当前位置:文档之家› 《英语测试》作业参考答案




1.Identify the scales represented by the following kinds of data:


Raw scores from a listening comprehension test Ordinal scale

Adjectives on a word-association test Nominal scale

Percentile scores from a spelling test Ordinal scale

Speed of note-taking in words per minute Ratio scale

I.Q.-equivalent scores on a vocabulary test Interval scale

z-scores on the TOEFL Interval scale

The number of instrumentally motivated students in class Nominal scale

2.Given the following raw score distribution on a spelling test of 25 items, calculate (a) ordinal ratings, (b) percentage scores, (c) percentile ranks: 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 12, 14, 15, 19, 19, 21, 25.


Raw scores Ordinal ratings Percentage Scores Percentile Ranks

25 1st 100 95.8

21 2nd 84 87.5

19 3rd 76 75.0

19 4th 76 75.0

15 5th 60 62.5

14 6th 56 54.2

12 7th 48 41.7

12 8th 48 41.7

11 9th 44 29.2

9 10th 36 20.8

8 11th 32 12.5

6 12th 24 4.2

3.If you administered a multiple-choice test of phrasal verb usage to a class of ten students and got the following distribution of scores: 11, 13, 16, 16, 18, 20, 20, 25, 27, 29, what would be the corresponding z-scores, T-scores, and normal distribution area proportions if the standard deviation is 5.95?



scores z-scores T-scores Normal distribution area proportions

29 1.597 65.97 94.49

27 1.261 62.61 89.63

25 0.925 59.25 82.24

20 0.084 50.84 53.35

20 0.084 50.84 53.35

18 -0.252 47.48 40.05

16 -0.588 44.12 27.81

16 -0.588 44.12 27.81

13 -1.093 39.07 13.73

11 -1.429 35.71 7.65

4In a normal distribution, what proportion of the scores lie between plus and minus one standard deviation? Between plus and minus two standard deviations?


In a normal distribution, 68.3% of scores lie between plus and minus one standard deviation;

95.5% of scores lie between plus and minus two standard deviation.

5.Compute item difficulty and the proportion incorrect for each of the items in the following scoring matrix. Identify items for rejection.


1 2 3 4 5

1 1 0 1 1 1

2 1 1 0 0 0

3 1 1 0 0 1

Examinees4 1 0 1 0 1

5 0 1 0 0 0

6 1 1 1 1 0

8 0 1 0 1 0

9 1 1 0 0 1

10 0 1 1 0 1


Item 1 2 3 4 5

Difficulty 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6

Proportion incorrect 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.4

Items 2 and 4 can be rejected, because it seems that item 2 is too easy and item 4 is too difficult.

6.Look at the following paired scores on listening comprehension (X) and general proficiency (Y) for ten students:


25 18

13 21

15 22

19 27

17 31

16 22

21 29

24 33

22 26

21 29

Compute the correlation coefficient for these scores. Please do a one-tailed Pearson test to determine whether it is significant on the level of significance of <.05?



The critical value for Pearson’ r of the significance of <.05, one tailed test when the degree of freedom equals to 8 is

0.5494. Since r=0.273<0.5494, it is not significant.

7.Nine students have taken two different aptitude tests and got the following test result. Compute the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. And determine whether it is significant on the level of significance of <.05?

Student No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Test A 56 60 61 62 65 67 71 71 74

Test B 34 26 62 30 30 28 34 36 40



Critical value is 0.6664. And r=-0.0176<0.6664, so it is not statistically significant.

8.Look at the following scoring matrix for twenty students:

Compute the point biserial correlation coefficient for each of the five items with total score.


Item One: 0.639

Item Two: 0.112

Item Three: 0.422

Item Four: 0.512

Item Five: 0.129

9.What do we mean by correlation in statistics?


Correlation is a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other. Generally, correlation does not suggest cause-effect relationship.

10.Please state the difference between the classroom tests and external tests.


The aim of the classroom test is different from that of the external examination. External examinations are generally concerned with evaluation for the purpose of selection, the classroom test is concerned with evaluation for the purpose of enabling teachers to increase their own effectiveness by making adjustments in their teaching to enable certain groups of students or individuals in the class to benefit more.

11.Make a simple clarification on the Classical T rue Score Model and enumerate its demerits.


The classical theory is the earliest theory of measurement. The classical theory is also referred to as the classical reliability theory because its major task is to estimate the reliability of the observed scores of a test. That is, it attempts to estimate the strength of the relationship between the observed score and the true score. It is also sometimes referred to as the true score theory because its theoretical derivations are based on a mathematical model known as the true score model. In a testing situation, we first devise a scaling rule to change a set of responses into a numerical observed score. Next we infer that the observed score faithfully reflects a true score. Finally, we infer that the true score truthfully reflects the quantity of a construct, which may or may not exit.

Classical True Score Model has the following demerits: 1) the values of commonly used item statistics in test development such as item difficulty and item discrimination depend on the particular examinee samples in which they are obtained; 2) comparisons of examinees on an ability measured by a set of test items comprising a test are limited to situations in which examinees are administered the same (or parallel) test items; 3) one of the fundamental concepts, test reliability, is defined in terms of parallel forms; 4) it provides no basis for determining how an examinee might perform when confronted with a test item; 5) it presumes that the variance of errors of measurement is the same for all examinees.

12.Please write five multiple-choice items on some grammatical elements (tense, agreement, etc.).


13.What is the difference between criterion referenced test and norm referenced test?


Characteristically criterion-referenced tests are devised before the instruction itself is designed. The test must match teaching objectives perfectly, so that any tendency of the teacher to “teach to the test” would be permissible in that attaining objectives would thereby be assured. A criterion or cut-off score is set in advance (usually 80 to 90 percent of the total possible score), and those who do not meet the criterion are required to repeat the course.

Students are not evaluated by comparison with the achievement of other students, but instead their achievement is measured with respect to the degree of their learning or mastery of the prespecified content domain.

Norm-referenced or standardized tests are quite different from criterion-referenced tests in a number of respects;

although, once again, some of the identical items may be used under certain conditions. By definition, a norm-referenced test must have been previously administered to a large sample of people from the target population

(e.g., 1,000 or more). Acceptable standards of achievement can only be determined after the test has been

developed and administered. Such standards are found by reference to the mean or average score of other students from the same population.

14.What is computerized adaptive testing?


Adaptive testing, or computer adaptive testing, is a process of test administration in which test items are selected on the basis of the examinee’s response to previously administered items. Most commonly, such an approach would, for an examinee who experiences success with a given item, result in the purposeful presentation of an item of greater difficulty. The examinee who experienced failure with a given item would next encounter an item of lower difficulty. With each response, the computer makes a revised estimate of the examinee's ability; each revived estimate becomes more reliable. The test is terminated when the estimate reaches a specified level of reliability. We can say that computerized adaptive testing takes as its theoretical basis the Item Response Theory (IRT) or the latent trait theory, which makes the general assumption that examinee performance on a pool of test items is assumed to depend on a limited number of psychological traits called abilities. 15.What is item difficulty? How to compute item difficulty? Solution:

Item difficulty is determined as the proportion of correct responses, signified by the letter “p”. The formula for item difficulty then is


C p r


where, p = difficulty, proportion correct,

∑C r = the sum of correct responses, N = the number of examinees.

16.How are item difficulty , item discriminability represented in item response theory? Solution:

The idea of item difficulty as a location index will be examined first. In Figure 1, three item characteristic curves are presented on the same graph. All have the same level of discrimination but differ with respect to difficulty. The lefthand curve represents an easy item because the probability of correct response is high for low-ability examinees and approaches 1 for high-ability examinees. The center curve represents an item of medium difficulty because the probability of correct response is low at the lowest ability levels, around .5 in the middle of the ability s cale and near 1 at the highest ability levels. The righthand curve represents a hard item. The probability of correct response is low for most of the ability scale and increases only when the higher ability levels are reached. Even at the highest ability level shown (+3), the probability of correct response is only .8 for the most difficult item.

The concept of discrimination is illustrated in Figure 2. This figure contains three item characteristic curves having the same difficulty level but differing with respect to discrimination. The upper curve has a high level of discrimination since the curve is quite steep in the middle where the probability of correct response changes very rapidly as ability increases. Just a short distance to the left of the middle of the curve, the probability of correct response is much less than .5, and a short distance to the right the probability is much greater than .5. The middle curve represents an item with a moderate level of discrimination. The slope of this curve is much less than the previous curve and the probability of correct response changes less dramatically than the previous curve as the ability level increases. However, the probability of correct response is near zero for the lowest-ability examinees and near 1 for the highest-ability examinees. The third curve represents an item with low discrimination. The curve has a very small slope and the probability of correct response changes slowly over the full range of abilities shown. Even at low ability levels, the probability of correct response is reasonably large, and it increases only slightly when high ability levels are reached.

17.What general relationship exists between test reliability and the number of items on the test?


Reliability is affected by the number of items in the test. We can readily understand how it happens that with more items in the test a greater range of scores is possible, and thus examinees are more widely dispersed along the scoring continuum. In this way it can be said that we have greater person separability and less likelihood that examinees would change rank order on repeated administrations of the test.

18.What does it mean if we say a correlation coefficient is significant at the p <.05 level?


“P < 0.05” means that based on the test, there is less than a 5% chance that we are wrong in rejecting the null hypothesis. And we are generally safe to say that the two variables under test are correlated.

19.What are the sources of measurement errors in language test?


Usually when we administer and score a test, some error of measurement is present. A variety of kinds of measurement error can introduce fluctuations in observed scores and thus reduce reliability. These different kinds of measurement error can be caused from the test-takers’side, the scorer s’ side and the administration of the test. A variety of changes may take place within the test-taker that either will introduce error on repeated administrations or will change the test-take r’s true score from time one to time two. If true scores change, correlations between repeated sets of observed scores will go down, causing us to underestimate the reliability of the test. Temporary changes in the examinee may introduce measurement error. Influences such as fatigue, sickness, emotional disturbance, and practice effect may cause the examinee's observed score to temporarily deviate from his or her true score, or that score which reflects his or her actual ability. Subjectivity in scoring or mechanical errors in the scoring process may introduce inconsistencies in scores and produce unreliable measurement. These kinds of inconsistencies usually occur within or between the raters themselves. Inconsistencies in the administrative process may introduce measurement error and thus reduce test reliability. This is most observable in situations where the test is administered to different groups in different locations or on different days, but may also appear within one administration in one location.

20.What is the meaning of measures of dispersion?


Measures of dispersion describe how the data varies or is dispersed (spread out). The two most commonly used measures of dispersion are the range and the standard deviation. Rather than showing how data are similar, they show how data differs (its variation, spread, or dispersion).

21.List five common problems at the item writing stage. Provide one example of each problem type and correct the item if necessary.


1. Mixed Response

Items are sometimes prepared to test a specific skill or competence, but close examination of the response options reveals that the options actually measure ability in skill areas other than those intended. For example: John flowers to the party last night.

a) carries C) lifts

b) carried d) lifted

It should be better if we have,

a) carries C) is carrying

b) carried d) has carried

2. Length Cues

Frequently the longest and most explicit option available is the obvious answer. Consider the following example:

In the story, the merchant was unhappy because it

a) rained. c) was windy.

b) was dark. d) was windy and rainy and he had forgotten his raincoat.

3. Nonsense Distractors

For most purposes, nonsense distractors are to be avoided. Nonsense options have two basic problems. First, they tend to be weak distractors. Second, they frequently have negative “wash-back” on instruction; i.e., the students may learn errors from the examination itself. Consider the following example:

They said they

a. had gone. c. have went.

b. had go. d. had went.

Obviously distractors (b), (c), and (d) contain structures that do not occur in grammatically acceptable English for classroom use.

4. Trick Questions

For some teachers it is always a temptation to include trick quesions on an examination. It is difficult to say whether the teacher's motive is to display cleverness, to embarrass the students for revenge, or merely to ensure test difficulty.

The point is that such questions make for both inaccurate measurement and poor pedagogy. Consider the following example:

When is it not appropriate not to be absent from class?

a) When you are sick.

b) When you are young.

c) While class is in session.

d) Whenever the teacher is angry.

5. Connnon Knowledge Responses

Particularly when testing the skill of reading comprehension, it may happen that an item may test common knowledge. In this way the correct response may be chosen without comprehension of the reading passage. An example would be the following:

We learn from this passage that Napoleon was

a) British c) Polish

b) French d) German

22.What is the essential difference between scatterplots of low-correlated variables and those of high-correlated variables?


In scatterplots, if the variables are highly correlated, the dots fall very close together in a comparatively narrower or more elongated ellipse than those low-correlated variables.

23.Please compute the correlation coefficient of the following item and determine whether it is significant on the level of significance of <.05? And then determine its discriminability.


We compute the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation coefficient and arrive at r=0.3007. And we do a one-tailed test with p<.05, degree of freedom being 16-1=15. And the critical value is 0.4124. But because r=0.3007<0.4124, the correlation is not statistically significant. So this item lacks a good discriminability.

24.In a general proficiency test, mean=95.120, standard deviation=10.858, please compute the z-score, T-score, normal distribution area proportions of the following scores: 120, 108, 100, 95, 83, 71, 61.


Raw score z-score T-score normal distribution area proportion

120 2.291 72.91 98.9 108 1.186 61.86 88.22 100 0.449 54.49 67.33 95 -0.011 49.89 49.56 83 -1.116 38.84 13.22 71 -2.221 27.79 1.32 61 -3.142 18.58 0.08


材料科学基础练习题 参考答案 第一章原子排列 1. 作图表示立方晶系中的(123),(012),(421) 晶面和[102],[211],[346]晶向. 附图1-1 有关晶面及晶向 2. 分别计算面心立方结构与体心立方结构的{100},{110}和{111}晶面族的面间距, 并指出面间距最大的晶面(设两种结构的点阵常数均为a). 解由面心立方和体心立方结构中晶面间的几何关系, 可求得不同晶面族中的面间距如附表1-1所示. 附表1-1 立方晶系中的晶面间距 晶面{100} {110} {111} 面间距FCC 2 a2 4 a3 3 a BCC 2 a2 2 a3 3 a 显然, FCC中{111}晶面的面间距最大, 而BCC中{110}晶面的面间距最大. 注意:对于晶面间距的计算, 不能简单地使用公式, 应考虑组成复合点阵时, 晶面层数

会增加. 3. 分别计算fcc和bcc中的{100},{110}和{111}晶面族的原子面密度和<100>,<110>和<111>晶向族的原子线密度, 并指出两种结构的差别. (设两种结构的点阵常数均为a) 解原子的面密度是指单位晶面的原子数; 原子的线密度是指晶面上单位长度所包含的原子数. 据此可求得原子的面密度和线密度如附表1-2所示. 晶面/晶向{100} {110} {111} <100> <110> <111> 面/线密度 BCC 2 1 a2 2 a2 3 3a 1 a 2 2a 23 3a FCC 2 2 a2 2 a2 43 3a 1 a 2 a 3 3a 可见, 在BCC中, 原子密度最大的晶面为{110}, 原子密度最大的晶向为<111>; 在FCC 中, 原子密度最大的晶面为{111}, 原子密度最大的晶向为<110>. 4. 在(0110)晶面上绘出[2113]晶向. 解详见附图1-2. 附图1-2 六方晶系中的晶向 5. 在一个简单立方二维晶体中, 画出一个正刃型位错和一个负刃型位错. 试求: (1) 用柏氏回路求出正、负刃型位错的柏氏矢量. (2) 若将正、负刃型位错反向时, 说明其柏氏矢量是否也随之反向. (3) 具体写出该柏氏矢量的方向和大小. (4) 求出此两位错的柏氏矢量和. 解正负刃型位错示意图见附图1-3(a)和附图1-4(a).


第一章作业参考答案 一、简答题 1、电力系统的干扰指什么?什么情况下的干扰最大? 答:电力系统的干扰指任何可以引起系统参数变化的事件。例如短路故障、电力元件的投入和退出等。其中短路造成的干扰最大。 2、为什么说电力系统的稳定运行状态是一种相对稳定的运行状态? 答:由于实际电力系统的参数时时刻刻都在变化,所以电力系统总是处在暂态过程之中,如果系统参数在某组数值附近作微小的持续变化,则描述电力系统运行状态的运行参量持续在某一平均值附近做微小的变化,我们就认为其运行参量保持平均值不变,即系统处于稳定工作状态。由此可见系统的稳定运行状态实际是一种相对稳定的工作状态。 3、为简化计算,在电力系统电磁暂态过程分析和机电暂态过程分析中都采用了那些基本假设? 答:电磁暂态分析过程中假设系统频率不变,即认为系统机电暂态过程还没有开始;机电暂态过程中假设发电机部的机电暂态过程已经结束。 4、简述电力系统的故障类型 答:电力系统的故障主要包括短路故障和断线故障。短路故障(又称横向故障)指相与相或相与地之间的不正常连接,短路故障又分为三相短路、两相短路、单相接地短路和两相短路接地,各种短路又有金属性短路和经过渡阻抗短路两种形式。三相短路又称为对称短路,其他三种短路称为不对称短路;在继电保护中又把三相短路、两相短路称为相间短路,单相接地短路和两相短路接地称为接地短路。断线故障(又称纵向故障)指三相中一相断开(一相断线)或两相断开(两相断线)的运行状态。 5、简述电力系统短路故障的危害 答:短路的主要危害主要体现在以下方面: 1)短路电流大幅度增大引起的导体发热和电动力增大的危害; 2)短路时电压大幅度下降引起的危害; 3)不对称短路时出现的负序电流对旋转电机的影响和零序电流对通讯的干扰。 6、简述断线的特点及危害 答:断线的特点是不会出现大的电流和低电压,但由于三相不对称,将在系统中产生负序和零序电流,所以断线的主要危害是负序电流对旋转电机的影响和零序电流对通讯的干扰。 7、电力系统故障分析中电压基准值、变压器变比通常如何选择?这样选择的目的是什么? 答:电力系统故障分析中电压基准值通常选择基本级的平均额定电压作为电压基准值,变压器的变比


小学一年级英语期末考试试卷 二、划出下列单词中的元音字母: uncle balloon mouth leaf sing ?三、正确抄写下列单词: bicycle father jump three butterfly ?四、问答句编号 1.How old are you today? No, he hasnt. 2.Have you got a balloon? She has got a taro. 3.What do you like to eat? I like to eat peaches. 4.What has she got? No, I have got a ball. 5.Has he got a swing? Im five. ?根据实际情况回答问题: 1.Whats your name? 2.How are you? 3. How old are you? 4.How many books? (4) 5.Happy New Year!

6.Happy birthday. 7.Whats your father? 8.Whats your mother? 9.Are you a pupil? 10. Are you a teacher? 11. Is your father a doctor? 12. Is your mother a nurse? 13. Do you like meat? 14. Is it blue? (No) 15. What colour is your bag? 16. What do you see? (a butterfly) 17. Is he a policeman? (no) 18. Is she a nurse? (yes) 19. Say hello to your mother. 20. Say goodbye to your teacher. 21. Come with me. 22. What is this? ( apple) 23. What is that?(kite) 24. What do you like to eat? 25. Good morning. 26. Good afternoon. 27. Hello , Im Mary.


波动作业答案 1.{ 一平面简谐波沿Ox轴正方向传播,t= 0时刻的波形图如图所示,则P处介质质点的振动方程是() } A.(SI) B.(SI) C.(SI) D.(SI) 答案:A 2.如图所示,S1和S2为两相干波源,它们的振动方向均垂直于图面,发出波长为的简谐波,P点是两列波相遇区域中 的一点,已知,,两列波在P点发生相消干涉.若S 1的振动方程为,则S2的振动方程为() } A. B. C. D. 答案:D 3.两相干波源S1和S2相距,(为波长),S1的相位比S2的相位超前,在S1,S2的连线上,S1外侧各点(例如P点)两波引起的两谐振动的相位差是() } A.0 B. C.

D. 答案:C 4.在弦线上有一简谐波,其表达式为 (SI) 为了在此弦线上形成驻波,并且在x= 0处为一波腹,此弦线上还应有一简 谐波,其表达式为() } A.(SI) B.(SI) C.(SI) D.(SI) 答案:D 5.沿着相反方向传播的两列相干波,其表达式为 和. 在叠加后形成的驻波中,各处简谐振动的振幅是() } A.A B.2A C. D. 答案:D 6.{ 一平面余弦波在t= 0时刻的波形曲线如图所示,则O点的振动初相为() } A.0 B. C. D.(或) 答案:D 7.{ 如图所示,有一平面简谐波沿x轴负方向传播,坐标原点O的振动规律为),则B点的振动方程为() }

A. B. C. D. 答案:D 8.{ 如图,一平面简谐波以波速u沿x轴正方向传播,O为坐标原点.已知P点的振动方程为,则() } A.O点的振动方程为 B.波的表达式为 C.波的表达式为 D.C点的振动方程为 答案:C 9.一声波在空气中的波长是0.25 m,传播速度是340 m/s,当它进入另一介质时,波长变成了0.37 m,它在该介质中传播速度为______________. 答案:503 m/s 10.一平面简谐波的表达式为(SI),其角频率=_____________,波速 u=_______________,波长= _________________. 答案:125 rad/s|338 m/s | 17.0 m 11.图为t=T/ 4 时一平面简谐波的波形曲线,则其波的表达式为________________________. 答案:(SI) 12.一平面简谐波沿Ox轴正方向传播,波长为.若如图P1点处质点的振动方程为,则P2点处质点的振动方程为_________________________________;与P 1点处质点振动状态相同的那些点的位置是 ___________________________. 答案:|(k=±1,±2,…) 13.如图所示,一平面简谐波沿Ox轴负方向传播,波长为,若P处质点的振动方程是,则该波的表达式是_______________________________;P处质点____________________________时刻的振动状态与O处质点t1时刻的振动状态相同.


第一章作业及答案 一、单项选择题 1.近代中国睁眼看世界的第一人是() A、严复 B、康有为 C、林则徐 D、魏源 2.第二次鸦片战争时期,侵占我国北方大量领土的国家是() A.日本B.俄国C.德国D.英国 3.提出“师夷长技以制夷”主张的是() A.林则徐B.魏源C.洋务派D.义利团 4.“师夷长技以制夷”的主张出自() A.《资政新篇》B.《海国图志》 C.《四洲志》D.《瀛环志略》 5.下列不平等条约中,赔款数额最多的是() A.《南京条约》B.《北京条约》C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》 6.下列不平等条约中,允许外国人在中国办厂的是() A.《南京条约》B.《北京条约》C.《马关条约》 D.《辛丑条约》 7.帝国主义列强掀起瓜分中国的狂潮是在() A. 中日甲午战争爆发后 B. 第一次鸦片战争爆发后 C. 八国联军战争爆发后 D. 第二次鸦片战争爆发后 8.外国列强通过公使驻京直接向中国政府发号施令是在() A. 第一次鸦片战争《南京条约》签订后 B. 甲午战争《马关条约》签订后 C. 第二次鸦片战争《天津条约》签订后 D. 中法战争《中法和约》签订后 9.从1840年至1919年,中国在历次反侵略战争中失败的根本原因是() A. 社会制度的腐败 B. 军事技术的落后 C. 西方列强的强大 D. 经济力量的薄弱 10.在甲午战争后,宣传“物竞天择”、“适者生存”社会进化论思想的是() A. 严复翻译的《天演论》 B. 郑观应撰写的《盛世危言》 C. 冯桂芬撰写的《校颁庐抗议》 D. 魏源编撰的《海国图志》 11.将中国领土台湾割让给日本的不平等条约是() A.《南京条约》 B.《北京条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《瑗珲条约》 12.1839年组织编写成《四洲志》,向中国人介绍西方情况的是() A.林则徐 B.魏源 C.马建忠 D.郑观应 13.中国无产阶级最早产生于十九世纪() A、40至50年代 B、50至60年代 C、60至70年代 D、70至80年代 14.标志清政府与西方列强开始相互勾结的事件是() A.签订《天津条约》 B.签订《北京条约》 C.北京政变 D.签订《辛丑条约》 15.导致西方列强掀起瓜分中国狂潮的事件是() A.甲午中日战争的爆发 B.签订《马关条约》 C.三国干涉还辽 D.签订《辛丑条约》 16.近代中国一场不败而败的战争是()


期末测试卷三 时间: 60分钟满分: 100分 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音, 将你所听到的单词选项填在括号里。(10分) ()1.A.shirt B. skirt C. dirt ()2.A.shorts B. socks C. scarves ()3.A.dress B. jeans C. yes ()4.A.sheep B. cheap C. eat ()5.A.world B. warm C. weather 二、听录音, 给图片标序号。(10分) ()()() () () 三、听录音, 给问句选择正确的答语。(10分) ()1.A.Forty-two. B. Forty yuan. ()2.A.Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. ()3.A.They are Mike's. B. They are Mike. ()4.A.They are nine yuan. B. It's nine yuan. ()5.A.Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. 四、听录音, 选择正确的答案。(10分) ()1.Where is Sarah?

A. In the school. B. At home. C. In the shop. ()2.Is the dress pretty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. No, it is. ()3.How much is the dress? A. Eighteen yuan. B. Eighty yuan. C. Twenty-eight yuan. ()4.Is the dress very expensive? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it isn't. ()5.Sarah likes the dress. They will ________ it. A. try on B. take C. see 笔试部分(60分) 五、根据提示, 补全单词, 并将完整的单词写在横线上, 补全句子。(6分) 1.It's hot. Take off your____________. 2. Go to the____________. Read a book. 3. It's ____________ and snowy. 4. How much are these____________? 5. It's 11: 30. It's time for____________. 6. Are these ____________ on the farm? 六、读一读, 判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(5分) ()1.We have a new computer room. ()2.It's ten o'clock in Beijing.


1、如图所示,从斜面底端被弹簧弹出的木块在沿光滑斜面上滑的过程中受到(不计空气阻 力)() A、重力、支持力 B、重力、支持力、推力 C、重力、摩擦力、冲力 D、重力、摩擦力、推力 2、如图所示,利用弹簧测力计将处于容器底部的物块缓慢上提。在物块从开始上提到离开 水面的过程中,下图能正确表示弹簧测力计的示数F与物块底部离容器底部的高h的关系的是() 3、用手握住酒瓶,使其瓶口朝上竖直静止在手中,则下列说法正确的是() A.酒瓶能静止在手中,是由于手对酒瓶的握力等于酒瓶的重力 B.酒瓶能静止在手中,是由于手对酒瓶的握力大于酒瓶的重力 C.手握酒瓶的力增大,瓶子所受的摩擦力不变 D.手握酒瓶的力增大,瓶子所受的摩擦力也增大 4、小欣同学在厨房帮妈妈做饭时观察到了一些现象,并用所学物理知识进行了解释,其中解释不正确的是() A.茶壶的壶嘴和壶身构成连通器,静止时水面相平 B.锅铲柄有凹凸的花纹是为了增大摩擦 C.刀刃很锋利是通过增大压力来增大压强 D.高压锅容易将食物煮熟是因为液体表面气压增大,液体沸点升高 5、如图所示的薄壁容器,底面积为100厘米2,装了重25牛的水后,水面距容器底部20厘米,则水对容器底部的压力、压强分别为() A.25牛、2.5×103帕,B.25牛、2.5帕 C.2×105牛、2×103帕D.20牛、2×103帕 6、在靠近桌面边沿的地方放一枚硬币,在硬币前架一个约2 cm高的栏杆,在硬币上方沿着

与桌面平行的方向用力吹一口气,硬币就能跳过栏杆,这是因为( ) A.硬币下方的压强比上方的压强大 B.硬币后面的压强比前面的压强大 C.硬币后面的压力比前面的压力大 D.硬币下方的空气密度比上方的大 7、如图所示的容器中装有某种液体,试比较A 、B 、C 、D 四点液体的压强。它们之间的关系是( ) A 、P P P P A B C D <<= B 、P P P P A B C D <=> C 、P P P P A B C D <<< D 、P P P P A B C D >>> 8、关于力的概念,下列哪句话是错误的 ( ) A .没有物体就没有力 B .有受力物体时,一定有施力物体 C .有施力物体时,却不一定有受力物体 D .只有一个物体时,不会有力 9、用手握住酱油瓶,瓶子没有下滑,是因为 ( ) A.手对酱油瓶的摩擦力和酱油瓶的重力平衡 B.手对酱油瓶的压力和酱油瓶的重力平衡 C.手对酱油瓶的压力和手对酱油瓶的摩擦力平衡 D.以上三种说法均不对 10.首次测出大气压值的著名实验是 实验。在图中,A 、B 是一个连通器的两个上端开口,当用一个管子沿B 开口吹气时,A 开口一端的液面会 (选填“上升”、“下降”或“不变”)。 11、寒冷的冬天,在茶杯中倒上大半杯开水后拧紧杯盖,往往过一会儿后就发现杯盖很难打开,这是由于杯内大量水蒸气发生 ________(填物态变化名称),使内外气体压力差 ________(填“增大”或“减小”),进而增大了盖与杯之间摩擦力原因. 12.当马拉着载有1000kg 货物的雪撬在平直的公路上匀速向南行驶时,马对雪橇的水平拉力是500N ,雪撬在水平方向上受到的阻力是________N ,方向是________;若雪橇上的货物卸下了500kg ,马拉雪橇仍是匀速行驶,马对雪橇的水平拉力将会_______(填“增大”、“减小”、“不变” ) 13、吊车以2m/s 的速度将重物1×105 匀速向上提起,这时钢索对重物的拉力是________N ; 若钢索改为以3m/s 的速度使重物匀速下降,此时钢索对重物的拉力大小是__________N ,方向__________。 14、打开自来水龙头,使自来水流过如图2所示的玻璃管,在A 、B 、C 三处,水的流速较大的是 处,压强较小的是 处(选填“ A”“B”或“C”)。 如图3所示,是喷雾器的原理示意图,当空气从小孔迅速流出,小孔附近空气的流速较大,压强 ____ (填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”)容器里液面上方的空气压强,液体就沿细管上升,从管口中流出后,受气流的冲击,被喷成雾状。


软件工程各章作业习题的名词解释和问答题参考答案 第一章: 1:什么是软件危机 开发软件由于管理混乱,加入软件规模越来越大,越来越复杂,造成软件开发失败。 2:软件工程过程 指获取、供应、开发、操作和维护软件时要实施的过程、活动和任务。 3:软件生成周期 可行性研究与计划、需求分析、总体设计、详细设计、实现、测试、使用与维护 4:有哪些软件周期模型 瀑布模型、原型模型、增量模型、螺

旋模型。 5:软件 计算机程序及说明程序的各种文档6:个体手工劳动 个人编写程序 7:小生产合作方式 多人编写程序 8:软件的特点 是一种逻辑产品,软件的生产主要是研制,软件产品不会用坏,软件生产主要是脑力劳动,软件的成本高。

9:软件文档 有关程序的功能、设计、图形资料等等。 第二章: 三. 名词解释 1.可行性研究 以最小代价, 在尽可能短的时间内, 确定该软件项目是否能够开发, 是否值得开发. 2.技术可行性 主要研究开发的软件技术风险有多大 3.经济可行性 主要研究开发成功后能否得到应有的效益 4.社会可行性 主要研究开发的软件是否存在责任和侵

权, 以及与当前管理制度, 人员素质, 操作方式的矛盾能否解决. 四.问答题 1. 可行性研究的任务是什么? 首先初步确定项目的规模, 目标, 约束和限制条件, 决定系统的主要功能, 进行简要压缩, 提出几种解决方案.对每种方案提出意见. 2.可行性研究有那些步骤? 确定任务; 分析技术可行性; 分析经济可行性; 分析社会可行性; 作出系统流程图; 作出开发计划。

3.可行性研究的目的. 减少开发大型软件的风险,缩短开发周期, 减小投资, 减少使用资源, 在尽可能短的时间内, 确定该软件项目是否能够开发, 是否值得开发. 第三章 三. 名词解释 1. 需求分析 指开发人员为了准确地理解, 表达用户的要求, 通过调查, 分析, 把系统的功能, 性能等方面准确地表达出来 2. DFD 数据流图 四.简答题


本习题参考答案大部分均来自于《高分子物理》(修订版),何曼君,复旦大学出版社,1990 1.名词解释 ●旋光异构体:分子中含有不对称碳原子,能够形成互为镜像的两种异构体,表现出不同 的旋光性,称为旋光异构体。p12 ●顺序异构体:由结构单元间的联结方式不同所产生的异构体称为顺序异构体,即头尾、 头头、无规表示的键接异构。p6 ●有规立构高分子:“等规高聚物”。分子链中旋光异构单元有规律性地排列的高分子。一 般指全同或间同高分子。p13 ●立构规整度:“等规度”。是指高聚物中含有全同立构和间同立构的总的百分数。p13 ●链段:我们把由若干个键组成的一段链算作一个独立的单元,称它为“链段”。P27 ●柔顺性:高分子链能够改变其构象的性质称为柔顺性。P17 ●平衡态柔顺性:静态柔顺性又称平衡态柔顺性,是指大分子链在热力学平衡条件下的柔 顺性。高分子链的平衡态柔顺性,通常用链段长度和均方末端距来表征。链段是指从分子链划分出来可以任意取向的最小运动单元。动态柔顺性是指高分子链在一定外界条件下,从一种平衡态构象转变到另一种平衡态构象的速度。 ●高斯链:高分子链段分布符合高斯分布函数的高分子链。P28 ●受阻旋转链:分子中的某些基团对于分子骨架中环绕单键的旋转造成了阻碍,这种类型 的高分子链称为受阻旋转链。 ●自由旋转链:假定分子链中每一个键都可以在键角所允许的方向自由转动,不考虑空间 位阻对转动的影响,我们称这种链为自由旋转链。P21 ●自由联结链:假定分子是由足够多的不占有体积的化学键自由结合而成,内旋转时没有 键角限制和位垒障碍,其中每个键在任何方向取向的几率都相等,我们称这种链为自由联结链。P20 ●等效自由结合链:令链段与链段自由结合,并且无规取向,这种链称为“等效自由结合 链”。P27 2.判断下列说法的正误,并说明理由。 (1)错误构象数与规整度无关。 (2)错误共轭双键间的单键实际上具有双键的性质,不能旋转。 (3)错误与结晶条件有关(如淬火样品中可能没有结晶);正确,具有结晶能力。 (4)正确温度高,内旋转越容易,内旋转异构体数目越多。 (5)正确结晶是三维有序,取向是一维、二维有序,有序代表着构象数减少,显然结晶构象数最少。 (6)错误高分子处于无定形态时,其末端距相等。 (7)错误自由结合链统计单元是一个化学键。而高斯链的统计单元是一个链段。高斯链包括自由结合链,而自由结合链只是高斯链的一个特例。 (8)错误高分子链段无固定长度,无固定位置,是个统计概念。可以通过le=h2/lmax求得平均链段长度,但是h2仍需通过实验得到。 (9)正确对于极端刚性链,高斯统计理论不适用。 (10)错误依据分子链柔顺性的不同,几何计算得到的末端距可能等于,也可能小于无扰状态分子链的末端距。 (11)正确键角变大,均方末端距变大;键长变大,均方末端距变大;键个数变多,均方末端距变大。 (12)错误长支化---分子链之间的物理缠结作用增加,分子链活动受阻,柔顺性下降。短


深港版小学英语五年级下册期末试卷 (满分100分) 班别_____________ 姓名_______________ 分数_________________ 听力部分(50分) 一、听录音,选出包含你听到的音素的单词。念两次。(5’) ( ) 1. A. sink B. drink C. pink D. ring ( ) 2. B. near B. chair C. cheer D. hear ( ) 3. A. white B. toy C. skate D. skates ( ) 4. A. party B. butter C. far D. supermarket ( ) 5. A. book B. teeth C. food D. lose 二、听录音,听句子,选出听到的句子包含的单词或短语。念两次。(5’) ( ) 1. A. exciting B. delicious C.interesting ( ) 2. A. see B. swim C. saw ( ) 3. A. safe B. dangerous C. exciting ( ) 4. A. talk quietly B. walk quickly C. walk slowly ( ) 5. A. sent emails B. read books C. won a prize 三、听录音,选择正确的答句和问句。(5分) ( ) 1. A.I had a busy week. B.I have some books. C.I am going to have a holiday. D.I don ’t have any milk. ( ) 2. A. Yes , she was . B. Yes, it was. C. No, she isn ’t. D. No, I don ’t. ( ) 3. A. It ’s from China . B. He ’s over there. C. It ’s on the floor. D. It ’s red. ( ) 4. A. Was your bag red? B. What color is your bag? C. I s this your bag? D. Where ’s your bag? ( )5. A. How often does he water the plants? B. How did he go there? C. When did he go? D. Where ’s your bag? 四、听录音,选出你听到的句子。念两次。(5’) ( )1. A. We can get presents at Christmas. B. We can play at Christmas. C. We can make a card at Christmas. D. We can sing at Christmas. ( ) 2. A. Which bus goes to the airport? B. Which bus goes to the temple? C. Which bus goes to the train station? D. Which bus goes to the hotel? ( ) 3. A. There will be a fire drill this week. B. There is a vase in my bedroom. C. There are some books and a computer in our classroom. D. There wasn ’ t any water in the bowl.


第九章 振动 一、简答题 1、如果把一弹簧振子和一单摆拿到月球上去,它们的振动周期将如何改变? 答案:弹簧振子的振动周期不变,单摆的振动周期变大。 2、完全弹性小球在硬地面上的跳动是不是简谐振动,为什么? 答案:不是,因为小球在硬地面上跳动的运动学方程不能用简单的正弦或余 弦函数表示,它是一种比较复杂的振动形式。 3、简述符合什么规律的运动是简谐运动 答案:当质点离开平衡位置的位移`x`随时间`t`变化的规律,遵从余弦函数 或正弦函数()?ω+=t A x cos 时,该质点的运动便是简谐振动。或:位移x 与加 速度a 的关系为正比反向关系。 4、怎样判定一个振动是否简谐振动?写出简谐振动的运动学方程和动力学方程。 答案:物体在回复力作用下,在平衡位置附近,做周期性的线性往复振动, 其动力学方程中加速度与位移成正比,且方向相反:x dt x d 222ω-= 或:运动方程中位移与时间满足余弦周期关系:)cos(φω+=t A x 5、分别从运动学和动力学两个方面说明什么是简谐振动? 答案:运动学方面:运动方程中位移与时间满足正弦或余弦函数关系 )cos(φω+=t A x 动力学方面:物体在线性回复力作用下在平衡位置做周期性往复运动,其动力学 方程满足 6、简谐运动的三要素是什么? 答案: 振幅、周期、初相位。

7、弹簧振子所做的简谐振动的周期与什么物理量有关? 答案: 仅与振动系统的本身物理性质:振子质量m 和弹簧弹性系数k 有关。 8、如果弹簧的质量不像轻弹簧那样可以忽略,那么该弹簧的周期与轻弹簧的周 期相比,是否有变化,试定性说明之。 答案:该振子周期会变大,作用在物体上的力要小于单纯由弹簧形变而产生 的力,因为单纯由形变而产生的弹力中有一部分是用于使弹簧产生加速度的,所 以总体的效果相当于物体质量不变,但弹簧劲度系数减小,因此周期会变大。 9、伽利略曾提出和解决了这样一个问题:一根线挂在又高又暗的城堡中,看不 见它的上端而只能看见其下端,那么如何测量此线的长度? 答案:在线下端挂一质量远大于线的物体,拉开一小角度,让其自由振动, 测出周期T ,便可依据单摆周期公式g l T π2=计算摆长。 10、 一质量未知的物体挂在一劲度系数未知的弹簧上,只要测得此物体所引起 的弹簧的静平衡伸长量,就可以知道此弹性系统的振动周期,为什么? 答案:因为k m T π 2=,若知伸长量为l ,则有kl mg =,于是g l T π 2=。 11、 指出在弹簧振子中,物体处在下列位置时的位移、速度、加速度和所受的 弹性力的数值和方向:(1) 正方向的端点;(2) 平衡位置且向负方向运动;(3) 平 衡位置且向正方向运动;(4) 负方向的端点. 答:(1)位移为A ,速度为0,加速度为2ωA -,力为kA -。


英语期末考试试卷 重庆大学硕士研究生《英语 》课程试卷 2012 ~2013 学年 第 一 学期(春、秋) 开课学院: 课程编号: 考试日期: 考试方式: 开卷闭卷 其他 考试时间: 120 分钟 硕士生B 类答题纸 英语班次:_______________ Answer Sheet Part I. Reading Comprehension ( 40 points, 1-15 30points; 16-25 10points) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) 21.( ) 22.( ) 23.( ) 24.( ) 25.( ) Part II. Translation from English to Chinese ( 20 points) Part III. Translation from Chinese to English ( 20 points ) Part IV . Writing ( 20 points) (请写在背面,Please write your composition on the reverse side.) 命题(组题)人:黄萍 李雁 审题人: 黄萍 命题时间: 2012.12 研究生院制 学院 专业(领域) 类别 ( 学术 、专业 ) 学号 姓名 封 线 密


第八章电磁的相互作用及应用 一、填空题 1.导体中要有感应电流产生必须满足有两个条件,一是_____________________,二是 ___________________________________. 2.直流电动机是利用________________________的原理制成的。 3.通电导体在磁场里的受力方向跟 ______________方向_________方向有关;电磁感应现象 中导体中感应电流的方向跟_____________方向和_____________方向有关. 4.如图8-1所示,当闭合开关S时,小磁针将向_________(填“顺时针”或“逆时针)方 向转动,当滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动时,电磁铁的磁性将________(填“增强”或“不 变”“减弱”). 图8-1 图8-2 5.如图8-2所示的电磁继电器,当控制电路接通时,灯_____亮.(填“L1”或“L2”) 6.通过一台电风扇的电流是0.2A,则2s内流过这台电风扇的电荷量是__________C;电流 表要.联接人要测量的电路中;电动机是根据________对电流作用的原理制成的. 7.如图所示是研究电磁感应的实验装置. (1)保持导线ab不动,闭合开关,灵敏电流计的指针不动,这时导 线中__________电流. (2)保持电路闭合,当导线ab向左运动和向右运动时,灵敏电流计 的指针会向左的向右偏转,表明导线中的感应电流方向与____________有关. (3)将U形磁铁反转对调磁极,闭合开关,当导线ab向左运动和向右运动时,灵敏电流计的 指针会向右和向左偏转,表明导线中的感应电流方向与_________________有关. 8.图8-4是电铃的构造示意图,仔细观察其构造并分析其工作原理, 写出其中包含的两个物理知识. 例:铃锤敲打铃盖───振动发声. (1)____________________________________________________ (2)____________________________________________________ 二、选择题 9.下列装置中,利用电磁感应现象制成的是() A.电熨斗 B.电磁铁 C.电动机 D.发电机图8-4 10.我们所使用的电冰箱、电风扇、洗衣机等家用电器,其主要部件都是用电动机来工作的, 那么电动机是根据下列哪种现象制成的() A.磁场对放人其中的磁体产生力的作用 B.电流周围存在着磁场 C.通电导体在磁场中受到力的作用 D.电磁感应,


统计学各章习题及参考答案 万元是“好企业”;105 ~ 115万元为“一般企业”;105万元以下是“落后企业”尝试按先进企业、好企业、一般企业和落后企业进行分组。2、按工人日产量分组的车间数据如下:工人(人)日产量(件)50-60 60-70 12 70-80 18 80-90 10 90-100根据上表,指出:(1)上表中的变量序列属于哪个变量序列;(2)上表中的变量、变量值、上限、下限和次数(频率);(3)计算各组的组距、组中值和频率 3、商店中XXXX年龄段人群的中位频率呈上升趋势,并呈下降趋势。距离值(%)频率频率(%)频率频率(%)(一岁)(人)(人)0-4 192 5-17 459 18-24 264 25-34 429 35-44 393 45-64 467 65和 6 *6基于318。现调查如下:一、为了解钢材积压情况,上级机关向单位一次性发放调查表进行填写b、一批货物送到商业仓库,在这批货物中选择10件进行仔细检验,以判断和记录质量c、一个乡镇在春播期间每5天向上级部门提交一次播种进度报告d、为了了解科技人员的分布和使用情况,有关部门向各单位布置问卷,要求填写e、调查大中型基本建设项目的投资效果f、选择一些企业进行调查,以了解试点后扩大企业自主权的结果和问题。要求:(1)指出上述调查中哪些是按组织方法分类的?(2)指出根据登记事项的连续性,上述调查属于哪类调查?(3)根据调查对象的范围,指出上述调查属于哪种调查?(4)根据收集数据的方法,指出每项调查属于哪种调查?

第3章数据分布特征描述 1,选择题1,经验表明当数据分布接近正态分布时,95%的数据位于区间()a,x??乙、乙?2?c、X?3?d、X?4?2.在实践中,最广泛使用的离散测量值是() A、范围和平均差异 B、平均差异和四分位数偏差 C、方差和标准偏差 D、异常值比率和四分位数偏差 3以及集中趋势。最重要的是() A,模式b,中值c,平均值d,几何平均值 4,有10个数据,它们与数据6的偏差分别为:-3,-2,-2,0,0,4,4,5,5由此可见,() A,平均值0 B,平均值1 B,平均值6 C,平均值6.9 5,一个生产团队由36名工人组成,每个工人生产相同数量的产品,其中14人生产每个产品需要8分钟;每个产品需要16个人10分钟才能生产出来。生产每种产品需要6个人5分钟。生产团队生产的每种产品的平均耗时应使用() A、简单算术平均值b、简单调和算术平均值c、加权算术平均值d、加权调和平均值 6进行计算,疗养院中9位百岁老人的年龄分别为101、102、103、104、108岁。102、105、110、102,计算结果为() A,均值=中值=模式b,均值>中值>模式c,模式>中值>均值d,中


第一章练习、作业及参考答案 (一)单选题 1.马克思主义政治经济学研究的出发点是( )。 A.社会生产力及其发展规律 B.社会生产关系及其发展规律 C.社会生产方式 D.物质资料的生产 2.生产过程中劳动对象和劳动资料共同构成( )。 A.劳动产品 B.生产资料 C.生产方式 D.劳动过程 3.马克思主义政治经济学的研究对象是( )。 A.社会生产力及其发展规律 B.社会生产关系及其发展规律 C.社会资源的优化配置 D.企业行为和居民行为 4.在各种社会关系中,最基本的社会关系是( )。 A.政治关系 B.家庭关系 C.生产关系 D.外交关系 5.生产、分配、交换、消费是生产总过程的各个环节,其中起决定作用的环节是 ( )。 A.生产 B.分配 C.交换 D.消费 6.作为马克思主义政治经济学研究对象的生产关系,其实质是( )。 A.政治关系 B.物质利益关系 C.人际关系 D.经济关系7.社会生产力发展水平的最主要标志是( )。 A.劳动对象 B.生产工具 C.科学技术 D.劳动力 8.社会发展的根本动力是( )。 A.生产力与生产关系的矛盾 B.劳动资料和劳动对象的矛盾 C.经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾 D.生产力自身的内存矛盾 9.经济规律的客观性意味着( )。 A.人们在经济规律面前无能为力 B.它作用的后果是永远不可改变的 C.它的存在和作用是不受时间、地点和条件限制的 D.它的存在和发生作用是不以人的主观意志为转移的 10.马克思主义政治经济学的基本方法是( )。 A.主观主义 B.唯心主义 C.唯物辩证法 D.科学抽象法(二)多选题 1.如果撇开生产过程的社会形式,物质资料的生产过程只是生产产品的劳动过程。劳动过程的简单要素包括( )。 A.劳动技术 B,劳动者的劳动 C.劳动对象 D.劳动方式 E.劳动资料 2.劳动对象是劳动者在生产过程中,把自己的劳动加于其上的一切物质资料。以下选项中属于劳动对象的是( )。 A.原始森林中正在被砍伐的树木 B.开采中的地下矿藏 C.炼钢厂的生铁 D.织布厂的棉纱 E.织布厂的纺织机 3.劳动资料主要可以分为( )。 A.生产工具 B.基础设施


英语期末测试模拟卷 一、词义配对(每空1分,共10分) 1.popular A. a person who buys goods or a service 2.famous B. way in which a word is said 3.spare C. free 4.expensive D. liked or enjoyed by many people 5.pronunciation E. become better 6.qualification F. having the result you intended 7.repeat G. costing a lot of money 8.successful H. something that makes you suitable for a job, activity, etc. 9.customer I. say or write something more than once 10.improve J. well-known 二、单项选择(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 11.Do you have a menu _________ Chinese? A: in B: on C: at D: by 12.Mixed Leaf Salad is _________ than tomato & Onion Salad . A: expensive B: more expensive C: most expensive D: the more expensive 13. Yao Ming plays basketball very ______ . A: good B: better C: best D: well 14..Beethoven was one of ____in the world . A. more famous musicians B .the most famous musicians C. most famous musicians D. most famous musician 15. We ______ TV when the telephone rang. A: watched B: were watching C. watch D. are watching 16. I really want to get someone _______ me. a. helping B. help C. helped D. to help 17.Li Xiaonian is going to the bookstore ______. A. by the bus B. by bus C. by a bus D. on bus 18.---The TV in my room doesn’t work. Can you ask someone to repair it? ---Sure. We’ll have it _______ at once. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair 19. I love songs. But I am crazy _______ Chinese songs. A. about B. in C. at D. of 20. Excuse me. I’d like to ______ your club. A. join B. join in C. joining D. joined 21.---Sorry, all these are sold out. ---___________. A. Yes, please. B. Three yuan a kilo. C. What a pity. D. No, thank you. I don’t want any. 22.I’m also inviting _______ classmates and some friends of ______ to the party. A. us, mine B. our, my C. us, my D. our , mine

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