当前位置:文档之家› 必修四unit3知识点




1.content adj.满意的;满足的;知足的

【常用搭配】be content to do sth. = be willing to do sth. = be ready to do sth.愿意做某事

be content with sth. = be satisfied with sth.对…满意


【常用搭配】to one’s content心满意足地;尽情地


【辨析】content, satisfy



The poor are often contented, but a miser is never satisfied.


【注意】(1)content 用作名词,作“(书的)目录’内容”讲时,往往用其复数形式contents。



(1)I like the style of his writing ______________________(但不喜欢其内容).

(2)______________________(他看起来比较满意),less bitter.

(3)I __________________(愿意等待).

(4)My grandparents ________________________________(满足于乡村生活).

答案:(1)but I don’t like the contents(2)He seemed more c ontent(3)was content to wait(4)are content to live in the countryside

2.astonish vt. 使大为吃惊(比surprise程度强,比shock程度弱)

【常用搭配】be astonished at sth.对某事感到惊讶

be astonished to do sth.惊讶地做某事

【拓展】astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的(常叙述给人的印象)

astonished adj. 感到吃惊的(常叙述本身的感受)

astonishment n. 吃惊

in astonishment 吃惊地

(much)to one’s astonishment 使人吃惊的是


(1)That he passed the English test ____________________(使每个人都感到惊讶).

(2)______________________ (他们全都很惊讶)to hear China won 51 gold medals in the Beijing Olympics.

(3)__________________(使我们吃惊的是),he actually arrived punctually.

(4)He _____________________________ (吃惊地看着老师)when he heard the news.

(5)There was an ______________ (惊讶的表情)on his face.

答案:(1)astonished everyone(2)They were all astonished(3)To our astonishment(4)looked at his teacher in astonishment(5)astonished look

3.fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉利的

【常用搭配】be fortunate in doing…在做…方面很幸运

be fortunate to do sth.有幸能够做某事

It is fortunate that…幸运的是…

have good/bad fortune运气好/不好

【拓展】unfortunately adv. 不幸地

fortune n. 命运;财产

make a fortune发财

try one’s fortune碰运气


(1)She ______________________________(非常幸运地免于受伤).

(2)I am ____________________________(很幸运有个好妻子).

(3)______________(所幸的是)that nobody was hurt in the accident.

(4)After graduation,I went to Shenzhen ______________(碰运气).

答案:(1)had good fortune to escape injury(2)fortunate in having a good wife(3)It was fortunate(4)to try my fortune

4.entertain vt.&vi. 使欢乐;款待

【常用搭配】entertain sb.(to sth.) (=treat sb. to sth.) 招待/款待某人

entertain sb. (with sth.) (用…)使某人快乐、

entertain sb.as...把某人当……招待

【拓展】entertainment n. 娱乐;文娱节目

entertaining adj.愉快的;有趣的


(1)I ______________________________ (招待朋友吃晚饭)yesterday evening.

(2)The man ______________________________________(以各种把戏逗乐孩子们).

(3)It’s not a very serious film,but __________________(一部很好的娱乐片).

答案:(1)entertained my friends to dinner (2)entertained the children with all kinds of tricks(3)a good entertainment


(1)prep. 遍及;贯穿

throughout the World 全世界

throughout China 全中国

throughout the year 全年

throughout one’s life 终生

(2)adv. 到处;始终(通常用于句末)

6.worn adj. 用旧的;用坏的;疲惫的;憔悴的


wear away/wear sth.away(因重复使用而)变薄,变光滑;磨薄,磨光

wear down/wear sth.down(因重复使用而)变小,变光滑;磨短

wear sb./sth.down(尤指通过不断攻击或施加压力)使衰弱,使意志薄弱

wear off逐渐消失;消逝;逐渐停止

wear out/wear sth.out穿破;破损;用坏;用完

wear oneself/sb.out使疲乏,使筋疲力尽,使厌烦(与exhaust,give out,tire out意思相近) 【即学活用】

(1)The inscription on the coin ________________.

(2)She eventually ________ me ________ after several days,and I have to say she was much better than I.

(3)The effects of the drug will soon ________________,so don’t be nervous.

(4)He ________________ two pairs of trousers last year.

(5)You’ll ________ yourself ________ if you carry on working so hard.

答案:(1)had worn away(2)wore;down(3)wear off(4)wore out(5)wear;out 【拓展】worn-out adj. 破旧的;磨损的;疲惫不堪

tired out精疲力竭的(多指人的情况)

The old soldier is always wearing a pair of worn-out shoes.

He came back from school and he was worn-out.

7.convince vt.


【常用搭配】convince sb. of sth./that从句使某人相信…

How can I convince you of her honesty?

What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.


【常用搭配】convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事

【拓展】convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的

convinced adj.坚信不移的

8.direct v.导演;指示;指挥;负责adj.直接的


direct that…命令…

direct sb. to do sth.指导/指示某人做某事

direct sb. to…给某人指路

9.outstanding adj. 突出的;杰出的;显著的


(1)adj. 特殊的;特别的

【常用搭配】be particular about sth. 对某物很挑剔

in particular(=especially)尤其地,特别地


I suppose the secretary knows the particulars of the plan.

11. occasion n. 场合;机会;时刻

【常用搭配】on one occasion(=once)有一次

on occasion(=sometimes)有时

【拓展】occasional adj.偶尔的;临时的

Occasionally adv. 偶然;偶尔


(1)v. (使)滑行;(使)滑动

【常用搭配】slide away 溜走

slide off 滑落

slide into/out 溜进/出

slide over 回避

slide down 滑下来

(2) n. 幻灯片

13. amuse vt. 使发笑;使愉快

【拓展】amusing adj. 好笑的;有趣的

amused adj.觉得好笑的

amusement n. 消遣,娱乐

keep sb. amused 使某人快乐

to one’s amusement 使某人感到好笑的是

14. whisper v. 低语;小声说n. 耳语;低语

【常用搭配】speak in a whisper 低声说

whisper to sb. 向某人低声说

whisper sth. in one’s ear 在某人耳边小声说

15. vast adj. 巨大的;辽阔的;大量的

【辨析】vast, huge, enormous


a vast area of forest一片广阔的森林


She arrived at the airport carrying two huge suitcases.



He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 100 for a single appearance.

The stress they’re under is enormous.

16. react vi. 作出反应;回应

【常用搭配】react to作出反应;回应

react against 反对;反抗

Workers reacted angrily to the news of more job losses at the factory.


He reacted against his father’s influence by running away.


【拓展】reaction n.

Shock is a natural reaction to such bad news.


17.face n.脸v.面对,朝向

lose one’s face丢面子

face to face面对面地

face danger/difficulty面对危险/困难

be faced with面临

hit sb. in the face打某人的脸

make a face=make faces做鬼脸

in the face of面对

to one’s face当着……的面,坦白地,公开地

save one’s face保全面子


(1)The children sat at the window ______________________________(对走过的行人做鬼脸).

(2)__________________________(面对着极大的困苦),she managed to keep her sense of humour.

(3)He ____________________(不敢面对自己的老板) after making such a fool of himself at the meeting.

(4)He was afraid of failure because he ________________________________________(不想在同事面前丢脸).

答案:(1)making faces at the passers-by(2)In the face of great hardship(3)couldn’t face his boss(4)didn’t want to lose face with his colleagues


1.badly off 穷的;缺少的;缺乏的(=be short of)

We’re too badly off to have a holiday.我们太穷,没有钱度假。

【拓展】be badly off for缺少….

be worse off比…更穷/更不愉快

be well off 境况很好,富裕

worse and worse越来越坏,每况愈下

go from bad to worse越来越坏,每况愈下

to make matters worse=(and)what is worse更糟糕的是……

The school is now badly off for experienced teachers.这所学校现在却少有经验的教师。

(1)I’ve got quite a big room so ____________________(还不是太穷).

(2)The school ____________________________________(相当缺乏书和设备).

(3)We shouldn’t complain about being poor because many families are m uch ________________(更穷).

(4)He lost his job last Saturday,__________________________________(而更糟的是,他的妻子病了).

答案:(1)I’m not too badly off(2)is rather badly off for books and equipment(3)worse off(4)to make matters worse,his wife was ill

2.pick out认真挑选,选出;分辨

It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store.玛丽花了好长时间才从那家商店挑选了一件新衣服。

The yellow coat makes her easier to pick out in the crowd.黄色的大衣使她在人群中变得非常显眼。

【辨析】pick out, select, choose

pick out指按照个人喜好或希望进行挑选,有“仔细挑选”的意思。

Pick out the stamps you like best, please.请选出你最喜欢的邮票。



You can choose any book you like.你可以选择任何你喜欢的书。

3.cut off切掉,割掉,分离,隔离(常跟from),中断

They cut off our food supply.他们中断了我们的食物供应。

The village was cut off from the outside world by heavy snow for a month.这个村庄被大雪封住而不能与外界联系达一个月。

cut across抄近路穿过;径直穿过

cut down砍倒;杀死;削减;缩短

cut in插嘴;突然插入

cut into halves/pieces切成两半/碎块

cut out切掉;剪切(或剪成某种图形)

cut up切碎;使丧气,使痛心


(1)She ________________ the photo from the newspaper and glued it to her diary.

(2)They didn’t know why their water supply was ________________.

(3)We can’t ________________ our expenses any further.

(4)This machine is used to ________________ vegetables.

(5)—So strange,I got ________________ in the middle of the conversation.I called the operator,but no one answered.

—You may try again.

答案:(1)cut out(2)cut off(3)cut down(4)cut up(5)cut in

4.pick up


She picked up a stone and threw it at the window.她捡起一块石头朝窗户扔去。


We picked up radio signals for help from the damaged plane.我们收到那架发生故障的飞机发出的无线电求救信号。


There is a market where you can pick up some amazing bargains.有一个可以买到便宜货的市场。

Will you pick me up after the party.聚会后你开车来接我吗?


take up从事

take out拿出

put up举起

put out熄灭

set up建立

turn up出现

make out辨认出

turn out结果是

5.go camping去野营


6.in the open air在户外,露天

The poor had to stay in the open air in the evening.穷人在晚上不得不住在户外。

They had a party in the open air.他们举行了一场露天晚会。

【拓展】in the air广泛的;流行的

on/off air广播/停播

We’ll be on air in about 3 minutes.大约3分钟我们开始广播。

7.think of(=think about)考虑;思考;记起

We are thinking of going abroad for further education.我们正在考虑到国外去进修。

I can’t think of his name right now.我一下子记不起他的名字了。

【拓展】not think much of看轻

think better of sb.对某人印象深;看重某人

think highly of看重,高度赞扬

think little of看轻;看不起

I don’t think much of that mew restaurant.我对那家新饭店评价不高。


1. Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.


本句as if引导方式状语从句,表示与当时状况不相符的状况,故用虚拟语气。

(1)as if引导从句用陈述语气的情况


(2)as if引导从句用虚拟语气的情况


②从句动词表示的动作在时间上比主句动词表示的动作早发生,从句动词用had done。


(1)It looks ____________________(像是要下雨了).

(2)He talks ______________(好像是知道) where she was.

(3)He talks about Rome __________________________(好像他以前去过似的).

(4)He opened his mouth as if ____________(要说什么).

答案:(1)as if it is going to rain(2)as if he knew(3)as if he had been there before(4)to say something

2. As Victor Hugo once said, “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.维克多·雨果曾经说过:“笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。”关于这一点,直到今天也没有人能比查理·卓别林做得更好。

(1)as引导定语从句,that引导的定语从句修饰the sun.


As everyone knows, about two-thirds of the earth is covered with water.众所周知,地球上大约三分之二的面积被水覆盖。


as is known to all众所周知

as is often the case情况常常如此

as has been pointed out正如已经指出的那样

(3)up to now意为“迄今;到现在为止”,是多用于现在完成时或现在完成进行时的时间状

语,常可与until now, by now, so far互换。

3. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林使他们开怀大笑,于是人们对自己的生活感到比较满足。

句中when引导的定语从句修饰先行词a time。


all the time一直;始终

in no time立刻,马上

on time按时

in time及时

at one time曾经

at a time每次,一次

(2)“有时”的固定表达:at times, sometimes, on occasion

4. Not that Charlie’s own like was easy!


Not that意为“倒不是说,并不是说,并非”,用于减弱刚才所说的话的效果或重要性。Where were you last night? Not that I care, of course.你昨晚在哪儿?当然,我不在乎。

【拓展】not that…but that…不是(因为)….而是(因为)…

Not that she forgot to do her homework, but that she was looking after a sick classmate.不是她忘了做作业,而是她在照顾一个生病的同学。

5. This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties.这个角色是个社会生活中的失败者,但是他的乐观精神和战胜一切困难的决心使她受到人们的喜爱。

failure (n.)

fail to do sth.没有能够做某事

6. He cut off a piece of meat and pretended to chew a mouthful but instead put it into the plant pot beside him.



7.The second person treats it as a request for information and gives an answer to the question.第



treat sb. to sth.用…宴请某人;用…款待某人



look on…as…


think of…as…

8.The answer to the question contains a word which, when spoken, can have two meanings.


(1)which至句末是定语从句,修饰先行词a word.

(2)answer to the question意为“问题的答案”,to为介词

(3)when spoken是省略的时间状语从句,相当于when it is spoken.在when, while, until, unless,

if, once, as if等引导的时间、条件和方式状语从句中,当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,或者从句的主语为it,而且从句的谓语动词包含be动词时,则从句中往往省略主语和be 动词。

Once printed, this book will be very popular.

Once (it is) possible, he’ll try to help others.

9.Watson tried a third time.华生试着回答了第三次。


Shall I ask him a third time? 我还要问他第三次吗?(我已问过他两次)


He came here for the second time.他是第二次来这儿。

10.Whenever you finish your story, you will feel a sense of success.不管你何时读完故事,你都


(1) whenever引导了一个让步状语从句,译为“不管何时”;相当于no matter when.

由“疑问词+ever”构成的可以引导让步状语从句的词还有:wherever, whatever, however等。

【注意】上述由“疑问词+ever”构成的合成词若引导名词性从句,则不能换成“no matter+疑问词”形式。

Whoever gets the job will be responsible for it. = Anyone who gets the job will be responsible for it.

(2) sense n.感觉,知觉;理智

He has a good sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch.


A sense of humour is of great importance in communication.幽默感在人际交往中是非常重要的。







Our duty is serving the students.我们的指责是为学生服务。

Playing all kinds of music is our job.演奏各种音乐是我们的工作。


Travelling is interesting but tiring.旅行是有趣的,但也是累人的。

The argument is very convincing.这个论据很有说服力。




a sleeping bag=a bag for sleeping睡袋

a writing desk=a desk for writing写字台

(2) 动名词与现在分词作定语的区别


a walking sick(=a sick for walking)手杖

a walking man(=a man who is walking)正在散步的男人

3. 动词-ing形式作宾语补足语


①感觉、感官动词(短语)see, hear, feel, smell, watch, find, notice, look at, listen to等

Can you smell anything burning? 你闻到什么东西烧焦了吗?

I heard someone knocking at the door.我听见有人在敲门。

②使役动词have, keep, get, leave等

We won’t have you doing that.我不允许你那么做。



I saw him opening the window.我看见他正在开窗户。

I saw him open the window.我看见他打开了窗户。

I saw the window opened.我看见窗户开着。

Book 4 Unit Three

Ⅰ. 单词拼写:

1.After graduating from Peking University, he was________(幸运的) in having a good job.

2.I found it________(令人惊讶的)that the young player beat the chess master in the game.

3.I still remember her________(特别的)way of smiling.

4.I’m so full that I couldn’t eat another m________.

5.The naughty student e________ the reason why he was late for school.

6.________ the world, kind people donated money and necessities for the people in

earthquake-hit areas.

7.He was c________ just to sit in front of the television all day.

8.After the big earthquake, tens of thousands of people became h________.

9.The expert________(使人相信)everyone of his theory with the experiment.

10.It seemed that he ate what was left with great e________.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1.Though this vegetarian are very________ about what he eats, he________ the delicious


A. special, feel content to

B. particular, feel content with

C. especially, feel satisfied with

D. particularly, feel satisfied to

2.He was in such a hurry that he________ an old man.

A.came across

B. waved goodbye

C. looked up at

D. knocked into

3.We were running out of petrol. I went off________ a garage where I could buy some.

A.in search of

B. in search for

C. searched

D. searching

4.It is not ________ good manners to talk________ their mouth full.

A. /, by

B. a, with

C./, with

D. a, by

5. -----Which of the two novels did you prefer?

-----Actually, I didn’t like________ .

A. both of them

B. either of them

C. none of them

D. neither of them

6. The country itself didn’t have enough gas because of the war, so the government decided to________ its gas supply to other countries.

A. cut in

B. cut off

C. cut up

D. cut away

7. The professor________ a speech on the stage now is from Beijing University.

A. to give

B. giving

C. given

D. gave

8. Is this question worth________ again?

A. discussing

B. being discussed

C. to discuss

D. to be discussed

9. Don’t have him________ outside all the time.

A. stand

B. to stand

C. stood

D. standing

10. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found________ in the kitchen.

A. smoke

B. smoking

C. to smoke

D. smoked

11. The film was really________. We were greatly________ while seeing it.

A. amusing; amusing

B. amused; amusing

C. amusing; amused

D. amused; amused

12. ----We haven’t heard from him for a long time.

----What do you suppose________ to her?

A.was happening

B. to happen

C. has happened

D. having happened

13. As a businessman he was a success, but as a husband he was________ failure, so their marriage ended in________ failure.

A. /;/

B. /;a

C. a; a

D. a;/

14. His failing in the exam________ us because he was always an outstanding student.

A. pleased

B. astonished

C. excited

D. frightened

15. To________ the other players, the athlete________ a lot of difficulties in his training.

A. overcome; beat

B. beat; overcome

C. overcome; overcame

D. beat; beat

Ⅲ. 翻译:






人教版必修四 unit3 知识点

B4Unit3 第一课时 A taste of English humor 补充: 1.Repeat 循环 2.seen/witnessed 见证 3.make a comments评论 4.focus one’attention on 5.It seems appropriate看起来正确 6.falls on落在,在(某一天) 7.is on the increase 在增长中 同步单词: 1.humor n.幽默,滑稽humorous adj.富于幽默的humorist n.幽默作家,富于幽默的人 2.▲punchline n.故事、笑话中的妙语 pun n.双关语 punch v.用拳猛击 3.▲verbal adj口头的 4.▲nonverbal adj不用语言的 5.▲mine n.哑剧 mimic 模仿 词性转换: 1.humor n幽默,滑稽humorous adj富于幽默的 2.performer n.表演者,出演者perform vt.执行,履行,表演performance n.演出,表演,履行 3.astonish vt.使惊讶astonished adj.使人感到惊讶的

astonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonishment n.惊讶 4.fortunate adj.幸运的,吉利的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunately adv.不幸的,遗憾的fortune n.财富,运气 5.convince v.使信服convincing adj.令人信服的convinced adj.让人感到信服的convincingly adv.令人信服地 6.direct v..导演,指示,指挥directed adj.直接的,直率的director n.指挥者 direction n.方向 directly adv.直接地 7.particular adj.特殊的,特别的n.细节particularly adv.特殊地,特别地8.occasion n.场合,时刻occasional adj.偶然的,偶尔的occasionally adv.偶然地 9.entertain v.使欢乐,款待entertainment n.娱乐,招待,款待entertaining adj.令人愉快的,有趣的 10.failure n.失败(者) fail v.使失望,不及格,失败11.amuse vt.使发笑,使愉快amusing adj.令人好笑的,有趣的amused adj.使人感到好笑的,感到愉快的amusement n.娱乐活动,消遣12.explanation n.解释,讲解,说明


北师大高中数学必修四知识点 第一章 三角函数 2、象限的角:在直角坐标系内,顶点与原点重合,始边与x 轴的非负 半轴重合,角的终边落在第几象限,就是第几象限的角;角的终边落在坐标轴上,这个角不属于任何象限,叫做轴线角。 第一象限角的集合为{}36036090,k k k αα?<

弧长公式:r l ||α= ;扇形面积:2|| 121r lr S α=== 5、三角函数: (1)定义:①设α是一个任意角,那么v 叫做α的正弦,记作sin α,即sin α= 弦,记作cos α,即cos α=u ; 当α做α的正切,记作tan α, 即tan α=u v . ②设α是一个任意大小的角,α是(),x y ,它与原点的距离是(r OP r ==>则sin y r α=,cos x r α=,()tan 0y x x α=≠ (2)三角函数值在各象限的符号: 口 诀:第一象限全为正; 二正三切四余弦. (3)特殊角的三角函数值 x y + + _ _ O x y + + _ _ O x y + + _ _ O


高中数学必修4知识点总结 第一章三角函数(初等函数二) ?? ??? 正角:按逆时针方向旋转形成的角1、任意角负角:按顺时针方向旋转形成的角零角:不作任何旋转形成的角 2、角α的顶点与原点重合,角的始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边落在第几象限,则称α为第几象限角. 第一象限角的集合为{} 36036090,k k k αα?<


必修四unit 3 复习检测 I.单词拼写 1.They sat at the back of the room, talking in _________(低语). 2. The frightened horse ran along the path at an ______________(惊人的) speed. 3. The guide gave us a clear_________(解释) of each of the rules. 4.The old man is _________(满意的) to live in the countryside. 5.The_________(内容) of your essay is excellent, but it is not well expressed. 6. How did he _________(反应) to the news. 7. We won’t be ______________(征服) by the difficulty. 8.These kids were _________(滑行) on the ice. 9. How can I ______________(使相信) you of her honesty. 10. She is _________(讲究的) about what she wears. 11. I’ve met her on several _________(场合). 12. He _________(主演) in a lot of good films. 13. News spread ______________(遍及) the country. 14. He has a good sense of _________(幽默). 15. __________________(幸运地),I passed my driving test yesterday. II. 短文改错 Tom was having much troubles getting up in the 66. _______ morning and was always late with work. His boss wanted to 67. ________ fire him if he didn't start coming on time, but he went to 68. ___________ the doctor for a help. The doctor gave him some 69. ___________ medicine and told him to take them before he went to bed. 70. ___________ The man did as told and slept really well, wake up before 71. ___________ the alarm had even gone off. He had time for a properly 72. ___________ breakfast and was still the first reach the factory."Boss, "he 73. ___________ said ," that medicine really works!""I'm pleasing to hear 74. ___________ it ,"said his boss," but where were you yesterday?" 75. ___________ III. 单选 1. Born in a family that was________, Mr. Bingley attracted many ladies of the town. A. worse off B. badly off C. better off D. well off 2. Scientists are convinced ________ the positive effect of laughter _______ physical and mental health. A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; at 3. I saw Tom _______into the classroom without _________. A. slide; found B. sliding; find C. to slide; being found D. sliding; being found 4. Jack was ______ failure as a leader, but he achieved _______ great success in writing. A. a; a B. a; / C. /; a D. /; /


BOOK4 UNIT3 WORDS humour un.幽默;滑稽 Phrases: a sense of humour 幽默感 have a/no sense of humour 有/无幽默感 a man with humour 一个有幽默感的人 Derivative: humorous adj.幽默的;诙谐的 comedy cn.喜剧 Phrases: cut the comedy 停止搞笑;不再胡闹 Antonym: tragedy cn.悲剧 up to now ph.直到现在 Points: 该短语与so far , recently , in recent years 等后引导句子都用现在完成时depressed adj.忧愁的;沮丧的 Derivative: depressing adj.令人感到沮丧的 depression n.沮丧 depress vt.使沮丧;消沉 content adj.满足的;满意的Phrases: be/feel content with 对……满足be content to do sth 乐意做某事n.满足Phrases: to one’s heart’s content 心满意足的;尽情地 . sing to one’s heart’s content 尽情歌唱 vt.使满足content oneself with 使自己对……满足 n. [’k ? n’ t e n t] 容量;含量;内容;目录 performer n.表演者;演出者 Derivative: performance cn.表演;演出 Phrases: give a performance = put on 表演 perform v.表演 astonish vt.使惊诧 Derivative: astonished adj.惊诧的 astonishing adj.令人感到惊诧的 astonishment n.惊诧Phrases: (much) to one’s astonishment 令人惊诧fortunate adj.幸运的;吉利的 Derivative: fortunately adv.幸运地 unfortunately adv.不幸地 badly off ph.穷的;缺少的 Usages: be badly off for 缺乏……(物品) 比较级: worse off Antonym: well ( better ) off 富藏的;富有的

高中数学必修四第一章知识点梳理 1

高中数学必修四第一章知识点梳理 一、角的概念的推广 ●任意角的概念 角可以看成平面内一条射线绕着端点从一个位置转到另一个位置所成的图形。 ●正角、负角、零角 按逆时针方向旋转成的角叫做正角, 按顺时针方向旋转所成的角叫做负角, 一条射线没有作任何旋转所成的叫做零角。 可见,正确理解正角、负角和零角的概、关键是看射线旋转的方向是逆时针、顺时针还是没有转动。 ●象限角、轴线角 当角的顶点与坐标原点重合,角的始边与x轴的非负半轴重合时,那么角的终边在第几象限(终边的端点除外),就说这个角是第几象限角。 当角的顶点与坐标原点重合,角的始边与x轴的非负半轴重合时,终边落在坐标轴上的角叫做轴线角。 ●终边相同角 ?360°,k∈α+kZ},α终边相同的角,连同角α在内,可构成集合S={β|β= 所有与角即任一与角α终边相同的角,都可以表示成角α与整数个周角的和。 二、弧度制 ●角度定义制 1为一度的角,记做1°,规定周角的360这种用度作为单位来度量角的单位制叫做角度制,角度制为60进制。 ●弧度制定义 1、长度等于半径的弧度所对的圆心角叫做1弧度的角。用弧度作为单位来度量角的单位制叫做弧度制。1弧度记做1rad。 2、根据圆心角定理,对于任意一个圆心角α,它所对的弧长与半径的比与半径的大小无关,而是一个仅与角α有关的常数,故可以取为度量标准。 ●弧度数 一般地,正角的弧度数是一个正数,负角的弧度数是一个负数,零角的弧度数是0.如果l?α||。α的弧度数的绝对值是的圆的圆心角半径为rα所对的弧的长为l,那么,角rα的正负 由角的终边的旋转方向决定,逆时针方向为正,顺时针方向为负。α三、任意角的三角函数 ●任意角的三角函数的定义 αα的终边上任意点P的坐标是(x,y设)是一个任意大小的角,,它与原点的距离r 22?y?x0?r),那么( yy??sin?sinα。1 叫做的正弦,记做,即、比值rr


欢迎使用,祝您学有所成。 第一单元 1)achieve 表示“完成,到达”。 区别achieve,reach,gain: achieve着重表示达到一定目的的过程中所需要的技能,耐性和努力。 reach指达到任何目标、目的或指达到发展过程中的某个阶段。 gain强调经过奋斗才达到所期望的目标、优势或者有利地位。 2)condition 表示“条件”,condition为单数时,表示人/物所处的“状态”。 conditions(复数)指一般情况,环境。 in good/poor condition状况好/不好。 out of condition状况不好。 on condition that在……条件下,假使。 on no condition决不。 3)connection 表示“连接,关系”。 connections亲戚。 in connection with与……有关。 4)behave 表示“举止,举动,行为表现”。 behave oneself表现良好,行为良好。 behave as起……作用,表现为……。 5)worthwhile 表示“值得做的,值得出力的”。 句型It is worhtwhile doing/to do sth“干……是值得的”。 6)observe 表示“观察,注意”,可接省略to的不定式的复合结构,当observe用被动语态时,其后的不定式应回复to。 observe后也可接由现在分词构成的复合结构。 后接that从句,表示“注意到,说”。 observe还可以表示“遵守,庆祝”。 7)respect 作动词,后直接跟宾语。 respect oneself自重,自尊。 作名词,表示“尊重,尊敬”。have/show respect for意为“对……尊重/尊敬”。 have respect to注意,考虑。 表示“敬意,问候”时,用复数形式,常与give,send,pay连用。 in respect of sth就某方面而言。 with respect to 涉及,关于。 8)argue 表示“争论,辩论”。


一.重点单词 1.content adj.满意的;满足的;知足的 【常用搭配】be content to do sth. = be willing to do sth. = be ready to do sth.愿意做某事 be content with sth. = be satisfied with sth.对…满意 n.内容;所含之物;目录 【常用搭配】to one’s content心满意足地;尽情地 vt.使满足;使满意 【辨析】content, satisfy 若只表示使人在一定程度上感到满足,则用content satisfy表示使人的要求、希望得到完全的满足。 The poor are often contented, but a miser is never satisfied. 穷人常知足,守财奴则用不满足。 【注意】(1)content 用作名词,作“(书的)目录’内容”讲时,往往用其复数形式contents。 (2)content用作形容词,作“愿意的”讲时表示“非常愿意”往往用well修饰content,而不用very。 【即学活用】 (1)I like the style of his writing ______________________(但不喜欢其内容). (2)______________________(他看起来比较满意),less bitter. (3)I __________________(愿意等待). (4)My grandparents ________________________________(满足于乡村生活). 答案:(1)but I don’t like the contents(2)He seemed more c ontent(3)was content to wait(4)are content to live in the countryside 2.astonish vt. 使大为吃惊(比surprise程度强,比shock程度弱) 【常用搭配】be astonished at sth.对某事感到惊讶 be astonished to do sth.惊讶地做某事 【拓展】astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的(常叙述给人的印象) astonished adj. 感到吃惊的(常叙述本身的感受) astonishment n. 吃惊 in astonishment 吃惊地 (much)to one’s astonishment 使人吃惊的是 【即学活用】 (1)That he passed the English test ____________________(使每个人都感到惊讶). (2)______________________ (他们全都很惊讶)to hear China won 51 gold medals in the Beijing Olympics. (3)__________________(使我们吃惊的是),he actually arrived punctually. (4)He _____________________________ (吃惊地看着老师)when he heard the news. (5)There was an ______________ (惊讶的表情)on his face. 答案:(1)astonished everyone(2)They were all astonished(3)To our astonishment(4)looked at his teacher in astonishment(5)astonished look 3.fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉利的 【常用搭配】be fortunate in doing…在做…方面很幸运 be fortunate to do sth.有幸能够做某事 It is fortunate that…幸运的是… have good/bad fortune运气好/不好


高中数学必修4知识点汇总 第一章:三角函数 1、任意角①正角:按逆时针方向旋转形成的角 ②负角:按顺时针方向旋转形成的角 ③零角:不作任何旋转形成的角 2、角α的顶点与原点重合,角的始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边落在第几象限,则称α为第几象限角. 第一象限角的集合为{} 36036090,k k k αα?<,则sin y r α= ,cos x r α=,()tan 0y x x α=≠. 10、三角函数在各象限的符号:一全正,二正弦,三正切,四余弦.


高中英语必修四知识要点归纳高中英语必修四知识要点归纳 1)achieve 表示“完成,到达”。 区别achieve,reach,gain: achieve着重表示达到一定目的的过程中所需要的技能,耐性和努力。 reach指达到任何目标、目的或指达到发展过程中的某个阶段。 gain强调经过奋斗才达到所期望的目标、优势或者有利地位。 2)condition 表示“条件”,condition为单数时,表示人/物所处的“状态”。 conditions(复数)指一般情况,环境。 ingood/poorcondition状况好/不好。 outofcondition状况不好。 onconditionthat在……条件下,假使。 onnocondition决不。 3)connection 表示“连接,关系”。 connections亲戚。 inconnectionwith与……有关。

4)behave 表示“举止,举动,行为表现”。 behaveoneself表现良好,行为良好。 behaveas起……作用,表现为……。 5)worthwhile 表示“值得做的,值得出力的”。 句型Itisworhtwhiledoing/todosth“干……是值得的”。 6)observe 表示“观察,注意”,可接省略to的不定式的复合结构,当observe用被动语态时,其后的不定式应回复to。 observe后也可接由现在分词构成的复合结构。 后接that从句,表示“注意到,说”。 observe还可以表示“遵守,庆祝”。 重点短语 1.breakinto闯入,进入 2.uptonow直到现在 4.feel/becontentwith对……满足 5.badlyoff穷的,缺少的` 7.pickout挑选出,辨认出 8.ontheedgeof在…边沿 9.cutoff切断,断绝 10.insilence沉默,不作声 11.makeuseof使用


高中英语必修4 Unit 3词汇和短语教案 A taste of English humour

Period I Break through vocabulary and expressions Teaching aims: Teach and study the language points to grasp and use them freely I. Let’s students make a thorough inquiry before class ★重点单词 1. prep. 遍及;贯穿 ,adv.到处、始终、全部 2.vt.&vi. 滑动,滑行,n.幻灯片 3.n.失败;破产;不及格 _____ 4.磨破的;穿旧的adj. 5.adj. 突出的;杰出的;显著的 6.Vt.&vi 克服;战胜 7.adj.多山的;山一般的 _______ 8.特别的;特殊的,adj. adv. 9.使欢乐;款待,vt.&vi.. adj._______;n.______ 10.adj..困难;难点_____________;n.困难事——————

11.adj.满足的;满意的 n.________;vt._____ 12. direct vt.&vi__________;n.______;n.__________ 13.fortune n._________; adj._______;adv._____ 14.adj.迷人的;有魅力的 ___________ 15.vt. 使惊讶__________n.________;adj._____ ★重点短语 1.玩文字游戏 _________ 2. knock into 3.跌倒;跌下________ 4. be cruel to 5. 情况比﹍﹍更差 _____ 6. become famous for 7.遍及全世界____________ 8 a homeless person 9.克服困难 _________ 10 be kind to 11. 以﹍﹍为背景 ___________ 12. in search of 13. 拿起 ____________ 14. cut off 15. 主演____________ 16. outstanding work II.Make a thorough inquriy during class Teaching aims: Master the new words and expressions. STEP 1. Pronunciation correcting Read after the teacher or the tape twice. Then the teacher asks the students to read words by themselves. STEP 2.Skills in memorizing the new words The teacher analyses the structure and usage of the new words briefly. STEP 3.Summary Teacher pay attention to the important ones. STEP4.当堂达标 ★单词竞猜 Discovering useful words and expressions(PART 1) ★单词拼写 1.Don’t be _________(满足于)with your little success. 2.It’s so _________ (残忍)of him to kill his own son.


SectionA 语言知识精讲 重点词汇讲解 1.up to now 直到现在 up to now he’s been quiet up to now we’ve finished two thirds of the work up to now 在句中做时间状语,句子一般用现在完成时 2.humour n. eg:Our teacher hass a sense of humour 【单词积累】 humourous adj. humourless adj. humourist n. 【搭配拓展】 have a( good) sense of humour lack humour see the humour 3.break eg:.They planned to break into the bank that day As the president’s car arrived ,the crowd broke into loud 思维拓展 Break down使崩溃;毁坏,放弃抵抗;分解;出故障;身体出毛病 Break into/in 破门而入,突然发生 Break up 关系破裂,驱散人群 Break out 火灾,战争突然爆发 Break off 折断树枝,停止工作 Break through 突破障碍,穿越 例题演练: 1.Will you attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon? -------I the invitation up to now. A.haven’ t received B. Won’t receive C. will not have received D. didn’t receive 2.I can’t stand people . A. with no sense of humour B. who have no sense of humour C. who lack humour D. all the above


高中数学必修四 第一章 知识点归纳 第一:任意角的三角函数 一:角的概念:角的定义,角的三要素,角的分类(正角、负角、零角和象限角),正确理解角,与角终边 相同的角的集合 } {|2,k k z ββπα=+∈ ,弧度制,弧度与角度的换算, 弧长l r α=、扇形面积2 112 2 s lr r α==, 二:任意角的三角函数定义:任意角α的终边上任意取一点p 的坐标是(x ,y ),它与原点的距离是22 r x y =+(r>0),那么角α的正弦r y a =sin 、余弦r x a =cos 、正切x y a =tan ,它们都是以角为自变量,以比值为函数值的函数。 三:同角三角函数的关系式与诱导公式: 1.平方关系: 22 sin cos 1αα+= 2. 商数关系: sin tan cos α αα = 3.诱导公式——口诀:奇变偶不变,符号看象限。 , 正弦 | 余弦 [ 正切 < 第二、三角函数图象和性质 基础知识:1、三角函数图像和性质 1-1y=sinx -3π2 -5π2 -7π2 7π2 5π2 3π2 π2 -π2 -4π-3π -2π4π 3π 2π π -π o y x

2、熟练求函数sin()y A x ω?=+的值域,最值,周期,单调区间,对称轴、对称中心等 ,会用五点法作 sin()y A x ω?=+简图:五点分别为: 、 、 、 、 。 3、图象的基本变换:相位变换:sin sin()y x y x ?=?=+ 周期变换:sin()sin()y x y x ?ω?=+?=+ 振幅变换:sin()sin()y x y A x ω?ω?=+?=+ 4、求函数 sin()y A x ω?=+的解析式:即求A 由最值确定,ω有周期确定,φ有特殊点确定。 基础练习: / 1、tan(600)-= . sin 225?= 。 2、已知扇形AOB 的周长是6cm ,该圆心角是1弧度,则扇形的面积= cm 2. 3、设a <0,角α的终边经过点P (-3a ,4a ),那么sin α+2cos α的值等于 4 、函数 y =的定义域是_____ __ 5、 的结果是 。 6、函数x y 2sin 3=的图象可以看成是将函数)3 x 2sin(3y π -=的图象-------( ) (A )向左平移个6π单位 (B )向右平移个6π单位(C )向左平移个3π单位 (D )向右平移个3 π 单位 7、已知0tan ,0sin ><θθ,那么θ是 。 8.已知点P (tan α,cos α)在第三象限,则角α的终边在 9、下列函数中,最小正周期为π,且图象关于直线3 π = x 对称的是( ) 》 A .sin(2)3π=-y x B.sin(2)6π=-y x C.sin(2)6π=+y x D.sin()23 π=+x y 10、下列函数中,周期为π的偶函数是( ) A.cos y x = B.sin 2y x = C. tan y x = D. sin(2)2 y x π =+ 解答题解答题应写出文字说明、演算步骤或证明过程. 第一类型:1、已知角α终边上一点P (-4,3),求) 2 9sin()211cos() sin()2cos(απαπαπαπ +---+的值


政治必修四 第一单元生活智慧与时代精神 1、哲学是系统化,理论化的世界观。是世界观和方法论的统一 世界观决定方法论,方法论体现世界观 2、哲学的基本问题是思维和存在(意识和物质)的关系问题 包括思维和存在的第一性问题(区分唯物主义和唯心主义的唯一标准)和同一性问题(区别可知论和不可知论)。 3、唯物主义: 古代朴素唯物主义:否认世界是神创造的,认为世界是物质的,坚持了唯物主义的根本方向。(局限性:只是一种猜测,没有科学依据,把物质归结为具体的物质形态。) 近代形而上学唯物主义:把物质归结为自然科学意义上的原子,认为原子是世界本原。(局限性:具有机械性,形而上学性和历史观上的唯心主义等局限性。) 辩证唯物和历史唯物主义:认为世界的本质是物质,物质第一意识第二,意识具有主观能动性。(优点:正确揭示了物质世界的基本规律,反映了社会历史发展的客观要求。) 下列说法均属于唯物主义: 天地合气,万物自生。巧妇难为无米之炊。形存则神存,形谢则神灭。 天地合而万物生。实事求是,求真务实。天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。 人病则忧惧,忧惧则鬼出。气者,理之依也。 4、唯心主义: 主观唯心:把人的主观精神(如,人的目的,意识,感觉)夸大为唯一的实在。当成第一性的东西,认为客观事物以及整个世界,都依赖于人的主观精神。 掩耳盗铃。画饼充饥。望梅止渴。物是观念的结合,存在即被感知。 我思故我在。心外无物。宇宙便是吾心,吾心即是真理。 眼开则花明,眼闭则花寂。人的理性为自然立法。心想事成,梦想成真。 客观唯心:把客观精神(如上帝,理念,绝对精神)看作世界的主宰和本原,认为现实的物质世界只是这些客观精神的外化和表现。 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。理生万物。 上第七天创造世界。现实世界是理论世界的影子。 5、辩证法和形而上学 6、马克思主义哲学中国化的重大理论成果:毛泽东思想,邓小平理论,“三个代表”重要思想,科学发展观。


unit 3 A taste of English humour 1. up to now(常与现在完成时连用)直到现在 E.g. He has made three mistakes up to now. 拓展:up to now 直到现在 Eg:Up to now he's been quiet. be up to sb 由某人决定 up to date = up-to-date adj. 最近的,最新的 be up to sth 胜任 up and down 上上下下 What’s up ? 什么事? 2.content adj. 满足的,满意的 n 满足 feel/be content with sth. 满足于某事 be content to do sth. 愿意做某事 be content that 满足…. be satisfied /pleased with 满足…. e.g. She is content _______the job. She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children. 她待在家里照顾孩子,感到非常满足. 3.badly off 1).贫困的 He is quite badly off recently. 最近他经济上很拮据。2).缺少的(for) The school is badly off for teachers. worse off ( 更穷的)( badly off的比较级) well off 富裕的

(badly off的反义词)better off (更富的)(well off 的比较级) 联想拓展: be badly off for sth. 需要(某物)(某物)供应不足 worse off 境况更差;更穷困 well off 富裕;处境好 (比较级:better off境况更佳) Eg :His health is worse off than before. 他的身体状况比以前更糟糕了。 Eg: The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food. 难民需要毯子, 更需要食物。 Eg: Capitalism can make you well off. 资本主义可以让你变得富裕。 4. entertain v. (1) 使娱乐,使欢乐 We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。 2 ) 款待, 招待. entertain sb.with sth. 用…使某人快乐 entertain sb. to sth. 用…招待/款待某人 I often entertain friends to dinner on Sundays. 我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。 联想拓展: entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的entertainment n. 款待;请客;娱乐;消遣an entertaining


一、角的概念的推广 1、与的终边 1、相同 2、在一条直线上 3、关于x 轴对称 4、关于y 轴对称 北师大版数学必修四第一章知识点总汇 = + 2k , k ∈ Z = + k , k ∈ Z = 2k -, k ∈ Z = (2k + 1) - , k ∈ Z 2、终边在 处的角的集合 x + := 2k ,(k ∈ Z ) x : = k ,(k ∈ Z ) 轴线角 = k (k ∈ Z ) 2 x - : = (2k + 1) , (k ∈ Z ) y + := + 2k (k ∈ Z ) 2 y : = + k ,(k ∈ Z ) 2 y - : = 3+ 2k (k ∈ Z ) 2 直线 y = x 上:= + k , k ∈ Z 4 3 直线 y = -x 上:= + k , k ∈ Z 4 一 2k < < + 2k 2 三 + 2k < < 3+ 2k 2 二 + 2k < < + 2k 四 3+ 2k < < 2+ 2k 2 2 4、区域角(不包括边界) (1) - 2+ 2k < < 3 + 2k ,(k ∈ Z ) 6 (2) + k < < 4 + k ,(k ∈ Z ) 2 二、弧度制

3 - 2 0 5 4 270° 0 2 - 2 2 - 2 -1 2 7 4 360° 2 2 - 3 不存 在 2 - 2 1 - 2 1 2 2 2 5 6 225° 180° 3 - 3 -1 -1 2 - 2 3 2 315° 1、弧度的定义:在以单位圆为半径的圆中,单位长度的弧所对的圆心角称为 1 弧度的角。 l 弧度的公式: = 2、角度与弧度的互化 180°= rad ( 为角的弧度数,l 为弧长, r 为半径) r 360°= 2 rad 1° = rad 1 rad = 180 180 3、角度与弧度的对应表 4、扇形的弧长及面积公式( 为角的弧度数,l 为弧长, r 为半径) l = r 1 1 2 l 2 s = lr = r = 2 2 2 r = l = l r 三、单位圆与正、余弦,正切函数 1、正、余弦、正切函数的定义及关系: 1、单位圆中的定义: 设是任意角,其顶点与原点重合,始边与 x 轴非负半轴重 合,终边与单位圆 O 交于点 p(u,v),那么点 p 的纵坐标v 叫作角 的正弦函数,记作v = sin ; 3 1 3 3 正切 0 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 余弦 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 正弦 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 6 0 弧度 150° 135° 120° 90° 60° 45° 30 ° 0° 度 -1 不存在 1 1

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