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新标准大学英语4 U1

新标准大学英语4 U1
新标准大学英语4 U1


Reading and interpreting

8 Answer the questions.

1 “Will he ever get a job?” Who is asking this question? What mood does it express?

The parents are asking this because the paragraph is addressed to parents (earlier it says “your graduate son”). The mood seems to express patience or resignation because the word “ever” suggests that getting a job will take a long time.

2 Who describes Generation Y as “rebels without a cause”? Is it

a fair description?

This is the writer’s description to indicate that t his generation is rebelling against parents or society,but they have nothing particular to rebel against. This doesn’t seem very fair because the students are trying to find work –it is just that they don’t like their parents nagging them. So they are a bit rebellious against their parents, but no more than that.

3 Jack “walked into the university careers service and straight back out again”. What does this suggest about Jack’s character? It suggests that Jack is not very determined. As soon as he saw the queue he left without waiting and without trying to ask about jobs or careers.

4 Jack spent the summer “hiding”. Hiding from what? Why are quotation marks used?

Probably this means he was hiding from the world of work, staying at home and not looking for a job.The quotation marks tell us that he wasn’t literally hiding, he just spent a lot of time at home.

5 How is Mrs Goodwin’s point of view affected by her own personal experience?

In one way her experience hasn’t affected her attitude: She left school and went immediately to a job (without going to university) and has been working full-time since then and yet she is sympathetic and takes a soft line.

6 How is Lindenfield’s point of view affected by her own personal experience?

Her personal experience was that she worked in a bar before finding her first proper job as an aerial photographic assistant. So she says such work is a great networking opportunity. If new graduates are good at such work and bright, cheerful and polite, they will soon be promoted. Her personal experience thus reflects – or perhaps has created – her point of view.

7 What would the first two paragraphs have focused on if they had been presented from the point of view of the students rather

than the parents?

The first two paragraphs would have focused on the need for the new graduates to rest for a bit after their hard studies. It is OK for students to relax with the TV or to socialize with friends for a while, then they can start a serious search for employment after that.

9 Answer the questions.

1 What is the focus of each section of the story?

? The first part is the background before the story really begins. It focuses on the writer’s financial

problems after graduation and on her need to work since her family cannot support her.

? The second part focuses on nice people who help the writer, mainly on Mike who gives her a job in a pub.

? In the third part, the focus is on the writer’s sad feelings on her birthday and how she tells Tony her troubles. He talks to some friends and gets her a £20,000 loan to set up a business.

? In the fourth part, the writer is looking back some years later. She has her masters degree and has a job in an investment bank and has used the loan to set up her own company. The focus is on the twist in the story, where the situation is reversed: Tony is disabled after an accident and needs the repayment of the loan to

adapt his house for his disability.

? The last two main sentences are also introduced by “If you ask me,” This is a coda (a finishing phrase or two) about investing in people.

2 How does the time context change from one section to the next?

The first section gives the background before the writer finds a job, in the past before the time of the story. The second section is in the past, showing how she ot a job. The third section, still in the past, shows the particular event of how she got a lucky break through Tony’s help. In the fourth section, the time is in the present, with the writer looking back after some years. She tells us what happened and her success after she had received Tony’s loan.

3 How much time do you think has elapsed between the third and the final section?

At least two years have passed because she worked in the pub for one year, then studied for her master’s for another year, and then repaid the loan. If you allow time for her investment to make enough money to repay the loan with interest and for the writer to have enough money left to set up a firm, then it could be several further years, say between five and ten years

altogether, but as she says “it is still a thriving business”, it is probably ten or fifteen years later or even more.

4 How is the relationship between the writer and Tony reversed at the end of the story?

When they first meet Tony is working successfully in banking, while the writer is in financial difficulty and in need of money. At the end of the story this situation is reversed: He is disabled and in need of money, while she has become financially successful. The successful one helps the other in both parts of the story.

5 What is the message presented at the end of the story?

The message is that Tony and the writer both say that investing in people gives the best return on an investment that you could hope for. This is their experience, but the writer asks for the readers’ opinion about this. The final question leaves an open answer and we may disagree if this is not our experience


7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese. If you ask me, real life is not all it’s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find? Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It’s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that’s before I’ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I’m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won’t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I’m 60.(?翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。如最后一句译文加了“领养老金”,点出了与上一句的关联。)依我看,现实生活与人们想象的不一样。我们上了12年的中、小学,又上了3年的大学,这期间老师们一直在没完没了地谈论在安宁的学生生活之外那个广阔天地里的各种机会,可我遇到的又是什么呢? 无论我怎么想保持心情愉快,麻烦事总是接踵而来:有时是跟人争吵(尤其是跟男孩,天哪!他们什么时候才能长大?),但通常是为钱发愁。这个地方什么东西都很贵!人人都想从我身上拿点钱去:国税局要收个人所得税,银行经理要我偿清学生贷款,房东催我交房租、燃气费、水费、电费,手机账单也不断地寄来。所有这些还没算上吃饭的钱。更可气的是,不知从哪里冒出一个自作聪明的家伙冷不丁地给我打电话,问我要不要买养老金。照这样下去,我连今年都活不过去了,更别提活到60岁领养老金了。 6 Translate the paragraph into Chinese. Indubitably the vast majority of books overlap one another. Few indeed are those which give the impression of originality, either in style or in content. Rare are the unique books – less than 50, perhaps, out of the whole storehouse of literature. In one of his recent autobiographical novels, Blaise Cendrars points out that Rémy de Gourmont, because of his knowledge and awareness of this repetitive quality in books, was able to select and read all that is worthwhile in the entire realm of literature. Cendrars himself – who would suspect it? – is a prodigious reader. He reads most authors in their original tongue. Not only that, but when he likes an author he reads every last book the man has written, as well as his letters and all the books that have been written about him. In our day his case is almost unparalleled, I imagine. For, not only has he read widely and deeply, but he has himself written a great many books. All on the side, as it were. For, if he is anything, Cendrars, he is a man of action, an adventurer and explorer, a man who has known how to “waste” his time royally. He is, in a sense, the Julius Caesar of literature. (几处倒装句应灵活处理,以体现原文语气。every last book the man has written 等于all the books he has written。注意这段话的逻辑关系。If he is anything, he is a man of…一句中的if 从句起强调作用,说明他不是一个书生或思想家,而是一个行动家。此处需灵活翻译。) 不容置疑的是,大多数书都互相重复,在文体或内容上让人感到具有独创性的书实在是少之又少。在整个文学库藏中,或许只有极少数作品——不到50本——是独具一格的。在最近出版的一部自传体小说中,布莱斯·桑德拉尔指出,雷米·德·古尔蒙之所以能够选择并通读文学领域中一切值得读的书籍,就是因为他知识渊博,了解书的这种重复性。没有人会怀疑桑德拉尔本人就是一个博览群书的人,他阅读了大部分独具个性的作家的作品。不仅如此,一旦他喜欢上一个作家,就会阅读这个人写的每一本书,包括他的书信以及所有有关他的书籍。我猜想,在当


综合教程4课后答案 Handouts and Key to book4 unit 1-4 Unit 1 Active reading (1) Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa Background information About the passage: This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair, published in September 2008 in The Times, a long-established British quality newspaper. In Europe generally, and in Britain in particular, for a number of years there has been a r i s i ng nu mber of stude nts who go to uni vers ity and therefore more new graduates seeking employment. However, for many graduates finding a job became harder in 2008 - 2009 because the economic downturn - then a rcccssion - meant that many employers werereducing their workforce. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then they found that it was difficult to find employment in their field or at the level they wanted. The


We all listen to music according to our separate , for the sake of analysis, the whole listening process may become clearer if we break it up into its component parts, so to certain sense we all listen to music on three separate lack of a better terminology, one might name these: 1) the sensuous plane, 2) the expressive plane, 3) the sheerly musical only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is the clearer view to be had of the way in which we listen. The simplest way of listening to music is to listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound is the sensuous is the plane on which we hear music without thinking, without considering it in any turns on the radio while doing something else andabsent-mindedly bathes in the kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music. The surprising thing is that many people who consider themselves qualified music lovers abuse that plane in go to concerts in order to lose use music as a consolation or an enter an ideal world where one doesn’t have to think of the realities of everyday course they aren’t thinking about the music allows them to leave it, and they go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it. Yes, the sound appeal of music is a potent and primitive force, but you must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your sensuous plane is an important one in music, a very important one, but it does not constitute the whole story. The second plane on which music exists is what I have called the expressive , immediately, we tread on controversial have a way of shying away from any discussion of music’s expressive not Stravinsky himself proclaim that his music was an “object”, a “thing”, with a life of its own, and with no other meaning than its own purely musical existenceThis intransigent attitude of Stravinsky’s may be due to the fact that so many people have tried to read different meanings into so many knows it is difficult enough to say precisely what it is that a piece of music means, to say it definitely to say it finally so that everyone is satisfied with your that should not lead one to the other extreme of denying to music the right to be “expressive”. Listen, if you can,to the 48 fugue themes of Bach’s Well-tempered to each theme, one after will soon realize that each theme mirrors a different world of will also soon realize that the more beautiful a theme seems to you the harder it is to find any word that will describe it to your complete , you will certainly know whether it is a gay theme or a sad will be able, on other words, in your own mind, to draw a frame of emotional feeling around your study the sad one a little closer. Try to pin down the exact quality of its it pessimistically sad or resignedly sad; is it fatefully sad or smilingly sadLet us suppose that you are fortunate and can describe to your own satisfaction in so many words the exact meaning of your chosen is still no guarantee that anyone else will be need they important thing is that each one feels for himself the specific expressive quality of a theme or, similarly, an entire piece of if it is a great work of art, don’t expect it to mean exactly the same thing to you each time you return to it. The third plane on which music exists is the sheerly musical the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive feeling that it gives off, music does exist in terms of the notes themselves and of their listeners are not sufficiently conscious of this third plane. It is very important for all of us to become more alive to music on its sheerly musical all, an actual musical material is being intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to must hear the melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors in a more conscious above all he must, in order to follow the line of the composer’s thought, know something of the principles of musical to all of these elements is listening to the sheerly musical plane. Let me repeat that I have split up mechanically the three separate planes on which we listen merely for the sake of greater clarity. Actually, we never listen on one or the other of these we do is to correlate them—listening in all three ways at the same takes no mental effort, for we do it instinctively Perhaps an analogy with what happens to us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation the theater, you are aware of the actors and actresses, costumes and sets, sounds and these give one the sense that the theater is a pleasant place to be constitute the sensuous plane in our theatrical reactions. The expressive plane in the theater would be derived from the feeling that you get from what is happening on the are moved to pity, excitement, or is this general feeling, generated aside from the particular words being spoken, a certain emotional something which exists on the stage,that isanalogous to the expressive quality in music. The plot and plot development is equivalent to our sheerly musical playwright creates and develops a character in just the same way that a composer creates and develops a to the degree of your awareness of the way in which the artist in either field handles his material will you become a more intelligent is easy enough to see that the theatergoer never is conscious of any of these elements is aware of them all at the same same is true of music simultaneously and without thinking listen on all three planes. It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when info rmed that they will someday have to “go to work and make a living”. The problem is that they cannot visualize what work is in corporate Americ a. Not so long ago, when a parent said he was off to work, the child knew very well what was about to happen. His parent was going to make something or fix something. T

新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 3

Unit 3 Language points 1 For lack of a better terminology, one might name these: (1) the sensuous plane, (2) the expressive plane, (3) the sheerly musical plane. (Para 1) The expression for lack of a better terminology is used to introduce rather inexact terms. It means since we don’t have any exact terms, I’m going to use these rather rough terms. The word sensuous suggests physical pleasure which relates to your physical senses rather than to your emotions and thoughts. A plane is a level of thought, development or existence. The word sheer is used to emphasize the amount or degree of something. The sheerly musical plane refers to the level of the musical material, melodies, rhythms, harmonies etc. The sheer pleasure (Para 2, Line 2) means great or pure pleasure. 2 The only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is … (Para 1) The word hypothetical means to be based on situations or events that seem possible rather than on actual ones. Here, the planes are not real, they are just part of a model for analysis and discussion. 3 One turns on the radio while doing something else and absent-mindedly bathes in the sound. A kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music. (Para 2) To bathe means to swim or wash yourself in a bath, river or lake. To bathe in the sound means to immerse yourself in the sound, like in water. To engender means to cause a feeling or attitude to exist. The expression engendered by the mere sound appeal means to be created only by the appeal or attraction of the sound. 4 Music allows them to leave it ... dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it. (Para 3) The expression apropos of means relating to; it is used to introduce something else about the subject you are talking about. The expression is derived from French, and the final -s is silent in pronunciation. Unit 3 Art for art’s sake


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3.5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 2. 6 3. 1 4. 5 5. 3 6. 4 2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC

2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C

Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1.Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3.5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during how as plays less LISTENING IN Passage 1 1.Listen to Passage 1 and match the colours with the characteristics


Unit1 reading2 if you ask me This is an informal and personalized account of an economic graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year and then has an opportunity to be successful (a lucky break). Since her family can’t support her to further study, she has to work. She has financial problems and feels lonely. She tells her troubles to Tony, a regular customer of the pub, who talks to some friends and gets her a loan to set up a business. With this help she has her master’s degree and her own company. however, unluckliy,Tony is disabled after an accident and needs the repayment of the loan to adapt his house for his disability. She pay back Tony’s help, and Tony thinks that investing in people gives the best return you can ever hope for. Unit2 reading1 Reading is a life-changing activity. It helps us enter a new world and liberate us from the real world we come from; it stimulates our emotions and allows us enjoy and celebrate the variety and difference from books; it aids us to get out of confusion in a material world and to discover the real meaning of the life. Simply put, books are supremely influential in the way we live. Homerun book might be the answer for the book that everyone should read. It describes the first reading experience that


word formation: compound words 1 Find more examples of each use of hyphens in the passage We are all dying .? I’ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb) ? budding crypt-kickers (compound noun) ? a rear-view mirror (compound adjective) ? the once-a-year holiday to Florida or Spain (compound adjective) ? back-burner stuff (compound adjective) ? standing at the corner of the Co-op (compound noun) ? a sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to (compound adjective) 2 Rewrite the phrases using compound adjectives. 1 a party which is held late at night (a late-night party) 2 a library which is well stocked (a well-stocked library) 3 a professor who is world famous (a world-famous professor) 4 some advice which is well timed (some well-timed advice) 5 a population which is growing rapidly (a rapidly-growing population) 6 an economy which is based on free market (a free-market economy) 7 a boat trip which lasts for half an hour (a half-hour boat trip) It’s what / how … that … 3 Rewrite the sentences using It’s what / how … that … 1 What other people think of us is determined by how we behave. It’s how we behave that determines what other people think of us. 2 What sort of job we are going to end up doing is usually determined by our character. It’s what our character is that usually determines what sort of job we are going to end up doing. 3 What we do as a career isn’t always determined by the marks we get at university. It isn’t always what marks we get at university that determine what we do as a career. 4 How we react to life’s problems is often determined by our childhood experiences.


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3。5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it’s a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 2. 6 3.1 4.5 5.3 6.4

2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC 2。Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C

Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1。Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3。5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during how as plays less LISTENING IN Passage 1 1。Listen to Passage 1 and match the colours with the characteristics



英语翻译 Unit one Nine to five passage1 大学毕业找工作的第一要义:别躺在沙发上做梦 今年夏天,超过65 万的大学生毕业离校,其中有许多人根本不知道怎么找工作。在当今金融危机的背景下,做父母的该如何激励他们? 1 七月,你看着英俊的21岁的儿子穿上学士袍,戴上四方帽,骄傲地握着大学荣誉学位证书,拍毕业照。这时,记忆中每年支付几千英镑,好让儿子吃好、并能偶尔参加聚会的记忆开始消退。但现在,你又不得不再考虑钱的问题。 2 等到暑假快要结束,全国各地的学生正在为新学期做准备的时候,你却发现大学毕业的儿子还歪躺在沙发上看电视。除此之外,他只是偶尔发发短信,浏览社交网站Facebook,或者去酒吧喝酒。这位属于“千禧一代”的年轻人一夜之间变成了“抱怨一代”的成员。他能找到工作吗? 3 这就是成千上万家庭所面临的状况:今年夏天,超过65万的大学生毕业,在当今金融危机的背景下,他们中的大多数人不知道自己下一步该做什么。父母只会唠叨,而儿女们则毫无缘由地变成了叛逆者。他们知道自己该找份工作,但却不知道如何去找。 4 来自米德尔塞克斯郡的杰克·古德温今年夏天从诺丁汉大学政治学系毕业,获得二级一等荣誉学士学位。他走进大学就业服务中心,但又径直走了出来,因为他看见很多人在那里排长队。跟他一起住的另外5个男孩子也都跟他一样,进去又出来了。找工作的压力不大,虽然他所认识的大多数女生都有更明确的计划。 5 他说:“我申请政治学研究工作,但被拒绝了。他们给的年薪是1.8万镑,交完房租后所剩无几,也就够买一罐豆子,可他们还要有工作经历或硕士学位的人。然后我又申请参加快速晋升人才培养计划,并通过了笔试。但在面试时,他们说我‘太冷漠’了,谈吐‘太像专家政治论者’。我觉得自己不可能那样,但我显然就是那样的。” 6 打那以后,他整个夏天都在“隐身”。他能够轻松地复述出电视剧《交通警察》中的若干片段。他白天看电视的时间太长,已经到了影响健康的地步。跟朋友谈起自己漫无目标的日子时,他才发现他们的处境和自己一样。其中一位朋友在父母的逼迫下去超市上货,其余的则都是朝九晚五地“无所事事”,晚上则去酒吧喝酒打发时间。要么,干脆就在酒吧工作?这样还可以挣些酒钱。“我不想在酒吧工作。我上的是综合学校,我拼命读书才考上了一所好大学。到了大学,我又埋头苦读,才取得一个好学位。可现在我却跟那些没上过大学的做无聊的酒吧侍应的朋友处在同一个水平线上。我觉得自己好像兜了一圈,又回到了原来的起点。” 7 他的母亲杰奎琳·古德温替他辩护。她坚持认为她的儿子已经尽力找工作了。但由于她自己中学毕业后一直都在工作,所以她和她的丈夫发现,建议儿子如何继续找工作是件很棘手的事情。她说:“我一直都不得不工作。而现在的年轻人很难做到这一点,因为如果你有了学位,学位就会为你提供新的机会,至少你自己会这么想。” 8 虽然目前她对儿子的态度还比较温和,但是她心里很清楚,去南美度三星期的假之后,他的休假就该结束了。他可能还得付房租,并分担家庭开支。 9 她说:“在某个时候孩子们总要长大成人。我们已经帮他交了大学的学费,


It was a horrible joke, but Doc Daneeka didn't laugh until Yussarian came to him one mission later and pleaded again, without any real expectation of success, to be grounded. Doc Daneeka snickered once and was soon immersed in problems of his own, which included Chief White Halfoat, who had been challenging him all that morning to Indian wrestle, and Yossarian, who deciede right then and there to go crazy. "You're wasting your time," Doc Daneeka was forced to tell him. "Can't you grant someone who's crazy?" "Oh, sure. I have to. There's a rule saying I have to graound anyone who's crazy." "Then why don't you ground me? I'm crazy. Ask Clevinger." "Clevinger? Where is Clavinger? You find Clevinger and I'll ask him." "Then ask any of the others. They will tell you how crazy I am." "They are crazy." "Then why don;t you ground them?" "Why don't they ask me to ground them?" "Because they're crazy, that's why." "Of course they're crazy," Doc Dneeka replied. "I just told you they are crazy, didn't I? And you can;t let crazy people decide whether they are crazy or not, can you?" Yossarian looked at him soberly and tried another apporach."Is Orr crazy?" "He sure is,"Doc Daneeka said. "Can you ground him?" "I sure can. But first he has to ask me to. That's part of the rule." "Then why doesn't he ask you?" "Because h's crazy," Doc Daneeka said. "He has to be crazy to keep flying combat mission after all the close calls he's had. Sure, I can ground Orr. But first he has to ask me to." "That's all he has to do to be grounded?" "That's all. Let him ask me." "And then you can ground him?" Yossarian asked. "No, then I can't ground him." "You mean there's a catch?" "Sure there's a catch," Doc Daneeka repled. "Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy." There was only one catch that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be frounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whitsle. “That’s some catch, that catch-22,” he observed. “It’s the best there is,” Doc Daneeka agree.

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