当前位置:文档之家› (新课标)2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业8 Section Ⅱ(含解析)新人教版选修7

(新课标)2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业8 Section Ⅱ(含解析)新人教版选修7

(新课标)2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业8 Section Ⅱ(含解析)新人教版选修7
(新课标)2019-2020学年高中英语 课时分层作业8 Section Ⅱ(含解析)新人教版选修7

课时分层作业(八) Section Ⅱ



1.He got up and dragged (drag) his chair towards the table.

2.He ran towards the seaside and dived into the water.

3.He spent six months in prison before fleeing (flee) the country.

4.When I saw him last time,he was in the depth (deep) of despair about losing his parents.

5.Abandoned (abandon) to smoking,he suffered from lung cancer.

6.It was once a time when I had no interest in study and wanted to drop out of school.

7.He was about to say something more when a boy rushed in,gun in hand.

8.The man anxiously urged the taxi driver to drive (drive) faster so that he could catch up with the last flight.

9.Mr Watson earns $20,000 annually (annual),which supports the whole family expenses.

10.The lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the witnesses(witness) of the murder committed last week.



Our teacher urges us to study hard/us into studying hard/that we (should) study hard,as the exam is drawing near.(urge)


He was about to give up/was on the point of giving up when an idea came to him.(when) 3.我会记住我离开家乡的那一天。

I will remember the day when I left my hometown.(when)


The world has witnessed China's contribution to the world economy during the financial crisis.(witness)


This inn provides accommodations for 50 people.(accomodation)



The gentle giants of our oceans are whale sharks.It's the biggest shark and can

reach as long as 41.5 feet,and these amazing creatures are not only the biggest sharks,they are also the biggest fish of any kind.

Whale sharks have a lifespan (寿命) of 70 years on average,and they spend their days gently swimming in the warm and tropical oceans.

Their teeth are the size of match heads,and while their jaws could be powerful,they have never tended to attack humans.Their teeth play no role in eating,as plankton (浮游生物)does not need to be chewed.They are to be found in numbers in the warmer oceans and they prefer the deep waters of the open oceans.

Several times a year they gather together in certain spots where plankton is plentiful.Those areas are all within a 30° north or south latitude (纬度) from equator.Sadly,whale sharks are targeted by commercial fisheries at those spots.

How easy it must be for the fishermen to catch those beautiful creatures who can only swim at 3.5 miles per hour!So great a loss have they suffered that whale sharks are now listed as one of the endangered species.Measures have been taken by some countries to protect the whale shark from extinction (灭绝).

The Philippines and India have all banned the fishing,selling,importing and exporting of whale sharks for commercial purposes.However,the law does not seem to be effective because the hunting and killing are still going on today,especially in the Philippines.Each whale shark can fetch around $21,000.In parts of Asia they are known as the “money shark”.

The mighty dollar wins again at great cost to our habitat,we will not know what we have lost until we have lost it forever.


1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Whale sharks usually live a life of 70 years on average.

B.Whale sharks can reach as long as 41.5 feet.

C.Whale sharks depend on their teeth to harvest their food.

D.Whale sharks live in the deep waters of the warmer oceans.

C[细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Their teeth play no role...”可知C项错误。A、B、D三项分别在文中第二段、第一段第二句、第三段最后一句有提及。]

2.Which of the following do whale sharks feed on?

A.Humans. B.Plankton.

C.Small fish. D.Water plants.

B[细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Their teeth play no role in eating,as

plankton...”和第四段中的“Several times a year they...”可知,鲸鲨主要吃浮游生物。] 3.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Laws to Protect Whale Sharks

B.The Situation of Whale Sharks

C.The Biggest Creature in the World

D.The Benefit That Whale Sharks Bring



John Perry stood up and looked around again. The island had been a good place to find shells. But now how could he make the 1 move out to sea? If they swam out to sea he could jump in and get to shore 2 they saw him.

He saw the sharks rolling and playing. Their 3 was now gone and they were killing for fun. How could he make them move away?

He drew his knife from his belt. Sharks can 4 blood,he thought. He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the 5 . The blood ran out and he caught it on his white shirt. When the shirt was red and wet he tied some cloth around his leg to 6 the flow of blood. He then tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, threw it into the water and 7 it with the piece of cloth.

The sharks smelled the blood and came 8 towards the shirt. He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt and the sharks raced after it. He was 9 them away from shore. Suddenly he dropped the cloth, turned towards the 10 and ran as fast as he could. He jumped in the water and swam.

He was halfway across 11 he turned to look back. A high bony fin (鳍) was 12 through the water towards him. He put his face in the water and kicked and splashed himself 13 as fast as he could. The shore was near now.

He lifted his head again to 14 and he saw the shore very near. From behind he left the water rush towards him, almost pushing him, helping him. And then a great gray body hit him and almost rolled him over in the water. He touched the shore with 15 and he pulled himself up the stones. The shark, 16 by the smell of blood and the chase(追逐), went wildly after him. Its great body crashed against 17 .

The end came quickly and the water was covered with the shark's blood. The injured shark was eaten up 18 by others as it tried to escape.

Perry slowly struggled 19 his feet.

“So,”he said, “you did not get me.”And he looked down at the sharks still

eating 20 they weren't hungry. He climbed up the stones and walked towards the village.


1.A.boats B.sharks

C.soldiers D.shells


2.A.before B.after

C.until D.when


3.A.food B.hunger

C.anger D.wish


4.A.fear B.taste

C.drink D.smell


5.A.sand B.shark

C.flesh D.meat

C[佩里将刀子割进肉里以便流出一些血,排除A、B两项;meat为动物的肉的总称,flesh 可以指人的肉体,故选C项。]

6.A.stop B.keep

C.join D.cause


7.A.pulled B.wrapped

C.connected D.caught


8.A.running B.racing

C.swimming D.jumping

B[用race表示鲨鱼闻到血腥味后行动之快。根据下一句中的raced也可知应选择B项。] 9.A.driving B.keeping

C.preventing D.leading

D[佩里领着鲨鱼游离海岸。lead sb./sth.away from...“领着某人/某物离开……”。] 10.A.sea B.shore

C.island D.sand


11.A.before B.while

C.unless D.when


12.A.going B.running

C.cutting D.swimming

C[cutting“切;割;砍”,这条鲨鱼的速度很快,它的鳍就像要把水割开一样。] 13.A.forward B.backward

C.upward D.downward


14.A.cry B.breathe

C.swim D.escape


15.A.his feet B.a stick

C.his fingers D.the shirt

C[在此指佩里用手撑着使自己爬上石头,而不是用脚蹬着石头。with his fingers“用他的手指”。]

16.A.interested B.frightened

C.disappointed D.excited


17.A.the shore B.Perry

C.the stones D.the shells


18.A.lively B.alive

C.dead D.friendly


19.A.on B.by

C.to D.with

A[struggle on one's feet是固定搭配,表示“挣扎着站起来”。]

20.A.as though B.even though

C.as soon as D.as long as B[尽管已不再饥饿,鲨鱼仍在吃着。]

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