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Homogeneous para-Kahler Einstein manifolds

Homogeneous para-Kahler Einstein manifolds
Homogeneous para-Kahler Einstein manifolds

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HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K ¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS D.V.ALEKSEEVSKY,C.MEDORI AND A.TOMASSINI Dedicated to E.B.Vinberg on the occasion of his 70th birthday Abstract.A para-K¨a hler manifold can be de?ned as a pseudo-Riemannian manifold (M,g )with a parallel skew-symmetric para-complex structures K ,i.e.a parallel ?eld of skew-symmetric endomor-phisms with K 2=Id or,equivalently,as a symplectic manifold (M,ω)with a bi-Lagrangian structure L ±,i.e.two complementary integrable Lagrangian distributions.A homogeneous manifold M =G/H of a semisimple Lie group G admits an invariant para-K¨a hler structure (g,K )if and only if it is a covering of the adjoint orbit Ad G h of a semisimple element h.We give a description of all invariant para-K¨a hler structures (g,K )on a such homogeneous https://www.doczj.com/doc/0116220864.html,ing a para-complex analogue of basic formulas of K¨a hler geometry,we prove that any invariant para-complex structure K on M =G/H de?nes a unique para-K¨a hler Einstein structure (g,K )with given non-zero scalar curvature.An explicit formula for the Einstein metric g is given.A survey of recent results on para-complex geometry is included.Contents 1.Introduction.22.A survey on para-complex geometry.42.1.Para-complex structures.42.2.Para-hypercomplex (complex product)structures.62.3.Para-quaternionic structures.72.4.Almost para-Hermitian and para-Hermitian structures.82.5.Para-K¨a hler (bi-Lagrangian or Lagrangian 2-web)structures.11

2.6.Para-hyperK¨a hler (hypersymplectic)structures and para-

hyperK¨a hler structures with torsion (PHKT-structures).13

2.7.Para-quaternionic K¨a hler structures and para-quaternionic-

K¨a hler with torsion (PQKT)structures.14


2.8.Para-CR structures and para-quaternionic CR structures

(para-3-Sasakian structures).16 3.Para-complex vector spaces.17 3.1.The algebra of para-complex numbers C.17 3.2.Para-complex structures on a real vector space.18

3.3.Para-Hermitian forms.19

4.Para-complex manifolds.19 4.1.Para-holomorphic coordinates.20

4.2.Para-complex di?erential forms.21

5.Para-K¨a hler manifolds.22 5.1.Para-K¨a hler structures and para-K¨a hler potential.22 5.2.Curvature tensor of a para-K¨a hler metric.24 5.3.The Ricci form in para-holomorphic coordinates.25

5.4.The canonical form of a para-complex manifold.27

6.Homogeneous para-K¨a hler manifolds.29 6.1.The Koszul formula for the canonical form.29 6.2.Invariant para-complex structures on a homogeneous manifold.31 6.3.Invariant para-K¨a hler structures on a homogeneous reductive

manifold.32 7.Homogeneous para-K¨a hler Einstein manifolds of a semisimple

group.33 7.1.Invariant para-K¨a hler structures on a homogeneous manifold.33 7.2.Fundamental gradations of a real semisimple Lie algebra.34 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0116220864.html,putation of the Koszul form and the main theorem.36 7.4.Examples.38 References40


An almost para-complex structure on a2n-dimensional manifold M is a?eld K of involutive endomorphisms(K2=1)with n-dimensional eigendistributions T±with eigenvalues±1.(More generally,any?eld K of involutive endomorphisms is called an almost para-complex struc-ture in weak sense).

If the n-dimensional eigendistributions T±of K are involutive,the?eld K is called a para-complex structure.This is equivalent to the vanishing of the Nijenhuis tensor N K of the K.In other words,a para-complex struc-ture on M is the same as a pair of complementary n-dimensional integrable distributions T±M.

A decomposition M=M+×M?of a manifold M into a direct product de?nes on M a para-complex structure K in the weak sense with eigendis-tributions T+=T M+and T?=T M?tangent to the factors.It is a para-complex structure in the factors M±have the same dimension.

Any para-complex structure locally can be obtained by this construction.

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS3 Due to this,an(almost)para-complex structure is also called an(almost) product structure.

A manifold M endowed with a para-complex structure K admits an atlas of para-holomorphic coordinates(which are functions with values in the alge-bra C=R+e R,e2=1,of para-complex numbers)such that the transition functions are para-holomorphic.

One can de?ne para-complex analogues of di?erent composed geomet-ric structures which involve a complex structure(Hermitian,K¨a hler,nearly K¨a hler,special K¨a hler,hypercomplex,hyper-K¨a hler,quaternionic,quater-nionic K¨a hler structures,CR-structure etc.)changing a complex structure J to a para-complex structure K.Many results of the geometry of such structures remain valid in the para-complex case.On the other hand,some para-complex composed structures admit di?erent interpretation as3-webs, bi-Lagrangian structure and so on.

The structure of this paper is the following.

In section2,we give a survey of known results about para-complex geometry. Sections3,4and5contain an elementary introduction to para-complex and para-K¨a hler geometry.

The bundleΛr(T?M?C)of C-valued r-form is decomposed into a direct sum of(p,q)-formsΛp,q M and the exterior di?erential d is represented as a direct sum d=?+ˉ?.Moreover,a para-complex analogue of the Dolbeault Lemma holds(see[33]and subsection4.2).

A para-K¨a hler structure on a manifold M is a pair(g,K)where g is a pseudo-Riemannian metric and K is a parallel skew-symmetric para-complex structure.A pseudo-Riemannian2n-dimensional manifold(M,g)admits a para-K¨a hler structure(g,K)if and only if its holonomy group is a subgroup of GL n(R)?SO n,n?GL2n(R).

If(g,K)is a para-K¨a hler structure on M,thenω=g?K is a symplec-tic structure and the±1-eigendistributions T±M of K are two integrable ω-Lagrangian distributions.Due to this,a para-K¨a hler structure can be identi?ed with a bi-Lagrangian structure(ω,T±M)whereωis a symplectic structure and T±M are two integrable Lagrangian distributions.

In section4,we derive some formulas for the curvature and Ricci curvature of a para-K¨a hler structure(g,K)in terms of para-holomorphic coordinates. In particular,we show that,as in the K¨a hler case,the Ricci tensor S de-pends only on the determinant of the metric tensor gαˉβwritten in terms of para-holomorphic coordinates.

In sections5and6,we consider a homogeneous manifold(M=G/H,K,vol) with an invariant para-complex structure K and an invariant volume form vol.We establish a formula which expresses the pull-backπ?ρto G of the Ricci formρ=S?K of any invariant para-K¨a hler structure(g,K)as the di?erential of a left-invariant1-formψ,called the Koszul form.

In the last section,we use the important result by Z.Hou,S.Deng,S. Kaneyuki and K.Nishiyama(see[60],[61])stating that a homogeneous


manifold M=G/H of a semisimple Lie group G admits an invariant para-K¨a hler structure if and only if it is a covering of the adjoint orbit Ad G h of a semisimple element h∈g=Lie(G).

We describe all invariant para-complex structures K on M=G/H in terms of fundamental gradations of the Lie algebra g with g0=h:=Lie(H)and we show that they are consistent with any invariant symplectic structureωon G/H such that(g=ω?K,K)is an invariant para-K¨a hler structure.This gives a description of all invariant para-K¨a hler structures on homogeneous manifolds of a semisimple group G.An invariant para-complex structure on M=G/H de?nes an Anosov?ow,but a theorem by Y.Benoist and F. Labourie shows that this?ow can not be push down to any smooth compact quotientΓ\G/H.We give a complete description of invariant para-K¨a hler-Einstein metrics on homogeneous manifolds of a semisimple Lie group and prove the following theorem.

Theorem1.1.Let M=G/H be a homogeneous manifold of a semisimple Lie group G which admits an invariant para-K¨a hler structure and K be an invariant para-complex structure on M.Then there exists a unique invariant symplectic structureρon M which is the push down of the di?erential dψof the canonical Koszul1-formψon G such that gλ,K:=λ?1ρ?K is an invariant para-K¨a hler Einstein metric with Einstein constantλ=0and this construction gives all invariant para-K¨a hler-Einstein metrics on M.

2.A survey on para-complex geometry.

2.1.Para-complex structures.The notion of almost para-complex structure(or almost product structure)on a manifold was introduced by P.K.Raˇs evski??[92]and P.Libermann[78],[79],where the problem of integrability had been also discussed.The paper[36]contains a survey of further results on para-complex structure with more then100references. Note that a para-complex structure K on a manifold M de?nes a new Lie algebra structure in the space X(M)of vector?elds given by


such that the map


is a homomorphism of Lie algebras.

Moreover,K de?nes a new di?erential d K of the algebraΛ(M)of di?erential forms which is a derivation ofΛ(M)of degree one with d2K=0.It is given by

d K:={d,K}:=d?ιK+ιK?d

whereιK is the derivation associated with K of the supercommutative al-gebraΛ(M)of degree?1de?ned by the contraction.(Recall that the su-perbracket of two derivations is a derivation).

In[77],the authors de?ne the notion of para-complex a?ne immersion

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS5 f:M→M′with transversal bundle N between para-complex manifolds (M,K),(M′,K′)equipped with torsion free para-complex connections?,?′and prove a theorem about the existence and the uniqueness of such an im-mersion of(M,K,?)into the a?ne space M′=R2m+2n with the standard para-complex structure and?at connection.

In[96],the author de?nes the notion of para-tt?-bundle over an(almost) para-complex2n-dimensional manifold(M,K)as a vector bundleπ:E→M with a?at connection?and a End(E)-valued1-form S such that1-parametric family of connections

?t X=cosh(t)?X+sinh(t)?KX,X∈T M

is?at.It is a para-complex version of tt?-bundle over a complex manifold de?ned in the context of quantum?eld theory in[31],[43]and studied from di?erential-geometric point of view in[35].In[96],[97],[98],the author studies properties of para-tt?-connection?t on the tangent bundle E=T M of an(almost)para-complex manifold M.In particular,he shows that nearly para-K¨a hler and special para-complex structures on M provide para-tt?-connections.It is also proved that a para-tt?-connection which preserves a metric or a symplectic form determines a para-pluriharmonic map f:M→N where N=Sp2n(R)/U n(C n)or,respectively,N=SO n,n/U n(C n)with invariant pseudo-Riemannian metric.Here U n(C n)stands for para-complex analogue of the unitary group.

Generalized para-complex structures.Let T(M):=T M⊕T?M be the gener-alized tangent bundle of a manifold M i.e.the direct sum of the tangent and cotangent bundles equipped with the natural metric g of signature(n,n),

g (X,ξ),(X′,ξ′) :=1

d ξ′(X)?ξ(X′)


where L X is the Lie derivative in the direction of a vector?eld X.A max-imally g-isotropic subbundle D?T(M)is called a Dirac structure if its space of sectionsΓ(D)is closed under the Courant bracket.

Changing in the de?nition of the para-complex structure the tangent bundle T M to the generalized tangent bundle T(M)and the Nijenhuis bracket to the Courant bracket,A.Wade[102]and I.Vaisman[101]de?ne the notion of a generalized para-complex structure which uni?es the notion of symplec-tic structure,Poisson structure and para-complex structure and it is similar to the Hitchin’s de?nition of a generalized complex structure(see e.g[55],


A generalized para-complex structure is a?eld K of involutive skew-symmetric endomorphisms of the bundle T(M)whose±1-eigendistributions T±are closed under the Courant bracket.


In other words,it is a decomposition T(M)=T+⊕T?of the generalized tangent bundle into a direct sum of two Dirac structures T±. Generalized para-complex structures naturally appear in the context of mir-ror symmetry:a semi-?at generalized complex structure on a n-torus bundle with sections over an n-dimensional manifold M gives rise to a generalized para-complex structure on M,see[21].I.Vaisman[101]extends the reduc-tion theorem of Marsden-Weinstein type to generalized complex and para-complex structures and gives the characterization of the submanifolds that inherit an induced structure via the corresponding classical tensor?elds. 2.2.Para-hypercomplex(complex product)structures.An(al-most)para-hypercomplex(or an almost complex product struc-ture)on a2n-dimensional manifold M is a pair(J,K)of an anticommuting (almost)complex structure J and an(almost)para-complex structure K. The product I=JK is another(almost)para-complex structure on M. If the structures J,K are integrable,then I=JK is also an(integrable) para-complex structure and the pair(J,K)or triple(I,J,K)is called a para-hypercomplex structure.An(almost)para-hypercomplex struc-ture is similar to an(almost)hypercomplex structure which is de?ned as a pair of anticommuting(almost)complex structures.Like for almost hyper-complex structure,there exists a canonical connection?,called the Obata connection,which preserves a given almost para-hypercomplex structure (i.e.such that?J=?K=?I=0).The torsion of this connection van-ishes if and only if N J=N K=N I=0that is(J,K)is a para-hypercomplex structure.

At any point x∈M the endomorphisms I,J,K de?ne a standard basis of the Lie subalgebra sl2(R)?End(T x M).The conjugation by a(constant) matrix A∈SL2(R)allows to associate with an(almost)para-hypercomplex structure(J,K)a3-parametric family of(almost)para-hypercomplex struc-tures which have the same Obata connection.

Let T M=T+⊕T?be the eigenspace decomposition for the almost para-complex structure K.Then the almost complex structure J de?nes the isomorphism J:T+→T?and we can identify the tangent bundle T M with a tensor product T M=R2?E such that the endomorphisms J,K,I acts on the?rst factor R2in the standard way:

(1)J= 0?110 ,K= 100?1 ,I=JK= 0110 . Any basis of E x de?nes a basis of the tangent space T x M and the set of such(adapted)bases form a GL n(R)-structure(that is a principal GL n(R)-subbundle of the frame bundle of M).So one can identify an almost para-hypercomplex structure with a GL n(R)-structure and a para-hypercomplex structure with a1-integrable GL n(R)-structure.This means that(J,K)is a para-hypercomplex structure.The basic facts of the geometry of para-hypercomplex manifolds are described in[13],where also some examples are considered.

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS7 Invariant para-hypercomplex structures on Lie groups are investigated in[14],[17].Algebraically,the construction of left-invariant para-hypercomplex structures on a Lie group G reduces to the decomposition of its Lie algebra g into a direct sum of subalgebras g+,g?together with the construction of a complex structure J which interchanges g+,g?.It is proved in[12]that the Lie algebras g±carry a structure of left-symmetric algebra.Applications to construction of hypercomplex and hypersymplectic (or para-hyperK¨a hler)structures are considered there.

Note that a para-hypercomplex structure(J,K)on a2n-dimensional man-ifold M can be identi?ed with a3-web,that is a triple(V1,V2,V3)of mu-tually complementary n-dimensional integrable distributions.Indeed,the eigendistributions T±,S±of the para-complex structures K and I=JK de?nes a3-web(T+,T?,S+).Conversely,let(V1,V2,V3)be a3-web.Then the decomposition T M=V1+V2de?nes a para-complex structure K and the distribution V3is the graph of a canonically de?ned isomorphism f:V1→V2 that is V3=(1+f)V1.The n-dimensional distribution V4:=(1?f?1)V2 gives a direct sum decomposition T M=V3+V4which de?nes another almost para-complex structure I which anticommutes with K.Hence,(J=IK,K) is an almost hypercomplex structure.It is integrable if and only if the distri-bution V4=(1?f?1)V2associated with the3-web(V1,V2,V3)is integrable. So,any3-web de?nes an almost para-hypercomplex structure which is para-hypercomplex structure if the distribution V4is integrable.

The monograph[1]contains a detailed exposition of the theory of three-webs, which was started by Bol,Chern and Blaschke and continued by M.A.Akivis and his school.Relations with the theories of G-structures,in particular Grassmann structures,symmetric spaces,algebraic geometry,nomography, quasigroups,non-associative algebras and di?erential equations of hydrody-namic type are discussed.

2.3.Para-quaternionic structures.An almost para-quaternionic structure on a2n-dimensional manifold M is de?ned by a3-dimensional subbundle Q of the bundle End(T M)of endomorphisms,which is lo-cally generated by an almost para-hypercomplex structure(I,J,K),i.e. Q x=R I x+R J x+R K x where x∈U and U?M is a domain where I,J,K are de?ned.If Q is invariant under a torsion free connection?(called a para-quaternionic connection)then Q is called a para-quaternionic structure.The normalizer of the Lie algebra sp1(R)=span(I x,J x,K x)in GL(T x M)is isomorphic to Sp1(R)·GL n(R).So an almost para-quaternionic structure can be considered as a Sp1(R)·GL n(R)-structure and a para-quaternionic structure corresponds to the case when this G-structure is1-?at.Any para-hypercomplex structure(I,J,K)de?nes a para-quaternionic structure Q=span(I,J,K),since the Obata connection?is a torsion free connection which preserves Q.The converse claim is not true even locally.

A para-quaternionic structure is generated by a para-hypercomplex struc-ture if and only if it admits a para-quaternionic connection with holonomy


group Hol?GL n(R).

Let T M=H?E be an almost Grassmann structure of type(2,n), that is a decomposition of the tangent bundle of a manifold M into a tensor product of a2-dimensional vector bundle H and an n-dimensional bundle E.A non-degenerate2-formωH in the bundle H de?nes an almost para-quaternionic structure Q in M as follows.For any symplectic basis(h?,h+) of a?bre H x we de?ne I x=I H?1,J x=J H?1,K x=K H?1where I H,J H,K H are endomorphisms of H x which in the bases h?,h+are repre-sented by the matrices(1).Then,for x∈M,Q x is spanned by I x,J x,K x.

2.4.Almost para-Hermitian and para-Hermitian structures.Like in the complex case,combining an(almost)para-complex structure K with a ”compatible”pseudo-Riemannian metric g we get an interesting class of geo-metric structures.The natural compatibility condition is the Hermitian con-dition which means that that the endomorphism K is skew-symmetric with respect to g.A pair(g,K)which consists of a pseudo-Riemannian metric g and a skew-symmetric(almost)para-complex structure K is called an(al-most)para-Hermitian structure.An almost para-Hermitian structure on a2n-dimensional manifold can be identi?ed with a GL n(R)-structure. The para-Hermitian metric g has necessary the neutral signature(n,n).A para-Hermitian manifold(M,g,K)admits a unique connection(called the para-Bismut connection)which preserves g,K and has a skew-symmetric torsion.

The K¨a hler formω:=g?K of an almost para-Hermitian manifold is not necessary closed.

In[50],the authors describe a decomposition of the space of(0,3)-tensors with the symmetry of covariant derivative?gω(where?g is the Levi-Civita connection of g)into irreducible subspaces with respect to the natural ac-tion of the structure group GL n(R).It gives an important classi?cation of possible types of almost para-Hermitian structures which is an analogue of Gray-Hervella classi?cation of Hermitian structures.Such special classes of almost para-Hermitian manifolds are almost para-K¨a hler manifolds (the K¨a hler formωis closed),nearly para-K¨a hler manifolds(?gωis a 3-form)and para-K¨a hler manifolds(?gω=0).

Almost para-Hermitian and almost para-K¨a hler structures naturally arise on the cotangent bundle T?M of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold(M,g).The

Levi-Civita connection de?nes a decomposition Tξ(T?M)=T vert


Hξof the tangent bundle into vertical and horizontal subbundles.This gives

an almost para-complex structure and the natural identi?cation T vert


T?x M=T x M=Hξ,whereξ∈T?x M and allows to de?ne an almost complex structure and a compatible metric on T?M.The properties of such para-Hermitian structures on the cotangent bundle are studied in[91].In[28], the authors study almost para-Hermitian manifolds with pointwise constant para-holomorphic sectional curvature,which is de?ned as in the Hermitian case.They characterize these manifolds in terms of the curvature tensor

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS9 and prove that Schur lemma is not valid,in general,for an almost para-Hermitian manifold.

A(1,2)-tensor?eld T on an almost para-Hermitian manifold(M,g,K)is called a homogeneous structure if the connection?:=?g?T preserves the tensors g,K,T and the curvature tensor R of the metric g.In[51],the authors characterize reductive homogeneous manifolds with invariant almost para-Hermitian structure in terms of homogeneous structure T and give a classi?cation of possible types of such tensors T.

Left-invariant para-Hermitian structures on semidirect and twisted products of Lie groups had been constructed and studied in the papers[87],[88],[89], [90].

CR-submanifolds of almost para-Hermitian manifolds are studied in[46]. Four dimensional compact almost para-Hermitian manifolds are considered in[81].The author decomposes these manifolds into three families and es-tablishes some relations between Euler characteristic and Hirzebruch indices of such manifolds.

Harmonic maps between almost para-Hermitian manifolds are considered in[20].In particular,the authors show that a map f:M→N between Riemannian manifolds is totally geodesic if and only if the induced map d f:T M→T N of the tangent bundles equipped with the canonical almost para-Hermitian structure is para-holomorphic.

In[74]it is proved that the symplectic reduction of an almost para-K¨a hler manifold(M,g,K)under the action of a symmetry group G which admits a momentum mapμ:M→g?provides an almost para-K¨a hler structure on the reduced symplectic manifoldμ?1(0)/G.

An almost para-K¨a hler manifold(M,g,K)can be described in terms of symplectic geometry as a symplectic manifold(M,ω=g?K)with a bi-Lagrangian splitting T M=T+⊕T?,i.e.a decomposition of the tangent bundle into a direct sum of two Lagrangian(in general non-integrable)dis-tributions T±.An almost para-K¨a hler manifold has a canonical symplectic connection?which preserves the distributions T±,de?ned by



easily check that for symplectic commuting vector?elds X+,Y+∈Γ(T+) and any Z∈Γ(T?),the following holds




which shows that R(T+,T+)=0.Here X T?is the projection of X∈T M onto T?.

Let f1,...,f n be independent functions which are constant on leaves of T+.Then the leaves of T+are level sets f1=c1,...,f n=c n and the Hamiltonian vector?elds X i:=ω?1?d f i commute and form a basis of tangent parallel?elds along any leaf L.From the formula for the Poisson bracket it follows

{f i,f j}=ω?1(d f i,d f j)=0=d f i(X j)=X j·f i.

By a classical theorem of A.Weinstein[103]any Lagrangian foliation T+is locally equivalent to the cotangent bundle?bration T?N→N.More pre-cisely,let N be a Lagrangian submanifold of the symplectic manifold(M,ω) transversal to the leaves of an integrable Lagrangian distribution T+.Then there is an open neighborhood M′of N in M such that(M′,ω|M′,T+|M′) is equivalent to a neighborhood V of the zero section Z N?T?N equipped with the standard symplectic structureωst of T?N and the Lagrangian fo-liation induced by T?N→N.In[100]a condition in order that(M,ω,T+) is globally equivalent to the cotangent bundle T?N,ωst is given.

Let(T?N,ωst)be the cotangent bundle of a manifold N with the standard symplectic structureωst and the standard integrable Lagrangian distribution T+de?ned by the projection T?N→N.The graphΓξ=(x,ξx)of closed 1-formsξ∈Λ1(N)are Lagrangian submanifolds in(T?N,ωst)transversal to T+.The horizontal distribution T?=H??T(T?N)of a torsion free linear connection?in N is a Lagrangian distribution complementary to T+ [85].Hence any torsion free connection de?nes an almost K¨a hler structure on(ωst,T+,T?=H?).Note that the distribution T+is integrable and the distribution T?=H?is integrable only if the connection?is?at.We called such a structure a half integrable almost K¨a hler structure.An application of such structures to construction of Lax pairs in Lagrangian dynamics is given in[30].

In[67],the authors de?ne several canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold and use them to study properties of 4-dimensional para-Hermitian and6-dimensional nearly para-K¨a hler mani-folds.In particular,they show that a nearly K¨a hler6-manifold is Einstein and a priori may be Ricci?at and that the Nijenhuis tensor N K is parallel


with respect to the canonical connection.They also prove that the Kodaira-Thurston surface and the Inoue surface admit a hyper-paracomplex struc-ture.The corresponding para-hyperHermitian structures are locally(but not globally)conformally para-hyperK¨a hler.

2.5.Para-K¨a hler(bi-Lagrangian or Lagrangian2-web)structures.

A survey of results on geometry of para-K¨a hler manifolds is given in[47]. Here we review mostly results which are not covered in this paper.Re-call that an almost para-Hermitian manifold(M,g,K)is para-K¨a hler if the Levi-Civita connection?g preserves K or equivalently its holonomy group Hol x at a point x∈M preserves the eigenspaces decomposition T x M=T+x+T?x.The parallel eigendistributions T±of K are g-isotropic integrable distributions.Moreover,they are Lagrangian distributions with respect to the K¨a hler formω=g?K which is parallel and,hence,closed. The leaves of these distributions are totally geodesic submanifolds and they are?at with respect to the induced connection,see section2.4.

A pseudo-Riemannian manifold(M,g)admits a para-K¨a hler structure (g,K)if the holonomy group Hol x at a point x preserves two complemen-tary g-isotropic subspaces T±x.Indeed the associated distributions T±are parallel and de?ne the para-complex structure K with K|T±=±1.

Let(M,g)be a pseudo-Riemannian manifold.In general,if the holonomy group Hol x preserves two complementary invariant subspaces V1,V2,then a theorem by L.Berard-Bergery[76]shows that there are two complemen-tary invariant g-isotropic subspaces T±x which de?ne a para-K¨a hler structure (g,K)on M.

Many local results of K¨a hler geometry remain valid for para-K¨a hler mani-folds,see section4.The curvature tensor of a para-K¨a hler manifold belongs to the space R(gl n(R))of gl n(R)-valued2-forms which satisfy the Bianchi identity.This space decomposes into the sum of three irreducible gl n(R)-invariant subspaces.In particular,the curvature tensor R of a para-K¨a hler manifold has the canonical decomposition

R=cR1+R ric0+W

where R1is the curvature tensor of constant para-holomorphic curvature 1(de?ned as the sectional curvature in the para-holomorphic direction (X,KX)),R ric0is the tensor associated with the trace free part ric0of the Ricci tensor ric of R and W∈R(sl n(R))is the para-Weil tensor which has zero Ricci part.Para-K¨a hler manifolds with constant para-holomorphic curvature(and the curvature tensor proportional to R1)are called para-K¨a hler space forms.They were de?ned in[50]and studied in[95],[44], [45].Like in the K¨a hler case,there exists(up to isometry)a unique simply connected complete para-K¨a hler manifold M k of constant para-holomorphic curvature k.It can be described as the projective space over para-complex numbers.Any complete para-K¨a hler manifold of constant para-holomorphic curvature k is a quotient of M k by a discrete group of isometries acting in a


properly discontinuous way.

Di?erent classes of submanifolds of a para-K¨a hler manifold are studied in the following papers:

[2](para-complex submanifolds),[45],[94],[42](CR-submanifolds),[93] (anti-holomorphic totally umbilical submanifolds),[64](special totally um-bilical submanifolds).

2.5.1.Symmetric and homogeneous para-K¨a hler manifolds.A para-K¨a hler manifold(M,g,K)is called symmetric if there exists a central symmetry S x with center at any point x∈M that is an involutive isometry which pre-serves K and has x as isolated?xed point.The connected component G of the group generated by central symmetries(called the group of transvec-tions)acts transitively on M and one can identify M with the coset space M=G/H where H is the stabilizer of a point o∈M.It is known,see[3], that a para-K¨a hler(and,more generally,a pseudo-Riemannian)symmetric space with non degenerate Ricci tensor has a semisimple group of isometries. All such symmetric manifolds are known.In the Ricci?at case,the group generated by transvections is solvable and the connected holonomy group is nilpotent[3].

The classi?cation of simply connected symmetric para-K¨a hler manifolds re-duces to the classi?cation of3-graded Lie algebras

g=g?1+g0+g1,[g i,g j]?g i+j

such that g0-modules g?1and g1are contragredient(dual).

Then g=h+m=(g0)+(g?1+g1)is a symmetric decomposition,the ad h-invariant pairing g?1×g1→R de?nes an invariant metric on the asso-ciated homogeneous manifold M=G/H and the ad h-invariant subspaces g±?m?T o M de?ne eigendistributions of an invariant para-complex struc-ture K.Symmetric para-K¨a hler spaces of a semisimple Lie group G were studied and classi?ed by S.Kaneyuki[68],[69],[70].

3-graded Lie algebras are closely related with Jordan pairs and Jordan al-gebras,see[24],and have di?erent applications.In[3],the author describes a construction of some class of Ricci?at para-K¨a hler symmetric spaces of nilpotent Lie groups and obtains the classi?cation of Ricci?at para-K¨a hler symmetric spaces of dimension4and6.

Some classes of para-K¨a hler manifolds which are generalizations of symmet-ric para-K¨a hler manifolds are de?ned and studied in[39]and[40]. Homogeneous para-K¨a hler manifolds of a semisimple Lie group had been studied by S.Kaneyuki and his collaborators,see[60],[61].In particular, they prove that a homogeneous manifold M=G/H of a semisimple Lie group G admits an invariant para-K¨a hler structure if and only if it is a cover of the adjoint orbit of a semisimple element of the Lie algebra g of G.

A description of invariant para-K¨a hler structures on homogeneous manifolds of the normal real form of a complex semisimple Lie group was given in[58], [59].An explicit description of all invariant para-K¨a hler structures on such

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS13 homogeneous manifolds had been given in[9],see section6.

Berezin quantization on para-K¨a hler symmetric spaces of a semisimple Lie group had been studied in[81],[82],[83].Kostant quantization of a general symplectic manifold with a bi-Lagrangian structure(that is a para-K¨a hler manifold)is considered in[56].

2.5.2.Special para-K¨a hler manifolds,tt?-bundles and a?ne hyperspheres. The notion of special para-K¨a hler structure on a manifold M had been de?ned in the important paper[33].It is an analogue of the notion of special K¨a hler structure and it is de?ned as a para-K¨a hler structure(g,K)together with a?at torsion free connection?which preserves the K¨a hler formω= g?K and satis?es the condition(?X K)Y=(?Y K)X for X,Y∈T M.

It was shown in[33],[34]that the target space for scalar?elds in4-dimensional Euclidean N=2supersymmetry carries a special para-K¨a hler structure similar to the special K¨a hler structure which arises on the target space of scalar?elds for N=2Lorentzian4-dimensional supersymmetry. This gives an explanation of a formal construction[53],where the authors obtains the Euclidean supergravity action changing in the Lagrangian the imaginary unit i by a symbol e with e2=1.Besides physical applications, [33]contains an exposition of basic results of para-complex and para-K¨a hler geometry in para-holomorphic coordinates.

In[32],the authors construct a canonical immersion of a simply connected special para-K¨a hler manifold into the a?ne space R n+1as a parabolic a?ne hypersphere.Any non-degenerate para-holomorphic function de?nes a spe-cial para-K¨a hler manifold and the corresponding a?ne hypersphere is ex-plicitly described.It is shown also that any conical special para-K¨a hler manifold is foliated by proper a?ne hyperspheres of constant a?ne and pseudo-Riemannian mean curvature.Special para-K¨a hler structures are closely related with para-tt?-bundles.

2.6.Para-hyperK¨a hler(hypersymplectic)structures and para-hyperK¨a hler structures with torsion(PHKT-structures).A para-hyperK¨a hler(hypersymplectic)structure on a4n-dimensional manifold M can be de?ned as a pseudo-Riemannian metric g together with a?g-parallel g-skew-symmetric para-hypercomplex structure(J,K).A pseudo-Riemannian metric g admits a para-hypersymplectic structure if its holo-nomy group is a subgroup of the symplectic group Sp n(R)?SL4n(R).A para-hypercomplex structure(J,K)de?nes a para-hyperK¨a hler structure if and only if its(torsion free)Obata connection?preserves the metric g. In other words,the holonomy group of?which is in general a subgroup of the group GL(E)?GL2n(R),which acts on the second factor of the canonical decomposition T x M=R2?E,must preserve a non-degenerate 2-formωE,so that it is a subgroup of Sp(E,ωE)?Sp n(R).The metric g of a para-hyperK¨a hler structure has signature(2n,2n).In this case the2-form ωE together with the volume2-formωH on the trivial bundle R2×M→M de?nes the metric g=ωH?ωE in T M=R2?E such that(g,J,K)is a


para-hyperK¨a hler structure.

Para-hyperK¨a hler structures(g,J,K)can be also described in symplectic terms as follows.Note thatω1:=g?(JK),ω2:=g?J,ω3=g?K are three parallel symplectic structures and the associated three?elds of endo-morphisms


de?ne a para-hypercomplex structure(I=JK,J,K).Conversely,three symplectic structuresω1,ω2,ω3such that the associated three?elds of en-domorphisms I,J,K form an almost para-hypercomplex structure(I,J,K) and de?ne a para-hyperK¨a hler structure(g=ω1?I,J,K),see[18].In the hyperK¨a hler case this claim is known as Hitchin Lemma.Due to this,para-hyperK¨a hler manifolds are also called hypersymplectic manifolds.

The metric of a hypersymplectic manifold is Ricci-?at and the space of cur-vature tensors can be identi?ed with the space S4E of homogeneous poly-nomial of degree four.

In contrast to the hyperK¨a hler case,there are homogeneous and even sym-metric hypersymplectic manifolds.However,the isometry group of a sym-metric hypersymplectic manifold is solvable.In[4],a classi?cation of simply connected symmetric para-hyperK¨a hler manifolds with commutative holo-nomy group is presented.Such manifolds are de?ned by homogeneous poly-nomials of degree4.

In[48],the authors construct hypersymplectic structures on some Kodaira manifolds.Many other interesting examples of left-invariant hypersymplec-tic structures of solvable Lie groups had been given in[16],[12]and[14], where all such structures on4-dimensional Lie groups had been classi?ed. In[38],the authors construct and study hypersymplectic spaces obtained as quotients of the?at hypersymplectic space R4n by the action of a compact abelian group.In particular,conditions for smoothness and non-degeneracy of such quotients are given.

A natural generalization of para-hyperK¨a hler structure is a para-hyperK¨a hler structure with torsion(PHKT-structure)de?ned and studied in[66].It is de?ned as a pseudo-Riemannian metric g together with a skew-symmetric para-hypercomplex structure(J,K)such that there is a connection?which preserves g,J,K and has skew-symmetric torsion tensor T,i.e.such that g?T is a3-form.The structure is called strong if the 3-form g?T is closed.The authors show that locally such a structure is de?ned by a real function(potential)and construct examples of strong and non strong PHKT-structures.

2.7.Para-quaternionic K¨a hler structures and para-quaternionic-K¨a hler with torsion(PQKT)structures.A para-quaternionic struc-ture on a4n-dimensional manifold M4n can be de?ned as a pseudo-Riemannian metric g(of neutral signature(2n,2n))with holonomy group in Sp1(R)·Sp n(R).This means that the Levi-Civita connection?g preserves

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS15 a para-quaternionic structure Q.This implies that the metric g is Einstein. Moreover,the scalar curvature scal is zero if and only if the restricted holo-nomy group is in Sp n(R)and the induced in connection in Q is?at.

We will assume that scal=0.Then the holonomy group contains Sp1(R) and it is irreducible.Examples of para-quaternionic K¨a hler manifolds are para-quaternionic K¨a hler symmetric spaces.Any para-quaternionic K¨a hler symmetric space is a homogeneous manifold M=G/H of a simple Lie group G of isometries.The classi?cation of simply connected para-quaternionic K¨a hler symmetric spaces reduces to the description of the Z-gradations of the corresponding real simple Lie algebras of the form


with dim g±2=1.Such gradations can be easily determined,see section 6.The classi?cation of para-K¨a hler symmetric spaces based on twistor ap-proach is given in[37].In this paper,the authors de?ne the twistor spaces Z(M),the para-3-Sasakian bundle S(M)and the positive Swann bun-dle U+(M)of a para-quaternionic K¨a hler manifold(M,g,Q)and study induced geometric structures.They assume that M is real analytic and consider a(locally de?ned)holomorphic Grassmann structure of the com-plexi?cation M C of M,that is an isomorphism T M C?E?H of the holo-morphic tangent bundle T M C with the tensor product of two holomorphic vector bundles E,H of dimension2n and2.The twistor space is de?ned as the projectivization Z(M):=P H of the bundle H which can be iden-ti?ed with the space of(totally geodesic)α-surfaces in M C.The authors prove that Z(M)carries a natural holomorphic contact formθand a real structure and give a characterization of the twistor spaces Z=Z(M)as (2n+1)-dimensional complex manifolds with a holomorphic contact form and a real structure which satisfy some conditions.

This is a speci?cation of a more general construction[19]of the twistor space of a manifold with a holomorphic Grassmann structure(called also a complex para-conformal structure).

The para-3-Sasakian bundle associated with(M,g,Q)is the principal SL2(R)-bundle S(M)→M of the standard frames s=(I,J,K)of the quaternionic bundle Q?End(T M).It has a natural metric g S de?ned by the metric g and the standard bi-invariant metric on SL2(R).The standard generators of SL2(R)de?ne three Killing vector?eldsξα,α=1,2,3,with square norm1,?1,1which de?ne a para-3-Sasakian structure.This means that the curvature operator R(X,ξα)=X∧ξαfor X∈T M.This is equivalent to the condition that the cone metric g U=dr2+r2g on the cone U+(M)=M×R+is hypersymplectic,i.e.admits a?g U-parallel para-hypercomplex structure I U,J U,K U.The bundle U+(M)→M is called the positive Swann bundle.

Let G C be the complexi?cation of a real non compact semisimple Lie group G and O an adjoint nilpotent orbit of G C.

In[37],it is proved that the projectivization P O is the twistor space of a


para-quaternionic K¨a hler manifold M if and only if O is the complexi?ca-tion of a nilpotent orbit of G in the real Lie algebra g.In this case,G acts transitively on M preserving the para-quaternionic K¨a hler https://www.doczj.com/doc/0116220864.html,ing the hypersymplectic momentum map of U+(M),the authors prove that, if a semisimple isometry group G of a para-quaternionic K¨a hler manifold (M,g,Q)acts transitively on the twistor space Z(M),then the correspond-ing orbit O is the orbit of the highest root vector and the manifold M is symmetric.This leads to the classi?cation of para-quaternionic K¨a hler sym-metric spaces of a semisimple Lie group G,hence of all para-quaternionic K¨a hler symmetric spaces of non-zero scalar curvature,due to the following result:

Any para-quaternionic K¨a hler or pseudo-quaternionic K¨a hler symmetric space with a non-zero scalar curvature scal is a homogeneous space of a simple Lie group.

This result has been proved in[5],where a classi?cation of pseudo-quaternionic K¨a hler symmetric spaces with scal=0is given in terms of Kac diagrams.In[25]and[26],the authors de?ne two twistor spaces Z+(M) and Z?(M)of a para-quaternionic K¨a hler manifold(M,g,Q)of dimension 4n.They consist of all para-complex structures K∈Q,K2=1and,re-spectively,complex structures J∈Q,J2=?1of the quaternionic bundle Q.The authors de?ne a natural almost para-complex on Z+(M)and an almost complex structure on Z?(M),and prove their integrability in the case n>1.In[6],the geometry of these twistor spaces are studied using the theory of G-structures.It is proved that the natural horizontal distribu-tion on Z±(M)is a para-holomorphic or,respectively,holomorphic contact distribution and that the manifolds Z±(M)carry two canonical Einstein metrics,one of which is(para)-K¨a hler.A twistor description of(automati-cally minimal)K¨a hler and para-K¨a hler submanifolds in M is given.

A para-quaternionic K¨a hler manifolds with torsion is a pseudo-Riemannian manifold(M,g)with a skew-symmetric almost para-quaternionic structure Q which admits a metric connection preserving Q and having skew-symmetric torsion.Such manifolds are studied in[104]. In particular,it is proved that this notion is invariant under a conformal transformation of the metric g.

2.8.Para-CR structures and para-quaternionic CR structures (para-3-Sasakian structures).A weak almost para-CR structure of codimension k on a m+k-dimensional manifold M is a pair(HM,K), where HM?T M is a rank m distribution and K∈End(HM)is a?eld of endomorphisms such that K2=id and K=±id.If m=2n and the ±1-eigendistributions H±of K have rank n,then the pair(H,K)is called an almost para-CR-structure.

A(weak)almost para-CR structure is said to be a(weak)para-CR struc-ture,if it is integrable,that is the eigen-distributions H±are involutive or,

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS17 equivalently,the following conditions hold:



for all X,Y∈Γ(HM).

In[10],a description of maximally homogeneous weak para-CR-structures of semisimple type in terms of fundamental gradations of real semisimple Lie algebras is given.

Codimension one para-CR structures arise naturally on generic hypersur-faces of a para-complex manifold N,in particular,on hypersurfaces in the Cartesian square N=X×X of a manifold X.

Consider,for example,a second order ODE¨y=F(x,y,˙y).Its general so-lution y=f(x,y,X,Y)depends on two free parameters X,Y(constants of integration)and determines a hypersurface M in the space R2×R2= {(x,y,X,Y)}with the natural para-complex structure K invariant under the point transformations.The induced para-CR structure on the space M of solutions plays an important role in the geometric theory of ODEs,de-veloped in[86],where a para-analogue of the Fe?erman metric on a bundle over M is constructed and a notion of duality of ODEs is introduced and studied.

In[8],a notion of a para-quaternionic(respectively,quaternionic) CR structure on4n+3-dimensional manifold M is de?ned as a triple (ω1,ω2,ω3)of1-forms such that associated2-forms

ρ1=dω1?2?ω2∧ω3,ρ2=dω1+2ω3∧ω1,ρ3=dω3+2ω1∧ω2, (where?=1in the para-quaternionic case and?=?1in the quaternionic case)are non-degenerate on the subbundle H=∩3α=1Kerωαof codimension three and the endomorphisms


de?ne an almost para-hypercomplex(respectively,almost hypercomplex) structure on H.It is shown that such a structure de?nes a para-3-Sasakian (respectively,pseudo-3-Sasakian)structure on M,hypersymplectic(respec-tively,hyperK¨a hler)structure on the cone C(M)=M×R+and,un-der some regularity assumptions,a para-quaternionic K¨a hler(respectively, quaternionic K¨a hler)structure on the orbit space of a naturally de?ned3-dimensional group of transformations on M(locally isomorphic to Sp1(R) or Sp1).Some homogeneous examples of such structures are indicated and a simple reduction method for constructing a non-homogeneous example is described.

3.Para-complex vector spaces.

3.1.The algebra of para-complex numbers C.We recall that the al-gebra of para-complex numbers is de?ned as the vector space C=R2


with the multiplication


We set e=(0,1).Then e2=1and we can write

C=R+e R={z=x+ey,|x,y∈R}.

The conjugation of an element z=x+ey is de?ned byˉz:=x?ey and ?e z:=x and?m z=y are called the real part and the imaginary part of the para-complex number z,respectively.

We denote by C?={z=x+ey,|x2?y2=0}the group of invertible elements of C.

3.2.Para-complex structures on a real vector space.Let V be a2n-dimensional real vector space.A para-complex structure on V is an endomorphism K:V→V such that

i)K2=Id V;

ii)the eigenspaces V+,V?of K with eigenvalues1,?1,respectively, have the same dimension.

The pair(V,K)will be called a para-complex vector space.

Let K be a para-complex structure on V.We de?ne the para-complexi?cation of V as V C=V?R C and we extend K to a C-linear endomorphism K of V C.Then by setting

V1,0={v∈V C|Kv=ev}={v+eKv|v∈V},

V0,1={v∈V C|Kv=?ev}={v?eKv|v∈V},

we obtain V C=V1,0⊕V0,1.

Remark3.1.The extension K of the endomorphism K with eigenvalues ±1to V C has”eigenvalues”±e.There is no contradiction since V C is a module over C,but not a vector space(C is an algebra,but not a?eld). The conjugation of x+ey∈V C is given by

HOMOGENEOUS PARA-K¨AHLER EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS19 If{e1,...,e n}is a basis of V1,0,then{e n}is a basis of V0,1and

{e i1∧···∧e i p∧e j q,1≤i1<···

3.3.Para-Hermitian forms.

De?nition3.2.A para-Hermitian form on V C is a map h:V C×V C→C such that:

i)h is C-linear in the?rst entry and C-antilinear in the second entry;



for any Z,W∈V C.

It is called non-degenerate if it has trivial kernel:

ker(h)= Z∈V C:h(Z,V C)=0 =0

If h(Z,W)is a para-Hermitian symmetric form,then?h(Z,W)=h(Z,


A map f:(M,K)→(M′,K′)between two(almost)para-complex manifolds is said to be para-holomorphic if

(2)d f?K=K′?d f.

The Nijenhuis tensor N K of an almost para-complex structure K is de?ned by

N K(X,Y)=[X,Y]+[KX,KY]?K[KX,Y]?K[X,KY]

for any vector?elds X,Y on M.As in the complex case,a para-complex structure K is integrable if and only if N K=0(see e.g.[33]).

A basic example of a para-complex manifold is given by

C n:={(z1,...,z n)|zα∈C,i=1,...,n},

where the para-complex structure is provided by the multiplication by e. The Frobenius theorem implies(see e.g.[34])the existence of local coor-dinates(zα+,zα?),α=1,...,n on a para-complex manifold(M,K),such that

T+M=span ??zα?,α=1,...,n .

Such(real)coordinates are called adapted coordinates for the para-complex structure K.

The cotangent bundle T?M splits as T?M=T?+M⊕T??M,where T?±M are the±1-eigendistributions of K?.Therefore,

∧r T?M=



where∧p,q+?T?M=∧p(T?+M)?∧q(T??M).The sections of∧p,q+?T?M are called(p+,q?)-forms on the para-complex manifold(M,K).We will de-note the space of sections of the bundle∧p,q+?T?M by the same symbol. We set













Then the exterior di?erential d can be decomposed as d=?++??and, since d2=0,we have


4.1.Para-holomorphic coordinates.Let(M,K)be a2n-dimensional para-complex manifold.Like in the complex case we can de?ne on M an atlas of para-holomorphic local charts(U a,?a)where?a:M?U a→C n and such that the transition functions?a???1b are para-holomorphic


一、单选题 (题数:40,共 40.0 分)
光速不变原理是指()。(1.0 分)
1.0 分
正确答案: D 我的答案:D
最早认识到大地是一个球的人是()(1.0 分)
1.0 分
亚里士多德(公元前 300 多年)
毕达哥拉斯(公元前 500 多年)

托勒密(公元前 100 多年)
柏拉图(公元前 300 多年)
正确答案: B 我的答案:B
霍金本科毕业于().(1.0 分)
1.0 分
正确答案: D 我的答案:D
金字塔和狮身人面像的建造时间是()。(1.0 分)
1.0 分
前 4000 年

前 3000 年
前 2500 年
前 1500 年
正确答案: C 我的答案:C
夏商周断代工程确定的武王克商之年为()。(1.0 分)
1.0 分
前 1057 年
前 1046 年
前 1027 年
前 899 年
正确答案: B 我的答案:B


高中关于霍金的作文素材:关于霍金的名人 名言 导读:本文高中关于霍金的作文素材:关于霍金的名人名言,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 宇宙中的物质是由正能量组成的。——霍金《时间简史》 充满希望的旅途胜过终点的到达。——霍金《果壳中的宇宙》 “即使把我关在果壳之中,仍然自以为无限宇宙。” 哈姆雷特也许是想说,虽然我们人类的身体受到许多限制,但是我们的精神却能自由的探索整个宇宙,甚至勇敢的闯入连"星际航行“都畏缩不前之处——噩梦不再纠缠的话——史蒂芬·霍金《果壳中的宇宙》 假如爱情伤害了你,不要悲伤,不要心急,它还会继续伤害你的。爱情是最折磨人的,但我们还是如朝圣般地仰望它、靠近它,甚至感激它。为着它曾馈赠我们的也是最差的时光。——霍金《他们》能好好相爱又能好好相处真的是太美好了,世界上有千千万万的人,却这么电光火石般碰上了,巷子转角就撞到了,系好鞋带起身就遇到了,一起喝杯咖啡就爱上了。前后不够一分钟也可以爱得彻底。我们爱的都是爱情给我们的模样。它就这么不经意地洋溢在我们的眼底,还没等你缓过神的时候爱情就来了。但又可能在你措手不及还惦记着下次约会穿什么衣服的时候又因为性格不合、价值观不合,甚至

因为星座不合信仰不同而告终。来不及想念就已经要怀念,来不及开心就已经伤心泪下。——《他们》 现在我们知道,任何粒子都有会和它相湮灭的反粒子。(对于携带力的粒子,反粒子即为其自身。)也可能存在由反粒子构成的整个反世界和反人。然而,如果你遇到了反你,注意不要握手!否则,你们两人都会在一个巨大的闪光中消失殆尽。——霍金《时间简史为何我们从未看到碎杯子集合起来,离开地面并跳回到桌子上,通常的解释是这违背了热力学第二定律所表述的在任何闭合系统中无序度或熵总是随时间而增加。换言之,它是穆菲定律的一种形式:事情总是趋向于越变越糟:桌面上一个完整的杯子是一个高度有序的状态,而地板破碎的杯子是一个无序的状态。人们很容易从早先桌子上的杯子变成后来地面上的碎杯子,而不是相反。——霍金《时间简史》 我们看到的从很远星系来的光是在几百万年之前发出的,在我们看到的最远的物体的情况下,光是在80亿年前发出的。这样当我们看宇宙时,我们是在看它的过去。——霍金《时间简史》我曾以为爱上一个人,我们都会变成勇敢的战士,什么伤都不觉得痛了。原来我们都只是脆弱的玩偶,被随手一捏,心就支离破碎了,如细雪般飞下来,荡进了远处的深海。可身体却依旧麻木地过活,直到下一次遇见爱情。——霍金《他们》 我们可以回到过去,却终究无法改变历史。——霍金《时间简史》我们通过观察创造了历史,而不是历史创造了我们。——霍金《大


一、 单选题(题数:50,共 1 哈勃常数 50.0 分)
? ? ? ?
A、随时间的增加而变大 B、随时间的增加而减小 C、随距离的增加而增大 D、随距离的增加而减小 我的答案:B 2 以下哪项说法正确
? ? ? ?
A、牛顿和惠更斯都支持光的微粒说 B、牛顿支持光的微粒说,惠更斯支持光的波动说 C、牛顿支持光的波动说,惠更斯支持光的微粒说 D、牛顿和惠更斯都支持光的波动说 我的答案:B 3 时序保护思想是谁提出的
? ? ? ?
A、爱因斯坦 B、霍金 C、彭罗斯 D、朗道 我的答案:B 4 约翰·米歇尔在()年提出了暗黑的概念。()
? ? ? ?
A、1783 B、1784 C、1785 D、1786 我的答案:A 5 最早记载牛顿和苹果故事的是
? ? ? ?
A、伏尔泰 B、卢梭 C、霍布斯 D、胡克 我的答案:A 6 爱因斯坦方程又叫
? ?
A、场方程 B、惯性方程

? ?
C、非欧方程 D、引力方程 我的答案:A 7 以下哪位科学家没有和杨振宁共同做出过重大的科学成就
? ? ? ?
A、米尔斯 B、巴克斯特 C、邓稼先 D、李政道 我的答案:C 8 肉眼可以看见的除太阳之外的最亮的恒星是哪一颗?()
? ? ? ?
A、牛郎星 B、织女星 C、天狼星 D、北极星 我的答案:C 9 第一次完成环球航行的航海家是谁?() 1.0 分
? ? ? ?
A、马可波罗 B、郑和 C、哥伦布 D、麦哲伦 我的答案:D 10 最早的超新星爆发记录是在中国的哪个朝代?()
? ? ? ?
A、商代 B、唐代 C、宋代 D、明代 我的答案:C 11 爱因斯坦提出相对论主要参考了哪个实验
? ? ? ?
A、迈克尔逊实验 B、斐索实验 C、洛伦兹实验 D、庞加莱实验 我的答案:B 12 物理学家拉普拉斯是哪个国家的人?()


选择题 吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理是谁说的亚里士多德 静力学和流体静力学的奠基人是阿基米德 力学三定律的提出者是牛顿 下列不是电磁学时期的科学家的是托马斯.杨 托马斯杨提出了颜色的三原色是 提出杠杆原理的学者是阿基米德 最早使用物理学这个词的人是亚里士多德 相对论是关于时空和引力的基本理论是 首先证明光是波动的人是托马斯杨 爱因斯坦的丰收年是1905年 下列选项中属于伽利略的成就的是以上都是 那位女子曾帮爱因斯坦抄笔记米列娃 爱因斯坦认为光在什么中的光速对于任何观察者来说不变真空爱因斯坦掌握的什么实验而对绝对空间产生怀疑斐索实验 狭义相对论是哪部著作创立的《论动体的电动力学》 19世纪末的发现有以上都是 相对论的缔造者是爱因斯坦 x射线是几时被发现的1895年 最先提出元素周期律的人是纽兰兹 爱因斯坦掌握的什么实验而对绝对空间产生怀疑斐索实验 解决化圆为方问题的人是林德曼 林德曼解决的著名数学作图难题是用直尺和圆规画一个正方形薛定谔多大年龄的时候得出波动方程的39 反物质是塞林格在哪一年发现的1945 下列元素具有天然放射性的有以上都是 约里奥夫妇何时获得诺贝尔化学奖1935年 中子最终是有哪位科学家发现的查德威克 世界上第一个核反应堆出自费米实验室 世界上第一座原子反应堆的设计者是费米 1995年欧洲核子研究中心,早出了几个反氢的原子9 1939,年德国和苏联达成秘密协议瓜分了波兰 在第二次世界大战过后,各国经济都走向低迷,但是只有一个国家一枝独秀苏联 日本第一个获得诺贝尔奖的人是汤川秀树 介子的质量大概为200me 下列不属于是原子弹爆炸的方法是外控法 二战时期,美国主张首先制造原子弹的科学家不包括哈恩 美国氢弹的设计师是泰勒 白求恩牺牲后埋在了什么地方河北郡城 费曼何时获得诺贝尔奖1965年 费曼的贡献是路径积分量子化 1945年,美国对下列哪个国家投放了原子弹日本 最早提出原子弹的原理是约里奥居里 人类首先提出对宇宙比较科学的认识是毕达哥拉斯 发明阿拉伯数字的国家是印度 下面哪个不是正多面体正十面体 下列哪一项不是泰勒斯提出来的用直尺和圆规能平分一个角 宗教改革最先发生在德国,领导者是马丁路德 开普勒发现行星的第三定律后,开始遍什么,这个表在后来被航海家和天文学家使用了一百多年《鲁道夫新表》 日心说是谁提出来的哥白尼 法国大革命何时开始爆发的1789年 与牛顿有过巨大学术争论的人不包括哈雷 提出著名的行星运动三大定律的天体物理学家是开普勒 土星的光环首先是谁看到的伽利略 广义相对系原理是由谁提出的爱因斯坦 太阳的粒子流,像刮风一样刮向彗星,形成彗尾,这就叫太阳风 牛顿是下列哪个国家的著名的物理学家英国 等效原理说法错误的是引力场和惯性场是不等效的 关于单摆实验说法错误的是T=2pi(l/g) 等效原理说法错误的是引力场和惯性场是不等效的 下列不属于初中课本和高中对质量的定义是m=E/c2 下列关于牛顿的“桶和水的转动”假设实验的结论说法错误的是桶转水不转,水面是凹的 下列不是黎曼几何里面提到的三角形之和小于180° 系列是欧式几何的公理的是以上都是 下列哪一项是暗星出现的条件2GM/c2 被称为“几何之父”的是欧几里得 广义相对论的三个实验验证不包括单摆实验 下列哪项是反应恒星的真实亮度的绝对亮度 黎曼几何认为,球面上没有直线,但是有直线的推广,叫做短程线 公元1054年,金牛星座超新星爆发,持续23天白日可以看到,在几年的时间内晚上可以看到 2 何时开始提出暗星的概念1783年 对中子星的最早预言者是朗道 带电的黑洞奇点r= 0 我们肉眼看到的除太阳以外最亮的一颗恒星是天狼星 超新星爆发的结果是形成中子星和黑洞 白矮星有一个质量上限是由谁计算出来的钱德拉塞卡 事件视界是以上说法都对 何时提出信息不守恒1997年 下列关于火箭飞向黑洞后,产生的现象说法错误的是洞外的人会观察到火箭进入黑洞 下列关于米斯纳超辐射说法错误的是入射波大于出射波 第一个提出信息不守恒的人是霍金 人类是哪一年开始看到月球表面的1959年 αβγ火球模型是哪位科学家提出的伽莫夫 奇性定理说法错误的是认为时间又开始,没有终结 黑洞热辐射将导致A、B和C都是 首先看到彗星和木星相撞的哪个国家中国 火星的卫星有几个 2 钱德拉塞卡极限是几个太阳质量 1.4 考虑时间有方向的定律是热力学第二定律 “宇宙蛋”的宇宙膨胀说是下列哪位科学家提出的勒梅特神父根据宇宙编年史,选项中最贴近宇宙创生精确时间的是250亿年前 撑开虫洞所需要的负能物质半径一光年的虫洞需要大于银河系发光物质 奇性定理是有谁证明的A和B 金字塔有几块石块230万块 关于虫洞的种类说法错误的是欧几里得虫洞也是不可通过的时空隧道 不属于两河流域的东西是司母辛鼎 起源于大河文明的国家是中国 《三个火枪手》的作者是大仲马 商朝的图腾是凤鸟 何时开始把365天定为一年公元前4241年 公元前2500年的文明描述正确的是以上都对 犹太人随喜克索斯人进入埃及发生在公元前1700年 前四史不包括《资治通鉴》 彻底破译拉希德碑的人是商博良 下列成语描述马援的是以上都是 中国除甲骨文外,最古老的文献是《尚书》 特洛伊战争发生时间公元前1000年 前四史不包括《资治通鉴》 中国历史上第一个有确切记载的年份是公元前841年 马援是刘秀起兵的将领否 印度一下方面最发达的是神学 托勒密王朝统治时期的科学成就有以上都是 长平之战发生在下列哪一年公元前260年 接替唐玄宗登皇帝位,被称为唐肃宗的是李亨 基督教诞生时间是公元元年前后 后周第一个皇帝是柴荣 维纳斯雕像现在保存在卢浮宫 下列霍金辐射理论表述正确的是以上都是


2018超星从爱因斯坦到霍金的宇宙章节期末答案 相对论分为狭义相对论和广义相对论,它们都是关于()的基本理论。最早使用“物理学”这个词的人物是谁?() 中国奴隶社会比欧洲时间短,西方封建社会比中国时间短。()欧几里得的学生是阿基米德的老师。() 惯性定律认为物体在受任何外力的作用下,不会保持下列哪种运动状态?()伽利略有许多成就,但不包括下面哪一项?()牛顿出生于1642年,同年伽利略逝世。() 奥地利物理学家伽利略是近代实验科学的先驱者。()焦耳是哪个国家的物理学家?() 继发现热力学第一定律和第二定律后,有谁发现了“热力学第三定律”。() 根据“热力学第零定律”,如果两个热力学系统中的每一个都与第三个热力学系统处于热平衡,则它们彼根据双缝干涉实验,牛顿提出了光学上的“波动说”。()与平衡热辐射实验值在长波和短波波段都吻合是哪条线?() 最早提出量子假说的物理学家是()。 量子论的产生来自于对黑体辐射问题的研究;相对论的产生则是源于迈克尔逊实验。() 普朗克立即赞同了爱因斯坦提出了光量子说。() 创立相对论的爱因斯坦在哪个国家上的大学?()出生于德国的爱因斯坦是哪个民族的?()数学家希尔伯特是闵可夫斯基的小学同学。() 爱因斯坦毕业于苏黎世大学时没有文凭。()在攻读博士时,爱因斯坦毕业论文的主题是()。c在质能方程E

1902-1909年期间,爱因斯坦曾在下面哪个单位任职?()爱因斯坦的儿子获得过诺贝尔奖。() 下面哪个原理可以说明“真空中的光速对任何观察者来说都是相同的”?() 光速在不同惯性系和不同方向上都是相同的,是下面那位物理学家通过实验证明的。()“洛伦兹收缩”可以由“伽利略变换”所推出。() 恒星若以v的速度运动,那么恒星发出光的速度则是c+v。()太阳离我们最近,次至的恒星是()。哪位物理学家提出“双生子佯谬”?()“相对论”的结论包括下面哪些项?() 在火车上的以0.9倍光速在运动,火车以0.9倍光速同方向运动,我们就会看到火车上的人速度超过光速许多物理学对相对论的产生都做了大量的准备工作,其中就包括以下哪位?()曾独立地提出和洛伦茨变换一样学说的是哪位物理学家?()杨振宁曾经对彭卡莱和洛伦兹做过()的评论。贝索清楚自己没有为相对论的诞生做了什么。()第一个获得诺贝尔物理学奖的人是谁?()现代化学的元素周期律是谁发现的?()谁最先找到了氢光谱的规律 创建电离学说的是瑞典物理学化学家阿累尼乌斯。()居里夫人一生获得了两次诺贝尔物理学奖。()构成原子的粒子不包括()。 下列哪位物理学家提出了原子的西瓜模型?() 提出“宇称不守恒”理论的科学家是李政道和杨振宁。() 李政道和杨振宁的“宇称不守恒”理论被吴健雄通过实验证明是错误的。()钱学森是下面哪一位的学生?() 研究量子论的专家有很多位,但不包括()。数学史上的三大作图难题包括()。 波尔在德国波恩创立了哥本哈根理论物理研究所。()薛定谔在()岁时得出了波动方程。 没有在慕尼黑大学任职的是以下哪位?()哪位科学家提出了物质波,即概率波?


物理学的开端:经验物理时期已完成成绩:分 【单选题】相对论分为狭义相对论和广义相对论,它们都是关于()的基本理论。 A、引力和重力 B、时空和重力 C、时间和空间 D、时空和引力 我的答案:D得分:分 2 【单选题】提出“格物穷理”的是谁() A、张载 B、陆九渊 C、朱熹 D、王阳明 我的答案:C得分:分 3 【判断题】 中国奴隶社会比欧洲时间短,西方封建社会比中国时间短。() 我的答案:√得分:分 4 【判断题】欧几里得的学生是阿基米德的老师。() 我的答案:√得分:分 伽利略与经典物理的诞生已完成成绩:分 1 【单选题】惯性定律认为物体在受任何外力的作用下,不会保持下列哪种运动状态() A、匀速曲线 B、匀速直线 C、加速直线 D、加速曲线

我的答案:B得分:分 2 【单选题】伽利略有许多成就,但不包括下面哪一项() A、重述惯性定律 B、阐述相对性原理 C、发现万有引力 D、自由落体定律 我的答案:C得分:分 3 【单选题】认为万物都是由原子构成的古希腊哲学家是谁() A、德谟克利特 B、毕达哥拉斯 C、色诺芬 D、亚里士多德 我的答案:A得分:分 4 【判断题】奥地利物理学家伽利略是近代实验科学的先驱者。() 我的答案:×得分:分 经典物理的三大支柱:经典力学、经典电动力学、经典热力学和统计力学已完成成绩:分 1 【单选题】继发现热力学第一定律和第二定律后,有谁发现了“热力学第三定律”。() A、克劳修斯 B、开尔文 C、能斯特 D、焦耳 我的答案:C得分:分 2 【多选题】下列选项不属于经典物理学范畴的是()。

A、万有引力定律 B、热质学说 C、量子论 D、狭义相对性原理 我的答案:B、C、D得分:25分 3 【判断题】根据双缝干涉实验,牛顿提出了光学上的“波动说”。() 我的答案:×得分:分 4 【判断题】根据“热力学第零定律”,两个热力学系统彼此处于热平衡的前提条件是每一个都与第三个热力学系统处理热平衡。() 我的答案:√得分:分 经典物理的局限与量子论的诞生已完成成绩:分 1 【单选题】物理学上用紫外灾难形容经典理论的困境,其具体内容指()。 A、维恩线在短波波段与实验值的巨大差异 B、瑞利-金斯线在短波波段与实验值的巨大差异 C、维恩线在长波波段与实验值的巨大差异 D、瑞利-金斯线在长波波段与实验值的巨大差异 我的答案:B得分:分 2 【单选题】与平衡热辐射实验值在长波和短波波段都吻合是哪条线() A、普朗克线 B、维恩线 C、瑞丽-金斯线 D、爱因斯坦线 我的答案:A得分:分 3


5、爱因斯坦头脑最清晰的时候在什么时候? ?A.青年 ?B.中年 ?C.老年 7、提出了浮力定律、杠杆原理、重心概念的人是谁?(20.0分) ?A.亚里士多德 ?B.阿基米德 ?C.欧几里得 8、提出惯性定律、相对性原理、自由落体定律的科学家是谁?(20.0分) ?A.牛顿 ?B.伽利略 ?C.哥白尼 1、原子论的提出者是谁?(35.0分) ?A.伽利略 ?B.毕达哥拉斯 ?C.德谟克利特 2、托马斯·杨发现了散光的原因,转而研究光学,完成了双缝干涉实验,认识到光是波动,并提出什么?(35.0分) ?A.三原色原理 ?B.波动方程 ?C.光谱 1、下列不是热力学第一定律发现者的是?(35.0分) ?A.焦耳 ?B.赫姆霍兹 ?C.普朗克 2、克劳修斯、开尔文发现了什么,从而认为热永远都只能由热处转到冷 处?(35.0分) ?A.热力学第一定律 ?B.热力学第二定律 ?C.热力学第三定律 /1、爱因斯坦在哪里的学d 校补习?(35.0分)

?A.德国 ?B.荷兰 ?C.苏黎世 2、哪位女子以前曾帮爱因斯坦他抄笔记?(35.0分) ?A.米列娃 ?B.米加娃 ?C.米卡娃 1、1933年,爱因斯坦离开德国去了哪里?(35.0分) ?A.瑞士 ?B.荷兰 ?C.美国 2、迈克尔逊做迈克尔逊试验想要测量以太相对于地球的什么?(35.0分) ?A.移动速度 ?B.漂移速度 ?C.旋转速度 8、爱因斯坦掌握的试验是什么而对对绝对空间理论产生怀疑?(35.0分) ?A.迈克尔逊试验 ?B.双缝干涉实验 ?C.斐索实验 5、光速不变原理认为什么中的光速在任何时候都是相同的?(35.0分) ?A.介质 ?B.空气 ?C.真空 1、双生子佯谬的问题是谁提出来的?(35.0分) ?A.郎之万 ?B.费兹杰惹 ?C.爱因斯坦 2、什么公式不是爱因斯坦最先得到的,而是洛伦兹1904年得到的?(35.0分) ?A.光子质量 ?B.电子质量 ?C.质子质量


从爱因斯坦到霍金的宇宙期末考试题及答案 1“吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理”这句话是谁说的?() A、苏格拉底 B、柏拉图 C、亚里士多德 D、色诺芬 正确答案: C 2 下列人物中最早使用“物理学”这个词的是谁?() A、牛顿 B、伽利略 C、爱因斯坦 D、亚里斯多德 正确答案: D 3 “给我一个支点,我就可以耗动地球”这句话是谁说的?() A、欧几里得 B、阿基米德 C、亚里士多德 D、伽利略 正确答案: B

4 “格物穷理”是由谁提出来的?() A、张载 B、朱熹 C、陆九渊 D、王阳明 正确答案: B 5 相对论是关于()的基本理论,分为狭义相对论和广义相对论。 A、时空和引力 B、时空和重力 C、时间和空间 D、引力和重力 正确答案: A 欧洲奴隶社会比中国时间长,中国封建社会比西方时间长。 正确答案:√ 7 阿基米德是欧几里得的学生的学生。 正确答案:√ 8 西方在中世纪有很多创造。 正确答案:×

伽利略与经典物理的诞生 1 以下不属于伽利略的成就的是() A、重述惯性定律 B、发现万有引力 C、阐述相对性原理 D、自由落体定律 正确答案: B 2 “地恒动而人不知,譬如闭舟而行,不觉舟之运也”体现了什么物理学原理?() A、相对性原理 B、惯性原理 C、浮力定理 D、杠杆原理 正确答案: A 3 哪位古希腊哲学家认为万物都是由原子构成的 A、亚里士多德 B、毕达哥拉斯 C、色诺芬 D、德谟克利特

正确答案: D 4 惯性定律认为物体在不受任何外力的作用下,会保持下列哪种运动状态?() A、匀速曲线 B、加速直线 C、匀速直线 D、加速曲线 正确答案: C 5 《关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话》与《天体运行论》都是伽利略的著作正确答案:× 伽利略是奥地利物理学家,近代实验科学的先驱者。() 正确答案:× 7 伽利略的逝世和牛顿的出生都是在1642年。() 正确答案:√ 8 伽利略认为斜面上的运动是冲淡了的自由落体运动。() 正确答案:√ 经典物理的三大支柱:经典力学、经典电动力学、经典热力学和统计力学

爱因斯坦与霍金的宇宙期末考试参考答案答案 (1)

1、开普勒得出行星绕太阳运动中,与太阳的连线在相同的时间内扫过的面积相等,是开普勒第几定律:(b)(2.00分) A.第一定律 B.第二定律 C.第三定律 D.第零定律 A.牛顿 B.伽利略 C.哥白尼 3、告诉伏尔泰牛顿和苹果故事的人是?(2.00分) A.牛顿的外孙女 B.牛顿的外甥女 C.牛顿的姑妈 4、下列哪一项不属于1904年提出的原子模型?(2.00分) A.汤姆生的西瓜模型 B.长冈半太郎的土星模型 C.卢瑟福的太阳系模型 5、关于黑洞无毛定理说法正确的是:()(2.00分) A.看不到黑洞的所有信息 B.只能看到黑洞的M、J和Q C.黑洞只有质量信息 D.黑洞只有总角动量信息 6、在黑洞内部r=0处表示的是:()(2.00分) A.坐标原点 B.球心 C.对称中心 D.时间的终点 7、同位素是:()(2.00分) A.中子数相同,质子数不同 B.原子量相同 C.质子数相同,中子数不同 D.中子数相同,电子数不同 8、光速不变原理认为什么中的光速在任何时候都是相同的?(2.00分) A.介质 B.空气 C.真空 9、克劳修斯、开尔文发现了什么,从而认为热永远都只能由热处转到冷处?(2.00分) A.热力学第一定律 B.热力学第二定律 C.热力学第三定律

10、牛顿和莱布尼兹争吵的焦点是:()(2.00分) A.弹性定理的问题 B.万有引力的问题 C.折射率问题 D.微积分发现权问题 11、根据狭义相对论,对光速说法正确的是:()(2.00分) A.在真空中不变 B.在惯性参考系之间不变 C.不满足伽利略变换 D.以上都对 12、浮力定律是谁提出的:()(2.00分) A.欧几里得 B.亚里士多德 C.阿基米德 D.苏格拉底 13、对成吉思汗评价最高的国家是?(2.00分) A.俄罗斯 B.英国 C.中国 14、元素周期表中的元素是按照什么排序的:()(2.00分) A.原子体积 B.中子数 C.质子数 D.电子数 15、据我们所知,事实上第一个完成环球航行的人是?(2.00分) A.恩利基 B.郑和 C.麦哲伦 16、长平之战中,坑杀40万赵军的将领是?(2.00分) A.赵括 B.白起 C.蒙恬 17、爱因斯坦头脑最清晰的时候在什么时候?(2.00分) A.青年 B.中年 C.老年 18、诸葛亮的兄弟是?(2.00分) A.诸葛瑾 B.诸葛恪 C.诸葛青云 19、以下理论中哪个是研究宇宙学的最好的理论:()(2.00分)


赵峥教授的公开课《从爱因斯坦到霍金的宇宙》,主要内容是物理学史,重点是相对论,天文部分很多,以及乱入了文明的发展。作业是自己做的以及全部皆为手打。不得不说第一部分的最后几章,以及霍金与黑洞那里错过可惜了,其余看选择吧,这是个人这一学期唯一感兴趣的内容了。本文分章节。将全部放上。我同时放了一份在我的豆瓣 爱因斯坦头脑最清晰的时候是在什么时候? 青年 提出了浮力定理、杠杆原理、重心概念的人是谁? 阿基M德 最早用到物理学这个词的人物是? 亚里士多德 提出惯性定律、相对性原理、自由落体定律的科学家是谁? 伽利略 下列选项中属于伽利略的成就的是? 以上都是<重述惯性定律、用科学的语言阐述了相对性原理、自由落体定律) 物理这个词最早是公元300多年前,哪位科学家首次使用? 亚里士多德 提出杠杆原理的学者是? 阿基M德 格物穷理是我国哪位物理学家提出? 朱熹 首先进入封建社会的国家是 中国 微粒说的提出者是 牛顿 双缝的干涉实验完成者是 托马斯杨 希腊三哲不包括 阿基M德<包括苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德) 托马斯杨发现了散光的原因,转而研究光学,完成了双缝干涉实验,认识到光是波动,并提出了什么? 三原色原理 第一个完成双缝干涉实验的人是 托马斯杨 最早提出地心说的人是 亚里士多德 最早用到物理学这个词的人物是 亚里士多德 牛顿的贡献有 以上都是<力学三定律万有引力定律光的微粒说) 下列不是电磁学说时期的科学家的是 托马斯杨 原子论的提出这是 德谟克利特 热力学第三定律的发现者是

能斯特 下列不是热力学第一定律发现者的是 卡诺<发现者赫姆霍兹焦耳迈尔) 量子物理学的开创者是 普朗克 克劳修斯、开尔文发现了什么,从而认为热永远都只能从热处转到冷处? 热力学第二定律 热力学第一定律的发现者是 以上都是<赫姆霍兹焦耳麦尔) 第一个看出爱因斯坦聪明的人是 格罗斯蔓 第一个发现并表述了能量守恒定律的人是 迈尔 爱因斯坦在哪一年发表了5篇具有划时代的论文 1905年 量子论的提出者是 普朗克 吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理是谁说的 亚里士多德 爱因斯坦对哪一所中学评价很高 阿劳州立中学 迈克尔逊做迈克尔逊实验想要测量以太相对于地球的什么? 漂移速度 爱因斯坦的国籍是 美国和瑞士的双重国籍 爱因斯坦的丰收年是 1905年 托马斯杨发现了散光的原因,转而研究光学,完成了双缝干涉实验,认识到光是波动的,并提出什么? 三原色原理 爱因斯坦发表相对论时的国籍是 瑞士 1993年爱因斯坦离开德国去往哪个国家 美国 哪位女子以前曾帮爱因斯坦他抄笔记? M列娃 爱因斯坦的第几个儿子获得了精神病 2 阐述绝对零度内容的定理是 热力学第三定律 力学三定律的提出这是 牛顿 狭义相对论是哪部著作创立的 《论动体的电动力学》


专题六:霍金 身残志坚!21岁的他身患不治之症 专家总因言多而失,霍金作为世界上最著名的科学家,其言论的影响力可想而知,不说世界闻之一震,起码也是举足轻重。 可是出现频率太高,而又给不出科学依据的话,再有名望的人其声誉也会受到一定影响。就像一个祥林嫂,总是重复那一段悲惨过往就会让人越来越丧失同理心。因此,现在甚至有人用“开炮”来形容霍金目前频繁发言的状态。 然而,换一种正确的认知,其实可以理解是霍金正在慷慨地分享他对世界的观察,并提出关于世界所面临问题的警告,而且,对于霍金以难以想象的坚强意志追求真理这样的做法,人类是应该怀有敬意的。 霍金是渐冻症患者 为何?先从这“身残志坚”说起。首先说明一点,霍金对于残疾这个是讳莫如深,非常的不合作。“不愿对恶疾低头,甚至不愿接受任何帮助。”也许并不是每个身体有恙的人,都会对自己的疾病是接受的态度,霍金就“最喜欢被视为是科学家,然后是科普作家,最重要的是,被视为正常人。” 霍金患有的是一种可以称得上“不治之症”的疾病:肌肉萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,也就是我们传说中的渐冻症。它是上运动神经元和下运动神经元损伤之后,导致包括球部、四肢、躯干、胸部腹部的肌肉逐渐无力和萎缩。形象来说,就是肌无力、肌萎缩、肌束震颤等症状。 患这个病的人可能先出现吞咽困难,进而讲话困难,然后四肢肌肉慢慢萎缩,变得无力,甚至呼吸衰竭,最终不治。在霍金被确诊的时候,所有的医生都下了相似的判决:活不过几年、几年内致死、绝症。 爱情给了霍金重生的力量 在霍金就读剑桥大学研究院时期,霍金的身体已出现了渐冻症的症状,他变得越来越笨拙,时常不知缘由地摔跤,划船也变得力不从心,还从楼梯上摔下来,造成暂时的记忆力轻微丧失。然后开始讲话含糊不清……直到21岁时,被诊断患有肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,只有两年好活。 一个正直21岁青春期的少年,被一纸诊断了余生,这是多么痛的打击。中国作家史铁生在壮年时遭遇不幸,用了很多年才想通,最终写出很多有价值的作品。看来伟人都有一个

东华大学网络课 爱因斯坦与霍金的宇宙 课后答案完整版

最早使用物理学这个词的人是 亚里士多德 提出杠杆原理的学者是 阿基米德 属于伽利略的成就的是 重述惯性定律用科学的语言阐述了相对性原理自由落体定律 静力学和流体静力学的奠基人是 阿基米德 提出浮力定律,杠杆原理,重心概念的人是 阿基米德 “物理”这个词最早是在公元300多年前亚里士多德首次使用希腊三哲不包括 阿基米德(是苏格拉底柏拉图亚里士多德) 提出惯性定律相对性原理自由落体定律的科学家是 伽利略 牛顿的贡献有 力学三定律万有引力定律光的微粒说 “吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理”是谁说的 亚里士多德 双缝的干涉实验完成者是 托马斯,杨 下列不是电磁学说时期的科学家的是 托马斯,杨(是库伦安培法拉第) 首先证明光是波动的人是 托马斯,杨 “格物穷理”是我国哪位理学家提出的 朱熹 热力学第三定律的发现者是 能斯特 量子物理学的开创者是 普朗克 微粒说的提出者是 牛顿 第一个发现并表述了能量守恒定律的人是 迈尔 原子论的提出者是 德谟克利特 第一个完成双缝干涉实验的人是 托马斯,杨 力学三定律的提出者是 牛顿 爱因斯坦的丰收年是 1905年 最早提出地心说的人是

亚里士多德 静力学和流体静力学的奠基人是 阿基米德 爱因斯坦在哪一年发表了5篇具有划时代的论文 1905年 克劳修斯、开尔文发现了什么,从而认为热永远都只能有热处 热力学第二定律 爱因斯坦的国籍是 美国和瑞士的双重国籍 1905年,爱因斯坦的学术贡献有 《分子大小的新测定方法》《布朗运动的一些检视》《论动体的电动力学》 爱因斯坦的质能关系的公式是 E=MC2 爱因斯坦与米列娃离婚主要原因是 母亲反对 哪位女子以前曾帮爱因斯坦抄笔记 米列娃 爱因斯坦对绝对空间理论产生怀疑是因为什么实验 斐索实验 下列哪位人物较早提出以太是不存在的观点 恩斯特,马赫 1933年爱因斯坦离开德国去往哪个国家 美国 爱因斯坦的第几个儿子获得了精神病 2 相对论的结论有 “同时”是相对的尺缩效应动中慢变 下列不是热力学第一定律发现者的是 卡诺(是赫姆霍兹焦耳迈尔) 光速不变原理认为什么中的光速在任何时候都是相同的 真空 绝对空间运动是下列哪位人物提出的 牛顿 狭义相对论是哪部著作创立的 《论动体的电动力学》 迈克尔逊做迈克尔逊实验是想要测量以太相对于地球的什么 漂移速度 由于阿累尼乌斯的反对,门捷列夫没能获得诺贝尔奖,那一届的诺贝尔奖颁给了谁莫瓦桑 首先提出光速不变原理的人是 爱因斯坦 最早进行元素周期律研究的是 纽兰兹 相对论的电子质量公式是谁首先给出的


爱因斯坦和量子论与相对论的诞生(二)作业(100 C ))透悴茨(6吩) 1.炽子论的提出吿定谁?(30 00分) A. 側昭 2、扭训肠发砚了饭光的斤因.转而碣究光学,完域了双耀干涝实矽》认识刽尢定波幼,并提出什么丁(30 0051) B. 阳样 C. 光适 対商通(4吩)j 1、自山落体试验杲伽利站在比葫糾塔做出的.(40.0吩) Q 是?? 3 5/ 爱因斯坦和量子论与相对论的渥生(四)作业(70.00分)选择劉6吩) 1. 爱因斯坦在哪里的宁筱补习?(30?0吩) B. 荷兰 C. 苏製世 止礪答案:C、苏黎世 2、哪位女子以横曾岳爱囚斯坦他抄笙记?(30.0051) 0.粒妊 C.米卡娃 判断鐵40升) 1、爱因斷坦住毎歿世工业大学数书的时悅讲课风理生动,非常受学生的或迎?(40.0吩) Q是?否J

爱因斯坦和虽子论与相对论的诞牛(六)作业(和.00分)iS择蹩(60别 1. 爱因斯坦刘绝対空材理论户生怀疑足因为什么实峻2 (30 00分) A. 厉完尔引忖垃 EJ.收述千述齐ii 2、光速不亞除理队为什么中的光速衣任何时候都壬相制的?(30.00^) A. 介盾 B. 空咒 K浦伦兹变换足初用耒協和19徂纪建立起来的经典电功力学同牛换力学之间符垢耒成为扶义相对论中桶本万稈切?(40.0吩) Q 杲?£X 爱因斯坦和量子论与相对论的诞生(八)作业(400.00分)^S?(6Q?l 1、由干阿累尼乌Mi的&对,门捷列夫浚能茯斜诺贝尔奖,贝尔次fifi绘了谊?(30.00^) 2、最早进行元寿坏期律研允的足谁?(30 00分) A.血尔 B?1徨歹快 1.天然放対巴做現丘由贝克初尔机居怛夫扫共同岌现的,沒有风克琳,居里夫妇不可能E笑发现泳(40.00分) # s e s 5/


2017年从爱因斯坦到霍金的宇宙-超星答案 1、【单选题】最早使用“物理学”这个词的人物是谁?() A亚里斯多德 B伽利略 C爱因斯坦 D牛顿 我的答案:A 得分: 25.0分 2、【单选题】提出“格物穷理”的是谁?() A张载 B陆九渊 C朱熹 D王阳明 我的答案:C 得分: 25.0分 3、【单选题】相对论分为狭义相对论和广义相对论,它们都是关于()的基本理论。 A引力和重力 B时空和重力 C时间和空间 D时空和引力 我的答案:D 得分: 25.0分 4、【判断题】欧几里得的学生是阿基米德的老师。() 我的答案:√ 1、【单选题】认为万物都是由原子构成的古希腊哲学家是谁?() A德谟克利特 B毕达哥拉斯 C色诺芬 D亚里士多德 我的答案:A 得分: 25.0分 2、【单选题】惯性定律认为物体在受任何外力的作用下,不会保持下列哪种运动状态?() A匀速曲线 B匀速直线 C加速直线 D加速曲线 我的答案:B 得分: 25.0分 3、【判断题】牛顿出生于1642年,同年伽利略逝世。() 我的答案:√ 得分: 25.0分 4、【判断题】奥地利物理学家伽利略是近代实验科学的先驱者。() 我的答案:×

得分: 25.0分 1、【单选题】焦耳是哪个国家的物理学家?() A德国 B英国 C奥地利 D意大利 我的答案:B 得分: 25.0分 2、【单选题】继发现热力学第一定律和第二定律后,有谁发现了“热力学第三定律”。() A克劳修斯 B开尔文 C能斯特 D焦耳 我的答案:C 得分: 25.0分 3、【多选题】下列选项不属于经典物理学范畴的是()。 A万有引力定律 B热质学说 C量子论 D狭义相对性原理 我的答案:BCD 得分: 25.0分 4、【判断题】根据“热力学第零定律”,两个热力学系统彼此处于热平衡的前提条件是每一个都与第三个热力学系统处理热平衡。() 我的答案:√ 得分: 25.0分 1、【单选题】物理学上用紫外灾难形容经典理论的困境,其具体内容指()。 A维恩线在短波波段与实验值的巨大差异 B瑞利-金斯线在短波波段与实验值的巨大差异 C维恩线在长波波段与实验值的巨大差异 D瑞利-金斯线在长波波段与实验值的巨大差异 我的答案:B 得分: 25.0分 2、【单选题】最早提出量子假说的物理学家是()。 A爱因斯坦 B能斯特 C普朗克 D汤姆逊 我的答案:C 得分: 25.0分 3、【判断题】普朗克立即赞同了爱因斯坦提出了光量子说。() 我的答案:× 得分: 25.0分 4、【判断题】量子论的产生来自于对黑体辐射问题的研究;相对论的产生则是源于迈克尔逊实


吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理”这句话是谁说的?() ?A、苏格拉底 ?B、柏拉图 ?C、亚里士多德 ?D、色诺芬 我的答案:C 2 下列人物中最早使用“物理学”这个词的是谁?() ?A、牛顿 ?B、伽利略 ?C、爱因斯坦 ?D、亚里斯多德 我的答案:D 3 “给我一个支点,我就可以耗动地球”这句话是谁说的?() ?A、欧几里得 ?B、阿基米德 ?C、亚里士多德 ?D、伽利略

我的答案:B 4 “格物穷理”是由谁提出来的?() ?A、张载 ?B、朱熹 ?C、陆九渊 ?D、王阳明 我的答案:B 5 相对论是关于()的基本理论,分为狭义相对论和广义相对论。?A、时空和引力 ?B、时空和重力 ?C、时间和空间 ?D、引力和重力 我的答案:A 6 欧洲奴隶社会比中国时间长,中国封建社会比西方时间长。我的答案:√ 7

阿基米德是欧几里得的学生的学生。 我的答案:对 8 西方在中世纪有很多创造。 我的答案:错 以下不属于伽利略的成就的是( ) ?A、重述惯性定律 ?B、发现万有引力 ?C、阐述相对性原理 ?D、自由落体定律 我的答案:B 2 “地恒动而人不知,譬如闭舟而行,不觉舟之运也”体现了什么物理学原理?()?A、相对性原理 ?B、惯性原理 ?C、浮力定理 ?D、杠杆原理 我的答案:A 3

哪位古希腊哲学家认为万物都是由原子构成的 ?A、亚里士多德 ?B、毕达哥拉斯 ?C、色诺芬 ?D、德谟克利特 我的答案:D 4 惯性定律认为物体在不受任何外力的作用下,会保持下列哪种运动状态?()?A、匀速曲线 ?B、加速直线 ?C、匀速直线 ?D、加速曲线 我的答案:C 5 《关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话》与《天体运行论》都是伽利略的著作我的答案:错 6 伽利略是奥地利物理学家,近代实验科学的先驱者。() 我的答案:×


物理学的开端:经验物理时期 1 “吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理”这句话是谁说的?() ?A、苏格拉底 ?B、柏拉图 ?C、亚里士多德 ?D、色诺芬 我的答案:C 2 下列人物中最早使用“物理学”这个词的是谁?() ?A、牛顿 ?B、伽利略 ?C、爱因斯坦 ?D、亚里斯多德 我的答案:D 3 “给我一个支点,我就可以耗动地球”这句话是谁说的?()?A、欧几里得 ?B、阿基米德 ?C、亚里士多德 ?D、伽利略 我的答案:B

4 “格物穷理”是由谁提出来的?() ?A、张载 ?B、朱熹 ?C、陆九渊 ?D、王阳明 我的答案:B 5 相对论是关于()的基本理论,分为狭义相对论和广义相对论。?A、时空和引力 ?B、时空和重力 ?C、时间和空间 ?D、引力和重力 我的答案:A 6 欧洲奴隶社会比中国时间长,中国封建社会比西方时间长。 我的答案:√ 7 阿基米德是欧几里得的学生的学生。 我的答案:√ 8 西方在中世纪有很多创造。

我的答案:× 伽利略与经典物理的诞生 1 “地恒动而人不知,譬如闭舟而行,不觉舟之运也”体现了什么物理学原理? () ?A、相对性原理 ?B、惯性原理 ?C、浮力定理 ?D、杠杆原理 我的答案:A 2 哪位古希腊哲学家认为万物都是由原子构成的 ?A、亚里士多德 ?B、毕达哥拉斯 ?C、色诺芬 ?D、德谟克利特 我的答案:D 3 惯性定律认为物体在不受任何外力的作用下,会保持下列哪种运动状态? () ?A、匀速曲线

?B、加速直线 ?C、匀速直线 ?D、加速曲线 我的答案:C 4 以下不属于伽利略的成就的是() ?A、重述惯性定律 ?B、发现万有引力 ?C、阐述相对性原理 ?D、自由落体定律 我的答案:B 5 《关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话》与《天体运行论》都是伽利略的著作 我的答案:× 6 伽利略是奥地利物理学家,近代实验科学的先驱者。() 我的答案:× 7 伽利略认为斜面上的运动是冲淡了的自由落体运动。() 我的答案:√ 8


“吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理”这句话是谁说的?() A、苏格拉底 B、柏拉图 C、亚里士多德 D、色诺芬 正确答案:C 2 下列人物中最早使用“物理学”这个词的是谁?() A、牛顿 B、伽利略 C、爱因斯坦 D、亚里斯多德 正确答案:D 3 “给我一个支点,我就可以耗动地球”这句话是谁说的?() A、欧几里得 B、阿基米德 C、亚里士多德 D、伽利略 正确答案:B 4 “格物穷理”是由谁提出来的?() A、张载 B、朱熹 C、陆九渊 D、王阳明 正确答案:B

5 相对论是关于()的基本理论,分为狭义相对论和广义相对论。 A、时空和引力 B、时空和重力 C、时间和空间 D、引力和重力 正确答案:A 欧洲奴隶社会比中国时间长,中国封建社会比西方时间长。 正确答案:√ 7.阿基米德是欧几里得的学生的学生。 正确答案:√ 8.西方在中世纪有很多创造。 正确答案:× 伽利略与经典物理的诞生 1.以下不属于伽利略的成就的是() A、重述惯性定律 B、发现万有引力 C、阐述相对性原理 D、自由落体定律 正确答案:B 2.“地恒动而人不知,譬如闭舟而行,不觉舟之运也”体现了什么物理学原理?() A、相对性原理 B、惯性原理 C、浮力定理 D、杠杆原理 正确答案:A 3.哪位古希腊哲学家认为万物都是由原子构成的

B、毕达哥拉斯 C、色诺芬 D、德谟克利特 正确答案:D 4.惯性定律认为物体在不受任何外力的作用下,会保持下列哪种运动状态?() A、匀速曲线 B、加速直线 C、匀速直线 D、加速曲线 正确答案:C 5.《关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话》与《天体运行论》都是伽利略的著作正确答案:× 伽利略是奥地利物理学家,近代实验科学的先驱者。() 正确答案:× 7.伽利略的逝世和牛顿的出生都是在1642年。() 正确答案:√ 8.伽利略认为斜面上的运动是冲淡了的自由落体运动。() 正确答案:√ 经典物理的三大支柱:经典力学、经典电动力学、经典热力学和统计力学 1.物理学家焦耳是哪个国家的人?() A、德国 B、奥地利 C、英国 D、意大利 正确答案:C 2.以下哪一项属于经典物理的范畴

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