当前位置:文档之家› 兰州大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语[专业硕士]历年考研真题及详解【圣才出品】




I.Vocabulary and grammar(30’)

Multiple choice

Directions:Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

1.The Chief Cabinet Secretary ordered all cabinet members yesterday to search campaign fund records for any contributions from an industry,________for tax evasion and links with organized crime.







2.She has been gesturing with one hand,to_______what she said.






【解析】句意:她一直用一只手打手势来强调她说的话。emphasize强调,着重。rotate 使旋转。facilitate促进;帮助。substitute代替。

3.Other countries’currencies are either fixed in value or_______against the dollar in the world’s foreign exchange markets.







4.I disapprove of diets so strongly because I think it’s wrong suddenly to _______your body________certain foods.






【解析】句意:我强烈反对节食因为我认为突然剥夺身体吸收某些食物是错误的。deprive...of剥夺…的…;使丧失。switch off(用开关)关掉;切断(电源)。immerse in 全神贯注于,专心于;把…浸入水中。rid of除去,摆脱。

5.He is planning to go to Tehran to________peace moves through the Islamic Conference Organization.







6.Too often we act on assumptions that bear little or no_______to fact or evidence.







7.Both prosecution and defense lawyers gave_______closing remarks.







8.That is the rate of monetary growth which is_______avoiding inflation.

A.symbolic of

B.unintentional for

C.subsequent to

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d6955200.html,patible with


【解析】句意:货币增长是与避免通货膨胀相配的。compatible with与…和谐相处;与…相配的。symbolic of…的象征。unintentional for无意的。subsequent to继…之后。

9.In the war many families have lost everything they_______and hold dear.







10.I am on the_______of retirement and I believe Paul would be happy to take my place.






【解析】句意:我接近退休了,玩相信保罗很开心接受我的职位。on the verge of濒临于;接近于。on the border of在…的边界上。on the edge of几乎;濒于。on the basis of根据;基于…。

11.The authorities were not sympathetic to the students’demands,_______ any disruption.

A.and would they not tolerate

B.not would they tolerate

C.or they would not tolerate

D.nor would they tolerate


【解析】句意:当局既不赞同学生们的要求,也不会容忍任何混乱发生。本题考查部分倒装,否定词nor提前时,句子结构为:neither/nor/no more+助动词+主语(表示也不),本题中语序为nor would they tolerate。

12.Our attempts to communicate with another species are concerned mainly with giving orders in our language and_______.

A.having them obeying

B.having them to obey

C.having them obeyed

D.having them being obeyed


【解析】句意:我们为与其它生物交流所做的尝试主要是用我们的语言发出命令并让它们服从。have sth.done使得。

13.Alex Hart is an unusual person.I have never met_______individual.

A.a more extraordinary

B.a most extraordinary

2015-211 翻译硕士英语

第 1 页共9 页

12. His proposal is __________ to our interests. A. adverse B. diverse C. averse D. reverse 13. Mr. Wilson is ____________ in his work. A. sufficient B. deficient C. proficient D. efficient 14. You’d better put a __________ on that cut finger. A. string B. band C. bandage D. cloth 15. Turntable, amplifier and speaker are ___________ of a phonograph. A. compounds B. compositions C. composites D. components 16. As a result of careless washing the jacket __________ to a child’s size. A. shrank B. condensed C. decreased D. compressed 17. All things ____________, the planned trip will have to be called off. A. considered B. be considered C. considering D. having considered 18. During the conference the speaker tried to _________ his feeling concerning the urgency of a favorable decision. A. comply B. impose C. imply D. convey 19. I can’t afford a car, so I guess I’ll have to __________. A. do without it B. do without C. be without D. be without it 20. They seldom paid us high ___________, even if we did our best to do the job. A. complement B. compliment C. implement D. supplement 21. Weight is an inherent ___________ of matter. A. propriety B. prosperity C. property D. privilege 22. I haven’t booked a ticket. I’m taking a chance __________ the theatre not being full. A. on B. for C. in D. to 23. The travelers ___________ themselves after a short break. A. refreshed B. resumed C. renewed D. restored 24. The doorway was too low that he had to ____________ to go through it. A. scoop B. snoop C. sloop D. stoop 25. He could not help walking to and fro, for he was _________ at the false accusation. A. indifferent B. indignant C. indicative D. indigenous 26. Don’t be so ____________, spend your money more carefully. A. extravagant B. extraordinary C. extramarital D. extrasensory 27. At last the two armies ____________ at the railway station. A. convicted B. converged C. converted D. compelled 28. The company has really _________ since the chief engineer joined us. A. flattered B. fluttered C. flourished D. flushed 29. Tigers’ coats are tawny with black ___________. A. stripes B. strikes C. strolls D. strides 30. After ____________ the window open, the burglar sneaked into the house and took away all he had. A. prying B. plying C. pluming D. probing 第 2 页共9 页


211《翻译硕士英语》考试大纲 一、考试目的 《翻译硕士英语》是翻译硕士专业研究生入学考试的专业基础课考试科目,旨在考察考生是否具备达到进入MTI阶段口笔译学习所要求的英语水平。 二、考试性质与范围 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括考生应具备的英语词汇量、语法知识以及英语阅读与写作等方面的技能。 三、考试基本要求 1.具有良好的英语基本功,认知词汇量在10,000以上,掌握5,000个以上的积极词汇,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。 2.能熟练掌握正确的英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 3.具有较强的阅读理解能力和英语写作能力。 四、考试形式 本考试采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方法。各项试题的分布情况见“考试内容一览表”。 五、考试内容 本考试包括以下部分:词汇语法、阅读理解、英语写作等。总分为100分。 I.词汇语法 1.要求 1)词汇量要求:考生的认知词汇量应在10,000以上,其中积极词汇量为5,000以上,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。 2)语法要求:考生能正确运用英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 2.题型: 多项选择或改错题 II.阅读理解 1.要求: 1)能读懂常见外刊上的专题文章、历史传记及文学作品等各种文体的文章,

既能理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出其中的事实与细节,并能理解其中的观点和隐含意义。 2)能根据阅读时间要求调整自己的阅读速度。 2.题型: 1)多项选择题(包括信息事实性阅读题和观点评判性阅读题) 2)简答题(要求根据所阅读的文章,用3-5行字数的有限篇幅扼要回答问题,重点考查阅读综述能力) 3.选材 本部分题材广泛,体裁多样,选材体现时代性、实用性;重点考查通过阅读获取信息和理解观点的能力;对阅读速度有一定要求。 III.英语写作 1.要求: 能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400词左右的记叙文、说明文或议论文。要求语言通顺,用词得体,结构合理,文体恰当。 2.题型:命题作文 《翻译硕士英语》考试内容一览表 参考书目:张汉熙主编:《高级英语》(第三版1-2册),外语教学与研究出版社,2011年。 声明:此资源由本人收集整理于网络只用于交流学习。如有侵权请联系删除处理。


华侨大学2018年硕士研究生入学考试专业课试卷 (答案必须写在答题纸上) 招生专业翻译 科目名称翻译硕士英语科目代码 211 Part I Vocabulary and structure (30%) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best complete the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. 1.Propaganda is generally considered to be a form of ______. A. education B. upbringing C. indoctrination D. instruction 2.In some circles, the traditional ____ attitude toward women is coming back. They believe that women’s proper domain is in the kitchen. A.sexual B. sexy C. sexist D. sex 3.Liu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships. He ____ a lot of hard training. A. should have experienced B. must have experienced C. should experience D. must experience 4. Yesterday in our oral class, we were talking about economics. Somehow we got ____ the subject of inflation. A. about B. up C. onto D. in 5. He spent the whole day yesterday trying to get rid of the ____ in his garden. A. grass B. hay C. weeds D. wild herbs 6. As we all know, blue skies are not always a _________ of fine weather. A. conversion B. preservation C. guarantee D. safety 7. Doctors are often caught in a ________ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not. A. dilemma B. puzzle C. perplexity D. bewilderment 8. Many people have the _________ that wealth is the chief cause of happiness. A. delusion B. illusion C. fantasy D. image 9. If we believe something is good and true we should _____ to it. A. hold up B. keep on C. hold on D. keep up 1 / 10


河南科技大学 2015年硕士研究生入学考试试题答案及评分标准考试科目代码: 211考试科目名称:翻译硕士英语 Part Ⅰ Multiple Choice (20%) For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, or D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A Part II Reading Comprehension (40%) Read the following passages and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C, or D. 1-5: CABAB 6-10: ABDDD 11-15: BCCCD Read the following passage and answer the questions briefly. 16. Piped water from an intermittent supply could be dangerous to health. 17. The author recommends that travelers on short trips should drink canned drinks of well-known brand names because international standards of water treatment are usually followed at bottling plants. 18. Ice in drinks could be dangerous to the health because ice is only as safe as the water from which it is made. 19. You would not be safe if you added 95 proof alcohol to contaminated water because it cannot be relied on to sterilize water. 20. In the absence of other sources, tap-water is too hot to touch is generally safe to drink when it has been left to cool. Part Ⅲ Explain in your own words the following sentences. (10%) 1. Integrity means having one’s own norms and rules of judging what is right and what is wrong, which one should not give up for immediate personal advantages. 2. Literarily, I was unable to open wide my eyes due to the dazzling summer sunlight as well as my eyes defect. Figuratively, the freedom, equality and democracy all American citizens were allegedly entitled to were simply distorted images in my eye. 3. Our knowledge of photography tells us that a lens in a camera can reflect and record images of persons or things sharply and objectively. This leads us to the thought that money or the greed for money can also cause people to reveal their true feelings or characters. 4. We tend to close our eyes when facing the whole truth and be prepared for the worst that might happen, no matter how much pain I may endure. 5. Men’s choices about fashion always embodied an absolute and enormous meaning in their own world, serving as tokens of men’s identity which women could hardly comprehend to form their own judgments. Part ⅨWriting (30%) Is It Wise to Seek Cosmetic Surgery? In recent years, turning on the television and browsing through newspapers, we can see numerous cosmic surgery advertisements. With the influence of these advertisements and the change of notion, an increasing number of Chinese people have undergone cosmetic surgery. Many people believe that cosmetic surgery can beautify their appearance and bring lots of benefits. However, in my view, it is unwise to take cosmic surgery due to its great risks, bad psychological effects and heavy economic burden. To begin with, cosmetic surgery means unexpected surgical risks for those aiming to be more artificially beautiful. Even though nowadays the medical technology has improved by leaps and bounds, and doctors often ensure that they will minimize the medical risks during the operation, many cosmetic surgery accidents frequently happen every year. In addition to life risk, cosmetic surgery also involves other surgical risk like bleeding, infection, allergic reactions, coma and so on, which will lead to serious consequences. Another reason why I am against it is that it has bad effect on the customer’s psychological health. It has been observed that many individuals undergoing cosmetic surgery tend to suffer from an obsession or infatuation with their look, which can cause an addition and may impel them to undergo much more cosmic surgery technology, repetitive


宁波大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生 入学考试试题(A 卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上) 考试科目: 翻译硕士英语科目代码:211 适用专业:英语笔译第1页共9页Part I.Vocabulary and Grammar (30points:20for Section A,and 10for Section B)Section A:There are 20incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1.Even though he was guilty,the ________judge did not send him to prison. A.merciful B.impartial C.conscientious D.conspicuous 2.The education ________for the coming year is about $4billion,which is much more than what people expected.A.allowance B.reservation C.budget D.finance 3.They had fierce ________as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken year ago. A.debate B.clash C.disagreement D.context 4.They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour,but still could not make _____of them. A.impression https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d6955200.html,prehension C.meaning D.sense 5.The politician says he will ________the welfare of the people. A.prey on B.take on C.get at D.see to 6.If you ________the bottle and cigarettes,you’ll be much healthier. A.take off B.keep off C.get off D.set off 7.He was ________to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table. A.dragged B.tempted C.elicited D.attracted 8.Beijing somewhat short sighted,she had the habit of ________at people.A.glancing B.peering C.gazing D.scanning 9.Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world,the ________majority are inactive. A.tremendous B.demanding C.intensive D.overwhelming 10.In general,matters which lie entirely within state borders are the ________concern of state governments. A.extinct B.excluding C.excessive D.exclusive 11.The food was rather ________and needed gingering up. A.slippery B.inscribe C.invisible D.insipid 12.I don't ________expert knowledge of this subject. A.profess B.confess C.confirm D.confront 13.He had no ________about his talents as a singer. A.illuminations B.illustrations C.allusions D.illusions 14.There is not much time left;so I’ll tell you about it ________.A.in detail B.in brief C.in short D.in all 15.In this factory,suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully ________. A.admitted B.acknowledged C.absorbed D.considered 16.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened,________a sudden loud noise.


2014年江西师范大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解 I. Vocabulary: (1×1, 10 points) Direction: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. —Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup! — _____, madam. This is our soup of the day. A. Let me see B. So it is C. Don’t mention it D. Neither do I 【答案】B 【解析】根据“哎呀,这只是普通的蔬菜汤!”这句话来判断,顾客是在抱怨,而答语是服务员对顾客的话做了“确认”回答,“确实如此,这就是我们今天的汤”。 2. The couple _____ their old house and sold it for a vast profit. A. did for B. did in C. did with D. did up 【答案】D 【解析】句意:这对夫妇修理了旧房子,然后卖了高价。do up刷新;修缮。do for适合。do in 欺骗;搞垮。 3. —Mother, you promised to take me out. —Well. _____ A. So I did! B. So did I. C. So I do! D. So do I. 【答案】A 【解析】第一个人抱怨妈妈说话不算数,第二句话用了一个语气词well表明她承认自己曾经许诺过这事。“so+主语+助动词”表示说话人认同对方的看法。 4. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into _____ ones. A. turbulent B. tragic C. vulnerable D. suspicious 【答案】A 【解析】句意:谣言无处不在,散布恐惧,损毁名誉,把平静的局势弄得十分动荡。根据“turn...into”可知,空白处单词应该与calm意思相反。turbulent混乱的。vulnerable易受攻击的。suspicious可疑的。 5. The student said there were a few points in the essay he _____ impossible to comprehend. A. has found B. was finding C. had found D. would find 【答案】C 【解析】句意:这个学生说,他发现这篇文章里有几点很难理解。这句话中“发现”这个动作发生在“said”之前,因此应该用过去完成时。 6. Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _____ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction. A. no more B. not more C. even more D. much more 【答案】B 【解析】句意:人口过剩对人类构成了可怕的威胁。然而这可能不仅是对人类的威胁,更是对于环境的破坏。用于比较两件事物时,no more ...than表示对两者都否定,意为“同……一样不”。而not more...than指两者虽都具有某种特征,但程度不同,意为“不如”“不及”。 7. The decline of _____ and good manners may be worrying people more than crime, according to Gentility Recalled, edited by Digby Anderson, which laments the breakdown of traditional codes that once regulated social conduct. A. politeness B. civilization C. civility D. greeting 【答案】C


211 翻译硕士英语复习提纲 一、考试目的: 《翻译硕士英语》作为全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试的外国语考试,其目的是考察考生是否具备进行MTI学习所要求的外语水平。 二、考试性质与范围: 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括MTI考生应具备的外语词汇量、语法知识以及外语阅读与写作等方面的技能。 三、考试基本要求 1. 具有良好的外语基本功,认知词汇量在10,000以上,掌握6000个以上(以 英语为例)的积极词汇,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。2. 能熟练掌握正确的外语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 3.具有较强的阅读理解能力和外语写作能力。 四、考试形式 本考试采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方法。各项试题的分布情况见“考试内容一览表”。 五、考试内容: 本考试包括以下部分:词汇与结构、阅读理解、外语写作等。总分100分。 I.词汇语法 1. 要求 1)词汇量要求: 考生的认知词汇量应在10,000以上,其中积极词汇量为5,000以上,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。 2)结构要求: 考生能正确运用外语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 2. 题型: 多项选择题及改错题。总分30分。考试时间为60分钟。 II. 阅读理解 1. 要求: 1)能读懂常见外刊上的专题文章、历史传记及文学作品等各种文体的文章,既能理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出其中的事实与细节,并能理解其中的观点和隐含意义。 2)能根据阅读时间要求调整自己的阅读速度。 2. 题型: 1) 多项选择题(包括信息事实性阅读题和观点评判性阅读题) 2) 简答题(要求根据所阅读的文章,用3-5行字数的有限篇幅扼要回答问题, 重点考查阅读综述能力)


青岛大学 2017 年翻译专业硕士研究生入学试题 科目代码:211 科目名称:翻译硕士英语(共 9 页) 请写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 P???I GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (20 Points) There are twenty sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1.?he issue of e-commerce did not any detailed discussions at the conference. ? . take delight in B. give rise to C. give way to D. take advantage of 2.Bing aware of the potential objections, they launched a reform at the beginning stage. ?. humble B. modest C. timid D. middle 3.Fingerprints form an unchangeable despite changes in the individual’s appearance or age. ?. mark B. sign C. remark D. signature 4.It is illegal in some countries that children unattended at home. ? . be left B. left C. are leaving D. being left 5.?new material , we have good reason to be optimistic. ?. developed B. being developed C. was being developed D. was developed 6.I think much attention your pronunciation. ?. must be paid to B. ought to be paid to C. must pay to D. should be paid to 7.Hurry up, or the tickets out by the time we get there. ?. will have sold B. will sell C. have sold D. will have been sold 1

211 翻译硕士英语考试大纲-2017版

全日制翻译硕士专业学位(笔译方向)研究生入学考试 《翻译硕士英语》(211)考试大纲(2017版) 一、考试目的 《翻译硕士英语》作为全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试的外国语考试,其目的是考察考生是否具备进行MTI学习所要求的英语水平。 二、考试性质与范围 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括MTI考生应具备的英语词汇量、语法知识以及英语阅读与写作等方面的技能。考试为3小时。 三、考试基本要求 1. 具有良好的英语基本功,认知词汇量在10, 000以上,掌握6, 000个以上(以英语为例)的积极词汇,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。 2. 能熟练掌握正确的英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 3.具有较强的阅读理解能力和英语写作能力。 四、考试形式 本考试采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方法。各项试题的分布情况见“考试内容一览表”。 五、考试内容 本考试包括以下部分:词汇语法、阅读理解、英语写作等。总分为100分。 I.词汇语法 1. 要求 1)词汇量要求: 考生的认知词汇量应在10, 000以上,其中积极词汇量为6, 000以上,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。

2)语法要求: 考生能正确运用英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 2. 题型: 选择题 II. 阅读理解 1. 要求 1)能读懂常见英语报刊上的专题文章、历史传记及文学作品等各种文体的文章,既能理解其主旨和大意,又能分辨出其中的事实与细节,并能理解其中的观点和隐含意义。 2)能根据阅读时间要求调整自己的阅读速度。 2. 题型 1) 选择题(包括信息事实性阅读题和观点评判性阅读题) 2) 简答题(要求根据所阅读的文章,用3-5行字数的有限篇幅扼要回答问题,重点考查阅读综述能力) 本部分题材广泛,体裁多样,选材体现时代性、实用性;重点考查通过阅读获取信息和理解观点的能力;对阅读速度有一定要求。 III.英语写作 1. 要求: 考生能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400词左右的记叙文、说明文或议论文。该作文要求语言通顺,用词得体,结构合理,文体恰当。 2. 题型:命题作文 《翻译硕士英语》考试内容一览表

211-翻译硕士英语 2019 A卷

姓名 : 报 考 专 业 : 准考 证号码 : 密 封 线 内 不 要 写 题 年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题试题科目名称:翻译硕士英语( A 卷□B 卷)科目代码:考试时间: 3 小时 满分 100 无 □计算器 □直尺 □圆规(请在使用工具前打√)注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上,写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效;考完后试题随答题纸交回。 Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar (20 points, 1 point for each) Directions: There are 20 statements in this section. After each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Select the only one choice that best completes the statement. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

the networks to local cable operators and satellite programmers. Part III. Reading Comprehension (40 points, 2 point for each) Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question and circle the letter on the answer sheet. Remember to write the letter corresponding to the question number. Questions 31-35 are based on the following passage: The health-care economy is filled with unusual and even unique economic relationships. One of the least understanding involves the peculiar roles of producer or “provider”and purchaser or “consumer”in the typical doctor-patient relationship. In most sectors of the economy, it is the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various inducements of price, quality, and utility, and it is the buyer who makes the decision. Such condition, however, does not prevail in most of the health-care industry. In the health-care industry, the doctor-patient relationship is the mirror image of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer. Once an individual has chosen to see a physician — and even then there may be no real choice — it is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing decisions: whether the patient should return “next Wednesday”, whether X-rays are needed, whether drugs should be prescribed, etc. It is a rare and sophisticated patient who will challenge such professional decisions or raise in advance questions about price, especially when the disease is regarded as serious. This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care. The physician must certify the need for hospitalization, determine what procedures will be performed, and announce when the patient may be discharged. The patient may be consulted about some of these decisions, but in the main it is the doctor’s judgments that are final. Little wonder then that in the eye of the hospital it is the physician who is the real “consumer”. As a consequence, the medical staff represents the “power center” in hospital policy and decision-making, not the administration. Although usually there are in this situation four identifiable participants — the physician, the hospital, the patient, and the payer (generally an insurance carrier or government) —the physician makes the essential decisions for all of them. The hospital becomes an extension of

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