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二.文体对比stylistic features: subjective(主观的)/objective(客观的)

三.语篇分析---textual development /analogy


There are numerous reasons for……at first, …….secondly, ….In addition, /additionally,

/furthermore, …/what is more,

Unit 1 General Introduction to Professional Paper Writing

1.1 Classification of professional paper

A professional paper is a formal printed document in which professionals present their views and research findings on any deliberately chosen topic.

1)Report paper读书报告2)Research paper 研究论文

3)Course paper课程论文4)Thesis paper(Dissertation)学术论文

1.2 General Characteristics of English Academic Writing Style

Generally, English Academic writing is:

1) complex(复杂)--Written language is relatively more complex than spoken language

2) formal(正式)--Academic writing is relatively formal. Formal writing doesn’t use contractions, colloquialisms and slang.

3) impersonal and objective(客观)--Written language is in general objective rather than personal. It therefore has fewer words that refer to the writer or the reader. This means that the main emphasis should be on the information that you want to give and the arguments you want to make, rather than you.

4) explicit(清楚)--Academic writing is explic it about the relationships in the text. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the writer in English to make it clear to the reader how the various parts of the text are related.

5) accurate(准确)--Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. Most subjects have words with narrow specific meanings.

6) cautious or tentative(用词谨慎)

7) responsible(负责)---Academic writing refers to information from a range of print, digital and other sources, all of which must be clearly referenced in your text references other writers’ work. Question & Exercises:Read the following two passages and try to find out the stylistic features of each.


Compared with these two passages, I find that there are differences in styles,

passage 1 is informal, subjective, for example: ―I’m......‖,―don’t......‖

While the second passage is a scientific research paper, it’s formal, objective and complex, for example,(长句,被动语态等)

(subjective---objective, simple---complex, for example......)

Unit 2 Title, Author/Affiliation and Keywords

2.1 Titles

2.1.1. General functions

1). Generalizing the Text (总结全文)

2). Attracting the Reader (吸引读者)

3). Facilitating the Retrieval (方便检索)

2.1.2.Linguistic Features做分析题时候,可以根据下面的格式进行分析。

1) Using More Nouns, Noun Phrases and Gerunds(使用名词、名词短语和动名词)

The words or phrases used in a title are very often nouns, noun phrases or gerunds, nominalization, which usually are keywords for the paper, having the ability to sum up the whole text.

For example, we may easily find such titles as: 句子背不下来就不要用

(1)Working mechanism application of LED

(2) Civilization's Source and Its Implication.

(3) A Multi-perspective Account of Met linguistic Negation.

(4) Research on the Motivations of Lexis and V ocabulary Learning Strategies.

2) Using Incomplete Sentences(使用不完整的句子)

A title is just a label of appellation of the paper, reflecting the main idea of the content, so even when there is a need to give a title in the form of a sentence, it does not need to be a complete sentence.

For example, “意识形态是文化的特殊样态”.

2.3 Keywords

2.3.1 General Functions:

A. Easiness of Retrieval (检索方便)

B. Easiness of Highlighting(突出醒目)

2.3.1 Linguistic Features

A. Nominalization (名词化): Keywords are usually used in the form of nouns, not verbs. For example, investigate -- investigation; fabricate -- fabrication; educate -- education.

B. Limited Number (关键字数目有限): The number of the keywords for a paper should be limited. Min – max (2-8), average (4-6).

C. Designated Choice (不能随意选择): The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/or the abstract.


Correct the mistakes in the following titles according to the writing requirements you've learnt in this unit.

1. Digital Laser Micro interferometer and Its Applying. (Applying----Application)

2. Measuring of Surface Shape and Deformation by Phase-shifting Image Digital Holography. (Measuring---Measurement)

3. The Effects of the Patient Age and Physician Training on the Choice and Dose of Anti-melancholic Drugs. (去掉所有的“the”)

4. Scope of the Investigations: the First Phase. (去掉第一个“the”)

5. A New Broadband Uniform Accuracy DOA Estimator. (DOA---标题不具体,太宽泛extensive)

Unit 3 Abstract


(1)Comment on the following abstract

(2)Analyze the following abstract?

Answer :a, Complex(复杂)--sentences’ structure .

b, Objective(客观)--no personal pronoun is used in the abstract above.

c, The active voice is commonly used in it .(主动语态)

d, The information of an abstract is arranged in one paragraph .(一个段落)

(3)Analyze the problems exiting in the following abstract?

Answer : a, Informal(不正式) -For example, ”I think”.

b, Over-simplified Statements(表述过分简单)

c, Monotonous Expression(单一的表达)

d, Mixed writing style

e, Incomplete contents(内容不完整)

f, Displacement of information(摘要各成分之间顺序混乱,篇幅不合理)

1. 语态单一(全主动或全被动)

2. 口语化

3. 太过简单和复杂

4. 摘要各成分之间顺序混乱

5. 摘要各成分之间篇幅不合理

3.1. Definition of Abstract

An abstract is a brief and self-contained summary and an accurate representation of the contents of a document such as a research paper, a journal article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, and other academic documents.

The purpose of an abstract is to provide prospective readers the opportunity to judge the relevance of the longer work of their projects.

3.4. Classification of Abstracts

Depending on which information they contain, abstracts can be classified into major types: indicative (or descriptive) abstracts, informative abstracts, indicative - informative abstracts and author abstracts.

descriptive abstract 把问题进行了概述但对研究结果未提及,而在informational abstract 中提供了主要研究结果。因此,信息型文摘提供的信息比叙述型文摘要多。

1) Indicative (or descriptive) abstracts(指示性摘要):An indicative abstract or descriptive abstract is one that describes the type and nature of the work abstracted, indicating the principal subjects covered and providing a brief description of the way the facts are treated and the methods or techniques that are being reported.

2) Informative abstracts(信息类摘要):An informative abstract summarizes as much as the essential elements of the document as possible, presenting and explaining all the main material contents in the complete article/paper/book.

3) indicative / informative abstracts (综合性摘要):It presents a summary of the essential arguments and findings of the original, whilst those aspects of the document those are of minor significance are treated indicatively.

4) Author abstract:Author abstracts are abstracts prepared by authors of the document that has been subjected to abstracting.

5) Slanted abstract(专业性摘要)

6) Telegraphic abstract

7) Mini-abstract

8) Mission-oriented abstract

9) Finding-oriented abstract:

A finding-oriented abstract is most often used when:

(1).applying for research grants

(2).completing the PhD dissertation or M.A. thesis

(3).writing a proposal for a conference paper

10) Highlight abstract

3.5. Basic Components of the abstract:

An abstract usually includes the following components:

Background (背景): State briefly the topic and scope of the study.

Purpose /Objective/ Aim (目的) (What I want to do?): Define the research questions to be addressed.

Approach/Procedures /Methods/Design (方法) (How I did it?): Provide an overview of the research design, methods of data collection, and analysis.

Results / Findings (结果): Summarize the key findings in the course of work

Conclusions/Implications (总结) (What results did I get and what conclusions can I draw?): State the key conclusions and practical implications based the findings..

Originality (独创之处) (What is new and original in this paper).

3.6 “5 S teps” for Abstract Writing

1 Underlining Key Words and Sentences(画出关键的词和句子)

2 Listing Essential Points of the Paper(列出全文的重点)

3 Boiling down Each Section to a Sentence or Two(归结每个部分的大意)

4 Drafting the Abstract(起草摘要)

5 Checking the Final Draft(最终校对)

3.7 “5A Strategy”

5 questions to be answered before writing abstract:

Q1: What is the general knowledge of your topic in the academic field?

Q2: What research topic is the paper to focus on?

Q3: What method or material do you use to support your main point of view?

Q4: What conclusion will you draw?

Q5: What is the main contribution of the paper?

T able 1. The Structure of “5A Strategy”

A1: background Sentence (1)

A2: main topic Sentence (2)

A3: specific investigations Sentences (3) (4) (5)

A4: result & suggestion Sentence (6)

As: conclusion & contribution Sentence (7)

3.8. Likely Mistakes/Common Errors(一般出题形式是Give your comments on the following abstracts.)

1). Informal(不正式) -For example, ‖I think‖.

2). Over-simplified Statements(表述过分简单)

3). Monotonous Expression(单一的表达)

4). Mixed writing style

5). Incomplete contents(内容不完整)

6). Displacement of information(摘要各成分之间顺序混乱,篇幅不合理)

3.10.5 Simplify the following by noun clusters.

1. This is a bridge made of stone (stone bridge).

2. In the teaching of mathematics, the dominant mode of instruction (instruction mode) is generally traditional.

3. Students are expected to meet a deadline for the submission of a paper (the paper submission).

4. The introduction of mechanism of competition (competition mechanism) brought vigor and vitality into the enterprise.

5. There are signs that the rate of birth (birth rate) in the world is dropping.

Unit 4 Introduction

4.1General Functions of Introduction

1) Introducing the Subject (介绍主题)

2) Limiting the Research Scope (缩小搜索范围)

3) Stating the General Purpose (简要说明目的)

4) Showing the Writing Arrangement (展示写作的安排)

4.2. Structural Features of Introduction and Some Idiomatic Expressions (结构特点和惯用表达) (一篇文章能找出哪些是背景、哪些是前任工作的优缺点和将要进行的工作的焦点) There are three structural features of introduction:

1) Starting with the Research Background(以研究背景开始)

Here are some expressions used to introduce the background of the subject in an introduction:

1) Over the past several decades....

2) Somebody reported...

3) The previous work on... has indicated that...

4) Recent experiments by... have suggested...

5) Several researchers have theoretically investigated...

6) In most studies of ....... has been emphasized with attention being given to...

7) Industrial use of... is becoming increasingly common.

8) There have been a few studies highlighting...

9) It is well known that...

2) T ransiting to the Existing Problem(指出前人的研究工作存在的问题)

The following are a number of expressions used to present existing problems:

1) Great progress has been made in this field, but (however / nevertheless)...

2) Also, the consideration of... alone cannot explain the observed fact that...

3) A part of the explanation could lie in..., however .....

4) The study of... gives rise to two main difficulties: one is...; the other is...

5) Despite the recent progress reviewed in ...., there is no generally accepted theory concerning...

6) From the above discussion, it appears that at present neither.., nor.., are known.

3) Focusing on the Present Research(指出将要进行研究的焦点)

There are also a number of expressions used to introduce the present work:

1) In this paper .... is investigated (studied, discussed, presented, etc.)

2) The present work deals mainly with...

3) We report here.., in the presence of...

4.3.2. Analyze the following introductions, following the directions if possible. Underline the part stating the research background.“____” Parenthesize the part pointing to the existing problem.“()” Draw a box around the part focusing on the present research. “”

4.5.1 T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the sentence structure of each.

Strategy is an art of planning the best way to gain an advantage or to achieve success.


Here the point of view is the term generally used to indicate the point from which the paper is written.


Subordination is the technique of placing the less important thought in a subordinate position .


This formula is developed on the basis of the previously discussed theory.


It is concluded that some of the parameters cannot be obtained by using the method shown in Section IV.


Connect the equipment to the machine . Turn off the switch .Adjust input voltage to 10V.And note down the output current.


4.5.2 Put the following into English.

从上例可以看出It can be seen from the example above that ......

一般认为It is generally accepted that ....../It is universally acknowledged that......

希望...... It is hoped that ....../It is anticipated that ......

Unit 5 Literature Review(文献综述)

5.1 Integration and Case Building

5.1.1 The skills to do a thorough review

First, you need knowledge about the structure and function of an integrative review.

Next, critical thinking skills are required to not only simply review literature but also under- stand and discuss the literature.

Finally, integrative writing skills are required to establish a cogent rationale to build a case for the importance of your unique study that builds on the previous literature in a logical way.

5.1.2 The definition of literature review

Review articles are critical evaluations of material that has already been published.

5.2 Structural Elements in Writing a Literature Review

A literature-review chapter requires a number of structural elements, which help guide the reader from one sentence and paragraph to the next in a logical and seamless fashion.

1. The chapter starts with an introductory paragraph that focuses on the topic.

2. A road map should be included as an ―advanced organizer‖.

3. The chapter should be divided into sections and subsections.

4. Each paragraph should begin with a clear and explicit topic sentence.

5. Each major section should close with a transition.

6. Finally a summary and concluding section should bring the review together at the end.

5.3 The Funnel(漏斗结构)

A literature review for a thesis or dissertation should also be constructed in the shape of a funnel---starting very broadly by introducing the topic, then moving into the focus of the review, and, toward the end, developing a rationale(基本原理) for your hypotheses.

5.4. Introduction and Focus of the T opic

The chapter should immediately introduce the topic and clearly indicate the purpose of the paper, the scope and/or limitations of the review, and essential definitions if appropriate.

5.5. Road Maps

A very clear structure of what is to come in the review is required to orient the reader, a way of communicating what information will follow, and even how the rest of the paper is structured or divided into sections. A road map should be part of the introduction of your literature review.

5.8 Transition


5.9 Summary and Conclusions

The summary provides the concluding remarks that capture the essential parts of what you want the reader to take away from the section.

5.10 Description, Analyzing and Synthesizing the Literature.

Clear topic of each paragraph.

Summary, concluding paragraph.


Unit 6 Textual (语篇)Development (1)

看到题目中有method of development 那么就是用第六单元的内容回答,看到问题中直接是development,那么就是用第七单元的内容回答。

1. Methods of development.

2. Two basic approaches to description.

3. Requirements for research description.

4. Logic methods of development.

6.1 T ypes of Writing

With the characteristics of writing, there are four kinds of writing: narrations(叙述), descriptions(说明), expositions(展示) and argumentations(辩论).

Narrations are the articles that tell stories, giving accounts of events, e.g. the time, place, hero, what has happened and the outcomes, etc.

Descriptions are articles that give pictures of something, e.g. a scenery, a psychological state, etc.

Expositions are articles that explain what is difficult to understand, e.g. functions of machines, processes of carrying out plans, etc.

Argumentations are articles that argue, reason, prove, infer or persuade, etc.

6.2. Research description

There are two basic approaches to description: objective and subjective.

6.2.3. General Requirements for Research Description

(1) Presenting a picture of the object(图片)

A research description is intended to present a picture of the appearance of an object or the details or process of an investigation.

(2) Illustrating the object in artificial language(描述)

A research description is often accompanied by one or more figures, graphs, pictures or tables.

(3) Making necessary comparison(对比)

It is often possible to make the description clearer by means of comparing an object or a process, say, an experiment, with something that the reader is familiar with.

(4) Sizing the object specially(定量)

In describing size, an experienced professional writer usually tries to avoid such general words as ―large‖, ―small‖ or ―quite big‖. Instead, he prefers to say 3 cm2 squared, or 10 meters’ high.

(5) Locating the object correctly(解释清楚)

The positions of various parts of an object or a place must be indicated with care unless the figure or picture itself already shows the position of each part clearly.

(6) Generalizing/systematizing the observation carefully(总结)

A research description has also to indicate how the new observations and ideas being advanced may require a change--- by further generalization or systematization --- in the conceptual structure of

a given scientific field.

6.3. Common Logic Patterns in English Argumentation(分析题,一定要多看例题)

Logic patterns are modes to develop ideas and to conclude conclusions. Generally speaking, there are 9 commonly used logic patterns of arguments. (辩论的9种方法)

1)Direct statement(直接证明)

首先说明这篇文章属于direct statement,然后对其下定义(Direct statement is the logic pattern by which the author develops his idea by direct stating.)

FOR EXAMPLE: In the Great Transition the author writes

China is attracting enormous attention for very good reason. The reason is not ju st that China is big or that its economy is the only one that is been able to sustain rapid growth over the last three years. ....



Induction is the logic pattern by which the author develops his idea by obtaining general laws from particular facts or various studies.

FOR EXAMPLE: The often taken model is: previous studies.., our study.., we conclude....

Thus in academic articles the normal induction is:

The problems in previous studies... our studies...we conclude... the reasons (or causes) for the differences between our study and previous studies.



Deduction is the method by which the author develops his idea by getting the conclusion for a particular case from general laws.


Analogy is the logic pattern by which the author develops his ideas by drawing similarities between parallel cases.

5)Cause and Effect(因果)

Cause and effect is the logic pattern in which the author develops his idea(s) by giving reasons why something occurred.


Quotation is the logic pattern in which the author develops his idea(s) by repeating or writing words said or written by others or from a book, an author, etc., esp.




Unit 7 Textual Development

7.1. T ypical Features of Papers of Experimental Nature

The functions of experiment description are to:

(1) Convince readers(能说服读者)—experimental result should be reliable and convincing;

(2) Benefit reader(能使读者收益)--- the introduction of experimental and inspiration, and should facilitate further deliberations and research for the readers;

(3) Allow readers to duplicate the experiment(读者能再现) –the process and method of experiment should have reproducibility, and the described experiment should be duplicated by same others under the conditions.

The description of an experiment usually includes the experimental process undertaken, technology involved, materials used, equipment introduced, conditions provided, etc.

7.2.Process Undertaken in the Experiment(实验过程)

1) Process Introduction(步骤介绍)

2) Steps Taken to Complete the Experiment(步骤)

3) Detailed Approaches(详细的过程)

4) Summing-up or Conclusive Ideas of the Process(总结)

Reflections and Practice (1)

1. How do you understand the function of the experimental description? (7.1)

2. What may be involved in writing the experimental process? (7.2)

3. List the items which may be included in the section of equipment description of a paper?

1).Technology Involved in the Experiment

2).Materials Used in the Experiment

3).Equipment Introduced in the Experiment

II. Find an original experimental paper from a major journal in your field and study how the development of its body is done.

III. Revise the body of your paper of experimental nature with the skill illustrated in this unit.

Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion

8.1. Section of Results

The section of results is one of the most important elements in a professional paper, because any research should have an outcome, no matter what it may be. It is in this section that the final

result of the paper is presented.

1) General Functions of Results

The value of a research lies in the value of its final results and the author’s interpretation of the results. I preceding sections are designed to explain how the author obtains the results, following sections of the paper (Analysis, Discussion, Summary or Conclusion, etc.) are to tell what the results should mean. Then, in the section of results, the author(s) should bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests, by boiling down to all the facts and data he has gained.

2) Writing Requirements for Results

First, any data shown in this section must be meaningful.

Second, the presentation of results should be short without verbiage and be of crystal clarity. 8.2. Section of Discussion

1) General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion

The purpose of the section of discussion is to expound the interrelations among the observed facts. Therefore the primary objective in writing this section is to show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications, as well as to explain the facts denoted by symbols or signs of mathematics.

The consequent steps and essential elements of discussion usually include:

(1) Analyzing the Data(数据分析)

(2) Pointing out Doubts(指出怀疑)

(3) Expounding Viewpoints(解释观点)

(4) Stating the Significance(阐述重要意义)

(5) Arriving at a Conclusion(得出结论)

2) Writing Requirements for Discussion写作要求

Firstly, you should sufficiently analyze the presented data and point out the factual relationships.

Secondly, since the purpose of the professional paper is to confirm the’ author’s research work, it is beneficial for him to fully review what he has done in his work.

Thirdly, the writer has to admit his weak points or failure frankly.

Fourthly, brief and forceful expressions should be used in the section of discussion.

Finally, keep in mind never to write more words than necessary.

8.3. Section of Conclusion

1) General Functions of Main Elements of Conclusion

Typical functions of the conclusion of a research paper may include:

(1) Summing up

Summing up is likely to be a part with its main function of summarizing the chief pieces of pure facts, data and information in the paper, where formal conclusions or recommendations usually have no place.

(2) Statement of Conclusions

Conclusions are convictions based on evidence. .

(3) Statement of Recommendations

(4) Graceful Termination

2) Requirements for Writing a Conclusion

The following are the points for attention in preparing the section of conclusion:

(1) Be careful not to draw conclusions from data involving errors of observation.


(2) Do not use mathematical formulas without clearly understanding of their derivations and all the assumptions involved.


(3) Be cautious in comparing conclusions based upon experiments in which the influential conditions have been improperly controlled, and therefore not duplicated.


(4) A void confusing facts with opinions of influences, not only in the investigation itself but also in preparing results for publication.


(5) Do not draw a conclusion from too few data, or too broad a conclusion that is based on extrapolated curves.


(6) Guard against failing to qualify a conclusion, in order to show the limits within which it applies, or the variation which is to be expected.


(7) When you indulge in a speculation, be sure to remind your reader to know that it remains a speculation.


Unit 9 Acknowledgments(鸣谢), References(参考文献),

Footnotes(脚注) and Appendixes(索引)

9.1 Section of Acknowledgments

Linguistic Features:1) Patternized Contents(格式化) 2) Formalized Expressions(标准化) 9.1.3 Writing Requirements

1) Being Specific

2) A voiding Under- or Over-Statements

3)Asking for Permission

9.2 Section of References Works Cited, References, and Bibliography - What's the Difference?

Works Cited and Bibliography are not the same. In Works Cited you only list items you have actually cited. In a Bibliography you list all of the material you have consulted in preparing your essay whether or not you have actually cited the work.

9.2.3 Linguistic Features

There are many ways to prepare references, however, the following two major systems prevail:

(1) name and year system;

(2) citation order system.

9.2.4 Writing Requirements(4-9)

1 )How to Write the Full Length Reference;

2 )Correct in Content ;

3 )Unified in Style;

4 )References from journals;

5 )References from books;

6 )Theses and dissertations;

7 )Conference abstracts and proceedings;9)Computer programs and the World Wide Web

9.3 Writing Footnotes

1)Location of footnotes;2)Forms of the footnotes;3)Different exemplary1 forms of footnotes

Unit 10 Plagiarism剽窃

如果遇到分析题,就是先判断是否属于剽窃,再写剽窃的定义,再FOR EXAMPLE。

10.1.1 The definition of plagiarism:Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s language or ideas without acknowledgment.


研一即将结束,回顾一年来的学习、工作及生活,有经验也有教训。通过对思想觉悟、专业理论学习、实践和生活这四个方面的总结,做自我鉴定如下:在思想上觉悟上,始终以高标准要求自己,主动和党组织靠拢,积极学习党章,渴望早日加入党组织。通过学习和实践更加懂得自己所担负的社会责任。如今的中国多灾多难,人民的生命财产安全蒙受局的损失,是党中央国务院及时指挥展开灾后救援、救济工作,彰显出了党的先进性。在为灾区募捐活动中我也献出了自己的微薄之力。学习党的先进性,不只体现在挽救人民生命财产安全上,在学术研究中也有深刻的体现,八荣八耻告诉人们诚实守信为荣,时刻提醒我们遵守学术规范,杜绝剽窃现象。在今后的研究和论文书写中,我将牢记党组织、校组织的谆谆教导,做一个有学术道德的研究生。 在专业课程的学习上,有针对性的研读了有关自身研究方向的经典文献,从宏观层面上对自己所研究方向有了更深刻的了解,为今后的研究工作打下基础;同时加强对外语的学习,以期提高外文文献阅读能力,为论文的撰写做准备。在导师的指导下,认真查阅学术期刊和参考文献,进一步提高自己的理论知识水平,确定了论文选题。 在实践方面,由于师范专业的特殊性,要求我们具有较强的教学实战能力,所以在正课之余,努力学习中学数学教材知识,积极备课,模拟讲课,一直都在培训班锻炼讲课,认真体会新课标在课堂上的体现,及时将自己所学的教育学、心理学知识运用到教学中,使自己的教学能力有了提高。 在平时生活中,为人处世和善热情,真诚的为每位同学服务,和同学关系融洽。 一年的研究生生活收获很多,学然后知不足,自己有很多不足的地方有待于今后完善,比如:学习成绩还有待提高,在以往学习中有急进与焦躁心理,日后要克服,做到稳扎稳打,循序渐进,踏实走好每一步;人际关系方面,除课堂上,平时与同学接触不多,不能及时沟通学习及生活心得,缩小了的自己的眼界。这与自己的时间安排和性 格内向有直接关系,在今后的生活中要合理安排时间,与同学更多的沟通、交流。


2019-2020学年第二学期英语教学工作总结 转眼间,本学期的工作已接近尾声。回顾这一学期的教学工作,有收获的喜悦与甘甜,也有挫折时的仿惶与无奈,现将本学期的教学工作做以下总结:一、教学方面。 本学期对我来说是一个全新的挑战,一场突如其来的疫情,让我从三尺讲台的平凡老师摇身变成了住日想都没想过的直播老师。从刚开始的紧张、不自然到后来的娴熟,从课件的制作、运用以及问卷星的研究摸索到熟练程度,我在一天天的成长、进步,收获了很多也付出了很多。 在备课方面,我们利用希沃课件,增添了不少游戏环节,大大调动了学生的学习头趣。由于是在上直播课,可能会有部分家长陪同孩子听课,所以课件的精作和教学流程,教师的语言都需要慎之又慎,唯恐给学校带来不良影咱。每天虽然只有二节课,却为了这两节课,同头课的老师每天教研分析学情, 明确重难点,修改课堂设计。常常为了一节课,修改课件到半夜。一节看似普通的课背后,包含了我们的心血与付出,我们的细心与敬业。 在作业批改方面,我们也是煞费苦心。我担任的是五年级三个班的课,每天三个班的作业,将近150份,而且还是在手机上批改,五年级不论是在课文的背须还是在单词、句子的批改中,任务量大,批改化业耗时长1,常常要批改3个小时左右。对每位学生的价业都要评价、纠正或打回再次提交,尤其是背书,学生发者不准,错的较多、我一边听一边记录,最后再语音发给学生。每天对作业情况进行汇报、总结,反馈给学生、家长,为了学生的作业给家长发信息、打电话...时常忙到10点多,还在批改晚交的作业及重新提交的做业。 3个月的直播生活,虽没有面见学生,却一天天,一项项的干好每一天的工作,累并快乐着! 二、让读书像呼吸一样自然。 记得暑假培训时,能春萍教授曾说过,让读书像呼吸一样自然。为了提升自我,不断学习,我利用空余时间阅读了《毛泽东传》《宋氏三姐妹》、《做一个学生喜欢的老师》.……在读书的同时,不仅提高了自己的学识,还使我们的视野更广阔。我喜欢读书,我也希望自己能从中及取更多的营养。


2017复旦大学考研复试:英语口语面试常见问题汇总 考研复试中的英语面试是很多小伙伴都感到“无力”的一个环节。其实,英语口语并没有大家想象的那么可怕。下面是一些面试官最爱问的问题,大家可以在复试之前认真准备一下,增加获胜的筹码。 ?No.1 传统面试问题 1. "What can you tell me about yourself?" 2. "What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?" 3. "What is your greatest strength"?" 4. "What is your greatest weakness?" 5. "How do you feel about your progress to date?" 6. Why did you choose Peking University? 7. Why did you choose MBA? 8. What would you like to be doing three years after graduation? 9. What has been your greatest accomplishment? 10. Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses. 11. What have you learned from the jobs you have held? ?No.2 行为面试问题 12. Describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member. 13. T ell me about a time when your course load was heaviest. How did you get all of your work done? 14. Give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept. 15. T ell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem. 16. Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together. 17. T ell me about a time when you made a bad decision. ?No.3 压力面试问题 18. What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with? 19. What are some of the things you find difficult to do?


1.Only twenty-seven new members had been ____________ since the Leeds Congress, and the total membership still stood at less than one hundred. A. ceded放弃 B. enrolled C. faded D. departed 2.You could go for advertising ____________, the catchy floor displays or the flashy packaging. A. design B. description C. hype宣传 D. propaganda 3.The desk was ____________ with files, but the chair behind it was vacant. A. cluttered凌乱 B. depicted C. defined D. represented 4.____________ is a meal typically eaten late in the morning as a combination of a late breakfast and an early lunch. A. Dinner B. Brunch早午餐 C. Banquet D. Feast 5.The improvement of the highway will ____________ pressure on the trains to some extent. A. ensure B. relieve减轻 C. protect D. guarantee 6.John's hands were ____________ as he put down his papers and started his speec h at the first time. A. quivering颤抖 B. waving C. shaking D. lifting 7.His mood was an explosive mixture of ____________ self-pity and forced gaiety, the latter predominating as he got drunk. A. maudlin脆弱 B. nasty C. painful D. outright 8.Because of the economic slowdown, the government changed its policy to ____________ revenue by limiting commerce. A. disregard B. challenge C. diminish减少 D. reject 9.In women's magazines and educational material the apple ____________ good food and health. A. anticipates B. conjures想象的 C. Designates D. presupposes


每一个学年研究生们都会对自己的学习对自己的工作进行总结,分析,不断完善自我。下面是搜集整理的研究生学年自我总结,欢迎阅读。更多资讯尽在自我总结栏目! 研究生学年自我总结 又是一个新的学年,将在华中农业大学度过的第七个年头。现实是历史的延续,现将硕士二年级进行总结。 总体来说,这一学年,是一个富有挑战性的、转折性的一年。于学业、于个人人生发展来说。 这一年,也就是硕士二年级,我们结束了长达2019年的教师教授学生自学的学习模式,开始了科研的初步探索。这是一种与单纯汲取知识完全不同的模式,需要很多的主观能动性的创新。这种转变是一个痛苦的过程,唯有经历过这种痛苦,才会渐渐成长起来。我们渐渐地对搞科研入了门,却马上面临着毕业了。说实话,很是不舍。不舍自己破茧重生后积累的经验迅速的贬值,封尘于人生的藏宝箱。 幸好,做学问,学业亦或科研,上升到哲学的角度,与做其他事情都是有共性的。在这一年之中,我更大的收获是对自己性格方面、处理事情方面的历练。 科研是需要独立完成的。从最初的无所适从,到现在的渐渐地适应自己给自己提出一个思路,然后当机立断的执行,并对自己的创意、自己的执行力负责。这种独立性的培养,这种责任心的培养,对整个人生是大有裨益的。 另外,科研极大的磨练了我的心智。除却培养了我的独立性以外,大大提升了我的执行力。渐渐地明白,有些事情是逃不掉的,无论早晚,自己去做并且做好,没有人可以代劳,早执行早得出结果,而且无论再繁杂,都要一步一步按部就班地执行,急躁不得。这一年的磨练让我的行动力和耐力得到极大的提升。 这一年,我离开了从20岁到25岁待久了习惯了它的美丽、它的亲切的校园。来到了天津的这个研究所做联合培养生。在一个熟悉的环境呆得太久,对新环境的适应能力都有些忘却了。 研究生学年自我总结 本人自入学以来,秉承“笃学慎思、明辨尚行”的校训,通过不懈努力,圆满地完成了硕士研究生阶段的学习任务。在学习上,极为珍惜研究生院良好的学习氛围和条件,刻苦学习,乐于登攀,通过良师的悉心教导和自身的刻苦努力,掌握了技术经济及管理领域的基础理论和专业知识,具备了较强的业务能力和英语运用能力;在思想品德修养上,认真学习实践科学发展观,牢固树立了为党、为国、为民贡献青春的信念,党性觉悟得到锤炼,思想政治素质进一步提高;在生活上,崇尚质朴的生活方式,养成了正直的作风和良好的生活习惯,待人诚恳、热情,尊敬师长、团结同学,在同学中具有一定的威信;在工作上,勤勤恳恳、扎扎实实,重视小事、关注细节,能够独立承担一些工作任务,适应性强,得到领导和同事的好评。在过去的三年里,本人所获颇丰,这些经历和积累都将成为我人生道路上的宝贵财富。在今


【最新】下学期英语教学总结 总结是对某一阶段内的工作、学习、生活、各种经验或完成情况进行回顾和分析的书面材料,做出有指导性的结论,下面是由小编为大家整理的范文模板,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读. 本学期来,本人在学校各位领导和老师的热心支持和帮助下,认真做好教育教学工作,积极完成学校布置的各项任务等方面做了一定的努力.下面我把这一学期的工作做简要的汇报总结. 一.师德表现 平时积极参加全校教职工大会,认真学习学校下达的上级文件,关心国内外大事,注重政治理论的学习.配合组里搞好教研活动.每周按时参加升旗仪式,从不缺勤,服从安排.无论是与学生还是其他老师,互相之间关系都融洽. 二.教育教学情况 本人认真备课.上课.听课.评课,及时批改作业.讲评作业,做好课后辅导工作,广泛涉猎各种知识,形成比较完整的知识结构,严格要求学生,尊重学生,发扬教学__,使学生学有所得,不断提高,从而不断提高自己的教学水平和思想觉悟,并顺利完成教育教学任务.在教学工作中,我注意做到以下几点: 1.深入细致的备好每一节课.在备课中,我认真研究教材,力求准确把握难重点,难点,并注重参阅各种资料,理出一条符合自己学生的知识线索,制定符合本校学生认知规律的教学方法及教学形式.注意弱化难点强调重点.教案编写认真,并不断归纳总结提高教学水平. 2.认真上好每一节课.上课时着重学生的训练,注重学生主动性的发挥,发散学生的思维,注重综合能力的培养,有意识的培养学生的思维的严谨性及逻辑性,在教学中提高学生的思维素质,保证每一节课的质量. 3.认真及时批改作业,注意听取学生的意见,及时了解学生的学习情况,并有目的的对学生进行辅导. 4.坚持听课,注意学习组里或组外其他有老师的教学经验,努力探索适合自己的教学模式.本学期平均每周听课一到二节,尤其是在听优秀教师参加的市优质课的讲课,对自己的教学促进很大,使我了解了现在英语教学的动向和发展趋势.


考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best. 分析:这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。 答案译文:在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。 2.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)


研究生学年鉴定表自我总结 随着一学年的结束,作为研究生的我们需要做好自我总结,通过对以往学习的回顾,让我们找准以后努力的方向。以下是由小编为大家整理的“研究生学年鉴定表自我总结”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 研究生学年鉴定表自我总结(一) 在过去的这一年里,我认真学习专业理论知识,积极参加各项活动,严格要求自己,在思想、学习、科研等方面都得到了充分的培养和锻炼。现对本年度的得失进行自我总结。 一、思想方面 努力学习政治理论知识,不断提高自己的思想政治觉悟,具有良好的道德品质和思想修养。积极拥护国家的各项路线、方针、政策,自觉遵守法律、法规和学校的各项规章制度。 二、在学习方面 认真学习并完成各项专业课程。学习目的明确,态度端正、学风良好,勤奋学习,刻苦钻研。根据自身研究方向的要求,有针对性的认真研读了有关核心课程,认真阅读教材、查阅学术资料和参考书籍,在课堂上吸收各个知识点。积极参加学校组织的学术讲座。课外之余,参与了导师相关课题的研究,使自己的理论知识与实践水平得到了进一步的

增强和提高。在英语学习方面,我顺利通过了大学英语六级考试,具备了较强的英语听、说、读、写能力。 在科研工作上,根据导师的指导,阅读了大量与本专业相关的书籍和论文,逐步明确了研究方向。认真开展实验研究,不断提高自己的实验技能,以及解决问题,分析问题的能力。通过自身不断的努力,以及与师长同学间的探讨交流,取得了一些比较满意的成果。在这期间,查阅资料,综合分析等基本素质不断提高,书面表达的能力也得到了提高,为自己的科研工作打下扎实基础。 三、在生活方面 为人处世和善热情,尊敬师长,团结同学。根据自身爱好和能力,并积极参加学校各种文体活动。加入了学习部,热情为同学们服务,认真完成各项工作,为个人综合素质的全面发展打下基础。 总体来说,这一学年,是一个富有挑战性的、转折性的一年。今后,我将再接再厉,在以后的工作和学习中,不断地完善自我,继续保持并发扬严谨治学的作风,努力成为一名优秀的学生,做一个对社会有用的人。 研究生学年鉴定表自我总结(二) 时光匆匆如流水,转眼之间研究生生涯即将结束。站在时间的年轮上,暮然回首,才发现研三学年是如此的精彩。现对本学年总结如下。


小学第二学期英语教学工作总结导读:本文是关于小学第二学期英语教学工作总结,希望能帮助到您! 小学第二学期英语教学工作总结 ——唐丽 岁月匆匆,时间飞逝。转眼我在美舍学校工作已将近七年。在这六年多的教学工作中,所有的努力都通过成绩得到了验证,见证了学生的进步与成长。所有的这些都激励着我对教学投入更大的热情和精力。为了扬长避短、再接再厉,现将这一学期以来的心得体会总结如下: 在本学期教学中,我认真钻研教材,在了解学生的基础上认真备好每一节课,做到课后反思,学习理论知识的同时注重实践。这学期我带二年级和四年级。针对学生年龄较小,我在教育目标、教学内容、教学方法以及教学手段上做了详细的制订和选择。在教学理念上,我一直追求轻松、愉快而又自然的学习氛围,通过游戏、歌曲、图片、肢体语言等多种形式,让学生在玩中学,为学生营造了一个快乐的学习课堂,也拉近了我和学生的距离。对低年龄段的学生,我主要以培养兴趣为主,兴趣是最好的老师,这是一个不变的真理,因此对于低年龄段的学生我侧重于听说这两方面的学习,通过“听”培养一定的语感,通过“说”达到语言交流的目的和要求。在课堂上,师生之间的互动占了很重要的一部分,这时一个眼神、一个动作就代表了一个意思,教师的一

个肢体语言,学生就能脱口而出,达到了“说”的目的。所以本学期我主要采取了肢体语言以及游戏教学法。通过肢体语言传授知识、背诵课文是非常有效的方法,学生也非常喜欢,这在我的教学实践中得到了充分的验证。 英语是一门外语,对学生而言,既生疏又困难,在这样一种大环境之下,要教好英语,就要让学生喜爱英语,让他们对英语产生兴趣。我始终坚信:兴趣是最好的老师。针对学生年龄小,我采取了一些方法,比如利用卡片、歌曲、自编歌谣、游戏、肢体语言等多种形式激发学生学习英语的兴趣。以培养兴趣为主,让学生在玩中学,让他们感受到学习英语是一种乐趣、是一种享受。本学期我采取了“一帮一”和“一帮几”的形式,让组长做好检查,是否每篇文章每个同学都能过关,每天睡前阅读十分钟英语,家长做好签名,如有阅读困难的地方,请家长在书本上注明或给我提出宝贵意见。对此,家长很支持并配合好我的工作,使我这学期的工作得以顺利完成。 通过本学期的学习,学生对英语产生了非常浓厚的学习兴趣和学习欲望,并能把所学知识运用到实践中去,交往能力得到了明显的增强。 以上就是我在本学期的教学工作总结。由于经验颇浅,许多地方存在不足,在未来的教学中,我将不断努力学习,完善教学! 唐丽 2013-7-3


Hiolidays I like the Spring Festival most among various traditional festivals in China as it is the biggest and most exciting festival for Chinese. I like the Spring Festival also because I can eat a lot of delicious food and do a lot of interesting thing. For me, I have enough time to visit my classmates who isn’t in the same city with me and we can visit our teacher together. Everytime our teacher see us, she is very happy. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back. Current customs to observe traditional Chinese festivals get more and more simplified and the old customs are gradually gone. For some people, festivals only mean the symbolic foods, such as moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The growing popularity of Western holidays in China might be one reason for the weakening cultural elements in China's traditional holidays. Another important reason I think is that many festivals, considered important days on China's lunar calendar, are not public holidays, especially in cities, as people have to work.


第一单元 一、1. The tranquil atmosphere of the inn allows guests to feel totally at home. 2. Technological advances might ultimately lead to even more job losses. 3. In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls for tighter controls on gun ownership. 4. Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper. 5. He was beginning to wonder if he would survive the ordeal 6. Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation. 7. Perhaps her most important legacy was her program of educational reform. 8. There were food shortages and other deprivations during the Civil War. 9. The new economic policies could prove suicidal for the party. 10. The building will be completed around six months earlier than anticipated. 11. The experience was enough to keep him preoccupied for some time. 12. The road to happiness is paved with adversities. 13. She aspires to nothing no less than the chairmanship of the company. 14. He might be influenced by nostalgia for the surroundings of his happy youth. 15. In retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action. 二、1. Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience(极其令人兴奋的经历). 2. There is built-in storage space(内置储藏空间) in all bedrooms. 3. This handout focuses on self-protection measures(自我保护措施) under difficult climatic conditions. 4. I’m sure we could offer you some short-term employment (短期的工作). 5. So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a distorted and negative self- perception(歪曲的、否定的自我观念)? 6. Helen Hunt stars as a character undergoing life-changing events(改变了生活的事件) in Then She Found Me. 7. She has written a book that is beautiful because of the honesty and the raw emotion that is portrayed in all-encompassing details(无所不包的细节). 8. Having a decent job contributes to a good self-image(一个好的自我形象). 三、What then is a good mind? It is the w hole mental …… 1、searches 2、connections 3、inventive 4、discerning 5、anticipates 6、future 7、individual8、identifies9、fallacy10、self-discipline 四、翻译 1、I had so worked upon my imagination as really to believe that about the whole mansion and domain there hung 。。。。。。。the silent tarn—a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden-hued. (Edgar Allan Poe: “The Fall of the House of Usher”) 译文:我如此沉湎于自己的想象,以至于我实实在在地认为那宅院及其周围悬浮着一种它们所特有的空气。那种空气并非生发于天地自然,而是生发于那些枯树残枝、灰墙暗壁,生发于那一汪死气沉沉的湖水。那是一种神秘而致命的雾霭,阴晦,凝滞,朦胧,沉浊如铅。 2、She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in a dark room in the middle of a 。。。。。。。。l of the night passing swiftly on toward further darkness but moving also toward a new sun. 译文:(她的)容貌那么清秀,就像半夜里醒来时在黑暗中隐约可见的小小的钟面,报告时刻的钟面。它皎洁而安静,深知时间在飞驰,深信黑暗虽然越来越深沉,却也越来越接近新生的太阳。


初一下学期英语教学工作总结 这学期我继续担任初一(4)、(5)班英语教学,由于学生来自各村庄小学,学生的基础差别很大,优差生差异大,因此教学难度也大。为了提高学生的学习兴趣,增大学生的学习参与,减小差距。我努力作好教学工作,在这一学期中,我将各方面的工作总结如下:我对教学工作不敢怠慢,认真学习教材,深入研究教法,同时虚心向有经验的教师学习,认真听别的教师的课,获取了很多宝贵的教学经验。教学就是教与学,两者是相互联系,不可分割的,有教者就必然有学者。学生是被教的主体。因此,了解和分析学生情况,有针对地教对教学成功与否至关重要。我所教的两班的同生总体比较活跃,上课气氛积极,中等生占大多数,尖子生相对较少,差生也较多。了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。这就是教育学中提到的“备教法的同时要备学生。这一理论在我的教学实践中得到了验证。 教学中,备课是一个必不可少,十分重要的环节,备学生,又要备教法。备课不充分或者备得不好,会严重影响课堂气氛和积极性,曾有一位前辈对我说:“备课备不好,倒不如不上课,否则就是白费心机。”我明白到备课的重要性,因此,每天我都花费大量的时间在备课之上,认认真真钻研教材和教法,不满意就不收工。虽然辛苦,但事实证明是值得的。一堂准备充分的课,会令学生和老师都获益不浅。特别是对英语这门学生不甚熟悉并感到困难的外语来说至关重要。备课充分,能调动学生的积极性,上课效果就好。但同时又要有

驾驭课堂的能力,因为学生在课堂上的一举一动都会直接影响课堂教学。因此上课一定要设法令学生投入,不让其分心,这就很讲究方法了。上课内容丰富,现实,教态自然,讲课生动,难易适中照顾全部,就自然能够吸引住学生。所以,老师每天都要有充足的精神,让学生感受到一种自然气氛。这样,授课就事半功倍。回看自己的授课,我感到有点愧疚,因为有时我并不能很好地做到这点。当学生在课堂上无心向学,违反纪律时,我的情绪就受到影响,并且把这带到教学中,让原本正常的讲课受到冲击,发挥不到应有的水平,以致影响教学效果。我以后必须努力克服,研究方法,采取有利方法解决当中困难。 英语是语言。困此,除了课堂效果之外,还需要让学生多读,多讲,多练。为此,在早读时,我坚持下班了解早读情况,发现问题及时纠正。课后发现学生作业问题也及时解决,及时讲清楚,让学生即时消化。另外,我把辅导看作是检查学生消化的过程。根据学生的个体差异,基本上按吃得好、吃得饱和吃得了三个层次进行辅导。特别是期中考后,针对英语偏科严重的优生,通过谈话、做思想工作,让学生参与制定辅导计划并及时体现在实际行动中,除了每天完成必做练习之外,还鼓励学生背诵15—20个英语单词。通过半个学期的坚持,实效性较强。学优生自学能力有了一定的提高,学困生的基础知识有了相应的进步,而中等生在两头的促进下有了更大的动力。对部分不自觉的同学还采取强硬背诵等方式提高他们的能力。通过本学期这些教学方法的运用,提高了学生学习英语的积极性和主动性,同时,培养了学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生的交际得到良好发展,教学


考研复试英语口语经典问题汇总(一) 考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考! 一、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best. 分析:这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。 答案译文:在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。 2.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?) I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager,I am planning on that also. 分析:你要清楚你实际上能胜任什么。 答案译文:我希望能在我的职位上尽力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作的许多人都被提为区域负责人,所以我亦有此打算。 3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?) I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example,I want to graduate with highest distinction.


研究生个人学年总结 一、研究生必备四本 俗话说好记性不如烂笔头,所以一定要首先养成做笔记的好习惯!作为研究生下面这几个本子是必不可少的 1,实验记录本(包括试验准备本),这当然首当其冲必不可少,我就不多说了; 2,Idea记录本,每次看文献对自己有用的东西先记下,由此产生的idea更不能放过,这可是做研究的本钱,好记性不如烂笔头,以后翻翻会更有想法的; 3,专业概念以及理论进展记录本,每个人不可能对自己领域的概念都了如指掌,初入门者更是如此,这时候小小一个本子的作用 就大了; 4,讲座记录本,这本本子可能有些零杂,记录听到的内容,更要记录瞬间的灵感,以及不懂的地方,不可小视! 这四本是你必不可少的,不过作为我们这些非英语专业的研究生来说,还有一个应该具备的本子就是英语好句记录本。 二、论文写作要点1、选题要小,开掘要深;不要题目很大,内 容却很单薄。 2、写作前要读好书、翻阅大量资料、注意学术积累,在这个过程中,还要注重利用网络,特别是一些专业数据库 3、“选题新、方法新、资料新”的三新原则(老板教导的) 4、“新题新做”和“小题大做 总之,一点之见即成文。 三、如何撰写实验研究论文(唐朝枢)

论文发表意识:基础研究成果的表达方式;是否急于发表(创新与严谨的关系);发表的论文与学位论文的区别(反映科学事实而不是反 映作者水平) 论文格式:原著、快报、简报、摘要。不同于教科书、讲义,更不同于工作总结。撰写前的准备工作:复习和准备好相关文献;再次 审定实验目的(学术思想,Idea);实验资料完整并再次审核 1.Introduction: 问题的提出;研究的现状及背景;以前工作基础;本工作的目的;思路(可提假说);对象;方法;结果。在模型上,观察指标,以探讨(目的) 2.M&M ⑴材料的写法和意义;伦理. ⑵程序与指标。操作程序:能序贯,可操作性;方法:多指标方 法的排序;引出参照文献简述;改良之处;哪些详或简?⑶统计学处理 3.Results ⑴指标归类描述,忌流水帐。不分析不解释,但要体现思路 ⑵文字、图、表相对独立,但避免重复 ⑶避免统计错误:对照,均衡,随即,重复。计量-计数、绝对 值-相对值、专一指标—综合指标的转换。盲判与非盲判。技术资料 直接概率法与卡方检验;多组资料与两组资料;等级相关与直线相关; 多因素与单因素分析;配对资料与独立样本资料;非正态分布资料;例 数不当;平行管,混合样本;突出差异(绝对值,Δ值,变化%;联合×、÷比值,分亚组等)有效位数的保留。统计学结论与专业结论。 4.Discussion ⑴背景材料:展开问题的提出;有关本研究的一些基本知识内容(不要离题太远)⑵本实验结果分析:各指标的意义(与文献值比较),结果说明什么问题


四年级下学期英语教学工作总结归纳 这学期,我担任四年级一班、三班和二年级一班的英语教学。我对教学工作认真学习,深入研究教法,经过一个学期的努力,获取了很多宝贵的教学经验。以下是我在本学期的教学情况。教学就是教与学,两者是互相联络,不可分割的,有教者就必然有学者。学生是被教的主体,在本学期我临时接手三个新的班级其中四年级学生有87人二年级共有42人,新的学期开始我必须要有目的性有方向性地尽快了解和分析学生情况。所以在九月份我主要是通过课堂、作业、谈话、家访等方式尽可能全面地了解学生的学期情况给每个学生订立一个学期目的。 一、学生的基本状况: 有一半的学生连26个字母都写不齐,并且拼写不标准,本学期新生中,英语基础跟原来老生差不多,没有英语方面特别优秀的(均已通过口试调查),对英语学习兴趣不浓,学习态度被动。四年级的87个学生中经调查,两个班大部分学生,基础非常差,学习不主动,对英语的兴趣不浓。两班共约有1/3的学生学习态度较认真,对英语较感兴趣,但是他们基础较弱,听写能力有待加强。特别是读书习惯和记忆习惯的养成,这对四年级到五年级的过度是个很大的问习题。所以我在本学期主要的工作方向是养成学生的读书和记忆习惯,再进一步帮助学生做好从词到句的过度。二年级的英语教学工作重点是把握好新教材的重难点,在认真研究教材的基础上根据学生的特点采取

多样化的教学方法主要培养学生学习英语的兴趣,感受西方文化。 二、采取的措施: ⑴认真学习体现以素质教育为目的的新课程理念及学校工作计划,认真研究教材,和李嘉敏教师共同制定了本学期教学工作计划,加强落实、反应、总结归纳计划的执行情况。 ⑵教学过程中,注意抓常规教学,以学生为主体,面向全体学生组织教学,注意培养学生的听说读写的能力,充分利用早读时间,要求学生大声朗读课文. ⑶抓词汇和句型学习,经常进行听写训练,提高学生对记忆单词和句型的能力;另外从开学初就开始初狠抓英语单词和课文的背诵。 ⑷课堂内外多听多说英语。教师上课时用英语讲课,这样能使学生更多地接触英语。每堂课要用一定的时间让学生用所学过的日常用语和课堂用语进行不同的形式进行对话。也可以结合实物、图片等用英语进行简单的描术,培养学生的语感。 ⑸抓小测验、单元测试过关,并注反复习。 三、教学方面的经验、存在问习题及今后的做法: ⑴教的方面: 深入了解和分析学生情况,有针对地教学,由于对每单元的单词和四会句型进行了屡次强化训练,所以学生的单词记忆加强了基础上来了再加上课文的背诵学生的书面表达能力也有了逐步的提高。另外因狠抓落实“学习法”,使学生学习习惯得到进一步改善,我班英语成绩有了历史性突破,均匀分、合格率、优秀率均首屈一指。

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