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yum groupinstall "Office/Productivity"



$su root(切换到root用户)

#yum install scim

#yum install scim-pinyin


打开system - Preference - Input Method 选择USE SCIM,点击Input Method Preference ,在全局设置里面,首先选择键盘布局为english-us;

进入切换热键的设置,选择Control+space,然后一路确定。重启输入法(systerm中摁log out chlian1987)即可。


yum install *open-terminal*



yum install *gcc* 安装c++

yum install * libstdc++*

yum install *libstdc++5*

yum install *glibc*

yum install *libgcc*


[root@chlian1987 chlian1987]# yum install compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-68.i686

首先修改/etc/sysconfig/selinux ,将SELINUX=enforcing修改成"SELINUX=disabled"。然后重启。

chmod -R 700*

vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux


a)#unzip jasper-1.900.1.zip

b)#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/jasper


#make install


export JASPERINC=/home/.../jasper/include

export JASPERLIB=/home/.../jasper/lib


[root@chlian1987 ifort]# chmod -R 700 *

[root@chlian1987 ifort]# ./install.sh

Step no: 1 of 7 | Welcome


Welcome to the Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Linux* version 11.1.

Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Professional Editions include not only the

high-performance Intel Fortran Compiler, but also Intel(R) Debugger and Intel(R) Math Kernel Library (Intel(R) MKL) to create a strong foundation for building robust, high performance parallel code at significant price savings.


Y ou will complete the steps below during this installation:

Step 1 : Welcome

Step 2 : License agreement

Step 3 : Activation option

Step 4 : Installation configuration

Step 5 : Configuration summary

Step 6 : Installation

Step 7 : Installation complete

Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit:

Step no: 2 of 7 | License agreement

To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA will be displayed with the "more" utility. While viewing the EULA, press the spacebar to page down or press the "q" key to quit viewing the EULA. After viewing the EULA, you will have the choice to either accept or decline the terms and conditions of the EULA.

1. V iew the license agreement (required) [default]

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1

Step no: 3 of 7 | Activation options

Y ou can also choose to install the software for evaluation purposes or activate

at a later time. The software will time out in 30 days.


1. Use existing license [default]

2. I want to activate and install my product

3. I want to evaluate my product or activate later

4. Alternative activation - necessary if you plan to activate remotely ( because

this system may not be set for successful Internet connection), or use a

license file, or use a license server

5. V iew additional information about software activation

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:4

Y ou can also choose to install the software for evaluation purposes or activate

at a later time. The software will time out in 30 days.

1. Use a serial number on a different computer which has access to the

internet [default]

2. Use a license file - choose this option if you already have a license

file for this product

3. Use a license server - choose this option if you connect to a license

server to obtain a license for this product

4. V iew additional information about software activation

5. How do I find my serial number?

6. Where can I purchase a serial number?

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2

Step no: 3 of 7 | Activation Options - Use a License File

In order to activate this system using a license file, the license file should

be a text file, it should be a valid license for this product, and it should be

in a location to which you have access.

1. Provide the full path to the license file(s) [default]

2. V iew additional information about software activation

3. How do I find my license file?

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1

Note: Press "Enter" key to back to the previous menu.

/home/chlian1987/systerm/https://www.doczj.com/doc/112131058.html,piler.Professional.v11.1.069.LINUX.ISO-TBE/cr ack

Step no: 4 of 7 | Installation T ype


Congratulations! Y our software has been activated. Please continue the

installation by choosing Typical Install (default installation options) or

Custom Install to change the default installation options.


1. Typical Install (Recommended) [default]

2. Custom Install (For Advanced Users)

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choic e [1]: 1



1、首先修改/etc/sysconfig/selinux ,将SELINUX=enforcing修改成"SELINUX=disabled"。然后重启。

2、su !切换成root

3、./install !开始安装。(chmod +x ./Install.sh或者./install.sh)



Y ou will complete the steps below during this installation:

Step 1 : Welcome

Step 2 : License agreement

Step 3 : Activation option

Step 4 : Installation configuration

Step 5 : Configuration summary

Step 6 : Installation

Step 7 : Installation complete

1. V iew the license agreement (required) [default]

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1

Type "accept" to continue or "decline" to back to the previous menu: accept

1. I want to activate and install my product [default]

2. I want to evaluate my product or activate later

3. Alternative activation - necessary if you plan to activate remotely (because this system may not be set for successful Internet connection), or use a license file, or use a license server

4. V iew additional information about software activation

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 3

1. Use a serial number on a different computer which has access to the

internet [default]

2. Use a license file - choose this option if you already have a license

file for this product

3. Use a license server - choose this option if you connect to a license

server to obtain a license for this product

4. V iew additional information about software activation

5. How do I find my serial number?

6. Where can I purchase a serial number?

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2

1. Provide the full path to the license file(s) [default]

2. V iew additional information about software activation

3. How do I find my license file?

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1



1. Typical Install (Recommended) [default]

2. Custom Install (For Advanced Users)

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1

Warning: destination directory already exists. When installing C++ and Fortran

packages from the same package release into their default directories

(e.g. l_cproc_p_11.1.069 and l_cprof_p_11.1.069), you can ignore this warning.

Would you like to overwrite this directory? ( Y es/No ) [ Y es ] : no

Note: Press "Enter" key to back to the previous menu.

Please type the full path to the installation directory starting with "/" : /chlian1987/systerm/fix/ifort



[chlian1987@chlian1987 ~]$ vi .bashrc

vi .bashrc (注bashrc在ect里面)


source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/069/bin/iccvars.sh intel64

source /home/chlian1987/systerm/ifort/bin/ifortvars.sh intel64

source 是立马生效,否则要到下次重启才能生效

:wq 保存退出


[chlian1987@ch lian1987 netcdf-4.0.1]$ ./configur e --pr efix=/home/chlian1987/syster m/netcdfanzhuang


这里以安装supersparrow-0.0.0为例,我们打算把它安装到目录/usr/local/supersparrow,于是在supersparrow-0.0.0目录执行带选项的脚本./configure --prefix=/usr/local/supersparrow,执行成功后再编译、安装(make,make install);安装完成将自动生成目录supersparrow,而且该软件所有的文件都被复制到这个目录。


[chlian1987@chlian1987 netcdf-4.0.1]$ make

[chlian1987@chlian1987 netcdf-4.0.1]$ make check

[chlian1987@chlian1987 netcdf-4.0.1]$ make install

Congratulations! Y ou have successfully installed netCDF! |

| Y ou can use script "nc-config" to find out the relevant |

| compiler options to build your application. Enter |

| nc-config --help

netcdf安装好之后有ncdump.exe和ncgen.exe [root@chlian1987 netcdf-4.0.1]# ncdump

ncdump [-c|-h] [-v ...] [[-b|-f] [c|f]] [-l len] [-n name] [-p n[,n]] [-x] [-k] [-s] [-t] file [-c] Coordinate variable data and header information

[-h] Header information only, no data

[-v var1[,...]] Data for variable(s) ,... only

[-b [c|f]] Brief annotations for C or Fortran indices in data

[-f [c|f]] Full annotations for C or Fortran indices in data

[-l len] Line length maximum in data section (default 80)

[-n name] Name for netCDF (default derived from file name)

[-p n[,n]] Display floating-point values with less precision

[-k] Output kind of netCDF file

[-x] Output XML (NcML) instead of CDL

[-s] Output special (virtual) attributes

[-t] Output time data as ISO date-time strings

file Name of netCDF file

netcdf library version "4.0.1" of May 8 2012 10:06:52 $


[chlian1987@chlian1987 ~]$ vi .bashrc


export NETCDF=/home/chlian1987/systerm/netcdfanzhuang


export NETCDF_INC=$NETCDF/include

export PA TH=$PA TH:$NETCDF/bin

[chlian1987@chlian1987 ~]$ source .bashrc



[chlian1987@chlian1987 ncl]$ tar -zxvf ncl_ncarg-5.2.1.Linux_x86_64_nodap_gcc432.tar-1.gz [chlian1987@chlian1987 ~]$ vi .bashrc


export NCARG_ROOT=/home/chlian1987/systerm/ncl


export NCARG_INC=$NCARG_ROOT/include

export P ATH=$P ATH:$NCARG_ROOT/bin

[chlian1987@chlian1987 ~]$ source .bashrc


1、从网址https://www.doczj.com/doc/112131058.html,/mpi/mpich/ 处下载MPICH 最新版本的源程序, 文件名为mpich2-1.x.x.tar.gz, 其中1.x.x 为MPICH 的版本号(目前的最新版本为

mpich2-1.1.1p1.tar.gz)。在下面描述的过程中需用MPICH 的实际版本号替换1.x.x

tar zxvf mpich2-1.1.1p1.tar.gz

cd mpich2-1.1.1p1

./configure -prefix=/usr/local/mpi --disable-weak-symbols


make install



export PA TH=$PA TH:/home/bikun/Common/mpich2/bin





export WRF_EM_CORE=1

export WRF_NMM_CORE=0

export WRF_DA_CORE=0



checking for perl5... no

checking for perl... found /usr/bin/perl (perl)

Will use NETCDF in dir: /home/ztftom/util/netcdf

PHDF5 not set in environment. Will configure WRF for use without.

$JASPERLIB or $JASPERINC not found in environment, configuring to build without grib2 I/O... ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please select from among the following supported platforms.

1. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (serial)

2. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (smpar)

3. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (dmpar)

4. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (dm+sm)

5. Linux x86_64, PGI accelerator compiler with gcc (serial)

6. Linux x86_64, PGI accelerator compiler with gcc (smpar)

7. Linux x86_64, PGI accelerator compiler with gcc (dmpar)

8. Linux x86_64, PGI accelerator compiler with gcc (dm+sm)

9. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (serial)

10. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (smpar)

11. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dmpar)

12. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dm+sm)

13. Linux i486 i586 i686 x86_64, PathScale compiler with pathcc (serial)

14. Linux i486 i586 i686 x86_64, PathScale compiler with pathcc (dmpar)

15. x86_64 Linux, gfortran compiler with gcc (serial)

16. x86_64 Linux, gfortran compiler with gcc (smpar)

17. x86_64 Linux, gfortran compiler with gcc (dmpar)

18. x86_64 Linux, gfortran compiler with gcc (dm+sm)

19. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (serial)

20. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (smpar)

21. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (dmpar)

22. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (dm+sm)

23. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray CCE compiler with gcc (serial)

24. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray CCE compiler with gcc (smpar)

25. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray CCE compiler with gcc (dmpar)

26. Cray XT CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray CCE compiler with gcc (dm+sm)


Compile for nesting? (1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 1]: 1


$./compile em_real 注如果不可以compile。安装csh

检查文件夹/test/em_real里是否有real.exe和wrf.exe ndown.exe nup.exe



source .bashrc



#gzip -cd WPSV3.1.1.TAR.gz | tar -xf –


#cd WPS


1. PC Linux x86_64, Intel compiler serial, NO GRIB2

2. PC Linux x86_64, Intel compiler serial

3. PC Linux x86_64, Intel compiler DM parallel, NO GRIB2

4. PC Linux x86_64, Intel compiler DM parallel

5. PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PGI compiler 5.2 or higher, serial, NO GRIB2

6. PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PGI compiler 5.2 or higher, serial

7. Cray XT Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PGI compiler 5.2 or higher, DM parallel, NO GRIB2

8. PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PGI compiler 5.2 or higher, DM parallel, NO GRIB2

9. PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PGI compiler 5.2 or higher, DM parallel

10. PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PathScale compiler 2.1 or higher,

serial, NO GRIB2

11. PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PathScale compiler 2.1 or higher, DM parallel, NO GRIB2

12. PC Linux x86_64, g95 compiler, serial, NO GRIB2

13. PC Linux x86_64, g95 compiler, serial

14. PC Linux x86_64, g95 compiler, DM PARALLEL, NO GRIB2

15. PC Linux x86_64, g95 compiler, DM PARALLEL





ls -ls *.exe

看到geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, and metgrid.exe

没有ungrib.exe 没有安装jasper

yum install jasper 或者自己安装where jasper


d)#unzip jasper-1.900.1.zip

e)#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/jasper


#make install境配置

export JASPERINC=/home/.../jasper/include

export JASPERLIB=/home/.../jasper/lib

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