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Your sleeping secrets: How personality traits are revealed by the bodys position in bed

Do you sleep like a log? Or are you more of a yearner, a freefaller or a foetal?

The position you choose while sleeping reveals a startling amount about your personality, according to body language expert Robert Phipps.

Mr Phipps has identified four positions and says the foetal most favoured by worriers is by far the most common.

More than half of us (58 per cent) adopt it and sleep with knees up and head down.

The more we curl up, the more comfort were seeking, he says. The second most common position is the log (28 per cent).

A straight body, with arms and legs by the side, apparently indicates stubbornness and they can wake up stiffer than

when they went to sleep, says Mr Phipps.

The 25 per cent of us that are a yearner arms stretched out in front are either chasing a dream or being chased.

Yearners are their own worst critics says Mr Phipps, always expecting great results. They wake up eager to face the challenges of the day.

Freefallers face down, arms outstretched make up 17 per cent and feel they have little control over their life.

Physically this is the least comfortable position.

Mr Phippss survey asked people to record their most common sleeping positions, with some naming more than one.

He said: A good nights sleep sets you up for the following day and our sleeping positions can determine how we feel when we wake.



aftershock 余震

epicenter 震中

magnitude 震级

earthquake monitoring 地震监控

earthquake wave / seismic wave 地震波

earth tremor 轻微地震

Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级

at a scale of 7 on the Richter calculations 里氏7级地震seismology 地震学


national day of mourning 全国哀悼日

mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式

national flags fly at half-mast 降半旗致哀

silent tribute 默哀

online tribute 网上悼念


gala devoted to quake relief 赈灾晚会

telethon 为募捐播放的长时间的电视节目

campaign-style donation activity 大型募捐活动charity donor 慈善捐赠者

donation agreement 捐赠协议

charity sale 义卖

giveaway buffet 慈善餐会


earthquake relief 赈灾

post-disaster reconstruction 灾后重建

altitude sickness 高原反应

quake victims 遇难者

relief work 救援工作Tibetan treatment 藏医疗法medical team 医疗队relief goods 救援物资slide-proof rug 防滑垫cold-proof coat 防寒大衣heat sensor 生命探测仪signs of life 生命迹象plague prevention 防疫oxygen deprivation 缺氧oxygen supply 氧源,供氧oxygen mask 氧气罩

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