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Trouble Shooting


Troubleshooting Guide Re v. 0.2 –October 2014 Flightradar24 AB https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html,


Introduction This Guide has been prepared to help you identify and resolve basic issues affecting the performance of the Flightradar24 receiver and associated equipment, including connection to the Internet and uploading aircraft messages to our central servers. In normal operation, you should not have to perform any monitoring or maintenance. Your receiver is monitored remotely and we will send an automated email alert if it has been offline for more than 6 hours. If the receiver is still offline for more than 24 hours our support team will contact you to get it back online. It is important that you let us know whenever you change your email address. This is our primary method of contact, using the address you supplied when you applied for a receiver. This address is also linked to your Premium account and validates your free Subscription. Your Premium account has performance statistics for your receiver, with range plots and graphs showing maximum distance, aircraft tracked and reported hits and positions. The performance stats can be found in your Premium account under Your Feeds -> More Info. We very much appreciate you hosting our equipment and our Support team is there to help you operate it to its maximum potential, delivering quality messages and best possible range. In addition to the Guide, do not hesitate to contact us at Support@https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html, for further help and advice. Please quote the radar ID you were given when the receiver was first activated and which is shown in your Premium Account.


第1章故障处理方法 一、网络的复杂性 一般网络包括路由、拨号、交换、视频、WAN(ISDN、帧中继、ATM、…)、LAN、VLAN、… 二、故障处理模型 1、界定问题(Define the Problem) 详细而精确地描述故障的症状和潜在的原因 2、收集详细信息(Gather Facts)R>信息来源:关键用户、网络管理系统、路由器/交换机 1)识别症状: 2)重现故障:校验故障依然存在 3)调查故障频率: 4)确定故障的范围:有三种方法建立故障范围 ? 由外到内故障处理(Outside-In Troubleshooting):通常适用于有多个主机不能连接到一台服务器或服务器集 ? 由内到外故障处理(Inside-Out Troubleshooting): ? 半分故障处理(Divide-by-Half Troubleshooting) 3、考虑可能情形(Consider Possibilities)考虑引起故障的可能原因 4、建立一份行动计划(Create the Action Plan) 5、部署行动计划(Implement the Action Plan) 用于纠正网络故障原因。从最象故障源处,想出处理方法每完成一个步骤,检查故障是否解决 6、观察行动计划执行结果(Observe Results) 7、如有行动计划不能解决问题,重复上述过程(Iterate as Needed) 三、记录所做修改 在通过行动计划解决问题后,建议把记录作为故障处理的一部分,记录所有的配置修改。 第2章网络文档 一、网络基线 解决网络问题的最简单途径是把当前配置和以前的配置相比较。 基线文档由不同的网络和系统文档组成,它包括: ? 网络配置表 ? 网络拓扑图 ? ES网络配置表 ? ES网络拓扑图 创建网络的注意事项: 1)确定文档覆盖的范围; 2)保持一致:收集网络中所有设备的相同信息; 3)明确目标:了解文档的用途; 4)文档易于使用和访问; 5)及时维护更新文档。 二、网络配置表 网络配置表的通常目标是提供网络中使用的硬件和软件组成的列表,其组成有: 分级项目 杂项信息设备名、设备型号、CPU类型、FLASH、DRAM、接口描述、用户名口令 第1层介质类型、速率、双工模式、接口号、连接插座或端口 第2层 MAC地址、STP状态、STP根桥、速端口信息、VLAN、Etherchannel配置、封装、中继状态、接口类型、端口安全、VTP状态、VTP模式


Cisco网络故障的基本排除方法 Cisco网络故障的基本排除方法 1.故障判断及排除(Troubleshooting) 这里我们介绍在使用路由器时可能出现的硬件,软件问题;在联网过程中,如X.25,FR, DDN,DDR, TCP/IP,与IBM大型主机互连等不同网络环境碰到的问题及解决办法. · Troubleshooting的工具 · TCP/IP连接的Troubleshooting · 串口连接遇到问题的Troubleshooting · 电话拨号连接的Troubleshooting · 帧中继连接的Troubleshooting · X.25连接的Troubleshooting · 与IBM主机连接的Troubleshooting 2.Troubleshooting的工具 Troubleshooting的工具有许多种,可以用路由器的诊断命令,Cisco网络管理工具(CiscoWorks)和规程分析仪等等方法.下面我们主要介绍路由器的诊断命令. 路由器诊断命令有四种: · 用 show 命令 · 用 debug 命令 · 用 ping 命令 · 用 trace 命令 用 show 命令 Show是一个很有用的监控命令和解决系统出现问题的工具.下面是几个通常用到的show命令: · show interface---显示接口统计信息. 一些常用的show interface命令: · show interface ethernet · show interface tokenring · show interface serial · show controllers---显示接口卡控制器统计信息. 一些常用的show controllers命令: · show controllers cxbus · show controllers e1


Cypress EZ-USB? FX3? SDK Trouble Shooting Guide Version 1.3 Cypress Semiconductor 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 Phone (USA): 800.858.1810 Phone (Intl): 408.943.2600 https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html,

Copyrights Copyright ? 2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. EZ-USB, FX3 and GPIF are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Cypress. While reasonable precautions have been taken, Cypress assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Cypress. Made in the U.S.A. Disclaimer CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. License Agreement Please read the license agreement during installation.


活动目录常见故障排错工具 “兵欲善其事,必先利其器”,这句话放在网络排错上可谓是再合适不过了,如果你去问一名从事网络工程师,在平时的网络排错中最希望得到什么?我估计十有八九都会跟你说――好工具!的确,对于技术人员而言,工具就像是一款精良的武器,可以帮助你迅速掌握网络情况,找到问题的症结所在。在本文中,笔者结合平时对活动目录排错的经验,来向广大读者展示一些非常实用的工具,希望能够起到抛砖引玉,举一反三之功效。 在这里,笔者拿一个简单的活动目录域作为案例:现在有一家企业,AAA集团,为了提高企业效益和员工的生产力,该集团组建了自己的办公网络,申请了一个域名:http://aaa.ad。(在这里,笔者用虚拟的域名来做演示)。AAA集团的网络管理采用了Windows 2003活动目录域。为了方便员工间的交流和对外宣传,AAA集团还搭建了基于Exchange平台的电子邮件系统。域的规模不是很大,域控制器和Exchange邮件服务器各两台, 场景一:每周的星期一,AAA集团的IT技术工程师都要对活动目录进行常规检查,就像医生给病人做体检一样,对于工程师来说,每一次的常规检查怎样才能做到迅速、准确呢? TOOL: l 活动目录状态检测工具:DCDiag 活动目录状态检测工具DCDiag可以说是一款检查活动目录状态的必备工具,它有助于工程师方便查看现有的活动目录状态以及今后可能出现的问题,做到未雨绸缪。这款工具可以在Windows 2000/2003的安装光盘support\tools下找到。双击SUPTOOLS软件包,安装好之后,开始菜单会生成一个Command Prompt,单击打开,键入dcdiag /?先来查看一下帮助,从长长的帮助信息中我们能够感受到该命令是非常强大的。不过,在实际使用中,我们更多的还是会用dcdiag /v > c:\ad.txt来把活动目录于域的详细状态导出到一个文本文件,便于我们今后查看。(其中,/v表示详细输出,c:\ad.txt可以根据实际情况调整导出位置及文件名。)Dcdiag检测的信息相当丰富,限于文章篇幅,笔者不可能一一解释,这里笔者只解释一些经常关注的信息,请看下表: 总的说来,DCDiag是一款功能强大,高效便捷的命令行工具,微软的网站上有专门的Dcdiag Examples,有兴趣的读者可以去看一看。这里,笔者给出其链接: https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html,/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/library/TechRef/824f106c-a90b-421b-aa44-eb c1403c8b4c.mspx 信息搜集工具MPS Report 信息搜集工具MPS Report是用来搜集信息的工具,也是一款在微软历史悠久的工具。它比较适合每月(或更长时间)对域内的服务器(如Exchange、DC等)检测时使用,详尽的报告可以让你对你的服务器

ACS SPiiPlusSC Troubleshooting

SpiiPlusSC Motion Controller Troubleshooting Guide

SPiiPlusSC Motion Controller Version SC 2.20 COPYRIGHT Copyright ? 1999 - 2013 ACS MotionControl Ltd. Changes are periodically made to the information in this document. Changes are published as release notes and are subsequently incorporated into revisions of this document. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from ACS MotionControl. TRADEMARKS ACS MotionControl, PEG and SPii are trademarks of ACS MotionControl Ltd. EtherCAT? is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany. Visual Basic and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Any other companies and product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Web Site: https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html, Information: info@https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html, Tech Support: support@https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html, ACS Motion Control, Ltd. Ramat Gabriel Industrial Park POB 5668 Migdal HaEmek, 10500 ISRAEL Tel: (972) (4) 6546440 Fax: (972) (4) 6546443 NOTICE The information in this document is deemed to be correct at the time of publishing. ACS MotionControl reserves the right to change specifications without notice. ACS MotionControl is not responsible for incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind in connection with using this document.


A ndroid上的bug定位(troubleshooting) 详见软件测试小屋:https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html, 对于android上的bug定位的文档很少,因为应用程序千差万别的,出现的问题也不尽相同,不过也是有规律可循,大的方向定位是可以做到的,我们对应用程上的问题可以得到相关的信息。 首先,要对Java的Throwable比较熟悉,因为Android上的应用和服务都是Java的代码,它的Error和Exception 都是沿用Java的,比如Error有AssertionError,VirtualMachineError,OutOfMemoryError和其他的Error类。Exception有RuntimeException和IOException,请参考相应的文档查询,Adb logcat里面会把出现错误的Error 或Exception打印出来。 分类1,应用程序错误,什么样子的?大家如果用过android手机会碰到过xxxx process意外停止,Force close的对话框弹出来。这一般都是应用程序错误。这个过程一般有uncaughtException,crash(T AG,e),handleApplicationError,sendSingal(SIGQUIT),logThreadSt acks然后会在/dat a/anr/t races.txt追加process crash信息。 举例: 11-04 08:55:37.114 W/AudioFlinger( 1032): writ e blocked for 55 msecs 11-04 08:55:37.334 W/dalvikvm( 1103): threadid=35: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x2aadda08) 11-04 08:55:37.354 E/AndroidRuntime( 1103): Uncaught handler: thread WindowManagerPolicy exiting due t o uncaug ht exception 11-04 08:55:37.374 E/AndroidRuntime( 1103): *** EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS. System will crash. 11-04 08:55:37.394 I/global ( 1566): Default buffer size used in BufferedReader constructor. It would be bett er t o be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is required. 11-04 08:55:37.464 E/AndroidRuntime( 1103): https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html,ng.NullPointerException 11-04 08:55:37.464 E/AndroidRuntime( 1103): at android.graphics.Canvas.t hrowIfRecycled(Canvas.java:954)

使用VMware ESX troubleshooting恢复VMFS分区

使用VMware ESX troubleshooting恢复VMFS分区 2009-3-20 大| 中| 小 1 导读:本文学习恢复误删的VMware ESX分区以便恢复对VMFS的访问。 关键词:VMware ESX分区VMFS 【TechTarget中国原创】在重新配置VMware Consolidated Backup(VCB)代理主机的过程中,我们的虚拟化专家Edward Haletky在访问虚拟机文件系统(VMFS)时遇到了两个问题。首先,他从ESX逻辑单元号(LUN)删除了分区,这可能意味着不能访问在VMFS里的所有数据。下面的文章将描述如何解决这个问题。然后他发现他不能以相同的方法恢复虚拟原始设备映射(RDM),这也可能意味着丢失大量有用的历史数据。这系列的第二篇文章将说明如何解决这个问题。 作为一名VMware专家,我知道在重新配置服务器之前应该从服务器断开存储区域网络。我们所谈论的服务器是一台备份主机而不是ESX主机,因此我错误地以为Windows 会断开SAN。 删除未知分区是个坏主意 重新设置后,我的服务器比以前有更多分区。不用多想,我删除了多余的,这是错误的做法。我所删除的分区恰好是VMware ESX LUN要使用的。因此如果我重新启动ESX 服务器,它们可能永远不能访问数据。 这时候,我知道头一天至少有一部分数据已经备份,并在带外。不过我仍然需要恢复虚拟机文件系统(VMFS)和原始设备映射(RDM)。 VMware ESX troubleshooting 101:检查VMware ESX主机 检查VMware ESX的第一步是检查ESX主机。我发现虚拟机仍然在运行。显然,ESX 就算没有物理分区也可以继续运行。由于ESX仍然在运行,并且我想发现问题所在,就去到服务控制台运行命令fdisk –l,可以看见以下文件:(点击查看) # fdisk -l Disk /dev/sda: 598.9 GB, 598925639680 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 72815 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


Agilent MassHunter Workstation GC/MS Acquisition Software for 5975/5977 Series MSD Troubleshooting Guide

Table of Contents Contents 1Introduction (3) 2Logging Error Messages (4) 2.1 MassHunter Log Files (4) 2.1.1 Turn on logging and Microsoft Problem Steps Recorder (4) 2.1.2 Gather Diagnostic Files (5) 2.2 Windows Event Viewer Logs (7) 3Troubleshooting Instrument Communication (8) 3.1 Instrument Control cannot connect to instrument and errors occur (8) 4Troubleshooting Configuration (9) 4.1 Configure CTC-PAL or Headspace Sampler (9) 4.1.1 Fields to configure a CTC-PAL or Headspace Sampler are grayed out (9) 4.2 “Use MSD ChemStation Data Analysis” (10) 4.2.1 “Use MSD ChemStation Data Analysis” is not configured (10) 4.2.2 “Use MSD ChemStation Data Analysis” is not visib le under Method menu (11) 5Troubleshooting Tuning (12) 5.1 Auto Tune (12) 5.1.1 What to look for in the Tune Report (12) 5.1.2 Signs of an Air Leak (16) 5.1.3 Signs of Dirty Source (16) 5.1.4 System Verification Report (17) 5.1.5 Tune Plot (19) 6Troubleshooting Run Method (26) 6.1 Error “Neither GC nor MS data collected” occurs after run method completed (26)

Vmware Storage Certification Issue Troubleshooting

Vmware Storage Certification 故障排除手册 内部资料仅供学习 版权所有严禁复制

目录 1、文档说明 (1) 2、安装STAF失败 (1) 3、Couldn't get the product type (1) 4、Wide character (1) 5、STAF异常 (2) 6、NO GuestOS section in XML file (2) 7、LUN_Masking_UnMasking测试失败 (2) 8、ERROR: LUN did not removed on second server (3) 9、Vmotion执行不成功 (3) 10、测试主机、用户名及密码提示丢失 (3)

1、文档说明 此文档主要总结了在进行Vmware Ready虚拟化认证测试过程中出现的各种问题及解决思路与方法,希望对正在进行Vmware Ready认证测试的朋友有所帮助。 2、安装STAF失败 问题:在Installation Helper中向虚拟机安装STAF软件时,出现如下异常信息,如图: 原因:此问题是由于网络不正常导致的,请再次确保网络是否正常 解决方法:检查Workbench、ESXi、VMs的IP地址是否可以正常ping通,并且DNS可以正确解析VM及Workbench。 3、Couldn't get the product type 问题:ERROR: Trouble creating test instance, Couldn't get the product type for the host https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html, 解决方法:修改ESXi测试主机的主机名为FQDN名称,并且使用小写字母命名主机名; 在Vcenter中添加主机时也使用ESXi主机的FQDN名称并且小写 4、Wide character 问题:ERROR: Wide character in print at

Troubleshooting Guide for Beckhoff

Troubleshooting Guide for Beckhoff Table of Contents: 1Purpose of this document (2) 2Basic software (2) 2.1CERHost (2) 2.2WireShark (2) 2.3NCIPConfig (2) 2.4TwinCat System (2) 2.5Beckhoff Information System (3) 3Connecting to PLC (3) 3.1Finding out the IP address (3) 3.2Changing your computers IP-address (3) 3.3Changing CX-device IP (5) 3.4Testing the connection (5) 3.5Configuring CX System (6) 3.5.1Activating configuration (6) 3.5.2Updating customer PLC software (7) 4Checklist for Beckhoff maintenance (8) 4.1Preparations at the office with access to the Internet (8) 4.2Can?t connect to CX-device even though pinging is possible (9) 4.3Can?t ping/find devices through Ethernet connection in two cabinet applications . 9 4.4I/O signals do not match/update accordingly (9) 4.5Fieldbus freezes completely (10) 4.6PLC freezes and stops responding to commands (11) 4.7Connecting to PLC with PLC Control (12) 4.8Booting in Config-mode (13) 4.9Replacing CX-unit with spare part (14) 4.10PLC Control says: “Wrong PLC type connected” (14) 4.11Background bus operation (14) 4.12PT100 measurement faults (15) 4.13Resetting device to factory settings (17) 5FAQ (17) 5.1Can?t connect to CX-device (17) 5.2Replacing broken CX with spare part (17) 5.3IP-address range? (18) 5.4Can I replace E-bus modules with K-bus modules and vice versa? (18)


? Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009 Page 1 of 2 Video Notes Demo: Leak Check Herb Brooks is an Agilent service engineer. If available, use Agilent Lab Advisor to perform the leak check. Open the software, select the GC, and run the Prep Run Leak Check. The test does not require capping fittings; run the test using the analytical setup to quickly check for leaks after performing maintenance. Agilent Lab Advisor automatically runs the test and presents the results. The prep run leak check finds leaks at the column fitting, septum nut, weldment nut, split vent trap housing and gold seal fitting. If the test indicates a leak, tighten the column fitting, septum nut, insert weldment nut, split vent trap housing, and gold seal fitting. Rerun the test. If the test still fails, perform basic GC inlet maintenance: replace the liner, septum and o-ring (see demos at https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html,/chem/gcinletcare ). The automation provided by Agilent Lab Advisor can be performed at the GC if the software is not available. Also, it is useful to monitor the total flow directly at the GC display while tightening fittings. To perform the test manually: 1. Confirm that the column dimensions (length and id) are entered accurately into the GC column configuration. Use the following formula to determine column length: Diameter of column basket (m) × Pi × Number of turns of column. For 6890 or 7890A columns, use diameter of 0.20 mm 2. Set the inlet to splitless mode. 3. Set purge flow to 50 mL/min. 4. Set column flow to 7 mL/min. 5. Set the septum purge flow to 3 mL/min. Allow the inlet pressure to stabilize. The purge valve is open and total flow should be 60 mL/min. Total flow = column flow + split vent flow + septum purge flow = 7 + 50 + 3 mL/min. You may have to adjust the inlet pressure setpoint to achieve this column flow. If there is a leak, the total flow will be higher than 10 mL/min by the amount of the leak (>15 mL/min indicates a definite leak or uncalibrated flow sensor.). Note that the flow sensor is less stable and accurate at flows below 10 mL/min. 6. Press [Prep Run] (press it twice if the GC is Not Ready) to shut off the purge valve (split vent flow) and change the inlet configuration. 7. Check the inlet total flow. It should now read approximately 10 mL/min if there are no leaks. Total flow = column flow + split vent flow + septum purge flow = 7 + 0 + 3 mL/min. 8. While monitoring the total flow, tighten the column fittings, gold seal fitting, split vent trap housing, septum nut, and insert weldment nut.

OSPF Troubleshooting

OSPF Troubleshooting 『实验目的』 1.通过三个CASE掌握Troubleshooting的系统方法 2.加深对semester5 OSPF内容的认识 『Troubleshooting的系统方法』 STEP1: Define the problem you are experiencing STEP2: Gather relevant facts about the situation STEP3: Consider the https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a5104728.html,e the information you have and your knowledge of Cisco products to isolate the problem STEP4: Formulate an action plan to solve this problem STEP5: Implement your action plan and attempt to fix the problem STEP6: What were the resuls of your implementation?Did it fix the problem?List your results and observations below STEP7: If you solution did not fix the problem,repeat the process again.If your solution did fix the problem,ducoment your fix below 请牢记上面的系统排错程序,进行下面的TroubleShooting练习。 CASE Ⅰ: 实验拓扑: 描述:


Troubleshooting的工具 Troubleshooting的工具有许多种,可以用路由器的诊断命令,Cisco网络管理工具(CiscoWorks)和规程分析仪等等方法.下面我们主要介绍路由器的诊断命令. 路由器诊断命令有四种: ?用show命令 ?用debug命令 ?用ping命令 ?用trace命令 用 show 命令 Show是一个很有用的监控命令和解决系统出现问题的工具.下面是几个通常用 到的show命令: ?show interface---显示接口统计信息. 一些常用的show interface命令: o show interface ethernet o show interface tokenring o show interface serial ?show controllers---显示接口卡控制器统计信息. 一些常用的show controllers命令: o show controllers cxbus o show controllers e1 ?show running-config---显示当前路由器正在运行的配置. ?show startup-config---显示存在NVRAM配置. ?show flash---Flash memory内容. ?show buffers---显示路由器中buffer pools统计信息. ?show memory---路由器使用内存情况的统计信息,包括空闲池统计信息. ?show processes---路由器活动进程信息. ?show version---显示系统硬件,软件版本,配置文件和启动的系统映象. 用 debug 命令 在超级用户模式下的debug命令能够提供端口传输信息,节点产生的错误消息,诊断协议包和其它有用的troubleshooting数据. 注意:使用debug命令要注意,它会占用系统资源,引起一些不可预测现象.终止使用debug命令请用no debug all命令.


- 机构控制Production Control 生产主画面Machine Status 参考资料 Management Information 软件关闭Shut Down Load Product 生产片数 设定 Change Circuit Count 长归零 (ZERO AXIS) 轨道功能控 制 Board Handling Setup 系统设定SYSTEM SETUP

2. 异常处理 2-1 Reject Station 异常处理 当有零件拋在Reject Station上时,此时机台停止生产,并显示下列讯息。

处理程序:将Bear Reject 上的零件移除按下Reject Station RESET 按钮 按下画面中的OK。 2-2Fiducial Mark 异常处理 当PCB进板不顺,导致PCB未到达定位,或PCB MARK反光度不足,此时PEC CAMERA 无法辨识,则画面出现下列讯息。 选择调整距离 Mark Point

处理程序:点选Increment决定想要调整的距离,并按下微调坐标轴按钮将坐标轴调整到Mark 点中心位置点选Alignment Done 确定坐标轴调整到Mark 点 中心位置点选OK 此时机台开始生产,当此片生产完毕时,请务必确认 零件座位置是否偏移。 2-3 卡板异常处理 (Board Handling Errors) 讯息:Transfer error in zone with no automatic recovery possible 当一PCB进板不顺时(可能板弯或轨道过宽),导致PCB无法到达Main Table定点位置,而发生卡板讯息。 ZONE 2 ZONE 1 ZONE 0

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