当前位置:文档之家› 仁爱版七年级英语第六单元教案


Unit 6 Our Local Area

Topic 1 Is there a clock on your desk?

Section A

Section A needs 1~2 periods. Section A 需用1~2课时。

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a,2a和3。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. (1)Learn the words of rooms in homes:

bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom

(2)Learn other new words and phrases:

garden, second, floor, upstairs, come in, house, grandfather, door

2. (1)Learn some prepositions of position:

in, on, next to, in front of, behind

(2)Learn the structure of“There be”.

Oh, there are so many books on the shelves.

Is there a computer in your study? Yes, there is.

Are there any books in the study? Yes, there are.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:5分钟)




T: Boys and girls. What’s Nancy doing?

Ss: She is reading.

T: Where is she reading now, do you know?

Ss: In the study.

T: Yes. She is reading in the study.

(We usually read in the study.教师边说边在黑板的左上方并排写出“read, in the study”,教师继续问学生Then do you want to know where I sleep/cook/eat/watch TV…?引导学生向教师发问。)

S1: Where do you sleep?

T: I sleep in the bedroom.

(依次引导出in the kitchen…,并分别板书在read, in the study的下面。)


read in the study

sleep in the bedroom

cook in the kitchen

eat in the dining room

bath in the bathroom

watch TV in the living room


(叫几名学生表演在不同地点的动作, 如学习、睡觉、洗澡、用餐、煮饭、看电视等, 让其他学生逐一猜这些动作和地点。此活动复习Unit 5的现在进行时, 同时呈现出表示房间的名词。)


living room dining room bathroom kitchen bedroom study

T: And he/she is watching TV in the living room.

T: Then what’s he/she doing?

S3: He/She is studying.

T: You are right.

T: Where’s he/she studying?

S4: He/She is studying in the study.

T: Good.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:7分钟)


1. (呈现1a挂图。指着图上的卧室发问并指导学生回答。)

T: What do you do in the bedroom?

Ss: We sleep in it.


T: Where’s the study?

Ss: It’s next to the bedroom.

T: In the picture there is a study on the second floor. And there are two bedrooms on the second floor.

T: Is there a living room on the first floor?

Ss: Yes, there is.

T: Are there two bedrooms on the first floor?

Ss: No, there aren’t.


S1: …

S2: …


garden, upstairs, come in

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s begin.


3. (核对答案, 板书关键词。)

T: Who can answer the first question?

S1: They’re on the second floor.

T: Well done! What about the second question?

S2: It’s next to the bedroom.

T: Good! Thank you. The last question?

S3: Yes, there are.

T: Good job.


巩固1a, 完成1b。

1. (再放1a的录音, 让学生跟读, 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)

T: Now, please follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.

2. (让学生擦去所标记号, 先自读, 然后跟读, 核对语音语调。)


T: Now, listen to me carefully. Suppose you are Jane. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with Maria.

4. (让学生看黑板上的关键词, 请几对学生上台表演, 然后完成1b。)

T: Now, boys and girls, please look at the key words and act out the dialog.

G1: …

T: Wonderful! Any other groups?

G2: …


5. (检查并核对答案。)

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:15分钟)

练习2a, 完成2b。

1. (1)(让学生认真听2a的录音并独立完成2a, 学习关于房间的名词。)

T: Now listen to 2a and match them by yourselves.


(2)(呈现2a挂图, 让学生拿着教师已准备好的关于房间的单词卡片,根据录音内容到黑板前粘贴, 并用


T: Boys and girls, put up the cards of places on the right places and say a sentence.


There is a study on the second floor.

There are two bedrooms on the second floor.

The garden is in front of the house.


T: Now, let’s check the answers. Listen to me carefully and correct them.

Rooms on the first floor: C D E G (from left to right)

Rooms on the second floor: A A B (from left to right)

In front of the house: F

2. (让学生看2a的图, 与搭档对话完成2b。让学生准备几分钟, 然后找一些小组表演对话。)

T: Now, let’s look at the picture in 2a, and then finish 2b according to the example with your partner.

(几分钟后, 让学生表演。)

T: Which group can act your dialog out?

G: We can.


T: Great! Any more?

3. (教师与一名学生先做示范, 再让其他学生仿照示范完成3。)

T: Please be quiet! Listen to us carefully.


T: Where’s your father?

S1: He is in front of the house.

T: What’s he doing?

S1: He’s cleaning the car.

(让学生跟搭档讨论, 完成对话。)

T: Make conversations with your partner, now.

S2: …

S3: …


grandfather, door, behind


T: Please make sentences according to the words and phrases in the boxes in 3.


Father is cleaning the car in front of the house.

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)

通过活动, 增强学生的综合运用能力。



There is a teacher in our classroom.

There are some students in our classroom.


S1: Is there a teacher in our classroom?

S2: Yes, there is.

S1: Are there any students in our classroom?

S2: Yes, there are.

S1: Is there a cat…?

S2: No, there isn’t.

2. (完成4。)

(1)(让学生自己画一张自己家的图片, 并用英文标出所画房间及物品名称。)

T: Draw a picture of your own house, and mark the names of rooms and home items.

(2)(运用演讲形式, 让学生介绍自己最喜欢的房间及房间里都有什么。)

T: Make a report to introduce your favorite room and what is in it.


My favorite room is my study. It’s behind the garden. I can do my homework there. There’s a computer in it. There’s also a TV in it. I often watch TV in my study…

(3)(让学生四人一组做一个关于“What’s your favorite room?”的调查报告, 然后全班分组调查, 最后随机



××’s favorite room is his/her study. He/She can study in his/her study…


(出示一张房间的图片, 让学生找物品的位置, 引出“What’s in that room?”为下一课作铺垫。)

T: Boys and girls, What’s in that room?

Ss: There is a bed, a light …

T: Where is the desk?

Ss: It’s near the window.

T: Very good. Let’s begin.

3. (家庭作业。)


T: Draw a picture of your ideal house. Then write a short passage about it. (At least six sentences.)


play with意为“玩耍;游戏;玩乐”,多指儿童的活动。如:

The child is playing with a ball. 这个孩子正在玩球。


They are playing basketball on the playground. 他们正在操场上打篮球。

Section B

Section B needs 1~2 periods. Section B需用1~2课时。

The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. (1)Learn the names of home items:

lamp, clock, table, key, window

(2)Learn other new words and phrases:

talk about, near, under, put away, thing, dad, model, river

2. Go on learning the structure of“There be” and the prepositions of position.

What’s on your desk? There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.

How much water is there? Only a little.

How many boats are there on the river? There are two.

3. Learn to look after one’s own things.

Put it away, please.

You must look after your things.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具

Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:6分钟)

复习There be句型, 导入1a。

1. (在黑板上呈现一张漂亮的两层楼挂图, 有书房、卧室、厨房、餐厅、客厅、卫生间、花园,复习There be


(把图拿走, 要求学生凭着记忆, 描述这张图, 采用竞赛的形式, 可小组竞赛, 也可以个人为单位竞赛, 教师给予奖励, 激发学生的学习热情。)

(竞赛规则如下:参赛者只能在规定的两分钟内描述这张图, 说对一句, 得一分, 谁得的分最多, 谁就获胜。)

T: Look at the picture for one minute. Then I’ll take it away. You need to say as many sentences as possible about it in two minutes.


There’s a study on the second floor.

There’s a garden in front of the house.

There are some flowers in the garden.

The living room is next to the dining room.

2. (利用1a的挂图, 引导学生复习There be句型, 并引入新单词和新句型。)

T: Now, let’s look at the picture. What can you see in it?

S1: I can see a sofa.

T: Oh, I see. It’s near the desk.

S2: I can see a family photo.

T: Can you see a clock on the wall? It’s near the photo.

T: What’s on the desk?

Ss: There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.

T: We can also say, “There are some books, a lamp, a computer and so on.” Is there a clock on it?

Ss: No, there isn’t.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:6分钟)


1. (让学生听1a的录音, 回答下面的问题。)

T: Listen to 1a and answer the questions.


(1) Where’s the sofa?

(2) What’s on the desk?

(3) Where is the clock?


2. (让学生再听1a,注意语音和语调。)

T: Please listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. (让学生根据语音和语调分角色朗读1a。)

T: Please work in pairs, and read the dialog in roles.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:8分钟)

巩固1a, 完成1b。

1. (让学生合上书本, 看1a的挂图, 描述Jane的书房, 巩固There be句型。)

T: Please close your books and look at the picture in 1a. Then describe Jane’s study. OK?

2. (根据1a, 两人一组谈论自己的书房/卧室……, 并完成1b。让学生理解under。)

T: Now, I’ll give you some minutes to talk about your study/bedroom … Then act out your


S1: What’s in your study?

S2: There is/are …

S1: Is there a/an …?

S2: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.

3. (让学生根据1a所学,试着用几句话来描述一下自己的书房、卧室……)

T: According to la, try to use some sentences to describe your study, bedroom …

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:15分钟)

通过练习, 完成2, 3, 4。

1. (1)(让学生看2的图, 听录音, 完成2。让学生掌握生词table, key, put away, dad和thing。)

T: Look at the pictures in 2, and listen to the tape and finish 2.

(2)(听完录音, 核对答案。)

T: Who can tell us your answers?

S1: “on, There are, keys”.

S2: “behind, There’s, away”.

T: T hat’s right.


a. I think they’re Judy’s.

b. Don’t put them there. Put them away, please.

c. You must look after your things.

2. (可以用课前准备好的实物, 让学生用There be句型回答。)



T: Are there any bananas in my bag?

Ss: No, there aren’t. They are behind you.

T: How many bananas are there?

Ss: There are two.

T: Well done!


T: Now, please look at my hand. What’s in it?

Ss: There is a bottle in it.

T: Is there any water in the bottle?

Ss: Yes, there is.

T: How much water is there?

Ss: Only a little.


How many+可数名词复数形式+are there …?

There are…

How much+不可数名词+is there …?

There is…



T: Now, please look here. What’s in my hand?

Ss: There are three bananas.


①T: Are there any bananas in my bag?

Ss: Yes, there are.

T: How many bananas are there?(在句子下面画线,以示注意。)

Ss: There are three.

T: Well done, boys and girls!

或chain drills。操练后,让学生归纳


T: Is there any water in your cup?

S: Yes, there is.

T: How much water is there?(句子下面画线。)

S: Only a little.

T: Excellent.(身体语言,竖起大拇指。)

3. (

T: Let’s go to 3. There are eight pictures in it. First, read the dialogs below Picture 1 and 2 by yourselves for one minute.


T: Now, let’s look at Picture 1 and 2. Make new dialogs according to Picture 1 and 2.

(两分钟以后, 挑选两组表演。)

T: I’ll choose two pairs to act them out.

G1: A: What’s near the window?

B: There is a guitar near it.

G2: A: Are there any books on the shelf?

B: Yes, there are.

(让学生模仿3、4, 完成对话。)

T: Read the dialogs below Picture 3 and 4, and make similar dialogs.

G3: A: What’s in the tree?

B: There’re some birds in it.

A: How many birds are there?

B: There are three.

G4: A: Is there any milk in the glass?

B: Yes, there is.

A: How much milk is there?

B: Only a little.

4. (看4的图片, 两人一组编对话。让学生掌握生词river。)

T: Please look at the picture in 4, then work in pairs and make new dialogs like this:

Dialog 1: S3: What’s in the picture?

S4: There are some dogs in it.

Dialog 2: S5: Are there any monkeys in the tree?

S6: Yes, there are.

S5: How many monkeys are there?

S6: There are three.

(要求学生用同样的方法编对话, 完成4。)

T: Pay attention to the differences between in the river/tree and on the river/tree.

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)


1. (找找看。课前把一些实物, 如铅笔、尺子、书包、小刀等放在教室的不同位置, 让学生找到物品并说明



S1: Where is the pencil-box?

S2: It’s on the desk.

S1: What’s under the desk?

S2: There is a pencil, a ruler, a knife and two pens.

S1: …

S2: …

(在开展以上对话活动时, 要求学生特别注意in, on, next to, in front of, behind等介词的使用, 重点练习What’s on/in/next to…?There is/are…)

2. (方案一: 让学生两人一组用图文形式介绍自己家里某一房间物品的摆放。其中一名学生画图, 另一名学

生配文字说明, 并站在讲台前向学生们描述。)


My Study

There’s a family photo on the wall of my study. A clock is next to it. There is a desk and a chair in the study. What’s on the desk? There are some books and a computer. There’s a football under the chair. Behind the desk, there’s a cat. Do you like the study?

(活动结束后, 由学生们选出最佳搭档, 教师给予鼓励和表扬。)

(方案二: 两人一组活动, 其中一名学生用文字描述某一房间, 另外一名学生画图。最后, 把图展示出来,

3. (家庭作业。)


T: Write a short passage according to the picture in 4. (at least 60 words)

Section C

Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

I . Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn some new words and phrases:

in the center of, yard, beautiful, flower, large, left, people, mirror, drawer, chair, keyboard

2. Go on learning the prepositions of position and the structure of “There be”.

(1)Talk about positions.

Our bathroom is on the right of the yard.

Where are the shoes? They’re under the bed.

Where is the computer? It’s on the desk.

(2)Talk about existence.

There is a small garden in the center of the yard.

There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. But there aren’t any trees.

At the back of the yard, there is a nice house.

Near the house, there is an apple tree.

On the left of the yard, there is a kitchen and a dining room.

Are there many beautiful flowers in the garden?

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:5分钟)

复习There be句型, 引出1a。

1. (检查并点评上节课布置的家庭作业。)

2. (将全班分成4组,利用1a的图片,组与组之间进行问答比赛。)

(竞赛规则:将全班分成4组,每组在回答问题后, 提出一个新问题,让另外一组的学生回答,每个问题不能重复。第一个问题由教师问第一组回答。)

T: What’s in the picture?

G1: There’s a nice house. Where’s the garden?

G2: It’s in front of the house. Is there a big tree?

G3: Yes, there is. Where is it?

G4: It’s near the house.



T: You’re great! Now let’s talk about the picture together. Look! There is a nice house, a garden, a tree, a car and two small houses in the yard. The garden is in the center of the yard. Can you see many beautiful flowers? Where are they?

Ss: Yes. In the garden.

T: Can you find the kitchen, S1?

S1: Yes. It’s beside the house.

T: You’re right. We can also say, “It’s on the left of the yard”. Then who can tell where the bathroom is?

S2: I can. It’s on the right of the yard.

T: Is the bathroom small or large, boys and girls?

Ss: It’s small.


Yard, in the center of, beautiful, flower, left, large


T: Now please read aloud the new words on the blackboard.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:8分钟)


1. (呈现听力任务,听1a的录音并判断所给句子的正误。)

( ) (2) There are some trees in the garden.

( ) (3) There is a large living room in the house.

( ) (4) Their bathroom is on the left of the yard.

( ) (5) There are some birds singing in the tree.


2. (让学生朗读1a, 并依次画出介绍院中建筑物位置的关键词, 然后核对。)

T: Read 1a, and then underline the key words that introduce the positions of the buildings in the yard. Then check the answers.

T: Can we share your answers, S3?

S3: Certainly …

T: Good!


T: The answers are: center, back, left, right.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:7分钟)

巩固1a, 完成1b。

1. (让学生仔细阅读1a, 完成1b, 然后教师核对答案。要求学生掌握生词people。)

T: Now, please read 1a carefully. Finish 1b, and then I will check the answers.

2. (把全班分成四组, 让学生把1a中的关键词、句找出来列于纸上。从每组选出一名成员按照要点复述短


T: The class will be divided into four groups. List some key words and sentences on your paper, and retell the passage according to the key words. I’ll choose one student in each group to retell it.


This is my home. There is a small garden in the center of the yard. And in the garden, there are many beautiful flowers…

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:15分钟)

练习方位介词, 完成2, 3。

1. (教师把已准备好的图片贴在黑板上, 如:树、椅子……, 找学生在图片上画出其他的东西并运用已学过

的方位介词和There be句型造句。)


There is a red car in front of the classroom.

2. (出示图片或用简笔画教学新单词drawer, chair, keyboard, pencil-box, mirror,并对介词in, on, under, behind, in front of进行操练。)


T: Look at the picture/the stick figure and learn the new word “drawer”.

(在简笔画中添上一支笔, 操练介词in和under。)


T: What’s in the drawer?

Ss: There is a pen in it.

T: What’re under the drawer?

Ss: There are some pens under it.

(用同样的方法, 完成其他介词操练。)


drawer, chair, keyboard, pencil-box, mirror

3. (让学生独立完成2, 教师核对答案。)

T: Finish 2 by yourselves, and then we will check the answers together.

(核对完答案后, 让学生两人一组练习对话。)

T: OK. Practice the dialogs in pairs. After a while, I’ll ask three pairs to read the dialogs.

4. (1)(两人一组找出3中两幅图片的不同之处,共同制作一份不同之处的清单。)

T: Work in pairs to find out the differences between the two pictures in 3. And then make a list of differences.


T: Now, work in pairs and make new dialogs according to Picture A and B in 3. And fill in the blanks. Example:

S2: It’s green.

S1: What about the bag in Picture B?

S2: It’s yellow. What’s on the desk in Picture A?

S1: There is a computer and a keyboard.

S2: What’s on the desk in Picture B?

S1: There are some pencils, some books and a lamp.

S2: Are there any shelves in Picture A?

S1: Yes, there are. What’s on the shelves ?

S2: There are some books and a model plane.


Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)

通过活动, 培养学生创新能力。

1. (结对活动。让其中一名学生向另一名学生描述他/她的卧室/书房/客厅……里的物体, 要求另外一名学生把房

间里的这些物体放在合适的地方, 使得房间更加大方、漂亮, 并用图描绘出来,最后两人一起用文字表达出来。看哪组设计的卧室/书房/客厅……最佳, 给予鼓励。)


S1: There is a desk, a chair, a bookcase, a computer, a soccer, a TV, a lamp, a kite, a guitar, a vase, a map of China, a family photo, a clock, some flowers, some pictures and some books in the study.

S2: OK. I can draw them well.

2. (家庭作业。)



英语中的介词运用很灵活, 它往往根据具体的位置选用对应的介词, 而不是根据汉语直译去选择。

如: on/in the wall

There is a window in the wall. 墙上有一扇窗户。

There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅画。

Section D

Section D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。

The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn the vowels: / ?/,/??/, /??/, / ?/

2. (1)Review the prepositions of position.

(2)Review the structure of“There be” .

3. Review home items.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:6分钟)


1. (方案一:听写单词。把本话题单词按词性归类,然后进行听写活动,旨在加强学生对单词的记忆和运用,


①(名词和名词短语):floor, bedroom, kitchen, garden, bathroom, grandfather, house, door, lamp, clock, table,

key, thing, dad, window, model, river, center, yard, flower, people, mirror, drawer, chair, keyboard, pencil-box, living room, dining room

②(介词和介词短语):behind, near, under, next to, in front of, in the center of, on the left, at the back of

③(数词、副词、形容词):second, upstairs, away, beautiful, large, left

④(动词短语):come in, talk about, put away


T: Now, let’s have a word competition. I’ll give you Chinese meaning. Please say them in English. Each word you’ll get one point. Are you ready? OK! Go!

T: Well done! This time let’s have a quick answer. If you know, you can stand up and answer quickly. Yeah, begin!

(必答单词如下:second, floor, bedroom, upstairs, kitchen, garden, grandfather, front, house, behind, door, near, lamp, clock, under, table, key, away, thing, dad, window, model, river, center, yard, beautiful, flower, large, left, bathroom, people, drawer, chair, keyboard.)

(抢答词组如下:next to, come in, dining room, living room, in front of, talk about, put away, in the center of, on the left, at the back of.)

(通过对单词和词组的必答和抢答, 进一步巩固本单元的词汇, 培养竞争意识, 调动学习积极性。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:5分钟)


1. (呈现含/ ?/发音的单词卡片, 让学生熟悉这些发音, 为下面的操练做准备。)

T: How do you read this word? (呈现bird单词卡片。)

Ss: Bird.

T: What about this one? (呈现girl单词卡片。)

Ss: Girl.



Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:5分钟)


1. (让学生听1的录音并大声跟读。)

T: Listen to the tape and then read after it.

(再听1的录音, 让学生每听完三个单词后, 快速说出它们的汉语意思。)

T: Listen to the tape again, and say the Chinese meaning quickly after every three words.

2. (让学生归纳含/ ?/, /??/, /??/, / ?/读音的单词。)

T: Let’s sum up the words that have the pronunciations: / ?/, /??/, /??/, / ?/.

For example:

/ ?/ first thirty thirteen …

/??/ know boat coat …

/??/ right night light …

/ ?/ horse short sport …

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:17分钟)

通过练习完成2, 4a和4b。

1. (1)(让学生根据所听到的2的录音, 完成2。)

T: Listen to 2 and draw a picture according to what you will hear.

(让学生可以先写下关键词, 录音停止后再画。)

(2)(核对完答案, 选出最佳图画, 张贴在教室里。接着要求学生看图写出刚才听到的句子, 以巩固所学介

词及There be句型。)

T: Please write the sentences that you heard just now according to the picture.

2. (1)(让学生自主归纳整理本话题重点,以加深印象,巩固记忆。四人一组,进行自主学习,每名学生负责归

纳整理一个Section的重点句型与词组。最后,四名学生将总结的结果汇总到一起,向全班学生汇报,与全班同学共享Topic 1的重点句型与词组,并与课本4a和4b对照。)


T: Please close your books, and finish the questions below.


①There is a computer her study.

②—Where is your study?

—It’s the second floor, my bedroom.

③—Are there any shoes the bed?

—Yes, there are.

④—What’s the house?

—There’s a car.

⑤There is a small garden the center the yard.

⑥You must look your things and put them .

参考答案:①in ②on, next to/near ③under ④in front of/behind ⑤in, of ⑥after, away

①There is a computer in picture B.(变成否定句)

②There are three bedrooms, a large living room on the second floor.(变成一般疑问句)

③Are there any boats on the river?(做出肯定回答/否定回答)

④There are three model planes on the desk.(对画线处提问)

⑤There is only a little water in the bottle.(同④)


①There isn’t a computer in picture B.

②Are there three bedrooms, a large living room on the second floor?

③Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

④How many model planes are there on the desk?

⑤How much water is there in the bottle?

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:12分钟)

通过活动, 培养学生实际运用能力。

1. (结对活动。把一张图案鲜明的图片给S1, 但不让S1看到图中内容。S1把图面向其他学生, S1问问题, 其

他学生回答。S1根据其他学生的描述在黑板上画出一幅图。最后让学生们给S1打分。此活动能够活跃课堂气氛, 激发学生学习兴趣。)


S1: What can you see in the picture?

S2: There is a horse in the picture.

S1: What else?

S3: There is a man on the horse.

S1: Is the horse running or walking?

S4: The horse is running.

S1: What else can you see?

S5: The sky is blue and there are many trees in the picture.

(增加教学弹性, 可以换图多做一两次。)

2. (完成5。让学生四人一组, 做调查, 看同伴的房间里有什么东西, 先作汇报。接着选一个同学, 并把其房

间里的东西放在合适的地方, 用图体现出来。看谁设计的效果最好, 张贴在教室里, 给予表扬。)

’ rooms.

There is…

There isn’t…

There are…

There aren’t…

It’s on/in/behind/in front of…

They’re on/in/behind/in front of…

(2)T: Then draw a room. The student who draws the things in the best place is the winner.

3. (家庭作业。)

(让学生给他/她的朋友写一封信。介绍一下自己家的房间分类及房子周围的环境。不少于70字。完成3。) T: Write a letter to your friend. Describe rooms in your house, and the things around them. Finish 3. (at least 70 words)


Dear Mary,

I’m very glad to get a letter from you. From your letter, I know your home is beautiful. I want to tell you something about my home, too.

My house is very big. There are two bedrooms and a small study. There is a computer in my study. I love playing games and studying on the computer. Next to the computer, there is a shelf. On the shelf, there are some books.

There are many trees around my house. In front of my house, there is a beautiful garden. There are many beautiful flowers in it.

I like my home very much.


Li Hua


Topic 2 What kind of home do you live in?

Section A

Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn some new words:

country, month, Mrs., furniture, quiet

2. Talk about the types of buildings.

townhouse, farmhouse, apartment …

3. Learn to read and write the ads for house renting.

(1) Small apartment for students. ¥850 a month.

(2) House with three bedrooms. Call Mrs. Tong in the evening.

(3) House with furniture for a family of three.

(4) Looking for a quiet double room under¥300 per month.

4. Learn to find out the language rules and give more examples.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:5分钟)复习There be句型, 引入1a。

1. (方案一)

(就教室里的情况,复习There be句型。)

T: Boys and girls, please make sentences with“There be”structure.


S1: There is a pen on the teacher’s desk.

(出示几把尺子, 放在手上。)

S2: There are many rulers in your hand.

S3: …

T: Good! You are great.


(教学生唱下面的歌, 活跃气氛, 复习There be句型, 自然导入本课。) T: Let’s chant.


There are books on the tables.

There are children on the chairs.

There are pencils in our hands.

And there’s a teacher over there.

There are words on the blackboard.

There are pictures on the walls.

But the cute animal in my pocket is the best thing of all.

2. (教师将A、B、C三幅图, 呈现给学生,引导学生学习1a的新词汇


T: Now, let’s look at the pictures. Which one does your home look like, S4? S4: “A” looks like my house.

Ss: An apartment building.

(用同样的方法呈现并学习B 、C 两幅图, 引入1a 。)

T: Which house do you like best? S 5: I like townhouses best.

S 6: I like apartment buildings best.

S 7: I like farmhouses best.

T: G ood job! I know some of you like townhouses, some of you like farmhouses, but Kangkang likes apartment buildings best. Do you know what kind of home Wang Wei likes? (通过问题的形式, 自然过渡到下一步。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步


呈现1a 。


T: Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Then we will check the answers together.



巩固1a, 完成1b 。

1. (1)(放1a 的录音, 让学生听, 注意语音和语调。)

T: Now, let ’s listen to the tape again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (2)(让学生模仿录音,两人一组,互换角色,朗读对话。)

T: Pair work. Read 1a aloud in different roles, imitating the tape. (3)(老师引领学生,根据黑板上的关键词复述1a 。)

T: Retell 1a after me according to the key words on the blackboard. (4)(让学生两人一组看黑板上关键词表演对话。)

T: Work in pairs. Act 1a out according to the key words on the blackboard. 2. (让学生完成1b ,并相互核对答案。


T: Finish 1b by yourselves, and then check the answers with each other.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)

呈现2a, 完成2b, 2c 。

1. (呈现出一则求租广告。)

The ad shows Mr. Li wants to rent a house from others. If Mr. Brown has a house for a family of three, what phone number can he call at?

Ss: He can call Mr. Li at 8838-4558.

T: Yes. Mr. Brown has a house for rent. And he can also write an ad. Let us help him. 2. (呈现2a, 完成2b 。)

(1)(在黑板上画出表格。让学生听录音,填表格。) B C A


T: Now, listen to the tape again, and then check the answers.


T: OK. Next, I want you to read 2a and finish 2b. I will check your answers in 3 minutes.

3. (让学生完成2c。假设林林家有房子要出租,屋内家具齐全,其电话号码是8857-6391。琳达家要租一套

带有三个卧室的房子,她的电话号码是6631-9245。请学生帮助他们设计两则广告。把全班学生分成两组, 一组写求租广告, 另一组写出租广告, 看哪一组完成得又快又好。)

T: Suppose Linlin wants to rent a house with furniture to others. His telephone number is 8857-6391. Linda wants a house with three bedrooms. Her telephone number is 6631-9245. Please help them write two ads. I will divide the class into two groups: one group writes the ad for being wanted, and the other group writes the ad for rent. Then let’s see which group does better.

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)


1. (在黑板上写出在1a和2a中出现的三个短语。让学生学会从已掌握的知识中总结、归纳语言规则,并加



a townhouse with two floors

house with three bedrooms

house with furniture


T: Look at the three phrases from 1a and 2a. Think them over, and find out the rules of their structures. Then write out the similar phrases as many as you can. Let’s see who does the best!

For example:

a house with a large garden

an apartment with twenty floors

a girl with big eyes

a boy with long hair

2. (把全班分成四组做调查, 三分钟后请几名学生向全班汇报。完成1c。)

T: Now, let’s survey about different types of homes in your group. And report it to your class three minutes later.


S1: What kind of home do you live in?

T: Stop here, please. I’ll ask one student of each group to tell us the result. Y ou may do it like this: In our group, three students live in apartment buildings and two students live in...

3. (假设张先生一家三口从外地来北京做生意, 想求租有家具的房子, 请学生们替他写则广告, 张先生电话


T: Help Mr. Zhang write an ad to rent a house with furniture for a family of three, please. And his telephone number is 8839-2357.

4. (家庭作业。)


T: Write an ad for rent and an ad for being wanted.

T: Preview Section B.

Section B

Section B needs 1 period. Section B 需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. (1)Learn the names of public places and facilities:

store, bank, street, post office, bookstore, museum, parking lot, supermarket, station, restaurant, reading room, road

(2)Learn other new words and phrases:

neighbor, corner, mail, hear, piano, loud, really, at the end of …

2. (1)Go on learning the structure of“There be”.

There is one in front of our building.

There are no houses on the right.

(2)Go on learning the prepositions of position.

There is one on the street corner.

Mr. Smart lives at the end of Elm Road.

Mr. Jackson lives between Mr. Smart and Mr. Lee.

3. Talk about the facilities and living environments in the community.

4. Talk about the relationships between neighbors and learn to understand others’feelings and respect each


Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:6分钟)

复习There be句型, 呈现1b。

1. (接龙游戏。将全班分成几组, 用There be句型说出教室里物品的位置关系, 组与组之间


T: What’s in the classroom?

G1: There are four windows in the wall. What’s on the wall?

G2: There is a clock and some pictures on the wall. What’s on the desk?

G3: …

2. (向学生展示一张生活小区周边示意图, 用1b中的单词和词组介绍小区附近设施名称。)

T: Look at the map. Here is a bank. We can keep money in the bank. Can you guess the

meaning of the word “bank”?

Ss: 银行。

T: Yes, you’re right. Where can we buy things? Of course, we can buy things in the store or supermarket.

So what’s the meaning of “store or supermarket”?

Ss: 商店。


bank, store, museum, bookstore, parking lot, post office, supermarket, hospital, train station

T: Look at the map again. Is there a bank in the area?

Ss: Yes, there is.

T: Is there a zoo?

Ss: No, there isn’t.

T: Where is the museum?

Ss: It’s next to the bookstore.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:6分钟)


1. (告诉学生迈克尔新搬进一个小区, 不知道小区里商店和银行在哪里。让学生听1a的录音, 判断正误。) T: Michael is new in this community. He doesn’t know where the store and bank are. Now let’s listen to 1a, and mark True (T) or False (F).

( )(1) There is a store near here.

( )(2) There is a bank in front of the building.

( )(3) Michael and Mary are good friends.

(播放1a的录音, 然后核对答案。)

T: Who can share your answers with us?

S1: I can. Number 1 is T. Number 2 is F. Number 3 is F.

2. (让学生再听1a录音, 找出关键词。)

T: Please listen to the tape again, and circle the key words.



1. (让学生跟录音机朗读1a, 注意语音和语调。)

T: Please read 1a after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. (让学生看黑板上的关键词, 两人一组表演对话。)

T: Look at the key words on the blackboard and act out the dialog in pairs.

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:20分钟)

练习1b, 1c以及3, 呈现2a,完成2b。

1. (1)(让学生完成1b, 把小区设施名称与其功能配对。)

T: We know there are many facilities in one area, and we can do different things in different places. Now, look at the pictures in 1b. Match the pictures with the things we can do.


T: What can we do in a post office?

S1: Mail letters.

T: Where can we keep money?

S2: Bank.


(3)(依照1b, 拓展其他小区设施及其功能。)





shoe shop

clothing store

2. (1)(让学生完成1c。)

①T: Suppose you are in an area. Let’s listen to the tape and check the places in your area.


T: What’s in your area?

Ss: B ookstore, parking lot, bank, restaurant, post office and hospital.


T: Listen to the tape again, and pay more attention to the location relations among the public facilities.


T: Check the answers. And then express their location relations in your own words.

(2)(要求学生讲述自己生活小区中邻居的位置关系,然后完成3。教师核对答案。掌握生词at the end of


T: Please tell us where the neighbors live in your area. Then finish 3, and we will check the answers.

3. (1)(呈现2a的图, 利用图通过师生互动导出hear...doing。让学生学会在英语交流中注意并理解他人的情


T: Look at the picture. Who is that girl?

Ss: She is Mary.

T: What is she doing?

Ss: She is playing the piano at home.

T: Right. She is playing the piano when Michael is working in his home. He can hear the music and can’t work.

So he comes to Mary’s home. Wha t’s his first sentence? Do you know?


T: He says, “I hear you playing the piano. The music is very beautiful, but I’m afraid it’s too loud.”

(板书并讲解hear…doing,引导学生领悟… but I’m afraid …句式表达所包含的情感态度。)

hear … doing

Ss: I’m really sorry about that.

(讲解生词。理解matter;掌握piano, loud, really。)

(2)(让学生听2a的录音, 跟读对话。)

T: Please listen to the tape and repeat it.

4. (让学生两人一组表演2a。)

T: Now, work in pairs to act out the dialog.

5. (完成2b。两人一组。按照2b中的情景要求编对话,然后抽几组表演。通过此项练习, 培养学生综合运用语言做事的能力。理解生词loudly和reading room.)

T: Practice in pairs. After three minutes, I’ll ask some pairs to act it out.

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)

通过练习, 培养学生综合运用能力。

1. (你能猜到吗?)

(让学生分组描述曾经去过的有代表性的小区公共场所, 其他组的学生猜是什么地方, 看哪组用最少的信息能猜对。)


T: This is a place where we can keep money. Can you guess it?

Ss: Yes, it’s a bank.

T: Very good. Let’s begin.

G1: …

G2: …

2. (让学生做一个调查。调查他们是否喜欢自己的邻居,他们的邻居是怎样的。完成调查表。)

T: Do you like your neighbors? What do you think of your neighbors? Please make a survey and complete the table.

Neighbor Quiet Noisy Polite Friendly ...




T: Please tell us something about your neighbors.

S3: I have two neighbors. One is a teacher, and the other is a driver. The teacher is very helpful, and he often helps me with my lessons. He works very hard, and he gets up very early and comes home very late. But he never makes too much noise. The driver is …


3. (家庭作业。)

(让学生画一张自己居住的小区图, 介绍有哪些设施和这些设施的位置。)

Section C

Section C needs 1 period. Section C 需用1课时。

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. Learn some new words and phrases:

child, a lot of, close to, far from, service, area, stop, fan, line, bad, someone, check, right now

2. Go on learning the structure of“There be”.

There are many old people living here.

There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community.

Is there a community service center in your area?

3. Talk about living environments.

4. Learn to make telephone calls for help.

Hello, this is Linda speaking.

Sorry, I can’t hear you. The line is bad.

There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.

I’ll get someone to check it right now.

5. Cultivate the students’ responsibility and service consciousness.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

放录音, 引入1a。

1. (放3的录音, 让全班学生学唱, 活跃课堂气氛。)

T: Please sing the song Home on the Range after the tape together.

2. (检查家庭作业,复习小区公共设施名称。)

T: Let’s check the homework and review the names of Public places and facilities.

3. (1) (单词竞赛。以必答和抢答形式呈现, 必答是两排学生, 每名学生两个单词, 单词是

Section A、B单词表中的黑体部分;抢答的单词是本课出现的单词或词组, 谁知道谁就站起来, 教师用单词卡片呈现汉语, 学生说英语。1个单词1分, 然后把学生不知道的单词进行教读, 最后将所有单词、词组板书。通过竞赛, 使学生积极参与, 主动学习。)

T: Now let’s have a word competition. First, the required answers. There are two words for each student. I’ll give you the Chinese meanings. You say them in English. Do you understand? Row 3, please!

T: Good. Go on with our quick responses. If you know, you can stand up quickly and answer. Are you ready?


T: Well done! Let’s read together.

4. (1)(安排几名学生站在教室的后面, 教师利用这种情景, 把1a部分中的关键词和句型呈现出来, 为学生


T: Oh, look! There are a lot of students standing there. Where are they? They are close to the back door. They are at the end of the classroom. They are far from here.

T: Listen and answer my questions. Do you live in a community?

S1: Yes, I do.

T: How is your community?

S1: It’s quiet.

T: Is there a service center in your community?

S1: Yes, there is.

T: Can you get help from service center in your community?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: Wow, your community is great. Now I want to know how Linda’s community is.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:6分钟)


1. (呈现1a图片, 让学生快速浏览1a中的问题, 让他们带着任务快速阅读。)

T: Linda lives in Yushancun. What’s Yushancun like? Let’s read the passage quickly, and find out the answers to the questions in 1a.

2. (核对答案。)

T: Answer the questions and then check the answers.


(1) It’s quiet.

(2) Yes, there are.

(3) It’s in an apartment building.

(4) No, it isn’t.



T: Listen to the tape. Close your books and look at the key words on the blackboard.

2. (要求学生利用课文1a的图片、问题或关键词来复述短文。)

T: OK, who can retell the text? You can use the picture, the questions or the key words.

3. (让学生小组讨论1b中的问题,并完成1b。)

T: What’s your home like? Please discuss the questions in 1b with your group members.


T: Who wants to tell us something about your area?

S1: I live in Baibuting Garden. My home is in an apartment building. There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community. There are many people living in our community. The bus stop is near my home.

The shops are also close to my house. Oh, there is a community service center in my area. I like living here very much…


4. (设计自己理想的小区蓝图。要求学生尽量使用There be … doing sth.的句子结构,并展示作品,教师给


T: Are you satisfied with your community? What is your ideal community? Please ask your partner some questions about his/her ideal community and write a passage about your ideal community, using more “There be…doing sth.”At the same time you may draw a community plan. Please don’t look at each other’s.

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:12分钟)


1. (呈现2a。)

(1)(让学生听2a的录音, 完成2a。)

T: As we all know, in many areas, there is a community service center. If we have problems, we can call it for help. Now Linda is calling the community service center. Let’s listen to the tape, and find out what’s the matter with her.

(让学生听完录音后, 回答问题。)

T: OK, stop here. What’s the matter with Linda?

Ss: There is something wrong with her kitchen fan. It doesn’t work.

T: How does Linda deal with it?

Ss: She calls the community service center for help.


T: Who has model cars or planes?

S2: I have.

T: Does it work well?

S2: No, it doesn’t.

T: You should get someone to check it.(边说边板书get sb. to do sth.。)

S2: OK.

T: Now. Work in pairs to make similar dialogs.

(3)(提供关键词, 让学生两人一组练习对话。)

2. (完成2b, 让学生两人一组编对话。)

T: So we know if we have problems, we can do as Linda, calling the community service center. Now suppose there is something wrong with your TV/computer…, and you want to get help from a community service center. Please make a dialog about it with your partner according to 2a.


T: Who wants to act out or read your dialog?

S3: Our group.

T: OK, very good. You can begin.

S3: Hello, the First City Community Service Center. What can I do for you?

S4: Hello, this is Sally speaking. I live in...


Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)


1. (让学生对全班学生做调查, 如果家里的生活用品坏了, 怎么解决, 然后汇报。)

T: Of course, when we have problems, we can call the community service center. Also there are many other

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