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Ready, fire, aim


Feb 16th 2006

From The Economist print edition

Foreword:A vice-president, a ★quail[1] and the first glimmer of class warfare in hunting


POLITICALGRA https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5862145.html, is (1)a goldmine

for both trivia addicts and congenital time-wasters.▲

Do you want to find out about American politicians

who were killed in duels (17 a______①_____ to the

site)? Or about politicians who were murdered (86)?

Or politicians who have been to outer space (6)? Or

politicians who died while hunting or fishing (14)?

Just point and click. But as yet the site doesn't have an

entry for politicians who almost kill the poor ★

saps[2] they are hunting or fishing with.




No doubt (2)the good people ▲at politicalgraveyard will soon update their site. Ever since Dick Cheney took aim at a quail on February 11th and hit a 78-year-old lawyer i_________②, America has been talking of little else. This is not only because Mr Cheney's tragicomic accident seemed to sum up his style of shooting first and asking questions later (hence a torrent of jokes about Mr Cheney's insistence that he was right to shoot despite the failure to find quail in the bushes). It is also because he handled the incident with astonishing ★ineptitude[3].


Harry Whittington's wounds were s________③: he was pepper-sprayed in the face, neck, chest and rib cage, and rushed to intensive care. But Mr Cheney didn't bother to tell the public that their vice-president had ★winged[4] a lawyer until the next day (when he got his host to phone her local paper, the ★Corpus Christi[5] Caller-Times) and he didn't give a television interview until February 15th, a day after his v_________④suffered a mild heart attack. As one ally puts it, “(3)Dick is beyond PR.”▲



The media has ★pored over[6] every aspect of the incident: the fact that Mr Cheney had failed to buy the proper stamp for his licence (he subsequently sent $7 to the requisite authorities); that his host was a lobbyist; that the White House initially tried the strategy of t________⑤the shooting as a joke. But one thing was almost entirely ignored—(4)the fact that Mr Cheney was spending his weekend slaughtering innocent birds in the first place.▲


In many European countries, no ambitious politician would want to be seen with a hunting rifle in his hands and a ★cuddly[7] animal in his sights. In America, politicians ★go to great lengths[8] to get seen doing just that. The classic example of the shooting photo-op was (5)John Kerry's appearance in rather too ★pristine[9] duck-hunting gear▲in October 2004. But even left-wingers like Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich ★(6)defer to[10] the hunting vote.▲


And why not? Hunters like to boast that their sport is as American as baseball and apple pie, a tradition shared by young and old, rich and poor, conservatives and l_______⑥. The US Fish and Wildlife Service claims that 80m Americans aged 16 or over—nearly 40% of the adult population—“enjoyed some recreational activity relating to fish and wildlife”in 2001, the latest year for which figures are a__________⑦. About 13m Americans shoot, and they spend some $20.6 billion a year on their pastime. (7)There is a hunting channel.▲There are ★camouflaged[11] Bibles for people who want to read scripture before blasting off. There are also powerful lobbies, from the National Rifle Association to the ★Safari[12] Club International. The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation has more than 300 members.


But(8)the reality is not quite so ★tally ho[13]▲. The proportion of the population that goes hunting has been shrinking for the past 20 years. The number of hunters fell by 7% in the decade ending in 2001; the number of small-game hunters, including quail hunters, fell by 29%. The main cause of this is e__________⑧. Every year America loses 1.5m acres of wildlife habitat and 1m acres of farm and ranchland to development and ★sprawl[14]. But the real worry for hunters is, or should be, class.













vi.(与at, before连用)畏惧;畏缩;沮丧:

如:He quailed at the thought of meeting the President.他对会见总统的打算感到害怕。



[3]ineptitude:n.不称职,不适当的动作(adj. inept)


[5] Corpus Christi:n.【罗马天主教】圣餐节:三一节(星期日)后的第一个星期四、食圣餐的日子

[6]pore over:v.注视,凝视

如:He pored over the classified ads in search of a new job.他仔细阅读分类广告栏以寻找新的工作


[8]go to great lengths:竭尽全力go to great pains 费大力气

[9]pristine adj.纯洁的,质朴的;古时的,原来的

[10]defer to:v. 服从,遵从(出于尊敬他本人或由于承认他的权威、学识或判断力,听从他的意见,遵从他的愿望,服从他的决定)

如:Do you always defer to your parents wishes? 你总是顺从父母的意志吗?





如:yield to an enemy; 对敌投降;

yield to reason;屈服于理由;

yieldto desire. 屈服于欲望。

“The child . . . soon yielded to the drowsiness”(Charles Dickens). “这孩子…一会儿就支持不住昏昏欲睡了”(查尔斯?狄更斯)

2)relent 是指出于对处于自己权威和影响下的人的尊重而缓解某一制度或决定的苛刻或严格:

“The captain at last relented, and told him that he might make himself at home”(Herman Melville). “最后,船长缓和下来,告诉他随便些”(荷曼?麦尔维尔)。


“Bow and accept the end/Of a love”(Robert Frost). “屈服并接受爱情的结局”(罗伯特?弗罗斯特)


“Philip . . . had the good sense to defer to the long experience and the wisdom of his father”(William Hickling Prescott). “菲利浦…很明智地在他父亲的丰富经验和智慧面前作出了让步”(威廉姆?希克林?普莱斯哥特)。


“What must the King do now? Must he submit?”(Shakespeare). “现在国王必须做什么? 他必须投降吗?”(莎士比亚)。

6)Succumb 强烈暗示屈服不可一世的或无法抵抗的事物:

“I didn't succumb without a struggle to my uncle's allurements”(H.G. Wells). “我对叔叔的诱惑未作任何反抗便屈服了”(H.G.威尔斯)


如:The military vehicles were camouflaged.军车被伪装起来了。


[13] tally n. 符木(古时用,上有刻痕记载交货、欠款等的数量), 记账, 得分, 标记牌, 标签, 符合, 对应物, 计数器


如:Land ho! Westward ho!停下!向西!

[14] sprawl vi.摊手摊脚地坐卧,平躺,倒卧;不规则的伸展;蔓延

如:sprawling on the sofa平躺在沙发上

suburbs that sprawl out into the countryside乱七八糟向乡间扩展的市郊


[2009.11.17]How to feed the world 如何养活世界 Nov 19th 2009 From The Economist print edition Business as usual will not do it 一切照旧已不再可行 IN 1974 Henry Kissinger, then America’s secretary of state, told the first world food conference in Rome that no child would go to bed hungry within ten years. Just over 35 years later, in the week of another United Nations food summit in Rome, 1 billion people will go to bed hungry. 1974年,在罗马举行的第一届世界粮食会议上,当时的美国国务卿亨利?基辛格宣称10年内将没有小孩再饿着肚子入睡。而35年之后的罗马,在又一届联合国粮食峰会在罗马召开的这一周内,仍有10亿人饿着肚子上床睡觉。 This failure, already dreadful, may soon get worse. None of the underlying agricultural problems which produced a spike in food prices in 2007-08 and increased the number of hungry people has gone away. Between now and 2050 the world’s populat ion will rise by a third, but demand for agricultural goods will rise by 70% and demand for meat will double. These increases are in a sense good news in that they are a result of rising wealth in poor and middle-income countries. But they will have to happen without farmers clearing large amounts of new land (there is some scope for expansion, but not much) or using up lots more water (in parts of the world, water supplies are stretched to their limit or beyond). Moreover, they will take place while farmers also wrestle with the consequences of climate change, which, on balance, will do more harm than good to farmland round the world. 这样的失败虽已甚为可怕,但很快将会变得更糟。现存的农业问题推动了2007-08年粮食价格的上涨,使饥饿人数有所增加,而这些问题无一得到解决。现在至2050年间,世界人口将增长1/3,但农产品需求将上涨70%,而肉类需求更将翻番。这些增长在一定意义上是个好消息,因为这是中低收入国家财富增长的结果。但是伴随这些增长的却是一些不容乐观的景象:农民无法清理出大量的新地(可耕地有扩大的空间,但并不多),更多的水资源会被耗尽(在世界某些地方,供水量已至其极限甚至超过了极限)。此外,与此同时农民还需应对气候变化造成的影响。总的来说,气候变化对其全球的耕地来说将是弊大于利的。 It may be too late to avoid another bout of price rises. Despite a global recession and the largest grain harvest on record in 2008, food prices are heading up again. Still, countries have a brief window of opportunity in which to set long-term policy goals without being distracted by panic measures. They need to do two things: invest in the productive capacity of agriculture and improve the operation of food markets. 或许想避免下一轮的价格上涨为时已晚。尽管全球经济衰退,而2008年收获了有记录以来


蛋用鹌鹑饲养技术—家禽养殖技术 一、鹌鹑的经济价值 鹌鹑肉嫩肥实,味道鲜美,是一种经济价值较高的野禽,可以出口换取外汇,成年雌鹑平均体重约130g左右,全年产蛋260个以上,最高可达400个。鹌鹑蛋营养丰富,较鸡蛋营养的成分高。鹌鹑生长迅速,成熟期早。初生幼鹑平均出壳重6.39g,50日龄时重108.5g。—般45-50日龄开始产卵,最晚也不超过60天。一只鹌鹑有时一天生2个蛋,蛋重l0g左右,每天仅需20-25g饲料,即每吃1.25kg饲料就能生产0.5kg蛋。养殖鹌鹑具有设备简单、管理方便、容易饲养、效益显著的特点,值得大力推广。 二、鹌鹑的生物学习性 鹌鹑属鸟纲,鸡形目,形似雏鸡,头小尾短,羽毛茶褐色,背部赤褐色,散布黄色纵直条纹和暗色横纹,头部黑褐色,中央有黄色条纹三条,体重120g~150g。成年鹑的雌雄区别是:雌鹑胸腹部白色,下颌纯米白色,脸部毛色较浅,肛门上部无球状物,不会啼鸣;雄鹑胸腹部黄褐色,下颌黄竭至黑褐色,脸部红褐色,在肛门上部有一蚕豆大小粉红色球状物,会发出“嘎嘎”啼鸣声。鹌鹑性喜温暖、干燥,畏寒冷,怕潮湿,成年鹌鹑的适宜环境温度为20—22℃。鹌鹑的生长发育快,40日龄时的体重为初生体重的20-25倍,但衰老很快,产蛋1年后自然死亡率上升,因此产蛋10-12个月的鹌鹑应淘汰为食用鹑,鹌鹑产蛋后的孵化率可达75%—80%,但家养鹌鹑失去孵蛋本能,需用鸡、鸽带为孵化或人工孵化。鹌鹑食量小,代谢旺,每只鹌鹑从孵出到产蛋,仅耗750g饲料,但鹌鹑对饲料质量要求较鸡高。鹌鹑胆小怕惊吓,要求安静的饲养场所。 三、鹤鹑的饲养管理 (一)鹑舍 建造鹑舍光线要微暗,夏季通风要良好,要防止狗、猫、鼠等危害。必须安装照明设备,夜晚须有光照度,以提高母鹑的产蛋率。饲养室内放置育雏笼、肥育笼、种鹑笼及安排孵化间。饲养笼可用竹木,也可用铁制成。笼子底部应制成网状,网孔大小以鹌鹑粪便能漏下为宜,间距大致为1.2cm,网底后高前低,稍带倾斜度,便于母鹌产蛋后滚出。 (二)饲料 鹌鹑的饲料,尽量采用纤维少,营养丰富的食品,品种宜多样化。一般由豆饼、鱼粉、玉米面、麦麸、米糠、苜蓿草、白菜、胡罗卜、骨粉、碳酸钙、食盐等组成。还可加一些复合维生素、抗菌素及微量元素,饲料要相对稳定,如需交换要逐渐过度。喂料方法有二种:一种是喂干料,另设饮水设备:另一种是喂湿料,喂湿料时干料和水比例是:夏季1:3,冬季1:2,春季1:2.5。每天喂4次,作到定时、定量、定质供应。9-10周龄的鹌鹑,要做到“能吃多少就给多少”的饲养方法。 (三)饲养管理 雄鹑和雌鹑最好分群饲养,使之定时配种,这样提高种蛋的受精率。若不便分群亦可混合喂养。混养时雄鹑和雌鹑之比为1:3。除留下配种的鹌鹑外,其余雄鹑作肉鹑处理。在饲养管理上,还要注意饲养密度,幼鹑平养密度是:100只/1周龄m2,85只/2周龄m2,,70只/3周龄m2,50只/4周龄m2。周边环境要安静,如果受惊忧,会影响母鹑产蛋。 四、鹌鹑的繁殖 (一)选种 优良的种鹑,眼大小要适中,颈要细长,头要小圆,羽毛有光泽,肌肉丰满,神情和


TEXT 19 Fair enough Mar 30th 2006 | MEXICO CITY AND SAN JOSé From The Economist print edition MAKING good coffee is not a simple business. Coffee bushes must be grown in shade—neither too much, nor too little. A hillside is best—but it mustn't be too s______ ①. After three years, the bushes will start to produce bright-red coffee “cherries”, which are picked, processed to remove the pulp, and spread out to dry for days, ideally on concrete. They are m_______②again to separate the bean, which needs to rest, preferably for a few months. (1)Only then can it be roasted, ground and brewed into the stuff that dreams are ★quelled with[1]. In Mexico and parts of Central America, as in Colombia and Peru further south but not in Brazil, most coffee farmers are smallholders. (2)They found it especially hard to deal with the recent ★slump[2] in the coffee price. The price has since recovered: the benchmark price applied to m________③coffee now ranges from $1.11 to $1.14 per pound. That is roughly double its ★rock-bottom[3] level of August 2002. But the v_________④of their income makes it hard for farmers to invest to sustain their crop, says Fernando Celis of the Mexican National Organisation of Coffee Growers. The slump forced many small farmers to switch to other crops, or migrate to cities. Mexico's exports of coffee are less than half of what they were six years ago. (3)For farmers, one way out of this dilemma is to decouple the price they are paid from the international commodities markets. This is the a_______⑤of Fairtrade, a London-based organisation which certifies products as “responsibly” sourced. Fairtrade determines at what price farmers make what it considers a reasonable profit. Its current calculation is that the appropriate figure is 10% above the market price. W________⑥, sales of Fairtrade-certified coffee have increased from $22.5m per year to $87m per year since 1998. This is still only a tiny fraction of the overall world coffee trade, worth $10 billion annually. But there are plenty of other ★niche markets[4] for high-quality coffee. Some small producers can c_________⑦more by marketing their coffee as organic—a switch which takes five years or so—or “bird-friendly” (4)because, unlike large, mechanised plantations, they have retained shade trees. Starbucks, the Seattle-based coffee-bar c________⑧, says it uses a similar formula to that of Fairtrade in buying its coffee. All is bought at a “fair price”, says Peter Torrebiarte, who manages Starbucks' buying operation in Costa Rica. (5)Some niches can be large. Only 6% of world o________⑨is of top quality, but in Costa Rica and Guatemala the figure rises to 60%, says Mr Torrebiarte. Starbucks bought 37% of Costa Rica's entire coffee crop in the 2004-05 season, according to Adolfo Lizano of the country's coffee institute. Mexico lags behind its neighbours in extracting higher prices. But 95% of the coffee in Mexico is arabica—the


鹌鹑饲养手册 ---------王宏 鹌鹑的养殖前景 鹌鹑是一种古老的鸟类,野生鹌鹑分布广,我国是野鹌鹑的主产地,也是驯养野鹌鹑最早的国家之一。野生鹑一般年产蛋7~12枚,而家鹑年产蛋280~300枚,合2.4—3公斤,平均产蛋率可达80%以上,每只鹌鹑从出壳到产蛋率50%仅耗料0.75公斤,每天每只仅耗料20—25克,全年耗料9公斤,料蛋比为2.3—2.5:1。鹌鹑属于特种经济禽类,它具有投资少、生长快、成熟早、产蛋多、耗料少、生产周期短等优点,鹌鹑35日龄开产,按照当前市场行情,每只鹌鹑投资2.7元(包括雏、笼、开产用饲料),而鹌鹑蛋4.4元以上,每斤鹌鹑蛋可获利1.4元以上,可产8-10个月的蛋。养1千只鸡的地方可以养1万只鹌鹑,按当前市场行情,1千只鸡每天可获利100元而1万只鹌鹑可获利220元左右。鹌鹑肉营养丰富,含有丰富蛋白质、铁、钙、磷,被誉为野味之珍。饲养鹌鹑具有较高的综合效益,并且有稳定的市场,鹑蛋、鹑肉均为我国对外出口商品。目前,国内饲养量仅次于鸡鸭。饲养鹌鹑有着比鸡更高的经济效益和广阔的发展前景 鹌鹑的品种介绍 1.日本鹌鹑:母鹌鹑体羽呈栗褐色,头部黑褐色,中央有淡色直纹,背心赤褐色,均匀散布着黄色直条纹和暗色横纹,腹羽色泽较浅。6周龄开产,年产蛋250~300个。 2.朝鲜鹌鹑:羽毛与日本鹌鹑相似,母鹌鹑重约150克(体形大的重达160~180克)。母鹌鹑40日龄开产,年产蛋270~280个,平均蛋重12克,蛋壳有斑块或斑点。 3.中国白羽鹌鹑:体型似朝鲜鹌鹑,体羽洁白,偶有黄色条斑,眼粉红色,喙、胫、脚为肉色。具有自别雌雄配套系的父本。成年母鹌鹑体重130~140克,40~45日龄开产,平均产蛋率75%~80%,蛋重11.5~13.5克,蛋壳有斑块与斑点,每天每只鹌鹑耗料23~25克。 4.黄羽鹌鹑:由南京农业大学发现并培育成功。属隐性黄羽。体羽黄色。体型、生产性能与朝鲜鹌鹑相似。但具有伴性遗传特性,为自别雌雄配套系的父本。 鹌鹑的饲养管理 鹌鹑一般情况下,按其生理特征一生大致可分为育雏期(0—2周龄);育成期(3—5周龄)到性成熟前永久羽已基本换好,初见蛋;产蛋期(6周龄)至淘汰。 一、准备:鹌鹑的场舍一般可采用和改造原有民房,不用地窗,窗户设在鹑笼以上,避免风直吹鹌鹑,窗户光线不要过强,最好设顶棚距离地面2-2.5米,顶棚上设通风窗,以水泥地面为好,大型鹑场要设计与论证。鹑笼在舍内的排列有两种:一种是与鹑舍山墙平行;另一种是与鹑舍长轴平行。一般60平米的雏舍可养1万只鹌鹑。密度不要过小,以免温度不够。 二、消毒:鹑舍内的地面、墙壁和各种设备都应先进行消毒,场地消毒可用石灰,办公室、宿舍用百毒杀1:200消毒,笼具用1:300配治的菌毒杀消毒液消毒,发生疫情消毒用1:200菌毒杀消毒液喷雾器喷洒。粪便暂放要用火碱消毒。进鹑前,还应进行熏蒸消毒。消毒时要将鹑舍的门窗关闭,所有进出气孔都应堵严。根据鹑舍的容积,按每立方米28ml福尔马林的比例进行熏蒸消毒。(有热源时加入等量的水一起加热蒸发,无热源时每立方米28ml福尔马林与28ml温水混合后加入14g高锰酸钾)。 三、笼具准备:可按照图自治笼具: 1


18Bitcoin’s future比特币的未来 Hidden flipside另一面;反面隐藏的另一面 How the crypto-currency could become the internet of money 加密货币是怎样变成互联网货币的 Mar 15th 2014 | From the print edition Bitcoin: the original 比特币的由来 1.THE father has been found in time for 及时赶上his child’s funeral. That would appear to be 似乎是,仿佛,显示为the sorry 遗憾的state of affairs 事态,状态,情况好坏in the land of Bitcoin, a crypto-currency, if recent press coverage 新闻报道is to be believed. On March 6th Newsweek新闻周刊(美国一杂志)reported that it had足迹,踪迹tracked down 追踪Satoshi Nakamoto,中本聪Bitcoin’s elusive [?'l(j)u?s?v]难以捉摸的creator. And on March 11th Mt Gox, the Japanese online exchange 交易所,交换,交流,兑换that had long dominated控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位the trade in the currency before losing $490m of customers’Bitcoins at today’s prices, once more再一次,重新filed 提出for 再一次申请bankruptcy protection, this time in America. “父亲奔赴孩子的葬礼。”如果最近的新闻报道属实的话,那似乎会是比特币领域很遗憾的情况。3月6日,据《新闻周刊》报道,业已追踪到比特币发明人中本聪的踪迹,此人难以捉摸。日本的在线交易所Mt Gox长期以来一直是比特币行业的佼佼者,而如今,这一平台4.9亿客户的比特币被盗,于是,3月11日Mt Gox又在向美国申请破产保护。 2.In reality, things are rather different. Evidence证据,证明;迹象;明显is mounting 增加;爬上that Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, whom Newsweek identified as Bitcoin’s father, is not the relevant Satoshi. More importantly, Bitcoin’s best days 得意时代;全盛时代may still be ahead of优于,超过it—if not as a fully fledged成熟的;快会飞的;羽毛丰满的currency, then as a platform for financial innovation金融创新. Much as虽然,尽管(表让步);非常像,和…几乎一样the internet is a foundation for digital services数字化服务, the technology behind Bitcoin could support a revolution革命in the way people own and pay for things. Geeks极客,专业人士of all sorts各种各样的are getting excited—including a growing number of 越来越多的venture capitalists,风险投资家,风险资本家who know a new platform when they see one. 事实上,一切都是迥然不同的。不断增加的证据表明《新闻周刊》的报道是错的,多利安-蒲伦蒂斯-中本聪(Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto)和比特币之父中本聪并不是同一个人。更重要的是,如果比特币没有作为一种完全成熟的货币,而是作为金融创新的平台,那么达到比特币的全盛时代依然任重而道远。如同互联网是数字化服务的基石一样,比特币背后的科技可以引领一场革命,而这场革命可以改变买方和卖方的交易方式。各路极客们都异常兴奋,其中不乏渐多大批风险资本家,一旦一个新平台出现,这些人就会对其了如指掌。 3.To understand the enthusiasm in this modern currency, it helps to think about a very old one. Until the early 20th century the people on Yap,[j?p]雅浦岛an island in the Pacific Ocean,太平洋used large stone disks 圆盘,磁盘(pictured) as money货币,钱,钱币for big expenses, 开支;消费;损失,代价such as a daughter’s dowry.嫁妆,陪嫁,天资Being very heavy, they were rarely 很少地;难得;罕有地moved when spent. Instead, they simply changed owners. Every


Disney Star Wars, Disney and myth-making How one company came to master the business of storytelling FROM a galaxy far, far away to a cinema just down the road: “The Force Awakens”, the newest instalment of the Star Wars saga, is inescapable this Christmas. The first Star Wars title since Lucasfilm, the owner of the franchise, was acquired by Disney in 2012 for $4.1 billion, it represents more than just the revival of a beloved science-fiction series. It is the latest example of the way Disney has prospered over the past decade from a series of shrewd acquisitions (see article). Having bought Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm, Disney has skilfullycapitalised on their intellectual property—and in so doing, cemented its position as the market leader in the industrialisation of mythology. Its success rests on its mastery of the three elements of modern myth-making: tropes, technology and toys. From Homer to Han Solo Start with the tropes. Disney properties, which include everything from “Thor” to “Toy Story”, draw on well-worn devices of mythic structure to give their stories cultural resonance. Walt Disney himself had an intuitive grasp of the power of fables. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, is an avid student of the work of Joseph Campbell, an American comparative mythologist who outlined the “monomyth” structure in which a hero answers a call, is assisted by a mentor figure, voyages to another world, survives various trials and emerges triumphant. Both film-makers merrily plundered ancient mythology and folklore. The Marvel universe goes even further, directly appropriating chunks of Greco-Roman and Norse mythology. (This makes Disney's enthusiasm for fierce enforcement of intellectual-property laws, and the seemingly perpetual extension of copyright, somewhat ironic.) The internal mechanics of myths may not have changed much over the ages, but the technology used to impart them certainly has. That highlights Disney's second area of expertise. In Homer's day, legends were passed on in the form of dactylic hexameters; modern myth-makers prefer computer graphics, special effects, 3D projection, surround sound and internet video distribution,


TEXT 80 Salty tales 咸话地中海(陈继龙编译) Nov 16th 2006 From The Economist print edition JOHN JULIUS NORWICH is the author of more than a dozen books on Norman Sicily ①, the Sahara, Mount Athos② and the Venetian and Byzantine empires. (1)Yet even his immense knowledge is not enough to keep his latest chronicle —of 5,000 years of Mediterranean history—from appearing somewhat lopsided[1]. 约翰?朱利叶斯?诺威奇撰写过不少关于诺尔曼-西西里岛、撒哈拉沙漠、阿陀斯山以及威尼斯和拜占庭帝国的作品。然而,尽管知识渊博,他最近一部记述地中海沿岸五千年历史的编年体著作仍免不了有失偏颇。 Lord Norwich's first test, he notes in his introduction to “The Middle Sea”, was to compensate for an ignorance of Spain. He records that he was fortuitously invited to dinner by “my dear friend” the Spanish ambassador to London and “a few weeks later there came an invitation for my wife and me to spend ten days in Spain.” (2)It is hard to believe that was all the effort he made, for he acquits himself well, even in the convoluted[2] diplomacy that ended in the war of the Spanish succession. 诺威奇勋爵在《中央之海》一书序言中指出,他的首要任务就是让人们了解西班牙的一些不为人知之处。书中写道,他幸运地被他“亲爱的朋友”——西班牙驻伦敦大使邀请参加晚宴,并“在几个星期之后收到了邀请他及其夫人到西班牙度假十天的请


目 录 一、 鹌鹑的经济价值及养殖前景二、 鹌鹑养殖的优势分析三、 鹌鹑的饲养管理四、 鹌鹑的防疫程序五、 鹌鹑的疾病防治六、 影响鹌鹑产蛋因素七、 提高产蛋率的措施一、鹌鹑的经济价值及养殖前景(一)养殖的经济价值1、鹌鹑蛋高产优质,口感好、营养全,胆固醇低于鸡蛋并且具有独特的食疗作用。2、鹑肉营养全面丰富,质细、鲜嫩,能量、蛋白、铁、钙、磷、含量都优于同类产品3、饲料报酬高每生产500g 蛋,鹌鹑仅耗料越1250g ,即全程料蛋比约为2.5:14、经济实用的实验动物繁殖快、敏感性高、实验效果好,可进行营养学、生理学、药理学、毒理学等研究,并且近年来已广泛应用于检测新药的LDs0,中毒致死量等试验。(二)发展鹑业中需要解决的问题 1、良种繁育我国养鹑业应重视新品种、新品系的培育,良种的繁育体系、品系间的测交,选择高产的,适应性广的杂交系,优良的鹌鹑品种是整个养殖业实现最高生产效益的重要保证和基本前提。我场已对各品系的提纯复壮、强化进行了研究探索,以保证用户的最大利益。 2、饲料生产需要专业化适应品系、品种、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


CONVIVIAL, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar. In the late 1940s, and again towards the end of her life, it might have been the American Bar of the Stafford Hotel, just across the road from The Economist’s offices in London. In 1940, when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France, it could have been another American Bar, this one in the H?tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles. It was a chance encounter here with an English officer, interned by the French authorities but that day on parole, which led to her membership of the resistance, and then to her role as an agent of the British Special Operations Executive in occupied France. Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France, 11 of whom would die in concentration camps, she was perhaps the most redoubtable. 南希?维克性格开朗,能喝善饮,鸡尾酒吧经常可以看到她惬意的身影。上世纪40年代末和生命最后的时光里她常光顾的可能是斯塔福德旅馆里的美国酒吧,这家酒吧就和伦敦《经济学人》办公楼隔路相望。而1940年时,新婚燕尔的维克居住在维希法国,那时候她可能是巴黎卢浮旅馆和马赛和平旅馆内另一家美国酒吧的常客。在这家酒吧,机缘巧合,她和一位被法国当局拘留恰巧在当天假释的英国军官相遇。正是这段偶遇让她加入了反法西斯抵抗组织,后来成为法国占领区内英国特种作战执行队的一名间谍。所有39名渗透到法国境内的间谍中,11名险些死在集中营里。维克恐怕是39名间谍中最厉害的角色了。 From her earliest days, Miss Wake combined opposing qualities. She was disciplined, but at the same time a free spirit. In Sydney, to which her large family had moved after leaving her birthplace in New Zealand, she twice ran away from home. As soon as she could, she made her way to London, then to Paris to work as a freelance journalist. There it was her cheerful independence as much as her good looks that caught the eye of the rich French industrialist, Henri Fiocca, who would take her to Marseilles as his wife. 打从很小起,维克性格中就充满了对立。她一方面严于律己,另一方面却叛逆不羁。一大家人从维克出生地新西兰搬至悉尼后,她曾两度离家出走。条件一允许她就去了伦敦,然后到巴黎当起了自由记者。在巴黎,凭着快乐的天性、独立的精神和美丽的容貌她吸引了腰缠万贯的法国企业家亨利?菲奥卡,随后,两人在马赛市结了婚。 She enjoyed her new life of luxury while it lasted, but she was no flibbertigibbet. Soon after meeting the interned British officer, she was helping to get similar Allied airmen, refugees and escaped prisoners-of-war out of occupied France and into Britain. She took a flat, ostensibly for a lover, in fact for the resistance, sheltered men on the run and became a crucial part of the southern escape line to Spain, travelling all over southern France from Nice to N?mes to Perpignan, with clothing, money and false documents. 虽然尽情享受着豪华奢侈的新生活,但她绝不是那种只贪图享受的轻浮女人。和那位英国军官认识后不久,她就开始为盟军空军、避难人员和从法国被占区逃往英国的战俘提供协助。她租下一幢公寓,以养情人作掩护,供抵抗组织活动所需,为逃难人员提供庇护;她带着衣物、钱和假造的公文,从尼斯到尼姆再到佩里皮昂在法国南部来回奔走,成为法国南部向西班牙逃亡路线的一个关键人物。


TEXT 51 The seven-year itch 七年之痒(陈继龙编译) Jul 27th 2006 | MACAU From The Economist print edition THE army of workers operating along what used to be Macau's waterfront is conducting “land reclamation[1]”: dumping sand into the water to create more land on which to build ever more casinos, resorts and hotels in the formerly Portuguese playground. Cranes and bulldozers beaver away[2] throughout the territory, building new high-rises. Like most of China's booming conurbations[3], Macau is paying an environmental price; the air is thick with smog and dust, and the Pearl River has transferred some of its p_______①to Macau's seas. (1)But the damage pales when set against[4] the promise of growth, and billboards proudly herald the coming of “the Las Vegas of Asia”. 在过去曾是澳门码头的沿线地区,成群结队的工人们正在“填海造田”:把沙子倒进水中以形成更多的陆地,从而在这片曾经是葡萄牙人的一亩三分地上建造更多的赌场、度假村和饭店。起重机和推土机无处不在,全力以赴地建造着新的高楼大厦。同中国大多数飞速发展的大都市一样,澳门正在为此付出环境上的代价。空气中弥漫着烟雾和灰尘,一些来自珠江的污染物也流入了澳门附近海域。但是,展望未来发展,这种损失算不了什么。一张张广告牌自豪地昭示着“亚洲的拉斯维加斯”即将来临。(译注:pale指“逊色、失色”,此处的when set against可以用“before”或“beside”来代替,意为“相比……”) Amid all the buzz, the music from a boat docked at the inner harbour sounds a strange note. The red-robed musicians and their audience are Taoists engaged in a religious ceremony. As the musicians play their instruments, the believers on board burn incense and e_______②scraps of food into the water as an offering to the gods. (2)The contrast of ancient ritual with feverish modernisation is the story of modern Macau: the story of development transforming a once-sheltered nook[5]. 内港码头边停靠的一艘小船上传来的音乐夹杂在一切喧嚣之中,调子听上去怪怪的。身着红袍的乐师及其听众们都是一些道教信徒,他们正在举行一个宗教仪式。乐师们演奏着乐器,船上的信徒们一边烧香,一边将供品倒进水中。古老的仪式与狂热的现代化之间的这种反差诉说着这样一个关于现代澳门的故事——让一个曾经偏僻的小地方面貌一新的发展故事。 Macau's stunning economic boom—2004 saw its GDP grow by 28%—has been powered by gambling, tourism and the construction necessary to support such endeavours. Since Stanley Ho, Macau's most famous casino mogul[6], found his monopoly on the gambling industry broken in 2001, American firms such as Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands Corporation have stepped in to build impressive new f_______③. (3)Visitors include rich and powerful Chinese, wishing to indulge in games of chance illegal on the mainland, as well as tourists from nearby countries like South Korea and Singapore. 赌博、旅游以及相关的支撑性建设推动澳门经济发生了令人瞠目结舌的增长——2004年其GDP增长28%。自从澳门最有名的赌场大亨何鸿燊对博采业的垄断在2001年被打破以来,永利度假村有限公司和拉斯维加斯金沙公司(注:建造了金沙会展中心)之类的美国公司逐步登陆澳门,建造了许多面目一新的设施。参观者中包括有钱有势的中国人,他们希望在赌博中碰碰运气,而赌博在内地是非法的。此外,还有来自邻近国家如韩国和新加坡的旅游观光者。 There has been a price. Construction firms are eager to hire immigrants from Fujian, Guangdong and even Shanghai who are willing to work for lower wages than the local Macanese. (4)The ill-will thus created was evident last May 1st, when locals (quite a few of whom were also illegal immigrants when they first arrived) rioted.They protest that outsiders are finding jobs in the new economy while many middle-aged Macanese remain j_______④. 增长是有代价的。建筑公司都迫切希望雇用来自福建、广东甚至上海的移民,这些人要求的薪水要比澳门

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