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地产咨询公司Atisreal UK的项目经理戴维?克拉克(David Clark)是该公司两



促进公司内部感情。” 他补充说,团队运动通常可以带来企业用其它方式难以获得的凝聚体验。




发or many managers, “team building” means two days spent doing

role-playing exercises in a bleak conference hotel far from head office. But perhaps a more effective way to build teams is simply by playing real team sports, such as soccer, cricket or softball.

David Clark, a project manager at Atisreal UK, a property consultancy, is one of the organizers of the company’s two soccer teams. He says the main point is fun and fitness but it also has other perks: “It gives the guys a chance to meet and relax with their peers from other departments. It promotes cross-department relations.” He adds that team sports in general can deliver the kind of bonding experience companies struggle to generate in other ways.

Another reason companies are keen to promote team sports is that team sports are relatively cheap.

An investigation reveals that workers who participate in sports score

highly on engagement and job satisfaction, have lower levels of stress, and there seems to be a positive effect on retention too



【参考答案】:Even though it is my firm belief that entrepreneurs are made, not born, running your own business is more of a calling than a conventional career. There is no standard training, as there is for so many other vocations, like music, art or medicine. Qualifications, family, connections – these are much less influential than the desire for independence and an appetite for adventure.


1. 电子交易是通过互联网进行产品和服务买卖的业务。

【参考答案】:E-commerce is the practice of buying and selling products and services over the Internet.



【参考答案】:Store A and Store B are selling exactly the same products. Store A sells five times as much as Store B. The reason is, Store A works a lot harder. They work on their site every day, and they also do more to promote it.



【参考答案】:The meaning of the term “electronic commerce” has changed over time.



【参考答案】:G2C implies retailing transactions from government to individual consumer or shoppers.



【参考答案】:C2C means consumers can post their own products online through some agent websites for other consumers to bid.



【参考答案】:The e-commerce vendor must also perform such mundane task as being truthful about its product and its availability, shipping reliably and handling complaints promptly and effectively.【学生得分】:1.0查看得分明细查看评语批注


【参考答案】:As the information technology profession continues to expand, personnel in the industry are increasing in high demand, causing a work shortage crisis of many employers.


8.有些人喜欢与销售员及其他购物者聊天,但是这在网上购物中是达不到的。【参考答案】:Some people enjoy talking to sales staff or to other shoppers. But this does not exist to the same extent in online shopping.



【参考答案】:The Internet is big. There are millions of users, and thousands of sits competing for their attention.


10. 中国政府采取了一系列的措施来推动电子交易业务的发展,其中包括制定有关的法律和法规,逐步强化财政支援和组织电子交易项目的示范。

【参考答案】:The Chinese government has adopted a series of measure

to facilitate the development of e-commerce business, including formulating relevant laws and regulations, gradually intensifying financial support and organizing demonstration of e-commerce projects


1) 我们致力为客户提供优质的服务,以品质保证为承诺,精益求精,尽善尽美。

(devote to)

【参考答案】:We devote to work for our customers with superior services and qualities guarantees, perfect and satisfactory.


2) 要将哪种消息与每个级别相关联,这完全由您来决定。(associate with)

【参考答案】:It is entirely up to you to decide what kind of message to associate with each level.


3) 总统还坦称自己有点担心女儿们再大一些后将如何应对他的公众生活。

(cope with)

【参考答案】:The president also admitted he was concerned about how his daughters would cope with his public life as they get a bit older. 【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注

4) 我们在中国的贸易投资团队已经准备好帮助您利用这些优势。(take

advantage of)

【参考答案】:Our Trade Investment teams in China stand ready to help you take advantage of all this.


5) 为了约简起见,此处我将限于谈及外贸金融活动。(confine to)

【参考答案】:For brevity I shall confine myself here to the financing of foreign trade.


1. 由于石油短缺,世界各地的国家正设法节约能源。(conserve)

【参考答案】:Countries the world over are trying to conserve energy due to oil shortages.


2. 有些人认为,欧洲能比美国更好地渡过这场金融风暴。(weather)

【参考答案】:Some believe Europe will be able to weather the financial storm better than the United States.


3. 因此,这些公司的高管们总是会关注自己的政治责任。(have an eye on)

【参考答案】:As a result, senior executives always have an eye on their political responsibilities.


4. 这些研究结果凸显出友情对我们的健康来说是多么的重要。(underscore)

【参考答案】:The findings underscore just how important friendships are to our health.


5. 他的一部分外交使命与他在该地区的商业利益交织在一起。(side by side)【参考答案】:Some of his diplomatic duties have run side by side with his commercial interests in the region.


6. 与世界上许多其它公司一样,我的公司也处在这样的变革之中。


【参考答案】:My company, like hundreds of others around the world, is in the midst of such a transformation.


7. 由于已经过了期限,这份合约是无效的。(expiry)

【参考答案】:As the date of expiry is over, the contract is invalid. 【学生得分】:0.8查看得分明细查看评语批注

8. 可能更为令人意外的是,这一策略似乎很有用。(tactic)

【参考答案】:Perhaps more surprisingly, the tactic appeared to work.【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注

9. 谷歌还表示已经加强了安全措施。(enhance)

【参考答案】:The company added that it had enhanced its security.【学生得分】:0.9查看得分明细查看评语批注

10. 一些商家的优惠券是亏损的,或者不能把优惠券用户转变成长期顾客。


【参考答案】:Some business owners have lost money on the promotions or have been unable to convert deal seekers into permanent customers.


题1 - 50 B2U1 1. The behavior of men as individuals is _________ from their behavior in a group. A) explicit B) separable C) distinct有区别的明显的D) definite √[1]. 【参考答案】:C 2. They are trying to ______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. A) expose B) exhaust C) exhibit D) exploit开发 √[2]. 【参考答案】:D

3. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it _______ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. A) compacted B) restricted受限制的C) dispersed D) delayed √[3]. 【参考答案】:B 4. ___________ our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year. A) On the basis of根据B) Owing to C) With regard to D) Concerning √[4]. 【参考答案】:A

5. The university departments have been ________ $600 000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning. A) promoted B) included C) secured D) awarded授予嘉奖 ×[5]. 【参考答案】:D 6. I know a(n) _______ young lady who would be an excellent cooperator for you. A) probable B) sustainable C) feasible D) eligible 合格的 √[6]. 【参考答案】:D


Vocabulary Unit2 Book2 my wonder you are, being a soft-hearted girl, so much ________ to have seen the film of murder that you stay excited overnight. A. dismayed B. frustrated C. thrilled D. comforted [1]. 【参考答案】:C 2. I don’t like you, yet I am ________ constantly(偏偏) to meet you every day I step into my workplace. A. guided B. doomed C. driven D. conducted [2]. 【参考答案】:B 3. Everyone attending the funeral ________ him for his bad argument with his wife over where to locate a grave. A. encouraged B. persuaded C. condemned D. assisted

[3]. 【参考答案】:C 4. To treat a(n) ________ leniently without principle will undermine the values on which our society runs smoothly. A. citizen B. servant C. employer D. criminal [4]. 【参考答案】:D 5. Her hobbies cover such a large ________ that I fear she can’t concentrate on her school work, yet my fear proves unnecessary. A. sphere B. condition C. globe D. kingdom [5]. 【参考答案】:A 6. If you ________ your son to so small a circle of friends, how can you expect him to grow into a man of open mind and high aim A. reduce B. control C. confine D. hinder [6]. 【参考答案】:C 7. Enough money raised for a cause of charity set me ________ dedicatedly toward building a school for those orphaned children. A. to work B. worked C. having worked D. working [7].


Unit1 1.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进的技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。 Thanks to advanced technology, the film about the ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. 2. 在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来。(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived. 3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。 The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake. 4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命。(leave behind) In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives. 5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才完成。 The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money. 6. 1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。(meet up with) In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree. 7.这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。 It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm. 8.在电影界要达到顶峰时非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了。 It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it. Unit2 1. 如今很多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小汽车。(vain, be obsessed with) Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them. 2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。(affair, fall apart) Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife. 3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。(inspiration, deny oneself something) For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life. 4.我不知道明天去崇明岛的远足活动能不能成行,因为这要取决于会不会下雨。(excursion, at the mercy of) I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is



蓝鸽听力(1) 听对话 Directions:In this section you will hear several short conversations .At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then select the corresponding letter on the web page.[题数:30;分数:30分;参考时间:7分30秒] √ 1. [A] He's living on the farm. [B] He's going to leave in 15 minutes. [C] He's driving his new car. [D] He's leaving this country this year. 【参考答案】:A 【干扰项】:D(有19.00%的学生选择了该选项) √ 5. [A] In a hotel.

[B] In a coffee shop. [C] In a library. [D] In a laboratory. 【参考答案】:C 【干扰项】:A(有2.00%的学生选择了该选项) √ 6. [A] He may be going to the meeting. [B] He may take her to a movie. [C] Seeing his girl friend. [D] He may be driving at 3:00. 【参考答案】:A 【干扰项】:D(有12.00%的学生选择了该选项) √7. [A] Whether they had been at the house before. [B] Which four friends went with her. [C] What time they went to the house. [D] Why they went to the house.


综合英语教程第三版4 邹为诚主编 第二单元p37 1.玛丽看到一个贼眉鼠眼的男人走进邻居家里。shifty Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house. 2.鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。sneer at Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes. 3.打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。pry It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets. 4.我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。be after sth I think Chris is after my job. 5.她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。trail off She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her. 6.那些树枝干而易断。brittle The branches were dry and brittle. 7.收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。crackle The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said. 8.地面向海倾斜。slope The land slopes down to the sea. 9.他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。bulge His pockets were bulging with money. 10.我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。haggle I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare. 第三单元p58 1. 这样的好机会千载难逢。once in a blue moon An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue mo on. 2. 这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。guilty of The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag with out permission. 3. 她知道他的话一句真的也没有。give credence to She did not give credence to a single word of his story. 4. 一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容。be tolerant of Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’ mistakes. 5. 我想当然地以为你会跟我们一起来,于是就给你买了票。take… for granted I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us, so I boug ht you a ticket. 6. 由于经理的不断劝导,工作人员很快就改掉了迟到的坏习惯。break the habit Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling, the staff soon broke th e bad habit o f comin g late to work. 7. 他现在对她发火,但不久会原谅她的。这只是几小时的事,仅此而已。a matter of, that’s all He’s furious with her now, but he’ll forgive her soon. It’s just/ only a matter of a few hours, that’s all. 第四单元p78

英语专业 综合英语翻译句子答案

1.Our big old house was closely related with the joys and sorrows of four generations. 2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago before your mother was born. 3.Many sons left home to fight against the Fascist Nazi. 4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart. 1.He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2.His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.The two of them are walking hand in hand along the river bank, chatting, laughing, and looking happy. 4.When he heart the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.Although we have parted from eah other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past. 10.At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.A gracious manner adds the greatest splendour to your image. 2.I firmly believed the note my guest sent me didn’t take long to write. 3.The simple phrase “Excuse me.” made most of your irritation disappear. 4.Being on time is a virtue which belongs not only to the past but also to the present. 5.Y ou shouldn’t accept the other person’s presence without thinking of its importance. 6.Good manners produce the same feelings or actions in others. 1.I am sorry I am late; I was at a meeting and couldn’t get away. 2.At the concert whnever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation. 3.As a stylish dresser, she is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. 4.The nurse tells me that the doctors have done wonders for your heart disease. 5.When awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind. 6.This problem has bothered the experts for many years. 7.The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived. 8.Since punctuality is a good habit, we should pay much attention to it and make great efforts to cultivate this good habit. 9.The old man cherishes that girl, as if she were his own daughter. 10.It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about.


阅读理解 Passage 1 Romantic love is one of the most enticing (迷人的) topics around. Just about every movie, TV show, and country-music song contains some element of romance. For many, romantic relationships are by far the most important in their lives. As a society, we long for intimacy. We grow up believing that if we "just meet the right person" we will be happy. This message is popularized by modern media. It is perhaps one of the most destructive messages around. Quentin Crisp says: "The consuming desire of most human beings is to deliberately plant their whole life in the hands of some other person. I would describe this method of searching for happiness as immature ..." When we feel unhappy it is natural to start searching for the cause of our distress. There is nothing wrong with this, but it becomes a problem when we start searching outside of ourselves. We are taught that if we are happily "coupled" we won't have problems. It is therefore natural to blame our partner for our "aloneness." The consequences of this belief are enormously self-destructive. Romantic love is exciting, but what happens when the romance wears off? Experts estimate that romantic sexual attractions last only 18 months to two years. Using love or sex as a drug will only prevent us from reaching maturity. We do need excitement and stimulation and joy and intimacy. But in mature love we are concerned with our loved one's joy and fulfillment. The satisfaction comes not from our own immediate gratification, but from the joy of giving to the other person, and watching them grow and thrive. If you are single, the best thing you can do to prepare for a life-long loving relationship is to work on getting your own needs met. The first thing to do is to start identifying what they are. For instance: you long for affection and need a hug. Have you thought of asking a friend to hug you? You will be amazed what will happen if you start asking people directly to meet your needs. You will get some negative responses, but for the most part you will find that people are happy to help you. Many of us were taught our needs are wrong. Our needs are not wrong. We get into difficulty when we try to meet our needs in indirect ways. It is not that we shouldn't enjoy the excitement of a new relationship or love interest; we get into difficulty when we think we will get all our needs met from this one "magical" person. 1. What does Quentin Crisp think of the popular search for happiness?____ [A] The search is not sensible. [B] The media should be responsible for the search. [C] You can surely find happiness without the help of some other person. [D] It is advisable to make such a search together with some other person. 2. When one is unhappy, he tends to ____. [A] make himself happily coupled with another [B] search for the cause of his distress inside himself [C] search for the cause of his distress with his partner [D] think it's his beloved one that causes his problems


(1)这个婴儿还不会爬(crawl),更不要说走了。(let alone) The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk! (2)威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。(claim, in one’s opinion) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. (3)一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。(to a certain extent, relate …to …, cope with) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. (4)根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。(according to) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game. (5)有些人想当然地认为日语(Japanese)中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。(assume, equivalent) Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word. (6)我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。(relevant) We have passed all relevant information on to the police. (7)关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。(it’s no use) There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won't answer. (8)事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。(on one’s part) It was a mistake on Jim's part to sign the contract without reading it carefully. (9)他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。(provide …with) They refused to provide us with all the information we need. (10) 这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。(similar to) This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago. (11)这部影片是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。(base on) The film is based on a play by Shakespeare (12)如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握得好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。(have an advantage over) If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job.


UNIT 5 1. Michael put the cigarette to his lips and _____ in the smoke. A).puffed B).sucked C).terrified D).spit 【参考答案】:B 2. The students often _______themselves with socializing network like Renren or Facebook. A).amuse B).arouse C).accuse D).acronym √ 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:2.0 3. Could you _______ a nail into the wall to hang this picture up? A).buy B).purchase C).hammer D).borrow √ 【参考答案】:C 【学生得分】:2.0 4. My heart was ________ as I walked out onto the stage. A).pounding B).bleeding C).breaking D).fasting √ 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:2.0 5. I have no _______ for people who say they can't find work but are really just too lazy to look. A).amusement B).sympathy C).telepathy D).audience √ 【参考答案】:B 【学生得分】:2.0 6. A __________ is not just a part of a telephone but also the part of a radio or television that receives signals from the air. A).sign language B).symbol C).receiver D).receptionist √


Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。 People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with Suzhou dialect have much in common. (in common) ease, for Shanghai dialect and 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在 3 年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter ’srepeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。( lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we used to. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At the critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期 3 天的友好访问。(h ead ) A government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa yesterday, starting a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出 来。( show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, for all your lessons as well as all the questions and all the answers can be shown on a screen. 4.张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。(send for) Zhang Li’ s mother fell ill the day before yesterday, so he sent for a doctor immediately.


第一阶段 作文 【作业要 求】: 命题作文 Directions:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the given topic. Your composition should meet the word limit set by the test syllabus at this level. You should base your composition on the outlines provided and then type your composition in the box below.[题数:1;分数:15分;参考时间:30分0秒] 1. For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic On Keeping Pets. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. 1. 有人喜欢养宠物,也有人反对养宠物,他们都有各自的道理 2. 我的看法 On Keeping Pets 【参考答案】: In almost every neighborhood, there are people who like

pets and people who don't. The former group of people think that pets are good and helpful companions. Some of them even go so far as saying that animals are also human, and their rights should be respected. Those who hate pets say that animals are noisy, dirty and dangerous. They think laws should be made to forbid people to keep dogs and cats in cities and towns. The different opinions on keeping pets, which reflect personal preferences, have caused many disputes and much unpleasantness among people who are close neighbors. Personally I do not like pets. But I think we should learn to respect the rights of pet lovers. We have no right to forbid people to keep pets in their homes, as long as the animals are properly taken care of and do not threaten the safety and peace of others. 翻译 【作业要 求】: 单句翻译(英译汉) Directions:In this section you are required to translate some English sentences into Chinese. Type your translation on the web page.[题数:10;分数:10分;参考时间:20分0秒] 1. A shortage of water in heavily populated agricultural areas will cause great hardship and starvation as crops fail.

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