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(97年真题) More Pressure from Academic Studies Does Good to Us It has long been a contentious issue as to whether more pressure from academic studies does good to students or not. Some people are of the opinion that pressure makes motive power, while others point out that too much pressure problems. As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight.

For one thing, pressure from academic studies can drive students to work harder. Our college education serves as a preparation phase for future career development. In order to stand out among many competitors, students should learn as much as possible in the college and make themselves to be more prepared for the future jobs.

For another, pressure from the academic study is a necessary driving force to those less self-disciplined students. College life leaves, compared to the new life style and become addicted to playing computer games or surfing the Internet all day long.

Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that modest pressure from academic study is useful and necessary. Therefore, as a university student, we should treasure our college life and properly arrange our time. “Play while play, study while study”, as the saying goes.

(06年真题)Saving Money or Using Tomorrow’s Money

The argument over saving money or using tomorrow’s money amon g students has recently been brought into focus with the results of a survey released recently. Quite a few deem that saving money is a good habit, but others, in contrast, take using tomorrow’s money today as the premier choice. Personally, I think thrift should never be abandoned, especially by our students.

The main reasion for my inclination for saving money is that thrift is a traditional virtue in China. Our contry is still a developing country, and is also a country with a too large population. If we have used up all of tomorrow’s money, then how should we do tomorrow?

Furthermore, thrift is a vurtue that young students should hold. Knowing hwo to spend money today doesn’t mean knowing how to earn money tomorrow. It is dangerous when we spend more than we can earn.

Among all of the supporting evidences, the strongest one is“Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.” Future is too uncertain. We have to save something in case of the rainy days.

The using-tomorrow-money way of thinking is too limited. As a college student, I am supposed to hold the good habit of saving money, because it is not only a virtue, but also a kind of attitude toward life.

黄金模板3(适合A/ B题型)

(04年真题) Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?

Nowadays, phones seem to be a favorite choice of communication among people, especially young people. As a result, some people are worried that phones will kill letter writing. However, I don’t think their concerns are necessary, because letter writing has some exclusive advantages over phones.

First of all, writing letters costs much less than making a phone call. To write a letter, you just need a piece of paper, a pen, an envelop and a stamp, which all together costs no more than 1 Yuan. However, to make a phone call, you have to have a phone first and pay for every minute after.

Furthermore, under some important circumstances, letters are more appropriate and feasible than phone call. For example, if you want to invite a good friend to attend your wedding ceremony, it’s better to send him a letter of invitation than just to phone him.

Last but not the least, letters are often written in a more logical and organized way. During the course of writing letters, you weigh your words more carefully. In contrast, during a phone conversation, you speak out of your ideas without deep thought.

In short, letter writing has some merits that phones don’t have. Therefore, I don’t think phones will kill letter writing.


黄金模板1(适合Advantages/ Disadvantages题型)

(99年真题) A Major Advantage of Advertising on Television People’s views towards the advantages and disadvantages of the television advertisement vary greatly. Some believe that TV advertising brings us benefits, while others argue that advertising is full of false and misleading information. As for me, I agree with the former idea because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

There are dozens of reasons behind my belief. First of all, TV advertising is a good means for manufacturers to publicize their products. Through advertising on TV, every company tries its best to display the merits of its products and convince consumers that its product is reliable and credible. In the market-oriented economy, TV advertising is probably the best way for company to win in the keen competitions.

The second reason that can be seen by every person is that consumers need TV advertising for their reference. Through TV advertising, consumers can get the first-hand information about new products, so that they can choose the most suitable one. For example, before buying a cell phone, they just need to turn on the television, sit in the sofa, watch the screen, and then make their decision.

From the above, we can easily see that TV advertising is beneficial both to manufacturers and consumers on account of the abundant information it proved.


黄金模板1(适合The Best Way题型)

(02年真题) The Best Way to Stay Healthy

Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic that what is the best way to stay healthy. People have put forward various ways, such as doing exercises, taking vitamin tablets every day, etc. As for me, the best way to stay healthy is to develop a positive mind toward life.

The benefits for my ideas can be generalized into two major ones. First of all, a positive mind helps to release from the pressure or frustration of your work or life. Suppose if you always keep a bulldog mood toward everything, you cannot be healthy even if you have a very good diet and exercise very often.

Another benefit is that t he positive attitude helps you to gain friendship. “ There is no man that impart his j oys to his friends, but that he joy the more.” , as Bacon said. No one would like to make friend with one who always complains.

In conclusion, mental health is as important as physical health, but more difficult to gain. So once you are under pressure, you should learn how to relax and release your tensed nerves. And don’t forget to share it with your friends!

黄金模板2(My Idea型)

(05年真题) My Idea of a University Arts Festival

Some people take it for granted that the university arts festival is just a series of singing or dancing performance of students. But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. From my point of view, a good university arts festival should be a feast of arts.

First of all, a good university arts festival should be a chance for students to get in touch with real arts. Pure arts, most of the time, seem to be far away from students’ reach. Our school should make a full use of this chance to cultivated students’ taste toward pure arts, such as classical music, master paintings, good books, etc.

Besides, the university arts festival should also serve as an effective compensation form extracurricular activities. We should ensure that this is an activity that all students have chances to participate in. In this way, the campus life can be greatly enriched and the festival can be really enjoyed by everybody.

From what has been discussed above, a conclusion can be drawn that a good university arts festival should be a big course of arts education and an activity of every student. I wish the arts festival next semester be carefully designed and arranged so that it will cater for different interests.



(03年真题) The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood

Nowadays, with the surging cases of mental problem, committing suicide, or killing reported, people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of keeping a good mood. In my point of view, it is really important to keep an optimistic attitude toward pressure. There are numerous reasons to support my point of view, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.

One of the primary causes is that keeping a good mood helps you get along well with others. Nobody would like to make friends with one who always complains. As the saying goes, “A bad workman always blames his tools.”

Another reasion that can be seen by every person is that good mood benefits your health. Life is always full of ups and downs. When you are in trouble or frustration, you should take it in a reasonable way and overcome it as soon as possible.

Taking into account of all these factors, we may draw the conclusion that keeping a good mood brings you not only friendship, but health as well. Therefore, we should learn to look at things from a positive angle, face challenge and pressure with optimistic attitude.


(01年真题) Travel Broadens the Mind

Upon the benefit of travel, people share a common view that it relaxes our body and broadens our mind. As to me, I can’t agree more with them.Travel should, undoubtedly, be and dispensable part of our life.

One the one hand,travel enables us to know more about the geography and history of the outside world. Such knowledge often arouses our love of the world and makes us less narrow-minded.

On the other hand, travel helps to understand people of different culture and interests. We can get ideas of the living conditions and customs of other people. We can also taste different foods and local flavors.

Finally, by travelling we can see with our own eyes many places read from books. We can visit the famous cities and scenic spots. We can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places. We can gain much beyond written in the books.

So, based on the above discusison, there is no doubt that travel is beneficial to our minds with the knowledge of geography, history, people and culture. What worths mentioning is that the knowledge we gain from travelling is definitely much beyond that we gain from book reading.


(00年真题) The Importance of Extracurricular Activities Now, there is a growing awareness among our student that college life should be varied and colorful. From my point of view, I think that extracurricular activities make up an important part of our college life. I will explain why this is the case.

The first and the most important reason is that extracurricular activities are indispensable for us to build our bodies. If you look around, you will always find that those who never or seldom do physical exercises are more inclined to suffer this or that kind of frustrations or mental problems.

Another reason to support my idea is that extracurricular activities help us develop teamwork spirit. A good case in point is when playing volleyball, the team members must help and cooperate with each other in order to gain scores.As the proverbs says: By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall.

So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion that extracurricular activities are helpful and necessary to college students.Students should not spend the whole day on academic study. If we can manage to strke a good balance between academic study and outside-class activities, our college life will be more enjoyable.


历年英语四级考试作文真题及范文(2014.12—2010.12) 2010年12月英语四级作文题目 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 words folllowing the outline given below. 1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该…… (1)2010年12月大学英语四级考试作文范文高分版 How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? It is nothing unusual to find overprotective parents who help their children in all aspects of life. The question is, are they sure their heart loaded with love will bring good to their children? Let’s look at the real situation of the second-rich generation. Some of them, rather than becoming the second-strong generation, becomes the defeated generation which is notorious for their life focused on consumption rather than creation. Because of the changes of education in history, most Chinese parents, though successfully accumulate wealth, don’t know much about the right value


1991年6月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Changes in People's Diet. Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to: 1.state the changes in people's diet (饮食) in the past five years; 2. give possible reasons for the changes. 3. draw your own conclusions. 4. you should quote as few figures as possible. Food Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45% Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13% Meet 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21% Fruit and vegetables 24% 22% 20% 20% 21% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Changes in People's Diet 1993年1月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport. You should write no less than 100 w ords and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.运动的积极因素 2.运动的消极因素 3.你的体会 Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport 1993年6月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Most Favorite Programme. You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.我最喜爱的电视(或无线电)节目是…… 2.这类节目的内容和特点 3.我喜欢它的原因 My Most Favorite Programme 1994年1月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller. You should write at least 100 wor ds and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.现代的交通工具越来越发达


1995年1月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness) 2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil) 3.我的看法 [范文]Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness. But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it. I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness. 1996年1月作文题目及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Two-day Weekend. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 双休日给大学生带来的好处。 2. 双休日可能给大学生带来的问题。 3. 我应当怎样过好双休日。 [参考范文]The Two-day Weekend The two-day weekend has brought a lot of benefits to college students. It not only offers us more time to get rid of tiredness and have a good rest, but also gives us more chances to take up some hobbies, such as fishing, reading, or gardening. From these activities we can learn many things outside the classroom, which will add to our knowledge. Despite the convenience it brings us, the two-day weekend has also given rise to quite a few problems. The most serious one is that the weekdays are filled with more lesson, sometimes too many. Because our classes are limited to Monday through Friday, we have to take more lessons each day than in the past. This leaves us little time to catch our breath during the weekdays. In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend, I have decided to make a good plan for the two-day weekend. Of course I should take this chance to relax. But during


英语四级作文万能模板及范文(多种版)Argumentation型 1) some, others, I 型 (1)模版一 There is no consensus among the people as to the view of ______ ___ (主题). Some people hold the idea that _______________________ (观点A). A case in point is that _____________________________ (支持观点A的例子). On the other hand, others may have a quite different view. Acco rding to them, ______________ (观点B). The most typical example is that __________ (支持观点B的例子). Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable in saying to some extent, but the latter is more convinc ing. (2)模版二 ___________ (主题) is a common occurrence in our lives. The att itudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people te nd to ______________ when they are asked _________________ (观点A) because _______________________ (支持观点A的原因). The most typical example is that ____________________________ (支持观点A的例子).


2006年12月23日英语四级作文真题及参考范文 【Direction】 1.许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会 2.但有些人提出取消春节晚会. 3.我的看法. 【参考范文】 The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations. It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes. Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs. These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV. Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance. The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives. Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve. They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television. I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned. Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year. To increase its appeal and meet young adults' need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan. We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show. 【点评】 本次四级考试作文总体上来说并不是很难。但表现出两个出人意料:一是体裁,二是题材。 对于体裁来说,本次四级作文属于正反对比论证类的文体。比较出人意料,又回到了老的考查模式。很多学生把考前死背的作文模板派上了用场。但是这只能得到最基本的分数。虽然


2019英语专四作文四大类模板 一、阐述观点类型 Model One: 引言: There is no consensus of (opinions/ disagreements) among people as to the view of ----------. Some people suggest that -------, while some other people argue that ----------. I agree with the latter to some extent. 提出自己的论点: I think------------. 提供论据,证明自己的观点: I can think of no better illustration of the (view/idea) than my own (experience/ example) of---------. First, ----- Second, ------ .Finally,------. 结论: My personal experience leads me to conclude that ---------. Model Two: 引言: In the past few years, there has been a growing trend that--------. People have conflicting views of this fact. Some people support and others worry. 提出自己的论点As for what I think,----------- is (beneficial to us in many ways./useful in many ways.) 提供论据,证明自己的观点:Firstly, -------. Secondly, -------. The last point,---------. 结论: Therefore, we have no reason to make a fuss about---------. Model Three: 引言: In recent years there has been a big growth in the area of -------.提出自己的论点: --------is popular that it has become an indispensable Model One:


英语考试作文 英语四级作文真题范文:卖电脑 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campus website to sell a computer you used at college. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and prices, and your contact information. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. With the life in university becoming increasingly busier, a computer can play a critical and crucial role in the study and connection of college students. However, we, as college students without much money, may find entirely new computers difficult to afford. Therefore, my computer may be an available option for you to take into consideration. The features of my computer are as follows. To begin with, it is a Dell laptop which was bought three years ago at the price of 5500 RMB. Besides, its weight is less than one kilogram and therefore, it is convenient to bring it to

大学英语四级范文 英语万能作文(模板型)

大学英语四级范文英语万能作文(模板型) 大学英语四级范文英语万能作文(模板型) 1.Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention,one of which is that.... 1.随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 2.As to whether it is a blessing or a curse,however,people take different attitudes. 2.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes有不同的看法) 3.As society develops,people are attaching much importance to.... 3.随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............ 4.People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 4.求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。 5.As to whether it is worthwhile.....,there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 5.关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。 6.In the process of modern urban development,we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 6.在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。 7.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern,some people are in alarm that.... 7.最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。 8.The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history,with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization,more problems are brought to our attention. 8.人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。 9.......plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern


英语四级作文真题及参考范文 【题目1】 1.许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会 2.但有些人提出取消春节晚会. 3.我的看法. 【参考范文】 The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations. It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes. Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs. These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV. Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance. The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives. Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve. They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television. I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned. Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year. To increase its appeal and meet young adults' need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan. We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show. 【点评】 本次四级考试作文总体上来说并不是很难。但表现出两个出人意料:一是体裁,二是题材。 对于体裁来说,本次四级作文属于正反对比论证类的文体。比较出人意料,又回到了老的考查模式。很多学生把考前死背的作文模板派上了用场。但是这只能得到最基本的分数。虽然模板对于考查学生的语言表达并不益处,但还能测试出考生的语言基本功。从四级考试写作的测试目的来看,还是注重考查学生对基本语法、基本词汇运用能力的掌握情况。所以除了模板之外,考生还要在基本表达上狠下功夫,只有在平时多操练,在考场上才游刃有余。除此之外,学生还要在作文中多采用闪光点,这样就会使作文在基本分数上有所提升,有所突破。 对于题材,本次四级作文的话题是关于人们对于春节晚会的不同看法,属于社会生活类话题,一反常态,没有再次考查校园类话题。但是对于当代大学生来说,与大学生有关的社会话题也是需要关注的,这也说明考试方向的变化:校园类话题与社会热点话题同等重要,这一点对于未来考四级的学生的作文备考的方向有的指导意义。


2018英语专四作文万能模板14类 2018英语专四作文模板:对比选择型 1、适合Advantage / Disadvantage题型 People’s views towards the advantages and disadvantages of 主题词vary greatly. Some believe that 观点1 , while others support that 观点2 . As for me, I agree to the latter idea because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. There are dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据一. 理由一. The second reason that can be seen by every person is that 论据二. For example, 理由二. From the above, we can easily see that 主题词is beneficial to 总结理由一二. 2、适合Yes / No题型 It has long been a contentious issue as to whether 题目陈述. Some people are of the opinion that 观点一, while others point out that 观点二. As far as I am concerned, the latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, 论据一. 理由一. For another, 论据二. 理由二. Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that 总结观点. Therefore, as a university student, we should 提出意见. 3、适合A / B题型 Nowadays, 通过想象引出话题. As a result, some people are worried that A与B之间的矛盾. However, I don’t think their concerns are necessary, because A has some exclusive advantages over B. First of all, A 与B比较优势一. A 的优点. However, B的缺点. Furthermore, A 与B比较优势二. For example, 举例说明优势二. Last but not least, A 与B比较优势三. A的优点. In contrast, B 的缺点. In short, A has some merits that B doesn’t have. Therefore, 结论. 2018英语专四作文模板:给定观点型 Nowadays, with 现象, people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of 主题词. In my point of view, 把标题变为陈述句. There are numerous reasons to support my point of view, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.


200年1月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 1.建议报考的专业及理由 2.报考该专业的基本条件 3.应当如何备考 A Letter in Reply to a Friend Dear sir, When it comes to which major you should choose, I propose that you apply for the major of English. To begin with, English is the most popular language in the world, which is widely used in all fields such as teaching, translation, foreign trade and so on. What’s more, it goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find a good jo b in the tighter and tighter job market. In order to study at English Department, you have to meet the following requirements. In the first place, you have to spend a lot of time on it, just as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. In the second place, the basic skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are necessary, because they are the foundations for your future study. Last but not the least important, you need an intense interest in learning English since “interest is the best teacher.” As far as the preparation work is concerned, you should first of all review all the required vocabulary. In addition, you’d better spend some time on reading and writing. Only through these measures can you hope to enroll in our university. Yours, Li Ming 作文地带提供参考翻译:给朋友的一封回信 亲爱的…: 你问我关于你应该报考的专业,我建议你选英语为你的主修学科。首先,英语是世界上最受欢迎的语言,它在教学,运输,外贸等许多领域得到广泛应用。此外,在越来越严格的就业市场,英语专业的学生更容易找到一个好的工作。 要想学英语专业,你必须符合以下要求:首先,就像俗语说的那样“熟能生巧”,你必须花费大量的时间在学习上。第二,必须有一定的听说读写技能,因为这是你以后学习的基础。最重要的是,你必须对英语有强烈的兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师。 准备工作做好后,你应当首先复习所有生词。此外,最好花费一些时间用于读写。只有这样你才有可能被录用。 李明 2004年6月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction. Y ou should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines: Y our role: a tour guide Y our audience: a group of foreign tourists Y our introduction should include: ● some welcoming words ● the schedule for the day ● a description of the place the tourists will be visiting (e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.) Y ou should make the introduction interesting and the arrangements for the day clear to everybody.


2011年12月英语四级作文题目 Directions: You're allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it hundreds of time."You'd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 2011年6月大学英语四级真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Online Shopping. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1.现在网上购物已成为一种时尚 2.网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 3.我的建议 Online Shopping 2010年12月大学英语四级考试真题及答案详解 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该…… How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? 2010年6月英语四级考试真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2. 出现这种情况的原因 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为… Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling 2009年12月大学英语四级考试真题及答案 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Creating a Green Campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 建设绿色校园很重要 2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境…… 3. 为了建设绿色校园,我们应该…… Creating a Green Campus 2009年6月英语四级考试真题与答案 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a short essay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么? 2. 也会带来一些问题

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