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Epithelial tissue上皮组织

Epithelium 上皮


Free surface 游离面

Basal surface 基底面

Epithelial cell 上皮细胞

Covering epithelium 被覆上皮

Glandular epithelium 腺上皮

Simple epithelium 单层上皮

Simple squamous epithelium 单层扁平上皮

Endothelium 内皮

Endothelial cell 内皮细胞

Mesothelium 间皮

Mesothelial cell 间皮细胞

Simple cuboidal epithelium 单层立方上皮

Simple columnar epithelium 单层柱状上皮

Goblet cell 杯状细胞

Simple ciliated columnar epithelium 单层纤毛柱状上皮Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 假复层纤毛柱状上皮Ciliated cell 纤毛细胞

Stratified epithelium 复层上皮

Stratified squamous epithelium 复层扁平上皮

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium 角化的复层扁平上皮nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium 非角化的复层扁平上皮Stratifiedcolumnar epithelium 复层柱状上皮

Transitional epithelium 变移上皮

Tectorial cell盖细胞

Microvillus 微绒毛

Cilium 纤毛

Cell junction 细胞连接

Tight junction 紧密连接

Intercellular space 细胞间隙

Intermediate junction 中间连接

Desmosome 桥粒

Hemidesmosome 半桥粒

Gap junction 缝隙连接

Communication junction 通讯连接

Junctional complex 连接复合体

Basement membrane 基膜

Plasma membrane infloding 质膜内褶

Gland 腺

Glandular cell 腺细胞

Protein-secretory cell蛋白质分泌细胞

Steroid-secretory cell 类固醇分泌细胞

Serous cell 浆液细胞

Mucous cell 黏液细胞

Exocrine gland 外分泌腺

Serous gland 浆液腺

Mucous gland 粘液腺

Mixed gland 混合腺

Secretory portion 分泌部

Duct 导管


Connective tissue 结缔组织

Connective tissue proper 固有结缔组织Mesenchyme 间充质

Mesenchymal cell 间充质细胞

Loose connective tissue 疏松结缔组织

Fibroblast 成纤维细胞

Fibrocyte 纤维细胞

Macrophage 巨噬细胞

Phagocyte 吞噬细胞

Chemotaxis 趋化性

Chemotactic factor 趋化因子

Lysozyme 溶菌酶

Plasma cell 浆细胞

Antibody 抗体

Mast cell 肥大细胞

Leukotriene 白三烯

Histamine 组胺

Heparin 肝素

Fat cell 脂肪细胞

Undifferentiated mesenchymal cell 未分化的间充质细胞Fiber 纤维

Collagenous fiber 胶原纤维

Collagenous fibril 胶原原纤维

Collagen 胶原蛋白

Reticular fiber 网状纤维

Argyrophil fiber 嗜银纤维

Elastic fiber 弹性纤维

Elastin 弹性蛋白

Matrix (ground substance) 基质

Glycoprotein 糖蛋白

Tissue fluid 组织液

Internal environment 内环境

Homeostasis 稳态

Dense connective tissue 致密结缔组织

Dengse irregular connective tissue 不规则致密结缔组织Dengse regular connective tissue 规则致密结缔组织Elastic tissue 弹性组织

Adipose tissue 脂肪组织

White(or yellow ) adipose tissue 白(黄)脂肪组织Blown adipose tissue 棕色脂肪组织

Reticular tissue 网状纤维

Reticular cell 网状细胞


Cartilage tissue 软骨组织

Cartilage 软骨

Hyaline cartilage 透明软骨

Fibrocartilage 纤维软骨

Elastic cartilage 弹性软骨

Cartilage matrix 软骨基质

Cartilage lacuna 软骨陷窝

Cartilage capsule 软骨囊

Chondrocyte(cartilage cell) 软骨细胞

Isogenous group 同源细胞群

Perichondrium 软骨膜

Bone 骨

Osseous tissue (bone tissue) 骨组织

Bone matrix 骨基质

Bone collagen fiber 骨胶纤维

Bone lamella 骨板

Osteocalcin 骨钙蛋白

Bone mineral 骨盐

Lamellar bone 板层骨

Osteoblast 成骨细胞

Osteoid 类骨质

Matrix vesicle 基质小泡

Osteocyte 骨细胞

Bone lacuna 骨陷窝

Bone canaliculus 骨小管

Osteoclast 破骨细胞

Ruffled border 皱褶缘

Spongy bone 骨松质

Compact bone 骨密质

Outer circumferential lamella 外环骨板

Inner circumferential lamella 内环骨板

osteon 骨单位

Haversian system 哈弗斯系统

Central canal 中央管

Osteon lamella 骨单位骨板

Interstitial lamella 间骨板

Periosteum 骨外膜

Endosteum 骨内膜


Blood 血液

Plasma 血浆

Blood cell 血细胞

Serum 血清

Erythrocyte (red blood cell,RBC)红细胞Hemoglobin,Hb 血红蛋白

Reticulocyte 网织红细胞

Leukocyte (white blood cell,WBC) 白细胞Granulocyte 有粒白细胞

agranulocyte 无粒白细胞

neutrophilic granulocyte 中性粒细胞azurophilic granule 嗜天青颗粒

specific granule 特殊颗粒

eosinophilic granulocyte(eosinophil)嗜酸性粒细胞basophilic granulocyte(basophil) 嗜碱性粒细胞monocyte 单核细胞

lymphocyte 淋巴细胞

natural killer cell,NK cell 自然杀伤细胞

platelet 血小板

lymph 淋巴

megakaryocyte 巨核细胞


Muscle tissue肌组织

Muscle cell 肌细胞

Muscle fiber 肌纤维

Sarcolemma 肌膜

Sarcoplasm 肌质

Myofilament 肌丝

Sarcoplasmic reticulum 肌质网

Striaed muscle 横纹肌

Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌

Epimysium 肌外膜


Endomysium 肌内膜

Myofibril 肌原纤维

Cross striation 横纹

I band I带

Light band 明带

A band A带

Dark band 暗带

H band H带

M line M线

Z line Z线

Sarcomere 肌节

Thin filament 细肌丝

Thick filament 粗肌丝

Actin 肌动蛋白

Tropomyosin 原肌球蛋白

Troponin 肌钙蛋白

Myosin 肌球蛋白

Cross bridge 横桥

Transverse tubule 横小管Longitudinal tubule 纵小管

Terminal cisternae 终池

Triad 三联体

Sliding filament hypothesis 肌丝滑动学说Muscle satellite cell 肌卫星细胞Cardiac muscle 心肌

Intercalated disk 闰盘

Diad 二联体

Smooth muscle 平滑肌

Caveola 小凹

Dense patch 密斑

Dense body 密体


Nervous tissue 神经组织

nerve cell 神经细胞

neuroglial cell 神经胶质细胞

neuron 神经元

soma 神经元胞体

perikaryon 核周体

Nissl body 尼氏体

Neurofibril 神经元纤维Neurofilament 神经丝

Process 突起

Dendrite 树突

Dendritic spine 树突棘

Axon 轴突

Axon hillock 轴丘

Axoplasm 轴质

Axolemma 轴膜

Axonal transport 轴突运输

Axon terminal 轴突终末

Multipolar neuron 多极神经元

Bipolar neuron 双极神经元Pseudounipolar neuron 假单极神经元Sensory neuron 感觉神经元

Afferent neuron 传入神经元

Motor neuron 运动神经元

Efferent neuron 传出神经元

Interneuron 中间神经元Neurotransmitter 神经递质

Synapse 突触

Chemical synapse 化学突触

Electrical synapse 电突触

Presynaptic element 突触前成分

Synaptic bouton 突触结

Presynaptic membrane 突触前膜

Synaptic cleft 突触间隙

Postsynaptic element 突触后成分Postsynaptic membrane 突触后膜Synaptic vesicle 突触泡

Synapsin I突触素I

Neuroglia 神经胶质

Astrocyte 星形胶质细胞

Fibrous astrocyte 纤维性星形胶质细胞Protoplasmic astrocyte 原浆性星形角质细胞End feet 脚板

Oligodendrocyte 少突胶质细胞

Microglia 小胶质

Ependyma 室管膜

Schwann cell 施万细胞

Satellite cell 卫星细胞

Capsular cell 被囊细胞

Nerve fiber 神经纤维

Myelin sheath 髓鞘

Myelinated never fiber 有髓神经纤维Ravier node 郎飞结

Internode 结间体

Neurilemma 神经膜

Unmyelinated nerve fiber 无髓神经纤维Nerve 神经

Epineurium 神经外膜

Perineurium 神经束膜

Endoneurium 神经内膜

Never ending 神经末梢

Sensory never ending 感觉神经末梢

Free never ending 游离神经末梢Encapsulated nerve ending 有被囊神经末梢Tactile corpuscle 触觉小体

Lamellar corpuscle 环层小体

Muscle spindle 肌梭

Intrafusal muscle fiber 梭内肌纤维

Motor never ending 运动神经末梢Effector 效应器

Motor end plate 运动终板


Circulatory system 循环系统

Heart 心脏

Blood vessel 血管

Artery 血管

Capillary 毛细血管


Tunica intima 内膜

Subendothelial layer 内皮下层

Internal elastic membrane 内弹性膜Tunica media 中膜

Tunica adventitia 外膜

External elastic memberane 外弹性膜Large artery 大动脉

Elastic artery 弹性动脉

Medium-sized artery 中动脉

Muscular artery 肌性动脉

Small artery 小动脉

Arteriole 微动脉

Capillary network 毛细血管网

Pericyte 周细胞

Continuous capillary 连续毛细血管Fenestrated capillary 有孔毛细血管Sinusoid 血窦

Venule 微静脉

Postcapillary venule 毛细血管后微静脉Small vein 小静脉

Medium-sized vein 中静脉

Large vein 大静脉

Microcirculation 微循环

Precapillary arteriole 毛细血管前微静脉

Meta-arteriole 中间微静脉

True capillary 真毛细血管Thoroughfare channel 直捷通路Arteriovenous anastomosis 动静脉吻合Endocardium 心内膜

Subendocardial layer 心内膜下层Myocardium 心肌膜

Specific atrial granule 心房特殊颗粒Cardionatrin 心钠素

Epicardium 心外膜

Cardiac valve 心瓣膜

Cardiac conduction system 心脏传导系统Pacemaker cell 起搏细胞

Transitional cell 移行细胞

Purkinje fiber 浦肯野纤维

Lymphatic capillary 毛细淋巴管Lymphatic vessel 淋巴管

Lymphatic duct 淋巴导管


Immune system 免疫系统

Humoral immunity 体液免疫

Cell immunity 细胞免疫

T lymphocyte T淋巴细胞

Cytotoxic T cell 细胞毒性T淋巴细胞Effector T cell 效应T细胞

Helper T cell 辅助性T细胞

Suppressor T cell 抑制性T细胞

B lymphocyte B细胞

NK cell NK细胞

antigen presenting cell , APC 抗原提呈细胞dendritic cell , DC 树突细胞

lymphoid tissue 淋巴组织

diffuse lymphoid tissue 弥散淋巴组织lymphoid nodule 淋巴小结

lymphoid follicle 淋巴滤泡

primary lymphatic nodule 初级淋巴小结secondary lymphatic nodule 次级淋巴小结germinal center 生发中心

lymphoid organ 淋巴器官

central lymphoid organ 中枢淋巴器官peripheral lymphoid organ 周围淋巴器官thymus 胸膜

capsule 被膜

interlobular septum 小叶间隔

thymic lobule 胸腺小叶

thymic stromal cell 胸腺基质细胞

thymic epithelial cell 胸腺上皮细胞

epithelial reticular cell 上皮网状细胞

thymic cortex 胸腺皮质

subcapsular epithelial cell 被摸下上皮细胞

nurse cell 抚育细胞

thymosin 胸腺素

thymopoietin 胸腺生成素

stellate epithelial cell 星形上皮细胞

thymocyte 胸腺细胞

thymic medulla 胸腺髓质

thymic corpuscle 胸腺小体

blood-thymus barrier 血-胸腺屏障

high endothelial venule,HEV 高内皮微静脉

lymph node 淋巴结

afferent lymphatic vessel 输入淋巴管

efferent lymphatic vessel 输出淋巴管

trabecula 小梁

superfacial cortex 浅层皮质

dark zone 暗区

light zone 明区

nodule cap 小结帽

deep cortex 深皮质

cortical sinus 皮质淋巴窦

subcapsular sinus 被摸下淋巴窦

peritrabecular sinus 小梁周围淋巴窦

medullary cord 髓索

medulllary sinus 髓窦

lymphocyte recirculating 淋巴细胞再循环

spleen 脾

white pulp 白髓

periarterial lymphatic sheath 动脉周围淋巴鞘

central artery 中央动脉

splenic nodule 脾小体

marginal zone 边缘区

marginal sinus 边缘窦

red pulp 红髓

splenic cord 脾索

splenic sinus 脾窦

mononuclear phagocytic system,MPS 单核吞噬细胞系统第十二章内分泌系统

endocrine system 内分泌系统

endocrine gland 内分泌腺endocrine cell 内分泌细胞

hormone 激素

paracrine 旁分泌

autocrine 自分泌

target organ 靶器官

target cell 靶细胞

thyroid gland 甲状腺

follicle 滤泡

follicular epithelial cell 滤泡上皮细胞colloid 胶质

thyroid hormone 甲状腺激素thyroxine 甲状腺素

parafollicular cell 滤泡旁细胞calcitonin 降钙素

parathyroid gland 甲状旁腺

chief cell主细胞

parathyroid hormone 甲状旁腺激素oxyphil cell嗜酸性细胞

adrenal gland 肾上腺

adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质

zona glomerulosa 球状带aldosterone 醛固酮

zona fasciculata束状带glucocorticoid 糖皮质激素corticosterone皮质醇

zona reticularis 网状带

adrenal medulla 肾上腺髓质chromaffin cell 嗜铬细胞

adrenaline 肾上腺素

hypophysis 垂体


digestive system 消化系统

digestive tube(tract)消化管


lamina propria 固有层

muscularis mucosa黏膜肌层submucosa 黏膜下层

submucosal nerve plexus黏膜下神经丛plica 皱襞

tunica muscularis 肌层

circular muscle 环形肌

longitudinal muscle 纵行肌

tunica adventitia 外膜

fibrosa 纤维膜

serosa 浆膜

oral cavity 口腔

tongue 舌

lingual papilla 舌乳头

filiform papilla 丝状乳头

fungiform papilla 菌状乳头

circumvallate papilla轮廓乳头

foliate papilla 叶状乳头

taste gland 味腺

taste bud 味蕾

taste pore 味孔

taste cell 味细胞

basal cell 基细胞

esophagus 食管

esophageal gland 食管腺

stomach 胃

gastric mucosa 胃黏膜

gastric area 胃小区

gastric pit 胃小凹

surface mucous cell 表面黏液细胞

gastric gland 胃腺

fundic gland 胃底腺

chief cell 主细胞

zymogenic cell 胃酶细胞

pepsinogen 胃蛋白酶原

parietal cell 壁细胞

intracellular secretory canaliculus 细胞内分泌小管tubulovesicular system 微管泡系统

intrinsic factor 内因子

mucous neck cell 颈黏液细胞

small intestine 小肠

intestinal mucosa 肠黏膜

intestinal villus 肠绒毛

absorptive cell 吸收细胞

striated border 纹状缘

intestinal gland 肠腺

Paneth cell 潘氏细胞

defensin 防卫素

central lacteal 中央乳糜管

duodenal gland 十二指肠腺


digestive gland 消化腺

salivary gland 唾液腺

acinus 腺泡

serous acinus 浆液腺泡zymogen granule 酶原颗粒mucous acinus 黏液腺泡mucinogen granule 黏原颗粒mixed acinus 混合腺泡

serous demilune 浆液半月intercalated duct 闰管secretory duct 分泌管

striated duct 纹状管

pancreas 胰腺

centroacinar cell 泡心细胞pancreatic islet 胰岛

A cell A细胞

glucagon 胰高血糖素

B cell B细胞

insulin 胰岛素

somatostatin cell 生长抑素细胞PP cell PP细胞

liver 肝

hepatic lobule 肝小叶

central vein 中央静脉

hepatic plate 肝板

hepatic cord 肝索

hepatocyte 肝细胞

hepatic sinusoid 肝血窦hepatic macrophage 肝巨噬细胞Kupffer cell 库普弗细胞perisinuoidal space 窦周间隙Disse space 迪赛间隙

fat-storing cell 贮脂细胞

bile canaliculus 胆小管

portal area 门管区interlobular vein 小叶间静脉interlobular artery 小叶间动脉interlobular bile duct 小叶间胆管十五章呼吸系统

respiratory system 呼吸系统trachea 气管

tracheal epithelium 气管上皮brush cell 刷细胞

small granule cell 小颗粒细胞tracheal gland 气管腺

tracheal cartilage 气管软骨bronchus 支气管

bronchial gland 支气管腺


bronchial tree 支气管树

pulmonary lobule 肺小叶

bronchiole 细支气管

terminal dronchiole 终末细支气管clara cell 克拉拉细胞

respiratory bronchiole 呼吸性细支气管alveolar duct 肺泡管

alveolar sac 肺泡囊

pulmonary alveoli 肺泡

alveolar epithelium 肺泡上皮

type Ⅰalveolar cell Ⅰ型肺泡细胞type Ⅱalveolar cell Ⅱ型肺泡细胞surfactant 表面活性物质

alveolar septum 肺泡隔

alveolar pore 肺泡孔

blood-air barrier 气-血屏障pulmonary macrophage 肺巨噬细胞dust cell尘细胞


urinary system 泌尿系统

kidney 肾

renal cortex 肾皮质

renal column 肾柱

renal medulla 肾髓质

renal pyramid 肾锥体

renal papilla 肾乳头

medullary ray 髓放线

cortical labyrinth 皮质迷路

renal lobule 肾小叶

renal lobe 肾叶

uriniferous tubule 泌尿小管

nephron 肾单位

medullary loop 髓袢

descending limb 降支

ascending limb 升支

superficial nephron 浅表肾单位juxtamedullary nephron 髓旁肾单位renal corpuscle 肾小体

vascular pole 血管极

urinary pole 尿极

glomerulus 血管球

renal glomerulus 肾小球

afferent arteriole 入球微动脉

efferent arteriole 出球微动脉

glomerular basement membrane,GBM血管球基膜mesangium 血管系膜

intraglomerular mesangium 球内系膜mesangial cell 血管系膜细胞

intraglomerular mesangial cell 球内系膜细胞mesangial matrx 系膜基质

renal capsule 肾小囊

capsular space 肾小囊腔

podocyte 足细胞

slit pore裂孔

slit membrane 裂孔膜

filtration barrier 滤过屏障

filtration membrane 滤过膜

crude urine 原尿

renal tubule 肾小管

proximal tubule 近端小管

proximal convoluted tubule 近曲小管

brush border 刷状缘

proximal straight tubule近直小管

thin segment 细段

distal tubule 远端小管

distal straight tubule 远直小管

distal convoluted tubule 远曲小管

collecting tubule 集合管

end urine 终尿

papillary duct 乳头管

juxtaglomerular complex,JGC球旁复合体juxtaglomerular cell 球旁细胞


macula densa 致密斑

extraglomerular mesanngial cell 球外系膜细胞polar cushion cell 极垫细胞

renal interstitium 肾间质


urinary bladder 膀胱


Male reproductive system男性生殖系统

Testis 睾丸

Tunica albuginea 白膜

Mediastinum testis 睾丸纵隔

Septulum testis 睾丸小隔

Seminiferous tubule 生精小管

Spermatogenic epithelium 生精上皮Spermatogenic cell 生精细胞

Germ cell 生精细胞

Cytoplasmic bridge 细胞质桥Spermatogenesis 精子发生

Spermatogonium 精原细胞

Primary spermatocyte 初级精母细胞Secondary spermatocyte 次级精母细胞Spermatid精子细胞

Spermigenesis 精子形成

Spermatozoon 精子


Sustentacular cell 支持细胞

Androgen binding protein,ABP雄激素结合蛋白Basal compartment 基底室

Abluminal compartment 近腔室

Blood-seminiferous tubul barrier 血-生精小管屏障Blood-testis barrier 血-睾屏障

Testicular interstitial cell 睾丸间质细胞Testicular interstitium 睾丸间质


Tubule rectus 直精小管

Epididymis 附睾

Efferent duct 输出小管

Epididymal duct 附睾管

Prostate 前列腺

Prostatic concretion 前列腺凝固体


Female reproductive system 女性生殖系统Ovary 卵巢

Superficinal epithelium 表面上皮


Oocyte 卵母细胞

Primordial follicle 原始卵泡

Primary oocyte 初级卵母细胞

Follicular cell 卵泡细胞

Growing follicle 生长卵泡

Primary follicle 初级卵泡

Zona pellucida 透明带

Zona protein ZP透明带蛋白

Secondary follicle 次级卵泡

Follicular cavity 卵泡腔

Follicular fluid 卵泡液

Cumulus oophorus 卵丘

Corona radiate 放射冠

Granulose layer 颗粒层

Follicular theca 卵泡膜

Theca interna 内膜层

Theca cell 膜细胞

Theca externa 外膜层

Mature follicle 成熟卵泡

Secondary oocyte 次级卵母细胞Ovulation排卵

Follicular stigma卵泡小斑


Corpus luteum 黄体

Granulose lutein cell 颗粒黄体细胞Theca lutein cell 膜黄体细胞

Corpus luteum of menstruation 月经黄体Corpus luteum of pregnancy 妊娠黄体Corpus albicans 白体

Atretic follicle 闭锁卵泡

Interstitial 间质细胞

Interstitial glamnd间质腺

Ovaran cycle 卵巢周期

Hilus cell 门细胞

Oviduct 输尿管


Perimetrium 子宫外膜

Myometrium 子宫肌层

Submucous layer 黏膜下层

Middle layer 中间层

Vascular layer血管层

Endometrium 子宫内膜

Stromal cell 基质细胞

Uterine gland 子宫腺

Functional layer 功能层

Basal layer 基底层

Spiral artery 螺旋动脉

Menstrual cycle 月经周期Proliferative phase 增生期

Follicular phase 卵泡期

Secretory phase 分泌期

Luteal phase 黄体期

Menstrual phase 月经期Menstruation 月经

Mammary gland 乳腺


Embryology 胚胎学Embryogenesis 胚胎发生

Embryonic development胚胎发育Embryo胚胎

Embryonic period 胚期

Fetus 胎(儿)

Fetal period 胎期

Perinatal stage 围生期



Capacitation of spermatozoon 精子获能Fertilization 受精※

Acrosome reaction 顶体反应

Zona reaction 透明带反应

Male pronucleus 雄原核

Female pronucleus 雌原核

Fertilized ovum 受精卵


Cleavage 卵裂※

Blastomere 卵裂球

Morula 桑椹胚※

Blastocyst formation 胚泡形成Blastocyst 胚泡※

Blastocyst cavity 胚泡腔Trophoblast(trophoderm)滋养层

Inner cell mass 内细胞群

Polar trophoblast 极端滋养层Implantation 植入※

Imbed着床即植入Syncytiotrophoblast 合体滋养层Cytotrophoblast 细胞滋养层Decidual response 蜕膜反应

Decidua 蜕膜

Decidual cell 蜕膜细胞

Decidua basalis 底蜕膜

Decidua capsularis 包蜕膜

Decidua parietalis 壁蜕膜

Bilaminar germ disc 二胚层胚盘Germ disc(embryonic disc) 胚盘

Germ layer(embryonic layer)胚层Epiblast 上胚层

Hypoblast 下胚层

Amnion 羊膜

Amniotic cavity 羊膜腔

Amniotic fluid 羊水

Amniotic sac羊膜囊Extraembryonic mesoderm 胚外中胚层Extraembryonic cavity 胚外中胚层Yolk sac 卵黄囊

Primary yolk sac 初级卵黄囊Secondary yolk sac 次级卵黄囊

Body stalk 体蒂

Primitive streak 原条※

Primitive node 原结

Primitive pit 原凹

Primitive groove 原沟

Endoderm 内胚层

Mesoderm 中胚层

Ectoderm 外胚层

Trilaminar germ disc 三胚层胚盘Notochord 脊索

Buccopharyngeal membrane 口咽膜Cloacal membrane 泄殖腔膜

Neural plate 神经板

Neural ectoderm 神经外胚层

Neural groove 神经沟

Neural fold 神经褶

Neural tube 神经管

Neuropore 神经孔

Neural crest 神经嵴

Paraxial mesoderm 轴旁中胚层Somite体节

Intermediate mesoderm 间介中胚层Lateral mesoderm 侧中胚层Intraembryonic coelomic caviy 胚内体腔Somatic mesoderm 体壁中胚层Splanchnic mesoderm 脏壁中胚层Fetal membrane 胎膜

Chorion 绒毛膜

Primary stem villus 初级绒毛干Secondary stem villus 次级绒毛干Tertiary stem villus 三级绒毛干

Free villus 游离绒毛

Anchoring villus 固定绒毛

Chorion frondosum 丛密绒毛膜

Chorion leave 平滑绒毛膜Allantois 尿囊

Umbilical cord 脐带Placenta 胎盘

Placental barrier 胎盘屏障Twins 孪生

Multiple birth 多胎


专业英文术语 A【返回检索】 Abram's rule阿勃拉姆规则 Abrasion磨耗 Accelerated strength testing快速强度试验Acid resistance耐酸性 Adiabatic temperature rise绝热升温Admixture外加剂 Aggregate集料(混凝土) Air entrainment引气(加气) Autoclave高压釜 Accelerated curing快速养护 Absorbed water吸附水 Added water附加水 Aggregate bulk density集料松散容重 Auti-corrosion Admixture防锈剂Anisotropic materials各向异性材料 Air-entrained concrete引气混凝土 Air Entrain Admixture引气剂 Aggregate porosity集料孔隙率 Artificial marble人造大理石 Alite阿利特 Alkali-aggregate reaction碱-集料反应Alkalies in Portland cement波特兰水泥中的碱Alkali-silica reaction碱-二氧化硅反应Anhydrite无水石膏(硬石膏) Autoclave expansion test高压釜膨胀试验 Air-entrained concrete加气混凝土 Adhesion agent粘着剂Accelerating agent速凝剂 All mesh ferrocement无筋钢丝网水泥Allyl-Butadiene-Styrene丙烯氰-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚树脂(ABS) Air pockets鼓泡 Axial tensive property轴心受拉性能Axial compressive property轴心受压性能Air impermeability气密性 Abnormal Polypropylene无规聚丙烯(APP) Asbestos fibres石棉纤维 Asbestos insulation石棉绝热制品Autoclave expansion test压蒸法 Artificial人造石 Air entraining and water-reducing admixture 引气减水剂 Active addition活性混合材 Addition of cement水泥混合材Aluminoferic cement clinker铁铝酸盐水泥熟料 Age龄期,时期 Aluminum silicate wool硅酸铝棉Aluminum foil铝箔 Air space insulation封闭空气间层 Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal resistance)比热阻(热导率的倒数)Absorptivity吸收率 Air permeability(Air penetration coefficient)空气渗透率


常用英语语法术语表 语法grammar 句法syntax 词法morphology 结构structure 层次rank 句子sentence 从句clause 词组phrase 词类part of speech 单词word 实词notional word 虚词structrural word 名词noun 专有名词proper noun 普通名词common noun 可数名词countable noun 不可数名词uncountable noun 抽象名词abstract noun 具体名词concret moun 物质名词material noun 集体名词collective noun 个体名词individual noun 介词preposition 连词conjunction 动词verb 主动词main verb 及物动词transitive verb 不及物动词intransitive verb 系动词link verb 助动词auxiliary verb 情态动词modal verb 规则动词regular verb 不规则动词irregular verb 短语动词phrasal verb 限定动词finite verb 非限定动词infinite verb 使役动词causative verb 感官动词verb of senses 动态动词event verb 静态动词state verb 感叹词exclamation 形容词adjective 副词adverb 方式副词adverb of manner 程度副词adverb of degree 时间副词adverb of time 地点副词adverb of place 修饰性副词adjunct 连接性副词conjunct 疑问副词interogative adverb 关系副词relative adverb 代词pronoun 人称代词personal pronoun 物主代词possesive pronoun 反身代词reflexive pronoun 相互代词reciprocal pronoun 指示代词demonstrative pronoun 疑问代词interrogative pronoun 关系代词relative pronoun 不定代词indefinite pronoun 物主代词possecive pronoun 名词性物主代词nominal possesive prnoun 形容词性物主代词adjectival possesive pronoun 冠词article 定冠词definite article 不定冠词indefinite article 数词numeral 基数词cardinal numeral 序数词ordinal numeral 分数词fractional numeral 形式form 单数形式singular form 复数形式plural form 限定动词finite verb form 非限定动词non-finite verb form 原形base form 从句clause 从属句subordinate clause 并列句coordinate clause 名词从句nominal clause 定语从句attributive clause


材料科学基础常用英语词汇作者: davidzhangsh 发布日期: 2005-12-14 查 看数 : 154 出自: https://www.doczj.com/doc/1f3314877.html, 材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer 部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials, 电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity, 热导率thermal conductivity, 应力和应变stress and strain, 弹性应变elastic strain, 塑性应变plastic strain, 屈服强度yield strength, 最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility, 伸长率elongation, 断面收缩率reduction of area, 颈缩necking, 断裂强度breaking strength, 韧性toughness, 硬度hardness, 疲劳强度fatigue strength, 蜂窝honeycomb, 热脆性heat shortness, 晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell, 点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point, 点阵参数lattice parameter, 密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, 体心立方body-centered cubic, 面心立方face-centered cubic, 弥勒指数Miller indices, 晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system, 晶向crystal direction, 相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation, 成核nucleation, 成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier, 晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay, 基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation, 籽晶生长seeded growth, 均质核化homogeneous nucleation, 异质核化heterogeneous nucleation, 均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment, 熟料grog, 自恰场self-consistent field 固溶体Solid solution: 有序固溶体ordered solid solution, 无序固溶体disordered solid solution, 有序合金ordered alloy, 无序合金disordered alloy. 无序点阵disordered lattice, 分散,扩散,弥散dispersal, 分散剂dispersant, 分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive,


医疗包装机械设备中英文对照表 泡罩包装机blister packaging machin 泡罩板装盒机blister boxing machine 药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machine 药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container making machine 螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge 密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge 密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosed rotary-drum vacuum filter 灭菌设备sterilizing equipment 明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipment 明胶液桶gelatin tank 模制瓶制造机mould bottle making machine 盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi-effect coil water distiller 旁滤式离心机side-filtered piston-discharge sedimentary centrifuge 抛射剂压装机freon press-filling machine 泡罩板装盒机blister boxing machine 药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machine 药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container making machine 螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge 密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge 药用相关包装机械medicinal interrelated packaging machinery 药用印字机medicinal printing machine 药用装盒包装机medicinal boxing and packaging machine 叶滤机leaf filter 液体灌装自动包装线automatic liquid filling and packaging line 医用低速离心机pharmaceutical low-speed centrifuge 移动缸式制粒机moving cylinder type mixing granulator 饮片机械sliced herbal medicine machinery 硬度测定仪hardness tester


土建专业常用英文词汇(较完整版) A-frame A型骨架水泥cement 粉煤灰pulverized fuel ash 碎石broken stone cracked sto ne A-truss A型构架供应量supply 外加剂admixture cement additive abrasion 磨耗;磨蚀桩的平面布置pile layo ut 伸缩接头expansion joint 稀释沥青cut back bitumen abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机回填backfill 摩擦角an angle of frictio n 颗粒材料granular fill abrasive grinding machine 磨机(火石机) 颗粒层granular layer 立方码cubic yard abrasive particle 磨粒psi =po und/square inch 英制压力单位Psi具体单位是“lb/in2”, 就是“磅/平方英寸”路堤embankment 粗滤层coarse fliter abso rptio n 吸收ingredients 组成部分,成分,原料;要素,因素job mix formula 工地配合比abutment 桥台;拱座sampling 抽样frequency of test 检测频率 abutting end 邻接端co mpliance with 遵守符合co nform to 遵照符合acceleratio n 加速 in accordance with 依照与…一致wet cohesion 湿粘聚力Asphalt Binder 沥青胶泥 acceleratio n lane 加速车道potholes 坑洞locatio n 现场 acceleratio n pedal 加速器踏板reno mattress 石笼垫层splash pad 冲刷层geo-textile 土工布accelerato r 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂free drainage 自由排水 acceptance criteria 接受准则 access 通路;通道 access door 检修门;通道门 access lane 进出路径 access panel 检修门 access point 入口处;出入通道处 access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道 access ro ad 通路;通道 access shaft 竖井通道 access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道 access staircase 通道楼梯 access step 上落踏板;出入踏板 access tunnel 隧道通道 accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶 accessory 附件;配件 accident 事故;意外 accidental collapse 意外坍塌 acco mmodate 装设;容纳 accredited private laborato ry 认可私营实验室 accumulato r 储压器;蓄电池 accuracy limit 准确度极限 acetylene cylinder 乙炔气(风煤)樽 acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机 acid pump 酸液泵 acid tank 酸液缸 aco ustic co uplant 声耦合剂 aco ustic co upler 声耦合器 aco ustic lining 隔音板


《土木工程材料》主要的计算类型: 1.Mix design calculation show a dry mix of cement 310kg, water 180kg, sand 688kg, and gravel 1220kg. The moisture contents of sand and gravel are 3.5% and 1.8% respectively. Find the field mix proportions. 2.Dry mix proportions of C20 concrete is 1:2.6:4.6:0.6, the other conditions are: specific gravity of cement=3.1g/cm3, Apparent density of sand=2.6g/cm3 Please calculate; (1)The amount of each compound in 1m3 concrete. (2)When check the above mix proportions and 5% of cement and water must be extra-added to obtain qualified slump, and the apparent density of concrete mixture is tested as 2390kg/m3, please determine the amount of each compound after adjusting its workability. 3.The sieve analysis results of sand is as follows: Please judge how about the fineness of sand. 4. 500g river sand is oven dried to a constant weight 486g, please calculate water absorption of this sand. 5.The raw materials used in concrete are the following: Cement: 42.5MPa, Gravel: crushed stone, W/C=0.60 Question: Whether this materials can be used to produce some C30 concrete? 6. One block of standard clay brick, the dimension is 240mm×115mm×53mm. its


常用工程英语词汇 Construction Site 建筑工地 Apologize for any inconvenience caused during building operation 对施工期间带来的不便表示歉意。 Danger of death. Keep out. 生命危险,严禁入内。 Danger,building site, keep out 工地危险,禁止入内。 Danger,evacuation 危险,请走开 Dangerous structure, this bridge is unsafe 危险结构,该桥不安全。 Hot work in progress 正在施工 No persons allowed beyond this point 任何人不许越过此处。 Safety footwear.穿安全靴 Safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必须戴安全帽。 Site entrance, dangerous 工地入口,危险 Slow, site entrance 工地入口请慢行 This button has been moved for remedial work 该按钮已卸下拿去修理。 This is just for construction personnel 仅供施工人员使用。 This lift is only for construction personal 此电梯仅供施工人员使用。 This work will be completed by the end of this year. Thank you fo r your patience during the inevitable disruption 此工程于年底完工,感谢你施工期间的宽容大度。 We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this works 对施工期间引起的不便表示歉意。 Working overhead 上面在施工


土木工程材料的发展 摘要:这篇文章概要的描述了20世纪末运用在土木工程中建筑材料的一些问题同时展望了建筑材料的未来前景。对19世纪至20世纪基本建筑材料如钢和混凝土的一些改进做了分析。它描述了新材料如碳纤维增强复合材料,高强混凝土,高性能混凝土如何为材料的进一步发展创造了可能性。同时也介绍了现代胶合木结构的新机遇。指出了玻璃和塑料作为建筑材料运用在土木工程中的一些局限性。 重要词汇:钢,混凝土,高强混凝土,高性能混凝土,碳纤维增强复合材料,高层建筑,水中建筑 1.引言 土木工程——一门关于各式各样建筑的艺术——早在文明发展的初期就存在于人类的领域中了。这些建筑除了住宅还有公共建筑,工业建筑,桥梁,高架桥,隧道,公路和火车道,高速公路和飞机场,水库和仓库,水堰,大坝,水中建筑,电视塔,以及大量的构成我们生活环境的其他建筑。 土木工程领域中的人类活动可以追溯到很早以前,当人类观察他周围的自然环境并开始模仿改进它们以创造出更安全更好的生存环境。此外,比较早之前,他注意到了他的建筑“艺术品”除了具备安全性,耐久性和实用性外还应该具备和谐性美观性。Socrates曾经发表过相同的观点,他说,人类的一切创造均需要具备实用性,耐久性和美观性。 土木工程千百年的发展进程代表着与可利用材料,距离,高度,活载以及自然力量——水,火,风和地震的不断抗争。这些元素有些具有重要的意义,其他的一些具有次要的意义。首先提到的这些,对建筑材料发展的影响扮演着重要的角色。 首先,古代的人类群体使用的是天然材料如石头和木材。在时间的进程里,他们学会了如何用黏土来做成砖,一种人工石头,即首先先在阳光下晒干然后在烘干。在主要的文明中心(中东,近东和地中海地区)炎热的气候和短浅的经济思想导致了,在一个短的时间内,木材被淘汰出作为建筑材料的范畴。这在植被


材料科学基础常用英语词汇 材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer 部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials, 电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity, 热导率thermal conductivity, 应力和应变stress and strain, 弹性应变elastic strain, 塑性应变plastic strain, 屈服强度yield strength, 最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility, 伸长率elongation, 断面收缩率reduction of area, 颈缩necking, 断裂强度breaking strength, 韧性toughness, 硬度hardness, 疲劳强度fatigue strength, 蜂窝honeycomb, 热脆性heat shortness, 晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell,

点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point, 点阵参数lattice parameter, 密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, 体心立方body-centered cubic, 面心立方face-centered cubic, 弥勒指数Miller indices, 晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system, 晶向crystal direction, 相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation,成核nucleation, 成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier, 晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay, 基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation,


PO,Purchase order,采购订单 TBE,To be executed,待执行or Technic bidding evaluation 技术标评价ANSI=American national standard insititute 美国标准化组织 AMSE=American society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工业工程协会 BWD=ButtWeld 对焊 SWF=Female socketwelding 内承插 TVB=Pipe or tube 管子 VENT=open to vent 放空口 SCF=Screwed Female 内螺纹 SCM=Screwed Male 外螺纹 SWM=Male Socketwelding 外承插焊 DP=Damper 风门 EJ=Expation Joint 膨胀节 FH=Flanged Hose 法兰连接软管 HC=Hose Coupling 软管活接头 RO=Restrict Orifice 限流孔板 RP=Rupture Plate 爆破板 RV=relief Valve 减压阀 SG=Sight Glass 视镜 SS=Safety shower & Eye Washer 安全淋浴洗眼器 ST=Steam Trap 疏水阀 STR=Strainer 过滤器 SV=Safety Valve 安全阀

TS=Temporary Strainer 临时过滤器 SL=Silencer 消音器 SP=Special Items 特殊管件 SY=Stack Yard 渣场 ESD=Emergency Shutdown System 紧急停车系统 DW=feeD Water 生活水 WFR=Fresh Water 新鲜水 FW=Fire protection Water 消防水 OD=Oiled Drain 含油废水 SD=Sewerage Drain 污水 CWSU=Cooling Water Supply 冷却循环给水 CWRT=Cooling Water Return 冷却循环回水 PA=Phoshoric Acid 磷酸 SO=seal oil 密封油 UR=urea 尿素 AA=Atmospheric Air FL=Flare gas 火炬气体 FLG=Flue Gas 烟道气 FG=Fuel GAS 燃料气 OFR=For Review 供审查 OFA=For Approval 供批准 ACF=Advancede Certified Final Drawing 最终确定版图纸


材料科学基础专业词汇:第一章晶体结构 原子质量单位Atomic mass unit (amu) 原子数Atomic number 原子量Atomic weight 波尔原子模型Bohr atomic model 键能Bonding energy 库仑力Coulombic force 共价键Covalent bond 分子的构型molecular configuration 电子构型electronic configuration 负电的Electronegative 正电的Electropositive 基态Ground state 氢键Hydrogen bond 离子键Ionic bond 同位素Isotope 金属键Metallic bond 摩尔Mole 泡利不相容原理Pauli exclusion principle 元素周期表Periodic table 原子atom 分子molecule 分子量molecule weight 极性分子Polar molecule 量子数quantum number 价电子valence electron 范德华键van der waals bond 电子轨道electron orbitals 点群point group 对称要素symmetry elements 各向异性anisotropy 原子堆积因数Atomic packing factor (APF) 体心立方结构body-centered cubic (BCC) 面心立方结构face-centered cubic (FCC) 布拉格定律bragg’s law 配位数coordination number 晶体结构crystal structure 晶系crystal system 晶体的crystalline 衍射diffraction 中子衍射neutron diffraction 电子衍射electron diffraction 晶界grain boundary 六方密堆积hexagonal close-packed (HCP) 鲍林规则Pauling’s rules NaCl型结构NaCl-type structure CsCl型结构Caesium Chloride structure 闪锌矿型结构Blende-type structure 纤锌矿型结构Wurtzite structure 金红石型结构Rutile structure 萤石型结构Fluorite structure 钙钛矿型结构Perovskite-type structure 尖晶石型结构Spinel-type structure 硅酸盐结构Structure of silicates 岛状结构Island structure 链状结构Chain structure 层状结构Layer structure 架状结构Framework structure 滑石talc 叶蜡石pyrophyllite 高岭石kaolinite 石英quartz 长石feldspar 美橄榄石forsterite 各向同性的isotropic 各向异性的anisotropy 晶格lattice 晶格参数lattice parameters 密勒指数miller indices 非结晶的noncrystalline 多晶的polycrystalline 多晶形polymorphism 单晶single crystal 晶胞unit cell 电位electron states (化合)价valence


人力资源管理英文专业词汇[第二部分]- - Cafeteria benefit programs:Cafeteria benefit programs allow employees toselect the fringe benefits and services that answer their individual needs. career:A career is all the jobs that are held during one's working life. career counseling:Career counseling assists employees in finding appropriate career goals and paths.career development Career development consists of those experiences and improvements that one undertakes to achieve a career plan. career goals: Career goals are the future positions that one strives to reach. These goals serve as benchmarks along one's career path. career path:A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that form one'scareer. career planning:Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and paths to those goals. career plateau: A career plateau occurs when an employee is in a position he or she does well enough not to be demoted or fired but not wellenough to be promoted. change agents: Change agents are people who have the role of stimulatingchange within a group. checkoff :A checkoff provision in a union-management labor agreement requires the employer to deduct union dues from employee paychecks and to remit those moneys to the union. Civil Rights: Act of 1964 This act was passed to make various forms of discrimination illegal. closed shop: A closed shop is a workplace where all employees are required to be members of the union before they are hired. These arrangementsare illegal under the National Labor Relations Act. codetermination :Codetermination is a form of industrial democracy


结构工程常用英语词汇 混凝土:concrete 钢筋:reinforcing steel bar 钢筋混凝土:reinforced concrete(RC) 钢筋混凝土结构:reinforced concrete structure 板式楼梯:cranked slab stairs 刚度:rigidity 徐变:creep 水泥:cement 钢筋保护层:cover to reinforcement 梁:beam 柱:column 板:slab 剪力墙:shear wall 基础:foundation 剪力:shear 剪切变形:shear deformation 剪切模量:shear modulus 拉力:tension 压力:pressure 延伸率:percentage of elongation 位移:displacement 应力:stress 应变:strain 应力集中:concentration of stresses 应力松弛:stress relaxation 应力图:stress diagram 应力应变曲线:stress-strain curve 应力状态:state of stress 钢丝:steel wire 箍筋:hoop reinforcement 箍筋间距:stirrup spacing 加载:loading 抗压强度:compressive strength 抗弯强度:bending strength 抗扭强度:torsional strength 抗拉强度:tensile strength 裂缝:crack 屈服:yield 屈服点:yield point 屈服荷载:yield load 屈服极限:limit of yielding 屈服强度:yield strength 屈服强度下限:lower limit of yield 荷载:load 横截面:cross section 承载力:bearing capacity 承重结构:bearing structure 弹性模量:elastic modulus 预应力钢筋混凝土:prestressed reinforced concrete 预应力钢筋:prestressed reinforcement 预应力损失:loss of prestress 预制板:precast slab 现浇钢筋混凝土结构:cast-in-place reinforced concrete 双向配筋:two-way reinforcement 主梁:main beam 次梁:secondary beam 弯矩:moment 悬臂梁:cantilever beam 延性:ductileity受弯构件:member in bending 受拉区:tensile region 受压区:compressive region 塑性:plasticity 轴向压力:axial pressure 轴向拉力:axial tension 吊车梁:crane beam 可靠性:reliability 粘结力:cohesive force 外力:external force 弯起钢筋:bent-up bar 弯曲破坏:bending failure 屋架:roof truss 素混凝土:non-reinforced concrete 无梁楼盖:flat slab 配筋率:reinforcement ratio 配箍率:stirrup ratio 泊松比:Poisson’s ratio 偏心受拉:eccentric tension 偏心受压:eccentric compression 偏心距:eccentric distance 疲劳强度:fatigue strength 偏心荷载:eccentric load 跨度:span 跨高比:span-to-depth ratio 跨中荷载:midspan load 框架结构:frame structure 集中荷载:concentrated load 分布荷载:distribution load 分布钢筋:distribution steel 挠度:deflection 设计荷载:design load 设计强度:design strength


土木工程师英文求职信 尊敬的领导: 您好!非常感谢您在百忙中抽空审阅我的求职信,给予我 毛遂自荐的机会。作为一名土木工程专业学生,我热爱土木工程专 业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。在四年的学习生活中,掌握了许多专业知识,能熟练操作计算机办公软件。 在四年的大学生活中,为适应社会发展的需求,我认真努力学习专业知识,并取得较好的成绩,多次获得奖学金,努力提高自己的学习能力和分析能力。顺利通过大学英语四、六级,具备较好的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;通过全国高等学校计算机FORTRAN77语言考试(CCT)并获得优秀证书。 此外,我还积极地参加各种社会活动,抓住每一个机会,锻炼自己。宝贵的社会作经验,使我学会了思考,学会了如何与人共事,锻炼了组织能力和沟通、协调能力,培养了吃苦耐劳、关心集体的思想。 感谢您在百忙之中给予我的关注,愿贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!殷切盼望您的佳音,谢谢! 此致 敬礼! 求职人: 20XX年X月X日 Dear leaders, Hello! Thank you very much for taking the time to review my cover letter during your busy schedule and give me the opportunity to recommend myself. As a civil engineering student,

I love the civil engineering major and put a lot of enthusiasm and energy into it. In the four years of study and life, he has mastered a lot of professional knowledge and is proficient in operating computer office software. In the four years of college life, in order to meet the needs of social development, I have worked hard to learn professional knowledge and achieved good results. I have won scholarships many times and strive to improve my learning ability and analytical ability. Successfully passed CET-4 and CET-6, with good English listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, etc .; passed the National College Computer Computer FORTRAN77 Language Test (CCT) and obtained the Excellent certificate. In addition, I also actively participate in various social activities, seize every opportunity to exercise myself. The valuable experience in society has made me learn to think, how to work with people, exercised organizational skills, communication and coordination skills, and cultivated hard-working, caring and collective thinking. Thank you for your attention during your busy schedule, and hope that your companys business is flourishing! I look forward to your good news, thank you! Sincerely, Salute! job seeker:

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