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绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 深圳市2017年高三年级第一次调研考试













The following list includes some books that come highly recommended by millions of readers and also a short summary of the highlights of each work.

The Go-Giver, by Bob Burg and John David Mann

I didn’t even expect that such a short book could make a huge difference in my way towards life. It simply explains complex laws that direct mankind, and concludes that there is always truth in the opposite.

Dao De Jing, by Lao Zi

Dao De Jing is one of the finest books on philosophy written by Lao Zi, an ancient Chinese philosopher and poet. It is sincere, exciting and makes you think a lot. Read it and get in touch with the clear educative understandings that give you enough tips to pursue your life goal full of passion.

The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles

I had my own misunderstandings of getting rich till I read this book. The book made a huge difference to my life after I discovered the secrets mentioned. Read it and it teaches you how to become rich, not immediately, but step by step.

The Power of Habit, by Scott Peck

Simply put. Buy this book for the path towards understanding in a spiritual way that strengthens your personal growth. This book never gives you easy solutions to the challenges of life; it simply says, “Real suffering is part of life.” and leaves you with better understanding to lead a fulfilled life.

21. Which book can help you chase your dream passionately?

A. Dao De Jing.

B. The Go-Giver.

C. The Road Less Travelled.

D. The Science of Getting Rich.

22. Who can tell you the secrets of becoming rich?

A. Lao Zi.

B. Scott Peck.

C. Charles Duhigg.

D. Wallace D. Wattles.

23. Which of the following ideas may Scott Peck agree with?

A. Habits can shape our future.

B. There is always truth in the opposite.

C. Difficulty is often part of personal growth.

D. We should find easy solutions to challenges.

24. What can we know about the books mentioned above?

A. They are all easily written.

B. They are all popular books.

C. All their writers are foreigners.

D. All the books are about life goals.


Much information can be clearly conveyed, purely through our eyes, so the expression “eyes also talk” is often heard.

Can you recall any experience that further proves this statement? On a bus you may quickly glance at a stranger, but not make eye contact. If he senses that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.

It is the same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry about others’ stare at you that way. Eyes do convey information, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex. If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to turn away his gaze(注视), his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is showing affection for her.

However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is attentive.

If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to control you, yo will feel uneasy. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication.

In fact, continuous eye contact happens between lovers only, who will enjoy

looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show love that words cannot express.

Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.

25. What may a person usually do on a bus?

A. Glance at a stranger with eye contact.

B. Use eyes to talk to a stranger politely.

C. Glance at s stranger without eye contact.

D. Talk to a stranger politely after a quick glance.

26. What does it mean if a man looks at a woman for over 10 seconds?

A. He likes her eyes.

B. He admires her.

C. He knows her well.

D. He makes contact with her.

27. Why is a poor liar easy to be seen through?

A. He thinks that he is honest.

B. He wants to control the victim.

C. He feels uneasy about others’ eye contact.

D. He looks straight at the victim for too long a time.

28. What may be the best title for the text?

A. Eyes Can Speak

B. Eye Contact Matters

C. Don’t Stare at Others

D. Use Your Eye Contact


Children can make some pretty big statements and grand promises. An 8-year-old boy who promised to get his dad his dream car was no exception--but then he actually fulfilled his promise.

A Reddit(红迪网)user going by the username Belairboy wrote that when he was

8 years old, he told his dad he would buy him a 1957 Chevrolet(雪弗兰)Bel Air on his 57th birthday.

“He grew up poor in a family of seven children. He never thought he would be able to own his dream vehicle but would talk about it all the time.” Belairboy wrote.

Then the day came.

He tricked his father to look in the garage while the older man was trying to fix corn-hole board. When the dad finally looked up from his project and his son said “Happy birthday!”, all the father could say in a trembling tone was “No”as he tearfully went in for a hug.

“Oh my God. Oh my God! This is real!” the father said as he climbed into the driver’s seat. “You’re kidding me. This is spotless, man.”

Later, Belairboy said that he had kept a close eye on the car for two years to make the promise come true.

“We would talk about older vehicles so as to make sure how much he would enjoy it. I would show him pictures of it from the listing I found, unknown to him that it would actually be his one day,” Belairboy wrote. “He would get so excited and talk

about owning something that he knew he never would be able to.”

29. Why did the father say “No” when seeing his birthday present?

A. He didn’t know what happened.

B. He wanted to hug his dear son first.

C. He was too excited to say anything else.

D. He knew little about this type of vehicle.

30. What did the father think of his dream car at first?

A. He wouldn’t like it at all.

B. He would own one some day.

C. His son would buy one for him.

D. He would never have it in his life.

31. Which of the following can best describe Belairboy?

A. He is worth trust.

B. He is warm-hearted.

C. He is well-received.

D. He is hardworking.


Many Beijing residents go to great lengths to avoid breathing the city’s smoggy air, especially when it reaches critical pollution levels, but one local businessman decided that canning and selling this poor quality air as a souvenir would be a great idea. Believe it or not, he was right.

After seeing a number of companies achieve commercial success by canning fresh air from ountries like France, Canada or Australia and selling it in China, Dominic Johnson-Hill, a British-born citizen of Beijing and owner of the Plastered 8(创可贴8)souvenir shop, decided to turn the idea on its head and sell canned Beijing air throughout China and abroad.

“I’d seen people going crazy to buy canned air from Canada and Australia, so I thought it was time to push business the other way,” the businessman said. “They’re perfect gifts! What else are you going to take home when you go home from Beijing?

A roast duck? A Plastered T-shirt? These cans are light, easily carried home. You can just imagine someone;s face when they unwrap it for Christmas.”

The few mouth-fulls of Beijing air come in standard tin cans featuring a couple of famous city landmarks as well as a bitter description of the contents: “a unique mix of nitrogen(氮气), oxygen and probably some unknown stuff”. The ironic(讽刺的)souvenirs cost 28 RMB (US$4) and are available at the Plastered 8 shop, as well as in its online shop. But if you’re actually considering buying some, you’d better ask the shop in advance, as they are always flying off the shelves. Johnson-Hill said that his shop is selling hundreds of Beijing air cans every day.

Personally, the well-sold can probably is an awakening for the public to be concerned about the living conditions. Yet one thing that’s not particularly clear is whether the air is really collected from Beijing, because the cans are labeled as “Made in Shenzhen”. There’s a big chance that it is just a kind of “Plastered 8 humor”, as they also list “Choking Risk” and “May have unidentified objects inside” as warnings.

Anyway, it is probably a unique way to arouse public awareness of protecting the


32. What are many people in Beijing likely to do with the smoggy air?

A. Try to get used to it.

B. Can it as a souvenir.

C. Sell it all over the world.

D. Try their best to avoid.

33. How may one feel when receiving canned Beijing air for Christmas?

A. Satisfied.

B. Surprised.

C. Frightened.

D. Refreshed.

34. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “stuff” in paragraph 4?

A. liquids

B. objects

C. minerals

D. risks

35. What can we infer from the passage?

A. There are unidentified objects in the canned Beijing air.

B. The Plastered 8 souvenir shop is famous for its humuor.

C. The writer may expect us to care more about the environment.

D. Dominic Johnson-Hill is a British man who lives in Beijing.



Choosing the Right Path to Be a “Better” Person

Life is a constant exercise in self-improvement. In the rush to achieve, the idea of being “better” can become lost sometimes. You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way. 36

Explore your talents.

37 Everybody has some outstanding skills or interests. So it’s often necessary to be patient and try many things before you find one that suits you.

For example, people loving adventure may not be interested in the quiet chess club, but someone who enjoys other quiet activities might be. Determining who you enjoy being around may help you know what you’ll enjoy.


No matter how mach money you make, you will not be happy if you spend your entire life doing something you hate. It’s important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.

If you’re particularly unhappy at your job, consider why. 39 If you feel your job isn’t meaningful, or isn’t in line with your values, consider finding another job.

Experience something new.

Research has shown that when we’re in our comfort zone, we aren’t as

productive as we are when we step just beyond it. 40 Because of that we may react slowly to our own positive experiences. It’s important to have new experiences and interactions with others, even when those are a little scary. Doing so can help you achieve more.

A. Do what you love.

B. Here are some tips for you.

C. Register in a class you’re interested in.

D. Humans adapt very quickly to positive events.

E. It’s possible that some changes may change your feeling.

F. Similar types of people may be attracted to the same activities.

G. Try not to allow yourself to focus so much on a certain aspect of your life.




Not so long ago, a terrible fire broke out in an apartment in the city of Pitesti, just west of Bucharest. In no time, 41 were welcomed by 5-metre-tall flames and roaring smoke. 42 , using their advanced equipment, they quickly brought the beast under 43 .

The apartment’s owner Mr Petri and his lovely dog, Sandy, were the 44 of the big fire. Local firefighting hero, Costache Mugurel 45 his way through the cruel flames to rescue the man and his pet. Mr Petri, 46 injured in the fire, was rushed to hospital. Sandy fell over 47 breathing in too much smoke and lifelessly lay on the roadside.

Mugurel, remembering his CPR(心脏复苏术)training, passionately 48 the chest of the dog, desperately trying to 49 his life. And he began to lose hope after many 50 . He was physically and mentally 51 . Finally he performed mouth-to-mouth on the dog, screaming “52 gets left behind!”. Unexpectedly the dog 53 himself and began panting. The on-looking crowd cheered and Mugurel began to weep with 54 . He hurriedly carried him to the awaiting vet(兽医).

Like 55 , the story of Mugurel and his newfound friend spread around the city. His Facebook was 56 words of gratitude, loving emotions(表情符号)and notes from friends and fans alike.

According to vet experts, recovering animals via CPR is rather 57 . The American Heart Association calculates that only less than 6 percent of cats and dogs survive if they 58 heart attacks.

There have been many stories related to 59 in Pitesti, but none have caught the 60 of the population quite like Sandy’s.

41. A. firefighters B. policeman C. friends D. neighbours

42. A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Moreover

43. A. treatment B. control C. stress D. way

44. A. causes B. results C. victims D. heroes

45. A. battled B. lost C. pushed D. got

46. A. blindly B. hardly C. slightly D. seriously

47. A. after B. before C. in spite of D. in case of

48. A. patted B. beat C. examined D. touched

49. A. care about B. take away C. save D. stop

50. A. countings B. trainings C. shouts D. attempts

51. A. relaxed B. exhausted C. concerned D. troubled

52. A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Nobody D. Anybody

53. A. came up B. came over C. came out D. came to

54. A. joy B. pity C. stress D. fright

55. A. wildfire B. wind C. disasters D. sounds

56. A. informed of B. linked with C. reminded of D. flooded with

57. A. common B. rare C. practical D. easy

58. A. cure B. avoid C. miss D. suffer

59. A. fires B. vets C. dogs D. accidents

60. A. attention B. meaning C. breath D. heart






Visiting Xi’an was once my dream. It became a reality when I was admitted to a training course in China along with two other 61 (lady). Finally, the day arrived 62 I landed at Xianyang International Airport in early August. As soon as I landed, I 63 (feel) a change in the atmosphere. I saw people standing in queues 64 (wait) for their turn at the immigration desk. Afterwards, we were transported to the office in the International Exhibition Centre. China had invited participants 65 twenty-three developing countries to share digital television broadcasting techniques with them.

In my 20 days in Xi’an, I got the opportunity to observe Chinese culture closely, 66 thus it left an unforgettable mark on me. Now, Xi’an is like my second home. Since I came back to Pakistan, I have been missing Xi’an 67 (bad).

My 20-day stay in Xi’an was 68 great experience. It was a learning opportunity, and also a chance to 69 (broad) my understanding of diversity. I learned that despite differences of colors, heights, races and religions, all human beings 70 (tie) by the bond of humanity, and that the future of nations is global with development and peace.







During the winter vacation, I worked as volunteer in Xinhua Bookstore. I work 8 hours every day for more than 20 days. There, I mainly did some cleaning, put the books with order and introduce much books to customers. I helped the shop assistants to sell more than 3, 000 copies of books. Through the activity, I’ve come to fully understood that it is not easily to work. Meanwhile, I have also learned how to communicate with different customer, which has built up your confidence. This great activity has not only been enriched my social life, and inspired me to study harder and realize my future dreams.


假定你是李华,想毕业后去美国的大学学习。你在网上了解到了Prof. Green,给他写一份e-mail,表示对他的研究领域及课题感兴趣,并请他指导如何选择他所在大学的专业(major)。





Dear Prof. Green,

I am Li Hua, a high school student from China. __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Li Hua



21-25. ADCBC

26-30. BDACD 31-35. ADBBC 36-40. BFAED 完形填空

41-45. ACBCA

46-50. DABCD 51-55. BCDAA 56-60. DBDCA 语法填空

61. ladies

62. when 63. felt 64. waiting 65. from 66. and

67. badly 68. a 69. broaden 70. are tied 短文改错 During the winter vacation, I worked as volunteer in Xinhua Bookstore. I work 8 hours every day for more than 20 days. There, I mainly did some cleaning, put the books with order and introduce much books to customers. I helped the shop assistants to sell more than 3, 000 copies of books. Through the activity, I ’ve come to fully understood that it is not easily to work. Meanwhile, I have also learned how to communicate with different customer, which has built up your confidence. This great activity has not only been enriched my social life, and inspired me to study harder and

realize my future dreams.


Dear Prof. Green,

I am Li Hua, a high school student from China. I am trying to decide on what major I will study at university, and writing in the hope that you can guide me in my options.

I discovered your area of research while examining my options on the Internet. I found your subject area to be of particular interest to myself. If possible, could you please provide me with some further information regarding the procedure? Could you also advise on the required qualifications for this course? As this is an important opportunity, I am extremely keen to have the strongest application. Any advice on strengthening my application would be greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua

^ a worked in many understand easy but


英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不


2018年深圳市中考英语真题-回忆版 I.词汇(15分) 1.-More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen. -Good news! Our city becomes more and more beautiful. A. Over B. Around C. Nearly 2.-Tim, you spent too much time on computers. It’s harmful to your eyes. -I see. Thank you. I will do more sports instead. A. is good for B. is bad for C. is helpful to 3.-Hi, John! Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow? -Sounds great! It’s a good way to keep fit. A. lively B. active C. healthy 4.-Mr. Li, I feel a little nervous before the coming exam. -You’d better take a break from studies and relax yourself. A. rest B. breath C. walk 5.-I dream to be a great dancer when I grow up. -That’s great. But it requires confidence and practice. A. gets B. has C. needs 6.-Where is Shenzhen Concert Hall? How can we get there? -It is close to the bookshop. A. behind B. opposite C. near 7.-Tony, have you got a plan for the summer vacation? -Not yet. Perhaps I’ll go to my hometown with my family. A. Maybe B. Actually C. Generally 8.-Our English club will put on a famous play during the School Art Week. -Really? I can’t wait to watch it. A. work on B. act out C. make up 前八题都是不看题干就能选出答案来。考了3个动词(含一个动词短语),2个形容词(含一个短语),1个副词,两个介词相关短语 9.-Simon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day. -That’s a good ________. Reading makes a full man. A. dream B. wish C. habit 10.-Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu? -Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support _____ we met difficulties. A. whenever B. whatever C. however 11.-I’m looking forward to the final of the 2018 World Cup. -Me, too. I hope the German team will be the _______. It’s my favorite. A. player B. winner C. loser 12.-The piano lessons are too hard for me. I nearly give up. -You should be ________. I believe you’ll make it. A. careful B. helpful C. patient 13.-Have you heard about Shenzhen International Magic Festival? -________, it is a big event for Magic lovers like me.


【2017 年深圳市中考真题解析】 Ⅰ.词汇 (15 分) ⅰ.从下面每小题的 A 、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ()1.-The ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse to capture the city of Troy. -That's right. How clever the Greeks are! A. huge B.wonderful C.wide ()2.-I worked as a volunteer in the school library last Friday afternoon. -Really? Can I go with you next time? A.had B.made C.was ()3.-I have difficulty in learning Chinese. Could you help me? -S ure. Reading a lot will help you improve your Chinese.

()4.-China's first large passengerplane C919 flew successfully on 5 May. -Y es. What's more, it was built on our own in Shanghai. A.with some help B.from our friends C.by ourselves ()5.-Hi, Bob! What's going on over there? -O h, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them. A.happening B.appearing C.working ()6.-Ding Ning beat Miu Hirano, a Japanese player, in the 2017 World Table Tennis Championship. -We are all excited at the good news. A.fought with B.won against C.lost by ()7.-Did you see the movie Dangal 《摔跤吧,爸爸》last


深圳市2020年中考英语模拟卷十 第一卷选择题(60分) I.词汇测试(15分) i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) 1. — Why did Jane look so upset yesterday, Betty? —Because she failed the English exam again, and she didn’t know what to do. A. didn’t take B. didn’t like C didn’t pass 2. — How often do I need to feed my pet dog, Mr Henry? —Once or twice a day. A. go for a walk with B. give food to C. take care of 3. — Jack promised to co me to the party, but why didn’t he appear at last? —Because he had a bad cold. A. wake up B. put up C. show up 4. — Why do you look at me in surprise? —Because you look different in this dress. A. in fear B. in danger C. in amazement 5. —Please keep still, or I can’t tie your shoe. —All right. A. don’t eat B. don’t sleep C don’t move 6. — When shall we set off for the beach, Dad? —I’m not sure. It depends on the weather. A. is decided by B. is caused by C. is destroyed by 7. — What a bad day! I Med the singing competition and lost my last chance. —Don’t be sad. If you study hard, I believe you will make it sooner or later. A. regret B. succeed C. afford 8. — Spending too much time watching TV will lead to poor eyesight, Lucy. —I know. I won’t do it any m ore.


深圳市2019 年初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷 第一部分选择题(60分) I.词汇测试(15分) i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. --- Where shall we watch the light show tonight? --- On the top of Lianhua Mountain. It’s in the centre of our city. A.back B.middle C.front 【解析】B 句意:---今晚我们去哪里看灯光秀?---莲花山顶,它在我们城市的中心。centre,名词,意为“中央”;A选项back,意为“后面,后部”; B 选项middle,意为“中间,中部”;C选项front,意为“前面,正面”。故答案选B。 【考点】同义词转换 ( ) 2. --- Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow. --- So she is. She’s gotten prepared for it. A.sorry B.famous C.ready 【解析】C 句意:---莎拉似乎对她明天的表演很有信心。---是的。她已经准备好了。prepared,形容词,意为“事先准备好的”;A选项sorry,意为“抱歉的,遗憾的”;B选项famous,意为“著名的”;C选项ready,意为“准备好的”。故答案选C。 【考点】同义词转换 ( ) 3. --- I heard that your grandma lost her way in Dameisha yesterday. --- Yes. Luckily, a kind stranger managed to lead her back home. A.take B.pull C.put 1


Ⅰ. 选择填空(15分) 1.–Do you know _______girl who is standing under _______tree? –Of course! She is Lucy, my classmate. A. the。 the B. a。 a C. a。 / D. /。 the 2. –Are these books ______? –No, they are not mine. They belong to _______. A. your。 her B. yours。 her C. you。 hers D. yours。 she 3. –________will she stay here? --For ________. A. How soon。 one hour and a half B. How long。 one and a half hours C. How soon。 one and a half hours D. How long。 one hour and half 4. –Could you please tell me something about the two_______? –________. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. A. Frenchmen。 Yes, please B. Frenchmans。 Come on C. Germen。 Not at all D. Germans。 All right 5. –There is a smile on Miss Gao’s face. She must be _______with Sam’s work. –I think so. No one did as _______as him in our class. A. angry。 well B. pleasing。 good C. strict。 good D. pleased。 well 6. –He, together with his parents, ______going to vist Shanghai in July. How about you? –I’m afraid I have to stay at home ________. A. are。 on my own B. is。 by myself C. is。 by my own D. are。 on myself 7. –Do you often go swimming _______Sunday mornings? –Yes. Why not ________with me this Sunday? A. on, go B. in, to go C. on, going D. in, going 8. –Must I return the book this week? –No, you ______. You can ______it for 20 days. A. mustn’t。keep B. needn’t。borrow C. needn’t。keep D. mustn’t。borrow 9. –The doctor told me _______too much but I find it difficult. –The doctor is right. The less you drink, ______you will be. A. don’t drink。 the healthier B. not to drink。 the healthier C. not to drink。the more healthier C. don’t drink,。 healthier 10. –When should I hand in my paper?--Your paper must _____as soon as the bell ________. A. hand in。 rings B.hand in。 will ring C be handed in。 will ring D. be handed in。 rings 11. –Mr. Lee ______to a student when I entered the classroom this morning.

2017年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷 (含解析版)

2017年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷 I. 词汇测试(15分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分) 1. Ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse to capture the city of Troy. A. huge B. wonderful C. wide 2. — I worked as a volunteer in the school library last Friday afternoon. — Really? Can I go with you next time? A. had B. made C. was 3. — I have difficulty in learning Chinese. Could you give me some help? — Sure. Reading a lot will help you improve your Chinese. A. questions B. problems C. tasks 4. — China’s first large passenger plane C919 flew successfully on May 5. — Yes. What’s more, it was built on our own in Shanghai. A. with some help B. from our friends C. by ourselves

5. — Hi, Bob! What’s going on over there? — Oh, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them. A. happening B. appearing C. working 6. — Ding Ning beat Miu Hirano, a Japanese player, in the 2017 World Table Tennis Championship entering the final. — We were all excited at the good news. A. fought with B. won against C. lost by 7. — Did you see the movie Dangal last weekend? — No, I hardly go to the cinema these days. I am busy writing a book report. A. often B. always C. seldom 8. — In Shenzhen the city center will be connected to all the districts by metro in several years. — Great, I’m proud of living in Shenzhen. A. closed to B. joined to C. added to ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每小题1分)


2018中考模拟测试题(六) 第一卷选择题(60分) I.词汇测试(15分) i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) ()1. — Andy, paper cutting has got a long history but it remains popular today. —Yes, that’s right, though it is quite difficult to learn. A. makes B. keeps C. reaches ()2. — Raymond, where is the bird you saved last week? —It has got well and can spread its wings and fly away. A. hide B. open C. hurt ()3. —Don’t worry, David. I will find a method to help you. —Thank you so much. A. way B. decision C. question ()4. — Sara is really the best student in our class! —Yes. She can work out all the Maths problems without difficulty. A. impossibly B. easily C. suddenly ()5. — Please remember to switch off the TV before you go out. —OK, I will. A. turn off B. open up C. take off ()6. — What do you think of this travel? —It’s valuable. Above all, I learnt how to live by myself. A. All in all B. At first C. Most importantly ()7. —Jack, it’s too late. You should go to bed. —Let me watch the football match for a while. A. get up B. take a walk C. go to sleep ()8. — In a way, I don’ t trust you! —Are you joking? We’ve been friends for nearly ten years. A. In addition B. To a certain degree C. What’s more ii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7小题,每小题1分) ()9. When you __________ the problem, you know something has gone wrong. A. realize B. solve C. prevent ()10. A __________ is a person that you have invited to your house or to a particular event that you are paying for. A. friend B. customer C. guest ()11. —In the past few years, China has made great _______ in science and technology. —I feel very proud to see such development. A. achievements B. trouble


2014深圳市中考英语调研试题 一、根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 ( )1. Lang lang has a gift for playing the piano. A. talent B. wish C. present D. dream ( )2. Emma doesn’t feel like eating anything today because she has a bad cold. A. like eating B. want to eat C. like to eat D. hate eating ( )3. ---Are you available this evening? I have some questions for you. ---Sorry, I am not. I have piles of homework to do. A. have time B. happy C. free D. comfortable ( )4. ---How often do you write to your American friends? ---Once a month. And I heard from them yesterday afternoon. A. dropped by B. made friends with C. received a letter from D. made a phone call with ( )5. The whole class were over the moon after they won the football match. A. very frightened B. above the moon C. very angry D. feeling on top of the world 二、从下面的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 ( )1. --Mary and I saw ______ film called Frozen last night. --Really? It is regarded as _________ most interesting film in the year. A. a; / B. an; the C. the; an D. a; the ( )2. -- How do you know that girl ________ a pair of glasses in red? -- Oh, she came to give us a speech ________ the morning of April 9th. A. with; in B. with; on C. about; at D. of; by ( )3. --We can find a large amount of ________ on the Internet. --But I think it is difficult for me to get ______ from it. A. messages; useful something B. news; useful anything C. newspapers; anything useful D. Information; something useful ( )4. -- It’s reported that the doctor in a kindergarten let the healthy children _______ medicine every day. --How terrible it is! And I heard that two children ________ because of it. A. take; were killed B. to take; is killed C. taking; were killing D. taken; killed ( )5. --May I have another copy? A friend of _______ want one, too? --I’m sorry you __________. There’s nothing left. A. mine; needn’t B. mine; can’t C. him; won’t D. me; mustn’t ( )6. --Eric hasn’t handed in his homework today, _______ he? --___________. Last night, he didn’t do his homework because of high temperature. A. has; Yes, he has B. hasn’t; Yes, he hasn’t C. has; No, he hasn’t D. hasn’t; No, he has ( )7. -- The soap opera named My love from the Star is ______hot that many classmates watch it every day. --Yes, ___________ young people have seen it since it was put online.


机密★启用前 2014年广东省深圳市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 说明:1.全卷共10页,满分为120分,考试用时为100分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡填写自己的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号。用2B铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。 3.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂 黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试题上。 4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答、答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区 域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 5.考生务必保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束时,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、听力理解(略) 二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分〉 第一节单项选择(共丨0小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从16~25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 16. A: I enjoyed the performance very much. B: Yes, it was really good. I think________boy in white was the best actor. A: a B. an C: the D: / 17.1 always tell my students________on the road because it's really dangerous. A. not to play B. to play not C. not playing D. not play 18. The man called his professor for help because he couldn't solve the problem by________? A. herself B. himself C. yourself D. themselves 19. Could you say it again? I can't understand________you are talking about. A. how B. when C. what D. which 20. ---Must I finish my homework now? ---No, you________. You can go home now. A. needn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. can't 21. There is________news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some? A. many B. a few C. a lot D. little 22.1 couldn't do it________your great help. Thanks a lot! A. with B. without C. for D. to 23. Thanks for your invitation, but I'm so sorry I can't go. I need to________my baby at home. A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of 24. A: You look very nice in your new dress today. B: Oh, really? I________it when it was on sale. A. buy B. bought C. have bought D. will buy 25.---I feel really tired. ---_________. A. Lucky you! B. You'd better work harder C. Congratulation! D. Why not go and have a reat? 第二节语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26?35各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It's very important that we all recycle (再利用)? In nature, everything26 again. For example, when an animal


2017年深圳市中考英语学业水平考试 说明: 1. 答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考场、试室号和座位号用规定的笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,将条形码粘贴好。 2. 全卷分两部分,第一部分为选择题,1至25小题答案为A、B、C三个选项,26至45小题为A、B、C、D四个选项; 第二部分为非选择题,共8页。考试时间为80分钟,满分85分。 3. 考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在答题卡以外的地方作答的,其答案一律无效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能折叠。 4. 本卷选择题1~45,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡选择题答题区内将相应题目的答案编号涂黑,如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;非选择题46~55及书面表达,必须用规定的笔在答题卡非选择题答题区内按相应的序号作答。 5. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分选择题(60分) Ⅰ. 词汇(15分) ⅰ. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. —The ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse to capture the city of Troy. —That’s right. How clever the Greeks are! A. huge B. wonderful C. wide ( ) 2. —I worked as a volunteer in the school library last Friday afternoon. —Really? Can I go with you next time? A. had B. made C. was ( ) 3. —I have difficulty in learning Chinese. Could you help me? —Sure. Reading a lot will help you improve your Chinese. A. questions B. problems C. tasks ( ) 4. —China’s first large passenger plane C919 flew successfully on 5 May. —Yes. What’s more, it was built on our own in Shanghai. A. with some help B. from our friends C. by ourselves ( ) 5. —Hi, Bob! What’s going on over there? —Oh, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them. A. happening B. appearing C. working ( ) 6. —Ding Ning beat Miu Hirano, a Japanese player, in the 2017 World Table Tennis Championship. —We are all excited at the good news. A. fought with B. won against C. lost by ( ) 7. —Did you see the movie Dangal(《摔跤吧,爸爸》)last weekend? —No. I hardly go to the cinema these days. I am busy writing a book report. A. often B. always C. seldom ( ) 8. —In Shenzhen, the city centre will be connected to all the districts by metro in several years. —Great! I’m proud of living in Shenzhen. A. be closed to B. be joined to C. be added to ⅱ. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子,并在答题卡上将相 应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每小题1分) ( ) 9. You look pretty today. Your shoes ___________ your dress. Their colours really go well together. A. catch B. match C. meet


2020年广东省深圳市中考英语全真模拟试卷(二) I.词汇测试(15分)i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选顶中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项.(共7小题,每小题1分) 1.(1分)﹣Who went to school early last term? ﹣Mike used to be the first one.() A.was asked to be B.was used to being C.was often 2.(1分)﹣I always feel nervous before exams. ﹣Take it easy and everything will be fine.() A.tired B.excited C.worried 3.(1分)﹣Can I use the printer at your office? ﹣I'm afraid you can't.The machine is dead at present.() A.not working B.wrong C.destroyed 4.(1分)﹣Mum,I won't let you down.I will try my best to do everything.﹣OK.Keep your promise.() A.make …happy B.make …disappointed C.make…angry 5.(1分)﹣Although Angela was not prepared,she did really well and was soon ahead of the others. ﹣Great.She is always smart and lucky.() A.better than B.worse than C.far behind 6.(1分)﹣Do you think that a person can really lose weight by eating fruit? ﹣No,I don't think so.() A.become fatter B.become thinner C.become taller 7.(1分)﹣I plan to make a tour to Europe this summer. ﹣I prefer to stay in Shenzhen.()


I.单项选择:(共20小题,计20分) A).选择与下列句子中的划线部分意思相近的单词或短语。 1.Frank fell down at the beginning of the race,but he was ahead of the other runners in the end. A.Longer B.than higher C.faster than D.more quickly than 答案:C解析:但是他最终跑在其他人之前。ahead of表示“在...之前,领先” A.longer,比较长 B.than higher,比...更高D.more quickly than,比...更快地 (quickly是副词,表示马上行动、毫不耽搁之意,侧重指动作在较短时间内发 生)C.faster than,比...更快(fast客座形容词也可作副词,用来指运动中的人或 物的速度快,侧重指动作的速度快)根据题意指跑步速度快,选C 2.Because of the flood,a large number of cars went wrong. A.were washed away B.broken down C.stopped to work D.Disappeared 答案:B解析: 3.Shenzhen consists of many districts,such as Futian,Luohu,Nanshan and so on. A.不详 B.不详 C.is filled with D.is made up of 4.The children should be taken good care of,they are unware of the danger around them A.Don’t know about B.cant deal with C.find out D.pay attention to 5.Congratulations,you won the first prize in the robot competition Thank you,it is not easy,but we made it at last A.B C D不详 B)从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 6.Mike,do you know man with the glasses next to Mr.White? He is my uncle Simon.He is art teacher in our school A.The;/B the;an C/;the Da;an 7.Is there in to day’s newspaper? A lot of about FIFA.But we can’t watch the game exams are over A.Something special;after B.special something;before C.Special anything;when D.anything special;until 8.I think it will be better if we have more in our school I agree with you.its necessary us to give advice to our headmaster about this thing A.不详 B.不详 C.is filled with D.is made up of 4.The children should be taken good care of, they are unware of the danger around them A. Don’t know about B. cant deal with C.find out D. pay attention to 5.Congratulations,you won the first prize in the robot competition

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