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human, human being, human race, mankind, man, person, people, soul, creature区别

human, human being, human race, mankind, man, person, people, soul, creature区别
human, human being, human race, mankind, man, person, people, soul, creature区别

human, human being, human race, mankind, man, person, people, soul, creature

(1)human adj . 人的,有关人的;人类的;有人性的。该词还可作名词表“人”,常用该词构成a human being一个人, human beings人们, human race 人类,在将人与动物、

神仙、鬼等比较时常用human, 其复数形式为humans。如:

Are robots as clever as humans?机器人跟人一样聪明吗?

(3)person 可以指man, woman或child,其复数形式常是people,用persons 则强调数量的概念。“一个人”是a person, 不能说a people, “两个人”可说two persons/people。


Man’s knowledge of things constantly develops . 人类的认识总是不断发展的。

(5)people 泛指“人们”,the people 人民,人们,a people, peoples民族。如:

The Chinese are a hardworking people . 中华民族是勤劳的民族。

serve the people为人民服务,many people at the meeting . 出席会议的人很多。the English-speaking peoples 使用英语的各民族。

(6)soul, creature 在书面语中常表“人”,常与数词连用并带感情色彩。soul还表“首脑,核心人物”如;

Won’t someone help that poor pretty creature?难道没人帮助那可怜但美丽的人吗?

The ship was lost off the coast with all souls . 这条船在沿海失事,船上的人全部遇难。

an important soul in the strike 罢工中的核心人物。

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