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Words Phonetic Symbol Meaning Part of S a acentric E`sentrIk无中心的adj a a asocial ei5sEuFEl不好社交的adj a a amoral ei5mCrEl不道德的adj a a apolitical7ApE5litikEl不关心政治的adj a a anomalous E5nCmElEs反常的adj a a apathy5ApEWi冷漠无情n a a asleep E5sli:p熟睡的adj a a asleep E5sli:p静止地adv a a aside E5said在旁边adv a a aside E5said旁白n a a ahead E5hed在前面adj a a ahead E5hed在前地adv a a awake E5weik醒着的adj a a awake E5weik唤醒vt a a awake E5weik意识到vi a a aloud E5laud高声地adv a a alive E5laiv活着的adj a a alone E5lEun单独的adj a a alone E5lEun单独地adv a a aware E5wZE意识到的adj a a awash E5wCF被水覆盖的adj a a awash E5wCF被水覆盖地adv a a abnormal Ab5nC:mEl反常的adj ab a abuse E5bju:z滥用n a a abuse E5bju:z滥用vt a a absorb Eb5sC:b吸收vt a a abdicate5Abdikeit放弃(职责、权力等) vt a a abdicate5Abdikeit退位vi a a abduct Ab5dQkt诱拐vt a a abject5AbdVekt不幸的adj a a absent5AbsEnt缺乏的adj a a abstract5AbstrAkt抽象的adj a

a abstract5AbstrAkt抽象n a a abstract5AbstrAkt提炼vt a a abstain Eb5stein戒除vi a a abscond Eb5skCnd潜逃(尤指逃避逮捕)vt a a abscond Eb5skCnd潜逃vi a a abscind Ab5sind废除v a a abscise Ab5saiz切除v a a abstinence5AbstinEns节制、禁欲n a a abbreviate E5bri:vieit缩写v a a accompany E5kQmpEni陪伴v a a accelerate Ak5selEreit加速v a a accentuate Ak5sentjueit强调v a a accomplish E5kCmpliF完成v a

积累v a a accumulate E5kju:mjulei

a accustom E5kQstEm使习惯v a a addict E5dikt上瘾v a a additive5Aditiv附加的adj a a adduce E5dju:s引证v a a affable5AfEbl亲切的adj a a affiliation E7fili5eiFEn入会n a a affinity E5finiti亲密关系、亲和力n a a affliction E5flikFEn折磨n a a afford E5fC:d买得起v a a affirm E5fE:m肯定v a a agglomerate E5^lCmEreit成团、结块v a a aggression E5^reFEn侵略、进攻n a a aggrandize E5^rAndaiz扩大v a a aggravate5A^rEveit恶化v a a announce E5nauns通告v a a annotate注释v a a annihilate消灭v a a annunciate宣告v a a appal使震惊v a

a applause鼓掌v a a appreciate欣赏v a a appease抚慰v a a appoint任命v a a arrange安排v a a arrest逮捕v a a arrive到达v a a arrogate硬说是v a a assault进攻v a a assiduous勤奋的adj a a assist帮助v a a associate联合v a a assimilate同化v a a assure肯定v a a attach依附v a a attain达到v a a attend出席v a

attract吸引v a attest证实v a adapt适应v a adept熟练地adj a adopt收养v a adhere坚持v a adjacent邻近的adj a adjoin毗连v a administrate管理、执行v a admire羡慕v a adumbrate预示v a adjust调整v a adventure冒险v a admonish告诫v a advent来临n a amphibian两栖动物n a

amphitheatre圆形剧场n a anarchism无政府主义n a anemia贫血症n a anharmonic不和谐的adj a anechoic无回声的adj a anonymous匿名的adj a anesthesia麻醉n a anoxia缺氧症n a anachronism时代错误n a anaemia贫血n a anaesthetic麻醉剂n a analogy类比n a analogous类似的adj a analysis分析n a anatomy解剖n a antedate先于v a antediluvian远古的adj a antemarital婚前的adj a anteroom前室n a anterior前面的adj a antecedent前例n a antebellum战前的adj a antiwar反战的adj a antitank反坦克的adj a antipathy反感n a antithesis对立、返论n a antitrust反托拉斯的、反垄断的n a antipode相反的两极n a antibacterial抗菌的adj a antibody抗体n a antidote解毒药n a antiseptic杀菌的adj a apogee远地点n a

apostasy背叛n a apology道歉n a apocrypha假书n a apostle使徒、信徒n a apocalypse天启、启示n a apologue寓言n a apotheosis神化n a beguile欺骗v b behave行为v b behold
























bicolor bigamist biped bisect byproduct byroad byway bygone byline bypass bywork

Prefix Etymon Suffix a c centr i ic

a s soc i ial

a m mor a al

a p polit c ical

a n nomal o ous

a p path y y

















ab n norm a al



ab s sorb

ab d dic a ate ab d dic a ate ab d duct

ab j ject

abs e ent

abs t tract

abs t tract

abs t tract

abs t tain

abs c cond

abs c cond

abs c cind

abs c cise

abs t tin e ence abb b brev a ate acc

acc c celer a ate acc c cent a ate acc c compl i ish acc c cumul a ate acc

add d dict

add d dit i ive add d duce

aff f fabl

aff f fili a ation aff f fin i ity aff f flict i ion aff f ford

aff f firm

agg g glomer a ate agg g gress i ion agg g grand i ize agg g grav a ate ann n nounce

ann n not a ate ann n nihil a ate ann n nunci a ate app p pal

app p plaus

app p preci a ate app p peas

app p point

arr r range

arr r rest

arr r riv

arr r rog a ate ass s sault

ass s sid o ous ass s sist

ass s soci a ate ass s simil a ate ass s sur

att t tach

att t tain

att t tend

att t tract

att t test

ad a apt

ad e ept

ad o opt

ad h her

ad j jac e ent ad j join

ad m ministr a ate ad m mir

ad u umbr a ate ad j just

ad v vent u ure ad m mon i ish ad v vent

amphi b bi a an


an a arch i ism an e em i ia an h harmon i ic an e echo i ic an o onym o ous an e eshes i ia an o ox i ia ana c chron i ism ana e em i ia ana e esthet i ic ana l log y y ana l log o ous ana l lysis

ana t tom y y ante

ante d diluv i ian ante m marit a al ante

ante e erior ante c ced e ent ante b bell u um anti


anti p path y y anti


anti p pod




anti s spet i ic apo g gee

apo s stasy

apo l log y y apo c cryph

apo s stle

apo c calyps

apo l logu

apo t theo s sis be g guile

be h hav

Example Sentences

Bears are asocial secretive animals.

A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressive, per Henry used to be totally apolitical,but I think he is now politically more aware.

A position as head of a department, but with no real authority, is anomalous.

A mental disorder characterized by severe depression, apathy, and withdrawal.

My foot is asleep.

Their anxieties were put asleep.

He stepped aside to let them pass.

speak aside

I'm ahead.

There is an infinitely bright future. ahead of us.

The explorer was ever awake for the dangers that surrounded him.

awake sb.'s sympathy

You must awake to the realities of life.

He called aloud for help.

Keep the principles of liberty alive.

Time alone will show who was right.

He came alone.

Be aware of those who fish in troubled waters.

The lake overflowed till all the villages in the neighbourhood were awash.

an abnormal condition or mental state characterized by hallucination.

I'm afraid the position is open to abuse.

I'll not abuse your hospitality, your kindness.

We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us.

He abdicated all responsibility for the care of the child.

When King George abdicated, his brother succeeded him on the throne.

The kid was abducted at the gate of kindergarten.

The most abject slaves joined in the revolt.

He would be absent when we are most busy!

He is an abstract painter.

He made an abstract of a long article.

abstract metal from ore

The doctor has advised him to abstain from smoking. abscond with the money.

e, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior. 精神变态者一个有反社会人格病症的人尤



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