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关于朋友的英文诗 写给朋友的英文诗

关于朋友的英文诗 写给朋友的英文诗
关于朋友的英文诗 写给朋友的英文诗




A Forever Friend


”A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out.”


Sometimes in life,


You find a special friend;


Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.


Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop;


Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.


Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.


This is Forever Friendship.


when you’re down,


and the world seems dark and empty,


Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world

suddenly seem bright and full.


Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times.


If you turn and walk away,


Your forever friend follows,


If you lose you way,


Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.


Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay.


And if you find such a friend,


You feel happy and complete,


Because you need not worry,


Your have a forever friend for life,


And forever has no end.

永永远远,永无止境。关于朋友的英文诗篇2 Friendship is like the breeze,

You can’t hold it,

Smell it,

Taste it,

Or know when it’s coming,

But you can always feel it,

And you’ll always know it’s there,

It may come and then go,

But you can know it’ll always be back.









但你知道它总会回来。关于朋友的英文诗篇3 the arrow and the song 箭与歌

henry wadsworth longfellow


i shot an arrow into the air,


it fell to earth i knew not where;


for so swiftly it flew the sight,


could not follow it in its flight.


i breathed a song into the air,


it fell to earth i knew not where;


for who has the sight so keen and strong,


that can follow the flight of a song. 可以追随歌声的旋律。

long,long afterwards in an oak,

很久很久以后,在一棵橡树上,i found the arrow still unbroke;


and the song, from beginning to end, 而那首歌自始至终,

i found again in the heart of a friend. 都深深印在一位朋友的心中。


英文诗歌短篇励志经典|英语诗歌经典100篇 咖啡苦,回味无穷;伤痛苦,心里铭记;磨难苦,励志人心;感情苦,更显真心;生活苦,倍加珍惜。苦,让我们感谢生活;苦,让我们看到真心:虽苦犹甜。小编精心收集了短篇励志经典英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇1 ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 论变化 艾琳·邓莱普陈采霞译 变化是世界上 惟一绝对的东西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。 没有什么能一成不变, 明天将来临, 它会带来 新的开始,并且有时 还会带来意想不到的结局。 你可以抓住过去, 蒙受遗弃; 或者,你可以选择 跃上生命之车 进行一次新的冒险, 凭借坚持不懈 和广阔的胸怀。短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇2 THE VALUE OF TIME Katharine Sun


关于梦想的英文诗歌精选 Following a dream 追逐梦想 When I was a younger, I used to dream about becoming a fireman. 当我还年轻的时候,我曾梦想要成为一名消防队员。 I thought wow, wouldn’t it be great to ride around, 我想哇,到处跑会很好, and help people put out fires. 还可以帮助人们扑灭大火。 As I got older, I want to be like my father. 而随着我逐渐长大,我想成为像我父亲那样。 He taught in a university, and I always look up him. 他在大学里教书,我总是非常尊敬他。 So that's what I became a teacher. 那就是我成了一名教师的原因。 My father and I have different styles, as do all teachers. 尽管都是教师,但我的父亲和我风格迥异。 And we're both teachers and I'm happy. 我们都是教师,我很高兴。 In many ways, I feel that I'm living my dream, I am luck. 在许多方面,我觉得自己梦想成真,我感到很幸运。 Sometimes the dreams we've when we're younger, 有时候当我们年轻的时候会拥有梦想,

关于生命的诗歌6篇 .doc

关于生命的诗歌6篇 生命_现代诗歌150字 生命, 像一张白纸, 是那么洁白无瑕: 生命, 像一朵盛开的花, 是那么婀娜多姿、风情万种; 生命, 像脱缰的野马, 是那么英俊潇洒; 生命, 像一首动听的歌; 是那么优美、动听,使人陶醉; 但在我眼中, 生命就是一杯平淡无奇的开水, 只有用爱去融化, 用齐心协力来努力, 才会取得巨大的成就。 关于生命的诗歌三:关于生命的名言,关于生命的句子 1.人生似一串珍珠,我会小心翼翼地将每颗珍珠都擦得晶莹剔透,因为他们是我的生命之珍,我要让自己的生命绽放七彩的光芒。

6.生命中不是永远快乐,也不是永远痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成的。 9.爱做梦,爱写诗,因为年轻的生命里一半是诗,一半是梦。 6.展开生命的菜单,我愿邃躬蹈之。 7.生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能做到。 8.理想是荒原上的一颗种子,燃起生命的希望。 13.不要在你一定后悔的地方浪费生命。 7.生命永远是最贵重的,只要活着,什么都有可能重新拥有。 13.生命只有一个,也是只有一次的东西,你不觉得因此生命才是无法动摇,闪耀而尊贵的东西吗? 2.生命中最美好的事莫过于在这个和谐的校园中认识了这么多优秀的同学。 杨玉梁:要么你驾驭生命,要么生命驾驭你,你的心态决定谁是坐骑,谁是骑师。 戴志豪:今日的辉煌正是那一刻的点燃,才使我生命的航船渡入了腾达的航线。 杨振平:抓住我们生命流逝的每一瞬间,让其绽放出最华美的乐章。 熊正樟:不参加高考,你凭什么拼过富二代?不认真读书,你凭什么参加高考? 生命就像一支点亮的蜡烛,你永远不知道什么时候熄灭! 多想是好的,但不要想象太多。拿得起是好的,但不要放心下。


15首最值得诵读英文经典诗歌含译文便条 This Is Just To Say 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯 William Carlos Williams (译:祈尘) 我吃了 I have eaten 冰箱 the plums 中的 that were in 桃子 the icebox

那也许 and which 是你 you were probably 为早餐 saving 留下来的 for breakfast 原谅我 Forgive me 它们很可口 they were delicious 又甜 so sweet 又凉

and so cold 我站在高处 I Stood Upon a High Place 史提芬·柯雷因 Stephen Crane 我站在高处 I stood upon a high place, 看到下面很多鬼魂 And saw, below, many devils 在奔跑,跳跃 Running, leaping, 沉醉在罪恶中

and carousing in sin. 有一个朝上看,露齿而笑 One looked up, grinning, 而且说,“同志们!弟兄们!”And said, "Comrade! Brother!" 红色手推车 The Red Wheelbarrow 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯 William Carlos Williams 那么多东西 so much depends 依靠 upon

一辆红色 a red wheel 手推车 barrow 晶莹闪亮于glazed with rain 雨水中 water 旁边有几只beside the white 白鸡chickens.

英文诗歌朗诵 6篇

Dreams 梦想----by Langston Hughes ----作者:兰司敦·修司Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想 For if dreams die 如果梦想消失 Life is a broken-winged bird 生命将是折翼之鸟 That cannot fly 无法飞行 Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想 For when dreams go 如果梦想逝去 Life is a barren field 生命将是一片荒原 Frozen with snow 大雪冰封 【Never give up】永不放弃 Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, It allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. Just have patience, Your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, You'll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain 永不放弃,永不心灰意冷。 永存信念,它会使你应付自如。 难捱的时光终将过去,一如既往。 只要有耐心,梦想就会成真。 露出微笑,你会走出痛苦。 相信苦难定会过去,你将重获力量。

【ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM 】总是有一个梦想 Forget about the days when it's been cloudy. But don't forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you have been defeated. But don't forget the victories you have won. Forget about the misfortunes you have encountered. But don't forget the times your luck has turned. Forget about the days when you have been lonely. But don't forget the friendly smiles you have seen. Forget about the plans that didn't seem to work out right. But don't forget to always have a dream. 忘掉你失意的日子,但不要忘记黄金的时光。 忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 忘掉你遭遇的不幸,但不要忘记你的时来运转。 忘掉你的孤独日子,但不要忘记你得到的友善微笑。 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划,但不要放弃你的梦想。 【TODAY IS A NEW DAY】今天是新的一天------ Donna Levine唐那·莱文陈采霞译Your tomorrows are as bright as you want to make them. There is no reason to carry the darkness of the past with you into today. Today is a wonderful new experience,full of every possibility to make your life exactly what you want it to be. Today is the beginning of new happiness, new directions and new relationships. Today is the day to remind yourself that you posses the power and strength you need to bring contentment, love and joy into your life.


关于生命的英文优美诗歌篇一:秋天唯美英语句子 秋天唯美英语句子 关于秋天诗歌: The wind Come little leaves, said the wind one day Come over the meadow with me and play Put on your dresses of red and gold For summer is gone and nights grow cold Frolic The leaves had a wonderful frolic They danced to the wind's loud song

They whirled and they floated They circled and flew along The moon saw the little leaves dancing Each looked like a small brown bird The man in the moon smiled and listened And this is the song he heard: The north wind is calling and calling And we must whirl round and round And then, when our dancing is ended We'll make a warm quilt for the ground 以上就是关于描写秋天的英文诗歌的全部内容了!希望同学们能够嘻

嘻的欣赏这些优美的英文诗,不仅仅提升自己的英语水平,还能够提升自己的作文水平! 关于秋天歌曲推荐: ●秋天英文歌曲推荐:《I Just Called To Say I Love You》 一首经典情歌,从春唱到冬,这就是电影《红衣女郎》中的插曲《I Just Called To Say I Love You》。求爱者说:“没有秋风送爽,没有落叶缤纷,甚至不是鸟儿南飞的季节”。“我只是打电话来说,我爱你,我有多么在乎”: No autumn breeze, no falling leaves Not even time for birds to fly to southern sky…… ●秋天英文歌曲推荐:《Forever Autumn 》 这是一首标准的秋日的忧伤歌,有的网友说:听这首歌使我们沉浸在枯叶满地的深秋之季,从听觉上就能感觉到阵阵凉意;不紧不慢的节奏,低沉的吟唱,勾起我们的无限忧伤;听了《Forever Autumn》后都会想哭:


优美英文诗歌10首 The Rainy Day The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold and dark and dreary; It rains and the wind is never weary; My thought still cling to the moldering past, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days are dark and dreary. Be still,sad heart! And cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. The Seaside Is My Home I live near the sea for years. The billow sound every night, Enlightens me how to be great, And how to look on greatness. Without seeing great mountains, I form no habit of looking up. I live near the sea for years. Too much water, saltier than tears, Floats some directional boats, Or other drifting boats


英语诗歌是一个包含丰富社会生活内容、语言艺术和文化内涵的世界,是基础英语教学的一块很有潜力的教学资源。精心收集了经典名人英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 经典名人英文诗歌篇1 They're both convinced that a sudden passion joined them. Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still. 他们彼此都深信, 是瞬间迸发的激情使他们相遇。 这种确定是美丽的, 然而变幻无常却更为美丽。 Since they'd never met before, they're sure that there'd been nothing between them. But what's the word from the street staircase hallways— perhaps they've passed by each other a million times? 因为他们先前素未谋面,他们确信, 他们之间毫无关联。 然而从那街上、楼梯间、过道上传来的细语来判断—— 或许他们曾无数次擦肩而过? I want to ask them if they don't remember— a moment face to face in some revolving door?

perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd? a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver?—but I know the answer. No, they don't remember. 我想问他们, 难道不记得两人—— 曾在某扇旋转门中, 面对面相视的那一瞬间? 也许曾在人群中和对方咕哝了一句“对不起”? 曾拿起话筒和对方短促地说了句“打错了”?—— 但我知道答案。 是的,他们不记得。 They'd be amazed to hear that Chance has been toying with them now for years. 他们定会感到诧异, 得知缘分原来已戏弄他们, 多年。 Not quite ready yet to become their Destiny, it pushed them close, drove them apart, it barred their path,

英语诗歌:Write Your Own Life 谱写生命的乐章

英语诗歌:Write Your Own Life 谱写生命的乐章 Suppose someone gave you a pen - a sealed, solid-colored pen. You couldn't see how much ink it had. It might run dry after the first few tentative words or last just long enough to create a masterpiece (or several) that would last forever and make a difference in the scheme of things. You don't know before you begin. Under the rules of the game, you really never know. You have to take a chance! Actually, no rule of the game states you must do anything. Instead of picking up and using the pen, you could leave it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up, unused. But if you do decide to use it, what would you do with it? How would you play the game? Would you plan and plan before you ever wrote a word? Would your plans be so extensive that you never even got to the writing? Or would you take the pen in hand, plunge1 right in and just do it, struggling to keep up with the twists and turns of the torrents2 of words that take you where they take you? Would you write cautiously and carefully, as if the pen might run dry the next moment, or would you pretend or believe (or pretend to believe) that the pen will write forever and proceed accordingly? You're listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. Now, suppose someone gave you a life...


英文诗歌短篇励志经典|英语诗歌经典100 篇 咖啡苦,回味无穷 ;伤痛苦,心里铭记 ;磨难苦,励志人心 ;感情苦,更显真心 ;生活苦,倍加珍惜。苦,让我们感谢生活 ;苦,让我们看到真心:虽苦犹甜。小编精心收集了短篇励 志经典英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇 1 ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 论变化 艾琳·邓莱普陈采霞译 变化是世界上 惟一绝对的东西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。 没有什么能一成不变, 明天将来临, 它会带来 新的开始,并且有时 还会带来意想不到的结局。 你可以抓住过去, 蒙受遗弃 ; 或者,你可以选择 跃上生命之车 进行一次新的冒险, 凭借坚持不懈 和广阔的胸怀。短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇 2 THE VALUE OF TIME


关于自然的英文诗歌欣赏 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《关于自然的英文诗歌欣赏》的内容,具体内容:自然界有很多现象使人莫名其妙。自然界有很多奇怪的现象有待我们探索。我精心收集了关于自然的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!关于自然的英文诗歌篇1Mother Nature... 自然界有很多现象使人莫名其妙。自然界有很多奇怪的现象有待我们探索。我精心收集了关于自然的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 关于自然的英文诗歌篇1 Mother Nature (自然之母) Nature, the gentlest mother, 自然,最温和的母亲, Impatient of no child, 没有孩子似的急躁, The feeblest or the waywardest, -- 即使对最微弱的和最任性的, Her admonition mild 她的训诫也是温和的。 In forest and the hill 在森林里,在小山中, By traveler is heard, 旅行者都可以听到, Restraining rampant squirrel 在遏制猖獗的松鼠, Or too impetuous bird. 或太鲁莽的鸟的时候, How fair her conversation, 她的言语是多么公正, A summer afternoon, -- 一个夏天午后,---- Her household, her assembly; 在她的家庭中, 在她的聚会上;

And when the sun goes down 当太阳下山的时候, Her voice among the aisles 过道中她的声音, Incites the timid prayer 激励了最微小的蟋蟀、 Of the minutest cricket, 最微不足道的花的, The most unworthy flower. 羞怯的祈祷。 When all the children sleep 当所有的孩子睡觉的时候, She turns as long away 她只要转身离开, As will suffice to light her lamps; 就会点亮足够的灯; Then, bending from the sky 然后从空中弯下身子, With infinite affection 满含着无限的爱, And infinite care, 无限的关怀, Her golden finger on her lip, 把金色的手指放在唇上, Wills silence everywhere. 嘱咐各处安静。 关于自然的英文诗歌篇2 The Peace of Wild Things When despair grows in me and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my childrens lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought


经典英文诗歌13首 精选十三首简易英文诗歌,全部来自英语诗歌大家之手,并配有中文翻译,希望能从这些诗歌的意境美和禅悦美中获取学习英语的乐趣,提高欣赏水平! 目录 【1】Rain雨 【2】What Does The Bee Do?蜜蜂做些什么呢? 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore 【4】THE WIND风 【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 【6】COLORS颜色 【7】A House Of Cards纸牌堆成的房子 【8】What Does Little Birdie Say? 【9】The Star星星 【10】At The Seaside海边

【11】Boats Sail On The Rivers 【12】The Swing秋千 【13】The Blossom花儿 【1】Rain雨 Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 【2】What Does The Bee Do? What does the bee do? 蜜蜂做些什么? Bring home honey. 把蜂蜜带回家。 And what does Father do? 父亲做些什么? Bring home money. 把钱带回家。

And what does Mother do? 母亲做些什么? Lay out the money. 把钱用光。 And what does baby do?婴儿做些什么? Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。 by C. G. Rossetti, 1830-1894 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧 (Part I) O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧 What have you brought for me? 你给我带来什么? Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚, Coral from the sea. 红的,白的。 (Part II) I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的,Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 In the stormy sea. 弱小昆虫做成的。 by C. G. Rossetti 【4】THE WIND风


[标签:标题] 篇一:最好的最全的最专业的英语诗歌鉴赏 一nothing gold can stay 1简介:《美景易逝(Nothing Gold Can Stay)》罗伯特?弗罗斯特的代表作之一。此诗于1923年写就,即于当年十月在《耶鲁杂志(The Yale Review)》上刊印出版,随后就被收录到弗罗斯特的一本名为《新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)》的诗集中。 2诗歌翻译: Nothing gold can stay 岁月留金 Nature's first green is gold, 大自然的第一抹新绿是金, Her hardest hue to hold. 也是她最无力保留的颜色.。 Her early leaf's a flower; 她初发的叶子如同一朵花,; But only so an hour. 然而只能持续若此一刹那。 Then leaf subsides leaf, 随之如花新叶沦落为旧叶。 So Eden sank to grief. 由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切, So down gose down to day, 破晓黎明延续至晃晃白昼。 Nothing gold can stay. 宝贵如金之物岁月难保留。 3诗歌赏析:这首诗揭示了一切真切而美好的事物最终定会逐渐消失的哲理。它同时也使用了独特的技巧来表现了季节的变化。想到了小时了了,大未必佳。一切都是转瞬即逝的,浮世有的只是转丸般的繁华。 二the road not taken 1诗歌简介:这首名诗《The Road NotTaken》形式是传统的抑扬格四音步,但音步可变(含有不少抑抑扬的成分);每节的韵式为abaab 。弗罗斯特写诗最大的特色就是善于运用眼前看似平淡无奇的事物,去表达一个深刻的哲理。这正如他在一首诗中写的:“黄色的树林里有两条岔开的路/可惜我不能在同一时间走两条路/我选择了少人行走的那条/这就造成了一切的差异。”诗人选择了诗歌,放下了在一所师范学校教书的职业以及那可能平坦,安稳的生活。他对自己说:写诗吧,穷就穷吧,于是他们就来了英国,在离伦敦不远的一个村子里找到了一座木板茅屋作为新家。 罗伯特弗罗斯特堪称美国20世纪90年代最受欢迎的诗人之一,是美国非官方的桂冠诗人,他一生致力于诗歌的创作,主要写作并出版了10部诗集,这一首是其第三部诗集《山的间隔》中的名篇。 2诗歌翻译: The Road Not Taken Robert Frost 未选择的路罗伯特?弗罗斯特 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 黄色的树林里分出两条路 And sorry I could not travel both 可惜我不能同时去涉足 And be one traveler, long I stood 我在那路口久久伫立 And looked down one as far as I could 我向着一条路极目望去 To where it bent in the undergrowth; 直到它消失在丛林深处 Then took the other, as just as fair, 但我却选择了另外一条路 And having perhaps the better claim,它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂 Because it was grassy and wanted wear;显得更诱人,更美丽 Though as for that the passing there 虽然在这两条小路上 Had worn them really about the same, 都很少留下旅人的足迹

经典英文诗歌the significance of failure失败的意义

经典英文诗歌——失败的意义 the significance of failure Robert H. Schuller 失败的意义 罗伯特·H·舒勒 Failure doesn t mean you are a failure, It does mean you haven t succeeded yet. 失败并不代表你是个失败者, 它只表明你尚未成功。 Failure doesn t mean you have accomplished nothing, It does mean you have learned something. 失败并不代表你一无所获, 它只表明你吸取了一次教训。 Failure doesn t mean you have been a fool, It does mean you had a lot of faith. 失败并不代表你很愚蠢, 它只表明你信心百倍。 Failure doesn t mean you ve been disgraced, It does mean you were willing to try. 失败并不代表你无脸见人, 它只表明你百折不回。 Failure doesn t mean you don t have it, It does mean you have to do something in a different way.失败并不代表你工夫白费, 它只表明你的做事方法尚待改进。 Failure doesn t mean you are inferior, It does mean you are not perfect. 失败并不代表你低人一等。 它只表明你并非完人。 Failure doesn t mean you ve wasted your life, It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.


关于英语短诗精选三篇 【篇一】关于英语短诗精选 心灵深处的音乐 The Music Within Life...What is it? See it in the colors of autumn, A gentle snowfall in winter, A sudden shower in spring, The radiance of a summer day. Behold it in the laughter Of the young and the old. Know of it in a surge of hope, The blessings that are bountiful. What is life? It is joy,awareness, And the music within Frow New Voice in American Poetry 心灵深处的音乐 心灵深处的音乐心灵深处的音乐心灵深处的音乐 生命是什么? 它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里,

飘融在轻柔无语的冬雪中, 在阵阵春雨里, 在绚丽夏日中。 它包含在老人爽朗的笑声里,也隐匿在孩子们天真的嬉戏中。它汹涌在人们的希望里, 它荡漾在美好的祝福中, 生命是什么? 是欢乐,是领悟, 是心灵深处的音乐 【篇二】关于英语短诗精选Forward is the pit Puppets go straight Sold to the fate Not struggle a bit They are willing To be the slaves Puzzled in graves It's really killing So I Rise to bellow


《When You Are Old 》 When you are old and gray and full of sleep And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true;But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead, And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. 当你老了(叶芝) 当你老了,白发苍苍,睡思昏沉, 在炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌, 慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和 回想它们过去的浓重的阴影; 多少人爱你年轻欢畅的时候 出于假意或真心地爱慕你的美貌, 只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂, 爱你老去的容颜的痛苦的皱纹。 躬身在红光闪耀的炉火旁, 凄然地低语,爱为何消逝, 在头顶的山上,它缓缓踱着步子, 将脸隐没在群星之中。 --------------------------------------------------- 世事沧桑话鸣鸟 作者:〔美国〕罗伯特·潘·沃伦 那只是一只鸟在晚上鸣叫,认不出是什么鸟,当我从泉边取水回来,走过满是石头的牧场,


1. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAILURE Robert H. Schuller Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure,It does mean you haven’t succeeded yet. Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing,It does mean you have learned something. Failure doesn’t mean you have been a fool,It does mean you had a lot of faith. Failure doesn’t mean you’ve been disgraced,It does mean you were willing to try. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it,It does mean you have to do something in a different way. Failure doesn’t mean you are inferior,It does mean you are not perfect. Failure doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your life,It does mean you have a reason to start afresh. Failure doesn’t mean you should give up,It does mean you must try harder. Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never make it,It does mean it will take a little longer. Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you,It does mean God has a better idea. 失败的意义 罗伯特·H·舒勒陈采霞译 失败并不代表你是个失败者,它只表明你尚未成功。失败并不代表你一无所获,它只表明你吸取了一次教训。失败并不代表你很愚蠢,它只表明你信心百倍。失败并不代表你无脸见人,它只表明你百折不回。失败并不代表你工夫白费,它只表明你的做事方法尚待改进。失败并不代表你低人一等。它只表明你并非完人。失败并不代表你浪费生命,它只表明你有理由重新开始。失败并不代表你应该放弃,它只表明你要加倍努力。失败并不代表成功永不属于你,它只表明你要付出更多的时间。失败并不代表上帝已经抛弃你,它只表明上帝还有更好的主意。 2. FOLLOW YOUR OWN COURSE Neil Simon Don t listen to those who say,"It’s not done that way.” Maybe it’s not, but maybe you will. Don’t listen to those who say,"Y ou’re taking too big a chance.” Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor,and it would surely be rubbed out by today. Most importantly, don’t listen When the little voice of fear inside of your ear its ugly head and says,"They’re all smarter than you out there. They’re more talented,They’re taller, blonder, prettier, luckier and have connections……"I firmly believe that if yo u follow a path that interests you,Not to the exclusion of love,sensitivity, and cooperation with others,But with the strength of conviction That you can move others by your own efforts,And do not make success or failure the criteria by which you live,The chances are you’ll be a person worthy of your own respect. 走自己的路尼尔·西蒙陈采霞译 别听那些人的话,"这事不能那么做。"也许是不能那么做,可是也许你就会那么做。别听那些人的话,"你这个险冒得太大了。"米开朗琪罗可能在西斯廷教堂的地板上作过画,到今天肯定已经被抹掉了。最重要的是,当你心中恐惧的声音,抬起它丑陋的头说,"那边那些人都比你聪明,他们更有才华,他们更高大、皮肤更白、更漂亮、更幸运,并且认识各种各样的人…"你可千万别理会。我坚信只要选择一条你感兴趣的路,不排除爱情、敏锐以及与别人的合作,而是坚定地认为,通过你自身的努力能够感动他人,不把成功或者失败作为你生活的标准,那么你就可能成为值得自己敬佩的人。

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