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The phantom of the opera Andrew Roy Webb is a composer of Broadway musicals. Ghost also translated as the phantom of the opera, opera theatre or opera. Premiered in 1986, in 1988 seven received the T oni prize, is one of the musical's four major plays. "The phantom of the opera" music brings us a visual and auditory enjoyment.Whether it is a ghost, Kristen or Raoul can bring us different perception of music, they go to the interpretation oftheir love with your own voice. This is undoubtedly to the audience is a kind of beauty to enjoy music.

This is a typical and touching love story, about a mysterious ghost haunts the opera with a mask to hide her ugly face, fall in love with a soprano singer story. There is the complex feelings of the characters, dramatic conflict filled with tension, as well as the nineteenth Century society unique that erupted from rigorous mysterious fear andrepressed. Stage unfolds the Grand Theater momentum magnificent, the ghastly terrorist underground world,sensitive young aristocrat, delicate and charming girl donna. And the face, that is hidden in the callous terrorbehind masked inferiority jealousy, rage and fragile heart, almost all can mobilize the audience emotional elementsare concentrated in the Caston Lehu de in the original work, and in Webb's hands as it brushed the dust, and thensplit fanghua.

I think the most wonderful opera arias than the ghost of the first act and the heroine Kristen below the ancient The Paris Opera House, soulful duet "unfathomable depth of two two people of the phantom of the opera", singingmany bel composition, musical motives in different tune again and again, the time that the Yizhenyihuan like sleephalf awakened drama show incisively and vividly, emotional integration will be filled with love and fantasy behaveand plaintive, perfect and moving; use the melody rhythm in a dotted figure, there is a strong push and a sense of tension, produced the first emotional climax of the play, Kristen and the ghost with singing, so that the audience was completely immersed in the beautiful, sincere and somewhat sentimental romantic love story, while also looking forward to the ghost, Kristen, Raoul these two men and a woman's feelings the next will be how to develop.

When Raoul of the Christian feelings give affirmation will sounded a The point of no return, I saw Kristen'sfascination with phantom and dependence, I think she is the love of a few degrees of phantom of the opera, but the fact is the phantom of a deep dependence. There is still a "All I Ask of You", is repeated in the play a melody, in different games for different roles have different lyrics. It can be said, this is the theme melody, a different interpretation of different roles, different lyrics, the expression of two men of Kristen different love.

"The phantom of the opera" is not only made amazing achievements in music and art, in the circumstances of thecontent is more and more audience very deep shock! At the end of the film, the film gives us a lot of imagination.Kristen cemetery next to the corner, a red rose with a ghost had given her the ring, lying there quietly, despite years of passing waves. So quiet ending but let a person feel the wordless true lingering in my mind. The theatre has been dilapidated, youth has become the old man, he

got monkey music box ghost, and be enshrined in thedeath of the wife of the tomb, wish have a sigh of relief, this is his wish, or her last words? To be sure, she never forgot her angel, when her husband saw the grave was parked in a single tied with black ribbon of red roses -- thatis the ghost of a token of love, just set the specter had intended to send her a diamond ring wedding, her husbanddidn't feel particularly surprised the audience saw his maturity and the wife really understand. Time elapsed, roses are red.

In short, this is a very worthy of recommendation musical a look, thank the teacher played the phantom of the opera "for us"!




当拉乌尔对克里斯丁的感情给予肯定时会响起一首The point of no return,我看到了克里斯汀对魅影的迷恋和依赖,我几度误认为她是爱魅影的,但事实上只是对魅影的一种深深的依赖罢了。其中还有一段《All I Ask of Y ou》,是全剧中反复出现的一段旋律,在不同的场次因不同的角色有不同的唱词。可以说,这是全剧的主题旋律,不同角色、不同唱词的不同演绎,表达了两位男主人公对克里斯汀不同的爱情。




The Book Reading Report He was a man, an ugly man who was abandoned by his mother and the society. No one in the world was sympathy with him because of his deformed appearance. Erik lived in the underground city which is designed by him, located in the opera house and was dark and damp. Since he lived there, there always happened strange things. And he was regarded as a ghost. When he found Christine, he fell in love with her. He awarded her a wonderful voice. He taught her to sing songs in the darkness. He only appeared in the night and always wore a mask. He wanted to have her love. He threatened her to stay with him; otherwise, he would kill her lover, Raoul. She couldn’t make up her mind. However, she was so kind that she gave Erik a kiss. Being lack of love, Erik was moved by Christine, he finally let her go with her true lover and he would be alone forever until die. The Erik’s life was tragic. He was ugly in his face and in fact ugly in his soul. He always thought that his misfortune was caused by others but it was made by himself. His heart was as dark as his place. He never opened his mind to others, and never accepted whomever to get in his mind. He only lived in his own world. He is lonely. Christine always regarded Erik as her angle of music, but I think she was Erik’s angle of soul. Her kindness saved herself and her lover, and warmed a cold heart. Kindness can save a man; oppositely, unkindness can destroy a man. A world that looks prettiness as an important thing is very common. In our daily life, we sometimes were judged by our appearance. Good looking can give us luck, because it makes people feel comfortable. On the contrary, bad looking people may be judged prejudicially. It is unfair but on common. Just like Erik, his looking wasn’t good, and even deformed, which made his mother became disgusted with him and abandoned him. In my opinion, the reason that caused his misfortune can be found not only in his own, but also in his mother and the society. We can’t decide what we are look like, but we can control what we do. Sometimes life is cruel, it forces us to be numb and cold. We always have trouble in doing something, and have no chances to choose in many situations. We may usually think that we are lack of strength to struggle. We are helpless. And someone will choose negative actions just like the ghost of the Opera. I think it is stupid. We can do many things when we face difficulties. Believe it or not, an optimistic action can bring us good fortune. The life is fair that if you hold a good spirit, it will return you a good luck. Never complaint how bad you situation is, but always find reasons from yourself. Give yourself a good reason to live, and hold an optimistic mood to struggle with difficulties. Even everyone in the world forgets you; never abandon yourself by you own. 字数:529 赵硕 英语二班


A Lack of Love Can Change one’s Life In 1880, it was a miraculous thing in Paris Opera. Christine was the heroine of the book “The Phantom of Opera”, who has beautiful voice and was good at singing. This was only for the director back of her. At that time, the partner Raoul in her childhood appeared and was falling in love deeply with her. Everything was changed. The director whom Christine had never seen and was the phantom of the opera also fell in love with her. And then, because of the manager of the opera who didn’t give the 5 box and also some money that the phantom wanted to Erik. Erik, the phantom killed two people. Then he kidnapped Christine. Raoul and the mystery Persians went to look for her. Eventually, Christine realized that the best way to save her lover was to come to terms with Erik. So she kissed him. This made Erik know that Christine’s love for Raoul was beyond her life. Then he left and never appeared. The phantom’s way of love let Christine become intoxicated and also made her frighten. But the love from the phantom was too rude and crazy for her. When the phantom became hysterical, Raoul said that he would give her freedom. So Christine’s choice was only for the need that she needed to be protected but lost her value. In the end, she kissed Erik. Maybe she was not scared of him and wanted to know about him or tried to rescue his soul. Because of lacking love from his mother, Erik had been longing for warmth. For him, Christine was the angle in his life, she brought light for him. He gained love and warmth from her and even gave up his love to help her true love without protest. This is not Erik’s fault. A good looking is not all for a man. Erik’s mother got tired with the ugly appearance of him and let him put on the mask when he was only 2 years old. She never kissed him or said a warm word. This made Erik with and caused all his misfortune. So the love education is the most important thing in one’s life. It can guide one’s behavior and the direction of psychics. What can you guess the world will be if there is no love? People are far away from each other and don’t know how to care the people around them. The world will be so cold that we can not live. For Erik, love doesn’t mean to occupy. It means to understand. He used his power to love Christine but he ignored the feeling of Christine and brought pressure and frightening. This is not true love. Whatever love, friendship, kinship or even the feeling between strangers, they are all belonging to “love”. Love is mutual and both sides can gain happiness and understanding. This is called “Great Love”. Why not to use our love to make the world become more and more beautiful? 共计:505 英语1101 张广花Review of the movie——the phantom of the opera After enjoying the phantom of the opera, the movie which is adapted from a classical musical, a feeling beyond my words filled with my heart. The next day, I bought this DVD and watched it again and again. Though a lot of critics insist that this movie is too gaudy


佛教英文导游词 短句翻译 1.佛教创立于约公元前6—5世纪的印度。 Buddhism was founded in India around the 6th to5th century B.C.2.据说佛教创始人为释迦牟尼。 It is said that the founder of Buddhism was Sakyamuni. 3.大约在2世纪,大乘佛教传人汉人居住的中原地区。 About the2th century,Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China,inhabited by the Han nationality. 4.“三宝”即“佛”、“法”、“僧”。 The Three Precious Treasures include the Buddha,the Dharma(Law 0r Way)and the Sangha(the Monastic Order). 5.佛教在中国一直与儒学、道教共存。 Buddhism has always co-existed with Confucianism and Daoism.6.佛像和菩萨雕塑供奉在寺院里,让人们拜祭。

Buddhism has and Bodhisattva statues have been placed for worship in monasteries. 长句翻译 7.直到现在,小乘佛教仍然流行于傣族地区。 Up to the present time.Hinayana Buddhism(Lesser Vehicle)is still prevalent as in the regions inhabited by Dai nationality.8.传统之间相互共存促进了有中国特色的宗教的形成。 Their mutual co-existence of the tradition has produced a religion with distinct Chinese characteristics. 9.同一个寺院里除释迦牟尼以外,还供奉了许多其他佛像和菩萨雕塑。 In addition to Sakyamuni, many other Buddhism has and Boddhisattvas statues have been placed in the same monasteries 10.佛教在中国传播时,僧人把“道场”中国化,为不同的菩萨安排了不同的“道场”。


The phantom of the opera Andrew Roy Webb is a composer of Broadway musicals. Ghost also translated as the phantom of the opera, opera theatre or opera. Premiered in 1986, in 1988 seven received the T oni prize, is one of the musical's four major plays. "The phantom of the opera" music brings us a visual and auditory enjoyment.Whether it is a ghost, Kristen or Raoul can bring us different perception of music, they go to the interpretation oftheir love with your own voice. This is undoubtedly to the audience is a kind of beauty to enjoy music. This is a typical and touching love story, about a mysterious ghost haunts the opera with a mask to hide her ugly face, fall in love with a soprano singer story. There is the complex feelings of the characters, dramatic conflict filled with tension, as well as the nineteenth Century society unique that erupted from rigorous mysterious fear andrepressed. Stage unfolds the Grand Theater momentum magnificent, the ghastly terrorist underground world,sensitive young aristocrat, delicate and charming girl donna. And the face, that is hidden in the callous terrorbehind masked inferiority jealousy, rage and fragile heart, almost all can mobilize the audience emotional elementsare concentrated in the Caston Lehu de in the original work, and in Webb's hands as it brushed the dust, and thensplit fanghua. I think the most wonderful opera arias than the ghost of the first act and the heroine Kristen below the ancient The Paris Opera House, soulful duet "unfathomable depth of two two people of the phantom of the opera", singingmany bel composition, musical motives in different tune again and again, the time that the Yizhenyihuan like sleephalf awakened drama show incisively and vividly, emotional integration will be filled with love and fantasy behaveand plaintive, perfect and moving; use the melody rhythm in a dotted figure, there is a strong push and a sense of tension, produced the first emotional climax of the play, Kristen and the ghost with singing, so that the audience was completely immersed in the beautiful, sincere and somewhat sentimental romantic love story, while also looking forward to the ghost, Kristen, Raoul these two men and a woman's feelings the next will be how to develop. When Raoul of the Christian feelings give affirmation will sounded a The point of no return, I saw Kristen'sfascination with phantom and dependence, I think she is the love of a few degrees of phantom of the opera, but the fact is the phantom of a deep dependence. There is still a "All I Ask of You", is repeated in the play a melody, in different games for different roles have different lyrics. It can be said, this is the theme melody, a different interpretation of different roles, different lyrics, the expression of two men of Kristen different love. "The phantom of the opera" is not only made amazing achievements in music and art, in the circumstances of thecontent is more and more audience very deep shock! At the end of the film, the film gives us a lot of imagination.Kristen cemetery next to the corner, a red rose with a ghost had given her the ring, lying there quietly, despite years of passing waves. So quiet ending but let a person feel the wordless true lingering in my mind. The theatre has been dilapidated, youth has become the old man, he


嵩山少林寺英文介绍 Songshan Mountain and Shaolin Temple 嵩山—少林寺 Natural Features 自然概况 Located in Dengfeng City of Henan Province, Songshan Mountain is one of the five most famousand sacred mountains(kno wn as Wuyue)and iscalled "Zhongyue"(the Central Mountain)It has 36 peaks and stretches 60 kilometers, composed ofTaishi Mountain and Shaoshi Mountain. The highestpeak is 1 494meters above sea level. 位于河南省登封市的嵩山是举世闻名的中华五岳(山东的泰山,陕西的华山,山西的恒山,湖南的衡山)之一,被称为中岳。嵩山风景区有36座山峰,绵延60公里,主要由太室山和少室山两座大山组成,最高的山峰海拔1 494米。 There exists a total of 1()monasteries,5 temples,5 palaces,3 Taoist temples,4 nunneries,4caves, 3 altars and more than 270 pagodas and is the holy land gathering three maj orreligions:Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. The world-famous Shaolin Temple lies hiddenjust i n Songshan Mountain. These plentiful scenes and sights of cultural interest a nd rare and precious geological heritages mingle and add radiance and beaut y to each other,forming thesolid,multi-level, multi-functional and enchanting landscape of the Songshan Geopark. 嵩山风景区人文景观众多,计有十寺,五庙,五宫,二观,四庵,四洞,三坛及宝塔270余座,是历史上佛、儒、道三教荟萃之地。闻名于世的少林寺便深藏于嵩山的怀抱。这些丰富的人文景观和珍稀的地质遗迹相互辉映,构成了嵩山地质公园立体的、多层次的、多功能的迷人景观。 Songshan Geopark covering 450kmr is situated in Dengfeng City, Henan Province. Its maintypes of geological heritages are geological(structura


《歌剧魅影》音乐影评 《歌剧魅影》大量采用古典音乐背景,又加上音乐剧,在音乐剧中套上歌剧,从而创作出一部音乐剧电影的力作。在这部电影中,舒缓、紧迫、狂躁、激情的音乐不断交替,《歌剧魅影》虽有恐怖惊险的气氛,但导演所追求是在调动一切音乐和舞台的表现手段,充分发挥了音乐剧的综合舞台优势。整部音乐剧是一场关于爱的华丽演出,魅影和克莉丝汀(Christine)之间的爱,劳尔(Raoul)和克莉丝汀之间的爱,真诚而又略带伤感的浪漫以及充满爱与幻想的情感交融表现的极其凄婉,完美而动人。然而,它又不仅仅是关于爱情的,它还有关音乐,有关命运,有关才华,有关孤独,以及上帝之爱,人与人之间的爱与怜悯。 影片一开始是一幅黑白画面,在萧条没落的剧院里正在举行一场拍卖会,气氛压抑感伤。然而随着华丽的水晶灯被拉起,梦幻般的画面切换,灰尘拂去、焰火烧起,剧院瞬间重回往日绚丽繁华时光。其中旋律由弦乐和铜管乐器一起演奏,随着架子鼓的加入音乐呈现出更加辉煌的气势,很好的表现了歌剧院当年的热闹场面和非凡气派。 第一段落是她的试唱,这里以清唱为主,辅以钢琴,十分美妙,她的清唱部分是未加雕饰的淳朴,甚至略带不自信的颤抖,但却一鸣惊人。随后,克里斯汀因机遇第一次真正的踏上自己的舞台,崭露头角美丽朦胧是所演唱的曲目就是优美动听的think of me。这首歌是一首咏叹调,主要抒发对离开恋人的思念与不舍,克里斯汀以演唱这首歌赢得了满场掌声。 在克里斯丁成功演唱完think of me后,回到后台,在魅影的神秘歌声召唤下,克里斯丁穿过镜子,纤细的手慢慢伸向带着黑手套的魅影的手那一刻轰然响起。交响乐队以强劲的摇滚节奏,配合电声乐器再次奏响,音乐更加富于力量。克里斯丁与魅影的初次见面的二重唱就在这神秘热烈的音乐展开。在去往地下宫殿的地道与地下湖途中,克里斯丁用优美的歌声表达了对魅影崇拜之情,而魅影则视克里斯汀为自己的音乐天使,野性热烈的歌声表达了强烈的占有欲。两种不同的情绪在这里激烈的碰撞,形成音乐上强烈的对比,增强了情节的戏剧性。音乐动机在不同的调上一次次再现,把当时那种亦真亦幻般睡半醒的戏剧情境表现得淋漓尽致以及将充满爱与幻想的情感交融表现得及其凄婉、完美而动人;旋律节奏中多采用的附点音型,有一种强烈的推动感和紧张感,制造出全剧中第一个情感高潮,克里斯汀与幽灵声情并茂的歌唱,使观众完全沉浸在这个美妙、真诚而又略带感伤的浪漫爱情故事当中。 旋律第三次出现是魅影为报复剧院的人没按他的要求安排角色,吊死舞台技师。当绚丽的舞台上,小舞蹈演员忘情地舞蹈、飞快地旋转着雪白的蓬裙时,赫然,舞台技师被勒着脖子从天而降,瞬时舞台上下的人员惊恐万分,混乱一片,the phantom of the opera旋律在这时恰好其分地响起,完美地烘托出了其恐怖的景象和混乱的场景。紧接着,在克里斯丁带着劳尔走过人群和爬上楼梯走向剧院楼顶过程中,唱出了the phantom of the opera的不同歌词版本,其两重唱,节奏紧凑,情感紧张,表达了克里斯丁对魅影的恐惧之情和劳尔对魅影存在的怀疑和对克里斯丁的关心之情。 旋律的第四次出现是在克里斯丁与劳尔在剧院屋顶以all I ask of you 互诉爱慕之情离开后,魅影一个人捡起被克里斯丁丢掉的红玫瑰,独自一人悲伤的吟唱那首all I ask of you,突然间,一股由悲伤和背叛转换成的气愤让他冲上雕塑顶端,吼出:“you will curse the day you did not do, all that the phantom asked of you”。这时,激烈的主题音乐又再次响起,一方面在烘托魅影的气愤之情,另一方面也好像在暗示着某些未知而可怕的事情即将发生,充满了悬念感。 旋律最后一次出现是在假面舞会上。在一片歌舞升平的狂欢假面舞会上,人人都开心地庆祝新年,以为魅影从此不再出现。而突然间,the phantom of the opera主题音乐的轰然响起,喜庆的舞会灯光暗下,人们纷纷惊恐转头,身着红色服装面戴白色面具的魅影凭空出


《歌剧魅影》观后感2000字作文5篇 《歌剧魅影》这部剧主要讲述了在歌剧院的地底深处,住着一名从小因面貌丑陋而被人愚弄,心中充满对世人的仇恨但却是满腹经纶,下面是的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 《歌剧魅影》观后感2000字 上周看《歌剧魅影》,刚看一半下课了,但是那颗悬着的心还没落下:杯具真正从此开始了吗?魅影的心里真的为了这份爱而深陷其中了吗?魅影会如何处置背叛他的克里斯汀? 我一路跑回寝室,在线观看这部伟大的音乐剧 看完,最后松了一口气,庆幸魅影放了劳尔与克里斯汀,庆幸魅影能够在警察的围捕中脱身而去,庆幸魅影最终能在克里斯汀的墓前放上一束鲜花,庆幸 正如一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特,每个人都能从《歌剧魅影》这部剧中品出点什么。有人说,是劳尔与克里斯汀辛苦的执着爱恋,有人说,是魅影对克里斯汀的无望绝爱,还有人说,是劳尔魅影克里斯汀的三角之恋,然而无论如何,每个人都能从影片中找出一样共同的东西,那就是爱! 爱是永恒的命题。爱陪伴我们成长。小克里斯汀是爱音乐的,她选取了坚持,尽管未来遥遥无期。父亲是爱小克里斯汀的,因此他为她造了一个有关音乐天使的的神话。魅影是爱克里斯汀的,因此他帮她练习,听她诉苦,做只属于她一个人的音乐天使,帮她一步步登上

音乐事业的最高峰!克里斯汀就不爱魅影了吗?不,她爱,但是她爱上的却也只是魅影音乐天使的身份,这个男生,能够做她的依靠。 一次偶然的机会,克里斯汀有了登台饰演女主角的机会,而她,也抓住了这次机会,一举成为业内最红的歌唱家之一。她又偶遇青梅竹马的劳尔。是一件钟情吗?也许是也许不是。此间恐怕只有当事人才明白过来的弯弯绕绕。然而我却固执地认为,劳尔并非对克里斯汀一见钟情,他爱的,是那段已经失去的童年的完美气息,而克里斯汀,则是看到了童话中的白马王子,也许我的见解有失偏颇,却是我内心最真实的感受。 就在此刻,或是更早以前,魅影已经不再把自己单纯地看作是克里斯汀歌唱之路的引导人了。在他的眼里,克里斯汀赫然就是他心中的女王。他,爱上了她。然而,与爱人的可想念而不可想见,彻底把魅影的心理给扭曲了!他为了他心目中的女王暗中用一切可能的手段推她登上音乐舞台的中央,然而她,却在聚光灯打开的一刹那,成了别人的女王,摧毁了他最后的仅存的完美! 于是,他恨,他怨,他悲哀。他没有戴望舒得之我幸,不得我命的乐观旷达,他只想拥有这么一个能够让他在阴冷的地下感到温暖的人!他要的,真的不多,真的不多!但是就连这唯一的温情,到最后都要离自己而去吗?不,他不甘心,他真的不甘心! 于是,他开始了疯狂的报复!他砸下舞台中央的华丽吊灯,给克里斯汀造成的危险却使自己更加心痛。怎样办?怎样办?从来无人爱的他在第一次爱人时,世界为何让他如此难堪!厄运,似乎从来都是在


佛教 Buddhism Buddhism is one of the world’s three major religions. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama(悉达多乔达摩)who lived in the north-east region of the Indian subcontinent between 6BC and 5BC . Buddhism was widespread in many countries in Asia. During the Eastern Han Dynasty it was spread from the West to the East into China. Then as a result of the Buddhist influence on and mergence with Chinese culture, Buddhism came to be a natural part of Chinese civilization, albeit with a unique character. Buddhism has played an enormous role in shaping the mindset of the Chinese people,affecting our aesthetics , politics, literature, philosophy and medicine. Buddhist Immortals and Myths佛教形象和神话 阿罗汉Arhat It refers to those who have attained the goal of enlightenment or awakening and achieved nirvana (涅磐) without being reborn. The difference between an Arhat and a Buddha is that the Buddha attains enlightenment by himself, whereas the arhat does it by following the teachings of anther. 阿弥陀佛Amitabha “Amitabha”is a Sanskrit world literally meaning boundless light and boundless life. He is the Buddha in the Land of Ultimate Bliss(极乐世界),in which all beings enjoy unbound happiness. According to the scriptures, Amitabha possesses infinite merit resulting from good deeds over countless past lives. He has forty-eight great vows to establish and adorn his Pure Land. People also recite or call upon his name by the time of dying, in the hope of being born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss with the reception by Amitabha. Amitabha is one of the most popular and well-known Buddha in China. A introduction of Buddha: In a broad sense, Buddha is a kind of person whose sense, emotion and ability have been fulfilled to the upmost at the same time. They can lead the ordinary people to get rid of the sufferings in mortal world and to a new level of life. In a narrow sense, Buddha is Sakyamuni(释迦牟尼 ) who created Buddhism and who has fulfilled himself to be a Buddha. Features of Buddha NO.1: Buddha is a human being, not immortal. Buddhism is the only religion that has no gods or goddesses. When Sakyamuni was born, his first word was “I alone am honored in Heaven and on Earth ”(天上天下唯我独尊). Here, “I” doesn’t refer to himself but refers to all the individuals in the world. Sakyamuni believes that everyone’s life is determined by his own deeds and even Buddha can’t decide who should go to the Heaven and who to the Hell. Features of Buddha NO.2: Buddha is a equality supporter


《歌剧魅影》读后感 第一次看完这部书,我松了口气,有种如释重负的感觉。故事中人物性格的塑照强烈而鲜明:子爵劳尔与女高音克莉丝汀这对注定必须经过磨难方能成长的金童玉女、迷信无知的剧场工作人员、刚愎自用的剧院经理。当然还有令人不知是该痛恨或该同情的悲剧人物-剧院之鬼艾瑞克。 这本小说最迷人之处,就在艾瑞克身上。他谜样的存在,让原本仅是富丽堂皇的巴黎歌剧院充满爱恨的玄机。他善于利用人性,几至邪恶的地步。他巧妙地利用物理原理在雄伟的建筑物里佈下精细微妙的机关,然后运用这些机关让整座剧院因恐慌而成为他掌御的禁。由于天生的缺陷,他成为人见人畏的活死人,因为这种吓人的模样,他永远无法如同正常人般生活在阳光底下。 他的偏激来自于世人的排挤;他的狂妄任性来自因被歧视而产生的自卑。他对剧院的一切予取予求,在他的眼里这是理所当然的,因为剧院是他选择用以度过悲惨残生的城堡。如果不是温柔而天真的克莉丝汀燃起了他对爱的渴望,尔后的悲剧亦不会如此带有爆炸性。他是个可怜也可恨的痴心人,躲在阴暗的剧院地下层里,想像终有一日,有一名女子会深深的爱上他的才华,而不在乎他丑陋的外表,克莉丝汀的出现让他以为梦想终于成真,他以为自己终将成为赢得美人心的唐璜。 悲剧的产生往往是因人性的脆弱。克莉丝汀看不破外在的虚幻,艾瑞克却看不情关,两人同样令人心酸。而这不正是天下男女缘起缘灭,在红尘俗世中翻滚痛苦的原因! 刚刚开始看时,有点神秘有点可怕,在剧院中神出鬼没的幽灵,一连串的怪事,加上经理的自杀,看了我有一点毛骨悚然,一直到克莉丝汀的出现,燃起了一点的希望之光,但是劳尔和艾瑞克却因而种下了悲剧的种子,整篇小说中,一直呈现紧张状态,让读者一直一页接着一页。到了最高潮是在克莉丝汀做出决定的那一刻,在那瞬间可以让上百万人一起同归于尽或者是投入艾瑞克的怀抱中,让炸药被水淹掉,解除了被炸死的危机,但是克莉丝汀却万万没想到,在这时劳尔却快被淹死了!这段让我真的捏了一把冷汗。 但是到了结局,还是觉得这个冷酷无情的艾瑞克,其实是蛮可怜的。其实他本性并不坏,只是他的天生缺陷,造成了他封闭自我的个性,而形成他的自卑感,所以他和劳尔一开始就不公平,立场不一样,一个是子爵,一个是从小就是


《歌剧魅影》观后感 导语:《The Phantom Of the Opera》是音乐剧大师安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的代表作之一,以精彩的音乐、浪漫的剧情、完美的舞蹈,成为音乐剧中永恒的佳作。以下是品才网小编整理的歌剧魅影观后感,欢迎阅读参考。 《歌剧魅影》观后感一个是因毁容而藏在歌剧院深处的音乐天才,一个是貌美可爱的年轻女演员,还有一个是英俊无畏的年轻伯爵,看似复杂的爱情关系改变了三个人的命运,记录了一段永生不可忘的人生旅途。 鬼魅(姑且这么叫)爱上了年轻的Christine,便不遗余力的把她打造成了耀眼的女高音歌唱家,以为自己可以拥有她的一切。然而当他发现Christine与一位伯爵Raoul相爱后,感到自己受了欺骗,爱也转化成了怨恨,怒火填充了扭曲的心灵,决意以Raoul的生命来换取Christine对他的爱。最终,Christine的吻消释了一切,鬼魅也彻底觉悟,放了那对恋人,再次走向了无尽的黑暗。 拥有感人的故事,只能算是一部好电影;而这部歌剧影片中大量的歌剧不得不令人叹为观止,特别是女高音的咏叹调及主题曲,不禁令我心驰神往,心中有中莫名的感动。 我不懂得怎样去写影评,更不会以专业的眼光去看待一部影片,所能及的,只是把心中所想用贫瘠的文字去表述。

影片采用追忆的手法。通过年迈的伯爵在拍卖会上购得的一些物品所产生的回忆来展开剧情的发展。一只30镑的玩偶猴子验证了那段历程。从年少的鬼魅逃离马戏团时不忘带走的那只肮脏猴子到隐居歌剧院后那只被精心打扮过的可以击钗的猴子,一切似乎都没有改变。绝望的鬼魅在永绝人世之前所唯一做的事便是在那只玩偶猴子前轻吟,眼眸中透出一丝淡淡的陶醉与满足之情,夹杂着对他而言一生不可及的幸福。 片尾处,伯爵带着玩偶来到了墓园,伫立在Christine 的墓前,祭奠自己离世不久的妻子,并将玩偶放在了墓碑前,希望她在天国依然能忆起那个曾经出现在她生命当中的鬼魅。刹那间,伯爵发现墓的角落摆放了一枝暗红的玫瑰,枝叶间穿插着一枚银戒指——这些都曾是鬼魅向Christine示爱的信物。似乎一切都在暗示鬼魅依旧在人间,依旧在不为人知的角落深深爱着Christine。 这样执著,亘古不变的爱是否还会流传于世间?即使换来的仅仅是苟且度过一生? 《歌剧魅影》观后感昨天看了XX年电影版的《歌剧魅影》,电影从1919年拍卖歌剧院内的古董起镜,当拍卖到修缮好的歌剧院的大吊灯时,大吊灯被冉冉升起,画面就由黑白变为彩色,时光也被拉回到18xx年,此时的歌剧院内,大家正在排练歌剧。在全剧中,导演多次用这种线索物件颜

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