培训目标: ·掌握创业的基本要素、实施步骤、开业流程及经营技能,提升创业能力,降低创业风险; . 掌握商业模式、品牌管理、项目评估、市场营销、财务管理、商务沟通、股权架构、团队领导力等系统的创业知识; ·了解现阶段的创业环境及政府的相关创业补贴和扶持政策; ·规划创业生涯,掌握撰写切实可行的创业计划书的方法; 三、内容: 品牌命名与商标注册 市场开发与营销推广 股权分配与公司治理 公司财务规划与管理 团队领导力培养与提升 商业计划书写作 投资收益风险评估 环境分析 项目确定公司注册 创业计划开业准备 公司经营与管理 公司交易 创业能力测评 风险管理 项目路演 商务沟通 4


高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) 语篇专练1 Ⅰ.阅读理解 Too many people want others to be their friends,but they don’t give friendship back.That is why some friendships don’t last very long.To have a friend,you must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest;be generous(宽宏大量的);be understanding. Honesty is where a good friendship starts.Friends must be able to trust one another.If you do not tell the truth,people usually find out.If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest,you may lose your friend’s trust.Good friends always rely on one another to speak and act honestly. Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes.Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.These can be very valuable to a friend.They tell your friend what is important to you.By sharing them,you help your friend know better. Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem.Something may go wrong at school.Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem.So to be a friend you must listen and understand.You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so that you can understand the problem better. No two friendships are exactly alike(相同的).But all true friendships have three things in common.If you plan to keep your friends,you must practice honesty,generosity and understanding. 语篇解读本文介绍了做一个好的朋友的三个要素。 1.Some friendships don’t last long because . A.there are too many people who want to make friends B.those who give others friendship receive friendship from others C.some people receive friendship but don’t give friendship back D.they don’t know friendship is something serious 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据文章前两句“Too many people want others to be their friends,but they don’t give friendship back.That is why some friendships don’t last very long.”可知答案。2.According to the passage,honesty is .


A access/ ‘?kses/ n.接近;通道,入口 accidental/ ?ksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate/ ?’k?m?deit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation/ ?,k?m?’dei??n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位 accordance/ ?’k?r:d?ns/ n.一致;和谐;授予accordingly/ ?’k?r:di?li/ ad.因此,所以;照着account/ ?’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目 address / ?’dres/ n.地址;演说;谈吐 adequate/ ‘?dikwit/ a.足够的;可以胜任的advisable/ ?d’vaiz?b l/ n.明智的;可取的 age/ eid?/ vt.变老 i, ?’l?i/ n.合金;(金属的)成色 alloy/‘?l? aluminium/ ?lju’minj?m/ n.铝 anchor/‘??k?/ n.锚 vi.抛锚,停泊 anticipate/ ?n’tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望apparatus/ ,?p?’reit?s/ n.器械,仪器;器官appetite/‘?pitait/ n.食欲,胃口;欲望 appliance/ ?’plai?n s/ n.用具,器具,器械 bl/ a.能应用的;适当的applicable/‘?plik? article/‘a:tikl/ n.条款;物品

assemble/ ?’sembl/ vt.集合,召集;装配assembly/ ?’sembli/ n.集合;集会;装配 u?/ vt.使确信;向…保证assure/ ?’? atom/ ‘?t?m/ n.原子;微粒;微量attribute/ ‘?tribju:t/ vt.把…归因于n.属性 :t?m?bi:l/ n.汽车,机动车automobile/‘? auxiliary/ ?:g’zilj?ri/ a.辅助的;附属的 B bang/ b??/ n.巨响,枪声;猛击 barrel/‘b?r?l/ n.桶;圆筒;枪管 battery/‘b?t?ri/ n.电池;一套,一组 bay/ bei/ n.湾;山脉中的凹处 beam/ bi:m/ n.梁;横梁;束,柱 behalf/ bi’ha:f/ n.利益,维护,支持 bind/ baind/ vt.捆绑;包扎;装钉 biscuit/ ‘biskit/ n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼blade/ bleid/ n.刀刃,刀片;叶片 blend/ blend/ vt.&vi.&n.混和 bold/ b?uld/ a.大胆的;冒失的 bolt/ b?ult/ n.螺栓;插销vt.闩门 bond/ b?nd/ n.联结,联系;公债


基于语篇分析的高中英语阅读教学的行动研究 摘要:社会的信息化和经济的全球化使国际通用英语成为重要的信息载体之一,但是我国的英语教育现状还不满足经济和社会发展的需求。新一轮课程改革的重点就是改变英语课程过分重视词汇和语法知识的讲解,而忽视学生英语应用能力的倾向,强调激发学生的兴趣并使他们根据自己已有的知识积极体验学习的过程,因此获得综合语言运用能力、主动思维能力和自主学习能力等。 阅读理解能力是高中英语教学的主要任务。英语教学大纲明确指出:在高中英语教学中,要综合运用听、说、读、写能力,在进一步提高听说读写能力的同时,侧重培养阅读能力。传统的教学法的遗憾是过分注重句法、词汇的教学,不重视篇章的建构和解读,而语篇分析弥补了此遗憾。语篇分析是对表达完整意义的篇章,进行微观和宏观的研究。微观的研究是通过剖析词义、句法以及句子与句子之间的关系来识别语篇衔接的方法。宏观的研究是通过分析语篇的整体结构来理解它的深刻涵义。对语篇分析理论与高中英语阅读教学进行研究不仅对中学英语阅读课堂教学具有理论上的指导意义,而且具有很强的实用价值。英语阅读理解能力的高低更多地依赖学生对语篇而不是单个句子的理解能力。在高中英语阅读教学中通过对学生文体知识的培养、文章整体结构的分析、篇章文化内涵的挖掘,着力培养学生的语篇能力,从而能在根本上提高学生的阅读理解能力。 本文将着重探讨如下问题:在高中英语阅读教学中,该如何结合学生的学习实际,运用语篇分析理论和阅读理论,总结出适合中国学生学情的语篇教学模式;语篇教学在英语阅读实际教学中的应用及其意义;通过行动研究,对提高学生猜测生词能力,把握文章、段落主题能力,阅读速度和阅读准确率等进行分析,帮助高中英语教师探索出更符合学生实际的英语阅读教学模式,从而根本上提高学生的阅读理解能力。 关键字:语篇分析英语阅读教学行动研究 一、理论 1.1语篇分析的基本概念 1.1.1语篇的概念 语篇的概念源于语篇分析或称篇章语言学(text linguistics)、话语分析(discourse analysis)。英美学者喜欢用discourse analysis的居多,而欧洲大陆学者多用text linguistics。(黄国文,2001)无论是篇章语言学,还是话语分析,最终都要落实在记录下来的语言材料(书面语的或是口语的)上。从这个角度看,两者所讨论的内容实际上是一致的。我国学者北大教授胡壮麟先生把语篇定义为“任何不完全受句子语法约束的在一定语境下具有完整语义的自然语言”。韩礼德(M.A.K. Halliday)在他的著作《英语衔接》(Halliday and Hasan,1976)中,将语篇定义为”any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole”。从这个定义来看,一句问候、一首小诗均为语篇。


1.基础梳理 calculate abacus analytical universal simplify sum programmer logical technology artificial intelligence mathematical reality tube transistor application finance rocket virus android teammate coach electronic appearance mop naughty niece spoil from on as a result go by so that deal with in a way make up after all with the help of watch over share with 2.词语归纳 1)common 表示“普通的,常见的;共同的;共有的;一般的”。 作名词,表示“(公有)草地”。 be common knowledge 人所共知。 the common touch平易近人的美德common ground 共同的意见,利益,目标等 common sense 常识,情理 区别common,ordinary,usual,general,normal common指因许多事物或许多人所共同具有而常见的意思。 ordinary指由于与一般事物性质和标准相同,因而显得平常,无奇特之处。 usual“通常的,惯常的”,含有“随集体风俗或个人习惯而常常发生”之意。 normal意为“正常的”,强调正常性。 2)technology和technique technology是技术的总称,不是指一项一项的具体技术,是不可数名词。 technique表示“某种技能,技巧”,指一项一项的技术技巧,是可数名词。 3)simple 表示“简单明了,不复杂,朴素,不浮华”。 还可以表示“天真的,率真的;无经验的,幼稚的”。 4)deal 作不及物动词,意为“经营”,在所经营的对象前面加in,多指经营货物,公债,股票等。 deal with常表示的意思有: 处理,解决,安排; 对待,对付,主语是人; 谈论,涉及。 deal作及物动词,表示“分发,对待”。 deal sb a blow打击某人 作名词,表示“买卖,交易,协议,政策,对待”。均是可数名词。 5)race 表示“种族”。 表示“家族,血统,门第,世系”等时是不可数名词。 the races表示“赛马会,赛狗会”。 make the…race竞选某一公职 6)advantage 表示“优点,优势,利益”。 have the advantage of sb胜过某人 have an advantage over…比……占有某种优势 take advantage of利用 to sb’s advantage有利于某人 7)disagree


英语语法大全 第一部分:词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is, are, have, see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。 如:I‘m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名 词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如: He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接 宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了 一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾 语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市) 6、状语用来修饰动词、形容词、副词,通常由副词担任。如:He works hard .(他工作努力) 7、宾语补足语用来说明宾语怎么样或干什么,通常由形容词或动词充当。如:They usually keep their classroom clean.(他们通常让教室保持清洁)/ He often helps me do my lessons.(他常常帮我做功课)/ The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself.(老师要我自学法语) ☆同位语通常紧跟在名词、代词后面,进一步说明它的情况。如:Where is your classmate Tom ?(你的同学汤姆在哪里?) 3、构词法:英语构词法主要有:合成法、派生法和转换法。 1、合成法:如:spaceship, headache, basketball, playground等等。 2、派生法: (1)派生名词:①动词+er/or②动词+ing③动词+(t)ion④形容词+ness⑤其他,如: inventor, learner, swimming, congratulation, kindness, carelessness, knowledge (2)派生形容词:①名词+y②名词+ful③动词+ing/ed④friendly⑤dangerous⑥ Chinese; Japanese⑦English⑧French⑨German⑩国名+(i)an如:snowy, sunny, hopeful, beautiful, interesting, follwing, daily(每日的),nervous, delicious (3)派生副词:①形容词+ly ②其它,如:slowly, angrily, full→fully, good→well, possible

高中英语 语篇提能10 新人教版必修4

语篇提能 阅读理解 A Organic food is very popular. It is also expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as non-organic food. Some parents and pet owners pay up to 200 percent more for organic food while some people think organic food is a waste of money. There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides (杀虫剂). This guarantees that the products are natural. Some people think “organic” means “locally grown”. Originally this was true. Over time organic farming became more difficult. The demand for organic food grew larger than the supply. Small companies had to sell out to large companies. There weren't enough organic materials. This made it difficult for many organic companies to stay in business. Today, many large companies have an organic line of products. Is organic food more nutritious (有营养的)? This is part of the debate. Many farmers and consumers (消费者) believe it is. They think agricultural chemicals cause health problems, such as cancer. Many health professionals disagree. Few studies prove that organic food prevents health problems. Health specialists worry more about bacteria. These can come into contact with organic and non-organic food. Doctors recommend washing produce very carefully. Most people agree that naturally-grown food tastes better. Is tastier food worth the extra money? This is a matter of opinion. Whether it is healthier or not may require more research. However, organic consumers argue it is better to be safe than sorry. 1.In Paragraph 3, the author points out that ________. A. most organic food is locally grown nowadays B. organic farming once experienced a difficult period C. organic food tastes better than non-organic food D. organic companies find it difficult to earn money 答案与解析 B 推理判断题。根据第三段所提到的因农业缺少配料,小型的有机农场被迫转让给大型的有机农场可推知,有机农业在发展过程中经历过一段困难时期。 2.We can learn from the passage that health experts ________. A. believe organic food prevents health problems B. consider organic food a waste of money C. don't share many consumers' views

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