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会议纪要表 中英文

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如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢! 会议纪要的目的与会议纪要的英文范文合集 会议纪要的目的 坚持做好会议纪要的重要性和必要性时间:20**-06-0编辑:三门江文/陈慧会议,顾名思义就是集会议事。从古至今,国人都习惯于在会议中商议、研讨、决断事务。正所谓“三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮”,会议结果凝聚了智慧的精华,必须及时传达才能切实发挥会议的作用,这就需要做好会议纪要。然而,许多人常常把会议纪要与会议记录混淆,殊不知,二者是两个截然不同的概念。会议记录只需完整、真实地记载会议全过程即可,而会议纪要则需用精练、准确的文字来归纳概括会议内容和结果,是一种正式的公文。只有理清概念,才能有效地做好会议纪要。坚持做好会议纪要是十分重要和必要的,具体体现在以下三点: 一是促使会议记录者有针对性地记录重点,专注于会议中传达的精神、有争议的议题和最终的决定事项,避免出现错漏,忠实地反映会议重要内容。 二是推进我场会议制度化、规范化管理。要做好会议纪要,就要求相应地规范上会程序,如议题申报、会议记录、归档管理等都须按有关规定执行。 三是传达场领导经讨论研究达成的结果,为各单位下一阶段工作的开展指明方向和重点,也为场领导提供会议的总结性资料,更可向上级部门呈现我场的工作、学习和发展情况。 篇二:会议纪要的用途。 会议纪要的用途、与会议记录的区别、特点会议纪要适用于记载和传达会议情况和议定事项。会议纪要可上报上级领导机关,供上级了解会议的情况,以便取得领导的支持与指导;可以送有关的平行单位交流信息,沟通情况,以取得他们的协助和配合,其主要作用是沟通情况,交流经验;统一认识,指导工作。会议纪要与会议记录有着十分密切的联系。写作会议纪要一般是在会议记录基础上进行的,它要对会议记录进行分析、整理、综合、概括,按照会议的议题和宗旨,把会议的主要精神及议定的事项准确地反映出来。因此,会议记录是会议纪要的基础,可以说没有会议记录就


会议纪要英文版 2018-08- 14companymeetingoftheboardofdirectorstobeheldonwednesday,april3,XX at10:15a.m.inthethecompanyboardroomagenda1.apologiesforabsence2.m inutesofthemeetingsheldonmarch2,XX3.pointsarisingfromminutesasread4. reportbythechairman(acopyofthereportisattachedtothisagenda)5.resolutio normotion6.dateofnextmeeting7.totransactanyotherbusinessthatmaycom ebeforethemeeting minutesofthemonthlymeetingofaboardofdirectorsmi nutesoftheboardofdirectorsofthexyzcompanyheldonwednesday,april3,XX,a t10:15a.m.inthecompanyboardroom.chairmanjohnbrownpresided.present :bradschaffner(harvard),cathyzeljak(georgewashington),brianbaird(h.f.grou p),dianabrooking(washington),adamburling(acrl),jackiebyrd(indiana),jaredi ngersoll(columbia),sandralevy(chicago),danpennell(pittsburgh),janicepilch( illinois),emilyray(yale),kaysinnema(libraryofcongress),andyspencer(wiscon sin),davidwoodruff(gettyresearchinstitute).apologies:apologiesforabsence werereceivedfromrinadollingerandalfredkessel.minutes:theminutesofthem arch2,XX,meetingwerereadbythesecretaryandapproved.reportbychairman: thechairmanreportedthathehadmetmr.nathanrosenbergconcerningxyz’sint erestsincomputersoftwaredevelopmentandtheservicesmr.rosenbergisprep aredtoextendtoaidxyzindevelopingtheseinterests.fortheinformationofthec hairman,mr.rosenbergoutlinedthegrowthofthesoftwareindustryfromtheti


会议纪要英文格式 Minutes of meeting 四要抓制度,严明纪律。严格按“分级负责,归口办理”的原则解决信访问题。一是要纠正怕负责任的思想,要敢于负责,正视信访问题,不推诿扯皮,确保一方稳定。二是要纠正不负责任的做法,牢固树立责任意识,切实履行信访工作职责,不回避矛盾,把问题解决在基层。三是严肃工作纪律,对重大会议、重大节庆期间的集体上访、越级上访,需要接人的,涉访单位在接到通知后必须无条件服从,在规定时间内赶到指定地点,做好接人工作。 For ......project ***(主持人):刚才,同志们对我们的工作提出了许多宝贵的意见,我们会认真加以考虑,不断改进工作。接下来研究预备党员转正。 In South sumatera,indonesia Attendance:Refer to Attached List(see Attachment 1) 十会议听取了XXX同志关于党务工作问题的汇报。会议研究了公路勘察设计院党支部《关于增补支部委员的请示》以及2011年度预备党员转正及发展预备党员名单,党委成员对以上两项议题均表示同意。 Date :October 19,2015 2)纪要性。会议纪要不是把会议中所涉及到的所有问题无一遗漏

地写出来,而是把那些主要的情况和研究决定的重大问题、决策意见写出来,是摘其要而纪之,切忌面面俱到,堆砌材料。 Place :Hangzhou 1.The agreed agenda are as follows: A.Coal supply issue 会议认为,规范公司采购、出差借款及报销流程有利于进一步加强财务管理,有利于加强党风廉政建设。会议原则通过该规定。 B.POA for signing MOU regarding the HVDC Sumatera-Java transmission Project C.Financial Advisor Mandate letter D.How to push forward the power plant,coal mine and transmission projects. 2.General overview:All the shareholders have the same understanding that even if the project didn’t make expected progress in the past several months due to the HVDC T/L issues and the influence of the new Minning Law to coal supply scheme,all the attendees still have confidence that all these issues will be solved with the best efforts of all parties.Coal Supply issue PTBA made a comprehensive meaningful presentation regarding the new mining law,its impact to signed JVC Coal Mine and PTBA opinion for new coalsupply scheme as well as response


CONFERENCE MINUTES 时间:2011年5月12日星期四 DATE: 2011. MAY 12 Thuesday As regard to the confirmation by mutual parities, SHANGHAI GLASS MACHINERY CO (hereinafter referred to as Seller),have a duty for the mechanical-part linking with three forming line supplied to PG GLASS PVT.LTD (hereinafter referred to as Buyer) in Mumbai India. The seller will send a relative person who have a job of commissioning mechanical part with three forming lines according to the requirement of the Buyer (without any special condition), execption to the responsibility for any production aritcle technology and working craft made by the Buyer. This conference content are not available for containing any improvement include of the article production and working craft. The seller expect that the The Buyer can be suitable for the preparation of energy and machine position before the departure. 根据双方今日会谈内容,决定对PG GLASS PVT. LTD.在印度孟买的三条流水线做相关联动调试,我司根据客户实际要求派出相关人员在5/21日(无特殊情况)去印度调试,负责三条流水线机械部分正常运行,关于所有相关的制造工艺和产品制作与我司无关也不承担相关责任。PG GLASS PVT. LTD.公司对此三条流水线所进行的任何工艺改进和产品生产与本次会谈内容无关。PG公司应提前做好设备就位,能源动力的供给,我司应做好培訢工作。 买方:PG GLASS PVT. LTD.TEL: +91 22 2 5164922 Buyer:PG GLASS PVT. LTD.FAX: +91 22 2 515 3677 地址:111, Damji Shamji Industrial Complex 9, LBS Marg, Kurla West,Mumbai-400070, India 111, Damji Shamji Industrial Complex9, LBS Marg, Kurla West,Mumbai-400070, India SIGNATURE: 卖方:上海玻璃机器制造厂有限公司TEL: 0086-21-36160650 Seller:SHANGHAI GLASS MACHINERY CO. LTD. FAX: 0086-21-36161728 地址:上海宝祁路718号ADD: ROAD BAOQI 718, SHANGHAI SIGNATURE:


英文会议纪要范文 会议纪要就是会议记录,那儿你知道怎样用英文进行会议纪要吗?下面小编给大家介绍关于会议纪要英文范文篇的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。 会议纪要英文范文篇一Minutes of meeting For ......project In South sumatera,indonesia Attendance:Refer to Attached List(see Attachment 1) Date :October 19, 2015 Place :Hangzhou 1. The agreed agenda are as follows: A. Coal supply issue B. POA for signing MOU regarding the HVDC Sumatera-Java transmission Project C. Financial Advisor Mandate letter D. How to push forward the power plant,coal mine and transmission projects. 2. General overview: All the shareholders have the same

understanding that even if the project didnt make expected progress in the past several months due to the HVDC T/L issues and the influence of the new Minning Law to coal supply scheme, all the attendees still have confidence that all these issues will be solved with the best efforts of all parties. Coal Supply issue PTBA made a comprehensive meaningful presentation regarding the new mining law, its impact to signed JVC Coal Mine and PTBA opinion for new coalsupply scheme as well as response to CDB letter of 11 August 2009. The summary of PTBAs proposal scheme in its presentation is as follows: 1 PTBA cannot assign its right and obligation as mining permits holder to other party pursuant to the new mining law. 2 it is PTBA as mining permit holder who shall decide the coal price, hence, the revenues account shall be reckoned in PTBAs book.(which may affect to royalty,tax,etc) 3 coal supply agreement shall be established between JVC power and PTBA. 4 PTBA cannot fulfill the requirement of CDB that the KP is held by PTBAs subsidiary due to an uncertainty of getting KP by PTBA or its subsidiary.


英文会议纪要模板 Meeting Minutes Template Meetings are always necessary at any organization that is serious in performing well in its business. Though too many meetings are not recommended, meetings are no doubt crucial to understand the condition of the organization in its operations, directions and financial standing. Hence, the meeting must be recorded in the form of minutes for the relevant parties to refer and be reminded on what has transpired in the meeting and the necessary actions to be taken as a follow up. This after meeting action will propel the organization to move forward in its operations and progress. A meeting minute is usually formally written and distributed to its attendees for further action after the meeting. This task is usually performed by a secretary who sits in the meeting, recording down all that is discussed and decided by the meeting attendees. The meeting minutes would be distributed to the attendees as well as the absentees of the meeting. The template of meeting minutes may contain the following: * Date of Meeting * Purpose of Meeting * Attendees/Absentees * Start and End times of Meeting * Venue * Called by * Issues * Time allocated for discussion * Discussion * Important points on topic discussion * Conclusion * Action By * Deadline * Resource Person * Observers The meeting minutes can be long and detailed depending on the topics of discussion during the meeting. The next meeting date can be included in the meeting minutes. Consider the attached sample template for your convenience.

Meeting Title (英文会议纪要格式)




摩森康胜四海啤酒(中国)有限公司年产啤酒10万千升建设改造项 目包装车间和成品仓库扩建工程 1000000 hl/y Modification Project of Molson Coors Sihai Brewery (China) Co., Ltd. 项目例会会议纪要 Summary of the regular meeting 时间Date :2011.08.11 会议地点Address:摩森康胜四海啤酒(中国)有限公司扩建工程现场办公室at the site of MCS. 与会人员Attendants: 康胜四海啤酒公司MCS:杨绍荣Yangshaorong 中轻国际公司BCEL:梁卫国Liangweiguo 祁广攀Qiguangpan 高兵飞Gaobingfei 轻鑫监理公司Supervising company:于永滨Yuyongbin 徐光华Xuguanghua..刘骐瑛Liuqiying。 中轻建设公司CLCC:王和煦Wanghexu任良军Renliangjun 摩森康胜四海啤酒(中国)有限公司(以下简称MCS)和中国中轻国际工程有限公司(以下简称BCEL)、轻鑫工程建设监理有限公司(现北京中轻国际工程项目管理有限公司、简称轻鑫监理)、中国轻工建设工程有限公司(以下简称CLCC)的相关人员于2011年08月11日在摩森康胜四海啤酒公司现场办公室举行了项目例会,会议由中轻国际公司主持,会议主要内容纪要如下: MCS, BCEL, supervising company& CLCC held a meeting on 11th,August at the meeting room on the site of MCS, the meeting was taken charge by BCEL, Summary is as follows: 一、会议主题I、Topics 1.1 CLCC汇报施工现场停工整改情况。 ClCC report the progress that they corrected the safety defects pointed out by the local safety inspection station. 1.2 MCS对BCLL的要求。 MCS’s requirements to CLCC。 1.3 BCEL对CLCC的要求。 BCEL’s requirements to CLCC. 1.4 监理对CLCC的要求。


会议记录英文范文 会议记录是指在会议过程中,由记录人员把会议的组织情况和具体内容记录下来,就形成了会议记录。英语会议记录要怎么写?本文是学习啦小编整理的会议记录英文范文,希望能帮到你。 会议记录英文范文1 Meeting record Project name: talk about the PowerPoint Date of meeting: May 18,012 Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan Charge time to:0 minutes 1. Purpose of the meeting Make the PowerPoint for the topic of business results, and definite the role of the whole presentation . Attendance at meeting Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu . Meeting agenda (1) Talk about the member’s order of giving the presentation (2) Definite the part of every member (3) Rehearse the presentation and control the time

and order of the whole presentation . Meeting notes, decision, issues Everyone has her task. Give the prefect logo of the company; Zhang Huizhuan are the first spokeswoman,who is prepared for the first part of introduction, Niu Pu will introduce the company; Qiu Min and other three members give a small talk; Li Yajun shows the product and Chen Na shows the sales chart. Group:dream sky 会议记录英文范文2 Meeting record Project name: make the report Date of meeting: May 13,012 Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan Charge time to:0 minutes 1. Purpose of the meeting Finish the topic of business results and give the report . Attendance at meeting Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu


会议纪要英文范文 用英文记录会议纪要 应该怎么写呢?以下是小编整理的会议纪要英文范文,欢迎参考阅读! Minutes of the Preparation Meeting for the Coming Exhibition Time: March 9,20XX, 10:00 a. m. —12:10 a.m. Place: No.3 Meeting Hall Present: Mr. David Door 一 President Mrs. Lucy Portman — Vice president Mr. Richard Carpenter —Team m ember M iss Jenny Black —Team m ember Mr. Bill Holder — Team member Mr. Mike Bush — Team member Mr. John Smith — Manager of logistics Mrs. Christina Brown — Minutes secretary Absent: Miss Lily Black Presided by:Mrs. Lucy Portman Taken by: Christina Brown Summary of the meeting The vice president opens the meeting at 10:00 a.m. and she announces that there are some c hanges in the original agenda for the exhibition and all the people present discuss the details to make preparations for the exhibition. They think it’s better to arrive half an hour earlier, because they need to register first before getting the Exhibition Badge. As the Blue Restaurant is fully reserved, they decide to change to the Westlake Hotel, for a self-service lunch. In the Exhibition Summary at 16:00 as scheduled, all the participants are required to give a presentation on the exhibition results and comments on the future trend in this field. Any other business Mrs. Jenny Black asks whether Lily Black could make i t to come t o the exhibition with the team, as she has been ill for nearly a month now. The vice president answers that she phoned her last week, and that she indicated that she would try her best to attend the exhibition as scheduled 1 / 6


会议纪要英文范文与会议纪要范文开头合集 会议纪要英文范文 MinutesofmeetingFor。projectInSouthsumatera,indonesiaAttendance:RefertoAttachedList(seeAttachment1)Date:October19,20**Place: Hangzhou1.Theagreedagendaareasfollows:,,alltheattendeesstillhaveconfiden cethatalltheseissueswillbesolvedwiththebesteffortsofallparties.CoalSupplyi ssuePTBAmadeaprehensivemeaningfulpresentationregardingthenewmininglaw,itsi mpacttosignedJVCCoalMineandPTBAopinionfornewcoalsupplyschemeaswellasrespon setoCDBletterof11August20**.ThesummaryofPTBA’sproposalschemeinitsp resenta tionisasfollows:1PTBAcannotassignitsrightandobligationasminingpermitsholde rtootherpartypursuanttothenewmininglaw.2itisPTBAasminingpermitholderwhosha lldecidethecoalprice,hence,therevenuesaccountshallbereckonedinPTBA’sbook. (whichmayaffecttoroyalty,tax,etc)3coalsupplyagreementshallbeestablishedbet weenJVCpowerandPTBA.4PTBAcannotfulfilltherequirementofCDBthattheKPisheldby PTBA’,baseonallinputfromreceivedinformation,thefollowings4possiblecoalsup plyschemesthatplywiththenewmininglaw:1Pass- throughscheme(scheme1)2PTBAasthecoalsupplier(scheme2)3JVCCoalMinewillbecoa lminingservicepanyorotherposition(scheme3) 篇二:会议纪要英文版。 CONFERENCEMINUTES时间:20**年5月12日星期四 DATE:20**.MAY12ThuesdayAsregardtotheconfirmationbymutualparities,SHANGHAIG LASSMACHINERYCO(hereinafterreferredtoasSeller),haveadutyforthemechanical-partlinkingwiththreeforminglinesuppliedtoPGGLASSPVT.LTD(hereinafterreferre dtoasBuyer)inMumbaiIndia.Thesellerwillsendarelativepersonwhohaveajobofmiss ioningmechanicalpartwiththreeforminglinesaccordingtotherequirementoftheBuy er(withoutanyspecialcondition),,决定对PGGLASSPVT.LTD.在印度孟买的三条流水


会议纪要的篇发与会议纪要的英文范文合集 会议纪要的篇发 上海亮亮会议纪要X〔20**〕X号**会议纪要(20**年*月*日)**年*月*日(星期X)在公司第X会议室召开了公司**会,公司**同志主持了会议,公司**单位、部门负责人/相关人员参加了会议。会上,就**X。现就主要事项纪要如下: 1、**。 2、**。 3、**。主题词:会议**会纪要发送:**,**,**。上海亮亮:**20**年*月*日印发会议签到表第2页共2页 篇二:会议纪要范本专题12篇。 第一篇:会议纪要范本5月25日,区文体旅游局长同志主持召开了区文体旅游局办公会。朱局长对前期局办公室装修工作和资金筹措情况做了说明。会议决定,文化馆、电影放映队并入文体旅游局统一办公,便于资源整合、统一调配。会议明确了文体旅游局全体人员的具体分工和相应职责,同时宣布了文体旅游局9项工作制度,明令要严格执行和加以监督。全局干部职工出席了会议。现纪要如下: 1、会议制度:每周召开一次局长办公会,决策全局工作部署和安排,是局机关的民主决策机构;每月召开一次全局工作人员会议,各股室通报上月工作完成情况和下月工作安排;定期召开文体旅游局党支部会议。无特殊原因,相关人员以上会议按时参加,不得缺席。 2、作息制度:严格上下班作息制度,早上8.15到岗,15分钟打扫卫生,下班时间5.30分(冬季5.00),局安排车辆按线路早晚接送。 3、请假制度:事假半天内由分管局长批准,一天以上由局长批准,并报办公室备知。一月请假不能超过3天。公休假由本人提前申请,办公室根据工作情况,轮流安排,报局长办公会批准方可。

4、电话信息制度:全局工作人员手机24小时开机,电话号码变更须报备局办公室知晓4月26日上午,区建管局副局长在局六楼会议室召集乡镇建环中心、局相关股室、局联系的重点项目单位等负责人召开建筑领域安全检查工作会。会议由局办公室主任主持,会议邀请区安监局、区交警大队等单位部门负责人参会。会议总结前段安全工作、指出全区建筑领域存在的问题,安排“五一”前的安全检查工作。现将会议主要内容纪要如下:会议认为,前段时期全区建筑领域安全生产工作发展态势良好。一是重点项目的安全防范措施基本到位。江南大道、古渡路等工程交通管制防范措施健全,污水处理厂施工方案安排有序,场地施工运行正常。 二是建筑领域的行业管理和安全生产工作规范有序。今年全区推行了建筑企业准入制度,加大区域建筑领域的巡查、通报、整改力度,春节前对相关建筑工地下达的整改意见得到基本落实。 三是环卫安全预防工作措施得力。配备环卫安全服,对环卫工人开展安全警示教育。 四是城市管理工作加强。城市区域环卫设施部件调查和消防设施调查全部完成。 五是机关安全责任落实。明确各股室安全职责,水电、及内部安保措施得到加强。 六是建筑领域计划生育工作力度加大,各乡镇都落实专人,开展了经常检查检查,对出现的问题进行及时上报。会议指出,当前仍然存在一些不容忽视的安全问题。一是重点项目的安全隐患突出。有些单位仍然存在重建设,轻管理的现象,交通管制方案不落实,管理人员业务不专,交通指挥不科学,安排不周,施工现场无人指挥和管理,交通安全标志安装不醒目、不到位,堵车现象频发。 二是城市道路安全隐患突出。有的地段下水道井盖被盗、地面堆积大量建筑渣土、开挖坑槽后,无人恢复,人车通行存在障碍。


会议纪要英文范文 会议纪要英文范文 用英文记录应该怎么写呢?以下是的会议纪要英文范文,欢迎参考阅读! Minutes of the Preparation Meeting for the Coming Exhibition Time: March 9,20XX, 10:00 a. m. —12:10 a.m. Place: No.3 Meeting Hall Present: Mr. David Door 一 President Mrs. Lucy Portman — Vice president Mr. Richard Carpenter — Team member Miss Jenny Black —Team member Mr. Bill Holder — Team member

Mr. Mike Bush — Team member Mr. John Smith — Manager of logistics Mrs. Christina Brown — Minutes secretary Absent: Miss Lily Black Presided by:Mrs. Lucy Portman Taken by: Christina Brown Summary of the meeting The vice president opens the meeting at 10:00 a.m. and she announces that there are some changes in the original agenda for the exhibition and all the people present discuss the details to make preparations for the exhibition. They think it’s better to arrive half an hour earlier, because they need to register first before getting the Exhibition Badge.


如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢! 英语会议纪要和英语会议致辞汇编 英语会议纪要 CONFERENCEMINUTES时间:20**年5月12日星期四 DATE:20**.MAY12ThuesdayAsregardtotheconfirmationbymutualparities,SHANGHAIG LASSMACHINERYCO(hereinafterreferredtoasSeller),haveadutyforthemechanical-partlinkingwiththreeforminglinesuppliedtoPGGLASSPVT.LTD(hereinafterreferre dtoasBuyer)inMumbaiIndia.Thesellerwillsendarelativepersonwhohaveajobofmiss ioningmechanicalpartwiththreeforminglinesaccordingtotherequirementoftheBuy er(withoutanyspecialcondition),,决定对PGGLASSPVT.LTD.在印度孟买的三条流水线做相关联动调试,我司根据客户实际要求派出相关人员在5/21日(无特殊情况)去印度调试,负责三条流水线机械部分正常运行,关于所有相关的制造工艺和产品制作与我司无关也不承担相关责任。PGGLASSPVT.LTD.公司对此三条流水线所进行的任何工艺改进和产品生产与本次会谈内容无关。PG公司应提前做好设备就位,能源动力的供给,我司应做好培訢工作。买方:,KurlaWest,Mumbai-400070,India卖方:上海玻璃机器制造厂有限公司Seller:SHANGHAIGLASSMACHINERYCO.LTD.地址:上海宝祁路718号TEL:+9FAX:+367KurlaWest,Mumbai-400070,IndiaSIGNATURE:TEL:0086-21-FAX:0086-21-ADD:ROADBAOQI718,SHANGHAISIGNATURE:地址: 111,DamjiShamjiIndustrialComplex9,111,DamjiShamjiIndustrialComplex9,LBSMar g, 篇二:会议记录英文版。 Therecordsoftheregularconferenceoftheliving- studyingministry,Yanyuanbranch20**/9/26participants: MinisterNie,thenewersContentofthemeeting: 1、Preparationsfortherecentlyactivities1)、Thosewhoparticipateinthecontestactivitydesigningofthenewofficebearershande dintheirchartsandprepareforthegame.2)、

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