当前位置:文档之家› 目的论在英文电影名称翻译中的应用



1. Introduction

The film is a form of art loved by people. It is an acknowledge which tells different kinds of stories, create vividly image and express deep emotions which may attract clients. It’s a combination of color sound and moving pictures. The history, philosophy, social life and demonstrate different cultures are respected by it. I t tell us what’s the true love and how to achieve your dream.

There more and more foreign movies, especially English movie get in Chinese film market, Chinese translation of the film products is becoming more and more important for translation scholars. The translation of movie products has become an important part of international cultural exchange. And as the indispensable part of the movie, the translation of film titles has become a top priority. Film title is at the eye-catching place to audience. The Chinese translation of film titles is very important. The Chinese translation of film titles is not easy though the name of film titles are very short. In fact, film title translation is a purposeful activity. So the research on the translation of film titles must put the special purpose of film title translation and translation theory effectively combined.

2. The Features of English Film Titles

All the film makers want to reflect movie artistry by the movie titles, and also want to reflect the box office commercial value, so the movie titles have some unique features.

2.1. Concise and easy to remember

Movie titles concentrated film content, objective asking on succinct, neat, but even a word, a term has abundant content, making people guess its general meaning through a look.

2.2. Straightaway

The cinema is a public art, which suits the original of the film inside reflecting the original movie theme, helping the audience better understanding the glass, highlight the original film style. Instead, you should use straightaway popular language.

2.3. Attractive

As the cinema is a business practices, we must pay attention to the heavy box office value, or we can’t surv ive and develop. At the box office success, titles must be in good translation and full of humor and wit in order to let the audience sees a thought-provoking attracted attention, thereby,

stimulated desire and scrambled up tickets will go into the groove.

3. English film title translation

Film title is a special kind of language form, it not only has the rich semantic connotations, but also undertake the task of the film publicity and advertising. So the translation of movie title translation is different from general style, in the title translation process, translator should fully consider its purpose, will work equivalence theory applied to the translation of film titles; Should not be constrained by corresponding with English title in language form, and should fully understand the original content, style and connotation, on the basis of the translation of the title, to summarise the content of the movie reflect the theme of the movie, can let the audience has a general understanding to the movie plot through the title, so as to attract the audience and the increase the box office.

There are three Methods of English Film Titles Translation. According to the above characteristics film titles, in our translation of the titles, three methods should be adopted.

3.1. Literal translation

It is a method used in the language words when conditions permit and does not conflict with the movie’s contents. It is the most effective method of translation under the precondition of not only keeping the original contents, but also keeping the original simple form. It is the best translation in China’s traditional translation filed. A Million Pounds Bank Note“百万银行.”, Tales of Two cities“双城记.”, Uncle Tom’s Cabin“汤姆叔叔的小屋.”The Science of Lamb “沉默的羔羊.”. No matter it is relevant with classic works or not, the title of a literal translation is inherited the original title’s shortness and conciseness, information, and to arouse the audiences’curiosity.

3.2. Free translation

Free translation means to add some words or to remove a few words for a translation, or to seek for a new name in other ways to generalize the contents of the film or theme. The first method of free translation is adding or removing words.Mostly to add some words in order to adapt to Chinese expression customs, so as to supply the cultural information to make the audiences easy to grasp the contents or the main roles of the film. For instance, Ghost“人鬼情未了.”, as the literal meaning goes to“鬼魂.”, it will not be translated into the generalization of the

film while plusing a letter“人”in front of it, which will make the audience know that the story happened between human-being and demons, then it will point out the theme of the movie if it plus“情未了.”behind

And the second is making another new name. For the classic famous film Waterloo Bridge, we cannot directly translate it into“Waterloo Bridge”, if it is literary translated as“滑铁卢桥.”according to the customs of English, it will not only let people feel insipid and lack of aesthetic and the effects of advertisements, and will make many knowledgeable European historical audiences mistake this as a movie about the war with Napoleon.Actually, the film has nothing to do with that historical event. It has been proved a successful version by translating it into “魂断蓝桥.”. “Waterloo” was translated into“魂断.”, indicating a love story with a sad ending. This may attract the intended audience to watch the movie. “Bridge” was translated into“蓝桥.”, arouses the association with the ancient Chinese folk tale,“鹊桥相会.”. This makes the audience accept it easily.The third one is Transliteration. The so-called transliteration, according to the source linguistic rules of pronunciation, is a method that translates directly to the target language of the same or similar pronunciation. This is the most simple and convenient translation methods.

Jane Eyre 简·爱

Harry Potter 哈利波特

Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与茱丽叶

Transliteration mainly applies to some English proper nouns such as names, places, historical events and some Chinese word that are generally unable to correspond with or the things that the Chinese audiences are familiar with. These title are very similarity to Chinese people, they can learn the content of film as soon as they see the title.

4. Skopostheorie

Skopos theory was sent by Germany in the 1970 s function of Hans. Wei, have put forward. Hans think any translation behavior is purposeful and the purpose determines the translation strategies. In other words, as long as to achieve the established purpose of translation, any translation strategy is feasible. According to skopos theory, the purpose of film title translation which is the most important is to attract the audience to watch the movie. Considering the

characteristics of film titles and function, the translator should be considered in the film title translation, language element, cultural elements and functions of the title element.

4.1. Skopostheorie’s rules

Translation skopos theory has three important principles: purpose principle, continuity principle and faithful principle. Among them, the objective principle is the first principl of translation skopos theory. Objective principle that, in the process of translation, the translator should consider the receiver's cultural background, translation is looking forward to the aim of communication and translation. Therefore, the translation purpose determines the translation strategies and translation methods. Consistency principle requires a translation should have the readability and acceptability of the translation should be and the readers of the communicative situation and culture background, make the reader easier to accept and understand the result of the translation. Faithful principle requires the translation should be faithful to the original, to fully express the meaning of the original, but the faithful principle is different from the traditional "equivalence principle", the meaning of faithful principle to opposition in strict accordance with the original, but think translation effect can be better than the original

4.2. Contributions of Skopostheorie

Vermeer claimed that skopos theory has three contributions;the first is the theory have often been denied the facts clearly, make people aware of its existence.and the second is that determined by the task to this concept, to expand the possibility of translation, and increased the selection of translation strategies, bound for the translator is loose, let them don't have to be confined to impose on them and thus are often meaningless literal translation.The third said it is the translator's responsibility on the agenda, and expanded its scope of responsibility. Points out that the translation must play the expected functions, so as to achieve the established goals. Vermeer also pointed out that ignoring the purpose of the translation leads to the serious consequences is how a piece of original is best. Is still debated, unable to agree. And have a clear purpose or task, you could at least an agreement on the choice of macro policy. Concerns of the skopos theory to translation from the original, the original author to the readers. No longer in the equivalent theory of literal translation and free translation on the basis of the endless argument, but starting from the function and purpose of translation, emphasize a specific translation purpose requires the corresponding translation strategies and translation methods. The different translation purpose for

different methods, to achieve a certain purpose can take many translation methods, so as to avoid the dilemma such as literal translation and free translation. Skopos theory makes translation focus, main factor of translation is not entirely original, but the purpose of translation, the idea for creating novel translation provides a theoretical basis.

5. Application of Skopostheorie to English film title translation

In chapter 4, we have known how Skopostheorie functions in translation, and this chapter we will focus on application of Skopostheorie to English film title translation. The Skopos of film title translation will be analyzed first.

5.1. Skopos of English film title translation

A clear Skopos of film title translation is to attract the potential audience in the target culture to watch the movie. The Skopos is the key to the whole process of translation and usually refers to the purpose of the target text. Knowing what the film is translated for guides the translator to adopt appropriate strategies and make due adjustments in order to fulfill the Skopos. This is also the essence of Skopos theory, namely, "the end justifies the means". It is certain that a film is both a commercial product and a piece of art. Commercially and artistically, it needs the audience's appreciation. A commodity without consumers and a piece of art without appreciators is just flesh without soul. This nature determines that both the translation act and the translated film title are aimed to call upon domestic audiences to appreciate the film produced in a foreign culture. The ultimate goal of film title is to win the hearts of the audience and get profits.

In Skopos theory, the translator should make sure that the target audience understand the translated movie title and be interested in the movie instantly.

5.2. Translation strategies adopted in English film titles

Under the guidance of the Skopostheorie, there are five translation strategies in translating film titles: transliteration, literal translation, adaptation, addition and combination of literal translation and free translation.

5.2.1. Transliteration

Transliteration is voice translation method on the basis of the translation, the translator use the transliteration directly according to the known characteristics of the film itself. Transliteration is a beautiful scenery in the process of cultural communication, it fill the gaps in the culture. Many

movies’ hero is commonly used in English and Chinese name or the location as the title when the story happened. This translation method can be more intuitive to the audience a kind of value orientation, by title and judgment of its origin and content. But sometimes, a title will also confuse us because of cultural differences and produce the film title . So, in most cases, take transliteration title in both English movie titles at that time, there is also a literal translation or free translation of the name.It’s a good way through the familiarly, intuitive feeling named after the film in different cultures.

For example, Titanic“泰坦尼克号.”, Patton“巴顿将军.”, Chicago“芝加哥.”. Especially, when the film is changed from world famous or classical novel and the novel's name is kept as film title, because such names have been memorized by the audience, and the success of the literary works can have an active effect on the box office of such films. What's more, such titles are already of great cognitive value and having attracted the audience. For instance, Romeo and Juliet“罗密欧与朱丽叶.”, Jane Eyre“简爱.”, Tess“苔丝.”. Transliteration can enable the target audience to know more about original history and culture. By contrast, if they are translated in other ways, the viewers may take them as an ordinary film and may feel no interest in them, which will reduce the box-office value of the film.

5.2.2. Literal translation

Literal translation refers to on the basis of language universals, in accordance with the specifications, according to the characteristics of the source language, target language. Keep both the ideological content of the original in the language of translation . And as far as possible to keep the original language form the corresponding translation.It means the equivalence of information and the function . This way is simple and does not lose the original intention of the translation can also arouse the resonance of the audience which in different cultural backgrounds. Literal translation is more acceptable to most people, the early film titles translation take this way mostly. But as a result it prefer to a straightforward information.On the view of the business point,it can't completely capture the hearts of the audience,result to losing attraction and terror. Such titles can be directly translated into Chinese.

For example:Air Force One“空军一号.”, America’s Sweethearts“美国甜心.”, Gladiator “角斗士.”, Time Code“时间密码.”, City Lights“城市之光.”, T he Age of Innocence“纯真年代.”, Four Weddings and a Funeral“四个婚礼和一个葬礼.”, Human Factors“人性因素.”.

Take Four Weddings And One Funeral“四个婚礼和一个葬礼.”as an example, The title““四个婚礼和一个葬礼.””so interestingly that the movie goers may be eager to watch and check out. Taiwan translator gives the version of, “你是我今生的新娘.”which summarizes the story but is not at the eye-catching place.

5.2.3. Adaptation

When literal translation and translate ration are incapable of conveying comprehensible meanings to the audience, adaptation is used to create new names to inform the audience the theme and content of the film. Adaptation is very creative because it totally abandons the form and content of the original title and makes a fresh impression based on the plot of the movie. That is to say, by using adaptation translators place more emphasis on the content of the original movie than on the title itself. This method intends not only to transfer the informative transmission, but also to reproduce the artistic features of the movie. Above all, the translator must understand the content, and then creatively reproduce it based on his or her comprehension.

In the translated practice, there are many successful examples, such as The Day after Tomorrow which tells a story of the relation between human beings and the natural environment. Global warming melts the polar ice caps, which makes oceans rise and disrupts the Gulf Stream. In“后天.”and“明天过后.”, the real meaning of the title has gone, the panic atmosphere and alarm bell effect have been ignored and the artistic appeal has been reduced to a large extent.

The following are other successful examples such as, Forever Young“天荒情未了.”, Volcano “地火危城.”, Of Mice and Men“芸芸众生.”and The English Patient“别问我是谁.”etc.

5.2.4. Addition

As has been described in5.2.1, the pure "transliteration" of film titles words can retain the exotic flavor and the novelty of the original title. But it may not show the cultural features of the original language. And it cannot meet the foreign audience’s psychology and their values. Successful transliteration of film titles is supposed to not only show the cultural features of the original language but also coincide with the target audience's psychological tendency and their values. That is to say, successful translated versions of film titles have the referential, expressive and vocative functions. How can a translator successfully achieve these functions at one time?,maybe the addition can be regarded as an efficient approach. This method will help the audience understand the content of the film. Let us look some examples.

The film Shrek“怪物史莱克.”is a love story about Shrek which can find no equivalence in English. If we translate it into“史莱克.”can only show the method of "pure" transliteration. Although it may give the target audience an exotic flavor, no one knows what the film is about and cannot offer any helpful information to the audience. But from the version“怪物史莱克.”we know that the Shrek is not an ordinary man. Adding the word “怪物.”will help the audience understand the content of the film, and arouse the audience's interest to see the film. Also take Bambi for example. If translated it into“班比.”, the audience would not know that it is a film to the taste of the children. Once“小鹿.”is added to "班比.", the image of a lovely animal immediately jumps into the audience's mind at the first sight of this version.

Other successful examples are Stuart Little“小老鼠斯图尔特.”, Gandi“甘地传.”, Forrest Gump“阿甘正传.”, Joe Dirt“乔德特历险记.”and Titanic“泰坦尼克号.”etc.

5.2.5. Combination of literal translation and free translation

The advantage of this strategy is that literal translation can convey the basic information, and at the same time free translation expresses the implied meaning of the title in a depth. Such a combination not only transmits the message to the most extent but also adds to the artistic appeal of the title. Most successful translations of English film titles have fully demonstrated this. Such as Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die“生杀大权.”, Moonstruck“月色撩人.”, Shakespeare in Love“莎翁情史.”, The Green Mile“绿色奇迹.”, Shooting First“先发制人.”, Blood and Sand “碧血黄沙.”, First Knight“剑侠风流.”and The Golden Rush“淘金记.”and so on.

For example, Translators translate Speed and Blade into“生死时速.”and“刀锋战士.”, which sound much better than the sheer literal translation. Combined with free translation, the two versions add something mysterious to the titles and therefore are more vocative. If South Pacific is translated directly into“南太平洋.”, the potential audience may regard it as a documentary, while the version“太平洋之恋.” not only makes clear the genera of the film but sounds quite attractive for most film-goers.

In summary, which one is the best translation method. As mentioned above that each one has its merits and demerits. For many versions, it is hard to tell exactly what certain approach is applied. Actually, all the methods are indispensable and supplementary to each other. Furthermore, the most important criterion of film title translation is the audience's reception and the box-office hit. The translator should take the informative, expressive aesthetic and vocative functions of the

film title into consideration. What is more, the translator must have a comprehensive understanding of the whole film including plot, theme, and cultural background and so on. In addition, the translator should have a deep understanding of the essence of each method and make the best use of them in a flexible and appropriate way. This is also the essence of Skopos theory, namely "the end justifies the means" .

6. Conclusion

A film title is very important to the film , especial to the english film .A film title attracts the eyeball and helps the film win an everlasting fame. Film title translation is an interesting, meaningful and challenging activity. However, currently, English film title translation is still full of controversy and not explored enough. This thesis, mainly from a functionalist perspective, explores English movie title translation under the guidance of Skopos theory.

From what has been discussed above, Skopos theory frees people from the traditional disputes on concepts, such as equivalence, “free” vs. “faithful” translat ion, providing them a new way of thinking and sheds light on the translation field as to what aspects the translator should take care in translation. By analyzing the above classical examples, it turns out that the application of Skopos theory to movie title translation is very useful in both practice and theoretical study.

The present thesis is a tentative study of English film title translation in the hope that it can make a small contribution to this field. Although raising some worthy practical ways for English film title translation, this thesis is far from perfect, and it also has some limitations, both in terms of quantitative analysis and specific explanations. As to the limitations, the author hopes that in the future, researchers with more ability could achieve more along the way.


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1.3汉译英的方法---符号学翻译法 翻译是一门复杂的科学和艺术,需要灵活得体的技巧。对翻译学习的目的和重点不同,采取的方法也不会雷同。而且,由于翻译是门博大精深的学问,虽然经过国内外学者的悉心研究,至今还没有制定出一套人人都接受的翻译原则和一种人人都满意的方法。正是由于翻译的这一与众不同的特征,这门学科才如此有魅力,吸引着一代又一代致力于跨文化、跨语言交际研究的人们立足于不同学科、从不同角度对它进行研究。虽然翻译涉及众多学科理论,至今没有哪一种理论能被翻译家一致确认为翻译研究的支柱理论。但无论如何,研究学习翻译总该有一个切入口。本书将以尤金·奈达提出的社会符号学翻译法(sociosemiotic approach)为切入口,以符号学(semiotics)的意义观为核心,以韩礼德(Halliday)所述的语言的社会符号性为根据,结合对比语言学、语用学、篇章分析学、文体学、交际学、文化学和其它相关学科的基本理论,讲述汉译英的理论基础与方法。 1.3.1.符号世界与符号学 世界是由符号组成的。万事万物都可以看作是各类符号系统中的一个符号。花、草、树、桌、椅、气味、颜色、机器、飞机,都可以看作是一个符号或是符号的集合。如小汽车可以看作是一个符号。它是先进的交通工具,方便、快捷,它由许多零部件构成,这些零部件又是一个一个的符号,所以小汽车也是多种符号的集合。小汽车在社会中存在,在社会这个由复杂的符号系统交织的网络中,小汽车这一符号具备社会意义。私人小汽车在西方发达国家很普遍,在西方国家小汽车的车主不一定是富人;而在90年代中期的中国,谁拥有小汽车,谁就一定富有。因此,小汽车在中国便与“富有”联系在一起。小汽车可漆成各种不同的颜色。但在汽车颜色符号系统中,黑色是最高贵的颜色,象征着财富和权力,黑色汽车因此受到买主的青睐,当然它也最容易成为盗贼匪徒袭击的目标。 身势语(body language)也是一种符号系统。不同的身势表达不同的意义。如点头表示赞同,摇头表示不同意,低头表示羞愧、不好意思或在具体语境中因具体人的习惯含有其它意义。握手是人类生活中一种极其普通的行为,也是一种符号,这种符号在不同的交际环境中有不同的意义。它可以表示重逢的喜悦(老朋友相见时)、友情的建立(陌生人经人介绍初次相识时)、协议合同签订的结束,还可以表示谢意和告别,甚至表示与握手这一表示友谊的形式相反的意图,如主人与客人交谈后不久便与客人握手便可能是催客人早点离开,公务人员为了摆脱纠缠不清的商人或找他麻烦的业务员时特别爱用这一符号。 人类对符号的研究有悠久的历史。古希腊著名哲学家柏拉图(公元前427一前347)和亚里土多德(公元前384前322)都写过有关符号学的论文。到了20世纪,人们对符号的研究更深入。瑞土的著名语言学家索绪尔(Ferdinand de Saussure)在《普通语言学教程》(Course in General Linguistics)一书中指出:“语言是表达思想的符号系统,因此,它可比作文字系统,……还可比作聋哑人的字母、象征性的礼仪、礼貌惯用语、军事符号等等。但它是最重要的符号系统。”“我们可以设想有一门研究社会中符号生命的科学,……它将是社会心理学的一部分,因而也是普通心理学的一部分,我将称之为符号学(Semiology)。符号学将表明符号由什么构成,符号受什么规律支配。因为这门科学还不存在,谁也说不出它将是什么样子,但是它有存在的权利,它的地位已经预先确定了。语言学只不过是符号学这门总科学的一部分、;……” 索绪尔提出语言是一种“表达概念的符号系统”,语言学研究的重要对象正是“符号与符号之间的关系”。这是他对语言研究的重大贡献之一。但索绪尔此后并未对符号学作进一步的研究,即使在他的这本影响深远的著作中,关于“符号学”的论述也只有三页左右。 美国哲学家查尔斯·皮尔土(Charles Peirce,1839-l914)对符号科学作了较全面的阐述。他认为:“符号或表现体是某种对某人来说在某一方面或以某种能力代表某一事物的东西。”因此,每一个符号化过程都体现了符号本身、符号代表的客体和解释者之间的相互关


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第五讲翻译目的论简介 即就是Skopos theory skopos是希腊语,意为“目的”。翻译目的论(skopos theory)是将skopos概念运用于翻译的理论,其核心概念是:翻译过程的最主要因素是整体翻译行为的目的。skopos这一术语通常用来指译文的目的。除了Skopos,弗米尔还使用了相关的“目标(aim)”、“目的(purpose)”、“意图(intention)”和“功能(function)”等词。为了避免概念混淆,诺德提议对意图和功能作基本的区分:“意图”是从发送者的角度定义的,而“功能”指文本功能,它是由接受者的期望、需求、已知知识和环境条件共同决定的。 在弗米尔的目的论框架中,决定翻译目的的最重要因素之一是受众——译文所意指的接受者,他们有自己的文化背景知识、对译文的期待以及交际需求。每一种翻译都指向一定的受众,因此翻译是在“目的语情景中为某种目的及目标受众而生产的语篇”。弗米尔认为原文只是为目标受众提供部分或全部信息的源泉。可见原文在目的论中的地位明显低于其在对等论中的地位。 一、翻译目的论的产生与发展 功能派翻译理论是20世纪70年代德国学者凯瑟林娜?赖斯(Kantharina Reiss)、汉斯?费米尔(HansVermeer)、贾斯塔?赫兹?曼塔利(Justa Holz Mantari)和克里斯蒂安?诺德(Christiane Nord)等提出的翻译理论。它的形成大体经历了四个阶段,其颇具里程碑意义的理论是赖斯的功能主义翻译批评理论(functional category of translation criticism),费米尔的目的论及其延伸理论(Skopos theorie and beyond),曼塔利的翻译行为理论(theory of translation action)和诺德的功能加忠诚理论(function plus loyalty)。 1. 凯瑟林娜?赖斯(Kantharina Reiss)的翻译标准的功能分类说(the Functional Category of Translation Criticism) 1971年凯瑟林娜?赖斯在《翻译批评的可能性与限制》(Possibilities and


发表日期:2015-09-29 07:48 来源:80后励志网编辑:80后点击:3321次 文章标签: 英语名言教育好文读书励志英语教育 文章导读:英语是国际性的语言,英语在我们的生活中使用率也越来越高,下面这50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会哦! 50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会! 1.预约券 reservation ticket 2.下午茶 high tea 3.微博 Microblog/ Tweets 4.裸婚 naked wedding 5.亚健康 sub-health 6.平角裤 boxers 7.愤青 young cynic 8.灵魂伴侣 soul mate 9.小白脸 toy boy 10.精神出轨 soul infidelity 11.人肉搜索 flesh search 12.浪女 dillydally girl 13.公司政治 company politics 14.剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 15.山寨 copycat 16.异地恋 long-distance relationship 17.性感妈妈 yummy mummy ; milf(回复中指出的~) 18.钻石王老五 diamond bachelor;most eligible bachelor 20.时尚达人 fashion icon 21.御宅 otaku 22.上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 23.脑残体 leetspeak 24.学术界 academic circle 25.哈证族 certificate maniac 26.偶像派 idol type 27.住房公积金 housing funds 28.个税起征点 inpidual income tax threshold 29.熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 30.挑食者 picky-eater 31.伪球迷 fake fans 32.紧身服 straitjacket 33.团购 group buying 34.奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 35.婚前性行为 premarital sex 36.开博 to open a blog 37.家庭暴力 family/domestic violence (由回复更正) 38.问题家具 problem furniture


公共场所双语标识英文译法 通则 1 范围 本部分适用于公共场所的英文标识。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有 的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本部分,然而,鼓励根据本部分达成协议的各方研 究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本部分。 GB/T 16159 3 术语和定义 汉语拼音正词法基本规则 下列术语和定义适用于本部分。 3.1 功能设施 functional facilities 为满足人们在公共场所活动中的需求所提供的基础设施和服务设施,包括具备安全保障、卫生保 障、文化体育以及综合服务和接待等功能的设施。 4 一般要求 4.1 公共场所双语标识的英文译法应符合国际通用惯例,遵循英语语言习惯(见附录 A )。 4.2 本部分汉语拼音用法应符合 GB /T 16159 的要求。 4.3 独词 独词路标的英文书写形式依国际惯例全部大写,如出口 EXIT 。 4.4 方位词 4.4.1 方位词包括:“东、南、西、北、前、后、中、上、内、外”。其对应的英文译法分别为 East (E.),South (S.),West (W.),North (N.), Front ,Back ,Middle ,Upper ,Inner ,Outer ,“东南、西南、东北、西北”其对应的英文译法分别 为 Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, Northwest 。 4.4.2 通常情况下,方位词含有指示方向的意义时应译成英文。 4.4.3 当方位词本身固化为地名的一部分时,方位词采用汉语拼音。如东直门 DONGZHIMEN 。 4.5 序数词 4.5.1 通常情况下,如需要用序数词表达,其英文写法采用字母上标形式,如 1 ,2 , 3 等、如东 三环 E. 3 Ring Rd 。 4.5.2 名称中的数字不使用英文序数词形式,应直接使用阿拉伯数字表示,如中关村一桥 ZHONGGUANCUN Bridge 1,2 号看台 Platform 2,3 号收银台 Cashier 3。 4.6 冠词和介词 双语标识英文译法中尽量不使用冠词和介词,如颐和园 Summer Palace ,但有些约定俗成的说法 和固定用法除外,如天坛 Temple of Heaven 。 4.7 标点符号 1 st nd rd rd


+ plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by 乘号 ÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号 ≠is not equal to 不等于号 ≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 ≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 <is less than 小于号 >is more than 大于号 ≮is not less than 不小于号 ≯is not more than 不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 % per cent 百分之… ‰per mill 千分之… ∞infinity 无限大号 ∝varies as 与…成比例 √(square) root 平方根 ∵since; because 因为 ∴hence 所以 ∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例 ∠angle 角 ⌒semicircle 半圆 ⊙circle 圆 ○circumference 圆周 πpi 圆周率 △triangle 三角形 ⊥perpendicular to 垂直于 ∪union of 并,合集 ∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of 总和 °degree 度 ′minute 分 ″second 秒 ℃Celsius system 摄氏度 { open brace, open curly 左花括号 } close brace, close curly 右花括号 ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号 ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号 [ open bracket 左方括号 ] close bracket 右方括号 [] square brackets 方括号 . period, dot 句号,点 | vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线 & ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用 * asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针 / slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号 // slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符 # pound 井号 \ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符 ~ tilde 波浪符 . full stop 句号 , comma 逗号 : colon 冒号 ; semicolon 分号 ? question mark 问号 ! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语) ' apostrophe 撇号 - hyphen 连字号 -- dash 破折号 ... dots/ ellipsis 省略号 " single quotation marks 单引号 "" double quotation marks 双引号 ‖ parallel 双线号 & ampersand = and ~swung dash 代字号 §section; division 分节号 →arrow 箭号;参见号


100个常见公共标志英文单词1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开( 放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险 23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行 25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进 32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parting 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开 41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 44、No U Turn 禁止掉头


中英文标点符号地读法用法大全 ⒈汉语中地某些标点符号为英语所没有. ⑴顿号(、):顿号在汉语中起分割句子中地并列成分地作用;英语中没有顿号,分割句中地并列成分多用逗号.如:, , . 注意:类似地情况下,最后一个逗号后可加,这个逗号也可省略, (,) . ⑵书名号(《》):英文没有书名号,书名、报刊名用斜体或者下划线表示.如: 《哈姆雷特》' ' 《冬天地童话》《纽约时报》另外,英语中文章、诗歌、乐曲、电影、绘画等地名称和交通工具、航天器等地专有名词也常用斜体来表示. ⑶间隔号(?):汉语有间隔号,用在月份和日期、音译地名和姓等需要隔开地词语地正中间,如"一二?九"、"奥黛丽?赫本(人名)"等.英语中没有汉语地间隔号,需要间隔时多用逗号. ⑷着重号:有时汉语用在文字下点实心圆点表示需要强调地词语,这些实心点就是着重号.而英语中没有这一符号,需强调某些成分时可借助文字斜体、某些强调性词汇、特殊句型、标点停顿等多种方法. ⒉英语中地某些标点符号为汉语所没有. ⑴撇号('):该符号主要表示①所有格,如' ' ;②数字、符号、字母或词形本身地复数,如' .; ③省略了字母、数字或单词,如'()'(). ⑵连字号():该符号主要用于以下几种情况.①复合词,如.②派生词地词缀与词根或词之间,如.③两个比分、比赛对手、地名、人名、数字之间,可视情况译为"比""对""至"等.④单词移行,把在一行写不开地单词按音节移到下一行,但必须注意:. 单音节词不移行. . 曲折变化后地词尾,如等一般不移行.. 数字、缩略词不宜移行.. 易引起歧义地词不移行,如不宜移行为.. 移行后行尾不宜只剩一个字母,如不宜移为. . 带词缀地词应在词缀和词根处移行,如移为.. 复合词在复合成分之间移行,如移为. ⑶斜线号或():该符号主要起分割作用,如. 也常用于标音,如. ⒊某些符号在汉英两种语言中地形式不同. ⑴中文地句号是空心圈(.),英文地句号是实心点(.). ⑵英文地省略号是三个点(...),位置在行底;中文地为六个点(......),居于行中.在美国英语中,如果省略号恰好在句尾,就用四个点,如' ' .... ⑶英文地破折号是(),中文地是(). 四、美国英语与英国英语在标点符号方面地细微差别 .引号地用法:①属于引语地逗号、句号在美国英语中位于引号内,而在英国英语中多位于引号外;②引语内再套用引语时,美国英语中双引号在外单引号在内,而英国英语中地单引号在外、双引号在内. .冒号地用法:①在小时与分钟之间,美国英语多用冒号,英国英语多用句号;②美国


50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会! 发表日期:2015-09-29 07:48 来源:80后励志网编辑:80后点击:3321次 文章标签: 英语名言教育好文读书励志英语教育 文章导读:英语是国际性的语言,英语在我们的生活中使用率也越来越高,下面这50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会哦! 50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会! 1.预约券 reservation ticket 2.下午茶 high tea 3.微博 Microblog/ Tweets 4.裸婚 naked wedding 5.亚健康 sub-health 6.平角裤 boxers 7.愤青 young cynic 8.灵魂伴侣 soul mate 9.小白脸 toy boy 10.精神出轨 soul infidelity 11.人肉搜索 flesh search 12.浪女 dillydally girl 13.公司政治 company politics 14.剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 15.山寨 copycat 16.异地恋 long-distance relationship 17.性感妈妈 yummy mummy ; milf(回复中指出的~) 18.钻石王老五 diamond bachelor;most eligible bachelor

20.时尚达人 fashion icon 21.御宅 otaku 22.上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 23.脑残体 leetspeak 24.学术界 academic circle 25.哈证族 certificate maniac 26.偶像派 idol type 27.住房公积金 housing funds 28.个税起征点 inpidual income tax threshold 29.熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 30.挑食者 picky-eater 31.伪球迷 fake fans 32.紧身服 straitjacket 33.团购 group buying 34.奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 35.婚前性行为 premarital sex 36.开博 to open a blog 37.家庭暴力 family/domestic violence (由回复更正) 38.问题家具 problem furniture 39.炫富 flaunt wealth 40.决堤 breaching of the dike 41.上市 list share 42.赌球 soccer gambling 43.桑拿天 sauna weather 44.自杀 Dutch act 45.假发票 fake invoice 46.落后产能 outdated capacity 47.二房东 middleman landlord 48.入园难 kindergarten crunch 49.生态补偿 ecological compensation 50.金砖四国 BRIC countrie


中文公共标识语翻译 王开烨 (西南财经大学经贸外语学院,四川成都611130) 摘要:公共场所的标识语翻译不规范的现象普遍存在。文章对现存公共标示语存在的问题进行分析,并找出原因,给予相应的解决方案。 关键词:标识语翻译;错译;文化背景 中国分类号:A567 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2111(2010)04-0087-02 随着全球一体化的步伐不断推进,中国进一步走出国门,面向世界。翻译作为一种纽带和桥梁把中国和世界紧密联系在一起。随着奥运会的举办,世博会的召开,大量的外国朋友来中国旅游,经商。公共表示语作为引领他们在中国畅游的向导,发挥着十分重要的作用。公共标识语在一定程度上体现着中国给世界的第一印象,标识语的翻译质量不容忽视。 1标识语错译现象分析 (1)对英语意义理解不深刻导致的错误 某交通公司的门口除了单位名称,还配上了英文翻译 pub lic tra ffic company 。但是这里究竟应不应该用traffi c呢?从中文解释中,我们发现意义完全对等,用在此处是合理的。但是查看它的英文解释 the m ove m en t o f veh i c l es,people,etc,in a parti cular place o r fo r a particular purpo se 既流动的车辆[行人]。所以用在这里不合理。这里用"transpo rtati on"更加准确。"transpo rta tion"意思为 t he act of transpo rting or the state of be i ng transported 指的是交通运输。这种错误产生的原因在于译者的水平。译者水平有限,没有很好的把握该词语的意义和使用环境。只对各个词语进行了逐个翻译对等,却没有考虑该表示语的整体意义和用途。导致既没有遵循原文的意义,又没有考虑受众的反应。想当然的逐字翻译,致使最后的文本和原文本无法对等。 (2)文化预设导致的错误 文化预设是长期潜移默化地储存在记忆中反应一定客观现实的原形,是作品作者与意象读者共有的不言而喻的知识。大部分中文标示语中有许多包含中国文化元素的内容,这决定了翻译不能拘泥于原文,应该关注这些文化因素。尽量实现翻译的动态对等。如拜水都江堰,问道青城山 的中, 道 在中国文化里有双重含义,一方面指山间道路,更重要的只是青城山的道教文化。如果只将 道 译为"path",就丢失了原文中很重要的一部分信息。也就失去了许多崇尚中国文化的外国游客。这种差异应该引起特别注意,因为这些常识都是我们潜移默化中形成的,往往容易忽略读者的文化背景。 (3)文化差异造成误会 中西方文化差异很大,这是在翻译中不可忽视的方面。翻译中应该充分考虑受众的思维习惯。如公共汽车上的 老弱病残孕专座 被译为 fo r the o l d,sick,disab led,and pregnant .中国文化中对老有一种仰慕和尊敬之情,认为老是智慧和慈善的象征,是有能力,有经验的表现。但是在西方文化中,老却是被认为是风烛残年,虚弱无力。字面翻译没有考虑受众的文化因素,很可能使礼貌用语变成歧视性的语言。这样的翻译可以直接引用西方公交车上的用语"courtesy seat",既能达等效又使读者感到文化被尊重和推广的亲切感。 (4)未考虑小环境翻译的整体效果 标识语在一个小环境中应该保持一致,这样不容易产生误会,也使整个双语标示环境有整体性。以西南财经大学为例,校园内所有的公寓都被赋予了诗意的名字,如 竹园 梅园 敏园 毅园 等。这些宿舍名称的翻译大不相同 zhu garden ," pa l m g arden","m i n yuan","y i yuan"。不难发现这些名称有些事意译,有些直接使用汉语拼音,甚至连 园 的翻译也有 garden 和拼音 yuan 两种翻译。经过调查,这样的翻译,让受众觉得十分困惑,误认为这是不同功能的场所。这样的翻译分开来看都没有什么错误,但是对同一地点不同的翻译就容易引起误会,不能达到标识语指示方向的作用。 针对这些问题,可以总结出一些标识语翻译的方法 2标识语翻译方法 以目标语为导向的翻译。中国与外国有着不同的语言和文化传统,中英两种语言代表着不同的文化。公共标示语是面向读者的,应该尽量符合英语的表达习惯和思维方式,让外国朋友一看就懂,真正起到交流和宣传的作用。不能不顾受众,望文生义,追求单纯的字面对等。 区分文本类型,有针对性的翻译。语言功能理论将文本划分成三种类型:表达型,信息型和号召型。标识语作为一种实用性很强应用文应该充分考虑它的作用,考虑是否达到表示的效果。表达型的文本多用于宣传,有很强的表现力,翻译时需要考虑表达效果。此类文本多出现在旅游景点的宣传中。信息型文本提取主要信息,排除冗余信息,达到传递信息作用即可。 如小草在睡觉,请勿打扰 ,中文表达很人性化但是不符合西方标识语简洁的习惯。提取其核心信息进行翻译便可,直接翻译为 keep off the g rass 就能达到信息传递的效果。号召型的文本有很强的感情色彩,要正确传达译文的感情是重点。如 生命有限,小心驾驶 译为 li m it you speed,li m it your lif e? 就表达出委婉提醒交通规则的感情,表达亲切,提醒明显。 借用外来词的方法可以用来翻译公共场所国际通用的标识语。在机场,公交,旅店有许多可以直接借用的标识语翻译。可以进行实地考察,全部使用西方的标识语。这样符合外国朋友的习惯,容易理解,也能更好的起到指示和提醒的作用,不会产生任何误解。不失为一种最有效最快捷的方法。(下转第117页)


一、什么是符号 “符号”(sign)一词渊源已久,然而它的含义却一直含混不清,甚至在经典着作家那里也往往有不同的理解。 古代希腊,符号就是征兆。公元前5-4世纪,古希腊医学家希波克拉底(Hippocrates)把病人的“症候”看作符号,世称“符号学之父”。公元2世纪,古罗马医生、哲学家盖伦(Galen,C.)写了一本症候学的书,名为“Semiotics”,即今天人们所说的“符号学”。此后,基督教思想家奥古斯丁(Augustine,A.)给了符号一个一般性的解释:“符号是这样一种东西,它使我们想到在这个东西加诸感觉印象之外的某种东西。”意思是说,符号是代表某一事物的另一事物,它既是物质对象,也是心理效果。奥古斯丁的符号观,直接影响了现代符号学的两位奠基人——索绪尔和皮尔斯的符号学思想。17世纪,英国哲学家洛克(Locke,J.)把科学分为三种,第一二两种为物理学和伦理学,而第三种,他说“可以叫做Semiotic,就是所谓符号之学。各种符号因为大部分是文字,所以这种学问,也叫做逻辑学。”洛克的符号学说,更是皮尔斯符号学思想的泉源。 古代中国虽然没有关于“符号”的明确界说,但是古代汉字“符”确实含有“符号”的意思。所谓“符瑞”,就是指吉祥的征兆;“符节”和“符契”都是作为信物的符号;“符箓”为道教的神秘符号。先秦时期公孙龙《指物论》,可以说是中国最早的符号学专论。在古籍《尚书》中,注释者说:“言者意之声;书者言之记。”不仅说明了语言是一种符号,而且指出文字是记录语言符号的书写符号。 “符号”作为符号学的基本概念可以不加定义,但必须予以诠释。直到20世纪初年,瑞士语言学家索绪尔(Ferdinand de Saussure)把语言符号解释为能指和所指的结合体时,“符号”一词才算有了比较确定的含义,人们对于“符号”的理解逐渐趋于一致。 在索绪尔看来,符号不是别的,而是能指和所指的二元关系。在《普通语言学教程》


1)特困生super-sleepy students 2)讨债人debt collector 3)老赖deadbeat 4)另类offbeat 5)蕾丝边lesbian 6)油条flirtatious boy 7)晒黑族injustice exposer 8)新新人类new-new generation 9)麦霸microphone monopolist 10)楼主thread starter 11)姐弟恋cradle snatcher 12)达人pro/doyen 13)潮人trendsetter 14)性情中人unsophisticated person 15)钻石王老五diamond bachelor 16)毒枭drug lord 17)菜鸟rookie/novice 18)三夹板sandwich husband 19)熟女sophisticated lady 20)型男metro-sexual men 21)作女high-maintenance woman 22)潜规则hidden rule 23)傍大款live off a moneybags 24)爆料tip off/blow the whistle 25)拆烂污mess up knowingly 26)强档prime time 27)哑巴亏take it on the chin 28)找不着北lose one’s bearings 29)不折腾Don’t stir up turmoil. 30)双规double designation 31)高考状元college entrance exam ace 32)走光wardrobe malfunction 33)开光consecrate/bless/deify 34)骨感型boney clan 35)素人layman, bungler 36)敲门砖door opener, stepping stone 37)淘客online shopper 38)内鬼inner culprit 39)死党sworn friend 40)名嘴popular TV presenter 41)老娘舅avuncular arbitrator 42)奔奔族car-less drivers 43)考托exam scalper 44)医托hospital scalper, hospital stoolie


常见的“公共标志和说明”英文表达 1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开 ( 放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险 23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行 25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进 32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parking 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开

41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 44、No U-Turn 禁止掉头 45、U-Turn Ok 可以U形转弯 46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车 47、SOS 紧急求救信号 48、Hands Wanted 招聘 49、Staff Only 本处职工专用 50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物 51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸 52、Keep Silence 保持安静 53、On Sale 削价出售 54、No Bills 不准张贴 55、Not for Sale 恕不出售 56、Pub 酒馆 57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆 58、Bar 酒巴 59、Laundry 洗衣店 60、Travel Agency 旅行社 61、In Shade 置于阴凉处 62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存 63、Poison 有毒/毒品 64、Guard against Damp 防潮 65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手 66、Complaint Box 意见箱 67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用 68、Bakery 面包店 69、Keep Dry 保持干燥 70、Information 问讯处 71、No Passing 禁止通行 72、No Angling 不准垂钓 73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎 74、Seat by Number 对号入座 75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物 76、Ticket Office(or :Booking Office)售票处 77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记 78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土 79、Men“s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所 80、Women“s/Ladies/Ladies“ Room女厕所 81、Occupied (厕所)有人 82、Vacant (厕所)无人


英文标点符号翻译大全 + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by 乘号 ÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号 ≠is not equal to 不等于号 ≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 <is less than 小于号 >is more than 大于号 ≤is not less than 不小于号 ≥is not more than 不大于号 ?is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ?is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 % per cent 百分之… ‰per mill 千分之… ∞infinity 无限大号 ∝varies as 与…成比例 √(square) root 平方根 ∵since; because 因为 ∴hence 所以 ∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例 ∟angle 角 ?semicircle 半圆 ≦circle 圆 ○circumference 圆周 πpi 圆周率 △triangle 三角形 ≧perpendicular to 垂直于 ∪union of 并,合集 ∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of 总和 °degree 度 ′minute 分 ″second 秒 ℃Celsius system 摄氏度 { open brace, open curly 左花括号 } close brace, close curly 右花括号 ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号 ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号


翻译中的三种符号学意义 摘要: 将符号学运用于翻译学研究已成为当今翻译学发展的一大趋势,翻译学借鉴了符号学的理论侧重传达语言符号的所指意义、语用意义和言内意义,从而达到不同言语产物在翻译上的等值,因此从符号学的角度分析翻译中意义的转换是十分必要的。 关键词: 符号学;翻译;所指意义;语用意义;言内意义 一、语义的符号学定义 符号学认为意义是一种关系,即符号(语言单位也是一种符号)与符号所标示的东西之间的关系。任何符号都是有意义的,因为它能说明符号之外的某个东西,如果符号不标示符号之外的某个东西,那它就不是符号。用巴尔胡达罗夫的话说:“符号同符号之外的某个东西之间的关系就是意义。”很显然,符号学给意义所下的定义摆脱了心理主义定义的主观性和神秘性,因而更具客观性、科学性。同时,符号学定义比语言学定义更加直截了当地触及意义本身,而不留有需作进一步解释的余地,因此比语言学定义更为确切,更有说服力。但也必须指出,特别是从翻译的角度看,对语义的认识不能局限于单纯的符号学理论。符号中所涉及的不会是抽象的符号系统,而会是具体的、活生生的言语符号。这些言语符号产生于特定的时期、特定的社会、特定的场合,具有特定的文化背景,因而具有特殊的意义。只有把符号学同社会学结合起来,并借助于语言学、交际学等其他学科的理论,才能使符号学理论充分地运用于翻译研究。 翻译学比符号学更强调内容和形式的统一。翻译中要做出功能对等的转换,首先必须全面理解原文的意思。而这种全面理解则取决于译者对原文的一切因素,从句法到词汇,从词汇到语音,从句子到单词,从本义到转义,从所指到联想等等,都进行分析。这就使翻译学得出以下合乎逻辑的结论:(1)原文中任何一个成分都具有意义,如句法有句法意义,词汇有词汇意义,修辞有修辞意义等等;(2)意义是形式与内容的不可分割的结合体:某个言语形式(包括口头的和笔头的)之所以被看作言语形式,是因为它具有意思,否则它就不是言语形式;意思寓于形式之中,而形式又因具有意思才能发挥其作用。从翻译学的角度给意义下个确切的定义:实际运用中的语义是指存在于言语符号同该符号标志物之间、同符号使用者和使用场合之间以及同其他符号等因素之间的关系。 二、翻译中三种符号学意义


从功能目的论看字幕翻译_以美剧_绝望的主妇_为例下载本文 导读:Vol.25No.1从功能目的论看字幕翻译,——以美剧《绝望的主妇》为例,首先简述我国字幕翻译的现状,然后浅析字幕翻译的特点,以美剧《绝望主妇》为,以目的论为理论基础,浅析影视字幕的相关问题及其策略,详细阐述了译者以译本功能及目的作为根本原则来指导其翻译策略选择的过程,有字幕的属性,影视屏幕上的英文字幕文字是一闪而过的,这种实现信息功能的特定方式,对字幕翻译形成了另一个制约,在进行字幕翻译的时 第25卷第1期长春理工大学学报(社会科学版) JournalofChangchunUniversityofScienceandTechnology(SocialSciencesEdition)Vol.25No.1从功能目的论看字幕翻译 ——以美剧《绝望的主妇》为例 杨成青 (浙江长征职业技术学院应用语言系,浙江杭州,310023) [摘 要] 首先简述我国字幕翻译的现状,及其所存在的一些问题。然后浅析字幕翻译的特点,以美剧《绝望主妇》为 例,以目的论为理论基础,浅析影视字幕的相关问题及其策略,详细阐述了译者以译本功能及目的作为根本原则来指导其翻译策略选择的过程。[关键词][作者简介] 字幕翻译;功能目的论;翻译策略;绝望的主妇 H315.9 [文献标识码] A 杨成青(1970-),男,硕士,副教授,研究方向为英语语言文化。 有字幕的属性。将两者综合,则具备以下两个特点: (一)时间限制性 影视屏幕上的英文字幕文字是一闪而过的,平均的停留时间在一到两秒之间,并不像文学作品上的文字,读者可以前后反复地阅读欣赏,在没有理解的地方可以回读。这种实现信息功能的特定方式,对字幕翻译形成了另一个制约。译者必须保证这种递进式的信息

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