当前位置:文档之家› 单位派遣函样式








我单位因与香港XXX 公司有商务合作关系(事项),需派遣本单位XXX 同志(姓名),于2007 年2 月 1 7 日至2007 年 2 月20 日到香港(香港或澳门)进行一个商务会议(活动),现申请办理赴香港商务(香港或澳门)签注。






派遣函 兹证明XXX同志(护照号码:XXXXX,身份证号码:XXXXXXXX)为本公司正式员工,现任公司业务部门经理职务。 由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣XXX同志于XXXX年XX月XX日至XX月XX日前往香港进行商务洽谈。在香港期间一切费用包括机票、住宿、餐费、保险等都由本公司承担,并保证其在香港期间遵守该地区法律,并保证其按时返回内地。 XXXXXXXXX(公司名称) XXXX年XX月XX日 派遣函标准格式(英文)

Letter of Dispatch We hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company. Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)


公司抬头含公司地址电话等 Date:June 5th, 2014 To: Visa Section, Consulate General of India, Shanghai, China From:公司名称 Letter of Guarantee To whom it might concern, XXX is a specialized manufacturing factory of APIs,公司介绍 We hereby certify that Mr. XU of XXX. will go to India from10th June,2015 to 9th December,2015. He will go to India to extend the business relationship between XX and XXX. His detailed information is as following. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to guarantee that all the expenses of his stay in India, including international flight tickets, accommodation, health insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. We also guarantee that he will abide by the local law and regulations of the country to be visited, and return to China in time and keep working on the same position. Your consideration for his visa application will be highly appreciated. 法人 Corporate juridical person XXX


此为样本,请按此格用带有贵公司中英文抬头、地址、电话、传真的信纸打印(请注意空格处也需用 打印的形式填写) Dispatch Letter This is to certify Mr/Ms(本人姓名的拼音), Male/Female, he/she was born on (本人出生日期). The passport No. is(护照号码).He/She is our (现任职位的英文名称), From (本人在该公司入职的时间) still working for our company with annual/monthly income of about RMB(收入数目用阿拉伯数字). Mr/Ms(本人姓名的拼音) is planning to attend (申请签证国家英文名称)Business inspection(可以修改成此行目的)from(此次假期的出发时间,根据日/月/年的格式填写,如Jan 01,2012)to(此次假期的结束时间,根据日/月/年的格式填写)for (此次旅行全部天数,包含首尾2天) days. His/Her position will be retained during his/her absence and he/she will assume the same position when he/she returns. Our academy guarantee that he/she will observe the local laws in (申请签证国家英文名称). His/Her will come back to China on scheduled time after this business inspection. All the expenses of this business inspection will be borne by our company. Company's business license number: (营业执照注册号) Signature:(请公司负责人亲笔签名并打印体签名及加盖公司公章,请不要用拼音签名) Position:(签字人具体职务) Company:(请用英文填写公司名称) Add:(请用英文填写公司地址) Tel:(请填写公司可以联系到的电话,请加区号) Fax:(请填写公司可以联系到的传真,请加区号) 红色字体请根据实际情况修改,并且自行整理格式,将下划线及多余空格删除!!!


标准慰问信格式 标准慰问信格式 慰问信标准慰问信格式 标准慰问信格式 慰问信是向组织或个人表示慰问的一种专用书信。慰问信应用的范围比较广泛,一般用于对前线将士、灾区人民、伤病员、烈军属、荣复转退军人、离退休老干部、前往执行特殊任务的人员和作出特殊贡献的人员进行慰问。可以直接寄给被慰问的人或组织,也可张贴、登报或广播。 慰问信内容: ①标题,正中写慰问信三字; ②开头:顶格写受慰问的单位名称或个人姓名,后加冒号,表示领起正文,写给个人的可在姓名前加亲爱的、敬爱的等敬词,姓名后可加同志、先生等称呼; ③正文:另起一行,空两格开始写正文。慰问的内容包括概述背景、事由,叙述对方的先进思想、高尚风格、可贵品德,然后表示慰问或向他们学习; ④结尾:表示共同的愿望和决心,并写祝愿、致敬等话语; ⑤落款:署单位名称或个人姓名、写信的日期。慰问信要表达对对方表示亲切或关怀的情谊,语气要诚恳、真切,行文要朴实、精炼。 〔例文〕 同志们:

你们好! 值此五.一国际劳动节来临之际,我代表局党组向你们致以节日的问候和崇高的敬意! 春回大地,万物更新。几个月以来,各股室站队领导班子积极运作,超前谋划。广大干部职工锐意进取,争先创优,实现了首季开门红。公路站顶风冒雨,合力奋战,公路建设进度稳步推进;运管站治理客运,保障安全,运输市场更加规范;征费站保任务,争一流,为公路建设补充新鲜血液;路政队治理超限,昼夜巡逻,有效维护路产路权;出租站以便民、利民为宗旨,早出晚归,毫无怨言;执行室严守规章,密切协作;机关食堂保质量,上档次,为一线人员提供有力的后勤保障。 五.一长假,本该是与家人团聚,共享天伦之乐的日子。但为了工作,为了任务,你们牺牲休息时间,坚守工作岗位,奋战交通一线。在此,向你们道一声辛苦了! 为进一步做好交通工作,圆满完成各项任务指标,值此慰问之际,再提三点希望: 一、严格执法,热情服务。交通是形象,交通是窗口,执法与服务是你们的天职,所以你们一定要熟读法律法规,谨记有关规定,照章办事,提高服务质量。 二、保障安全,劳逸结合。交通工作复杂,交通任务艰巨,你们一定要注意安全,劳逸结合,以良好的精神状态面对车主。 三、讲究卫生。搞好个人卫生,提高身体素质。 同志们,希望你们继续发扬甘于奉献,勇于拼搏、众志诚城、协同作战的团队精神,保质保量完成各项工作任务。


英文出国派遣函模板大全 Dear Sir or Madam, This is to certify that Ms./ Mr.(被派遣人英文全名,英文名必须与护照一致),XXXX(被派遣人职务)of XXXXX (被派遣人所在学校/单位正式英文全称)with a salary of RMB. XXXX(被派遣人月收入), will participate the ELT Teacher Training Programme in the United Kingdom for three weeks. Sincerely yours, XXX(校长/单位领导手写签名,中文或英文均可) XXX(校长/单位领导姓名的英文,打印字体,非签名) XXXXX(校长/领导职务,打印字体,英文) XXXXXX(学校/单位正式英文全称) Address: XX(门牌号),XX Street(路名),XX District(区),XX City (市),XX Province(省/自治区/直辖市), P.R. China, XXXXXX(邮编)(学校/单位地址) Tel: 86-区号-领导电话 Fax: 86-区号-领导传真

英文出国派遣函模板【中英文对照】 兹证明***(姓名)女士自***(时间)起一直在***(公司)工作。她在公司担任***(职位),全年收入约***RMB。This is to certify that Ms. *** (name), has been working in*** (company) since *** (year), she is working as *** (position), her annual income is around *** RMB. 我公司决定派遣***(姓名)女士去***(国家)做3天专业培训。培训内容关注于产品部分,包括***(主题)。培训结束后她将回国继续在***(公司)工作。 The company has decided to send Ms. *** (name) to go to *** (country) for 3 days professional training program, the training program is about the product segments, including*** (subject). After her finish the training program, she will come back to the company and continue her job in *** (company). 我公司将支付其全部生活费和机票费。 All the Living expenses, air flight tickets will be paid by *** (company). 如果你有任何其他问题,请直接与我联系。 Please contact me for free if you have any other questions. ***(签名) ***(职位) ***(公司) 电话: 传真: *** (signature) *** (position) *** (company)


派遣函 兹证明先生/女士(身份证/护照号码:)为本公司正式员工,现任公司部门职务。 由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣先生/女士于年月日至月日前往【国家】【城市】【公司】参加/进行活动/会议。在此活动/会议期间一切费用(包括机票、住宿、餐费、保险等)都由承担,并保证其在活动/会议期间遵守各项法律/法规,并保证其按时返回。 有限公司 年月日

派遣函标准格式(英文) Letter of Dispatch We hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company. Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)


(红色字体标注的地方根据自身情况修改,在职证明需用公司抬头纸打印,抬头 纸上必需有公司电话及地址) Date: XX-XX-XXXX(年月日) TO:Consulate General of XXX in Shanghai/(Beijing)-选择其一 CERTIFICATE 致领事馆签证官阁下: 兹有我公司XX先生/小姐(性别:x;出生日期:xx-xx-xxxx;护照号:xxxxxx;),在我公司(公司名称)担任(职位)职务,工作(工龄)年,月薪4000元,他将于(xxxx年xx月)至(xxxx年xx月)-出访时间前往xxx(目的地)进行xx(商务洽谈)活动(扩展相应的商务洽谈具体内容)。 此次所需费用由xx(公司/邀请方)承担。我公司保证其遵守贵国的法律法规,按时回国并仍担任原职务。请贵领事馆给予签证的方便。 Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is written to certify that Mr.(s) (姓名-性别)(Passport No.G(护照号),Date of birth:(出生日期)) is employed by DARDI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION(公司名称). as XXX(职位). He has already got this job for 3(工龄) years ,and has a salary for4000.00 RMB(月薪) a month. He will be assigned to travel to xx(国家)for business(商务出访目的) purpose from 23.Dec.2008 to 02 Feb2009. (出访时间-回来时间)ALL expenses including returning air tickets , lodging and abroad health insurance will be covered by himself(由公司承担也可以个人承担) .And we also guarantee that he will abide by the laws and come back on schedule and resume his position in our company.Please kindly issue he visa after your checking up. Yours truly Chen Bo(负责人签名+盖公司公章) Chairman(负责人职位) XX XX XXXX(日期) DARDI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION(公司名称)


公司抬头派遣函标准格式(中文) 派遣函 兹证明XXXX先生(小姐/女士)(护照号码:XXXXXX)为本公司正式员工,现任公司XXXXX部门XXXXX职务。 由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣XXXX先生(小姐/女士)于XXXX年XX月XX日至XX月XX日前往XXXX[国家名称]XXXX[城市名称]参加(/进行)XXXXXX [活动内容,商务目的]。在XXXX[国家名称]期间一切费用包括机票、住宿、餐费、保险等都由XXXX(本公司)承担,并保证其在XXXX[国家名称]期间遵守该国法律,并保证其签证到期之前按时回国。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章) 负责人职位:亲笔签名: XXXX年XX月XX日 派遣函标准格式(英文) Letter of Dispatch We hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company. Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc.


以下是申请商务签证的单位派遣函样本,请根据您的实际情况做修改。在职证明上除了单位LOGO、公司地址邮编电话等信息及领导签字之外,不能有其他中文汉字。 CERTIFICATION Embassy of 国家名称in China, Dear V isa Section Officer, We would like to confirm that the following person is working in our company as 申请人职务and he has been working in our company since就职日期. His salary is RMB月薪/month. As the guest invited by邀请方公司名称(TEL:邀请方公司电话),He will go to your country for出访原因from *月*日—*月*日for停留天数days . His details are as below: NAME SEX Date OF Birth Passport No.Date of Expiry Place of Issue 姓名性别出生日期护照号码护照有效期护照签发地 We hereby declare that we shall be responsible for the following items for him. 1.All expenses for this trip to including the cost of air tickets, traffic expenses, insurance and accommodation will be covered by费用承担方(公司或个人); 2. He will abide by laws and rules of your country. 3. He will return to China on time, and continue his work in our company. Thank you in advance. Sincerely yours, 领导签字 加盖公章 注:1请用正规公司抬头纸打印,上有公司名称、地址、邮政编码、电话、传真等信息; 2.材料不真实会导致拒签


<以下根据现有资料准备,如与实际情况不符,请予以适当修改或增补。请在定稿前删 除本段文字。> [Company letterhead] Name of company: __________________________ Address: ___________________________ Telephone number: ___________________________ Fax number: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Subject: Business Visa application of [applicant name] (female/male, passport number, date of birth, ID number) Consulate General of the [country], [city] China To Whom It May Concern, This letter is in support of visa application of our applicant,[name of applicant]. [name of applicant] is employed by [Chinese c ompany’s name in English] as a [job title], his/her regular salary is RMB [salary amount/per month].We wish to sen d [nam e o f applicant]to [country]to attend [meeting, etc.] in [city, state] from [start date] to [end date]. [name of applicant]will remain on the payroll of [Chinese c ompany’s nam e in English] during the perio d of his/her visit to [country]. In addition to his/her regular salary, [Chinese c ompany’s name in English] will cover all lodging and travel expenses incurred. Upon completion of his/her temporary visit to [country], [name of applicant] will return to China to resume his/her duties with [Chinese c ompany’s name in English]. Accordingly, we respectfully request your assistance in granting [name of applicant] a visa to enter [country]. If you should require further information, please contact us freely. Thank you for your attention to this important matter for our company. Sincerely, _____________________ [HR m anager’s na me] HR Manager _____________________ [Chinese company’s name]


用公司抬头纸打印 DISPATCH LETTER To: Embassy of XXXX in China, - Shanghai From: XXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd (公司名称) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (公司地址) Tel:+86-573-XXXXXXX(公司电话) Fax: +86-573-XXXXXXX(公司传真) Date: 21ST Dec., 2014(填写该表时的日期) Dear Sir or Madam, At the invitation of XXXXXX(按实际情况),(Address:XXXXXXXXXXX,Tel:XXXXXXX,Fax : XXXXXXX), XXXXXXXXX(公司名称). will dispatch follow person to attend the XXXXXX(按实际情况), from Feb 4th to 8th, 2014. And he will stay in France during 1st Feb. to 8th,Feb. 2014 The duration of his stay in France is from 1st Jan. to 8th,Feb. 2014 ( totally 8 days). The itinerary is as followed: 01st Feb. Xxxxxxxxxx 02nd-03rd Feb xxxxxxxxxxxx 04th - 08th Feb xxxxxxxxxxxxx 09th - 10th Feb xxxxxxxxx 11th Feb Fly back to China This is to certify that we have permitted to assign him to stay in France during Feb 1st to 8th, 2014.All his cost in France including food, accommodations, air tickets and especially medical insurance will be borne by our company. He will obey the law of XXX and return to China on time. Encl.: List of our delegation Name Position Salary (RMB) Years of working workplace Mr. Sincerely Yours, Signature: (公司负责人的亲笔中文签名)


派遣函 兹证明XXXX先生(小姐/女士)(护照号码:XXXXXX)为本公司正式员工,现任公司XXXXX部门XXXXX职务。 由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣XXXX先生(小姐/女士)于XXXX年XX 月XX日至XX月XX日前往沙特阿拉伯王国XXXX[城市名称]参加(/进行)XXXXXX。在沙特阿拉伯王国期间一切费用包括机票、住宿、餐费、保险等都由本公司承担,并保证其在沙特阿拉伯王国期间遵守该国法律,并保证其按时回国。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章) XXXX年XX月XX日

Letter of Dispatch We hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company. Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)


递交大使馆的商务派遣函--英文样本(2008-03-21 15:09:07) 标签:商务签证派遣函英文文化 (01) Statement of Certification ** ** ** (02) This is to certify the staff - ** ** ** (03) (Passport No: ** ** ** (04) Date of Birth: ** ** ** (05) Position: ** ** ** (06) ) of ** ** ** (07) is allowed to make a business visit to Germany from ** ** ** (08). At the invitation of ** ** ** (09) , the definite aim of this visit is to ** ** ** (10). It is our expected that he/she/they will get more advanced experience and find more opportunity of international trade during the period. All of expenses covering his/her/their visit including air tickets, accommodation, health insurance will be borne by our company. We further certify that he/she/they will obey the laws and regulation in Europe, and return to China on time to continue his/her/their work. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. Best wishes! Company Seal (11)


派遣函英文样本和中文样本 网艺出国签证中心客服随时帮您解答. 浏览5228 发布时间10/04/21派遣函中英文(范本,使用公司抬头纸)表2 XX,XX ,2007 To Egypt Embassy, Beijing, China, CONFIRMATION OF EMPLOYMENT This letter is to confirm that Mr./Ms.XXX, Sex M, Born xx/xx/xx(日月年), Curre ntly holds the position of sale representative in this company since she/he has joined in the company from XXXX(年月). We agree to send him/her to joint the I nterbuild 2007 and Egypt/China Trade & Investment Conference. Her/His business travel cost to the Egypt will be covered by Egypt government. Her salary is XXX X RMB per month. We guarantee Mr./Ms.XXX will conform to local laws during her/ his stay in the Egypt and are in no doubt of her/his prompt return to her /his duties in China upon completion of her/his planned itinerary. Name of company: XXXX Co., Ltd ADD:


Sample: Dispatch Letter 派遣函模板 The letter should be printed on the company letter head. 请采用含公司抬头的公文信笺.. The date of the letter issued 派遣函签发日期. To Visa Officer, South Africa Embassy in Beijing 致南非驻北京大使馆 Sub: Dispatch Letter for (Name of the applicant and his designation) 主题:xx申请人的派遣函(含申请人的名字和职位) Dear Sir, Company profile: Please briefly explain about the company in China and the products you are dealing in. 中方公司的简介: 请简单地介绍中方公司在中国的概况和经营的产品。 We are invited by The name of the inviting company and its address where the applicant is going to visit . 我们被某某公司邀请去参观(请指明邀请公司名称和地址) Applicants personal detail including the full name, passport number, designation in China,salary etc. 申请人的个人详情需包括拼音全名,护照号.职务,薪资等. Purpose of the visit of applicant in detail mentioning their work schedule and profile while in South Africa. 具体说明申请人的访问目的和具体在邀请国的工作内容。 How long will the applicant stay in South Africa and when will s/he come back to China. 访问起止日期 Details about the accommodation and living expense (who will be the expense sponsor, guarantee that the person whole abide by the local laws and regulations when visiting South Africa and return on schedule.) 访问邀请国期间的费用情况, 如公司是否承担该行程的费用, 并且保证申请人在邀请国会遵守当地的法律法规和按时回国等) Thanking you.谢谢. Signature签名(公司负责人或派遣者的亲笔签名) Print Name签字人的打印名字(拼音) Designation签字人的职位 Company address and contact numbers 公司地址和联系电话. Stamp of the Chinese company. 中方公司的原件公章


Instruction of Dispatch Letter 派遣函的内容及格式要求 I. Only original is acceptable.派遣函必须是原件 II. The letter should be printed on proper paper with company letterhead.请采用含公司抬头的公文信笺 III. Content of the letter must include the following details, 派遣函的内容应涵盖以下事项: i. The date of issuing the letter 派遣函签发日期 ii. Inside address and attention line: The name and address of the person/institution you are writing to (i.e. Visa Section of Embassy of India, Beijing, etc.) 收件人姓名及单位,例如:致印度驻北京大使馆 z Applicant’s personal detail, including the full name, passport number, ID number (optional), occupation, annual salary etc. 签证申请人的拼音全名、护照号码、身份证号码、职务、年薪等 z Specific purpose of the trip. 出行目的 z The name of the Indian company and its address where the person is going to visit. 印度邀请方的名称及地址 z How long will the person stay in India and when will s/he come back to China. 访问起止日期 z Some details about the accommodation and living expense (who will be the expenses sponsor, guarantee that the person would abide by the local laws & regulations when visiting India, and return on schedule, etc.)访问印度期间的费用情况,如公司是否承担该行程的费用,申请人是否会按时回国等 iv. The closing 落款: z Signature of the principal (the person who execute the dispatch must sign on the letter)公司负责人或派遣者的亲笔签名 z Name of the principal公司负责人或派遣者的拼音全名 z Title / Occupation of the principal公司负责人或派遣者的职位 z Company name 公司名称 z Company address and contact numbers in case the same is not mentioned on letter head 公司地址、电话(该项若在抬头纸上有所述,可在落款处省略) z Official seal of the company 公司公章


Certificate of Guarantee DATE: May 14th , 2014 Dear Sir or Madam, As decided by the company, Mr ** (Passport number **), CTO of *** CO., Ltd, is going to visit 公司in 国家in the period from June 6th, 2014 to February 5th, 2015. His detailed schedule and purpose are as following: June 26th, 2014 to July 25th, 2014:Technical discussion and negotiation about ****, visiting other customers. August 20th, 2014 to August 30th, 2014: Technical discussion and negotiation about ****, visiting other customers November 15th, 2014 to November 30th, 2014:Business meeting and discussion February 5th, 2015 to February 15th, 2015:Business meeting and discussion Hereby we guarantee that Mr. ** will obey the local laws in Germany and return back to China on schedule, all the expenses will be covered by *** CO., Ltd., and we will hold the position for him when he comes back. ***Co., Ltd 本公司审批者姓名(一般是人事部老大) 本公司审批者职位 Mobile: ****

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