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第1页 Where there is a will, there is a way.

课题 Unit 11 Friendship


(一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some reading skills.

(三)情感目标:Make the students know more about friendship and how to make friends. Step1: 导入(2 minutes )

Revision about the words of this unit. Step2: 自学(15 minutes )

①Get the Ss to read the passage by themselves and decide T or F.

( ) 1.We may get on well with many people, but we make friends with only a

few of them.

( ) 2.People have different kinds of friends.

( ) 3.Close friends are those who can share joys and sorrows with you. ( ) 4.A good friend is someone who will do anything for you. ( ) 5. A good friend is someone you can rely on when you are in need . ( ) 6.A chess partner is not a friend. ② Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. What should we do when our friends are in sorrow.

2. We may get on well with many people. But why do we usually make friends with only a few of them?

3. What kind of person do you think you can rely on?

Step3:讨论 (10 minutes ) Discuss the answers in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(8 minutes ) Please show your answers to the whole class. Step5:点评

Step6:检测(3 minutes )

Read the whole passage.

Step7:反思 Write down what you have learned today on your notebooks


Step8:应用 Fill in the blanks. (7 minutes )

We may ______ ______ _______ ______ a number of people, and we usually make friends______ them. You may have many good friends but only _____ _____ ______ them are your “ close friends ”. A close friend is someone who is able to _______ joys and sorrows _______ you. This is a person you can ______ ______ when you need help, and this is a person to whom you ______ ________ ______ lend a helping hand.

Friendship play ______ _______ _______ in our lives. And it is one of life ’s greatest __________. Yet it would be ________ ________ to expect a friend to do everything for you. So we must learn to make friends and cherish(钟爱;珍视) friendship.

第2页 Where there is a will, there is a way.

课题 Unit 11 Friendship


(一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some language points.

(三)情感目标:Make the students know more about friendship and how to make friends. Step1: 导入(5 minutes )

Get the students to read the text. Step2: 自学(15 minutes )

①Get the Ss to read the passage by themselves and find out the compound


1.We may have many friends, but we often don ’t clearly understand how we make friends.

句中划线部分是由_______引导的___________ 从句。完成句子: 1)Please let me know ___________________________ .(我能为你做点什么)

2)Do you remember ________________________?(我们何时第一次见面的) 2. “Best friends ” or “close friends ” are usually people who have known each other for a long time.

A close friend is someone who is able to share joys and sorrows with you. This is a person you can rely on when you need help.

This is the person to whom you are willing to lend a helping hand.

以上四个句子中划线部分均为________ 从句。请找出先行词和关系词。 3. As a French writer said, “Don ’t walk in front of me.”

As Coubertin once said,“The important thing is not winning, but taking part.” 以上两个句子中as 引导的是__________________从句。

4. 课文第二段最后两个句子均为______句,其中if 引导的是________从句.

② Deal with the language points.

1.It would be too much to expect a friend to do everything for you. 句中 it 作________ 主语,真正主语是_________________________. 1) 学习英语很容易。________________________________________. 2)找个好朋友很难。________________________________________.

Step3:讨论 (5 minutes) Discuss the answers in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(10 minutes) Please show your answers to the whole class Step5:点评

Step6:检测: 翻译句子




_______________________________________________________ 3)友谊是生活中最宝贵的财富之一。

_______________________________________________________ 4)翻译短语

1 play an important part in… ______

2 in our lives _____________

3 make friends with…_____________

4 get on well with… ____________

5 a number of + 可数名词复数_______

6 a few of them______________

7 may have + 过去分词 He may have understood the problem._______

8 each other ______________________

9 since childhood ______________ 10 in fact ___________________11 different kinds of ________________ 12 such as _________________13 choose … for …______________ 14 play with… _________________15 play chess _______________ 16 close friends _____________17 for a long time_________________ 18 share joys and sorrows_________19 rely on __________________ 20 be willing to do_____________21 lend a helping hand to sb.__________ 22 one of life’s greatest treasures______23 too much ______________ 24 expect sb. to do sth.__________25 do everything for you____________ 26 a French writer_____________27 in front of …_________________

Step7:反思 Write down what you have learned today on your notebooks


Step8:应用 (15 minutes) Writing:

以 Friendship 为题写一篇短文.


第1页 Where there is a will, there is a way. 课题 Unit 12 Festivals 学习目标: (一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some reading skills. (三)情感目标:Make the students know more about the Spring Festival and love our country. Step1: 导入(2 minutes ) Revision about the words of this unit. Step2: 自学(15 minutes ) ①Get the Ss to read the passage by themselves and decide T or F. ( ) 1.Spring Festival is people ’s favorite festival of a year in China and in many Asian countries. ( ) 2.They can clean their houses a few days before the Spring Festival mainly because the houses are very dirty. ( ) 3. As for our family, we usually have a family reunion on the first day of the Lunar New Year. ( )4.Children are very happy to receive the lucky money from the senior members of the family. ( )5.We learn a lot about Chinese traditional culture during the Spring Festival . ② Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. When is the Spring Festival? The Spring Festival is on _________________________ on the lunar calendar. 2.When do people usually start preparing for the celebration of the Spring Festival? _____________________________________________________________. 3. What do people usually do on the first morning of the Lunar New Year’s Eve? People usually eat _____________, watch ______________________________ _______________ and set off fireworks at midnight on the Lunar New Year’s Eve. 4. What do people usually do on the first morning of the Lunar New Year? On the first morning of the Lunar New Year, we get up early, ________________ and _____________________________________________ of the family and to express good wishes to our friends, neighbors and ________________________. 5. What can you enjoy in the celebration of the Spring Festival? We can enjoy _____________________________ and ______________________ of our family. Step3:讨论 (10 minutes ) Discuss the answers in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(8 minutes ) Please show your answers to the whole class. Step5:点评 Step6:检测(3 minutes ) Read the whole passage. Step7:反思 Write down what you have learned today on your notebooks (整理笔记) Step8:应用 Fill in the blanks. (7 minutes ) The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year ’s Day. It is _____ the first day of a year on the lunar calendar. During the Spring Festival , family members would ______ _______ around their parents to ________ the Spring Festival happily. No matter _____ far away from home, people try to get back home before Lunar New Year’s Eve, just ______ the old saying goes, “ East or west, home is best.” People usually start ________ ______ the celebration a week before the festival. They clean their houses meaning to _______ ______ all the bad luck in the past year. People make full preparations _____ the Spring Festival and try to make the New Year full of joy ______ ______ they will have good luck in the coming year. People have a family _________ on the Lunar New Year’s Eve. They _______ happiness and great joy, having delicious food, playing games and _______ wonderful TV programs for the Spring Festival ____ CCTV . At midnight, people have jiaozi and _______ _______ crackers and fireworks to welcome the coming New Year. On the first morning of the Lunar New Year, people get up early ,_____ _____ and go to ______ respect to the senior members of the family. They also_______ good wishes _____ friends, neighbors and relatives. Children are very happy to __________ the “lucky ” money from the senior members of the family.


风筝课文导学案及答案 〖主干知识〗 给加点的字注音。 丫叉()憔悴()()惊惶()诀别()瑟缩()肃杀()惩罚()堕落() 根据拼音写汉字。 点(zhuì)___ 拾(duō)___ (chuò)___学精(zhàn)___ (kān)探____ 造(yì)___ 和(xié)___ 选词填空。 我即刻伸手____了蝴蝶的一只翅骨,又将风轮____在地下,____扁了。(扔踏掷撕毁折断抛) 文学常识填空。 本文选自鲁迅的散文诗集《_____》。鲁迅原名_____,字豫才,浙江绍兴人,我国伟大的_____家、______家、_____家。 文中鲁迅先生回忆了自己少年时代所做的一件什么事?你有过类似的经历吗?说给同学听 一听。 〖点击思维〗 1、注意“j”“q”“x”和“v”相拼时“v”上面的两点要省略掉。 2、这几组字因为偏旁不同,所以读音字义都不同,要结合不同的偏旁,辨析其细微差别。 3、结合具体的语言环境,辨析动词的不同用法。 4、鲁迅的小说集主要有《呐喊》、《彷徨》、《故事新编》,散文集《朝花夕拾》,杂文集《而已集》、《坟》、《华盖集》等,你读过那些作品? 5、在了解文章大意的基础上,联系自己的生活实际,体会作者的心理感受。 【规律方法】 〖理清结构〗 第一部分(1-2):比较北京和故乡放 风筝的时令,引出回忆。 风第二部分(3-4):回忆小时候在故乡总 故意弄坏弟弟风筝的故事 筝第三部分(5-11):中年想风筝,意分 识到自己的过错,心中充满忏悔。 第四部分(12):看北京的风筝,心情总 十分悲哀沉重。 〖语言特色〗 《风筝》的语言别具特色。如写早春二月故乡风筝季节的那一段文字,绘声绘色,创造了鲜明的意境。在作者笔下,似乎一切都活动起来了。我们好像从字里行间嗅到了大自然散 发出的温暖醉人的春意。风筝、柳枝、山桃、喧闹的孩子们,这些富有特征的事物唤起我们 联想,在想像中描绘出一幅色彩斑斓、气象万千的图画来。又如写“精神的虐杀”的那一段 文字,两个对立的人物形象,写得栩栩如生,跃然纸上。秘密被发现后,小兄弟是“很惊惶 地站起来,失了色瑟缩着”,风筝被无端肢解了,他独自“绝望地站在小屋里”,其惊恐不安的内心,其悲苦无奈的神态,写得是多么真切,仿佛如见其人。“我”因为“愤怒他的瞒了 我的眼睛”偷做风筝,便“即刻伸手折断了蝴蝶的一支翅骨,又将风轮掷在地下,踏扁了。”因被“瞒”而“愤怒”,只一笔,就勾画出了“我”的颇带几分“专制”色彩的心理状态, 而一个“折”字,一个“掷”字,一个“踏”字,则传神地写出了“我”的一连串动作,十

必修二Unit 3 课文导学案 1

高一英语制作人:刘书含、叶荷梅制作时间:2019-12-09 第7课时审核人:王平 Class_________ Name________ Grade___________ Unit 3 the Internet课文导学案(1) I. 自主学习 Review the following words&phrases ( from C to E, or from E to C) 1.convenient adj.__________________ 2. cash n. _______________________ 3. update vt._________ n. ___________ 4. __________ adj 卡住;陷入;困于 5. 陪伴某人_________ 6. __________ n. 益处vt. 使受益vi. 得益于II.合作探究 1. no longer不再 探究1:no longer=not any longer He no longer lives here. = He doesn't live here any longer. 汉译英:问题已经不存在了。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2.discover v.发现; (出乎意料地) 发现 探究2:discover that引导宾语从句 英译汉: Magallanes(麦哲伦)discovered that the world is round. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. after a while过了一会 探究3:in a while=at once立刻马上after a while过了一会 once in a while 偶尔,有时 汉译英:过了一会儿,他发现数据库更新了。 _______________________________________________________________________ 4. realize v.理解; 认识到; 实现 探究4:realize the value of life 实现人生价值 英译汉:Students should realize the importance of reading Chinese traditional literature. _______________________________________________________________________ III.合作探究 1.Much ①has been written about the ②wonders of the World Wide Web. 探究发现: ①has been written是时态,其构成为。 ②wonder在本句中意思是,做动词的意思是。 练习: 1 Actions speak louder than words.


语文复习学案 一、 太史公自序 1.重点词语总结 (1)1-3段: ①命南正重以司天 司:掌管 ②司马氏世典周史 典:掌管 ③其在卫者,相中山 相:当---相 ④以传剑论显 显:显扬 ⑤昌为秦主铁官 主:主管 ⑥王卬於殷 王:使---当王 ⑦太史公既掌天官,不治民。 掌:掌管。 治:治理。 (2)4-6段: ①二十而南游江、淮 南:向南 ②讲业齐、鲁之都 讲业:研讨学问 ③于是迁仕为郎中 仕为----出仕当 ④是岁天子始建汉家之封 封:封禅 ⑤不得与从事 与:参与。从事:行事 ⑥无忘吾所欲论著矣 所欲论著:所要撰写的论著。 ⑦言其能论歌文武之德 论:阐释。歌:歌颂。 ⑧则学者至今则之 则:把---当作准则。 ⑨史记放绝 史记:史书的通称。 ⑨请悉论先人所次旧闻 论:编辑。 次:编撰 ⑩史记石室金匮之书 :缀集。石室金匮:国家收藏图 书、档案的地方。 ○ 11十一月甲子朔旦冬至 朔旦:旧历每月初一。 (3)7-10段: ①自周公卒五百岁而有孔子 卒:死。 ②小子何敢让焉 让:推辞,辞让。 ③昔孔子何为而作春秋哉 何为:为什么。 ④诸侯害之,大夫壅之 害:嫉害。壅:阻塞。 ⑤孔子知言之不用 不用:不被采纳。 ⑥道之不行也 行:实行。 ⑦是非二百四十二年 是非:褒贬。 ⑧以为天下仪表 仪表:标准。 ⑨贬天子,退诸侯,讨大夫 贬:贬抑。退:斥责。讨:声讨。 ⑩以达王事而已矣 达:达成。 ○ 11善善恶恶 奖善惩恶。 ○ 12贤贤贱不肖 尊崇贤能,鄙视不才 ○13故长於风 风:讽喻。 ○14春秋文成数万,其指数千 指:要旨。 ○ 15弑君三十六 弑:臣杀君、子杀父 ○ 16察其所以,皆失其本已 所以:原因。本:根本。 ○17非一旦一夕之故也,其渐久矣 故:缘故。渐:渐进。 ○18故有国者不可以不知春秋 有国者:君王。 ○ 19守经事而不知其宜 宜:合适。 ○ 20遭变事而不知其权 权:权宜。 ○21被之空言而不敢辞 被:遭受。空言:指责。辞:辩解。


Reading Unit 1 Friendship Composed by chenxin Teacher’s words: Take others’joys as yours, you can make friends; Take others’sorrows as yours you can win friendship. 把别人的欢乐作为自己的欢乐,能赢得朋友;把别人的痛苦作为自己的痛苦,能赢得友谊。 Leading in questions What qualities should a good friend have? Do the survey on P1 by yourself. Then add up your score and see how many points you get. Reading 2.read the text again and answer the following questions: 1)What was Anne’s best friend? A. A book B. A cat C. Her diary D. Her father 2) Anne kept a diary, because she A. set down many facts in it B. could tell everything to it C. had nothing to do D. wanted to set an example to others 3) She stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven just because she A. couldn’t fall asleep B. kept her diary C. wanted to have a good look at the moon


《猫》导学案及答案 课型:讲读课 【学习目标】 1、理解对比手法的运用。 2、理解细节描写对刻画形象的作用,理解故事中所包含的哲理。 【学习重点】 1、理解对比手法的运用 【学习难点】 1、理解细节描写对刻画形象的作用,理解故事中所包含的哲理 【课堂过程】 【自学质疑】 作者链接 郑振铎(1898-1958),福建长乐县人。现代作家、文学家,我国新文化运动的倡导者之一。新中国成立后,曾担任中国科学院考古研究所所长、全国作协理事等职。1958年10月率中国文化代表团前往阿富汗等国进行友好访问时,因飞机失事不幸遇难。他的主要著作有《中国历史参考图谱》《中国俗文学史》《欧行日记》《海燕》《山中杂记》等。 1、朗读课文,给下面加点的生字词注音。 相称( ) 郁( )闷一缕( ) 娱( )乐污涩( ) 怂恿( ) 婢( )女蜷( )伏惩( )戒怅( )然 2.解释文中重点词语的意思。 污涩: 怂恿: 蜷伏: 悲楚: 惩戒: 妄下断语: 逞能: 恍惚: 一尘不染: 眼花缭乱: 秩序井然: 【合作探究】 1、请用一句话概括文章主要内容。 2、朗读课文,完成下表

、作者重几只猫?为什么? 【展示提高】 1.第三只猫难看也罢、忧郁也罢,但这都不妨碍它成长。然而,这种平静的生活很快消失,不幸随之而来,猫的遭遇是什么? 2.“我”根据什么判定芙蓉鸟是这只猫咬死的? 3.猫究竟为什么要“凝望”鸟笼呢? 4.我的判断是否准确?是谁咬死了芙蓉鸟?根据是什么? 5.为什么“我”对于第三只猫的死亡比前两只猫的亡失更“难过得多”? 6.作者通过回忆三次养猫的经历,告诉我们一个怎样的人生道理?

小学语文五年级下人教版 选读课文导学案

1、拉萨古城 学习目标: 1、有感情地朗读课文。 2、理解课文内容,认识拉萨古城的特点。 3、掌握更多拉萨古城的主要景点及西藏的风土人情。了解我们国家多样的文化特色,加深对祖国的认识,从而激发对祖国的热爱之情。 学习重难点:理解课文内容,认识拉萨古城的特点,有热爱祖国、和少数民族是一家的意识。 一、课前预习: 1、读一读,写一写。 拉萨眼帘藏族祈盼无与伦比鹤立鸡群气势宏伟典雅叹为观止 宝幢魅力龇牙咧嘴鳄鱼大昭寺八廓街星罗棋布鎏金 2、联系上下文,用自己的话说说下列词语的意思。 祈盼:无与伦比: 鹤立鸡群:气势宏伟: 叹为观止:龇牙咧嘴: 星罗棋布: 3、自由大声地朗读课文。读完之后,找到自己最喜欢部分把它多读几遍。也可以把你感受最深的词语在书上做上记号。 二、合作探讨: 1、课文围绕着拉萨古城主要讲了: ①,特点是:。 ②,特点是:。 ③,特点是:。 2、说说你对下列句子的理解。

①正月里我们登楼远望,但见鲜艳的五彩经幡四处飘扬,整座拉萨古城,像一支正要启航的漂亮而庞大的舰队,布达拉宫则是无与伦比的旗舰。 ②它是一道宗教的江,是一条生活的河。 ③街上商店、摊点星罗棋布,热闹非常,与大昭寺内庄严肃穆的气氛既矛盾又统一。 ④佛教与尘世,宁静与喧哗,虚无与真实……这一切使圣地拉萨富有魅力,使古城拉萨成为人们心目中的神秘之地,神圣之地,幸福之地。 3、用从文中画出比喻句并抄下来,说明是用什么来比喻什么的。 4、说说第三、四自然段开头的一句话在本段中起什么作用? 5、读了本文后,你有哪些体会和感受,请说一说,写一写。 三、展示、交流、评议: 四、达标测评: 1、这篇课文介绍了拉萨古城的和,表现了作者对家乡的之情。 2、课文着重写了拉萨古城的、和。 2、故事两则 学习目标: 1.自读课文,理解内容。通过对课文的学习,感受语言的魅力。 2.积累优美的语句,学习运用机智巧妙的语言来处理事情。 学习重难点: 通过对课文的学习,感受精炼语言艺术的魅力,激发积累优美语言的兴趣。对精妙的进一步感悟和拓展。(知识链接见反面) 一、课前预习: 1、读一读,写一写。 佝偻衣衫褴褛木然欣慰贫困交加风烛残年尴尬菜肴冬笋


必修一Unit4-链接高考A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN'T SLEEP 语法填空(一) Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. For three days 1 water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in 2 . A smelly gas came out of the cracks. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too 3 (nerve) to eat. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places 4 (hide). Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds. At about 3:00 am 5 July 28,1976, some people 6 (see) bright lights in the sky. The sound of planes could 7 (hear) outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. In the city, the water pipes in some 8 (build)cracked and burst. 9 the one million people of the city,10 thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. 语法填空(二) At 3:42 am everything began 1 (shake). It seemed as if the world was at 2 end! Eleven kilometres directly below the city 3 (great) earthquake of the 20th century had begun. It was felt in Beijing, 4 is more than two hundred kilometres away. One-third of the nation felt 5 . A huge crack that was eight kilometres long 6 thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. Steam burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt.7 fifteen terrible seconds a large city8 (lie)in ruins. The9 (suffer)of the people was extreme. Two-thirds of them died or10 (leave) without parents. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000. 语法填空(三) But how could the survivors believe it was 1 (nature)? Everywhere they looked nearly everything 2 (destroy). All of the city's hospitals,75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. No wind, 3 , could blow them away. Two dams fell and most of the bridges also fell or were not safe for 4 (travel). The railway tracks were now 5 (use) pieces of steel. Tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again. Half a million pigs and millions of 6 (chick) were dead. Sand now filled the wells instead 7 water. People were shocked. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one8 (shake) Tangshan. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins. More buildings fell down. Water, food, and electricity were hard9 (get). People began to wonder how long10 disaster would last. 语法填空(四) All hope 1 (be) not lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue 2 (work). Hundreds of thousands of people 3 (help). The army organized teams to dig out those 4 were trapped and to bury 5 dead. To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued 6 the coal mines there. Workers7 (build) shelters for survivors8 homes had been destroyed. Fresh water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane.9 (slow), the city began10 (breath) again. 语法填空(五) Dear Mary, 1 (congratulate)! We are pleased 2 (tell)you that you have won the high school 3 (speak) competition about new Tangshan. Your speech 4 (hear) by a group of five judges, all of 5 agreed that it was 6 (good) one this year. Your parents and your school should be very proud 7 you! Next month the city8 (open) a new park to honour those who died in the terrible disaster. The park will also honour those who helped the survivors. Our office would like to have you speak to the park visitors on July 28 at 11:00 am.9 you know, this is the day the quake10 (happen) thirty-eight years ago. We invite you to bring your family and friends on that special day. Sincerely, Zhang Sha 短文改错(一) Dear Mary, Congratulations! We are pleased tell you that you have won the high school speaking competition about new Tangshan. Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, and all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year. Your parents and your school should very proud of you! Next month the city will open a new park to honour those who died in the terribly disaster. The park will also honour those that helped the survivors. Our office would like to have you to speak to the park visitors in July 28 at 11:00 am. What you know, this is the day the quake happen thirty-eight years ago. We invite you to bring our family and friends on that special day. Sincerely, Zhang Sha


Unit 17 Laughter Lesson 1 What's So Funny? A “Have you ever had trouble trying t o spell a word?” I asked my husband one day. “Yes, sometimes. Why, what happened?” he asked.“This afternoon, I was in the town centre, I had been doing some shopping. I suddenly realised I didn't have any money (leave) so I quickly went to the bank to cash a cheque.I wanted to withdraw $40 from our bank account, but I'm so forgetful that I couldn't remember if 40 was spelled …fourty' or …forty'.” “What did you do?”my husband asked. “I took out fifty dollars .” I said. 1.instead 2.however 3.anyhow 4.somewhat The Wang family was planning to go on holiday soon.77 Mr Wang wanted to know which place would be the most enjoyable for the whole family. He felt his daughter was mature enough and he didn't want to overlook her opinion so he asked her, “If I was going to Hainan Island and your mum was going to Thailand, where would you like to go?” She replied, “Hmm ... I'd like to go to Thailand.” He wondered about h er response, and just to clarify, he asked her an another question. 77“Well, if I was going to Thailand and your mum was going to Hainan Island, where would you like to go then?” This time she didn't hesitate, “Then I'd like to go to Hainan Island.” Now Mr Wang (puzzle). “But why?” he asked. “Because I went to Thailand on the last trip,” she said. C Heavy snow last winter caused long delays at Heathrow airport. One afternoon, hundreds of unlucky passengers who had been expecting to board a flight to New York told it had been cancelled.77 One unfortunate counter agent was dealing with all the

Unit14课文理解学案 人教版

Unit14课文理解学案 ●True or False: ●( ) 1. Von Frisch and his co-workers counted how many times the bees repeated the wagging dance during one hour. ●( ) 2. They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the faster the dance was. ●( ) 3. The number of wagging dances per minute told the direction to the feeding place. ●( ) 4. Then Professor Von Frisch did his third experiment, which was to discover whether the wagging dance showed direction. ( ) 5. He found that the straight part of the dance was the same in the morning from what it had been in the afternoon. ( ) 6. If the feeding place was toward the sun, the dance headed straight onward during the straight part of the wagging dance. ( ) 7. The experiment of Professor Karl Von Frisch tells us that bees can and do communicate with each other by their dances, which may be called a kind of “language”. ●Choose the best answer 1.The scientist can research the language of the honeybees because of the development of ____ . A. the modern beehive B. experiment C. dishes of honey D. both A and B 2. The phrase “ tell the bees apart ” in Paragraph 2 means ______ . A. tell the bees separately B. tell the difference of the bees C. drive the bees away D. tear the bees into pieces 3. After the marked bees danced , the other bees _____ . A. danced together B. became very excited C. seemed not to noticed it


爱之链 杰尼.巴尼特(美) 在一条乡间公路上,乔依开着那辆破汽车慢慢地颠簸(bǒ)着往前走。已是黄昏了,伴随着寒风,雪花纷纷扬扬地飘落下来。飞舞的雪花钻进破旧的汽车,他不禁打了几个寒战。这条路上几乎看不见汽车,更没有人影。乔依工作的工厂在前不久倒闭了,他的心里很是凄(qī)凉。 前面的路边上好像有什么,乔依定睛一看,是一辆车。走近时,乔依才发现车旁还有一位身材矮小的老妇人,她满脸皱纹,在冷风中微微发抖。看见脸上带着微笑的乔依,她反倒紧张地闭上了眼睛。 乔依很理解她的感受,赶紧安慰她说:“请别害怕,夫人,您怎么不呆在车里?里面暖和些。对了,我叫乔依。” 原来她的车胎(tāi)瘪(biě)了,乔依让她坐进车里,自己爬进她的车底下找一块地方放置千斤顶。他的脚腕(wàn)被蹭(cènɡ)破了,因为他没穿袜子。为了干活方便,他摘下了破手套,两只手冻得几乎没有知觉。他喘着粗气,清水鼻涕也流下来了,呼出的一点点热气才使脸没被冻僵。他的手蹭破了,也顾不上擦流出的血。当他干完活时,两只手上沾满了油污,衣服也更脏了。 乔依扣上那车的后备箱时,老妇人摇下车窗,满脸感激地告诉他说,她在这个荒无人烟的地方已经等了一个多小时了,她又冷又怕,几乎完全绝望了。老妇人一边打开钱包一边问:“我该给你多少钱?” 乔依愣住了,他从没想到他应该得到钱的回报。他以前在困难的时候也常常得到别人的帮助,所以他从来就认为帮助有困难的人是一件天经地义的事,他一直就是这么做的。

乔依笑着对老妇人说:“如果您遇上一个需要帮助的人,就请您给他一点帮助吧。” 乔依看着老妇人的车开走以后,才启动了自己的破汽车。 老妇人沿着山路开了几公里,来到了一个小餐(cān)馆,她打算吃点东西,然后回家。 餐馆里面十分破旧,光线昏暗。店主是一位年轻的女人,她热情地送上一条雪白的毛巾,让老妇人擦干头发上的雪水。老妇人感到心里很舒服。她发现这位女店主的脸上虽然带着甜甜的微笑,可掩盖不住她极度的疲劳。更重要的是,她怀孕至少有8个月了。尽管如此,她还是忙来忙去地为老妇人端茶送饭。老妇人突然想起了乔依。 老妇人用完餐,付了钱。当女店主把找回的钱交给她时,发现她已经不在了。只见餐桌上有一个小纸包,打开纸包,里面装着一些钱。餐桌上还留有一张纸条,上面写着:“在我困难的时候,有人帮助了我。现在我也想帮帮你。”女店主不禁潸(shān)然泪下。 她关上店门,走进里屋,发现丈夫不知什么时候已经倒在床上睡着了。她不忍心叫醒他。他为了找工作,已经快急疯了。她轻轻地亲吻(wěn)着丈夫那粗糙的脸颊,喃(nán)喃地说:“一切都会好起来的,亲爱的,乔依……”


英语必修五第三单元 I HA VE SEEN AMAZING THINGS 编制人:赵梦华审核人:日期:2012-9-10 学习目标:Master the new words and understand the new text. 预习案课前预习(请同学们自行阅读课文后完成任务) Ⅰ. Read the text and answer these questions. 1. What was inside the space station? __________________________________________________________ 2. How can message be seen in the future? __________________________________________________________ 3. How is rubbish dealt with in the future? __________________________________________________________ 4. What does their third stop show? __________________________________________________________ 5. Why no pollution exists in the future industry? __________________________________________________________ Ⅱ. Read the text and complete the blanks with the phrases in the text. 1. my first visit was to a space station_____________ the most modern in space. 2. People____________ collect waste in dustbins. 3. The rubbish___________ several grades of useful mater ial, such as “fertilizer” for the fields and “soil” for deserts. 4. I___________ the moving model of the waste machine absorbed by its efficiency. 5. Manufacturing no longer_________ on the earth but on space stations like this one. 重难点探究(分析课文重点句子及单词,并完成相应的习题) 1. When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up, we pressed hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we wanted to go. 当我们想让气垫车加速时,我们就用力压下操纵杆并使它弯向我们想去的方向。

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