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International Business Negotiation is an act that the parties in different countries or different regions exchange their information, and consult various trade elements in order to achieve a particular business activity. International business negotiation is an dispensable means that it is universal in the trade and economic activities, can solve the inevitable interests conflict and achieve common interests among different countries. International Business negotiations and general trade negotiations have some commonality; it seems economic interests as its purpose and seems price as core negotiations. Because the price can directly and concentrate show negotiators’ interest, and both can be converted into a certain price in many cases, such as quality, number, form of payment, payment on time, etc. and be reflected in the price, or be compensated. The price term of a sale contract involves unit price and total price .Unit price includes money account and trade terms. For instance,a price term can be said:"USD1500 per ton CIF London including 3% commission." Total price is the total amount of a deal. In the negotiating process, it is called negotiation dance that who offer first, how to respond to each other's offer, how much we give appropriate concessions, the two sides reached an acceptable agreement at last. In general, the negotiators will not overlap target price, the seller want to fight for their own products or services, the price will be higher than the price that the buyer is willing to pay. In this bargaining zone of the premise of the negotiation, the final result would be higher than the seller's reservation point and lower than the buyer to retain a point between points. However, the negotiator's reservation point still overlap each other sometimes, it means that the majority of buyers are willing to pay the price will be higher than the minimum price the seller can accept. Bargaining zone can be a positive number, and be a negative number. In the positive bargaining zone, the negotiator's reservation point will overlap, that is, the highest price is higher that the buyer are willing to pay than the minimum price the seller can accept. This means negotiators could reach an agreement, then the result certainly be within this range. Negative bargaining zone may not exist or negative, it can spend much time to do a great deal of fruitless negotiations, who will cost a waste of time.


With the development of global economic integration,cooperation among countries all over the world becomes closer. International business plays a more and more crucial role in today's business activities,and win一win principle has attracted more and more attention from many interest groups in the world. Based on the theories of Cooperation Principle,Politeness Principle, Face Theory and Indirect Speech Act,and on the case analysis of face-to-face international business negotiations between people from China and other western countries,the research purpose is to study Pragmatic strategies and make an intercultural comparison of them in the situational context- international business negotiation.

The research shows that in international business negotiations,the application of various pragmatics strategies-Cooperation Strategy,Politeness Strategy,Indirect Speech Act Strategy,Humor Strategy and Side一stepping Strategy,has close relation with the cultural backgrounds of international business negotiators. If business negotiators

come from different culture backgrounds,they are liable to adopt different Pragmatic strategies during negotiations. If they don’t understand this is cau sed by cultural differences,the negotiation may fail due to cultural conflicts.

The research results drawn from the present study are that the application of Pragmatic strategies plays a crucial role in international business negotiations. Moreover,to some extent,cultural causes determine pragmatic strategies. Cultural differences are the fundamental reasons of negotiators’ pragmatic strategies. The knowledge of pragmatic strategies and their related cultures can lead to success.


Business negotiation is a process by which the involved parties or groups resolve matters of disputes through discussion and coming to an agreement, which can be mutually agreed upon. It is a delicate art and can be a very trying process of confrontation and concession. Research suggests that whether negotiation will succeed or not depends largely on the language both parties use.

Cooperative principle is acknowledged as a principle of conversation of enhancing the mutual trust and understanding for the purpose of increasing the odd for communication success.

This thesis attempts to highlight the cooperative principle and analyze its inconsistence in business negotiation scenarios. Two research questions are being addressed here:

1) Is Cooperative Principle applicable in business negotiations? If not, could the theory of Conversational Implicature explain it?

2) What can the author derive form the study to improve the efficiency of business negotiation?

From the analysis it is clear that in the process of business negotiation, conflict and confrontation occur easily. To avoid that, negotiators may try to save the counterpart's face by using buffers and euphemisms and beating about the bush, to become more persuasive by letting the facts speak, to make the negotiation more effective by bluffing, all of which violate the Cooperative Principle. Although apparently, the Cooperative Maxims are violated, they are observed at the level of what is implicated. Thus the ultimate goal of the business negotiation is to grasp the implicature of the counterpart's meaning.

Several tactics for business negotiators are drawn form the research, which are Acting Dumb, Thinking in Real Terms but Talking Funny, Always Congratulating the Other Side and Using Uncertainty to Your Advantage.


Negotiati on: “To confer with another person so as to arrive at a settlement of some matter; also to arrange for or bring about such conferences” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Like it or not, you are a negotiator. Whether in family or business dealings, people reach many decisions through negotiation. You haggle with the cattle buyer for an acceptable price for your steers. You discuss with farm help the wages you are willing to pay them and the quality of work you expect in return. You dicker with the equipment salesman for a new piece of machinery. And you negotiate the terms of your latest operating note with your lender. Negotiation is a fact of life.

Most people know of only two ways to negotiate, either soft or hard. The soft negotiator wants to keep peace and readily makes concessions to avoid or resolve conflicts. The hard negotiator sees conflict as a battle in which the person who takes the most extreme position and holds out fares better. The soft negotiator may end up feeling used and abused; the hard negotiator may exhaust himself and damage or destroy the personal relationship with the other party. Typical strategies for negotiation often leave people dissatisfied, worn out, or hostile and perhaps all three.

The most common form of negotiating—positional bargaining—depends on successive taking and giving up of positions (imagine two people haggling over the price of an item). Although positional bargaining can be successful, it is not necessarily efficient and may not result in a peaceable solution. Negotiators may lock into positions, becoming more committed to the position than to the underlying concerns or original interests of either party. Eventually they may feel that compromise will result in losing face.

Positional bargaining also creates incentives that stall settlement—individuals may take extreme positions, stubbornly hold to them, drag their feet, threaten to walk out, try to deceive the other party, and so on. Rather than jointly attempting to produce an acceptable solution, positional bargaining becomes a battle. Any agreement reached may reflect splitting of differences, rather than careful and creative development of a mutually beneficial solution.

What is the best way for people to deal with their differences? This fact sheet summarizes one possible step-by-step strategy for coming to mutually acceptable agreements.

1. Separate the people from the problem.

2. Focus on interests, not positions.

3. Invent options for mutual gain that is work together to create options that will satisfy both parties.

4. Insist on using objective criteria for judging a proposed solution.


Everyone knows how hard it is to deal with a problem without people misunderstanding each other, getting angry or upset and taking things personally.

Negotiating resolutions m ay be easier if you remember the “other side” is a human being with emotions, deeply held values, a different background and viewpoints and is, like you, somewhat unpredictable.

In negotiation, the “people problem” often causes the relationship to become entangled in discussion of the problem. Personality differences may cause conflicts unrelated to a business problem. Dealing with a problem and maintaining a good working relationship need not be conflicting goals. But, the negotiating parties must be committed and psychologically prepared to treat the relationship and problem separately. You can be prepared by anticipating potential “people problems” of three kinds: perception, emotion, and communication. And, remember you have to deal with your own as well as their people problems.


In today's background of globalization, national and regional economic & trade exchange have become more and more frequently, and the international economic and trade negotiations have increased gradually. International trade negotiations are not only an economic activity, also a kind of cultural activities. As the increasing awareness of the importance of cultural factors, except the economic and political factors, Deep-seated cultural research has attracts more attentions in the theoretical circles and enterprises. Therefore, China also should pay more attentions to each other's culture, values, psychological factors, not just focus on negotiation skills and strategies during international trade negotiations.

China has become Japan's largest trading partner, while Japan was China's third largest trading partner It is vital to ensure the smooth and healthy development of the Sino-Japanese economic and trade exchanges. Therefore, how to make the success of Sino-Japanese economic and trade negotiations is a big issue. The conception of culture is extremely broad, so this article focuses on the core of culture-values to study its performance of the conflict in the economic and trade negotiations. China and Japan belong to the same value system-collectivism, but there are still many differences between each other, which will be inevitably reflected in international economic and trade activities, and even become trade conflicts.


教学单位:经济系专业班级:国贸(本) 6 班答辩学生:王欢



中英文资料对照外文翻译 机械设计 摘要: 机器由机械和其他元件组成的用来转换和传输能量的装置。比如:发动机、涡轮机、车、起重机、印刷机、洗衣机和摄影机。许多机械方面设计的原则和方法也同样适用于非机械方面。术语中的“构造设计”的含义比“机械设计”更加广泛,构造设计包括机械设计。在进行运动分析和结构设计时要把产品的维护和外形也考虑在机械设计中。在机械工程领域中,以及其它工程领域,都需要机械设备,比如:开关、凸轮、阀门、船舶以及搅拌机等。 关键词:设计流程设计规则机械设计 设计流程 设计开始之前就要想到机器的实用性,现有的机器需要在耐用性、效率、重量、速度,或者成本上得到改善。新的机器必需能够完全或部分代替以前人的功能,比如计算、装配、维修。 在设计的初级阶段,应该充分发挥设计人员的创意,不要受到任何约束。即使有一些不切实际的想法,也可以在设计的早期,即在绘制图纸之前被改正掉。只有这样,才不致于阻断创新的思路。通常,必须提出几套设计方案,然后进行比较。很有可能在这个计划最后指定使用某些不在计划方案内的一些想法的计划。 一般当产品的外型和组件的尺寸特点已经显现出来的时候,就可以进行全面的设计和分析。接着还要客观的分析机器性能、安全、重量、耐用性,并且成本也要考虑在内。每一个至关重要的部分要优化它的比例和尺寸,同时也要保持与其它组成部分的平衡。 选择原材料和工艺的方法。通过力学原理来分析和实现这些重要的特性,如稳定和反应的能量和摩擦力的利用,动力惯性、加速度、能量;包括材料的弹性强度、应力和刚度等物理特性,以及流体的润滑和驱动器的流体力学。设计的过程是一个反复与合作的过程,无论是正式的还是非正式的,对设计者来说每个阶段都很重要。。产品设计需要大量的研究和提升。许多的想法,必须通过努力去研究成为一种理念,然后去使用或放弃。


中等分辨率制备分离的 快速色谱技术 W. Clark Still,* Michael K a h n , and Abhijit Mitra Departm(7nt o/ Chemistry, Columbia Uniuersity,1Veu York, Neu; York 10027 ReceiLied January 26, 1978 我们希望找到一种简单的吸附色谱技术用于有机化合物的常规净化。这种技术是适于传统的有机物大规模制备分离,该技术需使用长柱色谱法。尽管这种技术得到的效果非常好,但是其需要消耗大量的时间,并且由于频带拖尾经常出现低复原率。当分离的样本剂量大于1或者2g时,这些问题显得更加突出。近年来,几种制备系统已经进行了改进,能将分离时间减少到1-3h,并允许各成分的分辨率ΔR f≥(使用薄层色谱分析进行分析)。在这些方法中,在我们的实验室中,媒介压力色谱法1和短柱色谱法2是最成功的。最近,我们发现一种可以将分离速度大幅度提升的技术,可用于反应产物的常规提纯,我们将这种技术称为急骤色谱法。虽然这种技术的分辨率只是中等(ΔR f≥),而且构建这个系统花费非常低,并且能在10-15min内分离重量在的样本。4 急骤色谱法是以空气压力驱动的混合介质压力以及短柱色谱法为基础,专门针对快速分离,介质压力以及短柱色谱已经进行了优化。优化实验是在一组标准条件5下进行的,优化实验使用苯甲醇作为样本,放在一个20mm*5in.的硅胶柱60内,使用Tracor 970紫外检测器监测圆柱的输出。分辨率通过持续时间(r)和峰宽(w,w/2)的比率进行测定的(Figure 1),结果如图2-4所示,图2-4分别放映分辨率随着硅胶颗粒大小、洗脱液流速和样本大小的变化。


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


Statistical hypothesis testing Adriana Albu,Loredana Ungureanu Politehnica University Timisoara,adrianaa@aut.utt.ro Politehnica University Timisoara,loredanau@aut.utt.ro Abstract In this article,we present a Bayesian statistical hypothesis testing inspection, testing theory and the process Mentioned hypothesis testing in the real world and the importance of, and successful test of the Notes. Key words Bayesian hypothesis testing; Bayesian inference;Test of significance Introduction A statistical hypothesis test is a method of making decisions using data, whether from a controlled experiment or an observational study (not controlled). In statistics, a result is called statistically significant if it is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone, according to a pre-determined threshold probability, the significance level. The phrase "test of significance" was coined by Ronald Fisher: "Critical tests of this kind may be called tests of significance, and when such tests are available we may discover whether a second sample is or is not significantly different from the first."[1] Hypothesis testing is sometimes called confirmatory data analysis, in contrast to exploratory data analysis. In frequency probability,these decisions are almost always made using null-hypothesis tests. These are tests that answer the question Assuming that the null hypothesis is true, what is the probability of observing a value for the test statistic that is at [] least as extreme as the value that was actually observed?) 2 More formally, they represent answers to the question, posed before undertaking an experiment,of what outcomes of the experiment would lead to rejection of the null hypothesis for a pre-specified probability of an incorrect rejection. One use of hypothesis testing is deciding whether experimental results contain enough information to cast doubt on conventional wisdom. Statistical hypothesis testing is a key technique of frequentist statistical inference. The Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing is to base rejection of the hypothesis on the posterior probability.[3][4]Other approaches to reaching a decision based on data are available via decision theory and optimal decisions. The critical region of a hypothesis test is the set of all outcomes which cause the null hypothesis to be rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The critical region is usually denoted by the letter C. One-sample tests are appropriate when a sample is being compared to the population from a hypothesis. The population characteristics are known from theory or are calculated from the population.


吉林化工学院理学院 毕业论文外文翻译English Title(Times New Roman ,三号) 学生学号:08810219 学生姓名:袁庚文 专业班级:信息与计算科学0802 指导教师:赵瑛 职称副教授 起止日期:2012.2.27~2012.3.14 吉林化工学院 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

1 外文翻译的基本内容 应选择与本课题密切相关的外文文献(学术期刊网上的),译成中文,与原文装订在一起并独立成册。在毕业答辩前,同论文一起上交。译文字数不应少于3000个汉字。 2 书写规范 2.1 外文翻译的正文格式 正文版心设置为:上边距:3.5厘米,下边距:2.5厘米,左边距:3.5厘米,右边距:2厘米,页眉:2.5厘米,页脚:2厘米。 中文部分正文选用模板中的样式所定义的“正文”,每段落首行缩进2字;或者手动设置成每段落首行缩进2字,字体:宋体,字号:小四,行距:多倍行距1.3,间距:前段、后段均为0行。 这部分工作模板中已经自动设置为缺省值。 2.2标题格式 特别注意:各级标题的具体形式可参照外文原文确定。 1.第一级标题(如:第1章绪论)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题1”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:三号,1.5倍行距,段后11磅,段前为11磅。 2.第二级标题(如:1.2 摘要与关键词)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题2”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:四号,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 3.第三级标题(如:1.2.1 摘要)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题3”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:小四,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 标题和后面文字之间空一格(半角)。 3 图表及公式等的格式说明 图表、公式、参考文献等的格式详见《吉林化工学院本科学生毕业设计说明书(论文)撰写规范及标准模版》中相关的说明。


外文原文 Code division multiple access Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a channel access method used by various radio communication technologies. It should not be confused with the mobile phone standards called cdmaOne, CDMA2000 (the 3G evolution of cdmaOne) and WCDMA (the 3G standard used by GSM carriers), which are often referred to as simply CDMA, and use CDMA as an underlying channel access method. One of the concepts in data communication is the idea of allowing several transmitters to send information simultaneously over a single communication channel. This allows several users to share a band of frequencies (see bandwidth). This concept is called multiple access. CDMA employs spread-spectrum technology and a special coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a code) to allow multiple users to be multiplexed over the same physical channel. By contrast, time division multiple access (TDMA) divides access by time, while frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) divides it by frequency. CDMA is a form of spread-spectrum signalling, since the modulated coded signal has a much higher data bandwidth than the data being communicated. Steps in CDMA Modulation Each user in a CDMA system uses a different code to modulate their signal. Choosing the codes used to modulate the signal is very important in the performance of CDMA systems. The best performance will occur when there is good separation between the signal of a desired user and the signals of other users. The separation of the signals is made by correlating the received signal with the locally generated code of the desired user. If the signal matches the desired user's code then the correlation function will be high and the system can extract that signal. If the desired user's code has nothing in common with the signal the correlation should be as close to zero as


机械设计理论 机械设计是一门通过设计新产品或者改进老产品来满足人类需求的应用技术科学。它涉及工程技术的各个领域,主要研究产品的尺寸、形状和详细结构的基本构思,还要研究产品在制造、销售和使用等方面的问题。 进行各种机械设计工作的人员通常被称为设计人员或者机械设计工程师。机械设计是一项创造性的工作。设计工程师不仅在工作上要有创造性,还必须在机械制图、运动学、工程材料、材料力学和机械制造工艺学等方面具有深厚的基础知识。如前所诉,机械设计的目的是生产能够满足人类需求的产品。发明、发现和科技知识本身并不一定能给人类带来好处,只有当它们被应用在产品上才能产生效益。因而,应该认识到在一个特定的产品进行设计之前,必须先确定人们是否需要这种产品。 应当把机械设计看成是机械设计人员运用创造性的才能进行产品设计、系统分析和制定产品的制造工艺学的一个良机。掌握工程基础知识要比熟记一些数据和公式更为重要。仅仅使用数据和公式是不足以在一个好的设计中做出所需的全部决定的。另一方面,应该认真精确的进行所有运算。例如,即使将一个小数点的位置放错,也会使正确的设计变成错误的。 一个好的设计人员应该勇于提出新的想法,而且愿意承担一定的风险,当新的方法不适用时,就使用原来的方法。因此,设计人员必须要有耐心,因为所花费的时间和努力并不能保证带来成功。一个全新的设计,要求屏弃许多陈旧的,为人们所熟知的方法。由于许多人墨守成规,这样做并不是一件容易的事。一位机械设计师应该不断地探索改进现有的产品的方法,在此过程中应该认真选择原有的、经过验证的设计原理,将其与未经过验证的新观念结合起来。 新设计本身会有许多缺陷和未能预料的问题发生,只有当这些缺陷和问题被解决之后,才能体现出新产品的优越性。因此,一个性能优越的产品诞生的同时,也伴随着较高的风险。应该强调的是,如果设计本身不要求采用全新的方法,就没有必要仅仅为了变革的目的而采用新方法。 在设计的初始阶段,应该允许设计人员充分发挥创造性,不受各种约束。即使产生了许多不切实际的想法,也会在设计的早期,即绘制图纸之前被改正掉。只有这样,才不致于堵塞创新的思路。通常,要提出几套设计方案,然后加以比较。很有可能在最后选定的方案中,采用了某些未被接受的方案中的一些想法。


农村社会养老保险的现状、问题与对策研究社会保障对国家安定和经济发展具有重要作用,“城乡二元经济”现象日益凸现,农村社会保障问题客观上成为社会保障体系中极为重要的部分。建立和完善农村社会保障制度关系到农村乃至整个社会的经济发展,并且对我国和谐社会的构建至关重要。我国农村社会保障制度尚不完善,因此有必要加强对农村独立社会保障制度的构建,尤其对农村养老制度的改革,建立健全我国社会保障体系。从户籍制度上看,我国居民养老问题可分为城市居民养老和农村居民养老两部分。对于城市居民我国政府已有比较充足的政策与资金投人,使他们在物质和精神方面都能得到较好地照顾,基本实现了社会化养老。而农村居民的养老问题却日益突出,成为摆在我国政府面前的一个紧迫而又棘手的问题。 一、我国农村社会养老保险的现状 关于农村养老,许多地区还没有建立农村社会养老体系,已建立的地区也存在很多缺陷,运行中出现了很多问题,所以完善农村社会养老保险体系的必要性与紧迫性日益体现出来。 (一)人口老龄化加快 随着城市化步伐的加快和农村劳动力的输出,越来越多的农村青壮年人口进入城市,年龄结构出现“两头大,中间小”的局面。中国农村进入老龄社会的步伐日渐加快。第五次人口普查显示:中国65岁以上的人中农村为5938万,占老龄总人口的67.4%.在这种严峻的现实面前,农村社会养老保险的徘徊显得极其不协调。 (二)农村社会养老保险覆盖面太小 中国拥有世界上数量最多的老年人口,且大多在农村。据统计,未纳入社会保障的农村人口还很多,截止2000年底,全国7400多万农村居民参加了保险,占全部农村居民的11.18%,占成年农村居民的11.59%.另外,据国家统计局统计,我国进城务工者已从改革开放之初的不到200万人增加到2003年的1.14亿人。而基本方案中没有体现出对留在农村的农民和进城务工的农民给予区别对待。进城务工的农民既没被纳入到农村养老保险体系中,也没被纳入到城市养老保险体系中,处于法律保护的空白地带。所以很有必要考虑这个特殊群体的养老保险问题。


软件专业毕业论文外文文献中英文翻译 Object landscapes and lifetimes Tech nically, OOP is just about abstract data typing, in herita nee, and polymorphism, but other issues can be at least as importa nt. The rema in der of this sect ion will cover these issues. One of the most importa nt factors is the way objects are created and destroyed. Where is the data for an object and how is the lifetime of the object con trolled? There are differe nt philosophies at work here. C++ takes the approach that con trol of efficie ncy is the most importa nt issue, so it gives the programmer a choice. For maximum run-time speed, the storage and lifetime can be determined while the program is being written, by placing the objects on the stack (these are sometimes called automatic or scoped variables) or in the static storage area. This places a priority on the speed of storage allocatio n and release, and con trol of these can be very valuable in some situati ons. However, you sacrifice flexibility because you must know the exact qua ntity, lifetime, and type of objects while you're writing the program. If you are trying to solve a more general problem such as computer-aided desig n, warehouse man ageme nt, or air-traffic con trol, this is too restrictive. The sec ond approach is to create objects dyn amically in a pool of memory called the heap. In this approach, you don't know un til run-time how many objects you n eed, what their lifetime is, or what their exact type is. Those are determined at the spur of the moment while the program is runnin g. If you n eed a new object, you simply make it on the heap at the point that you n eed it. Because the storage is man aged dyn amically, at run-time, the amount of time required to allocate storage on the heap is sig ni fica ntly Ion ger tha n the time to create storage on the stack. (Creat ing storage on the stack is ofte n a si ngle assembly in structio n to move the stack poin ter dow n, and ano ther to move it back up.) The dyn amic approach makes the gen erally logical assumpti on that objects tend to be complicated, so the extra overhead of finding storage and releas ing that storage will not have an importa nt impact on the creati on of an object .In additi on, the greater flexibility is esse ntial to solve the gen eral program ming problem. Java uses the sec ond approach, exclusive". Every time you want to create an object, you use the new keyword to build a dyn amic in sta nee of that object. There's ano ther issue, however, and that's the lifetime of an object. With Ian guages that allow objects to be created on the stack, the compiler determines how long the object lasts and can automatically destroy it. However, if you create it on the heap the compiler has no kno wledge of its lifetime. In a Ianguage like C++, you must determine programmatically when to destroy the


GSM移动通信系统综述 GSM的历史 在十九世纪八十年代,蜂窝电话系统在欧洲迅速发展起来,特别是在斯堪的纳维亚和联合国,还有法国和德国。每个国家发展自己的系统,在设备和运营方面和别的其他国家不相同。这是一个不受欢迎的情况,因为移动设备不仅受国界的限制,(这在统一的欧洲变的越来越不重要),而且还受每种设备类型的市场限制,以至于如此的经济规模和储蓄不能被实现。 欧洲首先认识到这种情况,在1982年欧洲邮电行政大会成立了一个欧洲移动特别小组,简称GSM,形成这个小组为了研究和发展欧洲的移动陆地通信系统,所提出的这个系统必须遵循以下几个标准; ●好的话音质量。 ●低的终端服务成本。 ●支持国际漫游。 ●支持手持终端。 ●支持新的服务和设备。 ●高效的光谱。 ●ISDN兼容性。 在1989年,GSM的责任是被欧洲电讯学会标准所接受。GSM规范的第一阶段于1990年被公布,商业服务在1991年被推行,到1993年,在22个国家有36个GSM网络。虽然标准定型在欧洲,但GSM不只是欧洲的标准,超过200个GSM 网络(包括DCS1800和PCS1900)在世界上110个国家运营。。在1994年初,世界上有1.3百万个用户,到1997年10月已经超过了55百万个用户。北美洲进入GSM领域比较晚,而且随之有一个GSM派生物叫PCS1900,GSM在每个大陆存在,而缩写词GSM代表了全球移动通信系统。 GSM 的发展选择了一个(在时间上)被分割的数字系统,相反的是,像美洲的AMPS和联合国TACS 一样标准的模拟的细胞系统。他们相信那个处于压缩状态的算法和数字信号处理器的进展,允许实现原来的标准和在连续不断改进的系统方面的质量和费用。超过八千页的GSM系统介绍尽量允许给中间供给者以灵活


外文翻译 英文原文 Belt Conveying Systems Development of driving system Among the methods of material conveying employed,belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost.Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 3 drives of 750 kW for one belt(this is the case for the conveyor drives in Chengzhuang Mine).The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’ performance.An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits.For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important consideratio ns in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems cov ering a wide range of power are available for customers’ choices[1]. 1 Analysis on conveyor drive technologies 1.1 Direct drives Full-voltage starters.With a full-voltage starter design,the conveyor head shaft is direct-coupled to the motor through the gear drive.Direct full-voltage starters are adequate for relatively low-power, simple-profile conveyors.With direct fu11-voltage starters.no control is provided for various conveyor loads and.depending on the ratio between fu11- and no-1oad power requirements,empty starting times can be three or four times faster than full load.The maintenance-free starting system is simple,low-cost and very reliable.However, they cannot control starting torque and maximum stall torque;therefore.they are

毕业论文 外文翻译#(精选.)

毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 题目:中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素 系部名称:经济管理系专业班级:会计082班 学生姓名:任民学号: 200880444228 指导教师:冯银波教师职称:讲师 年月日

译文: 中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素 国际商业管理杂志 2009.10 摘要:本文把重点集中于中国上市公司的融资活动,运用西方融资理论,从非制度性因素方面,如融资成本、企业资产类型和质量、盈利能力、行业因素、股权结构因素、财务管理水平和社会文化,分析了中国上市公司倾向于股权融资的原因,并得出结论,股权融资偏好是上市公司根据中国融资环境的一种合理的选择。最后,针对公司的股权融资偏好提出了一些简明的建议。 关键词:股权融资,非制度性因素,融资成本 一、前言 中国上市公司偏好于股权融资,根据中国证券报的数据显示,1997年上市公司在资本市场的融资金额为95.87亿美元,其中股票融资的比例是72.5%,,在1998年和1999年比例分别为72.6%和72.3%,另一方面,债券融资的比例分别是17.8%,24.9%和25.1%。在这三年,股票融资的比例,在比中国发达的资本市场中却在下跌。以美国为例,当美国企业需要的资金在资本市场上,于股权融资相比他们宁愿选择债券融资。统计数据显示,从1970年到1985年,美日企业债券融资占了境外融资的91.7%,比股权融资高很多。阎达五等发现,大约中国3/4的上市公司偏好于股权融资。许多研究的学者认为,上市公司按以下顺序进行外部融资:第一个是股票基金,第二个是可转换债券,三是短期债务,最后一个是长期负债。许多研究人员通常分析我国上市公司偏好股权是由于我们国家的经济改革所带来的制度性因素。他们认为,上市公司的融资活动违背了西方古典融资理论只是因为那些制度性原因。例如,优序融资理论认为,当企业需要资金时,他们首先应该转向内部资金(折旧和留存收益),然后再进行债权融资,最后的选择是股票融资。在这篇文章中,笔者认为,这是因为具体的金融环境激活了企业的这种偏好,并结合了非制度性因素和西方金融理论,尝试解释股权融资偏好的原因。


本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译 院(系部)电气工程与自动化 专业名称电子信息工程 年级班级 04级7班 学生姓名 指导老师

Infrared Remote Control System Abstract Red outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique,drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos etc.characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage.Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application. The purpose that design this system is transmit cu stomer’s operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplish

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