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Unit 2 Interpreting for Reception Service 接待口译

2—1 Greetings at the Airport 机场迎宾


1.人力资源部经理Manager of Human Resources Division

2. top-notch 顶尖的/拔尖的

notch: 槽口/凹口

3.百忙中抽空take time from one’s busy schedule

4. run into a storm 撞上/偶遇风暴

run into=run across=meet sb/sth accidently

by chance


5.倒时差to get over the jet-lag

6.设宴洗尘to hold a reception party in one’s honor



Excuse me, sir, is this Prof. Tallack from London?


是的,我叫戴嘉佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。泰莱克教授,我一直在此恭候您的到来。Yes, I am Daijiajia, Manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group. I have been expecting you, Prof. Tallack.



We are very happy that you made it in spite of the tiring trip. We are very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice.


嗯,长途旅行之后您一定很累了,您还得倒时差呢。行李都齐了,我们直接回宾馆吧。Well, you must be very tired after the long trip, and you have to get over the jet-lag. We have got a ll the luggage, haven’t we? Let’s drive directly to the hotel.



Good, we will take you to the hotel for a good rest. You don’t have to get up early tomorrow. Here’s the schedule for tomorrow. We will host a reception lunch in your honor. And then you will meet Chairman of the Board in the afternoon. We will take you to an acrobatic show in the evening, a typical Chinese acrobatic show. How do you like that, Prof. Tallack?

2—2 Hotel Accommodation 宾馆入住


1.旅行社travel agency/travel service

2. itinerary 路线/旅行预定路线 a route or proposed route of a journey

3.豪华套房deluxe/luxury suite

4. 8折优惠价 a good rate with 20% off

5.总台Front Desk

6.餐饮部Catering Service

7.洗熨部Laundry Service

2—3 Banquet Service 宴会招待


1. maneuver v/n v 调遣/操纵

n 策略/巧计/花招/伎俩

artful handling of affairs/a strategic action

2.大自然所赐予的Mother Nature grants

3.色/香/味/形color, aroma, taste, appearance


5.食物的质地the selection of raw materials with quality texture

6.原汁原味original flavor

7.皮薄汁醇with thin and translucent wrappers and rich tasty soup

8.皮脆肉嫩with a crispy skin and tender meat

9.好戏还在后头have more surprises to expect



Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. It gives me a great pleasure to host the banquet in honor of our dear friends and dedicated experts, and celebrate the successful conclusion of our talks. In particular, I’d like to thank Ms. Kelland for her coming. Without her last-minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere, probably in the middle of negotiations, I am afraid.



Shanghai cuisine, usually called Bengbang cuisine, is the youngest among the major regional cuisines in China, with a history of more than 400 years. Like all other Chinese regional cuisines, Bengbang cuisine takes “color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements. It emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors.

2—4 Getting Around 参观访问


1.高科技园区High-tech Park

2.鸟瞰to take a bird’s-eye view of sth

3.走马观花cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horseback

4.言归正传come back to the story

5.优惠政策preferential policies

6.与国际管理体制接轨operating under the management system of international standards

7.一条龙服务 a stream-lined one-stop service

8.绿草成茵stretches of green grass

9.流水潺潺streams murmuring

10.鸟儿啁啾birds chirping

11.四季花香fragrant flowers blossoming all year round



I really like your humor, sir. Now, let me come back to our story. Jinghe High-Tech Park enjoys

a superior location, with the Capital Beijing as the backdrop,, facing the vast expanse of the Bo Sea, bordered by Jingjintang Expressway to the east. It takes only 30 minutes to reach the Capital’s International Airport, 20 minutes to get to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station, and an hour to arrive at the Tianjin New Harbor.



The construction of the Park was undertaken in two phases with the first covering 588 acres comprising 28 industrial lots as well as R&D, administrative and support facilities. And the second phases covers an area of 525 acres with 22 industrial lots.



A golf course lies on its east, the Moon River to its west, and a kilometer –wide green belt to its north. Inside the Park, industries cluster in the east and residences concentrate in the west. In-between you find the public service area.



To ensure the quality of the local environment, we stick steadfastly to our development strategy of “attracting investment with a green environment and maintaining a green environment through investment”.


各位大家好 我就是jacky,那个帖子《我如何用一年考上欧盟口译司》一文的作者。 我一直都想把这种系统的方法能够通过一个很好的方式传递给其他人,让更多的人找到梦想,发现真谛。 所以,我和朋友们一起集中智慧,起草了下面的这个操作的原则和程序,算作是一次大型的免费口译培训,希望你能够看懂,如果有什么问 题,可以回帖,如果没有,就可以直接开始了,一共六个月的进程,如果你能严格执行下来,考上二级口译应该没问题 1 分为6个不同的阶段,也就是6个月,到什么阶段,达到什么程度 2 在论坛上法帖,监督自己学习,也接受别人的监督, 3 完成了一个阶段,给负责人发邮件,才可以收到下一阶段的学习指示,所以大家必须要学习后在论坛上发帖,证明你每天都在学习,我们的 方法,只能提供给真正热爱的朋友。 4 办一个经验口译员解答专栏。稍候我们会开通这个服务 7 有关学习的具体进程: 第一个月: 模仿新闻1h + 新闻精听2h 基本上听新闻同类话题可以大致理解 第二个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约50-60%,语言能力得到增长,语音有所转变 第三个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约70-80%,基本上达到语言的运用有了一定积 累,新闻听力一次准确理解大约80-90%,语言运用比较正规,能够用新闻和标准的语言来表述一些复杂论点,开始笔记练习 第五个月: (该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力进入快速阶段,越来越好。语言能力继续提升,笔记基本上能够纪录短时间的文章 第六个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力达到接


林超伦实战口译笔记实例详解 时间:2008-10-06 16:02来源:实战口译网站作者:林超伦点击:5367次 在这里,我将举实例介绍我的笔记方法,以及我如何以笔记与大脑短期记忆互动的方式保证译文的精确度。 由于口译条件的限制,其精确度不能以笔译的尺度衡量,也没有必要这样做。口译的听众与笔译的读者,需求不同,预期也不同。 由于使用实例讲解,无法把口译要点分门别类地举例。我将顺着例子讲下去。讲完之后,各项要点也就都包括其中了。 人脑思维速度极快,一闪而过的念头,解说起来会显得繁杂。不过,我希望你能在开始时,多一点耐心。很快你就会发现,我的讲解读起来似乎繁杂,但背后的思路,也就是说一旦使用起来,要明快得多。 开始前,提醒一下,不要忘了笔记是必需和记忆互动的。二者缺一不可。以下的实例解说,均以此为基础。 讲话原文 Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. 第一层次:一个箭头,加97,再加"选",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"1997年大选之后"。 第二层次:一个"工"加圆圈,提醒"工"字后面还有话。另外,一条垂直线体现出第二层与第一层有关联。此后一个箭头,再加"权",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"工党上台掌权"。

第三层次:一个"M"加圆圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。从短期记忆中回顾出"宏观经济框架"。 接着,一条横线体现关联,线后一个"改"字,于是补齐译文:"对宏观经济框架进行了改革"。 最后划圈,带横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:使用的4个汉字都经过"理顺"。其中2个是一笔成字。 The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth. 承上启下:一划从上段的"改"字左斜拉下来,接着往右一拐弯。足以从短期记忆中回顾出:"改革的目的"。 第一层次:写一个"框"字。从短期记忆中顺着上文,不难说出:"是为了提供一个框架"。 届此,听到"improved",随之划一条上行箭头,再补一个"M"加圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。这样就不难说出:"以改善宏观经济稳定"。 若担心"M"不够,则可以加"稳"字,或一条水平横线代表之。 第二层次:此时,已听到"and economic growth",于是在"M"之下写"经"字,或"E"外带上弧线。这就不难说出:"促进经济增长"。 最后划个圈,顺手一横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:采用了同传里的断句和变通技巧,在"框架"后断句,"improved"翻做"改善";加"经济增长"前加"促进"两字完句。


口译笔记常用符号及含义 ∵因为,由于,幸亏,because, for, as, due to, thanks to ∴所以,因此,于是,so, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, consequently, accordingly // 但是,然而,不过,相反,but, however, whereas, though, nevertheless, instead, contrast ∫如果,假设,if, once, provided that, in case (of), had I known, were this to happen + 另外,和,并且,连同,以及,加上,and, as well as, too, plus, add, moreover, besides = 也就是,即,意味着,等同于,which means, that is, in other words, equal to, same, similar ≠不同于,不如,不相当,different, unlike, not the same, unequal ≈大约,估计,大概,about, almost, nearly, estimated > 大于,多于,超过,高于,好于,more than, better than, superior to, surpass, exceed < 小于,少于,低于,次于,less than, inferior to ↑增长,发展,提高,升级,increase, raise, improve, develop, grow, boost, enhance ↓减少,下降,降低,decrease, decline, descend, reduce, cut, fall, drop →导致,引起,引发,到,向,去,to, lead to, cause, result in, bring about, contribute to ←由,自,归因于,result from, attributed to, credited to √正确,好,妥善,真实,肯定,good, true, correct, yes, well, positive, confirm, genuine ×错误,不是,否定,无效,负面,坏,bad, wrong, not, negative, false, rather than ?属于,包括,包含,例如,belong to, including, part of, contain, such as, for example ∑总和,总数,总之,一句话,结论,sum, all, conclusion, in one word, summary, in brief @ 关于,有关,相关,about, on, relevant, related, concerning, with regard to ? 问题,麻烦,难题,疑惑,ask, question, problem, trouble, confused, difficulty, issue ! * 重要,重视,注意,警告,强调,important, focus, alert, attention, warning, stress, emphasize :说到,表示,提出,认为,想,相信,say, speak, tell, express, think, believe, be sure that <: 看到,了解到,意识到,考虑到,表明,显示出,see, know, show, imply □国家,地区,country, state, nation, region, area, ○世界,国际,全球,world, international, global, earth ⊙会议,讨论,谈判,meeting, conference, discussion, negotiation, seminar, summit h 主持,领导,主席,host, head, leader, chairman, president △代表,represent, on behalf of ∽互相,彼此,交换,交流,替代,each other, exchange, mutual, replace ?改变,变化,变形,转变,change, alter, transform ﹩美元,货币,金钱,财富,dollar, money, currency, fortune ﹟结束,停止,暂停,完成,stop, pause, end, finish, complete ⊥基础,根本,建立,根据,通过,凭借,based on, establish, according to, through ∪同意,认可,一致,协议,联合,agree, agreement, united, union ?高兴,荣幸,激动,乐观,满意,happy, pleasure, excited, privilege, honor, satisfied, luck ?难过,抱歉,同情,哀悼,后悔,生气,sad, sorrow, grief, sorry, sympathy, regret, angry °右上角标,表示人,者,家,如:中国人中°,Economist E° s右上角标,表示复数概念,如:几年来y s,各国□s _ 放在时间周围表示之前、之中和之后,如:2年前2y ,1年来1y ,6月后6M 放在缩略词或符号下,用于强调或加强语气,如:充分认识到<: ,深表赞同U


国内外口译笔记研究综述 口译,是通过口译员在极其有限的时间内,听辨原语,进行理解和解码(即建立意义单位,脱离语言外壳,从整体上把握信息),然后进行信息储存(脑记辅以笔记),再在头脑中转换信息,进行信息编码,最后创造性地用目标语“复述”给受众的一个过程。口译的时间性和加工过程的复杂性,要求译员熟练的掌握各种专业技能,而口译笔记就是即席传译(交替传译)中必须掌握的一种(吴钟明,2008:1)。 口译笔记法是口译员在紧张的会场气氛中,在不干扰听辨源语的情况下,迅速地以简便的符号、文字等记录讲话重点内容信息的一种笔记方法。他只需要记录重点语义信息点和语言逻辑结构。简单来说,它是由符号、文字加上斜线以及并列符、连接符和趋向符等来体现句与句之间的逻辑关系(吴钟明,2008:1)。口译笔记能对大脑短时记忆起到很好的辅助作用和提示作用。其重要性主要体现在,它能有效地减轻译员大脑的负担,弥补其短时记忆的不足。另外,口译中做笔记的过程也是一个很好的思维整理过程,有助于译员把被动记忆转化为主动记忆,提高口译记忆的效率(王斌华,2006:26)。 Danica Seleskovitch在对比“字面直译”和“反思性翻译”的基础上提出了“脱离语言外壳”的理念,成为巴黎学派的“释意理论”的源头(仲伟合,2012:28)。他和Marianne Lederer于20世纪70年代提出了释意理论,构建了一个“口译三角模型”,强调译员在理解的过程中应“脱离语言外壳”,抓住意义(仲伟合,2012:30,77)。20世纪90年代以来,以Gile(1990;1994a,1994b)为代表的不少学者开始质疑释意理论,认为其研究方法缺乏实证性的检验,研究路径缺乏与相关学科的互动交流,术语界定过于模糊(仲伟合,2012:35)。Gile(1995/2011)构建了交替传译和同声传译“认知负荷模型”假说,指出了两个可能导致口译过程中出现认知处理问题的触发原因:一个事单个任务的精力分配不够;二是任务总和的认知负荷接近饱和水平。从理论的经验层面来看,该假说可以用于解释一些口译的策略,如笔记要力求精简,记录过程尽量自动化,以求单个任务所占用的精力少一些(仲伟合,2012:36-37)。 根据在CNKI和web of science上搜索得到的数据,1995年至2014年间,国内共发表口译(英汉)笔记研究方面的论文125篇,国外共发表论文8篇(目前图书馆资源只有这么多),研究内容主要集中在以下4个方面:口译笔记技巧与策略,口译笔记教学,口译笔记理论和口译笔记发在其他英语教学领域的中的应用。这里主要叙述口译笔记技巧与策略和笔记教学。 1.笔记技巧与策略主要归纳和总结了笔记的语言,格式,方法,工具,符号和缩略语


考中高口的朋友们啊(不管是笔试还是口试!)都用得着的啊:口译笔记训练——笔记法实例解析!!(配图片!) 首先要说明,内容来源于网络,感谢原作作者Eric的辛勤付出!! Notetaking 1 去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。党中央、国务院把人民群众的身体健康和生命安全放在第一位,及时研究和部署防治非典工作。将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内实行群防群控。国务院和地方政府成立防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预防、救治工作紧张有序进行。 China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Com mittee and the State Council gave top priority to protecting people's health and live s and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforc ed the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Res ponse, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of th e SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout t he country to control the outbreak. The State Council and local governments establi shed anti-SARS headquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and to make full use of primary-level organizations in both urban and rural areas, s o as to ensure that prevention and treatment work was done quickly and orderly.


口译初学者,从无笔记口译转入到有笔记口译训练的阶段,往往陷入听的懂却不记不下来或者一记笔记就无法听的困境,甚至手忙脚乱,不知所措。to listening or to note-taking,that is a problem.主要原因有三:一是听辨能力不过关,不能很好的分辨意群和主次信息;二是,精力分配(effort coordination),只能将注意力放在听上或者写上,无法找到听和记之间的平衡。三是,笔记技巧不熟,没有形成自己的笔记体系。 口译笔记是大脑短期记忆的有效补充。用的好,会成为译员手上的大杀器;用不好,会成为译员的绊脚石。在纵写布局、并列式叠加分布、分层缩进等通用原则基础上,口译学习者应该结合自己的思维特点和理解习惯,设计个人的笔记体系。经过一定量的练习,并采用一定的方法,则可以形成简洁和便利的口译笔记。 第一步——无限时中文视记练习:即看着中文文本,边进行逻辑分析,边记口译笔记。无时间限制,认真分析原文结构,进行笔记。笔记完毕后,不看原文,用中文或者英文读出笔记记录的内容。对同一个段落可以反复练习三到四遍,直到产生最简洁有效的笔记。该练习,由于无听辨烦扰、无时间压力,初学者可以充分熟悉笔记技巧,初步设计出自己的笔记体系。

第二步——英文视记练习:步骤同中文视记练习。练习时,需体会中、英文语言差异对笔记带来的影响。 第三步——限时视记练习:以正常语速朗读文章,记录下朗读完毕所需要的时间。然后以稍长于刚才朗读时间的时间段为限,在限定时间内,看着中文/英文文本,记口译笔记。比如,如果朗读完原文的时间为1分30秒,则限定时间可为1分45秒,在1分45秒内要完成笔记,然后用中文或英文读出笔记。 如果能在1分45秒内完成所有笔记,则将限定时间定为1分35秒,然后笔记、阅读笔记。达到目标后,将时间限定为1分25秒-30秒,然后记笔记、阅读笔记。该练习,可以模拟听记时的时间压力,培养迅速的区分主次信息、选择笔记记忆点的能力。 第四步——中文听记练习:听中文原文,然后记笔记,记完之后用中文或英文翻译刚才记录的内容。同一段落可以反复练习两遍,并将两遍笔记进行对比和分析,找出问题所在。多余中国学生,由于中文是母语,听力和输入不是问题。放在听辨上的精力要远远小于听英文时的精力,可以帮助学习者练习听辨及笔记的结合,练习精力分配,找到听和记的平衡点。


Notetaking 1 去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。党中央、国务院把人民群众的身体健康和生命安全放在第一位,及时研究和部署防治非典工作。将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内实行群防群控。国务院和地方政府成立防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预防、救治工作紧张有序进行。 2.China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Committee and the State Council gave top priority to protecting people's health and lives and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of the SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak. The State Council and local governments established anti-SARS headquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and to make full use of primary-level organizations in both urban and rural areas, so as to ensure that prevention and treatment work was done quickly and orderly.


非常感谢谁与争锋还保留着咱们的笔记讨论的帖子,无疑是对我们最大的鼓励相信我们一定可以做得更好!! ric otetaking 1 去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。党中央、国务院把人民群众的身体和部署防治非典工作。将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预 .China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Ce ave top priority to protecting people's health and lives and promptly inves nd treat it. We enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Pre iseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response, isease. We reported the facts of the SARS situation exactly as they we hroughout the country to control the outbreak. The State Council and loc eadquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and rganizations in both urban and rural areas, so as to ensure that preventio nd orderly.

口译笔记法课堂练习1(汉英-句子) 原文

要求:阅读下列10个中文句子,找出其中的关键词并作口译笔记。(可按下列步骤进行:a. 先自行学习群共享里上传的《笔记法符号体系与分类》; b. 快速扫视句中关键词; c. 用符号等做笔记; d. 将自己的笔记与群共享里上传的《口译笔记练习示范1》比较,看还有哪些地方可以改进。注意:第4、5、9句中有些符号是英文单词的缩写,可在英文译文中参见其原文。如果有时间,可学习并背诵英文译文,这是一个重要的语言积累过程。以后课堂上可能有笔记法的抽查测试哦!) 口译笔记法课堂练习1 1.我们必须坚持国际建设与经济建设协调发展。 We must maintain a balance between the nation’s defense construction and its economic development. 2.我们成功地避免了经济的大起大落,避免了物价的过度上涨。 We have been successful in avoiding major ups and downs in the economy and preventing excessive price hikes. 3.双方贸易与合作迅速发展的主要原因在于两国的经济有着很强的互补性。 A major reason for the rapid development of bilateral trade and cooperation rests with the fact that the economics of the two countries have a strong nature of mutual supplementation. 4.人民币的汇率问题一直是国际上很关心的一个问题,中国有很多重要的贸易伙伴都敦促中国要采取更为灵活 的人民币汇率机制。 The renminbi question has been the focus of world attention, with many foreign trading partners urging China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate. 5.中美两国在世界上具有很大的影响力,两国人民都希望保持和发展健康、稳定的关系。这种关系有利于亚太 地区、乃至世界其他地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。 Both China and the United States exert a considerable influence in the world, and the two peoples wish to maintain and develop healthy and stable ties. Such a relationship is also beneficial to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world. 6.中国民间贸易在对外贸易中起着重要的作用, 与此同时, 中国与世界各国政府间的贸易联系, 也得到了巨大 而持续的发展。 While China’s nongovernmental businesses are playing a more pivotal role in foreign trade, governmental business contacts between China and the rest of the world also saw remarkable and continuous growth. 7.我们的目标是进口我国现代化建设所需要的先进技术和设备以及国内市场短缺的原料。 Our goal is to import advanced technology and equipment needed for our modernization drive and materials which are in short supply domestically. 8.以农村税费改革为核心的农村改革, 主要是解决农村上层建筑不适应经济基础的某些环节。 Rural reform centers on refom of the rural taxes and (administrative) fees, and the purpose is to change those elements in the superstructure in the rural area that are no longer consistent with the economic phase. 9.中国将逐步开放电信基础业务和增值业务市场,允许外资在中国直接投资并建立合资企业。 China will gradually lift its restrictions on the telecommunicahons infrastructure market and the value-adding market, allowing foreign companies to invest directly in China or to set up joint ventures. 10.要全方位地开拓国际市场,市场多元化是立于不败之地的关键。 It is important to tap the market potential around the world. And geogaphical market diversification is the key to surviving the unsteady world market.


口译的速记法 来源:口译-学院精品课程作者:杨杰发表日期: 2008-4-21 14:00:50 阅读次数: 3671 查看权限:普通文章 口译按其活动性质大致可以分为三种:联络口译(Liaison Interpreting)、随从传译(Personal Interpreting)、和会议传译(Conference Interpreting)。会议传译多用于正式谈判和大型的国际会议、讲座等场合,按其工作方式又分为同声传译(Simultaneous Interpreting)和交替传译(Consecutive Interpreting)。此时,译员要完整地记住一篇演讲或持续几分钟的讲话,会觉非常困难。口译笔记速记法就成为会议传译的基本技巧。 口译笔记速记法,可以用英文词“STENOGRAPHY”来表示,其意指“快速的记录方法”。然而,必须强调的是,口译笔记速记与课堂笔记或听写完全不一样。口译笔记速记是为了当场的记忆,只要记录讲话的概要或关键词,不必全文记录,只用简单的文字和各种符号和缩写,突出重点、达到提示的目的即可。 中国的口译学者在长期的实践过程中,创造了一种口译笔记速记方法。如下面图表一所示,主要是由符号和缩写构成。 图表一:口译笔记速记法的结构: | ||

符号可分为狭义的和广义的两种。狭义符号多数是一些图象符号,如□= “国家”;◎= “会议”等;广义符号大都是数学符号、标点符号,以及一些特殊符号。这些符号直观地意示一个概念,不是特指词义,如X = “错误的、不对的、否定的、被拒绝的”等广义的概念。缩写包括时间、数字、国名地名、常用缩写词和英文长字的缩写。英文长字的缩写采用古代羊皮纸英语记录的一种方法:取长字的最前三、四个字母,再上标最后的一个或两个字母。例如:PRODUCTION,可以记录为“Prod n”。 举一例说明英汉口译速记的特点: Last year a Sino-American symposium on agricultural production was held in Hong Kong. There were 20 Agricultural scientists from Britain, Canada, the United states, France, Italy, Japan and Singapore. Besides, over 100 participants came from China. 这段英文可以速记成: 从以上例子可以看到,英汉口译的速记有两大特点:其一,突出中心、提示要点。速记的内容应该是寥寥几个关键词,用符号或缩写快速记录,达到短期记忆。其二,既有规则,又有个性。译员可以根据自己的经验和个性,灵活运用和优化这种速记法。常用的符号和缩写词汇,可参见图表二。 图表二:口译速记法的符号和缩写例举:


口译笔记练习 Celebrating the Spring Festival Distinguished guests, On this most beautiful evening with numerous shining stars in the sky, on behalf of General Madam Ouyang and all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the people here for taking the time off their busy schedule, at the busiest time of the year, to come to our Chinese New Year’s party. We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us. In particular, we are very fortunate tonight to have the attendance of our friends with the Benson’s Electronics Company, who came here all the way from Canada. I feel very proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests with us, in celebration of our Spring Festival. We have done and will continue to do our best to make this evening most relaxing, most enjoyable and most memorable for you. I hope you will have a good time enjoying the traditional Chinese cuisine and drinking the unique Chinese wine to your hearts content. So help yourself. In a moment, you will enjoy the authentic Chinese performance given by some talented young employees of our company. We will have a lot of fun tonight. While at work in the company, we, Chinese as well as


口译笔记训练——笔记法实例解析(配图片) Notetaking 1 去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。党中央、国务院把人民群众的身体健康和生命安全放在第一位,及时研究和部署防治非典工作。将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内实行群防群控。国务院和地方政府成立防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预防、救治工作紧张有序进行。 China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Com mittee and the State Council gave top priority to protecting people's health and live s and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforc ed the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Res ponse, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of th e SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout t he country to control the outbreak. The State Council and local governments establi shed anti-SARS headquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and to make full use of primary-level organizations in both urban and rural areas, s o as to ensure that prevention and treatment work was done quickly and orderly.


如何正确地进行口译练习 ——Oriented Practice 口译学习中,如果不能合理的练习,就会失去方向,迷失在浩如烟海的口译资料中,我们需要的是oriented-practice。 1、Fun-oriented——怀着兴趣练习,不要让口译练习功利化。口译学习,和乐器的学习有相似之处,需要在大量的练习、反复练习,去掌握每一个技巧。对于重复的东西,难免会让人厌烦和疲倦,没有兴趣的支撑,很难坚持下来。兴趣,会让你主动练习,用热情克服重复带来的枯燥。口译学习,是异常枯燥的,请在你想练习的时候练习,在“喜欢口译”的状态下练习,在兴趣化的练习中去寻找口译的乐趣。 2、Task-oriented——不要盲目练习,需要为练习设定特定的目标和任务,然后进行仅针对性的练习。不要想起什么练什么,口译任务需要明确化,合理的分配自己的时间和精力,把相关技巧和方法学精、学实,不要眉毛胡子一把抓。 3、Individual-oriented——口译是highly individual activity。一千个人眼里,有一千个哈姆雷特。由于个人思维方式和语言习惯的不同,相同的口译技巧,在每个人身上得到的效果却不一样。Skill and methods are common, while you are unique.需要按照自己的思维方式、语言习惯和性格特点,寻找最适合自己的练习方法。 4、Persistence-oriented——要成为一名合格的口译员,需要大量的练习,需要毅力和坚持。合理练习的情况下,练习量达到500个tape hour(1tape hour≈2.2hour,即听一小时,翻译1.2小时)或者口译笔记量达到500张A4纸(正反面),交传可以出师。练习量达到1000-1200tape hour,同传可以出师。要成为口译员,没有速成药,也没有任何捷径,踏踏实实的练习才是王道。 5、Intensity-oriented——口译,需要长时间的练习,也需要高效的练习。需要有持久战的准备,也需要攻坚战的心态。同样的内容,60个小时的练习量,每天练习2个小时,连续30天,就不如每天6个小时,每周5天,连续两周。趁热打铁,短周期、高强度的练习,最出效果。三天打鱼,两天晒网,是大忌之大忌。 6、Analysis-oriented——练习时,要带着脑子练习,善于发现问题并分析问题。学口译遇到问题要学会问5个为什么。听完,翻不出,一问,为什么翻不出?如是笔记问题,二问,笔记问题何在?如是笔记结构问题,三问,结构问题何在?如是听辨输入问题,四问问题何在?如是听力问题,五问听力问题何在。以此类推,追本溯源。只有不断发现问题,才能解决问题,否则口译学习很难进步。


第四单元口译笔记技巧(I) 第一部分技能篇 1.1 口译笔记的重要性 正式谈判和会议等场合的连续传译,其成败很大程度上取决于记录的好坏。连续传译是在讲话人完成全文或一个完整的意思之后,再把原文译给听众。一个要把一篇讲话(可能持续几分钟或几十分钟)完整地记住,是非常困难的,很少有能做到这一点。有时一段话可能延续几分钟,并且常常会出现数字、人名和地名等,要准确、完整和快捷地转达发言人的意思,只靠口译员大脑的记忆是不够的。因此与其他口译技巧相比,作口译笔记是连续传译中最基本的技巧。如果记录方法掌握得好,能运用自如,又能临场发挥,所作的记录甚至可以在一定程度上弥补其他技巧方面的不足。 1.2 口译笔记的特点 1.2.1 与课堂笔记的区别 a.目的不同 学生对课堂笔记或讲座的笔记方法都是非常熟悉的。学生听课时,往往把老师所讲的主要内容记录下来,特别是教科书当中没有的内容,

甚至是一些例句,其主要目的是便于课后复习、巩固,便于举一反三。对于某些学生来说,恐怕是为了应付考试。 而口译中所作的记录是为了记录讲话的概况,保证口译的顺利进行,但并非一定要照读记录,有时可以略看上一眼;有些内容较熟悉,也可不看,甚至还有可能完全不看。 b.时效性不同 由于两种笔记目的的不同,因此口译记录与课堂笔记从所需时间看也大不一样,课堂笔记保留的时间通常较长,为了日后加以巩固,课堂笔记应详细、清楚,口译笔记仅仅是为了当场使用,无需一年以后,一个月以后,一天以后,甚至一小时以后再去查阅翻译记录,由于刚刚听过讲话,对其内容还有较深刻的印象,所以可不必要全文记下来,只要作简单记号,达到提示的目的即可。口译工作一经结束,这些记录也就失去了使用价值。 c.方法不同 由于目的和时效性不同,口译记录与一般课堂笔记或会议记录的方法也完全不同,口译笔记往往只记几个重点词,且用上一些只有本人能明白的符号、箭头等,其他笔记往往比较详细,如课堂上,当老师讲某个单词的用法时,常会举例,而且老师往往会重复例句,让学生有时间写上完整的句子,以便课后温故。


初学者英语口译练习步骤 初学者英语口译练习步骤 有很多英语口语初学者对于英语口译练习很迷茫,找不到方向。在此,和大家分享的是英语口语练习的黄金六步走!希望能对大家的 口译练习有所帮助! 口译初学者,从无笔记口译转入到有笔记口译训练的阶段,往往陷入听的懂却不记不下来或者一记笔记就无法听的困境,甚至手忙 脚乱,不知所措。tolisteningortonote-taking,thatisaproblem. 主要原因有三: 一是听辨能力不过关,不能很好的分辨意群和主次信息。听辨理解是关键。我们在练习英译汉的听译过程中,很多时候并不能将句 子完整、清晰地表达出来,有时甚至整句都没理解,归根究底是因 为没听懂。口译是将源语言进行一系列的加工整合后用译入语表达 出来的过程。由此可见,听辨理解是基础,是译员翻译的关键 二是,精力分配(effortcoordination),只能将注意力放在听上或者写上,无法找到听和记之间的平衡; 三是,笔记技巧不熟,没有形成自己的笔记体系。 口译笔记是大脑短期记忆的有效补充。用的好,会成为译员手上的大杀器;用不好,会成为译员的绊脚石。在纵写布局、并列式叠加 分布、分层缩进等通用原则基础上,口译学习者应该结合自己的思 维特点和理解习惯,设计个人的笔记体系。经过一定量的练习,并 采用一定的方法,则可以形成简洁和便利的口译笔记。 第一步——无限时中文视记练习:即看着中文文本,边进行逻 辑分析,边记口译笔记。无时间限制,认真分析原文结构,进行笔记。笔记完毕后,不看原文,用中文或者英文读出笔记记录的内容。对同一个段落可以反复练习三到四遍,直到产生最简洁有效的笔记。

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