当前位置:文档之家› report的用法总结大全







n. 报告,成绩报告单,传闻,流言蜚语

vt. vi. 报道,公布,宣告

vt. 告发,举报,使报到

变形:过去式: reported; 现在分词:reporting; 过去分词:reported;







He is reading a report of the state of the roads.他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。

I have only reports to go on.我的依据只是谣传而已。

My son got an excellent report last semester.我儿子上学期成绩出色。



report用作及物动词时其后可接名词、动名词、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或“(to be+) n./adj./adv. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常与for, to, on等介词连用。

be reported其后可接形容词、现在分词、动词不定式、过去分词或as短语、介词短语充当宾语补足语。


I shall have to report this to the authorities.我得把这事向当


The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble.飞行员报告发动机有故障后几秒钟飞机就坠毁了。

The press in China widely reported the event.中国报界广泛报导了此事。


1、Ill report back the moment I have located him.


2、Many areas in the countrysinterior are unable to report Aids cases immediately.


3、Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.



third officer reporting.

The other members of the crew--







1.(口头或书面的)报告,报道(尤指经传播媒介发表者) [C] His report and your report disagreed.



Her last school report shocked her parents into action.



They heard a violent report followed by silence.


现在完成时讲解和练习 1. 现在完成时的构成: have\has+过去分词(过去分词的构成有规则变化和不规则变化) 2. 现在完成时的四个基本句型 肯定句He has finished the work. 一般疑问句Has he finished the work? 回答Yes ,he has. No, he hasn’t. 否定句He has not finished the work. 特殊疑问句What has he done? 3.现在完成时的用法: A.表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调对现在造成的影想或结果)。例如:The car has arrived. 车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口) Someone has broken the window.有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着) B. 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用,如for+时间段、since+过去的时间点、疑问词how long等。例如: My uncle has worked at this factory for five years. 我叔叔在这个工厂工作已经五年了。 Mr. Black has lived in China since 2002. 自从2002年Mr. Black 一直住在中国。 How long have you been here? 你来这里多久了? 4. 在下列情形下用现在完成时 (1)九词语 ①already已经肯定句中或句尾 e.g.: I have already found my pen. = I have found my pen already. ②yet已经否定句和疑问句句尾 e.g.:I have not finished the work yet. Have you bought a computer yet? ③ever曾经句中 e.g.:Have you ever seen pandas? ④never从不句中 e.g.:I have never been to Beijing. ⑤just刚刚句中 e.g.:I have just done my work. ⑥before以前句尾 e.g.:I have never been there before. ⑦so far到目前为止 e.g.:So far he has learnt 200 words. ⑧how long多久 e.g.:How long have you lived here? ⑨how many times多少次 e.g.:How many times has he been to Beijing? (3)三词组 1.havegone to去了某地表示“已经去了某地,在去那里的途中或到达那里还没有回来” e.g.:He has gone to Beijing (去了北京) 2.havebeen to去过某地表示“曾去过某地,已经从那里回来了” e.g.:He has been to Beijing. (去过北京) 3.havebeen in 表示“在某地呆多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:since, for, how long e.g.: Mr. Brown has been in Beijing for three days. 布朗先生来北京已经有三天了 4.如果句子里面没有时间状语,汉语意思能够加“已经”,往往用现在完成时态。 e.g.:Have you lost your library book? 你已经弄丢了从图书馆借的那本书吗? 5.现在完成时态还常常用于下列句型


twist的用法总结大全 twist的用法你知道多少,今天给大家带来twist的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 twist的用法总结大全 twist的意思 vt. 扭成一束,搓,捻,绕,卷,连结,交结 vi. 被搓揉,蜿蜒,曲折,扭曲身体,扭动,旋转,转动 n. 揉搓之物,丝线,烟草卷,旋转 变形:过去式: twisted; 现在分词:twisting; 过去分词:twisted; twist用法 twist可以用作动词 twist的基本意思是指纺纱或捻线的一个程序,两股或多股细丝互相拧成纱或线。引申可指“盘绕”“旋转”“扭伤”。用于比喻可指“曲解(话、词等的)意义”。

twist可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,主动形式可含有被动意义。 twist有时可接以形容词作补足语的复合宾语。 twist用作动词的用法例句 She twisted the long scarf round her head.她把那条长围巾围在头上。 Selecting the suitable twist factor in order to meet the needs of flax knitting yarn, it is the key to increase high_grade and productivity of flax knitting products.选择合理的捻系数以满足针织用纱的要求是提高亚麻针织产品档次和生产效率的关键。 We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.我们把床单搓成绳子,援绳下坠逃跑了。 twist用法例句 1、The battle of the sexes also took a new twist. 两性之争也出现了新的变数。 2、Twist the string carefully around the second stem with the other hand.


过去完成时态的用法小结 默认分类2009-12-27 12:54:52 阅读281 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 一、过去完成时适用场合 1. 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。这个过去的时间常用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以暗含在上下文中。 I had finished my homework before supper.我在晚饭前就把作业做完了。 The play had already started when we got to the theatre. 我们到剧场时戏已经开始了。 By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients. 到六月底他们已经治疗了一万多病人。 2. 过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或还要持续下去,常与for,since等词连用。如: He had served in the army for ten years before he retired last year. 他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。 He told me that he had known her since he was a child. 他告诉我他从小就认识她。 He had learned English for eight years before he went to England for further study. 他在去英国深造前,已学了八年英语。 3. 在一段情景连贯的文字中,先发生的事放在后面叙述时,要用过去完成时。如: Tom flew home, but his father had already died. 汤姆乘飞机回家,他的父亲却已经去世了。4. 过去完成时也用于hardly...when..., no sooner...than..., It was the first time + that分句等一些固定句型中。 He had no sooner left the room than they began to talk about him. 他刚离开房间,他们就议论起他来。 We had hardly begun when we were told to stop. 我们刚开始就被叫停。 It was the first time that he had ever spoken to me in such a tune.他用这样的语调跟我讲话,这是第一次。 二、过去完成时与一般过去时的比较 1. 当一个由before, after, as soon as 等连词引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作紧接着发生时,两个动作均可用一般过去时来表示。 We had breakfast after we did morning exercises. 做完早操后,我们吃早饭。 The train started to move just before he reached the platform. 他到月台时火车刚开走。 They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields. 他们一到地里就开始耕地。 2. 按时间顺序叙述两个或两个以上接连发生的动作时,用一般过去时。 He entered the room, turned on the light and sat down at the table. 他走进屋子,打开灯,坐在桌子旁。 3. 在表示某人过去未曾完成的“心愿”、“打算”、“计划”、“想法”、“许诺”等时,hope, mean, plan, think, intend等谓语动词常用过去完成时。 I had hoped to be back last night, but I didn’t catch the train. 我本来希望昨晚回来的,但没搭上火车。 We had thought to return early but they wouldn’t let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。 4. 在表示过去的句子中出现常与完成时态连用的词,如:already,yet,since,for,ever,never及次数名词等时,常用过去完成时来表示。


Lead in 一般过去时导入:一般过去时的概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 I lost my pen.(过去时) I have lost my pen.(现在完成时) 过去时一般表示过去所发生的动作或存在的状态。“我把笔丢了”,说话人只是想告诉对方在过去的某一个时间里他的笔丢了,仅此而已。(仅仅是在陈诉过去的一个事实,与现在没有关系) New lesson 一.现在完成时的构成: 助动词have/has(not) +动词过去分词 She has turned on the lights. 肯定式:have/ has+过去分词 否定式:haven’t/hasn’t+过去分词 疑问式:把have/has 提到主语前面 肯定回答:Yes,…have/has 否定回答:No,…..haven’t/hasn’t 二.用法 1.表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果. 例如:She has gone. 她走了. She went in the past.(She is not here

now.) I have just cleaned my hands. 我刚洗过手。(“洗手”是发生在过去的动作,对现在造成的结果是“手干净了”) I have closed the door. (The door is close now.) She has turned on the lights. (The lights are on now.) He has written his name on the blackboard. (The name is on the blackboard now.) Mother has cooked the dinner. (We can have dinner now.) You have seen the film. (You know what the film is about.) We have cleaned the classroom. (The classroom is clean now.) 2. 表示动作发生在过去,并且一直延续到现在,甚至还可能继续延续下去。这时常和since所引导的短语或从句或for引导的短语连用(for有时可以省去)。以及so far, by now, these days, in the last/past … years/days…等连用。 I have lived here for over ten years. (表示他现在还在这里居住,并且还有可能继续住下去)比较:I lived here ten years ago.(仅仅说明了他十年前在这里记住过的事实,不代表现在他还住在这里) He has studied here since 2006. 都用How long 提问,例: We have learned English for three years. We have learned English since three years ago.


page的用法总结大全 page这个单词你知道是什么意思吗?page的用法是怎样的呢,快来了解一下吧,今天小编给大家带来了page的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 page的意思 n. 页,(计算机的)页面,年史, vt. 标记…的页数,翻页,喊出名字以寻找,(在公共传呼系统上)呼叫 vi. 翻书页,浏览 变形:过去式: paged; 现在分词:paging; page用法 page可以用作名词 page的基本意思是“页”,指书刊、杂志等的一页或报纸等的一版,也可指纸的一张,还可指报纸的“专页”。 page也可指可写入书中的历史事件或时期。 page用作动词的意思是“标记…的页数”或“翻页”。 page用作名词的用法例句 There are several faults in the page of figures.那一页的数字中有几个差错。 Open your German readers at page 28.把德语课本翻到第28页。 The page number is shown at the foot of the page.在页脚处可以看到页码。 page可以用作动词 page用作动词的意思是“标记…的页数”或“翻页”。 page也可作“呼叫…”解,指在公共场所通过扩音器呼喊找人。 page是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 page用作动词的用法例句 When the book is ready for printing,someone has to page it up.书在付印前,必须有人排好页码。 He tore the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page.他匆忙翻页的时候,把杂志都撕坏了。 Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page.她读得出神,每次翻页就不自觉地舔一下食指。


过去完成时知识点总结和题型总结(word) 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.—We all went to the park except you last weekend. Why didn't you come? —Because I the park twice. A. have gone to B. had gone to C. had been to D. have been to 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】have gone to去了(尚未回).have been to去过(已回),根据句意在last weekend之前去过,所以用过去完成时,故选C。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法,表示在过去某一时间前已经发生的动作。 2.Sue didn't go to see the film with us last week because she ________________ it with her mother. A. has seen B. had seen C. will see D. saw 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:苏上星期没和我们一起去看电影,因为她和她妈妈一起看过了。 A.已经看了,现在完成时; B.已经看了,过去完成时; C.将看,一般将来时; D.看了,一般过去时。Sue和妈妈看了电影的影响是上周Sue没有和我们看电影,所以用完成时,根据didn't可知是与过去有关,所以用过去完成时,结构是had+动词过去分词,see的过去分词是seen,故选B。 【点评】考查过去完成时,注意平时识记其结构,理解句意。 3.Jake _____his key in the office so he had to wait until his wife _______ home. A. has forgotten … comes B. forgot… come C. had left… came D. had left…would come 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:杰克把他的钥匙丢在办公室了,因此他不得不等到他的妻子回家。结合语境可知前文描述的是过去某时前已经完成的动作,故用过去完成时态。下文指的是过去某时的动作,故用一般过去时态。选C。 【点评】英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。 4.When I ______ the cinema, the film _______for ten minutes A. got to; has begun B. arrived at; has been on C. reached; had begun D. hurried to; had been on


英语中的常见六大疑问词的用法 who whose where when what how 这六个词的常见用法(指的是一般情况下的用法,除特殊外) 1.回答中有“物”,就用来提问; 2.回答中有“地方,地点”,就用where来提问 3.回答中有“方式,方法”,就用how来提问 4.回答中有“人”,就用who来提问 5.回答中有“人的所有格”,就用whose来提问 6.回答中有“时间”,就用when来提问 以上这六种里最简单的为第四个。就刚才所说六点现在举例说明如下: # 1. (What) are you going to take 2. (Where) are you from Sandwiches,milk and cakes. I am from New York. 3. (How) did you get there 4. (Who)is going to help me I got there by train . Mike. 5. (Whose) bag is this 6. (When) are you going to watch TV Mike's bag is this. At eight o'clock. 英语疑问词用法总结 句子是英语学习的核心。从句子使用的目的来分,它可分为四类1、陈述句(肯定句和否定句)2、疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和选择疑问句)3、祈使句(肯定句和否定句)4、感叹句。四大句子类型的相互转换,对于学生来讲是个难点,为此,可通过说顺口留的形式来帮助学生解决这一难题。如:将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以变成这样的顺口留:疑问疑问调个头,把be(系动词“is are am”)放在最前头。又如:将陈述句


LESSON EIGHT 四种完成时态 主系表 现在:You are rich. 过去:You were rich. 将来:You will be rich. 过去将来:You would be rich. There be 现在:There is a book on the desk . 过去:There was a book on the desk. 将来:There will be a book on the desk. 过去将来:There would be a book on the desk.主谓宾状 现在:You study English in the school. 过去时:You studied English in the school. 将来时: You will study English in the school. You are going to study English. You are to study English. are about to study English would study English in the scho You were going to study English. You were to study English. You were about to study English. You are studying English. You were studying English. You will be studying English. You woud be studying English.


report用法详解 1.用作动词,注意以下搭配: (1) 用于report sb,表示“告发某人”。如: It won’t be necessary for him to report to the police. 他没必要去报告警察。 (2) 用于report to sb,表示“向某人报告”。如: We must report to the teacher at once. 我们必须要马上向老师报告。 (3) 用于report sb to sb,表示“向某人告发某人”。如: We’ll repor t you to the teacher. 我们将向老师告发你。 He reported the boy to the head teacher for smoking on the school premises.他向校长告发了这个男孩在校内吸烟。 用于report sth to sb,表示“将某事向某人报告或汇报”。如: He reported his discoveries to the professor. 他把自己的发现向教授作了汇报。 2.用作动词时,若后接动词作宾语,要用动名词(可用一般式或完成式),不能用不定式。如: They reported having seen him in Bringhton. 他们说在布赖顿见到了他。 He reported having met only a cyclist. 他报告说只碰到一个骑自行车的人。 这类用法通常可与后接that从句的用法转换。如: 他们报告说他们看见了飞碟。 正:They reported seeing [having seen] UFOs. 正:They reported that they had seen UFOs. 3.用作动词时虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可接“宾语+不定式”。如: They reported a star to have appeared in the East. 他们报道东方出现了一颗星星。 Everyone reported him to be the best man for the job. 大家都说他是做这工作最合适的人。 这类结构主要用于被动语态。如: A girl is reported to be missing. 据报导一个女孩失踪了。 He is reported to have been chosen chairman of the trade union. 据说他当选了工会主席。


英语过去完成时的用法总结 它表示句子中描述的动作发生在“过去的过去”。 基本结构 主语+had+过去分词vpp、(done) ①肯定句:主语+had+过去分词、 ②否定句:主语+had+not+过去分词、 ③一般疑问句:Had+主语+过去分词? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+had、 否定回答:No,主语+had not 、 ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+一般疑问句(Had+主语+过去分词)? 基本用法表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,也可以说过去的时间关于过去的动作。即“过去的过去”。可以用by, before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示,也可以用一个表示过去的动作来表示,还可能通过上下文来表示。 例如: By nine o’clock last night, we had got200 pictures from the spaceship、到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。 过去完成时-语法判定 1、由时间状语来判定

一般说来,各种时态都有特定的时间状语。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: (1 ) by + 过去的时间点。如: I had finished reading the novel by nine oclock last night、 (2 ) by the end of + 过去的时间点。如: We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term、 (3 ) before + 过去的时间点。如: They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday、 2、由“过去的过去”来判定。 过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,是指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系,动作在前的用过去完成时,在后的用一般过去时。这种用法常出现在: (1 )宾语从句中 当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作时,从句要用过去完成时。在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。如: She said that she had seen the film before、 (2 )状语从句中


过去完成时用法小结 一、过去完成时适用场合 1. 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。这个过去的时间常用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句表示,也可以暗含在上下文中。 I had finished my homework before supper.我在晚饭前就把作业做完了。 The play had already started when we got to the theatre. 我们到剧场时戏已经开始了。 By the end of June they had treated over 10,000 patients. 到六月底他们已经治疗了一万多病人。 2. 过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或还要持续下去,常与for,since等词连用。如: He had served in the army for ten years before he retired last year. 他在部队干了十年,去年退役了。 He told me that he had known her since he was a child. 他告诉我他从小就认识她。 He had learned English for eight years before he went to England for further study. 他在去英国深造前,已学了八年英语。 3. 在一段情景连贯的文字中,先发生的事放在后面叙述时,要用过去完成时。如: Tom flew home, but his father had already died. 汤姆乘飞机回家,他的父亲却已经去世了。4. 过去完成时也用于hardly...when...(刚…就…), no sooner...than... (刚…就…), It was the first time + that分句等一些固定句型中。 He had no sooner left the room than they began to talk about him. 他刚离开房间,他们就议论起他来。 We had hardly begun when we were told to stop. 我们刚开始就被叫停。 It was the first time that he had ever spoken to me in such a tune.他用这样的语调跟我讲话,这是第一次。 二、过去完成时与一般过去时的比较 1. 当一个由before, after, as soon as 等连词引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作紧接着发生时,两个动作均可用一般过去时来表示。 We had breakfast after we did morning exercises. 做完早操后,我们吃早饭。 The train started to move just before he reached the platform. 他到月台时火车刚开走。 They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields. 他们一到地里就开始耕地。 2. 按时间顺序叙述两个或两个以上接连发生的动作时,用一般过去时。 He entered the room, turned on the light and sat down at the table. 他走进屋子,打开灯,坐在桌子旁。 3. 在表示某人过去未曾完成的“心愿”、“打算”、“计划”、“想法”、“许诺”等时,hope, mean, plan, think, intend等谓语动词常用过去完成时。 I had hoped to be back last night, but I didn’t catch the train. 我本来希望昨晚回来的,但没搭上火车。 We had thought to return early but they wouldn’t let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。 4. 在表示过去的句子中出现常与完成时态连用的词,如:already,yet,since,for,ever,


中考考点_过去完成时知识点汇总(全) 一、初中英语过去完成时 1.—How long you TV by the time I called you? —For about two hours A. had; watched B. have; watched C. did; watch D. were; watching 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】由句中的by the time可判断.这里用过去完成时,故选A。句意是:—到我打电话给你为止,你已经看了多长时间的电视了?—大约两个小时。 【点评】本题考查过去完成时的用法。 2.We are too tired. Please stop __________ a rest. A. to have B. having C. have D. has 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们是在太累了,停下来休息一下吧。stop to have a rest.固定搭配故选A 【点评】注意时态一致, 3.Jake _____his key in the office so he had to wait until his wife _______ home. A. has forgotten … comes B. forgot… come C. had left… came D. had left…would come 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:杰克把他的钥匙丢在办公室了,因此他不得不等到他的妻子回家。结合语境可知前文描述的是过去某时前已经完成的动作,故用过去完成时态。下文指的是过去某时的动作,故用一般过去时态。选C。 【点评】英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。 4.By the end of last month, Jane _____ enough money for the poor sick boy. A. raised B. would raise C. had raised D. has raised 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:在上个月末,珍已经为贫穷的生病的孩子筹集到了足够的钱。根


1. cleaned the blackboard 2. closed the window ——————∣—————∣—————→∣——→ had cleaned the closed the window now blackboard She had cleaned the blackboard before she closed the window. After she had cleaned the blackboard , she closed the window. 1. ran out of breath 2. drank water ——————∣—————∣—————→∣——→ had run out drank water now of breath He had run out of breath before he drank water. After he had run out of breath, he drank water. 1. ate an apple 2. slept ——————∣—————∣—————→∣——→ had eaten slept now an apple She had eaten an apple before she slept. After she had eaten an apple , she slept. 一、过去完成时定义: ②过去某动作一直持续到现在将来可能还要延续下去。句中的动作发生在过去之前(过去的过去),即过去完成时动作发生在过去的过去。 He said he had been to Beijing twice. 他说他已经去过北京两次。(因为“说”said就是过去式,而去北京的动作发生在说said 的过去,所以用过完而不用现完。



意思 用法 例句
who 谁 问 人 的 He
身份,姓 Who is he ?
名等 He is my brother.
Who is he ?
whom 谁 问 人 的 I can ask him the
身份,姓 question.
名 等 ( 问 宾 Whom can you ask
the question?
what 什么 问 人 的 He is a worker.
职 业 或 What is he?
事 物 是 He has a book.
什么 What does he have ?
which 哪一 问 一 定 The big box is mine.
个 范 围 内 Which box is yours? 特 指 的 The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?

whose 谁的 问 所 属 This is her book. 关系 Whose book is this ?
This book is hers.
Whose is this book?
what 什么 问 颜 色 My skirt is red. What color 颜色 (表语)color is your skirt?
What 几点 问 点 时 We play games at five

in the afternoon ?
What time do you
play games?
when 什么 问时间 We play games in the
afternoon ?
When do you play
where 什么 问 地 点 We play games at 地方 (状语)home on Sunday ?
Where do you play
games on Sunday?


现在完成时 一.构成 助动词have/has + 过去分词 例:肯定句I have worked. He has worked. 否定句I have not (haven't ) worked. He has not (hasn't )worked . 疑问句Have you worked ? Has he worked ? 回答Y es,I have. / No , I haven't . Y es, he has./ No, he hasn't. 二.功能及意义 1.表示一个动作发生在过去,对现在仍有影响,但没有具体的过去时间修饰。常由下列副词修饰:ever曾经,never从不,already已经,yet还(未),(yet 只用在否定句和疑问句中),just刚刚,recently,lately近来,so far 迄今为止= until now, up to now,before 以前 例:Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 你曾经去过长城吗? I have never heard of such a man.我从没有听说过那个人。 We have just had lunch 我们刚刚吃过午饭 I have already returned your money.我已经把钱还给你了。 I haven't found my book yet. (否)我还没有找到笔记本 Have you done your homework yet?(疑)你做作业了吗? Have you heard from him recently ? 你最近收到他的来信了吗? So far, no one has made any mistakes yet.迄今为止还没有人犯错误 I have never traveled by plane before .我以前从来没有乘飞机旅行过 2 表示一个动作发生在过去,一直持续到现在刚刚结束或者仍在继续。常常与下列时间状语连用: →for + 一段时间 I have learned English for 8 years →since + 过去的一个时间点 I have learned English since 2001 →since + 一段时间+ ago I have learned English since 8 years ago →since + 时态为一般过去时的时间状语从句 I have learned English since I was 5 years old → in the past/last +时间段 We have had two English exams in the past two months近两个月来我们进行了2次英语考试 Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years 近十年来我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。 三延续性动词与短暂性动词的用法


英语副词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择副词 1.There’s no chance that we can change the history. _______, it is important that we learn lessons to face the future. A.Meanwhile B.Nevertheless C.Otherwise D.Therefore 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们不可能改变历史。虽然如此,重要的是我们要吸取教训来面对未来。A. Meanwhile同时;B. Nevertheless然而,虽然如此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Therefore因此。根据句意可知,前后句意存在转折关系。故选B。 2.Linda's health is improving ________ day by day, and the doctor has advised her to stay home for a couple of weeks. A.frequently B.gradually C.fluently D.actually 【答案】B 【解析】 根据improving和day by day可知,琳达的身体在一天天“逐渐地(gradually)”康复。frequently频繁地;fluently流利地;actually实际上,均不符合语境。 答案:B 3.It’s so hot! The temperature must be __________ over 100 degrees! A.very B.well C.much D.still 【答案】B 【解析】句意:天气太热了!气温一定超过100度了。well over 远远超过,溢出,泛滥。故选B。 4.Each working day,The Daily is updated on the website every hour,unless indicated. A.otherwise B.therefore C.nevertheless D.moreover 【答案】A 【解析】句意:每个工作日,《日报》每小时都会在网站上更新一次,除非另有注明。otherwise意为“否则,另外”,符合语境。therefore因此;nevertheless然而,不过;moreover而且。 5.Many people believe that poverty is only a problem in rural areas. ________, it is also a problem in some urban areas.

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