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博森 GWD 英吉管卫东GMAT阅读详解(下)9月12日更新

博森 GWD 英吉管卫东GMAT阅读详解(下)9月12日更新
博森 GWD 英吉管卫东GMAT阅读详解(下)9月12日更新

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In 1994, a team of scientists led

by David Mckay began studying the

meteorite ALH84001, which had been

Line discovered in Antarctica in 1984.

(5) Two years later, the McKay team

announced that ALH84001, which

scientists generally agree originated

on Mars, contained compelling evidence that life once existed on Mars.

(10) This evidence includes the discovery

of organic molecules in ALH84001,

the first ever found in Martian rock.

Organic molecules—complex, carbon-

based compounds—form the basis for

(15) terrestrial life. The organic molecules

found in ALH84001 are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAH’s. When microbes die, their organic material

often decays into PAH’s.

(20) Skepticism about the McKay team’s

claim remains, however. For example,

ALH84001 has been on earth for

13,000 years, suggesting to some

scientists that its PAH’s might have

(25) resulted from terrestrial contamination.

However, McKay’s team has demonstrated that the concentration of PAH’s increases as one looks deeper into

ALH84001, contrary to what one would

(30) expect from terrestrial contamination.

The skeptic’s strongest argument,

however, is that processes unrelated

to organic life can easily produce all

the evidence found by McKay’ steam,

(35) including PAH’s. For example, star

formation produces PAH’s. Moreover,

PAH’s frequently appear in other

meteorites, and no one attributes

their presence to life processes.

(40) Yet McKay’s team notes that the

particular combination of PAH’s

in ALH84001 is more similar to the

combinations produced by decaying

organisms than to those originating

form no biological processes.

5 The passage asserts which of the following about the claim that ALH84001 originated on Mars?

It was initially proposed by the McKay team of scientists.

It is not a matter of widespread scientific dispute.

It has been questioned by some skeptics of the McKay team’s work.

It has been undermined by recent work on PAH’s.

It is incompatible with the face that ALH84001 has been on Earth for 13,000 years.

6 The primary purpose of the passage is to

describe new ways of studying the possibility that life once existed on Mars revise 改进a theory regarding the existence of life on Mars in light of new evaluate a recently proposed argument concerning the origin of ALH84001 describe a controversy concerning the significance of evidence from ALH84001

7 The passage suggests that the fact that ALH84001 has been on earth for 13,000 years has been used by some scientists to support which of the following claims about ALH84001?

ALH84001 may not have originated on Mars.

ALH84001 contains PAH’s that are the result of nonbiological processes.

ALH84001 may not have contained PAH’s when it landed on Earth.

The organic molecules found in ALH84001 are not PAH’s.

The organic molecules found in ALH84001 could not be the result of terrestrial contamination.




A 是M这组科学家首先提出这个观点的(不是m首先提出的,干掉)

B 不需要争论了(不好说,有点象佛,先放着)

C 被m这组人质疑了(方向不对,干掉)

D 被最近一些研究驳斥了(没说,干掉)

E 和一个事实不符(没说,干掉)


6 A 描述了一种新的方法来研究生命是否存在在火星上(不好说,先放着)

B 改进了一个理论(没说,干掉)

C 调和了一个矛盾(没调合,就是客观陈述了一下)

D 提出了最新的一个观点(不好说,先保留)

E 描述了一对矛盾的关点(不好说,先留着)

A D E这三个选项最大的区别就是一个围绕新的方法谈一个说一个新的观点一个说一对矛盾的观点,原文明明说两个观点互相驳斥,选E


A ALH可能没有起源于火星(没说,干掉)

B ALH包含的PAH是非生物的结果(围绕PAH谈了,先留着)

C ALH不包含PAH当它到地球的时候(不好说,先保留)

D ALH中的生物分子不是PAH(方向都不对,干掉)

E 生物分子不是地址污染的结果(原文说确实是地址污染的结果,方向不对,干掉)


gmat题目讲解 2010-04-10 回原文档看关键句9分钟

Q5 to Q7:

Although many lines of evidence indicate

that birds evolved from ground-dwelling

theropod dinosaurs, some scientists remain

unconvinced. They argue that theropods

(5) appeared too late to have given rise to birds,

noting that Archaeopteryx lithographical—the

oldest known bird—appears in the fossil

record about 150 million years ago, where-

as the fossil remains of various nonavian maniraptor theropods—the closest known

relatives of birds—date only to about 115

million years ago. But investigators have

now uncovered bones that evidently belong

to nonavian maniraptors dating to the time of

(15) Archaeopteryx. In any case, failure to find

fossils of a predicted kind does not rule out

their existence in an undiscovered deposit.

Skeptics also argue that the fused clavicles

(the “wishbone”) of birds differ from the

(20) unfused clavicles of theropods. This

objection was reasonable when only early

theropod clavicles had been discovered,

but fossilized theropod clavicles that look

just like the wishbone of Archaeopteryx

(25) have now been unearthed. Finally, some

scientists argue that the complex lungs of

birds could not have evolved from theropod

lungs, an assertion that cannot be supported

or falsified at the moment, because no fossil

(30) lungs are preserved in the paleontological


5 The primary purpose of the passage is to

compare the development of two hypotheses concerning the evolutionary origin of birds

suggest revisions to the standard theory of the evolutionary history of birds evaluate the usefulness of fossil evidence in determining the evolutionary history of birds

challenge the theory that birds evolved from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs

respond to criticisms of the theory that birds evolved from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs

Fossils indicating the structure of theropod lungs

Fossils indicating the structure of Archaeopteryx lungs

7. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as an argument made by scientists who are unconvinced that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs? There are no known theropod dinosaur fossils dating from a period after the time of Archaeopteryx.


5 A 对比了两种鸟的起源的假设(不好说,先留着)

B 对现在的理论提出修改(没有提出修改,主观答案,干掉)

C 评价一个有用的证据来论证鸟的起源(文中强调的不是证据,不是main idea,干掉)

D 驳斥了鸟确实取源于龙的理论(沾边,放着)

E 对于鸟起源于恐龙的理论的批评做出了个反应(不好说,先放着)

A C一个说对比假设,一个说驳斥,文章说的应该是驳斥,C比A好,而C和E最大的区别就是一个是围绕驳斥谈得一个是围绕对于驳斥观点做出的反应谈得,谁像佛,显然是E

6 为16行那个词组指的是什么,我们看看16行说了什么:说没能找到predicted kind会怎么样,这句话本身并没有说出这种predicted kind是什么意思,但是这句话已经告诉我这个内容应该在前面说过,我们往前读一下说科学家发现一些骨头是属于什么年代的。我们来看看选项

A 化石有fused clavicles(没说过,干掉)

B 化石在结构上和A的化石结构类似(没说过,干掉)

C 化石有多长时间(原文说过属于什么年代的,有点关系,放着)

D 指出肺的结构(没说,干掉)

E 化石指出肺的结构(没说,干掉)


7 问那帮不认为鸟起源于恐龙的科学家的观点是什么,问的是观点,无非就是原文开头说they argue 和中后部说的they also argue那些句子,我们读一下这两句,一句说化石的恐龙的年代太晚不能演化成鸟第二句说的是鸟的一种fused clavicles和恐龙的不一样。我们来看看五个选项

A 没有已知的化石在A这个年代之后(没说,干掉)

B 没有恐龙化石指出肺的结构(胡扯,干掉)

C 恐龙大概有150million这么大了(原文说的是鸟有这么大了不是恐龙有这么大了,张冠李戴,干掉)

D 恐龙没有fused clavicles(沾点,放着)

E 恐龙的骨头看起来和A那种骨头很象(没说过,干掉)


gmat题目详解 2010-04-19 需要回到网页文档看关键句9分钟

Acting on the recommendation of a British government

committee investigating the

Line high incidence in white lead

(5) factories of illness among

employees, most of whom

were women, the Home Secretary proposed in 1895 that

Parliament enact legislation

(10) that would prohibit women from

holding most jobs in white lead

factories. Although the

Women’s Industrial Defense

Committee (WIDC), formed

(15) in 1892 in response to earlier

legislative attempts to restrict

women’s labor, did not discount the white lead trade’s

potential health dangers, it

(20) opposed the proposal, viewing it as yet another instance

of limiting women’s work

opportunities. Also opposing

the proposal was the Society

(25) for Promoting the Employment

of Women (SPEW), which

attempted to challenge it by

investigating the causes of ill-

ness in white lead factories.

(30) SPEW contended, and WIDC

concurred, that controllable

conditions in such factories

were responsible for the development of lead poisoning.

(35) SPEW provided convincing

evidence that lead poisoning

could be avoided if workers

were careful and clean and

if already extant workplace

(40) safety regulations were

stringently enforced. However, the Women’s Trade

Union League (WTUL), which

had ceased in the late 1880’s

(45) to oppose restrictions on

women’s labor, supported the

eventually enacted proposal,

in part because safety regulations were generally not

(50) being enforced in white lead

factories, where there were no

unions (and little prospect of

any) to pressure employers to

comply with safety regulations.


The passage is primarily concerned with

presenting various groups’ views of the motives of those proposing certain legislation

contrasting the reasoning of various groups concerning their positions on certain proposed legislation

tracing the process whereby certain proposed legislation was eventually enacted assessing the success of tactics adopted by various groups with respect to certain proposed legislation

evaluating the arguments of various groups concerning certain proposed legislation

5 Which of the following, if true, would most clearly support the contention attributed to SPEW in lines 30-34 (“SPEW contended … lead poisoning”) ? Those white lead factories that most strongly enforced regulations concerning worker safety and hygiene had the lowest incidences of lead poisoning among employees.

The incidence of lead poisoning was much higher among women who worked in white lead factories than among women who worked in other types of factories. There were many household sources of lead that could have contributed to the incidence of lead poisoning among women who also worked outside the home in the late nineteenth century.

White lead factories were more stringent than were certain other types of factories in their enforcement of workplace safety regulations.

Even brief exposure to the conditions typically found in white lead factories could cause lead poisoning among factory workers.

6 According to the passage, the WIDC believed that the proposed legislation resembled earlier legislation concerning women’s labor in that it

caused divisiveness among women’s organizations

sought to protect women’s health

limited women’s occupational opportunities

failed to bolster workplace safety regulations

failed to make distinctions among types of factory work


4 A 提出了对于那个立法的动机的观点(没说,干掉)

B 对比了不同人对于一个立法所持立场的原因(不是强调原因,而是不同的观点,干掉)

C 追溯了立法形成的过程(没说,干掉)

D 评价一个战术的成功(没说战术如何成功,文章没有任何正态度,就是客观描述,干掉)

E 评价了不同组织对于一个立法的不同观点(沾点,选这个)


A 说了实行法规,放着

B 两种不同的女的哪种中毒的事故多,根本没说过,干掉

C 有很多来源也能到织女的中毒,没说,干掉

D 说这种工厂比其他工厂更严格,没说,干掉

E 什么因素能导致中毒,我强调的不是中毒的原因而是实行法规可以避免中毒,干掉!

6问widc认为proposed legislation和早期的legislation比较像是因为proposed legislation 怎么样,问的虽然是像的原因,但重点落在了 proposed legislation上,我就看legislation 的特点,有这个特点的句子不一定能回答问题,没这个特点的句子肯定不能回答问题,我们会定位到15行左右,说widc认为proposed legislation限制了女性工作机会,看选项,只有c了

gmat 题目讲解-2010-05-01 3分钟

A pressing need in the study of

organizations is for more research

into how an organization’s values (an

Line organization’s guiding principles and

(5) beliefs as perceived by its members)

affect managerial decision-making.

Traditional theories have been based

on a “rational model,” which focuses

on the decision-maker and either

(10) ignores the organizational value climate or conveniently assumes that the organization’s values are consistent or

clearly prioritized. In reality, however,

decisions are shaped not only by a

(15) manager’s own values, but also by

those of the corporate culture and of

organizational superiors. A recent

study found that managers’ most

stressful decisions involved “value

(20) contention” (conflicts among any of

these sets of values). Furthermore,

different types of organizational value

systems were associated with differ-

ent frequencies of contending values

(25) as well as with different types of managerial response. Explicit corporate values, for example, produced a

greater percentage of decisions that

were stressful due to value contention. Hidden values (those that an organization practices but does not

acknowledge or which a superior

furtively pursues in opposition to the

values of the organization) produced

(35) a lower level of value contention.

Although explicit values created

more value contention, they were

nonetheless more likely to produce

flexible, well-reasoned decisions.

(40) Conversely, managers perplexed by

hidden values reported feeling unable

to identify an appropriate range of



The passage suggests that which of the following has resulted from the influence of the rational model (line 8) ?

It has deflected researchers’ attention from a critical factor affecting managerial decision-making.

It has focused decision-making procedures on managers’ presumed ability to prioritize key corporate values.

It has diverted attention from the need for orientation of nonsupervisory employees to organizational values.

It has hampered communication between academic researchers and mangers of organizations.

It has produced theories that are practicable for analyzing decision-making processes only in relatively large organizations.



The passage identifies which of the following as a way in which hidden corporate values affect managerial decision-making?

They tend to discourage consultation with organizational subordinates and superiors.

They tend to undermine managers’ confidence in their own ability to determine the available alternatives.

They tend to produce a heightened degree of value contention.

They tend to produce a heightened degree of conflict among different levels of the organizational structure.

They tend to cause greater anxiety among managers than do explicit corporate values.


According to the passage, value contention has been shown to affect managers by decreasing their ability to conform to the values of the organization

decreasing their ability to discern clearly the guiding principles and beliefs of the organization

narrowing their range of options in the decision-making process

increasing the frequency and intensity of conflicts with superiors and subordinates

increasing the level of mental or emotional strain that accompanies the decision-making process


25 问第八行那个rational model由什么导致的,我们定位到第八行,读一下:which focuses on the decision-maker and either

ignores the organizational value climate or conveniently assumes that the organization’s values are consistent or clearly prioritized。大概说的意思是这种rational model关注的decision-maker 并且忽视了organizational value climate或者假设organization’s values是持续的或者prioritized。我们来看看五个选项

A 让researcher忽视了一些重要因素(原文说过忽视一些什么东西,先留着)

B 没看太明白,反正说了prioritize,先留着吧

C 忽视了一些员工的nonsupervisory(没说过,干掉)

D 组织了academic researchers和另外一些managers的沟通(没说过,干掉)

E 能产生一些理论对于做决定有实用价值(没说,干掉)

A 和B比,明显A说的更像佛祖,A更好!

26 细节题,问hidden value影响decision-making的方式,我们回原文定位,大概在30行左右,Hidden values (those that an organization practices but does not acknowledge or which a superior furtively pursues in opposition to the values of the organization) produced a lower level of value contention.大概说的是hidden value能产生低水平的value contention,但是我问的是影响经理做决定的方式,这句话不能回答问题,往下继续看40行左右也说了hidden value,我们来看看这句Conversely, managers perplexed by hidden values reported feeling unable to

identify an appropriate range of options. 大概说的是:这些经理被hidden value迷惑感觉不能识别合适的option。我们来看看五个选项

A 他们不鼓励咨询(没说,干掉)

B 降低了经理的信心来决定alternative(不太明白什么意思,先留着)

C 他们生产了高程度的value contention(没说,干掉)

D 他们生产了高程度的矛盾在不同的结构中(没说,干掉)

E 导致更大的焦虑(没说,干掉)


27 问的是value contention通过什么方式影响了经理,细节题,回原文定位,能定位在文章的20行左右,但是20行这句只是说出了contention value,并没有说出影响人的方式,不能回答问题,继续往下看,furthermore这个词让我感觉这句不过就是把上面那句说的更具体,也不能回答问题,继续往下看,Explicit corporate values, for example, produced a greater percentage of decisions that were stressful due to value contention. 这句开始说由于value contention导致压力,有可能能回答问题了,我们来看看选项只有E说的和导致压力有关系,选这个。在读原文的时候牢记问题所问,它能够告诉你文章什么地方有用什么地方没用,一定记住!


In corporate purchasing,

competitive scrutiny is typically

limited to suppliers of items that are

Line directly related to end products.

(5) With “indirect” purchases (such as

computers, advertising, and legal

services), which are not directly

related to production, corporations

often favor “supplier partnerships”

(10) (arrangements in which the purchaser forgoes the right to

pursue alternative suppliers), which

can inappropriately shelter suppliers

from rigorous competitive scrutiny

(15) that might afford the purchaser economic leverage. There are two independent variables—availability

of alternatives and ease of changing suppliers—that companies should

(20) use to evaluate the feasibility of

subjecting suppliers of indirect

purchases to competitive scrutiny.

This can create four possible


(25) In Type 1 situations, there are many alternatives and change is

relatively easy. Open pursuit of alternatives—by frequent com-

petitive bidding, if possible—will

(30) likely yield the best results. In

Type 2 situations, where there

are many alternatives but change

is difficult—as for providers of

employee health-care benefits—it

(35) is important to continuously test

the market and use the results to

secure concessions from existing

suppliers. Alternatives provide a

credible threat to suppliers, even if

(40) the ability to switch is constrained.

In Type 3 situations, there are few

alternatives, but the ability to switch

without difficulty creates a threat that

companies can use to negotiate

(45) concessions from existing suppliers.

In Type 4 situations, where there

are few alternatives and change

is difficult, partnerships may be



Which of the following best describes the relation of the second paragraph to the first?

The second paragraph offers proof of an assertion made in the first paragraph.

The second paragraph provides an explanation for the occurrence of a situation described in the first paragraph.

The second paragraph discusses the application of a strategy proposed in the first paragraph.

The second paragraph examines the scope of a problem presented in the first paragraph.

The second paragraph discusses the contradictions inherent in a relationship described in the first paragraph.



Which of the following can be inferred about supplier partnerships, as they are described in the passage?

They cannot be sustained unless the goods or services provided are available from a large number of suppliers.

They can result in purchasers paying more for goods and services than they would in a competitive-bidding situation.

They typically are instituted at the urging of the supplier rather than the purchaser.

They are not feasible when the goods or services provided are directly related to the purchasers’ end products.

They are least appropriate when the purchasers’ ability to change suppliers is limited.



According to the passage, which of the following factors distinguishes an indirect purchase from other purchases?

The ability of the purchasing company to subject potential suppliers of the purchased item to competitive scrutiny

The number of suppliers of the purchased item available to the purchasing company

The methods of negotiation that are available to the purchasing company

The relationship of the purchased item to the purchasing company’s end product

The degree of importance of the purchased item in the purchasing company’s business operations



A 第二段不是proof是把第一段的四种情况进行列举,肯定不行,干掉

B 第二段也不是解释第一段的,干掉

C 第二段是第一段战术如何应用的,有点意思,先放着

D 检测了第一段提到问题所涉及到的范围,文章第一段说的根本就不是个问题,干掉

E 说的也不是一个contradiction,干掉!



问的是supplier partnership,我们根据这个内容来定位,应该定位到文章的第一段第二句,我们读一下这句:对于indirect purchase,公司会用supplier partnership,这个supplier partnership能让公司避免scrutiny,而这个scrutiny会怎样经济了(看不太懂)我们来看看五个选项


A 他们不能sustain除非大量供货商都有这些货物或者服务,没说,干掉!

B 会导致付钱多(反正和原句的经济哪些内容有些关系,先放着)

C 整体原文就没说过,干掉

D 在什么情况下不可行,没说过这个意思,干掉

E 在什么情况下不太合适,没说过这个意思,干掉

问的是indirect purchase和其他形式的purchase之间的区别是什么?不管区别是什么,也不管说的是indirect还是其他形式的,答案要想对,前提是得和purchase本身内容沾边,挚友在这个内容范围里才有可能说不同点,我先根据purchase的内容来找找沾边选项,purchase 的内容就是公司是否能直接接触到supplier而和这个内容沾边的只有B了,做完了,别想找到题干中的distinguish,这个词在原文中没有,并且有可能是出题者自己杜撰而原文没说过的,往前提上想!

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