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他骑马走到第七楼的电梯。?丹尼尔妈妈下班回来,他潜入平跟在她后面。…为什么你的箱子吗???妈妈丹尼尔说,惊讶。…回到你的狗窝。但是微?跑的其他方式。他打开金属口。…拉夫!拉夫!拉夫!?他咆哮着,当他听真正的狗做?。丹尼尔的妈妈捂住耳朵?…,嘘!球拍!?微咆哮更大声,…拉夫!拉夫!拉夫!?他跑了一圈又一圈,追逐自己的尾巴,直到他只是一个模糊的银。他跳了起来,在丹尼尔的妈妈?。…下来!?她说。但微没有注意,跳起来更。与他的金属爪,他咬掉大位了地毯。…停止,Micro the Metal Dog

1 Micro arrives On Daniel?s birthday, he woke up and found a big box by his bed. It looked like akennel. …A dog!?cried Daniel. He?d wanted a dog for age s. He leapt out of bed and opened thekennel door. There was Micro. He was shiny and silver, with yellow flashing eyes. …That isn?t a realdog,?said Daniel. …I know,?said Mum. …But real dogs aren?t allowed in our flats. Just look whatMicro can do.?Mum turned to Micro. …Walk,?she said. Micro stumped across the carpet on stiff(僵直的,不灵活的), jerky(不平稳的) legs. …Bark,?said Mum. Micro opened his metal mouth.

Was hebarking? It was hard totell. It was such a soft little sound. …Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip.?

…Wag your tail,?said Mum. Micro?s metal tail made a whirring sound as it went one way, then theother. …But I wanted a real dog,?said Daniel. He was deeply disappointed. …Micro?s better than a realdog,?said Mum. …He?s not noisy or messy. He always does what he?s told. Go on. Tell him to dosomething.?…Go back in your kennel, Micro,?said Daniel. Micro turned round and clunked back intohis box. …What a good dog!?said Mum to Micro. …I think you?re the perfect pet.?But Daniel

didn?tseem to think so. He said, …Thanks, Mum.?Then h e ripped open(把…撕开) the rest of his presents.All day and all night, Micro waited. But Daniel played with his other presents. He didn?t take Micro outonce. Slowly, inside his dark box, Micro?s eyes lost their brightness. 2 Micro starts thinking Nextmorning, as Daniel left for school, Mum called after him, …You?re late, Daniel. WALK FAST!?Alone inhis dark box, Micro heard, …WALK FAST?. His robot

brain started whirring. His little yellow eyes lit up as bright as ever. He came trundling out of his kennel.He raced along on his stumpy(短粗的,敦实的) legs, across the carpet. He went out through the openglass doors and he only stopped when his red nose hitthe balcony. …CLANG!?Daniel?s mum didn?tsee him. She was too busy getting ready for work. Micro looked down from the seventh floor. He couldsee the park, with green trees and grass. He saw people and furry things with four legs running about.Suddenly, Micro?s brain started thinking for itself. …Those are real dogs,?thought Micro. He saw thereal dogs running after sticks and balls. …Those real dogs are playing,?thought Micro. They weren?tshut up and left alone by their owners in dark boxes. His bright eyes glowed like fire. His robot brainwhirred again. With every thought, it got more and more clever. Now it was making plan s. …I will godown there,?decided Micro, …and I?ll watch the real dogs. I will learn how to be like them. ThenDaniel will play with me.?But how could he get to the park? He was high up and the park was a longway down. 3 What real dogs do Micro went back and hid behind the sofa. Then he saw his chance.Daniel?s mum went to work and Micro sneaked out(偷偷地溜出) through the door after her. He sawher press a button in the wall. Then she vanished through some sliding doors. His robot eyes flashed.…That is the way down,?he decided. He got up(站起来,直立) on his back legs. With his

metal nose,he pressed the same button. DING! The lift came. Micro walked in. He rode down to the ground floor.The people in the lift with him stared. They looked puzzled, but no one said anything. In the park,Micro peeked out(偷看,窥视) from behind a tree. He saw the dog owners shout, …Come here!?Thereal dogs took no notice. Theyran off. He saw the dog owners shout, …Be quiet!?But the real dogsbarked even louder: …RUFF! RUFF! RUFF!?

The dogs didn?t do w hat they were told to do. But their owners still seemed to love them. They pattedtheir heads and scratched(挠,抓) them behind the ears. Micro thought, …If I do what real dogs do,Daniel might scratch behind my ears.?Micro knew he still had a lot to learn. So he followed a dogcalled Scruffy. Scruffy ran into his house like a mad thing, chasing(追赶) his own tail. Micro stood onhis back legs and peeked through an open window. Scruffy chewed the carpet. He drank from thetoilet bowl. Then a little girl came in and p ut her arms round Scruffy?s neck and hugged him. …You?rethe best dog in the world,?she said. …I want to be the best dogin the world,?thought Micro, and nowhe knew how to do it. 4 …What?s the matter with you?? Micro went back home. He rode up to theseventh floor in the lift. Daniel?s mum came back from work and he sneaked into the flat behind her.…Why are you out of your box??said Daniel?s mum, surprised. …Get back into your kennel.?ButMicro ran the other way. He opened his metal mouth. …Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!?he roared, as he?d heard thereal dogs do. Daniel?s mum covered her ears, …Shhh! What a racket!?Micro barked even louder,…RUFF! RUFF! RUFF!?He rushed round in a circle, chasing his tail, until he was just a silver blur. Hejumped up at Daniel?s mum. …Get down!?she said. But Micro took no notice and jumped up evenmore. With his metal jaws, he chomped great bitsout of the carpet. …Stop that, now!?yelled Daniel?smum. …What?s the matter with you? You?re supposed to be a good dog!?Micro rushed into thebathroom. He stuck(伸出) his head down the toilet, just as he?d seen Scruffy do. Then he pulled hishead out and shook water all over the place. It was the last straw. …I?m not putting up with this!?saidDaniel?s mum. …The stupid machine has gone mad!?She grabbed Micro. She took him out of the flatand threw him down the rubbish

chute. …Daniel never played with it anyway,?she thought. …He won?t even miss it.?Dented andbattered, Micro lay in the dark basement with the rubbish bags. …What did I do wrong??he thoughtsadly. …I was only doing

what real dogs do.?But, instead of being loved, he?d been thrown out with the rubbish. 5 --- Where isMicro? Mum was right. When Daniel came home from school, he didn?t even notice that Micro wasmissing. But he did notice the chewed carpet. …Who did that??he said. Mum said, …That dog! When Icame home it went crazy! It was barking and chasing around in circles. It even stuck its head down

thetoilet.?Mum went on, …I said, “Stop it!” but it took no notice! Just as if it had a mind of its own!?…Really??said Daniel. …A mind of its own??For the first time, he was interested in Micro. He said,…Where is he??Mum looked a bit uncomfortable. …I threw him down the rubbish chute,?she said.…What!?yelled Daniel. …You threw my dog down the rubbish chute! How coul d you? He was mybirthday present!?Daniel rushed for the door. …Where are you going??said Mum. …To the basement.To find Micro!?Mum felt really bad now. She called out after Daniel, …I didn?t think you wanted him!?In the basement, Daniel saw a glint of silve r among the rubbish bags. …Micro!?he cried. Micro?s eyeslit up. He jumped up and tried to lick(舔一舔) Daniel?s face with his metal tongue. Daniel picked himup in his arms and carried him outside. …Stay here,?he said to Micro. But Micro was already racingtowards the park. He?d seen Scruffy! With joyful barks, Micro ran to Scruffy on his stumpy, metal legs.His tail was wagging, even though no one had told it to. Daniel watched, amazed. Micro and Scruffyraced around together. They dug holes. They chased seagulls. They were having the time of theirlives. Daniel threw a stick. …Fetch, Micro!?he cried. Of course, Micro ran the other way. He fetchedback an empty pizza box, and dropped it at Daniel?s feet. Daniel grinned,

…You silly dog.?Then Daniel patted Micro?s hea d. He scratched him behind his shiny, silver ears. …Ialways wanted a dog,?he said. …and now I?ve got one.?He put his arms around Micro?s metal neck.…I?ve got the best dog in the world.?


6.丛林短裤 1.这是星期五的下午,3班的学生们已经穿好了外套,排成一队等着回家。兰尼站在队尾因为他的防水服的拉链卡住了,他忙着弄拉链,几乎没听到老师考克斯先生说了什么。 “这是给大家的一封信”考克斯先生说“别弄丢了,一定要交给你们的父母,里面有好消息的”。 兰尼很想知道这个好消息是什么,他匆忙跑过了操场,找到了妈妈。 “快,打开这封信”兰尼说“考克斯先生说这里面有好消息” “要先跟我打招呼”妈妈笑着说。但是她还是打开了信,读完了信她告诉兰尼,“下周3班要上一节足球课,学校会借给你们足球鞋” “哇呜,”兰尼大叫“真正的足球鞋,我敢说我一定能进15个球” 她妈妈把信放进了包里 “条纹衫和短袜怎么样?我能有一件真正的球服吗”兰尼恳求道 “等等看吧”妈妈说 到了家里,兰尼还是脱不下他的防水服,他妈妈不得不去帮他。 “我很高兴你没有弄坏拉链,在下个月之前我没法给你再弄件衣服”她说。“我不想要新外套”兰尼说“但是我能有一件新足球服吗,求你了” “喝完茶再问我”他妈妈说。 他们的茶点吃了带果酱和苹果的薄饼。薄饼是兰尼最爱吃的。可是,今天他以最快的速度吃完了它。他卡它一声放下了刀和叉。 “你答应我吃完茶点就说足球的事”妈妈从包里拿出了考克斯先生的信。 “每个孩子将会需要一件旧T恤和一些袜子”她读道 “不是真正的足球用品吗?”兰尼问道 “很抱歉,没有。除了短裤。考克斯先生想让你们都穿上新短裤。我们明天就去市场买” 兰尼很不高兴,但是他知道他妈妈,她一旦下定决心就不会更改了。他看上去很** “我敢打赌他们都有象样的足球服”他想“我敢打赌他们都没有穿旧T恤” 那个夜晚,他躺着睡不着一直在想,他要确保他妈妈买足球短裤。他想要双合适的白色足球短裤。然后,他知道他能进好多的球。 2.第二天早上吃过早饭,他们出发去买新短裤。市场离兰尼住的地方隔两条街。 在路上,他们看到3班的泰德和肖恩。泰德和肖恩住在兰尼家附近,他们正在马路的里面把球踢来踢去。肖恩猛地把球拍向他,兰尼把球踢了回去。 泰德叫他:“想玩吗?“现在还不能,我得跟我妈去买新的足球短裤。”“我们的已经买好了”泰德大声的说。 市场非常的拥挤,每个人都在看货摊上高高堆起的水果和蔬菜。在条纹帆布顶篷下有鞋子和衣服卖。一个男人正在卖短裤。 “来买丛林短裤喽”他大声吆喝着。 他戴了顶宽檐草帽,裤子外面穿了条超大号的丛林短裤。短裤上面印的有高大的绿树,树顶上猴子们在咧嘴笑。 “大小号一个价啊”这个男人说。 “不,谢谢”兰尼说“下周我们要开足球课,我需要一条真正的足球短裤”


新版典范英语7(旧版6) 1 第一篇 Walrus Joins In 1What will Walrus do? Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it. ‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’ ‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’ ‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’ ‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’ They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they aske d. But Walrus was not good at anything. He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling. He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose. He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly. ‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’ Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show. Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers. He wished he was good at something. 2The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited. Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered. Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing! Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy. Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox. He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!” But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP! Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wailed. Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly. Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head. Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear. All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice. “I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!” But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP! Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed. 3From bad to worse


微金属狗 1微到丹尼尔?的生日,他醒来发现他的床的一大盒。它看起来像一个狗窝。…狗!?丹尼尔喊道。他想让一只狗年龄?。他从床上跳了起来,打开笼门。有微。他是闪亮的银色,黄色的眼睛闪闪发光。这是一个真正…??狗,丹尼尔说。…?说妈妈我知道。…但真正的狗是在我们单位允许?T。看看微可以做。妈妈转向微观?。…?走,她说。倒在地毯上微硬(僵直的,不灵活的),干(不平稳的)腿。…?树皮,妈妈说。微睁开金属口。他叫了?很难说。这是一个柔软的小声音。…业,业,业,业,业?。 ?…摇尾巴,妈妈说。微的金属尾了?呼呼声就走一路,然后其他的。…但我想要一个真正的狗,?丹尼尔说。他感到深深的失望。…微?比真正的狗,?妈妈说。他不吵闹或…?凌乱。他总是做他?告诉。去。告诉他做什么。 在你的狗窝?…?,微回去,丹尼尔说。微转身撞回他的盒子。…什么好狗!?说妈妈微。…我想你?重新完美的宠物。但是丹尼尔却??T似乎是这么认为的。他说,由于妈妈?…,。然后他撕开(把……撕开)他提出的休息。 整天整夜,微等。但丹尼尔在他的其他的礼物。他以微一次?。慢慢的,在他的黑盒子,微?的眼睛失去了光泽。2微开始考虑下一个早晨,当丹尼尔离开学校,妈妈叫他以后,你再迟到…?,丹尼尔。走快!?单独在自己的黑盒子,微听到,快速步行?…。他的机器人 大脑开始嗡嗡作响。他小小的黄色的眼睛照亮光明。他缓缓从他的狗窝。 他沿着他的肥仔(短粗的,敦实的)腿,在地毯上。他走了出去,从打开的玻璃门,他只停下的时候,他的红鼻子撞到阳台。…铿锵!丹尼尔的母亲对???T见他。她忙着准备工作。从第七楼向下微。他可以看到公园,有绿色的树和草。他把人和毛茸茸的四条腿的东西到处跑。突然,大脑开始微?自己思考。…那些是真正的狗,?以为微。他看到真正的狗追棒和球。…那些真正的狗是玩,?以为微。他们闭嘴独自?T由业主在黑盒。他明亮的眼睛像火一样发光。他的机器人大脑运转了。每一个念头,它变得越来越聪明。现在是制定计划。…我会去那里,我决定微?,…?要看真正的狗。我将学习如何像他们一样。然后丹尼尔会跟我玩。?但他怎么能去公园吗?他很高,公园是一个很长的路了。3什么是真


典范英语7-15翻译典范 英语7-15 这是一个男孩成长为一个伟大的足球运动员的故事.他的名字是贝利,他出生在巴西. 他在四世界杯之间的1958和1970,他可能是有史以来最著名的足球运动员. 这是如何发生的… 这一切都开始于1940年时,贝利是出世在一个小村庄. 贝利的父亲是一名职业足球运动员,但一次重伤意味着他从来没有靠踢球挣很多钱. 所以贝利的家庭很穷.贝利也辞职来帮助他的父母.但他也与他的朋友在街道踢足球. 他决定他想成为一名足球运动员,像他的父亲一样.贝利的母亲不喜欢这个主意. 没有什么能阻止贝利实现他的梦想. 他打了几个当地的队,然后在15岁他在一个叫桑托斯的大足球俱乐部得到一个试用的机会. 他很有天赋,桑托斯收下了他.当贝利告诉她的时候,贝利的妈妈哭了.

这意味着她的儿子将要离开家,住在城市.贝利想家了. 但他坚持了下来,他很快就得到了他的奖励.他在球队里他的第一场比赛踢进了一个球. 这是第一个进的球.一年之内,贝利在他的俱乐部踢进了32个球. 然后他被挑选代表他的国家-巴西参加比赛,在他的头两场国际比赛,他踢进了三个球. 足球迷们开始叫他’黑珍珠’. 贝利仍然只有16岁.有世界杯即将在瑞典举行,他想知道是否他被选中成为队员. 广播里宣布运动员名单的时候他仔细听…当他听到他的名字,他激动得都站不起来了! 当他在1958年抵达瑞典,贝利是17岁.他是最年轻的巴西队的球员. 他当足球运动员个子相当小,而且很干瘦,但每个人都期待他能大放异彩. 贝利膝盖有伤,他直到巴西的第三场比赛才上场,对苏联队. 但他在对威尔士的比赛中踢进一球,一比零获胜. 然后,在对法国的半决赛中,贝利完成了一次精彩的帽子戏法-在一场比赛三个进球! 谢谢贝利,他的国家队在世界杯决赛. 巴西对阵瑞典的比赛.比赛开场巴西很糟糕-瑞典领先,一比零. 但是不久巴西二比一领先.然后,下半场,贝利踢进两次. 最后巴西五比二赢了-他们是世界冠军!贝利的队友们把他抬

典范英语7 4

典范英语7 Good English 4、哦,奥托! (1)一件重要的事情 四班的孩子们都正埋头写作业。 这时他们的老师,安德伍德小姐,说:“我有一件非常重要的事情要告诉你们。” 她笑着说:“我们班来了一个新的男孩,他的名字是奥托,他从很远很远的地方来。事实上,他是来自外太空......” 门开了,一个男孩走了进来。他看起来和其他的孩子差不多,但是皮肤的颜色。他是绿色的皮肤。 安德伍德小姐让奥托坐在乔,查理和杰克的旁边。然后,她看着乔说,“我希望你能帮助我们新来的男孩。” “请听我说,老师,”奥托说。“我不是新男孩。我今年七岁半了。并且我不需要帮助。我已经有两只手了。看!” “哦,奥托!”小姐笑着说。“坐下,做个好学生。” 奥托坐下了。 然后他说:“我不认为我能成为一个鹿,但我可以像鸭子一样嘎嘎叫。” 他上下挥舞双臂,像翅膀一样,并叫起来:“嘎嘎!嘎嘎!嘎嘎!” 查理加入了进来:“嘎嘎!嘎嘎!嘎嘎!” 安德伍德小姐对奥托笑着。“不要在课堂上喊叫!”她说。 然后,她冲着查理皱起了眉头。“查理!”她说。“你知道该做什么不该做什么!继续写作业吧。” “这不公平!”查理抱怨道。“我受批评了,而奥托却没有!” 那个时候,查理打定主意,他不喜欢奥托。一点儿也不喜欢他。 (2)查理生气了 奥托出了很多差错。 查理坐在椅子上往后仰。奥托也做一样的动作。但是他摔倒了… …而且所有颜料倒在地上。 现在查理也是绿色的了,他对此很不高兴。 查理越来越生气。 课间,奥托在操场上,查理决定吓唬他一下。 “如果还你站在这儿,你将会被熊吃掉,”查理说。 “一只熊!在哪里?”奥托尖叫道。 查理咯咯笑道。“我们把熊关在校长办公室里。所有地球上的学校都有熊,”他继续说道。“有时候熊会出来…有时候它会很饿!” 奥托看起来很害怕。 (3)寻宝游戏 那个下午班里要举行一个寻宝游戏。每个孩子都很期盼。


新版典范英语7 1 第一篇 Walrus Joins In 1What will Walrus do? Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it. ‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’ ‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’ ‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’ ‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’ They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they asked. But Walrus was not good at anything. He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling. He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose. He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly. ‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’ Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show. Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers. He wished he was good at something. 2The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited. Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered. Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing! Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy. Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox. He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!” But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP! Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” s he wailed. Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly. Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head. Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear. All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice. “I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!” But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP! Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed. 3From bad to worse It was Seal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing: “O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights. My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!” Walrus listened. What a beautiful song! Surely if he really tried, he could sing as beautifully as Seal? Oh, dear. Walrus just couldn’t stop himself again. “I know that song,” he cried. “I can sing it too!” He leaped up and started singing along with Seal.

典范英语7《noisy neighours》重点词组背诵版

典范英语《吵闹的邻居》重点词组默写版1.在一个冷酷、灰色的房子里in a grim, grey house 2.守财奴miser 3.捐出一便士give away a penny. 4.给了一个微笑give away a smile 5.卑鄙又可悲的人a mean and miserable man 6.因为…because of … 7.在。。。的一边on one side of sth 8.在另一边on the other side 9.它属于那个在修理汽车的人。 It belonged to him who mended cars. 10.小汽车,摩托车,面包车和卡车 cars, motorbikes, vans and lorries 11.醒来wake up 12.锤子,扳手和引擎hammers, spanners and engines 13.摇动shake过去时shook过去分词shaken 14.在一个快乐的红房子in a jolly red one 15.在一个明亮的蓝房子in a bright blue house 16.在她的钢琴上弹奏宏伟的曲调 played grand tunes on her grand piano

17.小提琴violins 18.鼓drums 19.关窗户shut his window 20.噪声穿过墙the noise came through the wall 21.他把手指放在耳朵里。He put his fingers in his ears. 22.他们太开心了They were far too happy. 23.修车mend cars 24.制作音乐make music 25.在壁纸上凿个孔made holes in the wallpaper 26.没起作用。(2种)It did no good.=Itdidn’t work. 27.把自己锁在橱柜里locked himself in a cupboard 28.缠绕wind过去时wound过去分词wound 29.把旧毛巾绕在他头上wind old towels round his head 30.把某物撕了tore sth all up 31.防止噪声keep out the noise 32.三明治sandwich(复数)sandwiches 33.自言自语think to himself 34.偷溜进去sneak into 35.撞倒(2种)bump into=knock into 36.进入go into 37.把某物塞进。。。put sth into


本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! 新版典范英语7(旧版 6) 1第一篇 Walrus Joins In 1 What will Walrus do? Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it. ‘I will do skating, ’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I ’m good at that! ’ ‘I ’ll do tumbling, ’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me! ’ ‘I ’ll do singing, ’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice! ’ ‘Then I ’ll do diving, ’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know! ’They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do? ’ they asked. But Walrus was not good at anything. He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn ’t good at tumbling. He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose. He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly. ‘Never mind, ’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us. ’ Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show. Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers. He wished he was good at something. 2 The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited. Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered. Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing! Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy. Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox. He couldn ’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate, ” he cried. “ Look at me! ” But Walrus couldn ’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP! Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act, ” she wailed. Next, it was Polar Bear ’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly. Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head. Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear. All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn ’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice. “I can tumble too, ” he cried“Look. at me! ” But Walrus couldn ’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP! Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act, ” he wailed. 3 From bad to worse


新版典范英语7(旧版6) 2 第二篇 Noisy Neighbours 1Mr Flinch In a grim, grey house in a grim, grey town lived an unhappy man. It was not his grey house that made Mr Flinch unhappy. It was not that he was poor, because he was not. Mr Flinch was a miser. He never gave away a penny. ( He never gave away a smile either. ) He was a mean and miserable man. Mr Flinch was miserable because of his neighbours. On one side of Mr Flinch’s grim, grey house stood a jolly red one. It belonged to Carl Clutch who mended cars. Carl loved cars – and motorbikes and vans and lorries. Every morning, Mr Flinch woke up to hear hammers banging, spanners clanging and engines revving. The whole street shook with the noise. On the other side, in a bright blue house, lived a music teacher called Poppy Plink. Each morning, Poppy sat down and played grand tunes on her grand piano. After breakfast, her students started to arrive. Violins screeched, drums thundered and bassoons bellowed. Mr Flinch shut his window, but the noise still came through the wall. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! His whole house shook and shivered. He put his fingers in his ears. He rapped on the wall … but his neighbours did not hear. They were far too happy. They were mending cars and making music, and they loved their work. Brum – brum, tootle – toot, bang! Mr Flinch rap rapped until he made holes in his wallpaper. It did no good. Mr Flinch locked himself in a cupboard. He wound old towels round his head. He wrote angry letters, but tore them all up. ‘ Stamps cost far too much money!’ he said. Even in bed, he wore a hat to keep out the noise. But the cars still revved and the music still jangled. Mr Flinch was the grey filling in a noise sandwich. ‘This can’t go on,’ Flinch thought to hims elf. He even shouted it out loud: 2Nasty Tricks Mr Flinch went next door to Carl’s house. Carl was mending cars. It was easy to sneak into his kitchen and put a dead rat in the fridge. ‘That will get rid of him!’ said Flinch, and smiled a nasty smile. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with rats!’ At midnight, Mr Flinch climbed on to his roof and –carefully, carefully –crawled across the tiles. He put his head down Poppy’s chimney and gave a long, loud, ‘Hooowooowoooo!’ ‘That will get ride of her,’ he said with a grim grin. ‘Nobody wants to live in a house with ghosts!’ Then he climbed back into bed. Next morning, Mr Flinch woke to a HUGE noise. Cars and lorries were stopping


新版典英语7(旧版6) 1 第一篇 Walrus Joins In 1What will Walrus do? Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it. ‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’ ‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’ ‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’ ‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’ They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they aske d. But Walrus was not good at anything. He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling. He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose. He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly. ‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’ Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show. Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers. He wished he was good at something. 2The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited. Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered. Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing!


1 第一篇 Walrus Joins In 1What will Walrus do? Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it. ‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’ ‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles quite like me!’ ‘I’ll do singing,’ said Seal. ‘Everyone says I have a very fine voice!’ ‘Then I’ll do diving,’ said Whale. ‘I won a prize for diving at school, you know!’ They all looked at Walrus. ‘What will YOU do?’ they asked. But Walrus was not good at anything. He wasn’t good at skating, and he wasn’t good at tumbling. He was terrible at singing, and when he tried to dive, he always got water up his nose. He sat and chewed his whiskers sadly. ‘Never mind,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘You can watch us.’ Arctic Fox and Polar Bear and Seal and Whale practised hard for the big show. Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers. He wished he was good at something. 2The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited. Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered. Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideways. She skated in perfect circles and figures of eight. She was elegant and amazing! Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Fox made it all look so easy. Walrus was sure that if he really tried he could skate just like Fox. He couldn’t stop himself. He just had to leap onto the ice and join in with Fox. “I can skate,” he cried. “Look at me!” But Walrus couldn’t skate at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He bumped into Fox, and Fox went flat on her face. FLOMP! Fox was very upset. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” she wa iled. Next, it was Polar Bear’s turn. He rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball. Everyone clapped wildly. Then Polar Bear began to tumble. He did jumps and spins and somersaults, and stood on his head. Walrus watched and he loved what he saw. Polar Bear made it all look such fun. Walrus was sure that this time, if he really tried, he could tumble just like Polar Bear. All of a sudden, Walrus just couldn’t stop himself, and he leaped onto the ice. “I can tumble too,” he cried. “Look at me!” But Walrus couldn’t tumble at all. He could only trip up and fall over. He tripped up Polar Bear, who came down with a WALLOP! Of course, Polar Bear was pretty angry. “Walrus has RUINED my act,” he wailed. 3From bad to worse It was Seal’s turn next. She gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare, and then she started to sing: “O, how many heart rejoices when I see the Northern Lights. My ear is filled with voices sweetly singing in the night!”

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