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人事部翻译资格证书(CATTI)2004 年11 月英语二级《笔译实务》


Section 1: English-Chinese T ranslation (英译汉)(60 point )

Part A Compulsory T ranslation (必译题)(30 points)

Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in some cases thousands of years to build.

Many of the world's coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the world's highest seamounts - areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life - are also found in the deep ocean.

These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems.

Y et just as we are beginning to recognize the tremendous diversity of life in these areas, along with the potential benefits newly found species may hold for human society in the form of potential food products and new medicines, they are at risk of being lost forever. With enhanced ability both to identify where these species-rich areas are located and to trawl in deeper water than before, commercial fishing vessels are now beginning to reach down with nets the size of football fields, catching everything in their path while simultaneously crushing fragile corals and breaking up the delicate structure of reefs and seamounts that provide critical habitat to the countless species of fish and other marine life that inhabit the deep ocean floor.

Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited. If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits both to the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishing industry.

Part B Optional T ranslations (二选一题)(30 points )

Topic 1 (选题一)

Most of the world's victims of AIDS live - and, at an alarming rate, die - in Africa. The number of people living with AIDS in Africa was estimated at 26.6 million in late 2003. New figures to be published by the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS (UNAIDS ),the special UN agency set up to deal with the pandemic, will probably confirm its continued spread in Africa, but they will also show whether the rate of spread is constant, increasing or falling.

AIDS is most prevalent in Eastern and Southern Africa, with South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya having the greatest numbers of sufferers; other countries severely affected include Botswana and Zambia. AIDS was raging in Eastern Africa - where it was called "slim", after the appearance of victims wasting away - within a few years after its emergence was established in the eastern Congo basin; however, the conflicting theories about the origin of AIDS are highly controversial and politicized, and the controversy is far from being settled.

Measures being taken all over Africa include, first of all, campaigns of public awareness and device, including advice to remain faithful to one sexual partner and to use condoms. The latter advice is widely ignored or resisted owing to natural and cultural aversion to condoms and to Christian and Muslim teaching, which places emphasis instead on self-restraint.

An important part of anti- AIDS campaigns, whether organized by governments, nongovernmental organizations or both, is the extension of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT ).In addition, medical research has found a way to help sufferers, though not to cure them.

Funds for anti- AIDS efforts are provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities around the world; the fund was launched following a call by the UN

Secretary-General in 2001. However, much more is needed if the spread of the pandemic is to be at least halted.

Topic 2 (选题二)

As a leader of a least developed country, I speak from experience when I say that poverty is too complex a phenomenon, and the strategies for fighting it too diverse and dependent on local circumstances, for there is no single silver bullet in the war on poverty.

We have learned the hard way over the years. We have experimented with all kinds of ideas.

Y et a report recently released by the World Economic Forum shows that barely a third of what should have been done by now to ensure the world meets its goals to fight poverty, hunger and disease by 2015 is done. I am now convinced that the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations in 2000 can only be attained through a global compact, anchored in national policies that take into account local circumstances.

Aid and trade are both necessary, but they are not enough on their own. Neither is good governance enough in itself. Above all, nothing can move without the direct participation of local communities. I fear that we lecture too much. This is not the best way.

I will give an example of how such a compact worked in Tanzania to achieve universal basic schooling.

In the mid-1990s, almost all indicators for basic education were in free fall. The gross enrollment rate had fallen from 98 percent in the early 1980s to 77.6 percent in 2000. The net enrollment rate had likewise fallen, from over 80 percent to only 58.8 percent.

Then several things happened. We decided at the top political level that basic education would be a top priority, and adopted a five-year Primary Education Development Plan to achieve universal basic education by 2006 - nine years ahead of the global target.

Good governance produced more government revenues, which quadrupled over the last eight years. In 2001, we received debt relief under the World Bank's enhanced HIPC (heavily indebted poor countries )Initiative. Subsequently, more donors put aid money directly into our budget or into a pooled fund for the Primary Education Development Program (PEDP ).

The government's political will was evidenced by the fact that over the last five years the share of the national budget going to poverty reduction rose by 130 percent. We abolished school fees in primary schools.

Then we ensured that all PEDP projects are locally determined, planned, owned, implemented and evaluated. This gave the people pride and dignity in what they were doing. After only two years of implementing PEDP, tremendous successes have been achieved.

Section 2: Chinese- English T ranslation (汉译英)(40 point )

Part A Compulsory T ranslation (必译题)(20 points )



Part B Optional T ranslations (二选一题)(20 points )

Topic 1 (选题一)

中国目前已经建成 1.9 万公里公路。自1990 年以来,中国每年都要新增3700 公里公路。到2020 年公路网将连接中国所有重要城市。中国公路里程将仅次于美国,达到55000 公里。




Topic 2 (选题二)






Section 1: 英译汉(60 分)

Part A(必译题)(30 分)[ 参考译文]

前不久,科学家们对深海生物还知之甚少,也不太相信它们正受到威胁。现在,随着深海探测技术的发展,研究人员发现660 多英尺,即200 米深的海底生存着大量多种多样的物种。但与此同时,渔业人员也可以依靠技术到达以前更深的地方,进行海底拖网捕捞,而此种深海捕捞则可在几分钟内就把大自然几百年乃至几千年的一切毁灭。





Part B 二选一题(30 分)

选题一[ 参考译文]

世界上大多数艾滋病患者生活在非洲,并以惊人的速度大批死亡。据估计,2003 年底非洲的艾滋病患者达到2660 万人。联合国联合防治艾滋病计划署是联合国为对付艾滋病而设立的专门机构,该机构将要公布的最新数字可能证实艾滋病还在非洲继续蔓延,但同时也可以说明它蔓延的速度是维持不变,或在加快,还是在放慢。

艾滋病最猖獗的地区是非洲的东部和南部,在南非、津巴布韦和肯尼亚患者人数最多,疫情严重的国家还包括博茨瓦纳和赞比亚。1981 年艾滋病的出现在世界上得到确认,没过几年,这种病就在非洲东部流行起来--当地人管它叫"瘦病",因为患者的容貌是日渐消瘦。关于这种病毒的发源地,一种说法是发源于东刚果盆地;然而关于艾滋病来源的说法不一,很有争议,且带有浓厚的政治色彩;这场争论至今还远未结束。



"全球预防艾滋病、肺结核、疟疾基金会"是世界各国政府部门、市民社会、私人企业和患者群体的一个协作机构,是应联合国秘书长的号召,于2001 年发起成立的。这一机构为防治艾滋病的各项活动提供资金。然而,即便只是为了制止艾滋病的蔓延,这也是远远不够的。

选题二[ 参考译文]



然而,世界经济论坛不久前发表的一份报告称,全世界应在2015 年完成的战胜贫穷、饥饿和疟疾的目标,至今只勉强完成了应完成的三分之一。现在我确信,要实现联合国于2000 年确定的各项新前年发展目标,必须要有一项全球协议。该协议必须基于符合当地情况的国家政策。



二十世纪九十年代中期,基础教育几乎各项指标都大幅下滑。毛入学率从八十年代初的98% 下降到2000 年的77.6% 。净入学率也从80% 以上下降到只有58.8% 。

随后发生了几件事情。最高政治领导层决定将基础教育列为最优先发展的项目,并通过了"小学教育五年发展计划",规定于2006 年普及基础教育,比全球的规定目标提前九年。

善治使国库日渐充实,政府收入八年来翻了两番。2001 年,我们接受了世界银行为重债穷国进一步免除债务的安排。随后还有捐助者直接把钱划入我们的预算,或捐给小学教育发展计划设立的合作基金。

政府的政治决心从以下情况可以得到验证:五年来,国家预算中用于消除贫穷的部分增加了130% 。我们还取消了小学的学费。


Section 2: 汉译英(40 分)

Part A(必译题)(20 分)[ 参考译文]

In the new century, the international situation has continued to undergo profound and complicated changes. World multipolarization and economic globalization are progressing amid twists and turns. Science and technology are advancing with each passing day. We have before us both development opportunities that we must seize and grave challenges that we must deal with seriously. Despite the widespread conflicts and clashes of interests and increasing numbers of factors of uncertainty and instability in the world today, peace and development remain the overriding themes of the times. The world needs peace, countries desire development and people want cooperation. This has become an irresistible trend of history.

At present, Asia, on the whole, enjoys stability, with peace, development and cooperation becoming the mainstream of an advancing Asia. With concerted efforts, relevant Asian countries have freed themselves from the shadow of the financial crisis, overcome the impact of SARS and bird flu, succeeded in economic restructuring, quickened the tempo of industrial upgrading and transformation, promoted a robust regional cooperation, and increased the capacity to tide over potential risks. Asia has retained its position as one of the world's most dynamic regions and a key growth point in global trade. We are full of confidence in the future of Asia's development.

Part B 二选一题(30 分)

选题一[ 参考译文]

Up to now, China has built 19,000km of highways. Since 1990, some 3,700km of highways have been added each year. By 2020, highway networks will connect all major Chinese cities, and the total length of China's highways will be 55.000km, second only to that of the United States.

The impact of highway networks will be huge. Urban belts will emerge; people's lifestyles will change; and the economic growth rate of interchange cities will surge, as the convenient transportation facilities will attract more investors.

Many international developers share this view. Both the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank are lending heavily to support China's road expansion. They believe highway construction is vital for poverty alleviation. Since the late 1990s, the Asian Development Bank has reduced its road investment in China's economically developed eastern areas and shifted its focus to the relatively poor western region.

During its highway construction, China pays great attention to the building of feeder roads, as they can help smaller towns make full use of the development opportunities brought about by the construction of nearby trunk highways.

选题二[ 参考译文]

For a long time, Westerners have been skeptical about the efficacy of China's patent drugs made of medicinal herbs. In the past few years, traditional Chinese medicine has been subject to rigorous scientific scrutiny worldwide.

To prove and enhance the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, China's mainland (the mainland of China) has poured huge amounts of money into hard research on this field. While Hong Kong has been endeavoring to make itself the world leader in research on traditional Chinese medicine, Taiwan has put forward a plan to transform itself into a traditional Chinese medicine technology center.

Research into traditional cures is also blossoming at universities and other institutions outside Asia. These efforts to unlock the secrets of traditional remedies could produce benefits for sufferers of diseases that have confounded both Western and traditional Chinese medicines.

Although there are still differences between Western and traditional Chinese medicines in theory, some world-known pharmaceutical companies, taking interest in traditional Chinese medicine, have launched small research projects in China. A number of new medic ines have already undergone trials across Asia.


剑桥少儿英语二级考试真题 Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. ( 6x2’=12’ )Questions: 1.It looks like a horse but it is black and white. ______________ 2.Animals like tigers, monkeys and lions live in this. ______________ 3.It is the biggest animal in the world. ______________ 4.It is very long and people go to the other places by this. ______________ 5.This animal can give us milk to drink. ______________ 6.It can hop and has long ears and red eyes. _______________ I. Write the correct words. (10x1’ =10’ ) Example: big bigger biggest 1.good _________ __________ 2. happy _________ __________ 3.short _________ __________ 4. fat _________ __________ 5.hot _________ __________ II. Look and write down the correct words. (6x1’=6) puos wanchisd odlone ______________ ______________ ______________ aredb ziazp ergurb ______________ ______________ ______________ IV. Choose the correct answer. ( 5x2’=10’) 1.There are many clouds now. It’ s going to _____________. A. rains B. rain C. rainy D. raining 2.May has a fever. I’ll take her to the ______________. A. cinema B. school C. hospital D. park 3.Is your aunt your mother’ s sister?_____________________. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t C. Yes. He is. D. No, she is. 4.This hat isn’ t _____________. It’ s ________________. A. Kate’s; my. B. Kate; me. C. Kate; I. D. Kate’s; mine 5.Are you hungry now?._________ A. Yes, it is. B. I’m hungry. C. Yes, I am. V. Unscramble the sentences. ( 4x1’ =4’)


Doctoral degree 1,5501,2721,038 712626444Master’s degree Bachelor’s degree Some college,no degree High school diploma Less than high school degree 2012年12月大学英语四级真题(3) Part ⅠWriting (30minutes)注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上,请在答题卡1上作答。 Direction:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition entitled E ducation Pays based on the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings of 2010).Please write at least 120words but no more than 180words. Education:A Worthy Investment Weekly earnings in 2010($) Source:U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics Education Pays Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15minutes)Di rections:In this part,you will have 15minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet 1.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Suffering in silence Despite a law designed to protect them,many people with disabling conditions are unaware of their rights.Carole Concha-Bell tells of her experiences. Being diagnosed with a disabling condition is always a shock.Learning to live without the guarantee of health is like having to unlearn a previous life.The implications for your working life may seem intimidating. There is the disability Discrimination Act (DDA),of course.But does it really provide the


剑桥少儿英语二级下册各单元知识点汇总Unit1 Going to different places. 单词: jungle灌木丛forest森林plant植物island小岛field田野village小山村countryside村庄waterfall瀑布lake湖mountain大山hospital医院library图书馆cinema电影院bank银行 zoo动物园supermarket超市park公园city城市place地方nun修女India印度poor穷的 people人民surprise惊奇的homeless无家可归的 词组: take (lots of) pictures照相play in the park在公园玩climb the Great Wall爬长城go to the zoo去动物园ride the horse骑马buy some toys买玩具shop in the market在商场购物visit Tian’anmen参观天安门see a film看电影swim in the lake在湖里游泳that’s great 太棒了that’s right正确have a good time 玩的高兴have one’s holiday度假go swimming去游泳go shopping去购物go fishing去钓鱼 go riding去骑马go skating去滑冰go dancing去跳舞 句型: 1.Where are you going now? I'm going to the zoo. 2. Where would you like to go in the holiday then? I’d like to go to the countryside . 3. Where did you go on the holidays? 4. Did you go to Huang Mountain? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 5. What other places did you go to? I’m sur e you had a good time. 文章: Part3 Unit2What’s the weather like today ? 单词: weather天气rainy下雨的windy有风的snowy有雪的cloudy多云的sunny晴朗的enjoy喜欢soccer足球rainbow彩虹because因为beach海滩dark黑暗的light浅色sunset日落 bicycle自行车cousin(堂)表兄弟姐妹grandparent祖父母,外祖父母along沿着sweet甜的 cycling骑车兜风snack零食 词组: stay at home在家go to the park去公园visit the zoo参观动物园have a snowball fight打雪仗water the flowers浇花fall asleep睡着get off下车play with sand on the beach在沙滩上玩沙子 enjoy the beautiful weather享受好天气 句型: 1.What‘s the weather like today ? It‘s sunny. 2. I like sunny days because I can do many things outside . 3. I don’t like rainy days because it‘s wet outside . 4. What can you do when you cycle in the country ?


一、职称英语阅读理解文章(理工类)译文(参加理工A、B、C级考试需要掌握文章) (3) 第一篇福特放弃电动汽车 (3) Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles (3) 第二篇世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值 (4) World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict (5) 第三篇公民科学家 (5) Citizen Scientists (6) 第四篇汽车技术 (6) Motoring Technology (7) 第五篇深夜喝咖啡 (7) Late-night Drinking (8) 第六篇编制灯光 (8) Weaving with Light (9) 第七篇用糖为手机发电 (9) Sugar Power for Cell Phones (10) 第八篇引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔 (10) Eiffel Is an Eyeful (11) 第九篇埃及饱受饥饿折磨 (11) Egypt felled by famine (12) 第十篇年轻雌猩猩学习优于她们的弟兄 (12) Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers (13) 第十一篇申请个人域名的网上费用 (14) The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself (14) 第十二篇纳佛罗里达遭受冷气团袭击 (15) Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass (15) 第十三篇隐形环 (15) Invisibility Ring (16) 第十四篇日本用来监视醉酒司机的新型概念车 (17) Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers (17) 第十五篇肋生双翅机器人学飞行 (18) Winged Robot Learns to Fly (18) 第十六篇日本人的地心旅行 (19) Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth (19) 第十七篇地球防晒霜 (20) A Sunshade for the Planet (20) 第十八篇石油匮乏 (21) Thirst for Oil (21) 第十九篇延长人类寿命 (22) Prolonging Human Life (22) 第二十篇深海探索器 (23) Explorer of the Extreme Deep (23) 第二十一篇植物,沼气的又一来源 (24) Plant Gas (24) 第二十二篇雪花 (25)


2012年高考英语全国卷1完形填空翻译和精析2012年高考英语全国卷1完形填空为读者解释了肢体语言的重要性。这个经常被人们忽视却占据了人们表意的50%的强大语言会在不同文化之间交流时,给人们带来极大的帮助。提醒读者,在生活中要善于利用肢体语言,善于发现肢体语言的作用。 Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks 36 than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more 37 than we realize. In fact, non-verbal(非语言)communication takes up about 50% of what we really 38 . And body language is particularly 39 when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so 40 a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. 41 , different societies treat the 42 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having 43 contact(接触)even with friends, and certainly not with 44 . People from Latin American countries 45 touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in 46 , it may look like a Latino is 47 a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving 48 . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep 49 - which the Latino will in return regard as 50 . Clearly, a great deal is going on when people 51 . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from 52 cultures, there's a strong possibility of 53 . But whatever the situation, the best 54 is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be 55 . 2012年高考英语全国卷1完形填空翻译: 肢体语言是安静的,秘密的,也是所有语言中最强大的。它远远胜过说出的语言。专家指出,我们的身体发出的信息比我们所了解的更多。事实上,非语言交流占据了我们真正意思的50%。当我们试图跨文化交流时,肢体语言尤为重要。确实,所谓的肢体语言是我们如此大的一部分,而事实上它却经常被忽视。误解也就由此而来。例如,不同的社会对待人与人之间的距离就截然不同。北欧人通常不喜欢身体接触,即便是朋友,所以更不可能跟陌生人。另一方面,拉丁美洲的人身体接触却比较多。因此,在谈话中有可能时一个拉丁人跟着一个挪威人在房间里走动。为了表达友好的拉丁人会一直靠近。而挪威人有可能觉得这种行为非常粗鲁,所以他会一直后退,保持距离—拉丁人会认为这是一种冷漠。 诚然,当人们在交谈时很多事情都在发生。但是,只有很少一部分在语言本身当中。当交谈双方来自不同文化时,误解是极有可能发生的。但是,不管是什么样的情形,最好的建议是遵守这个黄金法则:像你希望被对待的那样对待别人。


剑桥少儿英语二级试题 I. Please read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line. (8x2'=16') rabbit , glass , mouse , bamboo , toothbrush , bathroom blackboard , rainbow , bedroom , leaves , flowers , whale 1. You use it to brush your teeth. ___________ 2. It’s afraid of cats. It likes eating all kinds of food. ___________ 3. It is a room. We sleep in it. ___________ 4. It’s in our classroom. We can write on it. ___________ 5. It is the biggest animal in the sea. ___________ 6. They grow on trees. They turn different colors in different seasons.___________ 7. It is the biggest animal in the sea. ___________ 8. You often drink water or juice with it. ___________ II. Change the following verbs into past form. (写出动词过去式) (9x1’=9’) 1. write _________ 2. make _________ 3. sit _________ 4. run _________ 5. do _________ 6. dance _________ 7. play _________ 8. take _________ 9. go _________ III. Look and read. Write yes or no. (5x2’=10) Questions: 1. The girl is reading and studying by the table. __________ 2. It is raining outside. __________ 3. There is a map on the wall above the bed. __________ 4. The girl’s mum is watching her playing the piano.__________ 5. The girl’s brother is in the room, too. __________ IV. Read, match and translate. ( 5x2’=10’)


Suffering in silence Despite a law designed to protect them, many people with disabling conditions are unaware of their rights. Carole Concha-Bell tells of her experiences. Being diagnosed v. 诊断;被诊断为(diagnose的过去分词)with a disabling condition is always a shock. Learning to live without the guarantee of health is like having to unlearn vt. 忘却;抛掉以前的想法;去掉…的弊习a previous life. The implications n. 蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意; 卷入for your working life may seem intimidating 吓人的、令人不安的. There is the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 残障歧视法, of course. But does it really provide the protection in the workplace that parliament n. 议会,国会intended v. 打算;准备? Are employers merely paying lip service to 口头上承认the DDA? Or are they even aware of an employer's legal duties and responsibilities义务与责任? In my experience, it is the latter. I have received little support from employers to whom I have revealed v. 透 露(reveal的过去式);显示my condition. This has often left me feeling at a disadvantage and wondering adj. 疑惑的;觉得奇怪的why I bothered doing so in the first place 首先,第一,原本. I had been struggling with illness long before 很早以前;在…以前很久I was diagnosed. In practical terms 实际上;在实践中the diagnosis did little to aid me有助于. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilize vt. 使…坚固;使…安定;装稳定器my symptoms. But it brought a new dilemma n. 困境;进退两难;两刀论法. Where I had previously struggled to work while ill, ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的of why my body was misbehaving vi. 作弊;行为不礼貌, I now had a name for my daily struggle: Lupus (狼疮). This is a chronic (慢性的) auto-immune 自身免疫的disorder that can affect virtually adv. 事实上,几乎;实质上any system in the body. It also leaves a huge, dark question hanging over my head when seeking employment: should I tell my employers I have a condition? It is a dilemma that continues to be a root cause of anxiety [??'za??t?] both for myself and for thousands of other UK employees. The rocky road 坎坷崎岖的路to my unfortunate enlightenment about work and disability began just after graduatio n n. 毕业;毕业典礼;when I'd set my sights on a career in communications and landed my dream job with a respected p ublic relations consultancy (咨询公司) in Bristol. But while I was learning the art of media relations, my body w asn't quite making it in health terms. I often went to work with swollen limbs n. [解剖] 四肢and fevers. At my first a nd last performance review 服务表现检讨;业绩评价, my boss was amazed that, despite my many capabilities, I hadn't quite taken control of my responsibilities. A few months later, my contract n. 合同;婚约wasn't renewed and I plunged 投入;跳 进;使陷入further into new depths of ill health. However, I was determined not to be beaten and returned to the interview trail. My next job was in publishing. But despite a shining adj. 光亮的;华丽的performance at the interview, I felt like a fraud n. 欺骗;骗子;诡计. How long would it be before I sank into ill health and depression n. 沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁again? The job was to end with a monumental adj. 不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的bang when I became so poorly I could no longer f unction n. 功能;[数] 函数;vi. 运行;活动;. A few feverish adj. 发热的;极度兴奋的weeks in bed ended in specialist appointment, where I was diagnosed with Lupus and rushed into hospital for fear that 生怕,唯恐;以免;以防万一it may have attacked my interna l adj. 内部的;内在的;国内的organs. The next 12 months were filled with confusion n. 混淆,混乱;困惑. I had no idea about benefits, felt alienated (被视为另类) by the medical establishment 医疗机构and lived off 靠……生活my savings until I was broke. I realized 意识I needed help from my family and moved to London. As soon as I felt better, I marched into a marketing recruitment n. 补充;征募新兵consultancy n. 咨询公司;顾问工作and, within 10 minutes, I had impressed the interviewer enough to be offered a job with the agency. We agreed on a decent adj. 正派的;得体的;相当 好的salary and I told him I had arthritis (关节炎) and would need to work a four-day week. Things went well at the start but soon the client 客户meetings began to fall on my day off, and I rarely le ft the office on time. I began to slip both in health and professional terms n. 术语;学期;期限;条款. The 10-hour days cras hed around my head; no amount of make-up 化装化妆组成could disguise my ill health as I battled against the odds迎 难而上,成败之际,冲破万重的困难to prove to myself that I could still make it in the business world. I often cried on the bus on 不久前my contract was due to be made permanent adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的, I was called to the boss's office and given the "talk" about how my performance n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行was slipping, how awful I looked. I


剑桥少儿英语二级-下册必须掌握的内容Unit one 基本句型: Where would you like to go in the holiday? I’d like to go to the countryside Where did you go on the holiday? Did you go to Huang Mountain? What other places did you go to ? I’m sure you had a good time. That’s great He couldn’t use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil. 重点朗读词汇: Jungle, forest, lake, plant, island, countryside, field, village, river, waterfall, mountain, cinema, bank, zoo, supermarket, hospital, library, park, India, nun, surprised, poor, homeless, people, famous 重点记忆内容: 单词:forest, lake, island, field, village, river, cinema, bank, hospital, library, park, 句型: 见第3页的第3部分需要学生记忆 家庭作业: 1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第4页的第4部分读熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词和句型。完整的听和跟读两遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、请学生根据本单元的第五部分写出五句话分别回答所给的问题。


2012年职称英语考试理工类C 级真题试卷及参考答案

第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语有括号,请为每处括号部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1、The storm caused severe damage. A.physical B.accidental C.serious D.environmental 【答案】:C 2、Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early A.selected B.operated C.developed D.discovered 【答案】:D 3、The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newsp apers A.real B.main C.only D.practical 【答案】:C

4、A large crowd assembled outside the American embassy A.gathered B.watched C.shouted D.walked 【答案】:A 5、He kept in constant contact with his family while he was in Au stralia A.gradual B.regular C.direst D.occasional 【答案】:B 6、On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers A.wild B.fresh C.lovely D.false 【答案】:D 7、We had trouble finding a pure water supply A.typical B.complete


2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 绝密启用前 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷1至14页。第Ⅱ卷15至16页。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将目己的姓名、 准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码。请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目。 2.短小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小脱.从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How muchis the shirt? A.£19.15.?B.£9.15. C.£9.18. 答案是B。 1.Wheredoes thisconversationprobably take place? A.In a bookstore. B.Ina classroom. C.In a library. 2.Atwhat time willthe film begin? A.7:20 ?B.7:15 ?C.7:00 3.Whatare the twospeakersmainly talking about? A.Their friend Jane. B.Aweekend trip. ?C.A radio programme. 4.Whatwill the woman probablydo? A.Catch atrain. ?B.See the man off. ?C.Go shopping. 5.Why didthe woman apologize? ?A.Shemadea late delivery. B.Shewentto the wrong place. ?C.She couldn't take the cake back. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


剑桥少儿英语二级考试试题 姓名:分数: Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. ( 6x2’=12’) Questions: 1. It looks like a horse but it is black and white. ______________ 2. Animals like tigers, monkeys and lions live in this. ______________ 3. It is the biggest animal in the world. ______________ 4. It is very long and people go to the other places by this. ______________ 5. This animal can give us milk to drink. ______________ 6. It can hop and has long ears and red eyes. _______________ Write the correct words. (10x1’=10’) Example: big bigger biggest 1. good _________ __________ 2. happy _________ __________ 3. short _________ __________ 4. fat _________ __________ 5. hot _________ __________ Look and write down the correct words. (6x1’=6) puos wanchisd odlone ______________ ______________ ______________ aredb ziazp ergurb ______________ ______________ ______________ IV. Choose the correct answer. ( 5x2’=10’) 1.There are many clouds now. It’s going to _____________. A. rains B. rain C. rainy D. raining 2.May has a fever. I’ll take her to the ______________. A. cinema B. school C. hospital D. park 3.Is your aunt your mother’s sister?_____________________. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t C. Yes. He is. D. No, she is. 4.This hat isn’t _____________. It’s ________________. A. Kate’s; my. B. Kate; me. C. Kate; I. D. Kate’s; mine 5.Are you hungry now?._________ Yes, it is. B. I’m hungry. C. Yes, I am. V. Unscramble the sentences. ( 4x1’=4’) 1. is / supper / cooking / she / the / in / kitchen.


2012年12月英语四级完整版真题:第二套 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) Make phone calls to promote sales. B) Arrange business negotiations. C) Handle complaints from customers. D) Take orders over the phone. 20. A) They had different business strategies. B) Customers often mistook one for the other. C) Conflicts between them could not be properly solved. D) Customers' questions could not be answered on the same day. 21. A) They each take a week. B) They like to spend it together. C) They have to take it by turns. D) They are given two weeks each. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. A) At a road crossing. B) Outside a police station. C) D) In front of a kindergarten. 23. A) He drove too fast to read it. B) He did not notice it. C) It says 45 miles an hour. D) It is not clearly visible. 24. A) It should have been renewed two months ago. B) It actually belongs to somebody else. C) It is no longer valid. D) It is not genuine. 25. A) He got a ticket. B) He was fined $35. C) He had his driver's license canceled. D) He had to do two weeks' community service. Section B Passage One Questions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 26. A) They care more about an item's price than its use. B) They grab whatever they think is a good bargain. C) They become excited as if they had never been there. D) They behave as if their memories have failed totally. 27. A) Those with a VIP card. C) Those needing assistance. B) Those with 15 items or less. D) Those paying in cash. 28. A) Go back and pick up more items. C) Change the items they have picked up. B) Take out some unwanted purchases. D) Calculate the total cost of the groceries.

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