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篇一:英文上海雾霾演讲稿 My speech

As e all kno, a couple of days ago, a huge bronish haze covered Shanghai. Many people ere forced to ear masks in order to protect themselves because the heavy haze can cause breathing problems as ell diseases like headaches or even heart-attacks.

Due to the bad effects from the air pollution, a green and clear environment is the apple of the hole orld’s eye. To avoid most of the pollution and help make our environment better, I have some advices: Firstly, e should go out as fe times as possible. This is truly a ay, but not a good one. Secondly, the government should bring out las hich limit the pollution of cars and factories. The air pollution ill decrease sharply if the cars and factories stop letting out harmful gases. Thirdly, e should enhance the aareness of environment protection and build up the thought of have a green life. For middle school students like us, e should sort the trash and try to alk on foot or use bikes as transportation as much as possible.

Air pollution has bee a serious problem here in China no. Considering health problems, some timely measures should be taken to overe this problem.

I don’t have daydreams, ishing China ill bee a country ith the best environment. I just hope e can breathe freely. All I ant no is just a

little fresh air. I think, perhaps most of you have the same thought…….篇二:有关雾霾演讲稿雾



















应该如何避免呢。这里我给大家几点建议。1雾霾天气少开窗 2雾霾

天气外出时戴口罩 3多喝清肺的茶饮 4适量补充维生素D 5雾霾天



Smog ------ the killer among us

Hello everyone, this is Charlotte. Have ever consider about your on health? If you have, have you ever noticed an almost invisible killer among us? First, let’s take a look at these


This is a picture of our capital, Beijing. And this is a picture of the Ne YorkCity.You almost can’t see the World Trade Center.The hole city is under control by some terrible smoke, but they’re not exactly smoke, they’re actually smog.

What does the ord smog e from? The ord &;smog&; as made in the

early 20th century as a portmanteau of the ords smoke and fog to

refer to smoky fog.Smog usually forms in industrial areas or areas of high population, hich release large amounts of air pollution, such as smoke or gases.

You may not feel anything by these pale ords. So, let’s talk about the smog among us. On September 30th, terrible smog shoed up in Beijing. And the researchers pointed out that half of the days in Beijing in October are covered ith smog. And on October 22nd, Harbin became the

first city hich stopped the classes in China. On November the 2nd,the Korean media said the smog in China is the most serious pollution in human history. And on December 5th, our hometon, Nanjing, forced to stop all the classes in schools.

All of these made me think ------ are there any other countries hich have the same experience as China? The anser is yes. In London in early

December 1952, Londoners did hat they usually did in the coldinters;

they burned more coal to heat up their homes. Then on December 5th, 1952, a layer of dense fog engulfed the city and stayed for five days. Pollution, hich many had thought as just a part of city life, had killed 12,000 people. It as time for change.

Then as e kno, London spent around 50 years to fix all of these. We

all kno that smog is a kind of air pollution. But, do you really kno hat effects they can make to our health? I found this passage on the

internet hich says that the health effects include coughing, asthma, difficulty breathing and lung damage. And also some of the researchessay that smog also causes lo birth rate. This is really horrible indeed.

So, if no I ask you to make a choice beteen the development of the country or a greener life, hat ould you choose? For me, I ill choose a greener life.We should protect the environment and

make contribution to our earth day by day.篇四:关于雾霾的稿

子英文 Haze is an an inevitable stage of industrial development. In London there as an air pollution called “London fog” in 1952 .it

killed about 12000 people. And the haze in America as also serious. In 1861,an American has described that haze as the character of the city. Smoke came out from the factory chimneys and covered the surface of the house ,trees and other things .It as everyhere. But e have experienced the &;APEC blue&; ,so e should have the faith that blue sky ill be realised in case of more joint efforts. Thus the blue sky and happy life ill return again . Then ho to reveal the effect of haze is the point .

Follo the step of estern countries ,the most important point is developing relevant las to bound citizens,factories and other behavior subjects. So the government should take lead responsibility and sho the direction .

Then citizens should establish the aareness of environmental protection and follo the lead of the government to put measures into action.

The last but not the least ,everyone should take the responsibility of supervising any organizations or any citizens to ensure that the las and morality play their positions.篇五:关于雾霾的英语PPT讲稿 Hello,everyone

Good morning~My name is Xiao Weihong,I’m from Sichuan

province.And today,my topic is Fog and haze.This is my name,and this is my student number.

From this you can kno that my topic is about 5 parts,and no,e look

at the first part--Definition.Long long ago,e climb ith our hands,as time goes by,We are alking upright.But the environment turns bad,e live in a orld hich is full of poison.In

recent years, air pollution has already bee one of the biggest environmental problems in China. Thick haze has blon off the coastal areas.So,ha t is haze?It’s a bination of little drops of ater and tiny particles. For better understanding of this noun.No,e should kno another ord--PM.It means particulate matter.It also means a small discretemass of solid or liquid matter.So,e can easily kno hat is PM2.5.It means

particles can be dran into lung, hich diameter is less than 2.5

micron.We often pay our attention to PM2.5,because the number of 2.5 is very important ,if the diameter of particle is bigger than 2.5 micron,it ill be stopped by our nose and ill not go into our lung. But


the size of particle is less than 2.5 micron.It harms us most.

So, ether our eather is good is determined by the number of

PM2.5.Look at this picture,if the number of PM2.5 of per unit volume is less than 50,e say the air quality is good.if the number is beteen 50 to 100,e say the air quality is moderate.But if the number is beteen 151 to 200,e call it unhealthy.and if the number is above 300,e think it horrible.As e kno,many places of China is even above 400.So,it’s very dangerous.

No,let’s look a historical event.London smog!Let’s kno about

it.First,e atch a short video.Ok,from this short video e can see a black orld full of smog.So,hat happened in London?In 1952, London smog happened,and it lead to 12000 people died directly or indirectly.In

1954 ,London launched a special act of pollution.After 4 years

later,smog happened again,and 1200 people dead.Only after 1965,the toxic smoke as vanished.In 1968,Britain enacted the Clean Air Act.And until 1980, the fog day has been reduced to five days one year.It took about

30 years

to solve the problem.So,from this accident,e kno that

once the fog happened, it ill be hard to solve it. Ho about our situation?First,Let’s look some

pictures.There’re to contrast figures.The upper le ft corner is a picture of beautiful scenery,it’s clear,but the one at the loer left corner looks terrible.And the top right one is the map of our country hich looks pretty,but from this one e can see nothing except haze.Ho about this one?Oh,it’s a man ho e ars a respirator is riding a bike in the endless smog.And again,this picture tells us a man is riding a bike in the road.It’s dangerous because it’s hard to see far. The last one,it looks beautiful in some degree.But like mushrooms,the more beautiful the m ore toxic it is.In fact,it’s very terrible.


situation caused ?These our several country to be are this e reasons recognized.First,burning of fossil fuels in vehicles.As e kno,the number of cars in our country is increased rapidly.so ,the demand of fossil fuels is increased fast,too .Second,in our country the poer

plants still rely on fossil fuels. It contributes to air pollution mostly.Third,various industrial processes are existed

everyhere.Their emissions of aste polluted the air.

Therefore,it’s time to take some measures to change the

situation .So, hat should our government do? Firstly,our government should strengthen air monitor to kno the the actual situation.Secondly, government should enact more strict las and regulations in order to reduce the sources of

pollution.Thirdly,government should regulate people 's daily action and the industrial https://www.doczj.com/doc/1314075949.html,stly,our country should help develop green and energy-saving energy.Only do these can our country bee beautiful again.For an individual,hat should e do to reduce the harm of haze?First,if conditions permit,e can ear a respirator hich can help us perhaps not much.Second,if e go out ,e should try to take public transportation.Third,hybrid cars should be regarded. Four,clean energy should be promoted in our daily life.In the last,the public supervision is important. Not only the role of government, but must have the personal effort.Only do this can e have a better tomorro.So let’s do something from no on.


Thank you,yes,it dose harm our body.as i have said

before,the PM2.5 ill go into our lung though our respiratory

tract.Long-term effects can damage respiratory defenses.Particles can cause the loss of the body's immune function.

Thank you!yes ,this is a question that e all care about.But as i

said before,the haze is the result of long-term

development.and I think it ill not disappear totally in recent years.But if our government take more actions on the problem,it ill be vanished faster than e expect.

1.As you have said that e live in a orld of haze ,ill it cause any harm to our body?

2.hen do you think the haze ill be vanished?

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