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Compressing Sparse Tables using a Genetic Algorithm

Compressing Sparse Tables using a Genetic Algorithm
Compressing Sparse Tables using a Genetic Algorithm

Compressing Sparse Tables using a Genetic Algorithm

Karel Driesen

Programming Technology Lab

Faculty of Sciences

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Pleinlaan 2 B-1050 Brussels



A genetic algorithm is applied on a sparse table compression technique. The latter takes the form of a variant of the knapsack problem. Since this problem is NP-complete, weak search strategies are promising in giving acceptable solutions in general. The genetic algorithm, with carefully constructed genotype and genetic operators, shows good performance on random samples.


Sparse tables have many uses. Sparse matrices, for instance, are abundant in linear algebra problems ([VDV 88]). Finite state machine representations, such as parsing DFA's, are often represented as 2-dimensional tables which are mostly empty ([DEN 84]). In [AOE 82], an efficient implementation of trie-trees is described that represents nodes as arrays of constant size. Thus a trie tree can be represented as a 2-dimensional table, associating a node number with an array. The resulting table is sparse. In [DRI 93a], a method lookup technique for dynamically typed object-oriented languages is presented in which the association of an object class and message selector to a method is performed through a sparse table.

In numerical analysis, a sparse matrix is usually represented as a collection of linked lists, each gathering all the non-empty elements of a column or row. This representation takes little memory (twice as much pointers as the number of non-empty entries1) and is adequate for a number of numerical analysis algorithms, such as Gaussian elimination. The main operation employed is an enumeration of the elements of columns. However, for all other aforementioned applications the most important operation is the retrieval of a single element. In general, this takes in the order of O(n/2) operations, with n the number of non-empty entries in a particular column or row. This is often too slow for practical purposes.

Tarjan, in [TAR 79], presents a sparse table representation which performs retrieval of an element in constant time. This technique, which we will discuss in section 2, is preferable over a list representation when the table is static. Otherwise the cost of insertion of a non-empty element can be prohibitive. Memory use is potentially larger, since slices of the table need to be fitted together as one-dimensional puzzle pieces. The unused space that results from inadequate fitting is pure overhead. At the moment, no efficient algorithm exists to find the best possible fitting in the general case.

1 For clarity and convenience, we assume that entries and pointers occupy the same amount of space. In the pure object-ori?nted language context that motivated this work, this is the case.

This is where the genetic algorithm can play a part. As we will discuss in section 4, the only way to tackle a hard (NP-complete) problem in general is by employing weak search. I.e. we do not look for the best solution, but are satisfied with one approaching it. Weak search techniques also have the property of rendering better results if one is willing to dedicate more computing power to the calculation.

2.Sparse arrays

In this section we will treat Tarjan’s table representation. An example sparse table is given below:











Figure 1: a sparse table

The standard representation of a two-dimensional table T of m rows and n columns is a one-dimensional array A of size m . n. The rows of the array are placed, one after the other, in A. Element T[i,j] at row i and column j, can be found in entry A[i . n + j].

In Tarjan's scheme, the rows are not placed after eachother, but overlap in such a way that only non-zero elements have a unique index in A. In other words, a vector R of size m is calculated, which gives the offsets of each row of T, such that for all non-empty entries A[z] there is exactly one non-empty element T[i,j] for which R[i] + j = z. The time needed to retrieve a non-zero element is constant, as opposed to sparse matrix representations based on linked list datastructures.

If zero elements can be retrieved as well, two alterations of the above setup need to be implemented. First, a separate array B of the same size as A needs to be maintained, in which B[z] = o, if entry A[z] contains a non-zero element of the row starting at offset o. Secondly, the offsets need to be unique, so that each row has a unique offset (otherwise it can not be determined to which row a non-empty element belongs). This is easily accomplished by adding dummy non-zero elements at column 0, for all rows (the gray entries in figure 1).

There are still many solutions for R that respect all the above conditions. The standard representation does, for instance. In order to gain memory, offsets have to be found that fit the rows of T tightly together. This can be measured by the fillrate f of A, given by e/s, where e is the number of non-zero elements of T, and s is the size of A (the index of the rightmost non-empty entry). If f approaches 1, the memory overhead approaches that of a linked list. The figure below gives a good mapping for the above example:









Figure 2: Mapping of table rows onto a masterarray

Finding the offsets that maximize the fillrate is an NP-complete problem. In [TAR 79] R is constructed by inserting the rows of T, one after the other, in the first fitting space in A. If m is much larger than n this is adequate. In [AOE 82] a fill rate of 99% was obtained for a trie-tree representing an English dictionary of thirty-thousand words. In terms of the table, the number of columns was about 30, while the number of rows was little less than 50,000. A very large number of extremely small puzzle pieces makes the fitting process efficient. This is because the natural diversity in row signatures makes sure that almost every occurring empty space eventually gets filled up by a matching piece. However, if m is of the same order of magnitude as n, and the non-zero elements are spread over the rows in a random way, the fillrate obtained is very low.

Tarjan's first fit scheme has one degree of freedom: the order in which the rows are fitted in A. The numbering of columns gives an additional parameter to play around with. In some cases the applications allows the column numbers to be chosen freely. If not, then a small retrieval overhead has to be paid in the form of a mapping of a column to a different column number. This can be implemented by an array C, in which a permutation of the column numbers is stored. Element T[i,j] is then retrieved as A[R[i] + C[j]]. Maximalisation of the fillrate in this context amounts to finding permutations of rows and columns that minimalise the size of A2.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4257788.html,ing a genetic algorithm

Finding a selector numbering and a row order which maximises the fillrate can be viewed as an combinatorial optimisation problem. Since the problem is NP-complete, the best solution cannot possibly be found, in the general case, in less than exponential time3.

Weak search techniques provide the means of finding good solutions to NP-complete problems. They have the advantage of being generally applicable, and easily rendering better solutions by adding computing power. Domain knowledge remains important since it guides the setup of the search process ([MAN 91]).

2 Note that this does not cover the total search space of all possible offsets. However, it allows sufficient variation to find adequate fillrates.

3 To our current knowledge, that is. Although it has not been proved that P ≠ NP, experience strongly suggests that NP-complete problems cannot be solved in polynomial time in the general case.

A wide choice of weak search strategies is available from the AI field. Artificial neural networks, simulated annealing and genetic algorithms, among others, have been successfully applied to a wide range of problems.

We chose genetic algorithms to explore our problem space for the following reasons:

-it is a simple, elegant technique, easily implemented

-it is robust, and, if necessary, can be made more robust in a straightforward way (increase the size of the population, for instance)

-the actual process to optimise can be treated as a black box, thus enabling us to reuse the fitting code (implemented for [DRI 93a]) unaltered

-domain knowledge is easily incorporated by altering mutation and crossover rules

-to our knowledge, the best solution for the 442-city travelling salesman problem (an important benchmark in the optimisation field) was reached by employing a parallel GA ([MUH 88])

In the following section we will discuss the setup of the employed genetic algorithm.

3.1.The algorithm

The different aspects of the GA are treated in the following section. First the genotype is defined. Then the genetic operators are specified. Finally the particular flavour of GA we use, as well as its scalar parameters are discussed.

3.1.1The genotype

The first step in applying GA’s to a problem is to define the encoding of points in the problem space. Every possible solution needs to be expressed as a fixed-length string of symbols from a given alphabet4. This string is called a genotype. The chosen representation will influence the form of the problem space, and its associated fitness landscape. The latter is the result of applying the fitness function, which represents how good a certain solution is, to every point of the search space. The topology of the fitness landscape is known to be a determining factor for the effectiveness of a GA. If the landscape is gently sloped, the correlation of fitness between neighbouring solutions (which share most characteristics) will be high. If it is rugged, on the contrary, similar solutions will have widely different fitness. In the latter case an abundance of local maxima will prevent the GA from finding good solutions.

The figure below gives the genotype encoding used in our experiment, for a tabel with 6 rows and 10 columns:


renumbering7425619803310524fitting order

Figure 3: Genotype encoding of column renumbering and row processing order

4 This is not a contingent property of GA's. In principle, genotypes can be arbitrarily complex constructions. The genetic operators are easier to define on fixed-length strings, however.

Only the lower row is actually stored (the higher is implicitly given by the index in the vector). Hence, a valid genotype is an ordered sequence of one instance each of all numbers between 0 and the number of columns (exclusive), followed by the same for the rows. The neighbourhood defined by such a scheme adheres closely to an intuitive feeling of which solutions are close together. Two gens which have most numbers in the same order will produce similar row signatures and similar row orderings

3.1.2The genetic operators Mutation operator

The next step in the construction of the GA is the definition of a mutation operator. This is a function which takes one genotype as argument and returns a slightly altered one. In [MAN 91], three mutation operators are given:

Swap operator:


gen renumbering7425619803310524fitting order


result renumbering7405619823310524fitting order

Figure 4: swap operator on entries 2 and 7 of the column part

Two randomly chosen column (or row) numbers are swapped.

Reverse operator:


gen renumbering7425619803310524fitting order


result renumbering7489165203310524fitting order

Figure 5: reverse operator on entries 2 and 7 of the column part

The column (or row) numbers between two randomly chosen points are reversed.

Remove&insert operator:


gen renumbering7425619803310524fitting order


result renumbering7456198203310524fitting order

Figure 5: remove&insert operator on entries 2 and 7 of the column part

The column (or row) number at a random position is removed and inserted at a random position.

These three possibilities give nine possible mutation operators for the genotype as a whole. In [MAN 91], the correlation between the fitness of a gen and its mutation gives a measure of the suitability of a mutator. The higher the correlation, the gentler the slope of the fitness landscape, as it is determined by the operator. We calculated the correlation coefficient for each mutator seperately on rows and columns5.

Col Row




Figure 6: correlation coefficients of mutation operators.

The Swap operator is obviously inferior to both Reverse and Remove&Insert. Since the latter is better on rows, and the same on columns, we chose Remove&Insert for both parts of the genotype. For a given mutation, the chance of choosing row mutation was taken proportional to the number of rows versus the total size of the genotype (for a 10 by 30 table, 10 out of 40 mutations take place on rows). Crossover operator

The crossover operator is a function which takes two genotypes as argument and returns a genotype that shares some characteristics of both arguments. We implemented two operators: PMX operator:


gen1renumbering7425619803310524fitting order

gen2renumbering2783901546403215fitting order


result renumbering2783619540403215fitting order

Figure 7: PMX-crossover with crossover points 4 and 6

Two random positions in either the row- or the column part of the genotype determine the crossover points. The numbers between these points are copied from the first to the second gen. To render a valid genotype, numbers that are overridden in the second genotype are swapped with the number that overrides them. In the example, crossover points 5 and 7 in the column part give a genotype that retains six column numbers of the second genotype and three of the first, while one new column number occurs. This emergence of new column numbers, not present in either of the two parent genotypes, is unavoidable.

OX operator:


gen1renumbering7425619803310524fitting order

gen2renumbering2783901546403215fitting order


result renumbering7830619542403215fitting order

Figure 8: OX-crossover with crossover points 4 and 6

5 Each mutator was applied 10 times on 400 different gens.

In OX, or Ordered Crossover, the numbers between two random crossover points are copied from the first genotype. Then the numbers of the second genotype are copied to the result, in the order in which they occur, starting behind the copied section. Numbers that were copied from the first gen are skipped in the second.

Again the correlation between the parents and the child gen was calculated:

Col Row



Figure 9: correlation coefficients of crossover operators

Although PMX performs better then OX, the correlation is still very low. This means that the GA will perform as well with or without crossover. Experiments confirmed that the time needed to reach an adequate fillrate, measured in realtime and in number of generations, is the same if only mutation is used. Although this observation indicates that the problem is GA-hard, the GA still reaches good solutions faster than if one would just generate many random permutations and keep the best solution. In the GA, better solutions are constructed from good ones, even if only mutation is employed. Fitness function

The last function we need to define is the fitness function. The fillrate, as defined in section 2, serves this purpose. All rows are fitted, in the order specified by the genotype, into the masterarray in the first space that accommodates them. The column numbering determines the signature of non-empty entries. After the fitting process is terminated the total number of non-empty entries is divided by the distance between the leftmost and rightmost non-empty entry. This is a number between 0 and 1. The fitness function could be scaled to reward good points in a more than linear way, for instance by squaring it. For our purpose this is irrelevant since the offspring of a genotype is determined by it’s ordering relative to the rest of the population (see next section). This ordering is not influenced by scaling the fitness function.

It should be noted that the calculation of the fitness function is several orders of magnitude slower than the mutation and crossover operators. This gets worse for large tables, since the fitness calculation is of order O(n2) for the first fit approach, with n the number of non-empty entries. The crossover and fitness operators perform at O(n). In [DRI 93b] we discuss an algorithm that does the fitting approximately in O(n), but is only applicable when the rows are sufficiently clustered. This property depends on the problem domain, so it does not apply in the general case, and we have to stick to the “vanilla” first-fit scheme. Due to the large time overhead of calculating the fillrates, the test samples had to remain fairly small.

3.1.3Setup and parameters of the GA

To give a clear view on the choices still left in making the GA operational, we given an outline of the basic genetic algorithm:

Step 0:Set the time t=0 and generate the initial population P0, of N points

Step 1:Calculate the fitness of every point in P t

Step 2:Select points from the population P t , proportional to their fitness (i.e. better points are more prone to be selected)

Step 3:Apply mutation and crossover on this selection, which gives population P t+1

Step 4:Go back to step 1

Note that this scheme generates a totally new generation with each iteration. For large populations, this is not a problem, since there will probably be many equally good solutions to choose from with each generation. For small populations this is rather wasteful, as the best current solution will be destroyed in step 3, and the small number of genotypes does not guaranty that an equally good solution is generated. The complexity of the fitness function in our problem domain rules out large populations. Therefore, we adhere to the scheme described in [BOO 89], in which the new generation is merged with the old one and the inferior solutions are dropped from the population. This gives the following algorithm:

Step 0:Set the time t=0 and generate the initial population P0,, of N points

Step 1:Calculate the fitness of every point in P0,

Step 2:Select points from the population P t , proportional to their fitness (i.e. better points are more prone to selection)

Step 3:Apply mutation and crossover on this selection, which gives population P’t+1

Step 5:Calculate the fitness of every point in P’t+1

Step 6:Merge P t and P’t+1. Drop all but the best N solutions. This gives P t+1

Step 7:Go back to step 2

This setup ensures that a good solution remains in the population until a number of better ones are found.

A number of parameters remain to be fixed. The size N of the population is set at 100. In [MAN 93], this number is suggested. In the experiments we observed that this was large enough to allow for wide diversity in the population.

The selection of points to be crossed over is the next parameter. The crossover rate, which is the fraction of the population selected, was set at 80%. The best genotype has 100% chance of being selected. Then the chance of selection decreases linearly. The worst genotype has 60% chance of being selected. This scheme selects good solutions more often, but does not exclude inferior solutions from contributing to the next generation (otherwise there would be no point in having them around).

The last parameter to set is the number of generations to be calculated. We observed that the population converged, after 20-50 generations, to identical genotypes. This happens because the best solutions are preserved from one generation to the next. Instead of fixing the number of generations, the stopping criterium employed is the variety of the population. When the populations consists only of identical copies of the same gen, we stop.


We tested the GA on twelve kinds of tables of varying dimensions. In the table below, Rand3 to Rand6 have the same dimensions, but a varying proportion of non-empty entries. Rand7 to Rand12 show the effect of row and column size, for tables with comparable standard fillrate.

Sample r c r*c ne stand twa gen

Rand110101002727 %34 %83 %

Rand220102005528 %40 %81 %

Rand310202004322 %30 %74 %

Rand410202005628 %33 %79 %

Rand510202008040 %47 %76 %

Rand6102020010854 %60 %77 %

Rand720204007519 %27 %77 %

Rand830103006421 %37 %78 %

Rand910303005920 %26 %74 %

Rand10302060011219 %26 %78 %

Rand11203060012120 %24 %72 %

Rand12303090018921 %25 %72 %

Figure 10: results of the genetic algorithm on various test samples. r gives the number of rows,

c is the number of columns, r*c is the total number of entries in the table, ne the number of non-

empty entries, stand is the resulting fillrate of a regular 2-dimensional array, twa is the fillrate reached by placing rows after each other without overlap, gen is the fillrate reached by the genetic algorithm.

The last column gives the average, over 5 runs, of the fillrate of the best solution found by the genetic algorithm. The “twa” column (from Table Width Allocation in [DRI 93b]) gives the fillrate that results when all the rows are placed one after the other in the masterarray, the rightmost non-empty entry of a row touching the leftmost of it’s successor. This is the minimal solution, as none of the rows are fitted together.

A first observation is that the genetic algorithm performs in a fairly constant way. Although the resulting fillrate becomes lower for larger tables, a ninefold increase in size accounts for a drop of only 11% (Rand1 vs. Rand12). The sparseness of the table also has little influence on the results, as is shown by Rand3 to Rand6.

For the same tablesize and fillrate, the number of rows versus the the number of columns makes a difference. As mentioned earlier, tables with many rows and few columns are easier to compress than flat, wide tables6 (Rand2 vs. Rand4, Rand8 vs. Rand9, Rand10 vs Rand11).

Although the GA performs well, the main disadvantage of using it, is the large amount of computer power needed. The largest sample took in the order of several hours to compute. The lengthy calculation of the fitness function is responsible for more than 90% of this.

4.Conclusions & related work

We have designed and tested a genetic search approach on a sparse table compression technique.

A genetic algorithm behaves well on this problem.

The main motivation for this work was our previous experience with sparse arrays as representations of method tables for object-oriented, dynamically typed languages. A dedicated heuristic, which only involved only one calculation of the fillrate, was presented and tested in [DRI 93b]. For small samples, the GA outperformed this method. For real-life samples, the heuristic was better, probably because the population size was not large enough to allow for sufficient diversity.

The enormous amount of computing power needed to calculate large samples prohibits the use of a genetic algorithm for this application. The calculation of the Smalltalk class library, which took a heuristic algorithm 40 minutes, would take several days with the method outlined here. Since changes in a class library occur on a daily basis in a development environment, the technique described in this paper, though potentially reaching very good solutions, is simply not practical.

We do not rule out the use of GA’s for sparse table compression in other applications, however. The main factor to consider is the lifetime of the table. If this is sufficiently large, obtaining a high fillrate through a genetic algorithm can be well worth the effort. We conjecture that, given enough processing time, a genetic search approach will reach a better result than any domain-dependent heuristic.

A second factor to consider is the way entries are clustered together. The fitting process can take advantage of the presence of clusters by employing a dedicated heuristic. Some problem domains show a very random scattering on non-empty entries. In such a case, a weak search approach is the only alternative. Parser tables (see [DEN 84]), for instance, could benefit from the technique described here, because the lifetime of a parser table is as long as the lifetime of the compiler in which it is employed, and because there is no inherent clustering present in the table. We plan to look at this application in the future.

6 It is of course easy to compress the transposition of the table to obtain a better fillrate. The experiments show that this is probably a worthwile effort.


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ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4,

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[DIX 89]T. Dixon, M. Vaughan, P. Sweizer.

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OOPSLA'89 Proceedings p.221-214

[DRI 93a]K. Driesen.

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OOPSLA'93 Proceedings, p.259-270

[DRI 93b]K. Driesen.

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Academic Service


2019 年托福高频词汇表: sparse什么意思(附翻译及 例句 ) sparse 英[sp ɑ:s]美[spɑ:rs] adj. 稀疏的 ; 稀少的 稀疏的 ; 稀疏 ; 稀少的 ; 成员稀少疏落 词形变化: 比较级: sparser比较级:sparsest 派生词: sparsely sparseness sparsity 双语例句 1 . He was a tubby little man in his fifties, with sparse hair. 他 50 来岁,头发稀疏,身材矮 胖。来自柯林斯例句 2 . Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation. 很多山坡都是石头地,植被稀疏。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual. 那一排稀稀落落的观众没留意到任何不寻常之处。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Traffic was sparse on the highway. 公路上车流稀少。

来自柯林斯例句 5 . the sparse population of the islands 那些岛上零星的人口 来自《词典》 网络释义 -sparse 1.稀疏的 rebuff 断然拒绝 sparseadj.稀少的;稀疏的spar水疗 2.稀疏 ...索引4.3获取相关矩阵的信息 4.4 改变矩阵的大小和形状 4.5 矩阵元素的移位和排序 4.6 对角矩阵 4.7 空矩阵,标量和向量 4.8 完全矩阵和稀疏 (sparse) 矩阵 4.9 多维数组第 5 章 M文件程序设计第 6 章程序调试和优化第7 章错误处理第8 章数据输入和输出第9 章使用数据工具箱函数第 10 章. 3.稀少的 rebuff 断然拒绝 sparseadj.稀少的;稀疏的spar水疗 4 .成员稀少疏落 名字释义—耿希炯...假借为“稀”。稀少〖rare;scarce〗稀疏,成员稀少疏落。同“稀”〖声〖 silent〗. ; 罕见 sparse 〗寂静无 相关词条 -sparse rearing 1.薄饲

Sparse Feature Learning for Deep Belief Networks

Sparse Feature Learning for Deep Belief Networks Marc’Aurelio Ranzato1Y-Lan Boureau2,1Yann LeCun1 1Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,New York University 2INRIA Rocquencourt {ranzato,ylan,yann@https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4257788.html,} Abstract Unsupervised learning algorithms aim to discover the structure hidden in the data, and to learn representations that are more suitable as input to a supervised machine than the raw input.Many unsupervised methods are based on reconstructing the input from the representation,while constraining the representation to have cer- tain desirable properties(e.g.low dimension,sparsity,etc).Others are based on approximating density by stochastically reconstructing the input from the repre- sentation.We describe a novel and ef?cient algorithm to learn sparse represen- tations,and compare it theoretically and experimentally with a similar machine trained probabilistically,namely a Restricted Boltzmann Machine.We propose a simple criterion to compare and select different unsupervised machines based on the trade-off between the reconstruction error and the information content of the representation.We demonstrate this method by extracting features from a dataset of handwritten numerals,and from a dataset of natural image patches.We show that by stacking multiple levels of such machines and by training sequentially, high-order dependencies between the input observed variables can be captured. 1Introduction One of the main purposes of unsupervised learning is to produce good representations for data,that can be used for detection,recognition,prediction,or visualization.Good representations eliminate irrelevant variabilities of the input data,while preserving the information that is useful for the ul-timate task.One cause for the recent resurgence of interest in unsupervised learning is the ability to produce deep feature hierarchies by stacking unsupervised modules on top of each other,as pro-posed by Hinton et al.[1],Bengio et al.[2]and our group[3,4].The unsupervised module at one level in the hierarchy is fed with the representation vectors produced by the level below.Higher-level representations capture high-level dependencies between input variables,thereby improving the ability of the system to capture underlying regularities in the data.The output of the last layer in the hierarchy can be fed to a conventional supervised classi?er. A natural way to design stackable unsupervised learning systems is the encoder-decoder paradigm[5].An encoder transforms the input into the representation(also known as the code or the feature vector),and a decoder reconstructs the input(perhaps stochastically)from the repre-sentation.PCA,Auto-encoder neural nets,Restricted Boltzmann Machines(RBMs),our previous sparse energy-based model[3],and the model proposed in[6]for noisy overcomplete channels are just examples of this kind of architecture.The encoder/decoder architecture is attractive for two rea-sons:1.after training,computing the code is a very fast process that merely consists in running the input through the encoder;2.reconstructing the input with the decoder provides a way to check that the code has captured the relevant information in the data.Some learning algorithms[7]do not have a decoder and must resort to computationally expensive Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)sam-pling methods in order to provide reconstructions.Other learning algorithms[8,9]lack an encoder, which makes it necessary to run an expensive optimization algorithm to?nd the code associated with each new input sample.In this paper we will focus only on encoder-decoder architectures.


●SPARSE(稀松矩阵求解器) 适合与求解实数对称或非对称矩阵、复数对称与非对称矩阵。仅适用于静力分析、完全法谐响应分析、完全法瞬态分析、子结构分析、PSD谱分析,对线性与非线性计算均有效。特别的,对于常遇到的正定矩阵的非线性中,SPARSE求解器优先推荐。而在网格拓扑结构常发生变化的接触分析中,SUBSTR求解器具有独特的优势。 其他典型的应用有: 由SHELL单元或者BEAM单元构建的计算模型;由SHELL单元或者BEAM单元或者SOLID单元构建的计算模型。 还有多分支的结构,如汽车尾气排放和涡轮叶片 由于将计算速度和效用结合较为完美,因此这是一种进行迭代计算很有效的求解器。一般而言,SAPRSE求解器相对于FRONT求解器而言,需要的内存较小,但是跟PCG求解器使用的计算机内存却大致相当。如果内存有限,该求解器在不增加CPU时间和益处内存的情况下,并不能充分工作。 稀疏求解法是使用消元为基础的直接求解法,在ANSYS10.0中其为默认求解选项。其可以支持实矩阵与复矩阵、对称与非对称矩阵、拉格朗日乘子。其支持各类分析,病态矩阵也不会造成求解的困难。稀疏矩阵求解器由于需要存储分解后的矩阵因此对于内存要求较高。其具有一定的并行性,可以利用到4-8cpu. 该求解器具有3种求解方式:核内求解,最优核外求解,最小核外求解。强烈推荐使用核内求解,此时基本不需要磁盘的输入与输出,能大幅度提高求解速度;而核外求解会受到磁盘输入/输出速度的影响。对于复矩阵或非对称矩阵一般需要通常求解2倍的内存与计算时间。 相关命令: bcsoption,,incoere 运行核内计算 bcsoption,,optimal 最优核外求解 bcsoption,,minimal 最小核外求解(非正式选项) bcsoption,,force,memrory_size 指定ANSYS使用内存大小 /config,nproce,CPU_number 指定使用cpu的数目 ●FRONT(波前求解器) 程序通过三角化消去所有可以由其他自由度表达的自由度,知道最终形成三角 矩阵,求解器在三角化过程中保留的节点自由度数目称为波前,在所有自由度被处理后波前为0,整个过程中波前的最大值称为最大波前,最大波前越大所需内存越大。整个过程

《Kernel Sparse Representation》中文翻译

Kernel Sparse Representation-Based Classifier 一、问题: 1、针对不同类别的样本相互融合的分布情况,或者不能用线性的方法将它们有效分开的一般分类问题,SRC 失去了分类能力,如何选择一个有效的方法实现有效分类; 2、KSR 虽然是SRC 的非线性扩展,但是它不能使用用于稀疏信号重构的方法,并且在实验中,测试时间较长,如何缩短测试时间; 3、在KSRC 中,我们需要选择一个参数内核,例如一个RBF 内核,则必须选择有效的方法来确定相应的参数,使得效果优于SRC 的分类效果。 二、解决方法: 为了解决以上的问题,在SRC 的基础上,文章引入了核函数。核函数定义为: 1212(,)()()T k x x x x φφ=。最常用的核函数分别有:高斯核径向基函数212122(,)()k x x exp x x γ=--,其中0γ>,还有线性核函数:1212(,)T k x x x x =等。 文章定义一个训练数据集:()(){}{},|,1,2,...,,1,2,...,m i i i i x y x X R y c i n ∈?∈=,其中,c 是类别的数目,m 是数据输入空间X 的维数,i y 是和i x 相对应的类标。给定一个测试数据集x X ∈,我们的目标是从给定的c 类训练样本中预测出它的实际类标y 。现在定义第j 类训练样本作为矩阵,1,[,...,],1,...,j j m n j j j n X x x R j c ?=∈=的各个列,其中,,j i x 被定义为第j 类样本,j n 是第j 类训练样本的数目。下面定义新的训练样本矩阵来表示所有的样本数据: 12c [,,...,]m n X X X X R ?=∈ 其中,1c j j n n ==∑. 根据映射,将输入空间X (低维空间)的数据映射到核特征空间F (高维空 间)中,有:12:()[(),(),...,()]T D x X x x x x F φφφφφ∈→=∈,其中,D m 是核特 征空间F 的维度。在SRC 中,测试样本能被在低维输入空间X 中的训练数据线性的表示,同样,我们也能得出在核空间的测试样本有: ()1()n i i i x x φαφφα===∑

Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decompositions

Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decompositions 摘要:我们考虑如下的基本问题:给定一个由未知稀疏矩阵和未知的低秩矩阵的和的矩阵,能够精确的恢复他们吗?这种恢复的能力有很大的用处在许多领域,一般情况下,这个目标是病态的和NP难的。本文提出了如下的研究:(a)一个新的矩阵不确定性原则;(b)一个简单的基于凸优化的精确分解方法。我们的不确定规则是一个量化的概念,即矩阵不可能稀疏当有漫行列空间时。他决定了什么时候分解问题是病态的,并形成了我们的分解方法和分析基础。我们提出决定条件—在稀疏和低秩元素上—在这种条件下我们的方法可以精确的恢复。 1、引言 给定一个由未知稀疏矩阵和未知低秩矩阵加和的矩阵,我们研究如何把矩阵分开为稀疏成分和低秩成分。这样的问题在很多领域得到应用,比如:统计模型选择,机器学习,系统鉴别,计算复杂度理论,及光学等。本文我们提出在何种条件下这个分解问题是适定的,例如,稀疏和低秩成分在根本上是可识别的,目前的凸松弛精确的恢复稀疏和低秩成分。 主要结果:令,是一个稀疏矩阵,是一个低秩矩阵。给定矩阵C后,目标是在不知道的稀疏模式和的秩或奇异值的情况下恢复和。在没

有额外条件下这个问题是完全不适定的。在很多条件下,一个特定的解是不存在的;比如说低秩矩阵本身就稀疏,这就使得很难从另一个稀疏矩阵中唯一的区别出来。为了知道何时精确解所示可能的,我们定义了新的秩-稀疏不相关概念,他通过一个不确定原则将矩阵的稀疏模式和矩阵的行或列空间联系到一起。我们的分析是几何形式的,并且从切空间到稀疏和低秩矩阵代数簇扮演了重要的角色。 解决这样的分解问题是NP难的。一个合理的首要方法是最小化,满足约束条件A+B=C,式中,作为稀疏和秩的折中。这个问题在解决上是复杂且顽固的;我们提出一个较好的凸优化问题,目标是 的凸松弛。我们松弛 通过用L1范数来代替他,他表示矩阵A中所有元素绝对值的和。我们松弛通过用核范数来代替他,核范数是矩阵B的奇异值的和。注意到核范数可以被看作是‘L1范数’施加到奇异值上(即矩阵的秩是非零奇异值的个数)。L1范数和核范数是 非常好的替代品,并且一些结果给出在一些条件下这些松弛可以恢复稀疏和低秩对象。因此,我们得目的是把C分解为,用如下的凸松弛:

Sparse cooperative Q-learning

Sparse Cooperative Q-learning Jelle R.Kok Nikos Vlassis Informatics Institute,Faculty of Science University of Amsterdam,The Netherlands The full version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the21st Interna-tional Conference on Machine Learning in Ban?,Canada,July2004. 1Introduction A multiagent system(MAS)consists of a group of agents that can potentially interact with each other[2].We are interested in fully cooperative multiagent systems,in which the agents have to learn to select individual decisions that result in jointly optimal decisions for the group. In principle,a multiagent system can be regarded as one large single agent,in which each joint action is represented as a single action.The optimal Q-values for the joint actions can then be learned using standard single-agent Q-learning. We will refer to this method as MDP learners.At the other extreme,we have the independent learners(IL)approach in which the agents ignore the actions and rewards of the other agents,and learn their strategies independently.However, the standard convergence proof for Q-learning does not hold in this case,since the transition model depends on the unknown policy of the other learning agents. On the other hand,in many problems agents only have to coordinate with a subset of the agents when in a certain state(e.g.,two cleaning robots cleaning the same room).In this paper we describe a multiagent Q-learning technique,Sparse Cooperative Q-learning,that allows a group of agents to learn how to jointly solve a task given the global coordination requirements of the system. 2Sparse Cooperative Q-Learning In our paper,we?rst examine a compact representation of the state-action space in which the agents learn Q-values based on full joint actions in a prede?ned set of states.In all other(uncoordinated)states,the agents learn based on their individual action.Then we generalize this approach using a context-speci?c coor-dination graph(CG)[1].In a CG each node represents an agent,while an edge de?nes a dependency between two agents.The global coordination problem is now decomposed into a number of local problems that involve fewer agents. In a CG,value rules can be used to specify the dependencies between the agents. These rules de?ne a(local)payo?for a subset of all state and action variables. In our method,the global Q-value for a state equals the sum of the payo?s of all applicable value rules.After every state transition,the payo?of every applicable

Sparse MRI 代码学习笔记

Sparse MRI 代码学习笔记 在上周跟老师讨论了关于代码的学习,我又深入的研究了屈小波教授的代码,最近一周我也一直在学习其中的关于Sparse MRI的代码。比较下Michael Lustig 在论文Sparse MRI中提到的每个试验和结果,概括起来,主要分为取样和重建两部分。 一.取样 取样的方式(即样本的来源)分为仿真模拟取样和标准数据库取样。 仿真模拟取样: a.论文中提到的angio image的仿真测试图像是利用random coordinates and orientations 的方式从两个3*3矩阵x=[1,3,6;1,3,6;1,3,6]和y=[1,1,1;,3,3,3;,6,6,6]通过一系列的随机性变换得到的,这种随机性保证了生成图像的普遍性和适用性。 b. noisy_phantom数据库,用于仿真降噪效果图。 c.matlab中使用phantom函数自动产生的大脑仿真图像。 b. 标准数据库取样: 论文中用到的标准数据库样本包括:calf_data_cs(小腿血管造影图),brain512(大脑图像),angio(腿部血管造影图),brain(大脑图)。 取样的方法分为:Full(全取样),LR(欠取样),zf-w/dc(零填充的变密度取样)。 Full取样:使用全1的采样模板与源图像的k-space(原图的fourier变换图)数据作乘。 LR取样:使用部分1的采样模板与源图像的k-space数据作乘。 zf-w/dc取样:根据k-space数据能量主要集中在中心的原理,采用变密度的方式,从中心到边缘采样密度递减,直到采集的样本数足够,这里的变密度取样也包含LR取样,也就是只采样一部分。 上图中最后一种采样模式与第三个一样都是变密度采样。


Deep Learning论文笔记之(二)Sparse Filtering稀疏滤波 Deep Learning论文笔记之(二)Sparse Filtering稀疏滤波zouxy09@https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4257788.html,https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4257788.html,/zouxy09 自己平时看了一些论文,但老感觉看完过后就会慢慢的淡忘,某一天重新拾起来的时候又好像没有看过一样。所以想习惯地把一些感觉有用的论文中的知识点总结整理一下,一方面在整理过程中,自己的理解也会更深,另一方面也方便未来自己的勘察。更好的还可以放到博客上面与大家交流。因为基础有限,所以对论文的一些理解可能不太正确,还望大家不吝指正交流,谢谢。本文的论文来自:Sparse filtering , J. Ngiam, P. Koh, Z. Chen, S. Bhaskar, A.Y. Ng. NIPS2011。在其论文的支撑材料中有相应的Matlab代码,代码很简介。不过我还没读。下面是自己对其中的一些知识点的理解:《Sparse Filtering》本文还是聚焦在非监督学习Unsupervised feature learning算法。因为一般的非监督算法需要调整很多额外的参数hyperparameter。本文提出一个简单的算法:sparse filtering。它只有一个hyperparameter(需要学习的特征数目)需要调整。但它很有效。与其他的特征学习方法不同,sparse filtering并没有明确的构建输入数据的分布的模型。它只优化一个简单的代价函数(L2范数稀疏约束的特征),优化过程可以通过几行简单

的Matlab代码就可以实现。而且,sparse filtering可以轻松有效的处理高维的输入,并能拓展为多层堆叠。 sparse filtering方法的核心思想就是避免对数据分布的显式 建模,而是优化特征分布的稀疏性从而得到好的特征表达。 一、非监督特征学习一般来说,大部分的特征学习方法都是试图去建模给定训练数据的真实分布。换句话说,特征学习就是学习一个模型,这个模型描述的就是数据真实分布的一种近似。这些方法包括denoising autoencoders,restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs),independent component analysis (ICA) 和sparse coding等等。这些方法效果都不错,但烦人的一点就是,他们都需要调节很多参数。比如说学习速率learning rates、动量momentum(好像rbm中需要用到)、稀疏度惩罚系数sparsity penalties和权值衰减系数weight decay等。而这些参数最终的确定需要通过交叉验证获得,本身这样的结构训练起来所用时间就长,这么多参数要用交叉验证来获取时间就更多了。我们花了大力气去调节得到一组好的参数,但是换一个任务,我们又得调节换另一组好的参数,这样就会花了俺们太多的时间了。虽然ICA只需要调节一个参数,但它对于高维输入或者很大的特征集来说,拓展能力较弱。本文中,我们的目标是研究一种简单并且有效的特征学习算法,它只需要最少的参数调节。虽然学习数据分布的模型是可取的,而且效

k-Sparse Autoencoders

a r X i v :1312.5663v 2 [c s .L G ] 22 M a r 2014 Alireza Makhzani makhzani@psi.utoronto.ca Brendan Frey frey@psi.utoronto.ca University of Toronto,10King’s College Rd.Toronto,Ontario M5S 3G4,Canada Abstract Recently,it has been observed that when rep-resentations are learnt in a way that encour-ages sparsity,improved performance is ob-tained on classi?cation tasks.These meth-ods involve combinations of activation func-tions,sampling steps and di?erent kinds of penalties.To investigate the e?ectiveness of sparsity by itself,we propose the “k -sparse autoencoder”,which is an autoen-coder with linear activation function,where in hidden layers only the k highest activities are kept.When applied to the MNIST and NORB datasets,we ?nd that this method achieves better classi?cation results than de-noising autoencoders,networks trained with dropout,and RBMs.k -sparse autoencoders are simple to train and the encoding stage is very fast,making them well-suited to large problem sizes,where conventional sparse cod-ing algorithms cannot be applied. 1.Introduction Sparse feature learning algorithms range from sparse coding approaches (Olshausen &Field ,1997)to training neural networks with sparsity penalties (Nair &Hinton ,2009;Lee et al.,2007).These meth-ods typically comprise two steps:a learning algorithm that produces a dictionary W that sparsely represents the data {x i }N i =1,and an encoding algorithm that,given the dictionary,de?nes a mapping from a new input vector x to a feature vector. A practical problem with sparse coding is that both the dictionary learning and the sparse encoding steps are computationally expensive.Dictionaries are usu-ally learnt o?ine by iteratively recovering sparse codes


Matlab中Sparse函数 函数功能:生成稀疏矩阵。 使用方法: (1)S = sparse(A) 将矩阵A转化为稀疏矩阵形式,即矩阵A中任何0元素被去除,非零元素及其下标组成矩阵S。 如果A本身是稀疏的,sparse(S)返回S。 例如: A = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 sparse(A) ans = (4,2) 1 (2,3) 1 (4,4) 2 (,)中为元素在矩阵中的位置,后面的数字为其对应的非零值。 (2)S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n,nzmax) 由向量i,j,s生成一个m*n,且最多含有nzmax个元素的稀疏矩阵。 例如: sparse([1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4],[0,0,1,1],5,5,6) ans = (3,3) 1 (4,4) 1 其中i=[1,2,3,4],对应要形成矩阵的行位置;J=[1,2,3,4],对应要形成矩阵的列位置; S=[0,0,1,1],对应要形成矩阵对应位置的值。(注:i和j的位置为一一对应,即(1,1)(2,2)(3,3)(4,4),将s中的值赋给这四个坐标的位置。 若i=[2,1,3,4],j=[3,2,4,1],则形成的坐标为(2,3)(1,2)(3,4),(4,1),如下例所示。) m=5(>=max(i)),n=5(>=max(j)) (注:m和n的值可以在满足条件的范围内任意选取),用于限定要形成矩阵的大小; nzmax=6(>=max(i or j)),最多可以有nzmax 各元素,好像没有什么用处。 又如: sparse([2,1,3,4],[3,2,4,1],[0,0,1,1],5,5,6) ans = (4,1) 1 (3,4) 1 **一些简写的情况: S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n) 用nzmax = length(s) ; S = sparse(i,j,s) 使m = max(i) 和n = max(j),在s中零元素被移除前计算最大值,[i j s]中其中一行可能为[m n 0]; S = sparse(m,n) sparse([],[],[],m,n,0)的缩写,生成一个m*n 的所有元素都是0的稀疏矩阵。

Sparse, Sequential Bayesian Geostatistics

Sparse, Sequential Bayesian Geostatistics Dan Cornford, Lehel Csato, Manfred Opper Neural Computing Research Group, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET. Tel. +44 (0)121 359 3611 x4667; Fax. +44 (0)121 333 4586; Email d.cornford@https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4257788.html, Biography Dr. Dan Cornford is a lecture in Computer Science and works in the Neural Computing Research Group at Aston University. Research interests are in the field of spatial statistics, space-time modelling and data assimilation. Lehel Csato is a post-doc in the same group working on an EPSRC grant (GR/R61857/01) looking at applying sparse sequential Gaussian processes to data assimilation. Manfred Opper is a Reader in the same group, with research interests in statistical physics, sequential learning and Bayesian learning. Introduction A limiting factor to the applicability of geostatistics (random field models / Gaussian processes) is the size of data set that can be analysed. This limit is imposed by computer memory constraints on the storage of the covariance matrix and the computational burden of inverting this matrix. While there are matrix inversion lemmas and computational tricks which can help here, the O(n3) scaling remains. In this paper we propose an alternative approach to geostatistical prediction based on Bayesian learning, that allows a Kalman Filter like sequential algorithm that can also use a sparsity heuristic and learn maximum likelihood estimates of the covariance parameters. This algorithm allows us to apply geostatistics to very large problems, particularly when the resulting process can be represented sparsely. The framework also provides a framework for dealing with non-Gaussian noise models and non-linear observation processes. The Gaussian Process (GP), or random field model defines a probability distribution over the variables of interest, which we call the state variables. For most applications the key advantage of using a GP model is that it allows the user to estimate not just the mean value, but also the uncertainty in the state variables. In the Sparse, Sequential Bayesian (SSB) framework a GP prior distribution is placed over the state variables. The exact form of this prior distribution (that is the choice of the covariance function and the parameters of these) are set by the user, however we have developed an algorithm which allows the computation of the maximum likelihood covariance function parameters as part of the learning process. Theoretical Framework If we denote the state variable as z(x), where x is the spatial index which we drop from now on, the GP prior distribution as p0(z), then learning in GP's (for a single data point) can be viewed as corresponding to the following Bayesian update: P1(z|d) = 1/norm * p(d|z)p0(z) . Thus the updated posterior distribution is equal to a product of an unknown normalising constant, the likelihood, p(d|z), and the prior p0(z). This definition of


SuiteSparse安装笔记 2016年8月2日 15:23 1、需要支持的数值运算包:BLAS,OpenBLAS(升级编译环境后仍然编译不过,麒麟下能够通过编译),lapack 2、凝思操作系统需要升级或安装的编译环境:cmake,gcc4.9(升级需要gmp、mpc、mpfr、cloog、isl),CUDA,binutils-2.26(OpenBLAS需要) 3、SuiteSparse-4.3.1编译测试(凝思操作系统下,更高版本的需要升级编译环境。) 步骤一:安装BLAS包 a、修改make.inc BLASLIB = libblas.a #BLASLIB = blas$(PLAT).a …… #头文件和静态库路径 PROCDIR ?= $(shell pwd | awk -F'/PSA' '{print $$1}') PSAPROCDIR ?= $(PROCDIR)/PSA INSTALL_LIB = $(PSAPROCDIR)/lib INSTALL_INCLUDE = $(PSAPROCDIR)/include b、修改Makefile文件,并执行make或make all all: clean $(BLASLIB) cplib #all: $(BLASLIB) …… cplib: cp $(BLASLIB) $(INSTALL_LIB)/. 步骤二:安装LAPACK包 a、cp make.inc.example make.inc b、修改vi make.inc #OPTS = -O2 -frecursive OPTS = -O3 -funroll-all-loops …… # NOOPT = -O0 -frecursive NOOPT = -O3 -funroll-all-loops …… #头文件和静态库路径 PROCDIR ?= $(shell pwd | awk -F'/PSA' '{print $$1}') PSAPROCDIR ?= $(PROCDIR)/PSA INSTALL_LIB = $(PSAPROCDIR)/lib INSTALL_INCLUDE = $(PSAPROCDIR)/include c、cd /BLAS/SRC修改Makefile,并执行make或make all all: clean $(BLASLIB) #all: $(BLASLIB) d、cd CBLAS,修改Makefile,并执行make或make all #all: all: clean e、回到lapack主目录,修改Makefile #all: lapack_install lib blas_testing lapack_testing all: lapack_install lib blas_testing lapack_testing cplib …… cplib: cp *.a $(INSTALL_LIB)/. 注意:注意编译是否成功,PAS/lib下是否有liblapack.a和libblas.a静态库

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