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沈阳工业大学 2019 年博士研究生招生考试题签 (请考生将题答在试题紙上,答在题签上无效) Part I Vocabulary (15 points, 0.5 for each) Directions: In this section, there are 30 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line on the ANSWER SHEET 1.The of AIDS has led to an expansion in research seeking a cure A. Innovation B. selection C.proliferation D.Conviction 2.Most importantly, such an experience helps a heightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one's own culture as well A.contain B.foster C.discover D.censor 3.The talks between China and Japan were the base of the later agreements A. Initial B.final C. terminal D. primitive 4.Metals we found in the earl iron, lead , and copper. https://www.doczj.com/doc/148274976.html,prise B.contain C.conclude https://www.doczj.com/doc/148274976.html,pose 5.Tom give me a new bicycle as for the one he lost. A.substitut https://www.doczj.com/doc/148274976.html,pensation C.reward D.bonus 6.Over the past ten years, natural gas production has remained steady, but has risen steadily. A.Consuinption B.disposal C.Condition D.disposition 7.The Brons lived in a and comfortably furnished house in the countryside A.spacious B.sufficient C. Efficient D. Constant 8.David was by his family because he worked with a gang of criminals to rob the commercial bank. A. Abolished B.diminished C.deserted D.dismissed 9.The talks between the two leaders have reached a stage. A.critical B.criticism C.deserted D.dismissed 10.These goods are for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market. A. essentially https://www.doczj.com/doc/148274976.html,pletely C.necessarily D.remarkably 11.We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to any military threat. A.yield up B.yield to C.yield in D.yleid at 12.John used to his teacher's tone and gestures to make his classmates laugh. A.imitate B.stimulate C.initimate D. Resemble 13.The professor the translation of a German novel. A.is engaged with B.is busy in C.is occupied with D.is absorbed to 14. The findings appears to the laws of physics. A.violent B.Violate C. V oluntary D.violet 15. It is rather that we do not know how many species there are in the worl D. A.embarrassing B.boring C.demanding D.Violet 16. Science is still largely the causes of man kinds of cancer.


沈阳工业大学考博经验:9月13日以后考博以大纲和真题入手 据可靠消息,9月13日2015年考博大纲出版。在此之前,有的同学喜欢盲目的搞“题海战术”,以为时间的堆砌可以换来最后的成功。然而,毫无头绪、毫无规划的“题海战术”只会浪费时间,终不得要领。考博最终以考试定输赢,从分析考试大纲和真题入手,打牢基础,总结归纳,确定复习重点,将重要的知识点和题型厘清,节省时间,不可贪多求全。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八。 基础与重点的复习是重中之重。把握记忆规律,平时不会做或做错的题要特别留意,最好隔段时间就要重做一遍,直到它真的成为你自己的东西,否则考试时你就会觉得许多题都似曾相识,却就是做不出。 通过暑假的学习,相信同学们们已经对各科考试的基本概念和框架有了一个模糊的印象,从感性上了解了各门学科的知识框架,原来完全陌生的知识,这时候也开始有了一些熟悉之感。在大纲发布之后,我们首先要做到的就是讲原有的基础夯实、打牢。现在,同学们对于每个知识点的理解还很不到位,之前的学习中也还没有经过大量习题的训练,这就为我们以后的学习指明了方向。 在未来的九月份和十月份,抓住大纲,熟读教材。根据大纲,分清知识点的主次,划清重点;对于重要的知识点,要吃准,吃透。要注重对于知识的深化理解。在复习的过程中,也要主动提炼要点和精华,进行重点理解和记忆。在学习中,一定要踏实,宁可多花时间和精力,也要把知识点在自己心里留下不下抹去记忆才行。 在对知识点有了比较充分的掌握之后。就应该开始做大量的习题,以便于巩固知识、深化理解、发现缺失。在做题的时候,应该严格按照考试的模式去进行,即不看答案,做完后再对照答案进行检查。对那些没有作对的题

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