当前位置:文档之家› 1991-1995年考研英语试题及解析




Section ⅠUse of English

Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labelled [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET.

(15 points)

When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were able to be equally effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced when they were trying to ___1___ themselves to the new medium were technical. When working ___2____ radio, for example, they had become ___3___ to seeing on behalf of the listener.

This ___4___ of seeing for others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. ___5___ all, he has to be able to ___6___ a continuous sequence of visual images which ___7___ meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the ___8___ of television, however, the commentator sees everything with the viewer. His role, therefore, is ___9___ different. He is there to make ___10___ that the viewer does not miss some point of interest, to help him ___11___ on particular things, and to ___12___ the images on the television screen. ___13___ his radio colleague, he must know the ___14___ of silence and how to use it at those moments ___15___ the pictures speak for themselves.

1.[A]turn [B]adapt [C]alter [D]modify


本题空格处的动词须能够搭配成“…oneself to + 名词”的形式,选项中只有[B]可以。Adapt oneself to意为to gradually change one?s behavior and attitudes so that one get used to a new situation and can deal with it successfully“(使)适应,(使)适合(新情况)”。代入adapt 之后,空格所在句大意为:他们(收音机评论员)努力去适应(电视机)这种新媒体的时候,遇到了一些技术方面的困难。[B]符合文义。

[A] turn to sb/sth意为ask help from“求助于”,如:I tried to stand on my own rather than turned to my parents.我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。[C] Alter意为cause to change; make different; cause a transformation 改变,如:He altered one of the rooms into a bedroom. 他把一间屋子改建成了卧室。[D] Modify 意为to make small changes to sth in order to improve it and make it more suitable or effective “(略微地)修改,更改,改进”,如:Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. 而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而让所有其它形态的生命服从于人类自己独特的观念和想象。

2. [A]on [B]at [C]with [D]behind


[A]On可意为by means of sth, using sth通过,使用,借助于,如:on TV/the internet在电视/互联网上。代入文中,on radio指收音机评论员通过收音机工作,作状语修饰work., 既符合文义,又能构成搭配。[B]at、[C] with、[D] behind构不成搭配。

3. [A]experienced 有经验的[B]determined 有决心的

[C]established 已经确立的,获确认的[D]accustomed 习惯于


四个选项中,只有accustomed 可以形成be /become accustomed to doing sth的形式。如, My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.我的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。而且,空格所在句大意为“在广播电台工作时,评论员已经习惯了代表公众看实况”,[D]accustomed 既符合内容要求又符合语法结构的要求。

Experienced 后面介词一般用in. 如,He is very experienced in looking after animals. 他对于照看动物很有经验。Determined后面跟动词不定式。如,I am determined to succeed.我决心要获得成功。Established“已确立的,已获确认的”,一般放在名词前做定语,如they are an established company with good reputation.他们是一家地位稳固,信誉良好的公司。

4. [A]efficiency [B]technology [C]art [D]performance

[解析] 本题考核知识点:上下文语义+ 名词意思辨析。



5. [A]Of [B]For [C]Above [D]In


四个选项中,[B]、[C]、[D]都可以和all 搭配,但意义不同。above all意为“above and beyond all other consideration首先,尤其是”,如: What a child should do, above all, is to do well in his studies. 小孩子该做的最重要的事是学好功课。for all意为“尽管,虽然”,如:He never stopped trying for all his failures. 尽管失败, 但他从没放弃努力。In all 意为“总共,总计”,如:He visited, in all, ten hospitals in China. 他在中国共参观了10家医院。


6. [A]inspire 激起,鼓舞,激励[B]create 产生,生成

[C]cause 引起,导致[D]perceive 注意到,领悟到

[解析] 本题考核知识点:动词词义辨析。

空格处填入动词,其主语是he(the commentator),宾语是visual images,所在句子的大意为:评论员必须能够……一系列连续的图片。

[A]inspire 意为to make sb have a particular feeling or react in a particular way“使(某人)产生(某种感情或反应);激起”,如:Gandh i?s quiet dignity inspired respect even among his enemies.甘地沉静威严的气质使他的敌人都肃然起敬。[B]create意为“bring into existence造成,形成,生成”,如,This decision creates a dangerous precedent. 这个决定开创了一个危险的先例。[C]cause意为“make sth happen引起,导致”,如:deaths caused by dangerous driving

危险驾驶造成的死亡。[D]perceive意为“to notice someth ing that is difficult to notice察觉,注意到,发觉”,如:I perceived a change in his behaviour. 我发觉他的行为有些变化。或“to understand or think of something in a particular way(以某种方式)理解,领悟”。如,People now perceive that green issues are important to our future.人们现在认识到环境问题对我们未来的重要性。

宾语“视觉图像”不是“感情或反应”,排除inspire;主语和宾语之间不存在因果关系,排除cause;评论员通过语言让听众产生图像,而不是自己发现,排除perceive;只有[B]create 符合文义,表示“评论员在观众脑海中生成一系列的图像”。

7. [A]add 添加[B]apply 应用[C] affect 影响[D]reflect反映


Add…to…“给……添加”是固定搭配。如,A new wing was added to the building。这栋大楼新添了一座配楼。而且,空格所在句大意为:(评论员的描绘所生成的图像)为听众听到的声音增添了意思”。[A]add填入空格处既结构合理,又符合文义。

其他三项都不能接sth to sth的结构,[B]apply直接加to,意为“适用于”如,The questions on this part of the form only apply to married men.表格中这部分问题只适用于已婚男士。

[C]affect意为“影响”,直接加宾语,如:The climate affected his health气候影响了他的健康。[D]r eflect 意为“反射,反映”,直接加宾语,如:The low value of the dollar reflects growing concern about the US economy.美元币值低反映出人们对美国经济的忧虑日益增加。

8. [A]occasion [B]event [C]fact [D]case


上文是关于收音机评论员的工作,从这句开始,话锋一转,提到电视评论员的工作方式。In the case of …意为“至于……,就……来说”,表示由一种情况或话题转入另一种情况或话题。符合文义。所以,[D]为正确选项。

[A]occasion 指“(发生特殊事情)的情况”,与on 连用。如,on the occasion of her 50th birthday 在她50岁生日之际。[B]event 意为“事件”,常用搭配为in the event of …,意为“假如发生…”。如,In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors加入下雨,晚会就在室内举行。[C]Fact 指“事实,已经发生的事”,词组in fact意为“实际上”,没有冠词,也不与of 连用。

9. [A]equally 同样的[B]completely 完全的



本句是对电视节评论员和收音机评论员工作性质的对比。从上下文来看,特别是前句的however表明,这两种工作是完全不同的,因而completely 为正确选项。

Equally 意为“同样的”,equally different 用于说明两个对比组之间的差异大小相同,Different species of trees thrive in equally different habitats.不同种类的树在同样不同的栖息地很好地生长。而本文中只存在一组对比(电视节评论员和收音机评论员)。Initially different 意为“开始时不同”,暗含后来相同的可能。Hardly意为“几乎不”,同文中意思相反。

10. [A]definite 确定的[B]possible可能的

[C]sure确实的[D]clear 清楚的,明白的

[解析] 本题考核知识点:形容词词义辨析及搭配。

空格所在句子提到,电视评论员的作用是:确保观众不错过某些有趣之处,make sure that 是习惯用法,意为“确保”如,Make sure that you put down every word she says. 确保记下她说的每一个字。所以,[C ]为正确选项。

[A]definite不用在make definite that结构中。[B]possible,[C] clear和make只能形成make it possible/clear that 的形式,如,His diligence made it possible that he could win the game.他的勤奋使得他比赛获胜成为可能。She makes it clear to us that she wants to be master in her own house.她使我们很清楚地了解到,她要自主处理自己的事情。

11. [A]focus 集中,聚集[B]attend 参加,注意,照料

[C]follow 跟随,遵循[D]insist 坚持


空格处填入的动词应与on 搭配。f ocus on… 意为“将注意力集中于”,如,I can't focus on my work when I'm tired. 我累了就无法集中精力工作。空格所在句大意为:电视评论员的作用是帮助观众将注意力集中在某些内容上。focus on切合题意。[A]为正确选项。

[B]Attend需要与to 连用,意为“留意,专心于”。如,She didn?t attend to what I was saying.她没有注意我所说的话。[C] Follow on 意为“继续下去”,但后面不能接宾语,如:He followed on after. 他在后面跟着。[D]Insist on意为“坚持”,如:I insist on your taking/insist that you take immediate action to put this right. 我坚决要求你立刻采取行动把事情处理好。该选项与文义不符。

12. [A]exhibit 展示,陈列[B]demonstrate 演示,说明

[C]expose 暴露,揭示[D]interpret解释


本题空格处填入动词,其宾语是the images,主语是上文he,因此该部分的含义是:电视评论员……电视屏幕上的图像,所以,[D] interpret最符合文义,表示“解释电视屏幕上的图像”。

13. [A]Like像[B]Unlike不像,和...不同[C]As作为[D]For为了


先做14题再来解答13题。空格所在句大意为,……收音机评论员,电视评论员必须知道沉默的价值。根据常识及上文可知,收音机评论员绝大部分时间都在说。因此二者截然不同,[B] unlike为最合适选项。

14. [A]purpose 目的[B]goal 目标[C]value 价值[D]intention 意图



15. [A]if [B]when [C]which [D]as


从选项来看,空格处填入连词,和后面的部分构成状语从句。根据句意,这里应该是一个时间状语从句,即:电视评论员必须知道在电视图像一目了然的时候如何保持沉默。when是引导时间状语从句的常用连词,符合上下文意。as也可以引导时间状语从句,但它指while sth else is happening,一般用于指一个动作伴随着另一个动作发生,如:

He sat watching her as she got ready.他一直坐着看她准备停当。因此本题最佳答案为[B]when。

which是关系代词,在从句中做主语或宾语,而此处的宾语从句不缺主语或宾语,所以显然不合适。if 引导条件状语从句。




Section ⅡReading Comprehension

Part A


Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given.Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET.(30 points)

Passage 1

A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people.

Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability.

Accountability isn’t hard to define. It means that every person is responsible for his or her actions and liable for their consequences.

Of the many values that hold civilization together—honesty, kindness, and so on—accountability may be the most important of all. Without it, there can be no respect, no trust, no law—and, ultimately, no society.

My job as a police officer is to impose accountability on people who refuse, or have never learned, to impose it on themselves. But as every policeman knows, external controls on people’s behavior are far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment.

Fortunately there are still communities—smaller towns, usually—where schools maintain discipline and where parents hold up standards that proclaim: “In this family certain things are not tolerated—they simply are not done! ”

Y et more and more, especially in our larger cities and suburbs, these inner restraints are loosening. Y our typical robber has none. He considers your property his property; he takes what he

wants, including your life if you enrage him.

The main cause of this break-down is a radical shift in attitudes. Thirty years ago, if a crime was committed, society was considered the victim. Now, in a shocking reversal, it’s the criminal who is considered victimized: by his underprivileged upbringing, by the school that didn’t teach him to read, by the church that failed to reach him with moral guidance, by the parents who didn?t provide a stable home.

I don’t believe it. Many others in equally disadvantaged circumstances choose not to engage in criminal activities. If we free the criminal, even partly, from accountability, we become a society of endless excuses where no one accepts responsibility for anything.

We in America desperately need more people who believe that the person who commits a crime is the one responsible for it.











[分析] 本题考核内容:事实细节题。

第六、七段对比了大城市和小城市人们的自我约束性,指出,生活在小城镇(smaller towns)还在强调纪律(schools maintain discipline,parents hold up standard),而大城市里自我约束力非常松散(inner restraints are loosening)。所以,[A]符合原文内容。


第八段指出:导致犯罪活动猖獗的原因(The main cause of this break-down)是人们对罪犯态度的改变。三十年前,社会被认为是犯罪活动的受害者,而三十年后的今天,罪犯反倒被认为是受害者:教育环境不好,家庭环境不利于成长等。这说明,令作者感到遗憾的是人们为罪犯找借口的态度。[A]为正确选项。



文章第二段指出,责任感在人们价值观念中的淡化是非常错误的(Something has gone terribly wron)。第三、四段给出责任感的定义并指出,没有责任感也就没有社会的存在。第五段作者以警察的身份指出自我约束的重要行。第六、七段比较了人们对犯罪的态度的变化。第八段指出:人们将犯罪归咎于外部因素的态度导致人们责任感的降低,从而导致犯罪活动的猖獗。最后两段中指出,不让罪犯为自己的犯罪行为负责会导致所有的人都拒绝承担责任。更多的人应该相信:该为犯罪活动承担责任的是罪犯本人。综合作者观点,可以得出,本文旨在说明,更多的人应该接受责任感。因此[D]正确。













Passage 2

The period of adolescence, i. e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood. In primitive societies adolescence is frequently a relatively short period of time, while in industrial societies with patterns of prolonged education coupled with laws against

child labor, the period of adolescence is much longer and may include most of the second decade of one?s life. Furthermore, the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may change in a given society as social and economic conditions change. Examples of this type of change are the disappearance of the frontier in the latter part of the nineteenth century in the United States, and more universally, the industrialization of an agricultural society.

In modern society, ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance and there no longer is agreement as to what constitutes initiation ceremonies. Social ones have been replaced by a sequence of steps that lead to increased recognition and social status. For example, grade school graduation, high school graduation and college graduation constitute such a sequence, and while each step implies certain behavioral changes and social recognition, the significance of each depends on the socio-economic status and the educational ambition of the individual. Ceremonies for adolescence have also been replaced by legal definitions of status roles, right, privileges and responsibilities. It is during the nine years from the twelfth birthday to the twenty-first that the protective and restrictive aspects of childhood and minor status are removed and adult privileges and responsibilities are granted. The twelve-year-old is no longer considered a child and has to pay full fare for train, airplane, theater and movie tickets. Basically, the individual at this age loses childhood privileges without gaining significant adult rights. At the age of sixteen the adolescent is granted certain adult rights which increase his social status by providing him with more freedom and choices. He now can obtain a driver’s license; he can leave public schools; and he can work without the restrictions of child labor laws. At the age of eighteen the law provides adult responsibilities as well as rights; the young man can now be a soldier, but he also can marry without parental permission. At the age of twenty-one the individual obtains his full legal rights as an adult. He now can vote, he can buy liquor, he can enter into financial contracts, and he is entitled to run for public office. No additional basic rights are acquired as a function of age after majority status has been attained. None of these legal provisions determine at what point adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged period of adolescence.








第二段第二句指出:青春期的社会仪式(social ones)已经被一系列阶段(a sequence of steps)所取代。第三句说明了“一系列阶段”的具体所指—─各阶段学习的毕业。所以,[A]为正确选项。

[B]、[C]、[D]的错误在于:social recognition、certain behavioral change 和socio-economic status本身都不是青春期仪式的替代品,而只是和其替代品紧密相连的因素。第三句提到,行为变化和社会认可度是伴随“阶段”而存在的,而一个人的社会经济地位会影响各阶段对他的重要性。

第二段后面部分从It is during the nine years到倒数第二句列举了青春期各阶段的权利。其中,第十句(at the age of twenty-one… public office)指出,21岁是开始享有完全成人权利的年龄。所以[C]为正确选项。





第一段末句指出,到了19世纪晚期,美国的青春期和成年期的分界线消失。Frontier 意为dividing line。所以,[A]为正确选项。





Passage 3

Most growing plants contain much more water than all other materials combined. C. R. Barnes has suggested that it is as proper to term the plant a water structure as to call a house composed mainly of brick a brick building. Certain it is that all essential processes of plant growth and development occur in water. The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root. They are carried to all parts of the growing plant and are built into essential plant materials while in a dissolved state. The carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air may enter the leaf as a gas but is dissolved in water in the leaf before it is combined with a part of the water to form simple sugars—the base material from which the plant body is mainly built. Actively growing plant parts are generally 75 to 90 percent water. Structural parts of plants, such as woody stems no longer actively growing, may have much less water than growing tissues.

The actual amount of water in the plant at any one time, however, is only a very small part of what passes through it during its development. The processes of photosynthesis, by which carbon dioxide and water are combined—in the presence of chlorophyll (叶绿素) and with energy derived from light—to form sugars, require that carbon dioxide from the air enter the plant. This occurs mainly in the leaves. The leaf surface is not solid but contains great numbers of minute openings, through which the carbon dioxide enters. The same structure that permits the one gas to enter the leaf, however, permits another gas—water vapor—to be lost from it. Since carbon dioxide is present in the air only in trace quantities (3 to 4 parts in 10,000 parts of air) and water vapor is near saturation in the air spaces within the leaf (at 80℉, saturated air would contain about 186 parts of water vapor in 10, 000 parts of air), the total amount of water vapor lost is many times the carbon dioxide intake. Actually, because of wind and other factors, the loss of water in proportion to carbon dioxide intake may be even greater than the relative concentrations of the two gases. Also, not all of the carbon dioxide that enters the leaf is synthesized into carbohydrates (碳水化合物) .





[分析] 本题考核知识点:事实细节题。

第一段第六句(the carbon dioxide…mainly built)和第二段第二句说明:二氧化碳可以直接从空气中进入植物的叶子里,所以不需要水。[D]选项正确。同时这两句还说明:生成糖的过程需要二氧化碳先溶于水,然后和水结合,所以[A]不是正确选项。







[分析] 本题考核知识点:文中多处细节理解题。








Part B

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. (15 points)

The fact is that the energy crisis, which has suddenly been officially announced, has been with us for a long time now, and will be with us for an even longer time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not, it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. (31) The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.

(32) New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the times past. For an indefinite period from here on, mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all.

To make the situation worse, there is as yet no sign that any slowing of the world’s population is in sight. Although the birth-rate has dropped in some nations, including the United States, the population of the world seems sure to pass six billion and perhaps even seven billion as the twenty-first century opens.

(33) The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this, which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food.

Taking all this into account, what might we reasonably estimate supermarkets to be like in the year 2001?

To begin with, the world food supply is going to become steadily tighter over the next thirty years—even here in the United States. By 2001, the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million, and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths. (34) This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.

It seems almost certain that by 200l the United States will no longer be a great food exporting nation and that, if necessity forces exports, it will be at the price of belt-tightening at home.

In fact, as food items will tend to decline in quality and decrease in variety, there is very likely to be increasing use of flavouring additives. (35) Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food”.

31. [解析] 本题考核知识点:并列句的处理,短语、被动句的译法。

本句由两个并列分句组成:The supply of o il can be shut off…, and …, the oil wells will all run dry…。第一个分句中unexpectedly和at any time为shut off的状语;第二个分句中in thirty years or so 和at the present rate of use为run dry的状语。Run dry 相当于become dry。well 意思为“井”。in any case“无论如何”是修饰整个第二个分句的状语。


32. [解析]本题考核知识点:嵌套式定语从句、嵌套式并列结构的译法。

本句主干是but连接的并列分句。在第一个分句中还嵌入一个and 连接的并列句。That will ever restore …..past为定语从句,修饰名词situation。此定语从句中又嵌套了一个定语从句we have had in the times past,修饰先行词sense。




本句主干为T he food supply will not increase…,enough to…结构做结果状语,意为“足以……”。w hich …food 为非限制性定语从句,其中which指代整个主句的内容,因此可以用“这”来重复翻译前文的内容。


34. [解析] 本题考核知识点:状语从句中嵌套定语从句的翻译处理。

本句主干为:T his will be particularly true… 。since…为原因状语从句。状语从句的主干是since energy pinch will make it difficult to…,其中不定是结构to continue agriculture in the …fashion是动词make的真实宾语。定语从句that makes …high yields修饰先行词fashion。


35. [解析] 本题考核知识点:时间状语从句、定语从句的译法。

此句的主干为:People will have t o accept more “unnatural food”,句首Until such time as …for all为时间状语从句,其中w here…for all为定语从句,修饰先行词the point,where 相当于in which(the point),译为“到这样的程度”。












Section ⅢWriting(15points)



B) Time limit: 40 minutes

C) Word limit: 120 -150 words (not including the given opening sentence)

D) Y our composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence.

E) Y our composition must be written clearly in the ANSWER SHEET.


1. Conveniences of the city

2. Attractions of the country

3. Disadvantages of both

4. My preference




Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city. With so many supermarkets, shopping malls and recreation facilities within easy reach, for example, city dwellers find it easy to enjoy themselves. Also, they are well-informed and have access to better education and better job opportunities. Besides, the city has better transportation service and health care. So, those who live in cities tend to have better sense of security.

But country life is also attractive. With the fresh air, the green trees and the singing birds, country people are close to nature and live a quiet life. They can enjoy the peace and calmness of the pastoral environment there. They can easily make friends with the warmhearted and honest people there.

Both the country and the city, however, have their own disadvantages. Cities are being tortured by many problems, such as heavy traffic and serious pollution. And urban citizens are often under pressure. As for rural inhabitants, they may find life far from being convenient, colorful or


As far as I'm concerned, I hate the hustle and bustle of the city. I like the peace and beauty of the country. As to the inconveniences, countryside in China is undergoing great changes, leaving more and more disadvantages behind. So, given the chance, I would prefer to live in the country.





1. within easy reach:“容易得到”。

2. have access to:“可以达到,可以使用”。

3. With the fresh air, the green trees and the singing birds 利用对乡村环境的具体描述使人对乡村生活的美如同身临其境。

4. the pastoral environment:“田园般的生活环境”。

5. being tortured by:“正在遭受…的折磨”。

6. far from:“远远达不到…”。

7. hustle and bustle:用押韵的修辞手法使得读者从字里行间似乎就能感受到城市生活的忙碌

8. undergoing great changes:“经历着重大变化”。

9. As far as I am concerned:“就我而言”,用于引出自己的观点。

10. prefer to:“(相比…,更)喜欢…”


Section ⅠUse of English


For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A],[B],[C]and [D].Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S. space shuttle. ___1___ it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle ___2___ of flying into space and returning many times. ___3___ by reusable rockets that can lift a load of 65,000 pounds, the shuttle will carry devices for scientific inquiry, as ___4___ as a variety of military hardware. ___5___ more significantly, it will ___6___ materials and machines into space for industrial purposes ___7___ two decades ago when “sputnik” (artificial satellite) was ___8___ to the vocabulary. In short, the ___9___ importance of the shuttle lies in its ___10___ as an economic tool.

What makes the space shuttle ___11___ is that it takes off like a rocket but lands like an airplane. ___12___, when it has accomplished its ___13___, it can be ready for ___14___ trip in

about two weeks.

The space shuttle, the world’s first true spaceship, is a magnificent step ___15___ making the impossible possible for the benefit and survival of man.

1. [A]In [B]On [C]By [D]With

[解析] 本题考核知识点:介词的用法。

空格所在句中,it指代前一句提到的space shuttle。句子大意为:“……航天飞机,宇航员可以实现地面和太空之间的多次往返”。根据介词与space shuttle的搭配,首先排除[B]。in the space shuttle搭配本身并没有错误,但代入句子中,其含义成了:在航天飞机里,宇航员有了实验室飞行器。此句显然不合逻辑,排除[A]。by 和with都可以表示“通过…,用…”的意思。但by表示动作、行为的方式,如:to pay by cheque用支票付款;to travel by plane乘飞机旅行。而文章显然不能说“宇航员获得实验室飞行器的方式是(乘坐)航天飞机”。with除了表示“(为做某事)借助工具或手段”之外,它还可意为having or carrying sth有,具有,带有,如:With your help, I might finish the work ahead of time.有了你的帮助,我也许可以提前完成工作。with带入文中表示“有了航天飞机,宇航员就有了实验室飞行器”,符合逻辑,所以[D]为最合适选项。

2. [A]capable 有能力的,能够[B]suitable 适合的,适宜的

[C]efficient 效率高的,有能力的[D]fit(质量、素质或技能)适合的,合格的[解析] 本题考核知识点:固定搭配

从语法上看,只有[A]capable能够形成capable of doing…的结构。如:Our noses are capable of detecting human smells even when these are diluted to far below one part in one million. 即使把人类气味的浓度稀释到不及原来的百万分之一,我们的鼻子仍然能够察觉到它的存在。它代入文中,形容词短语capable of …做后置定语,修饰名词a workhouse vehicle,表示“能够……的实验室飞行器”。

suitable和fit一般与for 连用,如:This program is not suitable for children. 这个节目儿童不宜。It was a meal fit for a king. 这饭菜够得上御膳。efficient通常跟at,如:He's efficient at his job. 他胜任工作。

3. [A]Served 由…提供服务[B]Powered 由…提供动力

[C]Forced 被…强迫[D]Reinforced 被…加强,加固

[解析]此题考核知识点:上下文意思+ 动词词义辨析

空格所在部分是过去分词短语做状语…by reusable rockets,由于句子的主语是the shuttle,因此空格处填入的过去分词与主语(即,其逻辑主语)之间存在被动关系。因此该部分的含义是:“航天飞机被可重复使用的火箭……”。从选项的含义来看,只有powered 符合逻辑,表示“可重复使用的火箭为航天飞机提供动力”。因此[B]正确。

4. [A]far[B]well[C]much[D]long

[解析]本题考核知识点:句意理解+ 短语含义辨析

四个词都可以形成as…as的结构,仅从语法无法做出选择。从短语意思来看,as far as 意为“最多”,用来表示所能到达的最远范围或距离,如:I?ll drive you to as far as the theatre. 我最远把你载到剧院。as well as意为in addition to“除….也…”,如:She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她既是个摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。as much as意为“最多”,表示量,如:H e doesn?t earn as much as I do.他挣的钱不如我多。as long as意为only if“只

要”或since“由于”,如:We?ll go as long as the weather is good. 只要天气好我们就去。As long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there. 只要对这些毒品有需求,就存在对贩毒者的经济诱因。


5. [A]Then [B]Or[C]But[D]So

[解析] 本题考核知识点:逻辑关系

对此题的解答需要正确理解空格前后句子的逻辑关系。上文提出了航天飞机的作用(携带科学探索设备、军事设备往返于太空),下文仍然指出它的其他作用(把材料和机器送入太空,以实现工业目的)。more significantly说明下文指出的是最重要的作用。所以,此处所用连词应该表示递进的关系。四个选项中只有but能够表示转折递进的关系。正确选项为[C]。

[A]then表示顺接、追加、或因果关系,如,First cook the onions, then add the mushrooms. 先炒洋葱,然后放进蘑菇。She …s been very busy at work and then there was all that trouble with her son.她工作一直很忙,另外还有儿子的一大堆麻烦事。Why don?t you hire a car? Then you ?ll be able to visit more of the area.你怎么不租辆车,那样你可以多参观些地方。[B]or连接句子时表示“如果不…,则会出现…(不好的)结果”,如:Hurry up or you'll be late. 快,否则你就要来不及了。[D]so表示因果关系,如:It was snowing, and so I could not go out.天在下雪,所以我无法外出。

6. [A]supply补给,供给[B]introduce 介绍,推出

[C]deliver 运送,输送[D]transfer 转移,调转

[解析] 本题考核知识点:句子内部逻辑+动词词义辨析

解此题的关键在于弄清楚航天飞机(it)、材料和机器(materials and machines)、和太空(space)之间的联系。显然,三者之间联系应为“航天飞机把材料和机器送到太空”。[C]符合语义。

7. [A]unimagined 无法想象的[B]unsettled 未解决的,未定的

[C]uncovered 被揭露的[D]unsolved 未解决的

[解析] 本题考核知识点:分词形容词辨析

空格处填入过去分词形容词,做后置定语,修饰industrial purposes,相当于一个定语从句:(which are) …two decades ago。空格所在句旨在说明航天飞机在工业方面的巨大作用。


8. [A]attributed[B]contributed[C]applied[D]added


本题要求考生判断哪个动词可以与介词to搭配,并符合文义。四个选项都可以和to 搭配。所以,需要从语义方面考虑。a dd… to…意为“添加,增加”,如:Shall I add your name to the list? 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗?空格所在句大意为:20年前sputnik(人造卫星)作为新词被添加到原有的词汇中,所以,[D]add既符合语法,又符合上下文内容,为正确选项。

[A]attribute sth to sth意为“认为……属于,把……归因于……”,如:Not all that shift can


1986年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Structure and Vocabulary In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (15 points) EXAMPLE: I was caught ________ the rain yesterday. [A] in [B] by [C] with [D] at ANSWER: [A] 1. No doctors could cure the patient ________ his strange disease. [A] with [B] of [C] from [D] off 2. He was ________ his wits’ end what to do. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] of 3. Prior ________ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. [A] to [B] of [C] in [D] from 4. The driving instructor told me to pull ________ at the post office. [A] up [B] back [C] round [D] along


北京航空航天大学2005年硕士研究生入学考试基础英语试题 考生注意:所有答题务必写在考场提供的答题纸上,写在本试题单上的答题一律无效(本题单不参与阅卷)。 I. Vocabulary and Structure(40points,1*40) Part 1 Directions: Choose one of the four alternatives which is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase and mark the corresponding letter. 1. “The giant was bit” is a tautological statement, to say the least. A. tight B. redundant C. illogical D. relative 2. There is an embargo on any more video games coming into the house. A. landing place B. prohibition C. violation D. permission 3. Youngsters are usually more impetuous than old people. A. impatient B. immature C. impulsive D. imperial 4. U nfortunately, I’ll spend the weekend doing a bunch of prosaic chores. A .dull B. practical C. trivial D. rhyming 5. The crowd at the town meeting found the mayor’s assurance too glib. A. sarcastic B. flashy C. malicious D. readily fluent 6. Gazing at the crystalline lake, I decided it was too beautiful to swim in. A. breakable B. futuristic C. delicate D. sparkling 7. We cannot vacillate on the question of the party’s leadership. A. lead B. doubt C. check D. repeat 8. It is more difficult for a chronic smoker to give up the habit than for a novice, but it can be done. A. affluent B. confirmed C. disciplined D. indecisive 9. They were furious when one of their best managers was poached by another company A. headhunted B. punched C. plundered D. probed 10. The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were unreadable. A. indelible B. inscrutable C. illegible D. illegitimate 11. She bristled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest. A. bridled B. bridged C. breathed D. boasted 12. Investors should study a prospectus before putting money into a big company. A. positive outlook B. banking agreement C. profit-and-loss statement D. formal business document 13 .The real hero is never ostentatious. A. frivolous B. pretentious C. presumptuous D. ponderous 14. If you have never held a driving license before, you should apply for a provisional license. A. providential B. temporary C. provincial D. improvised 15. John Smith is a voracious book collector. A. vicious B. luxurious C. insatiable D. valuable 16. I don’t think we should make precipitate decisions. A .precipitous B. precocious C. precarious D. precautious 17. You need an excursion to break the monotony. A. gaunt B. jaunt C. vaunt D. taunt 18. The government appears in a quandary about what to do with so many people. A. border B. marshy ground C. dilemma D. situation 19. It was an auspicious beginning to her career as an author. A. unexpected B. interesting C. favorable D. doubtful


____年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points). In 1924 America's National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lighting____1____ workers' productivity. Instead, the studies ended ____2____ giving their name to the Hawthorne effect, the extremely influential idea that the very to being experimented upon changed subjects' behavior. The idea arose because of the ____4____ behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to ____5____ of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not ____6____ what was done in the experiment; ____7____something was changed,


2012年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) 跨考英语教研室—杨凤芝 Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D]on ANSWER SHEET 1. ( 10 points) The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices became an important issue recently. The court cannot_____ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law______ justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that_____ the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial. Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito Jr., for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be____ as im partial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not _____ by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself_______ to the code of conduct that ______to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other cases ______the question of whether there is still a _____ between the court and politics. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law____ having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions ____ they would be free to ____those in power and have no need to_____ political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely _____. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social ______like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it _____is inescapably political — which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily _____ as unjust. The justices must _____doubts about the court’s legitimacy by maki ng themselves _____to the code of conduct. That would make their rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, _____, convincing as law. 1 A emphasize B maintain C modify D recognize 2 A when B best C before D unless


1986 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Structure and Vocabulary In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (15 points) EXAMPLE: I was caught _______ the rain yesterday. [A] in [B] by [C] with [D] at ANSWER: [A] 1. No doctors could cure the patient _______ his strange disease. [A] with [B] of [C] from [D] off 2. He was _______ his wits ' end what to do. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] of 3. Prior ______ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. [A] to [B] of [C] in [D] from 4. The driving instructor told me to pull _______ at the post office. [A] up [B] back [C] round


2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题 Section 1 Use of Eninglish Directions : Millions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy ,the symbol of American military adventurism, but that’s not how it used to be .To the men and women who 1 )in World War II and the people they liberated ,the GI.was the 2) man grown into hero ,the pool farm kid torn away from his home ,the guy who 3) all the burdens of battle ,who slept in cold foxholes,who went without the 4) of food and shelter ,who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder .this was not a volunteer soldier ,not someone well paid ,5) an average guy ,up 6 )the best trained ,best equipped ,fiercest ,most brutal enemies seen in centuries。 His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation 7) Government Issue ,and it was on all of the article 8) to soldiers .And Joe? A common name for a guy who never 9) it to the top .Joe Blow ,Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States has 10) had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe。 GI .joe had a career fighting German ,Japanese , and Korean troops . He appers as a character ,or a (12 ) of american personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyleportrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for covering the side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow –and-mud soldiers, not how many miles wereor what towns were captured or liberated, His reportsthe “willie” cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden. Both menthe dirt and exhaustion of war, the of civilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep. Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G.I. Joe was any American soldier,the most important person in their lives。 1.[A] performed [B]served [C]rebelled [D]betrayed 2.[A] actual [B]common [C]special [D]normal 3.[A]bore [B]cased [C]removed [D]loaded 4.[A]necessities [B]facilitice [C]commodities [D]propertoes 5.[A]and [B]nor [C]but [D]hence 6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against 7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing [D]claiming 8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back [D]passed down 9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed 10.[A]ever [B]never [C]either [D]neither 11.[A]disguised [B]disturbed [C]disputed [D]distinguished 12.[A]company [B]collection [C]community [D]colony 13.[A]employed [B]appointed [C]interviewed [D]questioned 14.[A]ethical [B]military [C]political [D]human 15.[A]ruined [B]commuted [C]patrolled [D]gained 16.[A]paralleled [B]counteracted [C]duplicated [D]contradicted 17.[A]neglected [B]avoided [C]emphasized [D]admired 18.[A]stages [B]illusions [C]fragments [D]advancea 19.[A]With [B]To [C]Among [D]Beyond


07-1 PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points) Section A (0.5 point each) 21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive forpath-breaking innovation will eventually dry up. A. investment B. resource C. inspiration D. stimulus 22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despitethe appalling workingconditions. A. bewildering B. exasperating C. dismaying D. upsetting 23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting andphotography. A. all at once B. by and by C. to some extent D. on the whole 24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about theconsequences. A. optimistic B. anxious C. uncertain D. scared 25. There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents' wishes. A. enhanced B. revised C. alternated D. modified 26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery. A. arisen from B. contributed to C. patched up D. participated in 27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurorsprevailed. A. resigned B. compromised C. persisted D. dominated 28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jeffersoncontended that the countryshould remain chiefly agricultural. A. inclined B. struggled C. argued D. competed 29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company. A. on occasion B. at present C. by now D. for sure 30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifyingvictims' families. A. briefly B. quickly C. accurately D. earnestly Section B (0.5 point each) 31. New York probably has the largest number of different language _________ in the world. A. neighborhoods B. communities C. clusters D. assemblies 32. Nuclear wastes are considered to _____ a threat to human health and marine life. https://www.doczj.com/doc/1f1418031.html,pose B. impose C. expose D. pose 33. Some states in the US have set _____ standards concerning math and science tests. A. energetic B.vigorous C. rigorous D. grave 34. This school promised to make classes smaller and offer more individualized ___________. A. presentation B. instruction C. conviction D.obligation 35. Because of ______ ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along witheach other. A. incomprehensible B. incomparable C. inconceivable D. incompatible 36. As __________China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthenanti-corruption activities are gaining momentum. A. in the light of B. in the event of C. in the case of D. in the course of


____年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points). In 1924 America's National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lighting____1____ workers' productivity. Instead, the studies ended ____2____ giving their name to the Hawthorne effect, the extremely influential idea that the very to being experimented upon changed subjects' behavior. The idea arose because of the ____4____ behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to ____5____ of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not ____6____ what was done in the experiment; ____7____something was changed,


2012年考研英语(二)真题试题及答案 Section 1 Use of Eninglish Directions : Millions of Americans and foreigners see GI.Joe as a mindless war toy ,the symbol of American military adventurism, but that’s not how it used to be .To the men and women who 1 )in World War II and the people they liberated ,the GI.was the 2) man grown into hero ,the pool farm kid torn away from his home ,the guy who 3) all the burdens of battle ,who slept in cold foxholes,who went without the 4) of food and shelter ,who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder .this was not a volunteer soldier ,not someone well paid ,5) an average guy ,up 6 )the best trained ,best equipped ,fiercest ,most brutal enemies seen in centuries. His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation 7) Government Issue ,and it was on all of the article 8) to soldiers .And Joe? A common name for a guy who never 9) it to the top .Joe Blow ,Joe Magrac …a working class name.The United States has 10) had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe. GI .joe had a (11)career fighting German ,Japanese , and Korean troops . He appers as a character ,or a (12 ) of american personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyle(13)portrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for covering the (14)side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow –and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were(15)or what towns were captured or liberated, His reports(16)the “willie” cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden. Both men(17)the dirt and exhaustion of war, the (18)of civilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep. (19)Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G.I. Joe was any American soldier,(20)the most important person in their lives. 1.[A] performed [B]served [C]rebelled [D]betrayed 2.[A] actual [B]common [C]special [D]normal 3.[A]bore [B]cased [C]removed [D]loaded 4.[A]necessities [B]facilitice [C]commodities [D]propertoes 5.[A]and [B]nor [C]but [D]hence 6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against 7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing [D]claiming 8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back [D]passed down 9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed 10.[A]ever [B]never [C]either [D]neither 11.[A]disguised [B]disturbed [C]disputed [D]distinguished 12.[A]company [B]collection [C]community [D]colony 13.[A]employed [B]appointed [C]interviewed [D]questioned 14.[A]ethical [B]military [C]political [D]human 15.[A]ruined [B]commuted [C]patrolled [D]gained 16.[A]paralleled [B]counteracted [C]duplicated [D]contradicted


2004年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section II Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories 21on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior 22they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through 23with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in 24to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, 25as a rejection of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, 26 the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes 27 lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are 28to criticism. Changes in the social structure may indirectly 29juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that 30to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment 31make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in 32lead more youths into criminal behavior. Families have also 33changes these years. More families consist of one-parent households or two working parents; 34, children are likely to have less supervision at home 35was common in the traditional family 36. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Other 37causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased 38of drugs and alcohol, and the growing 39of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, 40 a direct causal relationship has not yet been established. 21.[A] acting[B] relying[C] centering[D] commenting 22.[A] before[B] unless[C] until[D] because 23.[A] interaction[B] assimilation[C] cooperation[D] consultation 24.[A] return[B] reply[C] reference[D] response 25.[A] or[B] but rather[C] but[D] or else 26.[A] considering[B] ignoring[C] highlighting[D] discarding

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