当前位置:文档之家› 超强完整版新时代交互英语第二册读写译第二单元答案



Unit 2 Disasters

I. Comprehension of the text

1.discuss the following questions with your partners and then fill in the blanks with the

information from the text.

1). Thanks to Stephen’s heorism, his wife and three children managed to survive the Asian

tsunami disaster.

2). He suddenly remembered the black and white movie he had seen as a kid. There had been

a tidal wave and people tied themselves to the trees on the shore.

3). Because Stephen had lost his job and had a stomach operation, they needed a break.

4). Yes. It was for three reasons: a) It was Christmas Day; b) Three kids got their presents; c)

It was Stepehn’s birthday.

5). There had been a tremor that morening but they hardly noticed it except Ray.

6). He saw a white wave rising and rolling in.

7). He grabbed his family’s wet beach towels and straped each of them into the branches of

the trees. They were sitting in a tree until the wave swept out.

8). He tried to help surviors find supplies in case no help came for a few days.

9). She said that he was their hero and that she and the kids would have died if it weren’t for


2.1) Stephen was regarded as a hero by his family for his bravery in the tsunami.

2) When they arrived on the island of Kandooma they were so tired because of the long flight

that they went straight to bed.

3) When Stephen knew these were no ordinary waves, he told Ashley to head back to the

beach and move their bags to higher ground.

4) As soon as Stephen worked out it was a tsunami, he managed to get his family to higher

ground and strap them into the branches of trees.

5). The Boultons catch the first available flight back to Britain the following day after it

became clear that the giant wave wasn’t coming back.

3. Work in a group of four and complete the following table.

III. vocabulary & Structure

1. 1) religious d. 2) tsunami e. 3) heroism a. 4) surround b.

5) mode c. 6) dash i. 7) recede k. 8) freezing l. 9) tense f. 10) hysterical j. 11) coordinate h. 12) panic g.

2. 1) rather than clear (并非那么清澈)

2)either of them had fallen(两个人中有一个跌倒)

3)did he realize the scale of the disaster(他才意识到这场灾难的程度)

4)they were giving up hope(他们快要绝望之时)

5)should have seen Euran’s face(真该看看尤安的表情)

6)It was only after we’d flown back to Glasgow(只有飞回到格拉斯哥以后) 7)would have died(可能就没命了)

3.Replace the underlined words or expressions in the following sentences with words or

expressions from the box that best keep the original meanings. Change the form where necessary. There are two extra words or expressions which you do not need to use.

1)Thanks to

2)work out



5)Before we knew it

6)did a head count

7)slept through

8)let go of



IV. Translation

1.Translate the following sentences into english, using the phrases and expressions from

Reading 1.


安,在惊涛骇浪里艰难地向岸上的树的方向走去。(link arms with)

I shouted to Ashley to get to higher ground and I linked arms with Ray. We started

wading through horrendous currents to the trees, clambeing up with Iona and Euan on

our backs.

2) 随后我意识到海水越涨越高,巨浪正翻滚而来。(roll in)

Then I realized the water was rising and big waves were rolling in.

3)在猛烈的巨浪撞击中,史蒂文.布顿在漩涡翻滚的海水里艰难跋涉,试图接近他正在尖叫的妻子和孩子。(wade, swirling water)

Ferocious waves crashed around Stephen Boulton as he waded through swirling water

toward his screaming wife and kids.

4) 史蒂文帮旅馆经理弄到了供给品,以防几天之内得不到救援。( in case)

Stephen helped the hotel manager find supplies in case no help came for a few days.

5) 瑞痛哭流涕地求我和她一起上船,但我不能这么做,因为这不公平。(cry one’s eyes


Ray was crying her eyes out and begging me to get on with her. But I couldn’t do that

because it wasn’t fair.

2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese, and pay attention to the underlined parts.

1)there, they would be safe---above the wave sweeping so many other people to their



2)there was no sign that anything was less than perfect, so Stephen, Ray, and the children started splashing about on the shore, then headed for a pier.


3)Not realizing just how big, Stephen told Ashley to head back to the beach and move

their bags. But when water started crashing over a six-foot harbor wall, he knew there were no ordinary waves.


4) Stephen was amazing. He just clicked into firefighter mode, calmed us all down, and

then set about saving our lives.


5)They were whisked away by speedboat to another island that had suffered only minimal damage and, the following day, caught the first available flight back to



Reading 2

https://www.doczj.com/doc/143993390.html,prehension of the Text

1. N

2. Y

3. N

4. N

5. NG

6. N

2. 碰撞发生于当晚11时40分。这次碰撞或许本来是可以避免的。默多克命令轮船转向,没想到此举却使泰坦尼克号大难临头。泰坦尼克号像所有轮船一样,转弯的速度越快,向前冲的速度也就越快。假如泰坦尼克号直接向前行驶,然后再转向,就很可能避免与冰山撞个正着。

II.V ocabulary & Structure

1.1)luxury 2)doomed 3)steady 4)remainder 5)flash

6)grim 7)pondering 8)jeopardized 9)rhythmic 10)anchor

2.1) deck k. 2) bow i. 3) stern l. 4) bridge j.

5) anchor a. 6) crew f. 7) captain b. 8) starboard c.

9) port e. 10) lookout h. 11) first officer d. 12) quartermaster g.

Textual Reading

Apply the knowledge

Banked Cloze

(1) B. 第(1)句中的waves与上一句中wave形成词汇重复衔接关系,并且此句是对


(2) A. 第(2)句中人称指称词them回指上一句中warning systems,并且此句中warn


(3) E. 第(3)句中人称指称词it回指上一句中earthquake,并且此句中人称指称词it


(4) C. 第(4)句中指示指称词this回指上一句Tsunamis are often called tidal waves.

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