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1(8). "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the



少数和多数的关系之true lies, the truth is out there.

Topic:对于政治领导者来说,向人民大众隐瞒信息是不应该(没有权力)也是不明智的。1)政治领导者没有权力向民众隐瞒信息。Eg 中国革命先驱孙中山先生曾说过,“政治就是人民大众的事,政治领导者是人民大众选举产生的,他们的权力是广大人民所赋予的。”所以在通常情况下,政府是没有权力向人民大众隐瞒信息的。



Eg美国的Prof Holland Sabine在《政治学说史》中指出:“政治学说就是人类为有意识地去理解和解决集体生活的难题而做出的种种尝试,这一过程需要小集体(人民大众)和领导者保持密切关系,以确保信息的沟通和难题的解决。”




Eg 1981年2月,西班牙发生军事政变,一些军人包围议会大厦,扣押全体内阁成员,全城戒严,全国处于一片混乱中,这是国王卡洛斯及时通过电视讲话,向全国人民






2(24). "People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in

the use of that power."



Topic:权力是把双刃剑,权力是无形的却又无处不在当掌权人使用好了就能为民众造福,反之,如果滥用权力聚会带来严重的,无法弥补的后果,所以我同意作者的观点:"People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power." ( .So "think ove r be fore you leap" is the p rinciple hold by ma ny politicians which wa rn them to be cautio us all the time.开头用不错)

1)不小心节制地使用权力将导致滥用它people witho ut ca utin a nd restraint tent to ab use the po wer they a re g ranted。





2.)相反,小心节制的使用能让我们更好的理解和利用权力,进而使其更有效率。cautio n and restraint assist people to have be tter understand and make bette r use of the po wer

比如For instance, in Tang Dynasty o f ancie nt China, the e mperor Lishimin follo wed his vassals advices and was desired to enco urage his people to give their co nstructive suggestio ns to him make reasonable a nd advisable decisions. As a result, his empire become mo re a nd more prospero us and no neighbo r co untries ca n aggress it.



3(43). "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."



Topic:it’s a bit presumptuous to say so 。Because function o f a leader’s is to lubricate an o rganic orga niza tio n so tha t every one work a t high e fficiency the collective ca n achieve the sum o f value which prod uct by me mber of the o rganiza tio n reach op timal.只要领导者能做到这点,就是一位杰出的领导者。





Eg Napoleon was ackno wledged as a n e ffective leader for 他的军事天份和长远眼光

by all his pros a nd co ns, while he was an adventurer fro m the Corsica Island who intruded into the nobility o f Paris a nd co nq uered them with all his mistresses. The bra ze nness o f him actually appeals to the ne w bourgeois po wer as roma ntic, challenging and desirable, especially to the ramb unctious 18th-19th century French.


Bill Clinton was backed even a fte r the e xposure o f his perso nal affairs for his re markable achieveme nt in coping with econo mic recession, perhaps the successful “ze ro casualties” in Bosnia, too. A leader ca nno t tease a co untry calling for peace into waging a war, such as in the case of the U S in the e nd o f the Vietna m Wa r.

Eg正面的例子也有,Le t’s recall ho w T ho mas Jeffe rson excited the colo nial Americans’ spirit with his talented writings: “…tha t all men a re created equal, tha t they are endo wed by their creato r with ce rtain unalienable rig hts, a mo ng these are life, liberty, and the p ursuit of happiness.” This trumpet o f fighting cate red to the deep-roo ted call for a b reakaway

from the British rule in his people’s hearts, and the “Decla ra tion o f Independence” became the crucial document to the U S Independe nce Wa r.


maintaining the highest ethical a nd moral sta ndards ca n increase the affinity betwee n the subordinates and the leader. In the q uest o f making decisio n a nd legisla tio n, whose aim is to make the society develop and become mo re p rosperous, such a ffinity ca n open the valve of the wholesome advice o f his subordina tes a nd ca n made the decisio n and legislatio n more feasible in its applicatio n; eve ntually achieve the decision a nd

legislatio n’s aim mo re a ffectively.


4(44). "Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear."



Topic:it’s unwise to do so













5(45). "Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve."









3)有时即便意愿都是合理的,但由于有很多选择,需要则中,这就需要判断。sometimes governme nt officials may enco unte r some particular situa tion that o ne ca nnot make the equivalent bene fit amo ng the people a nd the sta tes, the n they sho uld rely o n their o wn judgme nt, which should be the best fulcrum o f the bene fit’s lever.比如,上海的黄浦江阻碍了东西部的沟通,人民的生活不够便利,因此决定沟通浦东和浦西,一部分人提议建大桥,另一部分人建议挖隧道。在这种两难的情况下,就需要政府作出抉择,因为如果政府一味地顺从民意就做不出任何的选择了。


6(56). "Governments should focus more on solving the imm ediate problems of today rather than

trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future."




1).解决当务之急是必须的,也是基础。Gene rally, immediate proble ms a re urgent and sometimes will ca use unpredictable co nseque nce, even disasters, without appropria te handling.比如:失业问题,通货膨胀问题,腐败问题,犯罪等等,这些问题不解决,社会就没法稳定发展,更谈不上解决预期问题





7(79). "Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government expert s,

who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."







8(83). "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."




Being ab reast with the eve r-increasingly pace o f ind ustrialization, enviro nme ntal p roblems are also o n their way to unde rmine our prospero us and conte nted life. Conseq uently, the masses are calling out increasingly lo udly fo r e nvironme ntal p reserva tion. Amo ng these people, some advocate tha t the wild a reas in their sta tes sho uld no t be p reserved p ublicly, concerning their remo te ness a nd inaccessible ness. Ho wever, those people inad vertently lose the large picture o n such a n issue.


The injunction’s implica tio n is also innate in the urge o f enviro nme ntal pro tection. Witho ut the ve ry process o f stimulatio n, the public will continuo usly take for gra nted the deforestatio n, desertifica tion, unscrup ulous floods a nd so on. To dismiss the wrong notio n held by the masses about enviro nme nt and thus carrying off the palm to pro tect the wild areas, certain a mo unt o f p ropaganda is indispensable. And such a burden is, o f co urse, laid upo n the governme nt.


3)不能因为人迹罕至就忽略,因为哪怕是个人也会造成很严重的环保后果So me may arg ue that those a reas are e xtre mely remo te and accessible to o nly a fe w people and thus it is needless to p reserve it p ublicly. In my sta ndpoint, the logic of these people is utte rly absurd。环境是很脆弱的,个人的毁坏能力是很强的比如,长江的洪灾就是因为源头生活的少数人长期拦砍伐树木造成的

In sum, to e fficiently p reserve the wild areas, government should p ropagate publicly to

inculca te the masses with the importa nce o f the prese rvation. And strict legisla tions should be co rrespondently pro mulgated to thwart those people who have the pe ncha nt to undermine the e nvironment. The purpose o f preserving enviro nme nt can hardly be attained sole via propaganda. Fortunately, some governme nts have realized the hinge o f the p roblem and are well on the way to a ttain the goal by bo th p ropaganda and strict legislatio ns.


9(85). "Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts."



Topic:It’s unfair to say 政府的资助不仅不会威胁而且会利于艺术的完整性

1)政府的职责是to p romise the be nign developme nt o f social activities is governme nt’s duty a nd p urpose. Arts included.

艺术对于民众的作用arts ca n p urify the minds o f people a nd made the people more energe tic as well as crea tive. T hus p romise the social development on technology, educatio n, eco nomy a nd so on. Arts’ results on people are what the governments are expecting. 比如81题中第二段可以用


2)有人会说这样会威胁到艺术的完整性,但我认为不会Someone believes tha t government funding would harm the integrity o f the arts. As in a pro fit mo tive directed socie ty, purely financial support would no t e xist no ma tter whethe r is from individ uals o r the governme nt. It is wo rried tha t Government wo uld me rely support the mainstream o f the a rts. Mo reover, opponents wo uld probably be a fraid tha t such funding wo uld cause much more politic involveme nt in a rtistic works. In my opinio n, these worries are unnecessary. Gove rnme nt funding of a rts wo uld no t threa ten the integrity, a nd also mig h t enco urage the development o f a rts. 1,政府不是公司,它的赞助是为了能让广大民众欣赏到更好的艺术,而不是私立。2,为了保护艺术的完整性,政府甚至会保护年轻艺术家或是小流派艺术家的发展


Altho ugh in history, we observed lo ts o f negative e xa mples fo r the integ rity o f arts

threa tened by the government funding, we had to admit the p rosperity o f arts is linked closely with the democracy o f the socie ty. So in socie ties as democra tic as o urs, we should d raw a conclusio n safely that government funding of the a rts wo uld not harm the integrity o f a rts.


10(97). "It is unfortunate but true that political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people's



exert(施加) wane commercialize bring about

Politic al dec isions and activ ities used to be regarded as “public” affairs which was c learly seperated from priv ate life of people. This idea is out of date. Perc eive it or not, they are actually permeated throughout every aspects of our liv es, ev en those most priv ate ones.

Superfluous examples illustrate this trend. One may be forbidden to wear c lothes made of some k ind of leather bec ause hunting of that spec ies of anima l is illegable in that country. No matter one is for or against generic food, he/she may unwittingly eating it ev eryday due to the polic y. Freedom of speec h and publication is often not absolutely granted in most of the country. And v ehic les that do not me et energy saving spec ific s may not be allowed to go on streets. Clothing, eating, speaking, driving and etc., all of whic h seem to be mere personal affairs are circ umsc ribed by policies and laws, whic h was thought of as only influential to group interests.

Undoubtedly, this effect politic al dec isions and ac tiv ities hav e on people’s liv es ineluctably stops people from unsc rupulously indulging themselv es in priv ate life. Ev en those whic h are traditionally regarded as holding inv iolable freedom are under supe rv ise. Arts, for example, is always believed to be unfettered to present the ideas. Howev er, with more artists rec eiv ing gov ernment funds, they are more or less direc ted by political ideas or serv ing for politic al purposes. Vac illating between the c onsc iou sness of art and the appealing of fame and wealth, artists find themselv es in dilemma. Yet it is unfair to obv iate those good influences brought by politic al dec isions and activ ities, though sometimes they are under controv ersies. For example, forc ing a road tax on average people may add to their financ ial burden. But when the raised money is used to maintain road condition, ev eryone will actually benefit from it. Almost same is that the prohibiting pric es of c igarette and wine in some c ountry effectively p reventing citizens from addiction and consequent v iolations.

Conc erning the fact that sometime politic al influence does benefit people, or ev en nec essary to ensure the well-being of the c ountry, while in other c ases it appears to impede the healthy and fre e development of some institutions, it is time for the government to deliberate and selectively exerting its power. Or in other words, since it is the government who has the priv ilege of dec ision-mak ing, it should be aware to prev ent itself from ov erly going into some spec ific areas. Ev en in other areas where politic al dec isions and activ ities benefit people, the gov ernment should also be cautious so as not to v iolate the v olition there.

With its mec hanism improv ed and its function of balanc ing and redistri bution gaining importance,

gov ernment is playing its part in ev ery aspec t of people’s life. W ith the recognition of government to effectiv ely and properly joining different issues, it will actually be of adv antages to the public.

positions: 政治对人们的生活施加了压力,但随着商业化的进程,正在waning

1)事实上,政治的决定于行动已经引发了对于人们生活,思想甚至社会习惯等方面的深远影响(出行—汽车,道路建设,汽油价格//食物,国家可能针对本国的气候,地里因素制定主要的作物,并且鼓励农民种这些植物,对种类进行调整,这也决定了人们究竟会吃到什么unwitting, // 建筑法规,规定了大致的建筑风格,与价格标准,这将会影响到人们的住宿条件)

2)国家政策不可能影响的生活的方方面面(Karl Max’s one famous and influential econom y theory tells us: the foundation of one soc iety is its ec onomy level, which determines all the superstruc tures. Politic s c annot transc end the stage of economic lev el. That is to say, how sage and great the politic s are, they c annot turn self-suffic ient fo rm of ec onomy to commodity form of it. Politic s c an influenc e the “detail”in people’s liv es such as the price of produc ts, the pattern of educ ation, the population of one nation’s

and so on, but it c annot alter the direction of the dev elopment of the soc i ety)

3)单纯的否定国家的政策是不公平的(只要政府deliberate and selectiv ely exerting its power,就是有好处的,对宏观的经济生活进行调整,可以稳定物价,使人民生活稳定//对于国家的?????)

11(105). "The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government

to tolerate challenges from it's own citizens."



1)一个兴旺的社会总是建立在强调所有公民权的民主精神之上(唐朝----民主the emperor is like the boat, while the people is like the river, which can hold the boat or submerge it ;清代----不重视民;美国---民主; 很多专职的国家很难强大)

A thriv ing soc iety is always based on democ ratic spirits whic h emphasize the right of all citizens.




b民主精神能够保证社会健康的发展,朝着正确的方向前进,the general public has the capability to mak e major policies Thmas Jefferson onc e said:"The people may safely be trusted to hear ev erything true and false, and to form a correct judgment, Were it fall to me to dec ide whether we should have a

gov ernment without newspapers of newspapers without a gov ernment, I should not hesitate a mo ment to prefer the latter.”

3)有人可能会说,衡量一个国家是否强大,还有很多比民主更直接也更有力的手段,如经济,军事(没有民主军事科技可能会在一段时间内很发达,但是很难持久,因为社会很难平衡健康的发展,soviet;即便一个国家很富有,如果没有民主的基础,社会财富就会落入少数人手里,这样的国家只是olig arch的俱乐部,而不是代表一个国家是否强大的真正意义)

12(108). "In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. 一。Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives.

二。The more kinds of government proceedings trials, debates, meetings, etc that are televised, the more

society will benefit."



the mass deliberate

Money often costs too much. It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent

suffer. One man\'s word is no man\'s word; we should quietly hear both sides.

Democracy substitutes election by incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul



1)使人民了解这些影响他们的决策,从而更清楚地了解自己的权利,而人民对于自己的权利的了解,将会使人民和社会都受益。Thmas Jefferson once said:"The people may safely be trusted to hear ev erything true and false, and to form a correct judgment, Were it fall to me to dec ide whether we should hav e a gov ernment without newspapers of newspapers without a gov ernment, I should not hesitate a mo ment to prefer the latter.”这说明了人民在社会决策中的重要作用

2)有了这种监督,可以提高政府的效率,并且更重要的组织政府官员滥用权力(Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted with unlimited power. Charles C. Golton)(水门事件council of judgment 电视直播华盛顿邮报两个记者民主党伪证竞选辞职)


13(123).$$ "It is possible to identify a person's politics within a very short time of meeting him or her. Everything about people their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat reflects their political beliefs."


position: disagree

1)一个人的cloth friends ,the way they talk what they eat有太多的因素加入,以至于我们很难从这些因素中准确的推断出它的政治倾向


2)在全球化的时代,即便是有着截然不同宗教信仰的人大部分的生活习惯也是一样的,除非是有着他们的信仰有着对生活习惯的特殊要求ev en those holding different politic s may adopt the similar everyday liv ing habits except those whose politic s dic tate distinctiv ely an spec ial liv ing mode for example regulare fasts or nec essary v eils of women when in public.(在中国,相信社会主义制度的人,还是美国,相信资本主义的人,可能都穿着Nike,吃着Mc Donald’s , 通过互联网,聊着NBA, 甚至因为有这个共同的爱好成为很好的朋友)


14(167). "It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician."




position: 对于全部的公开是不可能也不必要的,但是honesty是一个有用的美德


2)我们没必要要求政治家公开他所有的秘密,因为很多他乡隐藏的秘密可能与他的工作无关,我们再去花力气去要求他这样做除了满足我们的好奇心就没有什么意义了。政治家也是有隐私的,而且政治家也是人,使人就会犯错,而这些错误往往不会影响到公众(克林顿---来问司机)Politic, a derivative of the word politician, means sagac ious, shrewdness in managing. It defines the nature of politic ians and requires them to be strategic.


15(169). "Those who treat politics and morality as though they were separate realms fail to understand either the one or the other."



politics and morality

tips of ic eberg

honesty, liberality, k indness, and integrity persistence, honesty, probity, hospitality


it is true that politic s has a ineluc table ov erlap with morality. To be a v enerated and successful politic ian, comprehension of morality is indispensable for an effec tive leadershi p—bec ause morality is the foundation and premise of any person’s success.

2道德领域不一定需要政治的加入,很多其他因素,不同政治信仰的人也会同样崇敬道德标准(排比)2.however, to apprehend the content of morality, it is unnec essary for one to master the pith of politic s. Without politic s, we c an as w ell ac quire the v irtues of persistenc e, honesty, probity, hospitality and much else. And we can ac hiev e success irrelev ant of understanding of politic s

16(195). "The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus."



politics servers to a better development of society and improvement of individual life,

position: partial agree 都好

1) 没有后者,盲目追求理想是不好的(理想社会主义)

2)有效的政治应该是尊重大部分人的权利,为大众谋福利general interest and welfare of the people,because politics servers to a better development of society

and improvement of individual life,should first c reate a harmonious and positiv e

social regulation, or government lose its power and influenc e therefore unable to handle national and international affairs effic ientlly,say nothing of carrying on its politic s. 而建立CG&RC是有效的路,人民是值得信赖的,Thmas Jefferson onc e said:"The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a c orrect judgment,”(正力:美国的高速发展)

3) 理想与共同基础并不是矛盾的Reasonable c onsensus and a politic al ideal need not be mutually exclusiv e. 后者保证社会稳定,前者为社会发展提供动力,指引方向long-term projects, in other word ideals.。((苏联早期的快速发展得益于ideal,后期的不稳定归咎于基础))

17(202). "Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise."



position: agree, 前者是坚持的,后者应该放弃


是有益的(伽利略,van gogh ; 百家争鸣)而政治家的任务是servers to a better development of society and improvement of individual life,这就要求政治家在很多情况下都要服从大众的意志,因为他因该对大多数人负责(政治家服从人民,取得良好效果)

2)政治家的意见有时是错误的,人民往往是可以信赖的,后者为社会的稳定很高速发展提供了基础Thmas Jefferson onc e said:"The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a c orrect judgment, Were it fall to me to decide whether we should hav e a government without newspapers of newspapers without a gov ernment, I should not hesitate a mo ment to prefer the latter.”(苏联的发展,斯大林)

3)但在很多关键时刻,真正的领袖应该坚持自己的主张与原则,即便是对自己不利(丘吉尔Churchill ,iron hand , 战后大选失败general election, the characteristics of the great people……)

18(224). "Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified."



With the development of the soc iety and spread of the democ ratic spirits, the issue of c ensorship is more and more sensitiv e than ev er before and always under hot c ontrov ersies. some people even believe that censorship is rarely, if ev er , justified , howev er, sinc e there is no absolute justic e or unjustic e, we c an not make absolute judgement that censorship is seldom justified too.

Firstly I shall point out that I'm not denying there do exist some unfairness and rigidity in censorship sinc e censorship c oncerns are always made by certain soc ial groups with vested interest such as government and c ommittees. since they will inevitably inc lude their own demand and v iew of v alues in the censorship while depress the "censored" issues, there is always unjustic e in some ex tent. To turn on our history book s, we c an see suc h example here and there: Copernic us' theory of helioc entricism is sure to be a great ac hiev ement in astronomy, however, his great discov ery c ontradicted the traditional and

in-powered theologic al c anon whic h dictated geocentric ism , his book was c ensored and prohibited from the general public, it was not until sev eral years published in other countries did Copernic us first express his ideas to populac e. in this case c ensorship is sure to tak e a ignominious part .

However, with civ ilization and democ ratization today's c ensorships are transfering their function serv ing from traditional group interests to soc ial ethic s. today when talked about c ensorship ,we often tak e a larger sc ope , for example, film c ensorship c onsists of several lev els such as PG, R , XXX etc.. this definite lev els act as a effic ient filtration to prevent the unsuitable issues for c ertain age groups.For children, it is bec ause of suc h filtration that prev ents them from c ontacting the v iolate and sex sc enes in the v ideo while they have not yet had the sense of discernment for what is proper and what is inappropriate . Today with more and more adolesc ent inv olved in c rimes imitaing what they saw in TV and films , it is even necessary to c ontrol these issues and mak e a suitable censorship.

Moreov er, the justice is rather a relativ e c onc ept than a absolute one, in other words, while it is justified for someone it fails another, for example, recently some "death music" burgeoned in the soc iety, it contains rhythms that arouse the extreme depression and despair emotion in human beings listening such music, this k ind of music is c ensored in some c outries and supported by majority of their people sinc e it is c onsidered unhealthy and diabolic. howev er, there are still some people fav or that saying it really expresses deep souls in their hearts. in this case, it is actually hard for government to make a perfec t judgement, on one side, the gov ernment should always c onsider the opinion of majority, on t he other side, it must not be too arbitrary because eac h side tak e what its c onsideration about "justice" as justic e.

In c onc lusion, when blaming unfairness in cersorship we should also realize its function to lead a positiv e situation. from what discussed above, if the c ensorship based on ethic s of general public it has more

"justice" than "unjustice" , howev er if it foc us too much on c ertain groups , I shall say that it is rarely justified.




(One man\'s word is no man\'s word; we should quietly hear both sides。尽管如此在美国FBI反腐败anti-corruption 著名的引桥行动中Operation Silver Shovel, sting,派一个人去假装贿赂bribe,如果官员手下钱,会被起indict 好的成果,Chicago ,抓住了6名alderman 12个official and some lawyer, alderman Frias,to make more contribution with which he could get a promote although had been refused for several times ,the FBI spy continue to brible him, at last tempt him to be corrupt , , finally 宣判judge to be innocent 无罪)

3)尽管如此,由于公正是个很含糊的概念justified is relative conception justified , however, sinc e there is no absolute justic e or injustice, we can not make absolute judgment that c ensorship is seldom justified too,有时在一个集团看来公正的判断,在另一个集团看来就不见的公正(黎子)


四川外语学院学年第二学期《思想道德修养与法律基础》期末复习大纲 与中学生活相比,大学生活发生了哪些显著变化? 学习要求的变化:需要大力发挥学习的主动性和创造性。主要采用学分制,除了公共科目、学科基础课、专业课属于必修课之外,还开设选修课。广泛涉猎相关知识,掌握科学的学习方法,培养自主学习和独立思考问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力,是大学阶段学习的重要特点。 生活环境的变化:离开父母独立生活甚至远离他乡。同学们来自五湖四海,兴趣爱好、生活习惯可能存在差异,主动地加强沟通和交流,相互理解和关系成为一种需要。 社会活动的变化:党组织、团组织、学生会、班委会等组织活动增多;参加各种学生社团活动、社会活动的机会大大增加。同学们可以根据自己的特点和爱好、时间和精力积极参加各种活动,合理安排课余生活,锻炼组织和交往能力。 中国大学生的历史使命 当代大学生承担的上建设中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命。 .在新的起点上继往开来 .在现实的基础上迎接挑战:⑴面临世界科技文化发展的挑战 ⑵面临复杂多变的国际环境的挑战 ⑶面临新世纪新阶段我国发展任务的挑战 社会主义核心价值体系的主要内容 马克思主义指导思想,中国特色社会主义共同理想,以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,社会主义荣辱观,构成社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容。 . 巩固马克思主义指导地位,坚持不懈地用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装全党、教育人民。. 用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚力量。 . 用以爱国主义为核心民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神鼓舞斗志。 . 用社会主义荣辱观引领风尚,巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗地共同思想基础。 理想、信念的含义 理想:.理想作为一种精神现象,是人类社会实践的产物。 .理想是一定社会关系的产物。 .理想源于现实,超越现实。 .理想是多方面,多类型的。 理想是人们在实践中形成的、有可能实现的、对未来社会和自身发展的向往与追求,是人们的世界观、人生观和价值观在奋斗目标上的集中体现。 信念:.信念同理想一样,也是人类特有的一种精神现象。

GRE ISSUE 正式分类表,终于出炉了

EDUCATION Choosing the fields of study Topics ?Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. ?Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers. ?Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful. ?College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?Some people believe that college students should consider only their own talents and interests when choosing a field of study. Others believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs. ?College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and suggestions of their students. Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying. Samples ?Should educators provide students with a set of ideas or with job preparation? (GRE CAT Answers P.88) ?Are people free to choose a career? (GRE CAT Answers P.101) ?Should education devote itself to enriching our personal lives? (GRE CAT Answers P.173) ? The same national curriculum


2019考研数学一大纲原文(完整版) 来源:文都教育 九月即来,2019考研数学一大纲在九月中旬正式公布了,需要考此科目的同学快来收藏此页面,我们先了解今年大纲考哪些内容,考试限定范围有多大,然后在九月十五日,来和文都数学大咖一起,共同分析考研数学一新大纲有何不同!鉴于2019考研数学一大纲还没有出来,同学们可以借鉴2018考研数学一大纲进行复习。 2018考研数学一大纲原文(完整版) 考试科目:高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计 考试形式和试卷结构 一、试卷满分及考试时间 试卷满分为150分,考试时间为180分钟. 二、答题方式 答题方式为闭卷、笔试. 三、试卷内容结构 高等数学约56%

线性代数约22% 概率论与数理统计约22% 四、试卷题型结构 单选题8小题,每小题4分,共32分 填空题6小题,每小题4分,共24分 解答题(包括证明题)9小题,共94分 高等数学 一、函数、极限、连续 考试内容 函数的概念及表示法函数的有界性、单调性、周期性和奇偶性复合函数、反函数、分段函数和隐函数基本初等函数的性质及其图形初等函数函数关系的建立 数列极限与函数极限的定义及其性质函数的左极限和右极限无穷小量和无穷大量的概念及其关系无穷小量的性质及无穷小量的比较极限的四则运算极限存在的两个准则:单调有界准则和夹逼准则两个重要极限: 函数连续的概念函数间断点的类型初等函数的连续性闭区间上连续函数的性质

1.理解函数的概念,掌握函数的表示法,会建立应用问题的函数关系. 2.了解函数的有界性、单调性、周期性和奇偶性. 3.理解复合函数及分段函数的概念,了解反函数及隐函数的概念. 4.掌握基本初等函数的性质及其图形,了解初等函数的概念. 5.理解极限的概念,理解函数左极限与右极限的概念以及函数极限存在与左极限、右极限之间的关系. 6.掌握极限的性质及四则运算法则. 7.掌握极限存在的两个准则,并会利用它们求极限,掌握利用两个重要极限求极限的方法. 8.理解无穷小量、无穷大量的概念,掌握无穷小量的比较方法,会用等价无穷小量求极限. 9.理解函数连续性的概念(含左连续与右连续),会判别函数间断点的类型. 10.了解连续函数的性质和初等函数的连续性,理解闭区间上连续函数的性质(有界性、最大值和最小值定理、介值定理),并会应用这些性质. 二、一元函数微分学


Issue 高频作文提纲,按频率排序,最前面是题号,并有题目类别标记。 1 是非判断类。人类依赖科技所以自己思考的能力恶化。 观点:很大程度上承认观点(to a large extent I agree )科技的确让人产生依赖性,变懒惰,但是只要合理利用(ensures the rational use)科技,科技反而能扩展人们的思维(intellection),提高创造力(ingenuity creativity)。 1 科技为人类生活提供了方便,减轻人类的负担。a 计算机的普及,让计算方式和 记忆方式发生了改变。以前非常难的计算问题,如今只需要在计算器上按下按钮就能得到答案。b 计算机推进了各个科学领域的发展,甚至成为研究工作必不可少的工具。C 科技使得人类能便捷地查找到需要的信息,帮助人类扩展思维和认知。 2人类习惯了依赖科技解决问题,很多情况下造成独立思维的下降.a 依赖计算机的计算和存储功能,使得运算和记忆memory能力下降。b 过度依赖计算机,习惯于求助计算机而造成懒于思考。c 过度沉溺于overindulge 虚拟virtual世界,而忽视了真实世界的交流需要,造成交流能力减弱。 3 但是科技仍然利大于弊outweigh。A 科技的确减退了人类某些方面的思维能力, 但是主要是在计算量和搜索的能力,并不会影响人的独立思考的能力。b 科技本身并没有错,只是人过度或者不当的使用了科技。C 部分能力的下降相对于获得的实际利益来说是值得的。 结论:虽然科技一定程度上造成了人类思维的懒惰和恶化,但是我认为只要合理利用科技,弊端是可以避免的,相反地它能极大提供便利,扩展人类的思维。 4 敌方看法类。丑闻有用 观点:偏向肯定。丑闻虽然有害处,但是只要避免不利,有益处。 1 丑闻有积极的意义。A 大部分媒体press偏向于粉饰(gloss over, varnish) 一些政府的失职dereliction of duty或阴谋conspiracy。丑闻能够让人们了解真相。 2 由于丑闻的存在,人们能充当监督者supervisor,政客politician会更加谨慎, 抑制不正当的行为injustice。 speakers 和reformers 通常不会发现自身错误,丑闻能警醒他们,修正自身的错误。 3 有些人会反对我(be opposed to,argue against, refute, disprove, defy), 因为丑闻有一些危害。A 丑闻会导致社会的恐慌和不信任,不利于社会稳定。B丑闻可能不是真实的,会误导大众。C不真实的丑闻可能对无辜的人造成伤害。但是我认为,即使丑闻有这些不利的方面,我们仍然不能够否定它的作用。首先,丑闻的危害可以被消除。如果增大社会透明度If increasing social transparency,公布 publish更多的信息,使得大众接触到真相,不真实的丑闻就会被纠正。其次,大众的判断力会随着经验累积accumulation而增长,对丑闻的真假会有更好的判断力。因此,丑闻的弊端是可以被避免的,而好处却是可以造福社会的。 结论:总的来说,to sum up尽管丑闻的影响仍然需要讨论,但是其作用是明显的。 Although the impact of the scandal is still to be discussed, its role is still obvious.if proper measures are taken,弊端是可以很大程度上被避免的,而利益将造福bring benefit to我们。 62是非判断类。领导者是由他们身上的需求创造的。 观点:中立。领导者部分是由需求创造,但是也与领导者的实现自身的价值有关。


2018思修复习提纲 绪论珍惜大学生活开拓新的境界 第一节适应人生新阶段 一、认识大学生活特点,提高独立生活能力 1.大学生活的变化(三个变化)P2 2.如何培养和提高独立生活的能力(四个方面)P3 二、树立新的学习理念,培养优良学风 1.学习理念P4-5 : 自主学习 全面学习 创新学习(以求真务实为基础) 终身学习(学习最可贵的是终身坚持) 三、确立成才目标,塑造崭新形象 1.成才目标P5-6 德、智、体、美全面发展 第二节提高思想道德修养和法律素质 一、思想道德与法律 1.思想道德与法律的区别与联系 P7 2.社会主义思想道德与社会主义法律的关系P7 (关系:道德为法律提供价值准则和道义基础,法律为道德建设提供制度保障,国家和社会治理需要二者共同作用) 二、思想道德素质与法律素质 1.思想道德素质和法律素质的重要性P8 2.思想道德素质的内容P8 3.法律素质的定义和意义P8 三、培育和践行社会主义核心价值观 1.社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容P9 2.社会主义的价值要求 P10 3.培养社会主义核心价值观的意义P11 第三节学习“思想道德修养与法律基础”课的意义和方法 一、认识学习“思想道德修养与法律基础”课的重要意义 1.学习本门课的意义(三个方面)P13 二、掌握学习“思想道德修养与法律基础”课的基本方法 1.学习本门课的基本方法(四个方面)P14

第一章追求远大理想坚定崇高信念 第一节理想信念与大学生成长成才 一、理想信念的含义与特征 1.理想的含义P17 2.理想具有现实性和预见性 P18 3.理想的类型(社会政治理想、道德理想、职业理想和生活理想)P18 4.信念的含义P18 5.理想和信念的关系:如影随影、相互依存P19 二、理想信念的重要意义P20-21 第二节树立科学的理想信念 一、认识大学生的历史使命 1.大学生承担建设和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命P20 2.党的十八大提出的百年目标P22 二、确立马克思主义的科学信仰 1.马克思主义是P23 三、树立中国特色社会主义共同理想 1.共同理想:在中国共产党领导下,坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,实现中华民族伟大复兴。P24 2.如何树立共同理想P25-27 :(坚定对中国共产党的信任、坚定中国特色社会主义信念、坚定实现中华民族伟大复兴的信心) 第三节在实践中化理想为现实 一、正确理解理想与现实的关系 1.理想与现实的矛盾P28-29 2.实现理想的长期性、间距性、曲折性P29 3.艰苦奋斗的意义P31 二、坚持个人理想与社会理想的统一 1.个人理想的定义和内容P32 2.社会理想与个人理想的关系:P32-33 ①实质是个人与社会关系在理想层面上的反映 ②社会理想规定、指引个人理想 ③社会理想又是个人理想的凝练和升华 三、在实现中国梦的实践中放飞青春梦想 1.立志的要求(立志当高远、立志做大事、立志须躬行)P34-35


十一、设计工作大纲 (10,000字以内) (一)、项目背景 (二)、设计工作内容、工作方案及计划工作量(三)、设计进度计划 (四)、设计项目组织机构及主要人员安排 (五)、设计质量保证体系 (六)、后续服务工作安排 (七)、相关经济指标优化措施

(一)、项目背景 XXX 建设内容: XXX (二)、设计工作内容、工作方案及计划工作量 本项目设计的内容较多,业主要求整个工期30日历天,我公司拥有一大批技术过硬、经验丰富的设计师,在人员组织与安排上,也是组织了我单位具有多年设计经验的设计人员,基本具有工程师以上职称,完全能够在规定的时间内或者在业主的协调下提前完成全部设计任务。根据招标文件要求,设计分三阶段进行,方案设计为合同签订后5日历天,初步设计为方案通过审查后5日历天,施工图设计阶段为初设通过审查后来20日历天。 1、方案设计阶段:(签订合同后5日历天) 2、初步设计阶段:(方案审查通过后5日历天) 根据《建筑工程设计文件编制深度规定》(2008年版)要求、通过审查后的方案设计文件、方案审定意见及业主的设计要求进行工程初步设计。

3、施工图设计阶段(含总图及附属设施工程):(10日历天)。 施工图设计依据及工作内容:(1)批准的方案(初步)设计将作为本工程施工图设计的依据:(2)施工图设计的内容应满足建设部关于建筑工程设计文件编制深度规定(2008年版)的要求。(3)我方应负责向甲方选择的施工单位、设备材料供应单位等其他相关单位解释设计意见及施工图内容,并负责技术交底,以满足工程建设需要;(4)负责建筑、结构、给排水、电气、暖通等各工种之间的协调。在各工种之间出现矛盾时找到最佳的解决办法并尽最大可能为满足本项目的特殊要求创造条件;(5)施工图设计文件完成后,我方应协助建设方向有关部门办理审图手续,并且依据审图部门要求进行的对施工图设计的修改和完善。


大一思修复习提纲 绪论 1. 当代大学生的成才目标?P9 成为德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。 (1)德是人才素质的灵魂。 (2)智是人才素质的基本内容。 (3)体是人才素质的基础。 (4)美是人才素质的综合体现。 2. 塑造当代大学生的崭新形象?P10 当代大学生承担着历史的重任,是社会上富有朝气、充满活力的群体。 同学们要适应时代要求,自觉塑造积极健康向上的崭新形象。 (1)理想远大,热爱祖国。 (2)追求真理,善于创新。 (3)德才兼备,全面发展。 (4)视野开阔,胸怀宽广。 (5)知行统一,脚踏实地。 3. 社会主义核心价值体系的内容?P13 社会主义核心价值体系的内涵: ★①马克思主义指导思想——是社会主义价值核心体系的灵魂 ②中国特色社会主义共同理想——是社会主义价值核心体系的主题 ③以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神——是社会主义价值核心体系的精髓 ④社会主义荣辱观,构成社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容——是社会主义价值核心体系的的基础 第一章追求远大理想坚定崇高信念 1.理想信念对大学生成长成才的重要意义: ①理想信念的作用?P24 (1)指引人生的奋斗目标。 (2)提供人生的前进动力。 (3)提高人生的精神境界。 ②理想信念与大学生P25 (1)引导大学生做什么人 (2)指引大学生走什么路 (3)激励大学生为什么学 2.树立中国特色社会主义的共同理想:P29 建设中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴,是现阶段我国各族人民的共同理想。 3. 架起通往理想彼岸的桥梁——(强调实践的重要性)P30

只有实践,才是通往理想彼岸的桥梁。 【孔子说“三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也”】【墨子说“志不强者智不达”】【诸葛亮说“志当存高远”】 “志”有双重含义:1.是对未来目标的向往。2.是现实奋斗目标的顽强意志 (1)立志当高远 (2)立志做大事 (3)立志须躬行 4.认清现实理想的长期性、艰巨性和曲折性P34 ★正确对待现实理想过程中的顺境与逆境 ★当身处逆境时,切莫得意忘形,因为顺境可能只是一时的,必须做好遇到逆境的准备;当身处逆境时,也勿悲观失望,只要勇于战胜逆境,顺境就在前面。 5.在实践中化理想为现实P38 ★勇于实践、艰苦奋斗是实现理想的根本途径 第二章继承爱国传统弘扬民主精神 1. 爱国主义的内涵及基本要求?P41 (1)基本要求:?1?爱祖国的大好河山。 ?2?爱自己的骨肉同胞。 ★对人民群众感情的深浅程度,是检验一个人对祖国忠诚程度的试金石 ?3?爱祖国的灿烂文化。 ?4?爱自己的国家。 2. 爱国主义的时代价值(意义)是什么?P43 (1)爱国主义是中华民族继往开来的精神支柱。 (2)爱国主义是维护祖国统一和民族团结的纽带。 (3)爱国主义是实现中华民族伟大复兴的动力。 (4)爱国主义是个人实现人生价值的力量源泉。 3. 新时期的爱国主义P45 在现阶段,爱国主义主要表现为: (1)弘扬民主精神与时代精神 (2)献身于建设和保卫社会主义现代化事业 (3)献身于促进祖国统一的事业 4. 中华民族精神的内涵是什么?P50 1.(1)爱国主义是中华民族精神的核心。 在中华民族的悠久历史中,爱国主义始终发挥着民族精神的核心作用。 (2)团结统一。 (3)爱好和平。 (4)勤劳勇敢。 (5)自强不息。 2.大力弘扬和培育,民族精神 中国共产党在领导人民进行革命、建设和改革的伟大实践中,形成了自己的优良传统,培育出了井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、抗战精神、西柏坡精神、雷锋精神、“两弹一星”精神、大庆精神、抗洪精神、抗击“非典”精神、载人航天精神、抗震救灾精神、北京奥运精神等。


教育类: 第1组:通才VS专才 (6,14,96,116) A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. 在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。 (13,46,70,102,112,140) Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. 大学应该要求每个学生选修自己专业以外的各种学科。 (24,29,52) The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. 教育的最佳方式是赞扬积极的行为,忽视消极的行为。 37 Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents. 社会应该甄别那些天资聪颖的孩子,并且年幼的时候就开始提供训练培养它们的才能。 54 In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature. 为了成为全面发展的个体,应该要求所有的大学生选择可以阅读诗歌、小说、神话等想象力文学的课程。 (82,97,100,124) Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. 学院或大学应该要求学生在国外至少留学一个学期。 142 Claim: Colleges and universities should specify all required courses and eliminate elective courses in order to provide clear guidance for students. Reason: College students—like people in general—prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions. 结论:为了给学生提供一个明确的方向,学院和大学应该指定所有的必修课程,移除选修课程。 原因:和大众一样,大学生更喜欢按部就班,不喜欢自己做决定。


《大学英语跨文化交际教程》教学大纲 课程名称:大学英语跨文化交际教程 学分:2 学时:32 讲课学时:32 ;实验(实践)学时:0 先修课程:无 适用专业:英语 开课学科部:外语 一、课程性质、目的和培养目标 学科专业核心课课程类型:课程性质:必修课 课程目的:本课程授课对象为完成校本“大学英语教学大纲”任务的本科学生,学制一个学期,每周2学时。本课程的教学目标是:提高学生大学英语水平的基础上培养学生跨文化交际意识和跨文化交际能力,丰富学生的人文知识,拓宽学生的国际视野,提高学生的综合素质。在通过学习跨文化交际原理,增强学生文化差异的敏感性,培养学生外语思维能力和拓宽外语习得环境的同时,提高学生使用母语和英语进行思维的能力,使学生在这两种语言间根据交际对象和工作环境的需要进行自由的切换,使学习者具备两种文化意识,能够互补和融合两种不同的文化,并将这种意识有效的运用在实践当中,开拓文化视野,拓展全方位的专业知识及个人素质。 本教程依托“大学英语跨文化交际”国家精品课程,入选普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。与本教程配套的教学支持网站(内容丰富,为教师教学和学生学习提供帮助。基础英语是一门综合英语技能课,其主要

目的在于帮助学生练好坚实的语言基本功,培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力,拓宽社会科学和自然科学方面的知识,使学生能灵活地进行有效的社会交际活动。1 培养目标:使学生在课程结束时基本具备语篇阅读理解能力,2500左右词汇量;基本掌握英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力。 二、课程内容和建议学时分配 本课程教学内容主要包括三个方面:首先,基础理论。本课程对跨文化交际理论进行系统的、深入浅出的介绍,使学生对学习跨文化交际的必要性和重要性有理性的认识。虽然跨文化交际是一门新兴学科,但理论并不匮乏,本课程通过对 Sapir-Wolf, Edward Hall, Scollon R., Larry A.Samover, Richard E.Porter, Geert Hofstede, Lisa A.Stefani, Fon Trompanar, Kluckhohn, Strodtbeck,等学者提出的跨文化交际理论的讲解增强学生的跨文化交际意识,使学生对跨文化交际这门学科的理论有所了解。第二,文化探源。本课程对比较典型的几种文化,如美国文化、欧洲文化、中国文化、阿拉伯文化、非洲文化等进行探究,了解这些文化中人们的不同风俗习惯、行为模式、交际特点、言语及非言语语言的使用等,并进一步对不同文化的深层结构,包括价值观念、宗教信仰等进行研究,使学生对不同文化产生浓厚的兴趣。第三,案例分析。本课程广泛发掘来自不同文化的人们在进行跨文化交际过程中发现问题,遭遇障碍的案例,以及成功跨文化交际的案例,给学生大量直观的、感性的实例,帮助学生建构跨文化交际的真实场景。 Chapter 1 Culture (一)教学目的和任务


模板: 开头:三部分:引述题目,表达正反两方面的观点,陈述自己的观点; 引述题目:反问法; 正反两方面的观点:用转折词,比如while、but、despite、although等,例如While some people can find beauty in the mosr common places, true beauty is only found in the exceptional. There can be no doubt that some of the world's most common things are beautiful, yet it' is ofthen the exceptional objects that possess the true beauty. 陈述自己的观点:例如: I believe that ……,because…… In my view……,this is because…… It is cleat that…… After weighing the evidence, it si certain that 三个例子: 1、The speaker asserts that……. It has some merits in terms of ……/from a normative standpoint. However, I disagree with the speaker for some reasons, including^/ as discussed below.适用于单纯观点,不涉及争论的话题。 2、Where/ does it / can we …….while/ even though/ there can be no doubt some people …… I would like to agree with that …… 3、The speaker asserts/considers that ___. While this claim seems plausible


思修复习提纲简单整理 绪论 1.大学生应树立的学习理念? 自主终身创新全面 2.大学生的优良学风? 勤奋、严谨、求实、创新 3.历史使命与挑战:在新的起点上继往开来,在现实的基础上迎接挑战 (1) 面临世界科技文化发展的挑战。(2) 面临复杂多变的国际环境的挑战。(3) 面临新世纪新阶段我国发展任务的挑战。 4.当代大学生的成才目标:成为德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和按班人。(1)德是人才素质的灵魂。(2) 智是人才素质的基础。(3) 体是人才素质的条件。(4) 美是人才素质的重要内容。 5.当代大学生的崭新形象? (1) 理想远大,热爱祖国。(2) 追求真理,善于创新。(3) 德才兼备,全面发展。 (4) 视野开阔,胸怀宽广。(5) 知行统一,脚踏实地。 6,社会主义核心价值体系 内容: 马克思主义指导思想,中国特色社会主义共同理想,以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,社会主义荣辱观,构成社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容。 科学内涵; (1) 巩固马克思主义指导地位,坚持不懈地用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装全党、教育人民。(灵魂,核心)(2) 用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚力量。(主题)(3) 用以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神鼓舞斗志。(精髓)(4) 用社会主义荣辱观引领风尚,巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础。(基础) 第一章 追求远大理想坚定崇高信念 第一节 1.理想的涵义与特征? P21 (1) 含义: 理想是人们在实践中形成的、有可能实现的、对未来社会和自身发展的向往与追求,是人们的世界观、人生观和价值观在奋斗目标上的集中体现。(2) 特征:目标性现实可能性超前性阶级性时代性差异性实践性 2.信念的涵义? P22 信念是认知、情感和意志的有机统一体,是人们在一定的认识基础上确立的对某种理想或事物坚信不疑并身体力行的心理态度和精神状态。 3.理想信念的作用? P24 宏观: (1) 指引人生的奋斗目标。(2) 提供人生的前进动力。 (3) 提高人生的精神境界。 微观:(1) 引导大学生做什么人。(2) 引导大学生走什么路。(3) 激励大学生为什么学。 第二节 1.树立中国特色社会主义的共同理想: P28 (1) 坚定对中国共产党的信任。


Issue题目难点(是非论证的文章) 1审题先熟悉题库中文意思 2内容不考内容背景,考逻辑分析能力 3语言标准书面语 三类难题:哲学类道德伦理文化文学只能放掉一类题目不用准备新G取消二选一该考为30分钟 按主题分类:纵向比较分类题库 1防止跑题 2★合并类似题目(新G改革要求1更加具体的细节深度>广度>范度2不能雷同)两道题的论点相似其论据论证过程可以相互使用 简易评分要求0-3分:审题和结构3-4.5分:论证过程Reasoning 4.5-6分:语言 多看6分文章不要模仿6分以下的文章 中心观点不能完全赞成或完全反对要从正反两方面论证 审题四步走 1中心观点在题目中寻找关键词主体词—确定主题(名词句子的主干)确定中心观点 限定词(adj adv 定语从句状语从句)用于确定论证角度(少数抽象题目没有限定词)2中心观点的分支观点现在将来问题有是非两个方面开头结尾是中心观点段中间4段(T+ T- F+ F-)3?分支观点的理由找限定词写issue 不要走向极端,要看整体框架 4 论据evidence 每一个分支观点理由------→分支论据归纳演绎方式观点论据比1:3---1:4---1:5 带到生活场景中去-----看题库本身 弊端:1斟词酌句浪费时间Issue看整体不看局部 Issue入门要求:先用基本单词练习关键是思路(下托福高频词表)先写再修改一气呵成不要写写停停 2临时找思路边想边写把能准备的尽量全准备 3临时发挥应用分类提纲事先准备 Step2先整理分类提纲-----整理单个提纲

Step3如何写分类提纲:先找主体词限定词---再归纳p11 是非两方面 分支观点理由—-限定词 论据善于归纳eg. 技术进步的3大种例子1交通2通讯交流(交流与人类的关系)3自动化 如何展开分析:演绎要展开包装---学术化 ★Issue的写作核心:具体问题具体分析的是非论证★ Step4 综上400-600字文章--→20-30个长句复杂句 Issue 作文的结构 开头段2-3句话提出中心句------结尾段2-3句话得出结尾句 中间展开部分1 TTF 大正小负2TFF大负小正3TF 平衡结构正文第一段都是先写正的先继承再批判(先扬后抑) 6-7句话写每段的主题句---过渡句(并列递进转折) 模板:1逻辑性的目标(迎合软件评分表准)2 写作习惯 模板包括:1 结构固定2 1 开头段的中心句1位置要求---每一个位置用什么句型做什么用End focus开头段末句中心观点 错误一:用问句结束开头(而要有明确的回答) 错误二:做报告式的开头The issue that lies in two points 2用何种句型写中心句:1 正反论证结构或有倾向的(TTF 大正小负TFF大负小正)用让步语气 2 平衡结构也可用平衡让步结果前后同等重要 The issue that calls for balance in which there are both A and B(现在将来感性理性正负两观点均可蓝色部分不可雷同同时使用) 2 开头段的写法╳B+P 背景+立场层层铺垫---铺垫型的罗嗦开头讲义P38 ╳E+P 例子+立场讲义P42


****产品(*型号*)标准化大纲 文件编号: 文件版本:V1.0 共8 页 公司名 2016年1月28日

*产品名称* (*型号*) 标准化大纲 文件编号: 文件版本:V1.0 拟制单位: 拟制人: 审核: 会签: 批准:

目录 1 产品概述 (2) 2 标准化工作的主要原则 (2) 3 标准化目标 (2) 4 标准化要求 (2) 5 新产品标准化工作范围 (4) 6 各阶段的工作任务和计划安排 (4) 7 应贯彻的标准 (4) 8 标准化检查 (5) 9 标准的裁剪 (5) 10 通用零部件、原材料的选用和控制情况 (5) 11 环境要求试验方法 (5)

*产品名称*标准化大纲 1 产品概述 *产品名称*是5槽VITA连接器背板,适用于四块数据处理板和一块接口板互联和相应的对外信号连接。适用于地面和舰载环境。产品采用电子行业标准器件、国家标准计量单位进行设计,产品符合国家和行业标准化要求。 2 标准化工作的主要原则 *产品名称*按*要求*进行研制标准化工作。在研制过程中,认证贯彻现行有效的国家标准、国家军用标准、行业标准和有关规范,对无现行相关国家标准、国家军用标准、行业标准等,应制定有关标准以满足急用。 优先采用标准件、通用件,尽可能选用现有军工产品的成熟技术。接口控制板的标准化工作由质管部标准化人员审查。 标准化工作的主要原则有: 符合国家关于武器装备发展及标准化的方针、政策,符合电子行业标准和规范; 采用国家通用的标准计量单位,非国家标准计量单位,应换算后使用; 当标准化工作遇到重大问题时,需和顾客及时沟通,寻找解决办法,满足顾客要求。 3 标准化目标 标准化工作的目标是通过使产品与系统级、分系统级和设备等层次协调一致,尤其是软、硬件接口或协议的一致,达到提高产品效能,缩短研制周期和节约研制经费等目的。标准化目标的分析应具有前瞻性、通用性和实用性。 标准化工作通过制定计划,建立标准化小组等方式实现目标,目标制定应现实可行,有一定通用性,并具有功能拓展可能。制定目标和计划。必要时可调整标准化目标和方案。 标准化工作应达到系统、分系统的要求,符合产品技术协议、产品规范和上一层次的标准化大纲。同时标准化计划应适应新产品研制的周期和资源条件。 4 标准化要求 4.1三化要求 产品遵循通用化、系列化、组合化的“三化”要求,产品和其同系列产品使用相同接口,标准机箱可兼容多种板卡,产品换代,不影响分系统使用。机箱将根据所安装的不同种类、不同数量的板卡实现多种功能。 4.2接口互换要求

GRE ISSUE提纲21-40

21. Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. 1.确实,从地区看,若在各个不同的地方都严格的使用同一法律标准,会导致不公正。如: 在中国的多文化国家,不同地区文化不同,例如,中国的东巴文化,使用象形文字,不能强制要求使用中国语。从时间看,随着社会的发展进步,某些习俗可能发生改变,有些原来犯法的行为现在不犯法。如:古代中国,原来不许剪辫子braid;有些过去合理的行为现在不合理如:一夫多妻。各地经济发展情况不同,若偷同样币值的东西可能是不同价值的,给予相同的惩罚也就不合理。Moral standards. 2.法律应保持一定的连续性、稳定性以及可预测性。连续性能保持社会的稳定(stable), 稳定性保证法律的威严(dignity),可预见性使得人们知道如何行事而不会无所适从。a certain measure of consistency, stability and predictability in our laws is required in order for us to understand our legal obligations and rights as we go about our day-to-day business as a society. 3.既要稳定性,连续性,也要flexible。 22. Claim: the best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models. Reason: Heroes and role models reveal a society’s highest ideals. 1.承认,社会的确可以通过一个人来认识社会的特点。一方面我们可以通过英雄来了解社 会普遍的价值。比如美国的三个总统。华盛顿(Washington)代表了美国社会对个人利益的尊重(a society’s respect for the rights of individuals);林肯(Lincoln)代表了美国社会的自由与平等(freedom and equality);罗斯福(Roo sevelt)代表了美国社会的正义感以及工作热情(sense of justice and passion for work)。这些正是不同时期美国社会的特点。通过不同的时期的英雄,我们可以了解不同时代的社会价值,比如抗日战争,毛泽东被人们是做英雄,反映了人们爱国主义(patriotism)。 2.但是,虽然可以反映trend and intention, 但是反映理想的状态。hero一般被传媒夸大 (exaggerate)了。他们的缺点(defects)都被视而不见(overlook their shortcomings),已经不是原来的那个真的历史人物(original historical figures)。如:毛泽东(人多力量大)、斯大林Stalin的独裁(autocracy)(阶级斗争激烈class struggle),并且抑制了文化艺术的发展。Idolatry hero 代表的是人们不可能达到的状态。是一种理想,而不一定现实中会这样做。 3.从英雄看社会是片面的,不能全面反应这个社会的特征。了解社会特征还有许多方法。 如:查看民众对hero 的态度,文化习俗方面,中国的新年和西方的圣诞节。 23. Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development. 1.承认,政府不应过多介入。A可能政府的目标会促进某些而阻碍某些发展。减少科研顾 虑,刺激发展,如catholic church限制造成medieval 欧洲科研长期压抑;B尊重发现真理的自由。如果加以抑制,就会打消人们科学研究的积极性(motivation),不利于发展。 2.但是,政府要加以适当的限制,确保健康发展。政府要支持:科学的发展离不开资金支 持。从经济上,否则大型项目无法完成。或者大规模的调查。有时,政府可以在不同学科、不同国家的研究者之间牵线搭桥促进合作。对于某些有争议的学科,不约束带来危险,政府应指引出方向(orientation)。如:clone,核武器,细菌武器

GRE ISSUE 正式分类表,终于出炉了讲课教案

G R E I S S U E正式分类 表,终于出炉了

EDUCATION Choosing the fields of study Topics ?Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. ?Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers. ?Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful. ?College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?Some people believe that college students should consider only their own talents and interests when choosing a field of study. Others believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs. ?College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. ?Claim: When planning courses, educators should take into account the interests and suggestions of their students. Reason: Students are more motivated to learn when they are interested in what they are studying. Samples ?Should educators provide students with a set of ideas or with job preparation? (GRE CAT Answers P.88) ?Are people free to choose a career? (GRE CAT Answers P.101)?Should education devote itself to enriching our personal lives? (GRE CAT Answers P.173) ?

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