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In Britain, people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions, or to hold stereotyped views of them. For example, sailors are supposed to have a "wife" in every port, university professors are often seen as absent-minded or forgetful. there are a lot of dirty jokes about sales representatives and they are generally regarded as not particularly dependable other jobs may be well-paid or very responsible, but the general public think they are funny or rather boring. For instance, in most other European countries to be an engineer is to be somebody. Funnily enough, in Britain engineers are thought of as gloomy rather than cheerful as result of people's ignorance of the importance of engineers in society


The man and the woman in the play were tourists)Their names were Sidney and Ethel Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays The woman thought that he wrote them on a typewriter,The man said that Shakespeare used a tape-recorder, and imagined him with a microphone, in his hand. The man said that Shakespeare was too busy to watch television, because he went to the theatre every night. They thought the other man was Shakespeare’s grandchild. They told him he was lucky to live in a famous house.



Copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to the originator or their assignee for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, musical, or artistic material, and to authorize)others to do the same.

A federal judge’s ruling in New York Wednesday that Internet music distributor must pay up to $250 million to Universal Music Group for copyright infringements has (S5. raised) questions not just about the future of https://www.doczj.com/doc/0217819685.html,, but also generally the future for downloading)music, movies and other products from the Internet.

U.S. District Judge Jed said https://www.doczj.com/doc/0217819685.html, "willfully” violated copyrights and ordered it to pay $25000)per Universal CD. An exact number of CDs and total damages will be determined at a November hearing."

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0217819685.html, vowed to appeal."We believe that everyone should have the right to listen to the music they purchase, even if it’s on the Internet." said https://www.doczj.com/doc/0217819685.html, CE O Michael Robertson.



美国地区法官Jed说https://www.doczj.com/doc/0217819685.html,“故意”侵犯了版权,命令它支付25000美元)普遍CD。CDs 的准确数量和总损失认定将在11月听证会上。”


English is becoming the world's language of the 21st Century and this is no time to discourage U.S. residents or immigrants from learning English. English is now the second most widely spoken language in the world, with only Chinese dialects spoken by more people. English is overwhelmingly,the second language of choice, for

non-English-speaking people. English is the official language of the European Central Bank and the working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN.

In multilingual continental Europe, a fierce battle over language popularity appears to be ending with English emerging as the standard)for the 21st century. The Germans have given up trying to persuade more British people to learn their language and, instead,are now promoting English as the language of the 21st century Germany's leading newspaper produces an eight-page English edition and declares that "English is going to be the lingua franca of the new century."

Switzerland has three official languages, German, French, and Italian, plus a fourth language spoken in one canton, Romansh. But Switzerland recently adopted English to be taught as the second language of choice rather than one of its official languages. 英语是21世纪成为世界的语言,这是没有时间去阻止美国居民或移民学习英语。英语现在是世界上第二个最广泛使用的语言,只有中国方言更多的人。英语是主要的选择,第二语言非英语的人。英语是欧洲央行的官方语言和工作语言的亚洲贸易组织东盟。

在欧洲大陆多语种,激烈的战斗在语言流行似乎结束用英语逐渐成为21世纪的标准)。德国人已经放弃了试图说服更多的英国人学习他们的语言,相反,现在21 centuryGermany促进英语语言的主要报纸产生用词和英语版和声明,“英语是新世纪的通用语。”


Japanese companies have started to refine their ethics programs and internal control structures. Some 55% of them have established a corporate code of conduct, ethics guidelines, compliance manuals and other such documents, 37% have a department or division dedicated to ethics and compliance issues, and 43% periodically hold

ethics-related training programs targeting employees.

A growing number of Japanese businesses have taken steps to reinforce oversight functions, for example by engaging independent outside directors. In 1997, Sony Corporation took the initiative of cutting its executive board from 38 to 10 directors while introducing the new post of executive officers. Other companies including Omron and Kobe Steel followed suit, and by 2000 about 240 businesses had reportedly made similar

structural reforms.

Even so, the image of companies portrayed by the market and the general public remains far from ethical. For example, in a survey of students' views of the Japanese business community, conducted in autumn 2000, 68% of the respondents agreed that "Honest companies are not rewarded while dishonest companies are making profits"; 63% believed that " There is hardly any information as to which companies are honest, "; 84% believed that " Penalties against scandals are too lenient"; and 62% agreed that "many companies believe it's worth engaging in unlawful practices." If this is the new generation's perception of reality, it means that Japanese companies have little incentive to tackle ethical and compliance issues internally. Certainly, companies whose business performance has deteriorated as a result of scandals have made greater efforts to deal with ethical and compliance issues. But such efforts are not long-lasting if a company fears they will reduce its competitiveness.




Are you feeling really sad, tired, and worried most of the time? Are these feelings lasting more than a few days? If yes, you may have depression. Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain.

You may want to know why you feel "depressed.” There may be several causes. Depression may happen because of changes in your brain. Depression runs in some families. This means that someone in your family such as a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, sister or brother may have depression. Sometimes painful events or losses such as deaths can lead to depression. Sometimes the cause of depression is not clear.

Don’t wait. Talk to your doctor about how you're feeling Get a medical checkup to rule out any other illnesses that might be causing signs of depression. If you don’t have a doctor, check your local phone book.Go to the government services pages and look for "health clinics” or "community health centers.”. Call one near you and ask for help. There are two common types of treatment for depression: medicine and "talk” therapy. Ask your doctor which type is best for you. Some people need both treatments to feel better.




Jeans are popular with young people all over the world. Some

people say that jeans are the uniform of youth. But they haven’t always been so. The sto ry of jeans started almost 200 years ago. People in Genoa, Italy, used to make pants. Th e cloth made in Genoa was called "jeanos”. The pants were called "jeans”. In 1850, a sal esman in California began selling pants made of canvas. His name was Levi Strauss. Be cause they were so strong, "Levi’s pants” became popular with gold miners, farmers an d students. Six years later, Levi began making his pants with a blue cotton cloth called de nim. Soon after, factory workers in the United States and Asia began wearing jeans. But y oung people usually didn’t wear them.

In the 1950s, two people helped to make jeans popular with teenagers: Elvis Presley, t he king of rock and roll, and James Dean, a famous TV star. Elvis wore tight jeans. Most parents didn’t like Elvis or his jeans. But teenagers loved him and started to dress like him. He was a hero to many young people.

During the 1960s, rock and roll became even more popular. Young people had more m oney. their clothes showed their independence. Some people decorated their jeans wi th colorful patches and designs.

In the 70s and 80s, jeans became very expensive. Jeans are so popular that Levis sol d over 10 billion pairs. Almost anywhere in the world now, young people like to wear jean s!








1.随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。(take on)

With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.

2.他感到没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。(make a commitment)

He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.

3.闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露茜却喜欢待在家里看书。(as opposed to) Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading.


且没有资格的权力追求者。(at best, at worst)

At best he 's ambitious, and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.

5.我们已尽全力想说服他,但是却毫无进展。(strive, make no headway)

We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway. Unit2

1.宪法规定公民享有言论自由。(provide for)

The Constitution provides for citizen’s freedom of speech.

2.我们在如何养育孩子的问题上有截然不同的看法,因此常发生争吵。(grow out of;

bring up)

Our constant quarrels grew out of the diverse ideas on how to bring up children.

3.我们早在会阅读之前就已经掌握了一些词汇。(long before)

We have learned some words long before we can read.

4.很多中国家长认为孩子越早上学越好。(the more ... the more)

Many Chinese parents think that the earlier children go to school, the better.


The new tax law is not to punish the rich. Rather it is to bring justice and opportunity to the poor.


1.你应该及时掐掉凋谢的花朵。(pluck off)

You should pluck off the dead flowers in time.

2.我认为你所说的实在算不上一个答案。(qualify as)

I don’t think what you said really qualifies as an answer.


Our shouts echoed through the silent streets.


5.There is no doubt that his grades have improved and his interest in learning

has revived.

6.史密斯夫妇已经向离婚法院正式申请离婚。(file for)

The Smiths have filed for divorce in the divorce court.


1.我爷爷虽然70岁了,但他的爱好广泛,从下国际象棋到爬山,多种多样。(range from ...


My grandfather’s interests range from playing chess to climbing mountains although he is 70 years old.


Surprisingly, Tom’s grandmother plays with dolls at the age of 80.

3.他大公无私的精神和天赋使他适合担当大多数学生梦想得到的那项工作。(qualify for) His selflessness and talent qualify him for the job most students dream to get.


What interpretation would you put on his odd / strange dream?

5.我们老板刚买的新轿车一小时能行驶200公里。(be capable of)

The brand-new car our boss has just bought is capable of making 200 kilometers an hour.


1.产品广告中的说明必须符合产品的实际质量。(conform to)

The explanation in the advertisement of the product must conform to its actual quality.

2.新的见解有望为我们探索应对这种情况的新方法铺平道路。(pave the way for) New insights will hopefully pave the way for us to explore new ways of treating this condition.

3. 谚语来源于生活,是一个民族的语言和文化的浓缩和体现。(derive from) Answer: Proverbs, which derive from life, are the condensation and embodiment of the language and culture of a nation.

4. 这段情感关系一直困扰着她,而且不见尽头。(haunt)

Answer: The emotional relationship has been haunting her with no end in sight.

5. 应当承认,很难判定这件独特商品的合适价格。(discern)

Answer: Admittedly, the right price for this unique commodity is hard to discern. Unit6

1.她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发现的时期。(portray ... as)

She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.

2.试验表明,不抽烟的人比抽烟的人犯的错误要少。(fewer ... than) Experiments showed that nonsmokers committed fewer errors than smokers.


得了胜利。(not ... but)

Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to a team that wins.

4. 尽管演员的演技高超,这部长达3个小时的电影还是未能吸引住我们。(despite) Despite the actors’ wonderful acting, the thre e-hour movie could not hold our attention.

4.王教授是我能唯一指望救我儿子的大夫。(rely on)

Professor Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to save my son.


1. 对考试结果我无法预料,我们只有等着瞧了。(inkling)

I have no inkling about the examination results, we shall have to wait and see.

2. 我不知道到底发生了什么事,但是他们一小时前就该到达这里的。(suppose to)

I don’t know what happened, but they were supposed to be here an hour ago.

3. 他今天穿的衬衫的颜色与领带很不相配。(match)

The color of the shirt he is wearing today does not match that of his tie.

4. 经过数年的准备和积累,我终于开始了写作生涯。(commit)

After years of preparation and accumulation, I have committed to a writing career finally.

5. 我已经告诉我的孩子们要学着把自己的抽屉清理好。(clear out)

I have asked my kids to learn to clear out their drawers


1. 无论我们遇到什么样的困难,我们都应该想办法克服它。(overcome)

No matter what difficulties we come across, we should try our best to overcome them.

2. 尊老爱幼是中华民族传统的美德。(traditional)

Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. 3. 今天,各行各业的人都在努力提高自己的知识水平以便跟上时代的发展。(all walks of life)

Today, people from all walks of life are trying to acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of the times.

4. 孩子们特别喜欢卡通片。(have a fancy for / take a fancy to)

Children have a fancy for cartoons.

5. 鉴于他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做得不错。(given that)

Given that they are lacking in experience / inexperienced / green hand, they have done a good job.


《大学英语》二级课程教学大纲 (College English Band 2) 一、简要说明: 参照国家教育部制订的《大学英语课程教学要求》, 同时根据我校教学资源、学生入学水平以及所面临的社会需求等实际情况, 特制订本《大学英语教学大纲》,作为我校组织非英语专业本科、专升本学生英语教学的主要依据, 用于指导本校的大学英语教学。大学英语课程教学包括听、说、读、写四个部分。 二、课程性质、地位和任务: 大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是大学生必修的一门基础课程。大学英语教学是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 大学英语的教学目标是培养学生英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力、提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 三、教学基本要求和方法: (一)教学基本要求 1.听力能力要求:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,能基本听懂慢速英语节 目,语速为每分钟110词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧。 2.口语能力要求:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题和英语国家 的人士进行交谈,能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。 能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。 3.阅读能力要求:能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟60词。在阅读篇幅较长、 难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟90词。能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。 4. 写作能力要求:能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见 的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出90词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。 5.推荐词汇量:掌握的词汇量应达到2800个单词和800个词组,其中1000为积极词汇。要求学生能 够在认知的基础上熟练运用。 (二)教学基本方法 1. 授课以英语为主,汉语为辅;精讲多练,讲析与操练相结合;以学生为中心,积极引导学生参与小 组讨论,角色扮演等课堂活动;根据学生具体情况,适当融入各类有针对性的教学方法,如:句型操练,背诵与默写;运用启发式教学手段,调动学生学习积极性,激发学生思辨能力。 2. 课内外相结合,讲习与讨论相结合;根据学生具体情况,适当增加文化内容和背景知识的介绍; 适 当采用有针对性的教学方法,如:限时阅读,归纳总结等。 四、授课教材及主要参考书目: 1. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程)第二册 2. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程教师用书)第二册 3. 《大学体验英语听说教程》第二册 4. 《大学体验英语快速阅读教程》第二册 五、学分和学时分配: 本课程共256学时,16学分。二级64学时,4学分。根据我校学生的实际情况,本学期原则上完成8个单元《全新版大学英语(综合教程)》讲授内容,每单元6学时;完成18个单元《大学体验英语快速阅读教程》讲授内容,每单元0.5学时。另外4学时安排小测与期末复习。学时安排可根据具体情况适当调整。


Unit 1 Growing Up Ⅱ. Translation 1.那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。(formal) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.他的女朋友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。(take hold) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。(anticipate) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。(violate) It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. / Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。 (avoid, severe) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 苏珊(Susan)因车祸失去了双腿。有一段时间,她真不知如何面对自己再也不能行走的事实。 一天,苏珊在浏览杂志时,被一个真实故事吸引住了。那个故事生动地描写了一个残疾(disabled)姑娘是如何成为一位作家的。苏珊读后深受鼓舞,开始相信她最终会成为一个有用的人生活下去。 Inspire vivid scan face up with finally Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship II. Translation 1)半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。我们只好走路回家。(go by) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home.


U7P 1 Lead in A family begins with two people. Love deepens and grows between a couple and soon a wedding takes place, the beginnings of a family. Children are born, growing and maturing with every passing year. When grown up, they, too, fall in love and marry. The process of creating a family begins again, adding generations to the family. A day in the life of a family is filled with work and school, errands and chores. At the end of a busy day we can find children excitedly sharing the events of their day with Mom and Dad. It is a time for - working together and playing together. Reading to the children, singing songs, doing homework together, and playing games are some activities that take place during family time. A television show may be what each family member needs to relax and enjoy some quiet time together. Strong family relationships are developed by spending quality time together. Key: 1. takes place 2. maturing 3. process 4. filled with 5. excitedly 7. singing 8. activities 9. show 10 relax 完形填空 1. You have to be a born optimist to be able to do this hard job and not despair. 你是一个天生的乐观主义者,能够做这项艰巨的工作而不绝望

英语 大学英语综合教程2 翻译

一The rumor of the divorce was nothing but a means of hype for his new movie 离婚 他孤注一掷,用父母留给他的所有钱来开一家工厂。 He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the mone y his parents had left him. After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.(赢得那场重要的比赛后) 4) 在全球化热潮中,我们要提防不同文化的冲突 In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures. 在这种情况下In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble. 6) 这婴儿非常健康。The baby is the very picture of health. 7) 人们已经意识到儿童接触有关暴力和色情电视节目的危害。 People have realized the dangers of exposing children to vio lence and sex on TV. 8) 我们始终考虑到我们是在为谁制作这部影片。(have in mind) We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.三单元 2他在中学教书,但也兼职些翻译来取外快。 He teaches in a middle school, but he does some translation work o n the side to bring extra money 3自信是件好事,但自信与自员是有区别的 it's good to be confident (about yourself), but there is a differen ce between confidence and conceit 4.只有坚持到底的人才会成功。半运而度的人永远也无法实现梦想。 Only those who stick it out can achieve success Those who give up halfway will never realize their dreams 5一个真正的英雄有勇气,有高尚的目标,而且乐于奉献 A true hero possesses/has courage, a noble purpose and a willingness to make sacrifices 6任何人只要章起这本小说读了第一段,敦会发现很难把它放下。 Anyone who picked up this novel and reads the first paragraph will be hard pressed to put it down 7从某中意义上说,生活就像游冰。如果总是扶任池边,就也学不会。 In a sense, life is like swimming. if you keep holding on to the sides of the pool, you will never learn 3一个民族的前在很大程度上取决于其数育与培训的质量 The future of a nation depends in a large measure upon the quality of education and training 二 1只有那些有过类似经历的人,オ能够完全理解这一点。 Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully ap preciate this. 3我更特别感谢每一个在这些年来以不同方式做出了贡献的人 i'd like to express my special thanks to everyone who has contribut ed over the years in one way or another

大学体验英语综合教程4 (第三版) 最新版课文翻译

一、Passage A Translation 无名英雄:职业父亲意味着什么? 在我们的孪生女儿出生后的第一次“约会”时,我和丈夫一起去看了一部名为《玩具总动员》的电影。我们很喜欢这部片子,但随后我丈夫问道:“父亲在哪儿呢?”起初我还认为因为一个小小的失误而批评一部很吸引人的家庭影片似乎是太偏狭了。可后来越想越觉得这一疏忽太严重了。父亲不仅没有出现,他甚至没有被提到——尽管家中有婴儿,说明父亲不可能离开太长时间。影片给人的感觉是,父亲出现与否似乎是个极次要的细节,甚至不需要做任何解释。 新闻媒体倾向于把父亲边缘化,这只是一个例子,它反映了在美国发生的巨大的社会变化。大卫·布兰肯霍恩在《无父之国》一书中将这种倾向称之为“无需父亲”观念。 职业母亲(我想这应是与无职业母亲相对而言的)奋斗的故事从媒体上无尽无休地轰击着我们。与此同时,媒体上绝大多数与父亲有关的故事又集中表现暴力的丈夫或没出息的父亲形象。看起来似乎父亲唯一值得人们提及的是因为他们做家务太少而受到指责的时候(我怀疑这一说法的可靠性,因为“家务”的定义中很少包括打扫屋顶的雨水沟,给汽车换机油或其他一些典型的由男人们做的事),或者是在他们去世的时候。当布兰肯霍恩先生就“顾家的好男人”一词的词义对父亲们进行调查时,许多父亲都回答,这一词语只有在葬礼上听到过。 这种“无需父亲”综合征的一个例外是家庭全职父亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。我并非暗指这些家庭全职父亲作出的承诺不值得人们的支持,我只是想指出正在实际生效的双重标准:家庭全职父亲受到人们的赞扬,而家庭全职母亲和养家糊口的父亲,所得到文化上的认同却很少,甚至完全得不到。 我们用来讨论父亲的角色(即没出息的父亲)的话语本身就显示出人们对大多数男人默默无闻而自豪地履行对家庭的责任缺乏赏识。我们几乎从来没听到“职业父亲”这一说法,在人们呼吁应该给予工作者在工作地点上更大的灵活性时,很少有人认为这种呼吁不但适用于女性,同样也适应于男性。我们这个社会表现出的是,似乎家庭职责对父亲来说并不像对母亲那么重要——似乎事业上的满足就是男人生活的全部。 更让人感到侮辱的是最近媒体的这种倾向,即把家庭主妇看成是一种“地位的象征”——就像一辆名贵的汽车,据说只有少数男人才享受得起这种奢侈与豪华。这暗示家里有家庭主妇的男人比那些妻子在外工作的男人日子过得更舒适,因为他们拥有全职管家这种“奢侈品”。然而,实际上作为家庭唯一挣钱者的男人要承受很多压力。当他们的那份工作是家庭收入的唯一来源的时候,失业,或者甚至只不过是受到失业的威胁,对他们而言也构成了巨大的困难。同样,家庭唯一的工资收入者在想辞去不太满意的工作时,其灵活程度也要小一些,因为这种工作变换会使他们失去收入。此外,为了给家庭挣更多的钱,许多丈夫超时工作或兼做第二职业。对于这些男人来说,正是这份工作所支撑的家庭,使他们觉得值得付出。


Unit 1 The Evolving Notion of Home “Home, sweet home” is a phrase that expresses an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or not so sweet, the ideal of home has great importance for many people. This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth-century European settlers of the American West, was to find a piece of land, build a house for one’s family, and start a farm. These small households were portraits of independence: the entire family — mother, father, children, even grandparents — living in a small house and working together to support each other. Everyone understood the life-and-death importance of family cooperation and hard work. Although most people in the United States no longer live on farms, the ideal of home ownership is just as strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth. When U.S. soldiers came home after World War II, for example, they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. So there was a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically in the suburbs, were often small and nearly identical, but they satisfied a deep need. Many saw the single-family house as the basis of their way of life. For the new suburbanites of the 1950s and 1960s, however, life inside their small houses was very different from life on a farm. First, the family spent much less time together in the house. The father frequently drove, or commuted, as much as an hour to work each morning. The children went to school all day and played after school with neighborhood children. The suburb itself was sometimes called a bedroom community because people used their houses basically for sleeping. Second, the suburb was not a stable community: Families moved frequently as the fathers sought upward mobility — better-paying jobs and bigger houses. Although the idea of home was still as precious as always, it had taken on a different meaning. In the 1970s and 1980s, as more women entered the labor force, the family spent even less time together. But the picture is changing: People can now telecommute, or work at home, while being linked to the office by means of their computers. More and more people can now stay at home. So the old expression could change from


(1)这个婴儿还不会爬(crawl),更不要说走了。(let alone) The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk! (2)威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。(claim, in one’s opinion) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. (3)一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。(to a certain extent, relate …to …, cope with) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. (4)根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。(according to) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game. (5)有些人想当然地认为日语(Japanese)中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。(assume, equivalent) Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word. (6)我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。(relevant) We have passed all relevant information on to the police. (7)关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。(it’s no use) There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won't answer. (8)事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。(on one’s part) It was a mistake on Jim's part to sign the contract without reading it carefully. (9)他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。(provide …with) They refused to provide us with all the information we need. (10) 这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。(similar to) This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago. (11)这部影片是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。(base on) The film is based on a play by Shakespeare (12)如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握得好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。(have an advantage over) If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job.


一、课后翻译 Unit 1 1.随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。(take on) With his promotion ,he has taken on greater responsibilities. 2. 他感到他再没有必要对约翰承担这样的责任。(make a commitment) He felt he did not have to make such a commitmentto John any more . 3. 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露茜却喜欢呆在家里看书。(as opposed to) Mary likes go to shopping in her spare time ,as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading. 4. 充其量可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心(conscience)或没有资格的权力追求者。(at best, at worst) At best he's ambitious,at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications . 5. 我们已尽全力说服他,但是却毫无进展。(strive,make no headway) We have striven to the full to convince him,but we have made no headway. Unit 2 1. 要是他适合当校长,那么哪个学生都可以当。(no more...than) He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be. 2. 至于她的父亲,她不敢肯定是否会接收她和她的小孩。(as for) As for her father, she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby. 3. 晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。(undermine) Staying up late will undermine one's health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it. 4. 大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。(convey) The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier. 5. 这个女孩决定敞开心扉,把她看见的一切都告诉警方。(open up) The girl decided to open up and tell the police what she had seen. Unit 3 1. 他理个发就要收500元,简直不可思议。(charge) It is simply unbelievable for him to charge 500 dollars for a haircut. 2. 人民赋予你特权,你就应该全心全意为人民服务。(grant) People grant you the privilege, so you should serve the people wholeheartedly. 3. 天气预报很重要,依据它我们才能决定什么时候出航。(so that) The weather forecast is very important so that we can decide when to go to sea. 4. 炮声打破了往常周日早晨的宁静,人们强烈预感到战争就要来临。(violate) The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning, and people had a strong feeling that the war was coming. 5. 即使你每分钟看3页,到本周末你无论如何也看不完这本书。(even though) Even though you read three pages per minute, you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend. Unit 4

大学体验英语综合教程 课文翻译

Unit1 蛙的故事 最近发生了几桩怪事儿。 我在北威斯康星州的树林中有一座小木屋。是我亲手搭建的,前面还有一间花房。住在里面相当惬意。实际上我是在户外做音频制作和环境方面的工作--作为干这一行的工具,我还装备了一间带电脑的工作室。 还有一只树蛙也在我的工作室中住了下来。 去年十一月,我第一次惊讶地发现他(只是这样称呼罢了,事实上我并不知道该称“他”还是“她”)坐在电脑的音箱上。我把他放到花房里去,认为他呆在那儿会更舒服一些。可他又跑回来呆在原地。很快我就习惯了有他做伴,清晨我上网查收邮件和阅读新闻的时候,他也在一旁关注这个世界。 可上周,我突然对这个爬上爬下的“小绿人或小灰人”产生了好奇心。 于是有一天,我正在工作室里干活,电脑嗡嗡作响。当树蛙从我面前爬过时,我不得不停止工作。他停下了并转过身来,坐在那儿看着我。好吧,我也干脆停下来望着他。五个月了,他一直这样陪着我。我突然有一股强烈的欲望想了解他:为什么他要呆在这儿而不乐意呆在花房里?我认为对树蛙来说,花房显然要舒适得多。 “你为什么呆在这儿?”我情不自禁地问他。 我目不转睛地盯着他,他也直视着我。然后我听到一种叮咚声。这种声音似乎一下子就进入了我的大脑中枢,因为它和电脑里发出来的声音十分接近。在那个声音里我听到树蛙对我“说”:“因为我想让你明白”。唷,太不可思议了。“明白什么?”我脑海中突然跳出了这个问题。然后经过短暂的体验这种交流之后,我觉得我已经理解了树蛙待在这儿的原因。我开始理解树蛙只是想听到其他同类的叫声并并与之交流。或许他误以为计算机发出的声音就是其他树蛙在呼唤他。 真是有趣。 我继续工作。我正在写一个关于全球气候变化的故事。有个朋友刚好发过来一份传真,说地球的温度正以每十年1.9度的速度上升。我知道,照这种速度下去,每年春天我都爱去提取树浆的这片枫林,到我孩子的那一代就将不复存在。我的故乡美丽的威斯康星州也会在下一代变成一片草原。 此刻,树蛙从我脚背跳过去站在电脑前的地板上。然后他伸出手来从后面拢起左耳凝神倾听,接着他又站在电脑前伸出右手拢起另一支耳朵。他这样转动着脑袋,聆听那个声音,非常专心致志。他的皮肤起了微妙的变化,呈现出一种亮丽的绿色,然后他就用尽全力跳到电脑上。 我猛然想起去年在收音机里听到的一则关于青蛙的消息,说是全世界的青蛙正在死亡。消息说因为青蛙的皮肤就像是一个内里朝外的肺,所以正在受到污染和全球气候变化的影响。据说已经发现有些青蛙的皮肤已变得像纸一样干瘪。还说青蛙是一个"物种指示器",由于对环境敏感,这个物种会先遭灭顶之灾。 这时我明白了。 青蛙向我们传递了一个信息。一些头脑清醒的人士也曾向我们传递过同样的信息,那就是"我们别无选择。"我们已经进入了关键时刻,为了人类的子孙后代,也为青蛙,我们必须对这个星球负起主人的责任。 因为我们休戚相关。


为自己而写 从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这—一想法才有了实现的可能。在这之前,我对所有跟英文课沾边的事都感到腻味。我觉得英文语法枯燥难懂。我痛恨那些长而乏味的段落写作,老师读着受累,我写着痛苦。 弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门最最单调乏味的课上再熬上沉闷的一年。弗利格尔先生在学生中以其说话干巴和激励学生无术而出名。据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。我看他有六七十岁了,古板之极。他戴着古板的毫无装饰的眼镜,微微卷曲的头发剪得笔齐,梳得纹丝不乱。他身穿古板的套装,白衬衣领扣外的领带打得——丝不苟。他救着古板的尖下巴,古板的直鼻梁,说起话来—·本正经,字斟句酌,彬彬有礼,活脱脱一个橱稽的老古董。 我作好准备,打算在弗利格尔先生的班上一无所获地混上—·年,不少日子过去了,还真率出所料。后半学期我们学写随笔小品文。弗利格尔先生发下一张家庭作业纸,出了不少题供我们选择。像“暑假二三事”那样傻乎乎的题目倒是一个也没有,但绝大多数—样乏味。我把作文题带回家,——直没写,直到要交作业的前一天晚上。我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗粗—看。我的目光落在“吃意大利细面条的艺术”这个题目上。… 这个题目在我脑海里唤起了一连串不同寻常的图像。贝尔维尔之夜的清晰的回忆如潮水一般涌来,当时,我们大家——起围坐在晚餐桌旁——艾伦舅舅、我母亲、查理舅舅、多丽丝、哈尔舅舅——帕特舅妈晚饭做的是意大利细面条。那时意大利细面条还是很少听说的异国食品。多丽丝和我都还从来没吃过,在座的大人也是经验不足,没有—个吃起来得心应手的。艾伦舅舅家诙谐有趣的场景全都重现在我的脑海中,我回想起来,当晚我们笑作—团,争论着该如何地把面条从盘子上送到嘴里才算合乎礼仪。 突然我就想描述那…切,描述当时那种温馨美好的气氛,但我把它写下来仅仅是想白得其乐,而不是为弗利格尔先生而写。那是我想重新捕捉并珍藏在心中的一个时刻。我想重温那个夜晚的愉快。然而,照我希望的那样去写,就会违反我在学校里学的正式作文的种种法则弗利格尔先生也肯定会打它—个不及格。没关系。等我为自己写好了之后,我可以再为弗利格尔先生写点什么别的东西。 等我写完时已是半夜时分,再没时间为弗利格尔先生写——篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章了。第二天上午,我别无选择,只好把我为自己而写的贝尔维尔晚餐的故事交了上去。两天后弗利格尔先生发还批改过的作文,他把别人的都发了,·就是没有我的。我正准备着遵命—放学就去弗利格尔先生那儿挨训,却看见他从桌上拿起我的作文,敲了敲桌子让大家注意听。 “好了,孩子们,”他说。“我要给你们念一篇小品文。文章的题目是:吃意大利细面条的艺术。” 于是他开始念了。是我写的!他给全班大声念我写的文章。更不可思议的是,全班同学都在听着他念,而且听得很专心。有人笑出声来,接着全班都笑了,不是轻蔑嘲弄,而是乐乎乎地开怀大笑。就连弗利格尔先生也停顿了两三次,好抑制他那丝拘谨的微笑。我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章竟然能使别人大笑,我真是心花怒放。就在十——年级,可谓是最后的时刻,我找到了一个今生想做的事。这是我整个求学生涯中最幸福的——刻。弗利格尔先生念完后说道:“瞧,孩子们,这就是小品文,懂了没有。这才是一知道吗——这才是小品文的精髓,知道了没有。祝贺你,贝克先生。”他这番话使我沉浸 在十全十美的幸福之中



Unit 1 无名英雄:职业父亲意味着什么? 在我们的孪生女儿出生后的第一次“约会”时,我和丈夫一起去看了一部名为《玩具总动员》的电影。我们很喜欢这部片子,但随后我丈夫问道:“父亲在哪儿呢?”起初我还认为因为一个小小的失误而批评一部很吸引人的家庭影片似乎是太偏狭了。可后来越想越觉得这一疏忽太严重了。父亲不仅没有出现,他甚至没有被提到——尽管家中有婴儿,说明他不可能离开太长时间。影片给人的感觉是,父亲出现与否似乎是个极次要的细节,甚至不需要做任何解释。 新闻媒体倾向于把父亲的边缘化,这只是一个例子,它反映了在美国发生的巨大的社会变化。大卫?布兰肯霍恩在《无父之国》一书中将这种倾向称之为“无需父亲”观念。 职业母亲(我想这应是与无职业母亲相对而言的)奋斗的故事从媒体上无尽无休地轰击着我们。与此同时,媒体上绝大多数有关父亲的故事又集中表现暴力的丈夫或没出息的父亲。看起来似乎父亲惟一值得人们提及的时候是因为他们做家务太少而受到指责的时候(我怀疑这一说法的可靠性,因为“家务”的定义中很少包括打扫屋顶的雨水沟、给汽车换机油或其它一些典型地由男人们做的事),或者是在他们去世的时候。当布兰肯霍恩先生就“顾家的好男人”一词的词义对父亲们进行调查时,许多父亲都回答这一词语只有在葬礼上听到。 这种“无需父亲”综合症的一个例外是家庭全职父亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。我并非暗指这些家庭全职父亲作出的承诺不值得人们的支持,我只是想指出在实际生效的双重标准:家庭全职父亲受到人们的赞扬,而家庭全职母亲和养家活口的父亲,所得到文化上的认同却很少,甚至完全得不到。 我们用来讨论父亲角色(即没出息的父亲)的话语本身就显示出人们对大多数男人默默无闻而自豪地履行对家庭承担的责任缺乏赏识。我们几乎从来没听到“职业父亲”这一说法,在人们呼吁应该考虑给予工作者在工作地点上更大的灵活性时,很少有人认为这种呼吁不但适用于女子,同样也适应于男子。我们这个社会表现出似乎家庭职责对父亲来说并不象对母亲那么重要——似乎事业上的满足就是男人生活的全部。 更让人感到侮辱的是最近媒体的这种倾向,即把家庭主妇看成是一种“地位的象征” ——就像一辆名贵的汽车,只有据说少数男人才享受得起这种奢侈与豪华。这暗示家里有家庭主妇的男人比那些妻子在外工作的男人日子过得更舒适,因为他们拥有全职管家这种“奢侈品”。然而,实际上作为家庭惟一挣钱者的男人要承受很多压力。当他们的那份工作是家庭收入的惟一来源的时候,失业,或者甚至只不过是受到失业的威胁,对他们来说显然构成更大的困难。同样,家庭惟一的工资收入者在想辞去不太满意的工作时,其灵活程度也要小一些,因为这种工作变换会使他们失去收入。此外,为了给家庭挣更多的钱,许多丈夫超时工作或兼做第二职业。对于这些男人来说,正是这份工作所支撑的家庭,使得他们值得付出努力。很多男人相信母亲呆在家里对小孩十分重要,这种信念使得他们乐意地担起家里惟一挣钱人的担子。 目前,研究者们普遍认为家庭中没有父亲会对小孩——因此对整个社会——带来严重的问题。然而,我们这个社会并没有把“普通”父亲作为正面角色为未来的父亲树立榜样,相反地,却常常持放弃态度,认为传统的父道从最好的方面说是已经过时,从最坏的方面讲就是危险的反动。这使得许多男人对他们作为父亲的角色的价值提出疑问。 作为一个社会,我们需要认识到对于孩子来说,父亲是与母亲同等重要的,不仅仅在经济支


Unit 1 Passage A (p12) 学无止境 终考的最后一天,东部一所的大学里,一群大四的工科生聚集在一幢教学楼的台阶上,谈论着即刻就要开始的考试。他们脸上都充满自信。在参加即将到来的毕业典礼和从事未来的工作前,这是他们最后一门考试。 他们有的谈起了已经找到的工作,有的则谈论着要找的工作。4年的大学学习给了他们全部的自信,使他们觉得自己足以征服世界。 眼前这场考试,不过是小事一桩。这门课的教授已经说过,除考场上不能交头接耳外,允许他们带任何书或笔记到考场。考生们依次进入考场,心情轻松而愉快。当教授把考卷发给在座的考生后,学生们脸上的笑容更加灿烂,因为考卷上只有五道论述题。 3个小时过去了,教授开始收回考卷。考生们的脸上充满惊慌的表情,自信已经荡然无存。当教授收完考卷,看着全班学生时,所有的人都沉默不语。 她扫视着一张张焦虑的脸问道:“5道题答完的有多少?” 没人举手。 “答完4道的有多少?” 还是没有人举手。 “完成3道题的?2道题的?” 考生们有些坐不住了,不安地动了动。 “那么,有没有写完一道题的?我想总有人做完一道题吧!” 考场里还是一片寂静。教授放下手中的考卷,说:“果真不出我所料。” “我只是想让你们牢牢记住,即使你们已经学完了4年工科课程,在这个领域里,你们还有很多东西不懂。在你们今后的日常工作中,类似于今天考卷上你们无法回答的问题很常见。”接着,她微笑着补充说:“你

们都会通过考试,但是请记住,即使你们现在已经毕业了,你们的学习才刚刚开始。” 多年后,这位老师的姓名已经被淡忘,但她的教诲却深深地刻在记忆中。 Read and translate 1. →译文:He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone. 2.→译文:Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet, aiming to know about the latest development in this area / field. 3. →译文:Professor Li made a short speech at the commencement, his words of which were deeply impressed upon my memory. 4. →译文:Talking of the final exams the students were not nervous at all. On their faces was confidence. 5.→译文:To write a short passage of about 100 words within 30 minutes would be a snap to most students in their class. Passage B (P17) 时光如能倒流 四年的学习生涯结束,毕业的那一刻终于到来。不到两个星期我就要毕业了。回首往昔,竟不敢相信时间就这样匆匆逝去。我依然记得第一天去上课时的情景,我一边望着课表背面的地图,一边询问教学楼在哪儿。现在我已是即将毕业的老生,用羡慕的眼光看待大一新生。我每天都祈愿时间会凝滞,让接下来的两周过得更慢一些。许多人迫不及待地等待毕业,我却与他们恰恰相反。我希望时间倒流,让我将大学生活的每一天重新来过。 对我来说,大学生活是非常重要的学习经历,绝大多数学习过程都是在课外学到的。大学第二年对我来说也许是生命中最精彩的一年。正是这一年,我终于让妈妈确信我住校没有问题,她同意了我住校。也正是这一年,我结交了一些终身好友。经历了许多成功与失败使我对自己有了更深的了解。大二生活使我体验了许多新的事物:山地宿营,在报纸上发表一些拙陋的诗歌,在课堂上给老师画漫画。 漫步在熟悉的校园路上,我陷入了深深的反思和对往昔的回忆之中。我多希望能够重头来过,再次扑捉大学生活的快乐和兴奋。一想到就要毕业我的心就惶惶恐恐。从记事起我就一直在读书,我感到还有许多东西想学,可我不得不离开学校毕业了。世界如此之大,可能发生的事情又如此之多。过去的四年我一直

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