当前位置:文档之家› 上海市2018年初三虹口一模试卷(含答案)






1. 欲把西湖比西子,。(《饮湖上初晴后雨》)

2. ,身世浮沉雨打萍。(《过零丁洋》)

3. 草枯鹰眼疾,。(《观猎》)

4. ,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。(《小石潭记》)







6. 下列对文中加黑体词理解不恰当的一项是()。(2分)

A. 觅:寻找




7. 词中划线句表达了作者的情感。(2分)






8. 选文的作者是()(朝代)()(人名)(2分)

9. 用现代汉语翻译文中画线句。(3分)


10. 第③段作者将与对比,进而对黄生提出的希望。(4分)



11. 解释下列句中加点词。(4分)


12. 对画线句意思理解最恰当的一项是()。(3分)


A. 先用一尊铜佛放桌子上,旁边盘子里盛着药丸。

B. 先把一尊铜佛放桌子上,旁边盘子里盛着药丸。

C. 先用一尊铜佛放桌子上,旁边盘子里藏着药丸。

D. 先在桌子上放一尊铜佛,旁边盘子里藏着药丸。

13. “举国信之”的原因是(用自己的话概括)。(3分)

14. 这则故事带给我们的启示是

。(2 分)










一一雪线,在这条线之外形成的星子能够积累星际尘埃中的水分子,并凝结成冰。在小行星带生成的彗星都在这条线之外。这些彗星受到外国木星强大力场的影响, 开始在太阳系游荡, 一旦来到地球轨道附近就会被地球捕获, 这样带来了大量的水。由此这些彗星就成为影响地球水形成的主要因素了。

⑤也有科学家认为地球上的水是太阳风的杰作。首先提出这种观点的科学家托维利,他认为太阳风到达地球大气圈上层, 带来大量原子核, 这些原子核与地球大气圈中的电子结合成氢原子、碳原子、氧原子等。再通过不同的化学反应变成水分子。这种通过太阳风形成的“宇宙水”以雨、雪的形式形式降落到地球上, 成为地球上水的来源之一。据估计, 在地球大气的高层, 每年几乎产生了 1.5 吨这种“宇宙水” , 在地球45亿年的历史中, 形成67.5 亿吨。然而与先今地球表面的水贮量 1.3860x10 3 亿吨相比依然是九牛一毛。

⑥我们了解了这些水从哪里来的, 那么为何这些水到了地球就能以液态的形式存在呢?其关键在于星球表面的温度。在地球上, 温度通常在0-100 摄氏度之间。有的星球如金星, 表面温度达到400 多摄氏度, 远远超过了水的沸点, 所以没有液态;有的星球如火星, 表面温度达到零下四五十摄氏度, 低于水的冰点, 即使有水也冰冻了, 所以不会有很多液态水。

(选自《科普时报》, 有删改)5. 第四段中加点字“这条线”具体是指

。(2 分)

16. 第五段运用了、说明方法, 其作用是

(5 分)

17. 根据选文内容, 概括水的来源。(6 分)




18. 文章第二段和第三段能否调换?说明理由。(4 分)


19. 以下内容符合文意的一项是()(3 分)

A. 太阳系的行星、卫星、彗星和星际尘埃物质都有水。

B. 彗星将尘埃中的水分子凝结成冰, 成为地球水的主要来源。

C. 在地球大气的高层,每年产生1.5吨太阳风形成的“宇宙水”

D. 在宇宙中地球像一个水球,但并不是唯一有液态水的星球。

(二)阅读下文, 完成20-24 题(20 分)后院里的秘密熊荟蓉










l d ng j i 一片,搁脚的地方都没有。







20. 根据拼音写汉字(2分)

l d ng j )

21. 根据文章内容划分段落并概括段意。(6 分)


(2)第二部分: 第()段到第11 段:


22. 赏析文中第④段画线句的语言。(4 分)

23. 简析⑨、⑩两段在文中的作用。(5分)

4. 下列分析符合文意的一项是()。(3 分)

A. 玉柱伯没有选有才叔是因为他做事形式大于内容。

B. 三根叔当选完全是因为他家的茅室修得比别人好。

C. 玉柱伯关注每家后院是因为那里藏着人们的秘密。

D. 人们用贵宾般的礼仪迎接玉柱伯是因为都爱戴他。

三、综合运用(10 分)

阅读下列材料, 完成25-26 题(10 分)

阿尔法围棋(AlphaGo)是由谷歌旗下DeepMind公司的戴密斯?哈萨比斯领衔开发。其特征是大数据、大计算、大决策三位一体。其原理是用“策略网络”选择下一步棋的走法, 用“价值网络”预测每一步棋后的赢家,从而让它能得到更高效的训练和评估。经过40 天的自我训练, Alphal 击败了世界排名第一的棋手柯洁。它的智慧正在接近人类。未来, Al phaGo 将进入医疗领域,利用人工智能技术攻克现代医学中存在的种种难题, 从而推动社会变革,改变人类命运。

25. 上述材料从()、()、()、()等几个方面介绍了阿尔法围棋( AlphaGo)。(4 分)

26. 我们的时代是创造奇迹的时代,创造奇迹需要富于幻想,而幻想是青少年的天性。那么请你为100 年后的书包做设计,用80字左右的文字加以简要介绍。(6 分)

四、写作(60 分

27. 题目:爱在我身边

?9答褰2018. 1







?. C(2 分)


9我到他螺去flh轮不個纷歎回倉以后铁在参中逼出现向他備书的债形?(3分?型鸟巴*4U卜充主ilh少-个E】分,?归-■龙?■锋错扣1分;状话JB■没街体现出束和D分仝W找的{萍⑴到痕氏〉与黄空的判c (眉俱戮>咸老“P上公忙与吟|£氐2咅书-(2 分)H书豪吿心.还4?奥快(2分)


12. B (4?


*?学舍运用终兄会祓摘字不能长久? 1B狎问



16 ?列效字?作比较(各1分)具体Jtt确突出(强调)(1分)说期了左阳风形成的水少(2 分人

17 '各2分)iS球*身乃至地球外用就得足有水存在的



1&文章痢②股月的是地球本身有水存曲.是-个内KBS)(1分).血文卓第③段幵始写外品曙来水,"分)曼一个由内到外的逻■顺产Cl ^th L水阳娱的所脊物质都古有水-是地球水形成的前檯和基砒h同时■第③段与第④段累密相接.说明地郝長“曾星被地那補茯帶果夫量水^同一内客.所以不可分割.(1分)


20. (2 分)

2】?①心玉柱伯回到刘索将《或回寂乡诚回村)窘处村书记(货直)并选圾新书记.(壬比伯回乡査处*? I分$ OF书记1分》◎?玉柱伯特慧走访每家的后険.

2Z⑴运用了环境描耳(1分)?描写了清展村庄的美朋胡气(2分〉.烘托出人们的孩晓WWZft (1 分)?

⑵坯用了皿人的修獅手法仃分八形象生动地耳岀了構晨村庄的莞朋胡代(2分〉*?/人们的irtftiwftzfli(1 分).

⑶用?…抹朗IT细烟捕以处-“白增红“遥相呼应-尊诃擅缩了不同色彩(1分)农现了溝晨村庄鞘生机和藁励〈2分〉.拱托出人们的喜傥期盼之情()(1分). "

23. 制⑨股和囂?円补充交代了三幔叔的文化背最和他索茅宣的与众不间(2分文化誉量]分「菲室与众不同[分))?农现了三根取的清髙.注恵细节、育生活格调与★施力(品賠答出2点62分).为下文三權叔被选拔为新书记埋伏笔(I分).

24. A

25. itit团队(仮计青人特乐燥纵 &细?发矗方向"分答出I点律i分)蛆可从名称.面料、色彩■駅试、功用、特征?原理轉方面进行介徹



2018年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 考生注意 本卷有7大题,共94小题 2.试卷满分150分。考试时间100分钟。 全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。 Part I Listening(第一部分听力) 1. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1、________ 2、_________ 3、__________ 4、__________ 5、__________ 6、__________ 上海市教育考试院保留版权 初中学业考试(2018)英语试卷第1页(共10页)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A)Apple. B)Banana. C) Orange . D)Pear. 8.A)At8:45. B)At 9:00. C)At9:15. D)At 9:30. 9. A)By bus. B)By bike. C) By car. D)By underground. 10. A)Rainy. B) Cloudy. C)Sunny. D )Windy. 11. A)Visit his uncle. B)Visit his classmates. C) Go to London. D) Go to a language camp. 12. A)In a store. B)At home. C) At the cinema. D)In a restaurant. 13.A) Husband and wife. B) Doctor and patient. C)Shop assistant and customer. D)Teacher and student. 14. A) Talk to Lucy. B)Go to the supermarket. C) Eat more. D)Lose some weight. C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false TF 列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. Mary has just become a college student. 16. Simon doesn’t enjoy classroom discussions. 17. Mary has nothing interesting to do after class. 18. Simon will volunteer for an international exhibition in Shanghai. 19. Mary and Simon will go to Shanghai together in five months. 20. Simon gives Mary some suggestions about how to choose a job in China. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分) 21. Kitty wanted to plant a _____ ______with beautiful flowers for Mum's birthday. 22. Dad found that the flowers were _______ ______. They were plastic. 23. Dad went to Mr. White _______ _______some flower seeds. 24. Kitty and Dad worked for _______ ______ before Mum came back. 25. After Mum heard the ________ ________ she was moved to tears. 初中学业考试(2018)英语试卷第2页(共10页)


宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 It may be hard to believe that many people eat insects (昆虫)and bugs(虫子). Insects are now very common in all of their processed food(加工食品). Imagine sitting down at the dinner table and b___86____ served a bowl of worms(软体虫). It’s eno ugh to make most Westerners stomachs t____87____. But in other countries the same meal makes people’s mouths water. Eating bugs has been around for thousands of years in some countries . Today it’s estimated(估计)that more than half of the people of the world eat different kinds of bugs. Not only do these insects taste g__88___, but also they are a cheap and nutritious food source. In the US, some people eat bugs for quite a different reason to show their courage. In television shows l____89_____ Survivor, contestants(参赛者)eat beetles (甲壳虫)and spiders(蜘蛛), and viewers watch the shows at home, feeling shocked and disgusted(恶心的). But many of the viewers don’t realize that they may have done the same thing but just don’t know it! Many American people don’t p____90_____ eat bugs, but in the future they may. There are fewer and fewer natural r___91____ and the population is getting larger and larger. Experts say that insects will be raised as an alternative (可供选择的)form of protein(蛋白质). If more people did their part to eat bugs and broaden their diets and did not just go out and eat chicken, beef and pork, the planet would be better off (境况改善) today. Western children are not as n___92____ about bugs as their parents, because they often visit science museums and zoos, and at school they are learning more about the environment and bugs. 长宁区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 “Just sign here, sir,” the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package. The package consisted of a long, narrow box, c___86___ wrapped(包装) in brown paper. Opening the box, Oscar saw an umbrella inside –a very old one with a beautifully carved handle. A___87___ he had not seen it for more than 20 years, he recognized it immediately. Oscar was 16 when he first saw the u___88___ umbrella. He had gone to a concert with his grandparents, as they were leaving, he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat. Impressed by its beauty, Oscar felt a strong desire to find its o___89___. With the manager’s help, Oscar found it belonged to Mrs. Katie O’Brien. Oscar and his grandp arents went to Mrs. O’Brien’s house on their way home. When he rang the bell, the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared. “May I help you?” she asked. “I’d like to r___90___ it if it’s yours,” Oscar said, holding out the umbrella as if presenting a gift that had long been wished for. “Why, yes! It’s mine,” replied Mrs. O’Brien with a wide smile and shining eyes. “It was given to me by my father years ago. Thank you so much ! May I offer you a reward f___91___ your kindness?” “No, ma’am,” he said, “My grandmother says a good deed is its own reward.” Years later, Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs. O’Brien. It was in perfect condition, considering how old it was. Why had it a___92___ here today?


2014年杭州拱墅区中考一模数学试卷 考生须知: 本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分.满分120分,考试时间100分钟. 答题时,不能使用计算器,在答题卷指定位置内写明校名,姓名和班级,填涂考生号. 所有答案都做在答题卡标定的位置上,请务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应. 参考公式:抛物线2 (0)y ax bx c a =++≠的顶点坐标(-a b 2,a b ac 442-) 一.仔细选一选 (本题有10个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的,请把正确选项前的字母在答题卡中相应的方框内涂黑.注意可以用多种不同的方法来选取正确答案. 1.下列几何体中,主视图相同的是( ) A .②④ B .②③ C .①② D .①④ 2.下列计算正确的是( ) A .a 3+a 2=a 5 B .(3a -b )2=9a 2-b 2 C .b a a b a 3 26=÷ D .(-ab 3)2=a 2b 6 3.如图,已知BD ∥AC ,∠1=65°,∠A =40°,则∠2的大小是( ) A .40° B .50° C .75° D .95° 4.已知两圆的圆心距d =3,它们的半径分别是一元二次方程x 2-5x +4=0的两个根,这两圆的位置关系是( ) A. 外切 B. 内切 C. 外离 D. 相交 5. 用1张边长为a 的正方形纸片,4张边长分别为a 、b (b >a )的矩形纸片,4张边长为b 的正方形纸片,正好拼成一个大正方形(按原纸张进行无空隙、无重叠拼接),则拼成的大正方形边长为( ) A .a +b +2 ab B .2a +b C .2244b ab a ++ D .a +2b 6.下列说法正确的是( ) A .中位数就是一组数据中最中间的一个数


2018届初三英语一模试卷(上海市金山区附答案) Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分) 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7. A) Apple. B) Chocolate. C) Chocolate cake. D) Apple pie. 8. A) Go shopping. B) Watch TV. C) See a film. D) Have a picnic. 9. A) 8:00. B) 8:15. C) 8:20. D) 10:30. 10. A) In a meeting room. B) In a reading room. . C) In a booking office. D) In a police office. 11. A) By going on a diet. B) By eating fruit .

C) By having fewer meals. D) By running regularly. 12. A) Doctor and patient. B) Mother and son. C) Husband and wife. D) Teacher and student. 13. A) Because she’ll work. B) Because she’ll have a meeting. C) Because she doesn’t want to. D) Because she doesn’t feel well. 14. A) He was warned not to be late for work. B) He was asked to work longer hours. C) He lost his job because he was very lazy. D) He was praised for his services. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断 下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 15. The rilm Born in China was about pandas, Rhinopithecus (金 丝猴)and snow leopards(雪豹). 16. Snow leopards weigh about 15 to 80 kilograms when they grow up. 17. Their grey fur with black spots helps them hide among forests


2018年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 数学试卷 考生注意: 1.本试卷共25题. 2.试卷满分150分,考试时间100分钟. 3.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效. 4.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特殊说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步骤. 一、选择题(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1. ) A. 4 B.3 C. 2.下列对一元二次方程2 30x x +-=根的情况的判断,正确的是( ) A.有两个不相等的实数根 B.有两个相等的实数根 C.有且只一个实数根 D.没有实数根 3.下列对二次函数2y x x =-的图像的描述,正确的是( ) A.开口向下 B.对称轴是y 轴 C.经过原点 D.在对称轴右侧部分是下降的 4.据统计,某住宅楼30户居民五月份最后一周每天实行垃圾分类的户数依次是:27,30,29,25,26,28,29.那么这组数据的中位数和众数分别是( ) A.25和30 B.25和29 C.28和30 D.28和29 A.A B ∠=∠ B. A C ∠=∠ C. AC BD = D. AB BC ⊥ 6.如图1,已知30POQ ∠=?,点A 、B 在射线OQ 上(点A 在点O 、B 之间),半径长为2的A 与直线OP 相切,半径长为3的 B 与A 相交,那么OB 的取值范围是( ) A. 59OB << B. 49OB << C. 37OB << D. 2 二、填空题(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7. -8的立方根是 . 8. 计算:2 2 (1)a a +-= . 9.方程组20 2x y x y -=??+=? 的解是 . 10.某商品原价为a 元,如果按原价的八折销售,那么售价是 元(用含字母a 的 代数式表示).


2014年中考数学一模试卷 一、选择题 1.方程(x+1)(x ﹣2)=x+1的解是( ) A . 2 B . 3 C . ﹣1,2 D . ﹣1,3 2.∠A 是锐角,且sinA=cosA ,则∠A 的度数是( ) A . 30° B . 45° C . 60° D . 75° 3.若两个相似三角形的面积之比为1:4,则它们的周长之比为( ) A . 1:2 B . 1:4 C . 1:5 D . 1:16 4.一个矩形的面积是6,则这个矩形的一组邻边长x 与y 的函数关系的图象大致是( ) A . B . C . D . 5.如图,AB 为⊙O 的直径,点C 在⊙O 上.若∠C=16°,则∠BOC 的度数是( ) A . 74° B . 48° C . 32° D . 16° 6.如图,将一个可以自由旋转的转盘等分成甲、乙、丙、丁四个扇形区域,若指针固定不变,转动这个转盘一次(如果指针指在等分线上,那么重新转动,直至指针指在某个扇形区域内为止),则指针指在甲区域内的概率是( ) A . 1 B . C . D . 7.如图,已知矩形ABCD 中,R 、P 分别是DC 、BC 上的点,E 、F 分别是AP 、RP 的中点,当P 在BC 上从B 向C 移动而R 不动时,那么下列结论成立的是( ) A . 线段EF 的长逐渐增大 B . 线段EF 的长逐渐减小 C . 线段EF 的长不改变 D . 线段EF 的长不能确定 8.一圆锥的侧面展开图是半径为2的半圆,则该圆锥的全面积是( )

A.5πB.4πC.3πD.2π 9.某经济开发区,今年一月份工业产值达50亿元,第一季度总产值为175亿元,二月、三月平均每月的增长率是多少若设平均每月的增长率为x,根据题意,可列方程为()A.50(1+x)2=175 B.50+50(1+x)+50(1+x)2=175 C.50(1+x)+50(1+x)2=175 D.50+50(1+x)2=175 10.如图,直径为10的⊙A经过点C(0,5)和点O(0,0),B是y轴右侧⊙A优弧上一点,则∠OBC的余弦值为() A.B.C.D. 二、填空题 11.已知反比例函数解析式的图象经过(1,﹣2),则k=_________. 12.某公司4月份的利润为160万元,要使6月份的利润达到250万元,则平均每月增长的百分率是_________. 13.如图是引拉线固定电线杆的示意图.已知:CD⊥AB,CD=m,∠CAD=∠CBD=60°,则拉线AC的长是_________m. 14.如图,扇子(阴影部分)的圆心角为x°,余下扇形的圆心角为y°,x与y的比通常按黄金比来设计,这样的扇子外形较美观,若黄金比为0.6,则x为_________. 15.△ABC的顶点都在方格纸的格点上,则sinA=_________.


第 份2018届中考模拟试卷讲义 黄浦区二模 年月日

黄浦区2017学年度第二学期初三年级学业质量调研 英语学科试卷 2018年4月 (满分150分,考试时间:100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分) 1.Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分) 1________2_________3.____________4.__________5.__________6___________ B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hea r(根据你听的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7. A) 10:00 B)9:20. C)9:40. D)10:40 8. A)By underground. B)By bus . C)By taxi D).By bicycle 9.A)In a hotel B)In a library C)In a bookstore D)In a large room 10. .A) Stay for dinner B)wait for Helen C)Meet his parent D)Hurry home 11. A)Exciting B)Interesting. C) Frightening D)Disappointing. 12. A)Learning French B)Looking after his aunt C)Travelling around. D)Teaching a language 13. A)Teacher and student. B)Husband and wife C)Brother and sister. D) customer and shop assistant 14. A)Making cakes B)Ordering drinks C)Shopping online. D) Preparing fora party. C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“”表示):(6分) 15.Michelle began to love skating at the age of seven. 16.In fact,Michelle was too young to start learning skating 17.To pay for the professional training,her parents had to sell their house. 18.In 1992.Michelle won the game in the U.S Skating Contest. 19.Michelle became one of the best skaters in the word in 1996 20.In 1998,Michelle won first place in the Winter Olympics in Japan. D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空

上海市各区县中考英语一模试卷 首字母填空总汇

英语试卷首字母填空总汇 松江区 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分) An 8-year-old Miami boy, Joshua Williams, is president of his own non-profit organization---Joshua’s Save the World. His organization provides food and clothes for p 81 people and families in Miami and the neighboring areas. Joshua has r 82 thousands of dollars for his organization. He started to help the hungry when he was just 5. He was in his mother’s car when they passed a beggar. Joshua asked his mother to stop so that he could give him $20. “It’s my m 83 . I want to help him, Mum,” Joshua recalled. One year later, he created his organization with the help of his mother and Francine Hanna, a local businesswoman. “He just thought that was what he wanted to do,” his mother said. “And there was nothing that could s 84 him.” The organization now provides clothing, furniture and food for the poor people in America. At the same time, Joshua never misses a c 85 to encourage other people to follow what he did whether at church or on the streets. Earl Laird lost his job two years ago and hasn’t managed to get a n 86 one. Without money, he can’t pay for the flat and has to live on the street. He depends on food fr om Joshua’s Save the World. “Joshua is an angel (天使) from God,” he said. Joshua has won Miami’s “Do the Right Thing” award and the “Kids Who Care” competition, which awarded him a $1,000 note. Even though he has a 87 done plenty, he said that his mission (使命)to provide for the poor is far from finished. “I want to get a team together,” Joshua said. “I want my team to go out and give food to people who have a need for it. I want to spread love to countries in Africa.” 2.闸北区 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) The story behind the shopping cart Characters Sylvan Goldman – owner of a grocery shop Fred Young –Sylvan’s friend, a mechanic(机械师) One night in 1936, in an American city. Inside Fred’s workshop, Sylvan sits next to Fred, who is making adjustments(调试) to their new i 81 – a shopping cart. Sylvan: My customers don’t like our shopping cart. Fred: Really? So they p 82 shopping with those heavy baskets? Sylvan: (nods) I’ve got a huge crowd of customers every day, b 83 none of them wants to use the cart. Fred: I don’t understand. We invented the cart so that people don’t need to carry


2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 数学 注意事项: 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证 号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题 卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分第1-6题每题4分,第7-12题每题5分) 1.行列式的值为 2.双曲线 3. 的渐近线方程为______ 的二项展开式中的系数为(结果用数值表示) 4.设常数,函数= 5.已知复数满足 ,若的反函数的图像经过点,则,(是虚数单位),则 6.记等差数列的前项和为,若,则

2 2 + 2 的最大值为_____ 7.已知 上递减,则 8.在平面直角坐标系中,已知点 .若函数 为奇函数,且在 是 轴上的两个动点,且 ,则 最小值为 9.有编号互不相同的五个砝码,期中 5 克,3 克,1 克砝码各两个,从中随机挑选三个,则这三个 砝码的总质量为 9 克的概率为___________(结果用最简分数表示) 10.设等比数列 的通项公式为 ,前 项和为 ,若 ,则 ___________ 11.已知常数 若 ,函数 ,则= 的图像经过点 , 12.已知实数 x , x , y , y 满足: x 2 + y 2 = 1, x 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 x + y - 1 x + y - 1 1 1 2 2 2 + y 2 = 1, x x + y y = 1 2 1 2 1 2 ,则 二、选择题(本大题共有 4 题,满分 20 分,每题 5 分)每题有且只有一个正确选项. 考生应在答题纸的相应位置,将代表正确选项的小方格涂黑. 13.设 p 是椭圆 x 2 y 2 + = 1 上的动点,则 p 到该椭圆的两个焦点的距离之和为( ) 5 3 A. 2 2 B. 2 3 C. 2 5 D. 4 2 14.已知 a ∈ R ,则“ a > 1 ”是“ 1 < 1 ”的( a )


2014年初三统一练习暨毕业考试 英语试卷 听力理解(共26分) 一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1. A.B.C. 2. A.B.C. 3. A.B.C. 4. A.B. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或独白听两遍。(共 12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. How many people will come to the party?

A. Seven. B. Twelve. C. Twenty. 6. Whose birthday is it? A. Betty‘s. B. Mary‘s. C. Lily‘s. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. What‘s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Brother and sister. 8. Which city does the woman work in? A. New York. B. Brighton. C. London. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. What does Jimmy do to help young kids? A. He gives them money to buy bikes. B. He helps them fix up their old bikes. C. He fixes and offers them free old bikes. 10. What problem does Jimmy face now? A. His father stops him. B. He runs out of money. C. Nobody sells old bikes. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. How are the speakers talking? A. On the radio. B. Face to face. C. On the phone. 12. How much does the woman need to pay? A. $26. B. $31. C. $38. 13. What do we know about the woman? A. She likes blue. B. She is a good swimmer. C. She prefers shopping online. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14. What‘s the speaker mainly talking about? A. His travel programs. B. His difficulties in travel. C. His plans for the TV programs. 15. What does the speaker think of his job? A. Boring but lucky. B. Fun and relaxing.


2018年上海市普陀区中考英语一模试卷 一、Part 1 Listening(第一部分:听力)(共30分) 1.(6分)Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出最恰当的答案) 2.(1分)A.To the park. B.To the Bund. C.To the museum. D.To the library. 3.(1分)A.At 10:30. B.At 11:30. C.At 12:30. D.At 13:30. 4.(1分)A.coins. B.pens. C.Stamps. D.stones. 5.(1分)A.Teacher and students. B.Brother and sister. C.Mum and son. D.Customer and clerk. 6.(1分)A.By bike.

B.By bus. C.By underground. D.By car. 7.(1分)A.At a supermarket. B.At a restaurant. C.Write a library. D.At a cinema. 8.(1分)A.Write reports. B.Play computer games. C.Learn languages. D.Draw pictures. 9.(1分)A.Alice looks sad today. B.Alice's favourite subject is PE. C.John is poor at PE. D.John will take an easy test. 10.(6分)Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示) 15.Kitty started her first job to look after three little boys in a family. 16.After having too many late nights and early morning with the children,she felt very tired. 17.Kitty's friend Megan suggested that she should go to work for a better family 18.Kitty managed to get some training at a college and passed the test finally.19.Kitty likes her job because she thinks it's fun and easy to work with small children. 20.According to Kitty everyone could have his dream if he is not a top student at school. 11.(10分)Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词) 21.You can hear the voice of a or a popular actress giving instructions on a taxi.


1 上海市崇明区2019学年第一学期教学质量调研测试卷 九年级英语 (满分150分, 考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试卷均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按 照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)

7. A) By underground. B) By bus. C) By bike. D) By taxi. 8. A) 9:30. B) 9:10. C) 9:50. D) 9:20. 9. A) In a post office. B) In the hospital. C) In a restaurant. D) In a library. 10. A) Work on a maths problem. B) Hand in the exercise books. C) Help Rose decorate the classroom. D) Do homework together with Rose. 11. A) Manager and secretary. B) Teacher and student. C) Doctor and patient. D) Customer and waiter. 12. A) Sarah. B) Dick. C) Alice. D) May. 13. A) Because he went to bed too late. B) Because he didn’t sleep well. C) Because he played too many games. D) Because he worried about his exam. 14. A) The possible weather in Australia. B) How to pack a suitcase properly. C) Which clothes to wear in Australia. D) The necessary things during a trip. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. Glenda and Raphael got married two years after they first met. 16. The young couple knew Samantha was deaf (聋的) as soon as she was born. 17. Their neighbours learnt sign language in order to communicate with the girl. 18. No one taught the neighbours sign language, so they had to learn it on their own. 19. Samantha is too shy to greet her neighbours by using sign language. 20. From the story, we know that Samantha is lucky to have a warm neighbourhood. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词)(10分) 21. Da Vinci was a _________ _________ and inventor who once lived in Florence, Italy. 22. The museum is _________ _________ reproductions (复制品) of Leonardo’s inventions. 23. When Niccolai was a kid, the signs in museums told people not to _________ _________. 24. The Leonardo da Vinci Museum was opened _________ ________ ago. 2

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