当前位置:文档之家› 甘肃省天水市麦积区2015_2016学年八年级英语下学期期中检测试题冀教版






A)观察所给单词的读音,从A,B,C,D 四个选项中找出其划线部分的读音与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项

( ) 1.stop A.love B.dog C.who D.hope

( ) 2.cough https://www.doczj.com/doc/0b5912268.html,ugh B.bought C.though D.weigh

( ) 3.Monday A.pay B.play C.Sunday D.today

( ) 4.stomach A.chair B.Christmas C.teacher D.match

( ) 5.cinema A.close B.decide C.ancient D.action

( ) 6.looked A.opened B.helped C.allowed D.interested


( ) 7.--Excuse m e, Is this your dictionary ?

--No, it isn’t. It’s hers.

A.No, hers.

B.it It’s

C.No, isn’t hers.

D.it isn’t hers.

( ) 8.I want some English books.

How many books do you want ?


B.many books.Want.




( ) 9.①--Are they cleaning the classroom ?

②—No, they aren’t .

③—What are they doing then.





( )10.①-I beg your pardon, sir ?

②— I want some medicine for my mother .

③—For your mother ?






A )按括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式(10)

1.hole(同音词) 2. fill (形容词)

3.northern (名词)

4.careful (副词)

5.shake (过去式)

6.dangerous (反义词)

7.bamboo (复数) 8.mice(单数)

9.modern (反义词) 10.cut(现在分词)


1.The sun (落下) late in summer.

2.Wind blows (温柔地).

3.There is p of water in the bottle.

4.C is a kind of terrible illness.

5.Have they ever been to (埃及) before ?


( ) 1.There a basketball match between class one and class three this afternoon.

A.is going to be

B.will have

C.are going to be

D.is going to have. ( ) 2.What’s the date today ? .

A.It’s Friday

B.It’s fine day

C.It’s six thirty

D.It’s may 23 ( ) 3.Mr Green enjoys photos when he is on a trip .




D.to take .

( ) 4.When summer comes .a lot of people fell like to have fun.

A.To swim



D.have swim

( ) 5.--I feel tired and sleepy. --Why not stop for a while ?


B.to rest


D.rested .

( ) 6.--Mom, must I take out the trash now?

--No, you , you may take a rest first .




D.don’t have to

( ) 7.Your sister is still young ,you should _________her .

A.look like B look at C look around D look after

( ) 8.They went the forest from west to east.





( ) 9.Is the sweater wool?

Yes, It’s shanghai.

A.made of ; made from

B.made of ; made in

C.made from ; made into

D.made in ; made from

( ) 10.I’m sorry , I can’t help you. .

A.My pleasure

B.All right

C.Thank you all the same

D.I’m sorry to hear that .

( ) 11.There’s a cat the tree .but there’s not any pears it .

A.in on

B.on in

C.o n on

D.in in

( ) 12.She has lots of good for every .

A.advices gardeners

B.advice gardener

C.advices garden

D.advice gardeners

( ) 13.Do you have to say about your family?

A.else anything

B.else something

C.anything else

D.something else

( ) 14.I heard them when I passed by .

A.to sing



D.were singing

( ) 15.All the students were at the result.

A.amazed amazed

B.amazed amazing

C.amazing amazing

D.amazing amazed

( ) 16.He works harder than my son .




D.a lot of

( ) 17.--Helen.do you know that Marin to my party next week ?


冀教版初中八年级英语测试题 (笔试部分) 姓名_______ 班级_______ 分数_______ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单项选择 ( )1. He will be a good doctor when he's _____. A. older B. younger C. shorter D. taller ( )2. - Where is Jack: - I'm not sure. He _____ be playing games on the play A. need B.must C. can D. might ( )3. - I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long - __________. A. I think so B. Don t say so C. I'd love to D. It doesn't matter ( )4. Uncle Liang _____ in Shanghai since he was ten years old, so he knows a lot about the city. A.is living B. has lived C. lived D. lives ( )5. A stupid man tells a woman to shut up, while a wise man tells her that her mouth is quite beautiful _____ it is closed. A. unless B. since C. when D. though ( )6. We set up this group _____ the poor people like Ben Smith. A. help


2020年甘肃省天水市麦积区(中小学、幼儿园)教师招聘真题试卷及答案 注意事项 1、请用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字在答题卡相应位置填写姓名、准考证号,并用2B铅笔在答题卡指定位置填涂准考证号。 2、本试卷均为选择题,请用2B铅笔在答题卡上作答,在题本上作答一律无效。 一、单项选择题(在下列每题四个选项中只有一个是最符合题意的,将其选出并把它的标号写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均不得分。) 1、科尔伯格提出的道德发展阶段理论被称为()。 A、人格五因素模型 B、因式理论 C、16因素理论 D、3水平6阶段理论 【答案】D 【解析】科尔伯格采用道德两难故事法,根据不同年龄的儿童和青少年所作出的反应,提出了三水平六阶段的道德发展阶段论。故选D。 2、世界上最早专门论述教育教学问题的著作是()。 A、《论语》 B、《大学》 C、《学记》 D、《孟子》 【答案】C 【解析】《学记》是世界上最早专门论述教育教学问题的著作。故选C。 3、把若干相邻学科内容加以筛选,充实后按照新的体系合二为一的课程是()。 A、活动课程 B、隐性课程 C、显性课程 D、综合课程 【答案】D 【解析】综合课程是把几门学科的教学内容组织在一门综合学科之中的课程。活动课程又称儿童中心课程、经验课程,是以儿童的兴趣和需要为基础,根据心理逻辑而编排的课程。显性课程又称公开课程,是指在学校情境中以直接、明显的方式呈现的课程。隐性课程又称自发课程,是学校情境中以间接的、内隐的方式呈

现的课程,如师生关系、校风、学风等。故选D。 4、学与教的过程从宏观上说包括五个要素,下面选项中不属于其中的是()。 A、学生与教师 B、教育行政部门 C、教学内容 D、教学媒体和教学环境 【答案】B 【解析】在宏观上,学与教过程是一个系统过程,该系统包括学生、教师、教学内容、教学媒体和教学环境五种因素,由学习过程、教学过程和评价反思过程这三种过程交织在一起。故选B。 5、一位教师在进行《两条小溪的对话》的教学时,让学生分角色表演,有一位学生问:“老师,我能不用 书上的原话吗?”老师和蔼地问:“为什么呢?”“因为书中的原话太长,我背不下来,如果拿着书来表演,又不太 好!”孩子说出了原因。“你的意见很好,用自己的话来表演吧!”老师高兴地抚摸了下孩子的头,果然这个孩子 表演得非常出色。这位教师与学生之间最集中反映的师生关系是()。 A、教师的素质 B、教学相长 C、民主平等 D、尊师爱生 【答案】C 【解析】题干中的教师充分听取学生的意见,发扬教学民主,反映的师生关系是民主平等 6、“严慈相济”体现的德育原则是()。 A、正面引导与纪律约束相结合原则 B、严格要求学生与尊重学生相结合原则 C、集体教育与个别教育相结合原则 D、发挥积极因素与克服消极因素相结合原则 【答案】B 【解析】“严慈相济”体现了尊重信任学生与严格要求学生相结合的原则。故选B。 7、新课程背景下的重教学模式尽可能尊重()的主体地位,重视发挥他们的主体性。 A、教学内容 B、教师 C、每个学生


小学五年级英语时态练习题 一、完成下列表格 : (16* ’=8’) 人称代词主格I sheit we 人称代词宾格you them 形容词性 his your 物主代词 二、用所给词的正确形式填空 :(50 * ’=25’) 1.Listen .Some girls __________ ( sing)in the classroom . 2.Our library has __________ (many ) books than before . 3.My mother __________ ( cook )some nice food now. What can you do -I can__________. (skate) 5.Don't__________ (run) in the classroom. 6.What __________you __________ ( do ) now 7.She wants __________ (eat) a cake for breakfast. Does she like __________ (swim) 8.Look !They __________ ( have) an English lesson . 9.My father leaves home __________ (early ) than me . 10.They __________ (not ,water) the flowers now. 11.This bag is very __________ ( heavy), but that one is__________ (heavy) than this one . 12.What is our granddaughter doing She __________ (listen ) to music. 13.There is not a lamp. I can't __________ (read) the book. 14.My aunt is a teacher. ______likes______students very much. My uncle is a teacher. ______likes______students very much,too. 15. It’s five o’clock now. We__________ (have)supper now 16.__________Helen __________ (wash )clothes Yes ,she is . 17.Look ! Tom and John __________ (swim).

冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 6单元测试题

冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 6单元测试题Ⅰ.单项选择(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分) 1.—What do you want to be when you grow up? —________ actor like Jet Li. A.An B.A C.The D./ 2.We must protect animals because they are friends of ________.A.we B.us C.ours D.our 3.A new play will be ________ in Moon Theatre. A.put up B.put on C.put out D.put down 4.Mr. Smith ________ our class into five groups. A.cut up B.divided up C.turned up D.used up 5.—Do you know who is the oldest ________ the three students? —Sorry, I don't know. A.among B.between C.with D.about 6.She said that she would do ________ she could ________ her

daughter laugh. A.what; make B.that; make C.what; to make D.that; to make 7.—I'm sorry for being late. —Never mind. The movie________ for only 5 minutes. This way, please. A.has begun B.has ended C.has been on D.has started 8.—I'd like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie? —I prefer coffee ________ sugar. A.than B.for C.with D.to 9.The boy kept trying ________ play a role in the new movie. A.so that B.in order to C.in order that D.so 10. —Who directed this movie? —It________ by Zhang Yimou in 2019. A.is directed B.directs


冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 1达标测试卷 时间:120分钟满分:120分 第I卷听力部分 一、听句子,选出句中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分) 1.A.12B.20C.22 2.A. rise B.raise C.roll 3.A. made of B.proud of C.scared of 4.A. People in Shijiazhuang like spring. B.Spring will arrive in Shijiazhuang soon. C.It's spring in Shijiazhuang now. 5.A.It's getting brighter. B.It's getting warmer. C.It's getting colder. 二、听句子,选出该句的最佳应答语(每小题1分,共5分) 6.A.I like boots.B.I like to fly kites.C.I like spring. 7.A.Yes,there will. B.No,they won't. C.Yes,they will. 8.A.It's May 21st. B.It's Sunday. C.It's a nice day. 9.A.Good idea. B.Not at all. C.I don't think so. 10.A.Don't say so. B.You're welcome. C.That's right. 三、听对话和问题,选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共5分) 11. 12. 13.A.Go fishing.B.Go swimming.C.Go shopping. 14.A.Listen to music. B.Read books. C.Watch TV. 15.A.Go home. B.Have a class. C.Play football. 四、听短文,完成下面的表格(每小题1分,共5分)


甘肃省天水市麦积区2019-2020学年八年级(下) 期末考试物理试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 如图所示,下列物体受力示意图中,物体能处于平衡状态的是()A.B. C.D. 2. 如图所示的简单机械中属于费力杠杆的是 A.B.C.D. 3. 如图所示,在调节平衡后的杠杆两侧,分别挂上相同规格的钩码,杠杆处于平衡状态.如果两侧各去掉一个钩码,则() A.左端下降B.右端下 降 C.仍然平 衡 D.无法判断 4. 如图所示,材料、粗糙程度和质量相同的甲、乙两物体放在同一水平桌面上,在水平拉力作用下做匀速直线运动。它们所受的拉力为F甲、F乙,对桌面的压强为p甲、p乙,底面积S甲> S乙.则下列关系正确的是() A.F甲> F乙p甲< p乙B.F甲< F乙p甲> p乙

C.F甲= F乙p甲= p乙D.F甲= F乙p甲< p乙 5. 如图所示,容器装有水,其底部a、b、c三处受到水的压强分别为p a 、p b 、 p c ,则以下判断正确的是 A.p a >p b >p c B.p a <p b <p c C.p a =p b =p c D.p a >p b =p c 6. 如图甲所示,水平地面上的一物体,受到方向不变的水平推力F的作用,F 的大小与时间t的关系和物体的速度v与时间t的关系如图乙所示,以下说法正确的是 甲乙A.0~2秒,物体没有推动,是因为推力小于摩擦力 B.2~4秒物体做匀速直线运动 C.2~4秒物体受到的摩擦力是3N D.4~6秒,物体受到的摩擦力与水平推力是一对平衡力 7. 在甲、乙两图中,甲图地面粗糙、乙图地面光滑.质量分别为m,2m的两个物体在大小为F的恒力作用下,在力的方向上前进了相同的距离,则下列结论正确的是 A.甲图中F做的功小于乙图中F做的功 B.甲图中F做的功等于乙图中F做的功 C.甲图中F做的功大于乙图中F做的功 D.条件不足,无法确定甲、乙图中F做的功谁大


2020-2021学年甘肃天水麦积区八年级下学期期中语文试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、选择题 1.下列词语中标注的读音有误的一项是() A.芦荟(huì)不逊(xùn)匿(nì)名眼翳(yì) B.轩(xuān)昂脂粉奁(lián)眷(juàn)念稽(jì)首 C.睥睨(nì)执拗(niù)礁(jiāo)石真谛(dì) D.缥(piǎo)碧黔(qián)娄衔觞(shāng)骈(pián)死2.下列词语中有错别字的一项是() A.油光可鉴抑扬顿挫发髻诘责 B.鹤立鸡群广袤无垠庶祖母禁锢 C.正襟危坐颔首低眉文绉绉器宇 D.风云突变美不盛收搓捻不可名状 3.下列语句中只使用了一种修辞手法的一项是() A.炸裂呀,我的身体!炸裂呀,宇宙!让那赤条条的火滚动起来,像风一样,像那海一样。 B.圆月有如一面明镜,高悬在蓝空。 C.急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔。 D.那浩浩荡荡的无边无际的伟大的力呀!那是自由,是跳舞,是音乐,是诗! 4.下列句子中表达方式不含议论的一项是() A.生命是可爱的。但寒冷的、寂寞的生,却不如轰轰烈烈的死。 B.刹那间,我明白了其中的道理—-我感觉到有无数无形的线条正穿梭在我和其他人的心灵中间。 C.呜呼!其真无马邪?其真不知马也。 D.东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔。 5.下列句子中,标点符号使用有误的一项是() A.我又问老师:“爱是不是太阳?” B.每天上书房,我家的两条狗(一大一小)跟着我。 C.从这个人身上看不出有任何精神的东西,缺乏诗人,幻想者和创造者的气质。D.如果我学得了一丝一毫的好脾气,如果我学得了一点点待人接物的和气,如果我能宽恕人,体谅人——我都得感谢我的慈母。 6.下列句子没有病句的一项是() A.是否具有良好的心理素质,是考试取得好成绩的条件之一。 B.一进入会场就看到许多面彩旗和一片欢乐的歌声。


一、中英互译: 1、制作一架模型飞机___________________ 2、在一堂英语课上_____________ 3、下午四点 __________________________ 4、听老师说___________________ 5 、弹钢琴 ___________________________ 6、play basketball____________ 7 、the boy in blue____________________ 8 、near the music room________ 9 、sing an English song________________ 10、learn the new words_________ 二、翻译句子 1.你会什么?我会演奏吉他。______________________________________ 2.你会跳舞吗?是的,我会。______________________________________ 3.那个男孩不会游泳。____________________________________________ 4.学生们会唱什么歌啊?__________________________________________ 5.你可以在阅览室里读书吗?______________________________________ 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空: 1、This is________( I ) new sweater 。 2、Is this________( she ) father ? 3、That is________( Mr Black ) car 。 4、Are there_________( some ) books on the desk ? 5、What_______( be ) in your school bag ? 6、________( not open ) the door 。 ( open ) the window 。 7、There is_______( a ) English book on the teacher’s desk 。 8、Her_________( parent ) are at home 。 三、按要求改写句子:


八年级下英语测试题1 一.词语运用(10分) 1. The weather is nice today. What about going ____________(cycle)? 2. There are many differences between my bag and _____________(she). 3. The teacher said to me ____________(gentle), ―Don’t be late for class next time.‖ 4. Mrs. Liu has three children. She needs a _____________(babysit) to help her. 5. It’s always cold and ______________(snow) in Heilongjiang in winter. 6.My sister didn’t fall_________(sleep) until 11:00 last night . 7There was a________________ (阵雨) just now, so the ground is wet. 8. Look at those ______________(兔子). Are they eating carrots? 9. You can’t pull the door open. What about ______________(推) it? 10. Will the temperature be ______________(低于) zero tomorrow? 11. She didn’t like tea, so we went to a coffee shop _____________(代替). 二、单项选择:(15分) ( ) 1. Our geography teacher told us that the sun _____ in the east. A. rise B. rises C. rose D. risen ( )2. You can take away _____ my book _____ Ann’s, because we both need them now. A. either; or B. neither; nor C. not only; but also D. both; and ( ) 3. There is _____ rice in the bag. We don’t need to buy more. A. much B. lots of C. plenty of D. all of the above ( )4. Jack studies _____ his brother at school. A. as hardly as B. so hardly as C. as hard as D. so hard as ( )5. The students in the poor area_____ new books and schoolbags. Let’s raise money to buy some for them. A. long for B. look up C. take out D. feel like ( )6. The chemistry class was over. All the students walked out of the lab _____ . A. one to one B. one with one C. one by one D. one after one ( )7. There _____ an English party in our school this weekend. A. will hold B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have ( )8. — Why do you look so tired, Tom? — I _____ go to bed _____ 11:30 last night. A. don’t; until B. will; after C. didn’t; until D. have; after ( )9. — _____ , Li Mei? —It’s windy and cold. A. What’s the weather B. How is the weather C. What’s the temperature D. Is it windy today ( )10. My father used to ______up late, but now he is used to _____up early. A. stay, get B. stayed , getting C. stay ,getting D. staying ,get ( )11. My sister didn’t sweep the floor .---__________. A. so did I B. So was I C. Neither did I D, Neither was I ( )12. ________you study , _________your parents are . A. The harder , the happyer B. The harder , the happier C. The harder , the happy D. The hard , the happier ( )13. He is practicing sports _______he can compete and win in the match. A. so that B. so D. that D. in order to ( )14. While she _____TV, She heard a sound outside the room . A. watched B. watching C. was watching D. watches ( )15.Wait for me. I will be back a few minutes. A. with B. for C in D on ( 16. She went out _____ a cold winter morning. A. in B. on C. at D. under ( )17. There are some birds _______ the tree and also some apples _______ the tree. A. on, on B. on, in C. in, on D. in, in ( )18. There are about _____ students in our school. A. two thousands B. two thousand C. two thousand of D. two thousands of ( )19 In spring the trees green. A. turn B. get C. go D. become ( )20. There ____ a strong wind tonight. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. will is ( ) 21. Smoking is bad for your health. You should ____ .A. give up it B. give up them C. give it up D. give them up ( )22. He was walking along the street _______ a car hit him suddenly. A. while B. when C. until D. as soon as


2019—2020学年度第二学期期末检测试卷 三年级数学 一、我会填。 1. 黄昏时当你背向太阳,你的前面是( )面,左面是( )面,右面是( )面。 2. 在算式△÷6=38……□,余数最大是( ),这时被除数是( )。 3. 427÷□,如果商是两位数时,那么□里面最小填( );如果商是三位数时, □里面最大填( )。 4. 21个14的和是( );29的56倍是( )。 5. 75×40的积的末尾有( )个0,58×18的积的最高位在( )位。 6. 2日=( )时 400平方分米=( )平方米 3时45分=( )分 5元2角=( ) 元 7. 今年的2月份有( )天 ,5月份有( )天,全年一共有( )天。 8. 用3、2、5、7组成的最小三位小数是( ), 最大两位小数是( )。 9. 早在两千多年前,我们的祖先就用磁石制作了指示 方向的仪器( )。 10. 如右图,阅览室全天共开放( )小时。 11. 小明和他的24位同学去马跑泉公园划船,每条船最多可以坐4人,至少需要租 用( )条船。 12.面积是81平方厘米的正方形,周长是( )厘米。 二、我会判。(对的打“√”,错的打“×”) 1.如果被除数中间有0,那么商的中间一定有0。 ( ) 名 姓 级 班 校 学 号 位 座 号 考 题 答 要 不 外 线 封 密

2. 1900年的年份是4的倍数,所以1900是闰年 。 ( ) 3. 大于0.6而小于0.8的小数只有1个。 ( ) 4. 周长相等的两个正方形,面积也相等。 ( ) 5. 两位数乘两位数的积一定是四位数。 ( ) 三、我会选。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里) ( )1.下面图形面积最大的是: ( )2. 3小 时,他路上开车一共用了( )小时。 A.8 B. 9 C.10 ( )3.一条跑道长25米,小林跑了3个来回,他跑了( )米。 A.75米 B.150米 C.100米 ( )4.小刚站在操场上,面向东南方向,他的背面是( )方向。 A.东北 B.西北 C.西南 ( )5. 张红有3件上衣和4条裙子,她共有( )种不同的搭配方案。 A. 3 B. 7 C. 12 四、我会算。 1.直接写出得数。 60×40= 4-0.4= 1小时-40分= 240÷8= 32×3= 797÷4≈ 91×89≈ 11×32≈ 628÷9≈ 35-35×0= 2.列竖式计算(带※的要验算) ※402÷8= 54×37= 20.7+14.9= ※50-17.2= 线 裁 剪


2020-2021学年甘肃省天水市麦积区八年级上学期期末数学 试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列各数:,32 π -- A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 2.为开展阳光体育活动,某校组织了八年级五个班的足球赛,为更清楚地表示出首轮比赛中各班的总进球数,我们最好选择: A .折线统计图 B .条形统计图 C .扇形统计图 D .以上三种都可以 3.直角三角形一边长为4,斜边长5,则面积为: A .6 B .8 C .10 D .12 4.下列计算正确的是: A .() 5 38a a = B .3515a a a ?= C .632a a a ÷= D .() ()2 3 3521a a a ?= 5.如图,图中数字表示所在正方形的面积,则字母B 所代表的正方形的面积是: A .196 B .144 C .13 D .12 6.当5 4a = 时,代数式()32161644a a a a -+÷的值为: A .254 B .4- C .94 - D .94 7.下列说法正确的是: A .实数分为正实数和负实数 B .没有绝对值最大的实数,有绝对值最小的实数 C .不带根号的数都是有理数 D .两个无理数的和还是无理数 8.如图,若 MB = ND ,∠MBA = ∠NDC ,下列条件中不能判定△ABM ≌△CDN 的是( )

A .AM = CN B .AM / /CN C .AB = C D D .∠M = ∠N 9.等腰三角形的两个内角的比是1: 2,则这个等腰三角形的顶角的度数是 ( ) A .72° B .36°或90° C .36° D .45° 10.如图,地面上有一立方体物块宽AB=4cm ,长BC=8cm ,CD 上的点G 距地面的高CG=5cm ,地面上一只蚂蚁从A 处爬到G 处,要爬行的最短路程是( ) A .6cm B . 4 C .13cm D .17cm 二、填空题 11的算术平方根是________. 12.在一次篮球训练中,小明练习投篮,共投篮40次,其中投中25次,那么小明投中的频率是________. 13.等腰三角形的两边长分别是6和5,则周长是________. 14.一轮船先向东航行8海里,接着又向北航行6海里,则该船这时离出发点_______海里. 15.若23,4 5.m n ==则222m n -= ________. 16.在四边形ABCD 中,∠C=90°,DC=3,BC=4,AD=12,AB=13,则四边形ABCD 的面积是________. 17.已知a + 1 a =2,求a 2+21a =_____. 18.观察下图,则第n 个图形中三角形的个数是 ________. 三、解答题


九年级第一次月考英语试卷 听力部分 Ⅰ.听力(每题l分,共20分)。 A)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. October B. November C. December 2. A. horse B. house C. flat 3. A.day B. way C.away 4. A. flight B.flat C.fly 5. A. soup B. soap C. Soda B)听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。 6. A. Yes, it isn’t . B. No, it is . C. Yes,it is. 7. A. I quite agree with you . B.I can’t make up my mind C. I don’t know 8. A. Sunday. B. march. C. 1st May 9. A. Yes,I’m looking for my son . B. Don’t bother me. C. No,I don’t believe anyone 10. A.He is singing well . B.Tom is panting a picture. C. My sister does well in dancing . C)听对话,选出正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 11. A. On Saturday. B. On Friday . C. On Wednesday. 12. A. In April. B. In May . C. In March. 13. A. At 8:30 . B. At 8:20. C. At 8:35. 14. A. This Tuesday. B. Next Sunday . C. This Sunday. 15. A. December 25. B. December 24. C. December 26. D)听对话短文,根据其内容选出能完成下列句子的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 16.What is the weather like today ? A.Very warm B. nice and sunny C. Too hot . 17. What season is it now ? A. Summer B.Winter C. Autumn. 18. What does the man think the weather will be like this weekend ? A. He thinks it’ll rain . B. He doesn’t think it’ll rain C.He thinks it’ll be couldy 19. What is the woman’s suggestion about the weekend? A.Having a party B. Having a picnic. C. Going to the park. 20.What will the man take with him this weekend ? A.An umbrella B. A raincoat C. Nothing . 笔试部分 Ⅱ. 词汇(每题l分,共10分)。 A)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 21. Our classroom is here. ____________ (she) is over there. 22. Your smoking can be ____________ (harm)to the health of your children . 23. ____________ (eat) too much is bad for your health. 24. The boy is old enough (go) to school.. 25. As the (lead) of this office ,he can work with everyone . B)根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。 26. The Great Wall goes across the ____________ (北方) part of China.. 27. I offered my seat to a ____________ (盲的)woman on the bus yateray. 28. Do you know all the ____________ (英雄) in the book.. 29. He has a_____________ (疼痛) in his head. 30.His English is ____________ (糟糕的)in the class. Ⅲ.语法与情景会话(每题1分。共25分)。 31. I like playing _________ piano. I also like playing ______ football. A. a ,a B. the, the C. the,/ D. /,the 32. My mother is sleeping .Don’t _________. A. wake up he B.wake her up C. woke she up D. wake up she 33. —You were brave enough to asy “No”at the meeting. —Well,now I regret________ that . A. to do B. to be doing C.to have done D. having done 34. ---Shall we meet on Sunday or Saturday? ---______ is Ok.I’m free on weekends . A. Every B.Both C. Either D. Neither 36. ---What’s wrong with you ? ---________. A.My bike is broken B.Something is wrong with my watch C. My TV doesn’t work D. I’m not feeling well. 37. Finish your homework f irst, then you’ll __________ watch TV for an hour. A. can B. be able to C. able to D. could 38. Many young people took part in _______ trees on Tree Planting Day. A. planting B. plants C. to plant D. plant 39. I haven’t decided when __________ a holiday yet. A. took B. taking C. to take D. take 40.Could you _______ the child for me ? A.dress B. dress in C. put on D. wear


2017-2018学年甘肃省天水市麦积区八年级(上)期中数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 1.(4分)下列说法正确的是() A.1的立方根是±1 B.=±4 C.=4 D.0没有平方根 2.(4分)在实数﹣,0,,﹣3.14,无理数有() A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 3.(4分)下列计算结果正确的是() A.a3?a3=a9 B.(﹣y)5÷(﹣y)3=y2C.(a3)2=a5D.(a+b)2=a2+b2 4.(4分)若3m=2,3n=5,则3m+n的值是() A.7 B.90 C.10 D.a2b 5.(4分)估计的大小在() A.2与3之间B.3与4之间C.4与5之间D.5与6之间 6.(4分)如图所示,长方形内有两个相邻的正方形,面积分别为4和2,那么阴影部分的面积为() A.(2﹣)B.(2﹣)2C.2 D.2(2﹣) 7.(4分)若(x+t)(x+6)的结果中不含有x的一次项,则t的值是()A.6 B.﹣6 C.0 D.6或﹣6 8.(4分)下列命题中是假命题的是() A.过已知直线上一点及该直线外一点的直线与已知直线必是相交线 B.直角的补角是直角 C.同旁内角互补 D.从直线外一点向直线作线段,垂线段最短 9.(4分)若8x3y m÷4x n y2=2y2,则m,n的值为()

A.m=1,n=3 B.m=4,n=3 C.m=4,n=2 D.m=3,n=4 10.(4分)已知a+b=2,求代数式a2﹣b2+4b的值为() A.8 B.4 C.﹣4 D.﹣8 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分) 11.(4分)的平方根是. 12.(4分)把命题“对顶角相等”改写成“如果…那么…”的形式:.13.(4分)若+|2y+1|=0,则x2015y2016的值是. 14.(4分)观察下列等式:12﹣02=1;22﹣12=3;32﹣22=5;42﹣32=7;…用含自然数n的等式表示你发现的规律为. 15.(4分)因式分解:x2﹣6x+9=,x2﹣4=. 16.(4分)如果x2﹣Mx+9是一个完全平方式,则M的值是.17.(4分)若a2+2a=1,则3a2+6a+1=. 18.(4分)计算:82011×(﹣)2011=. 三、解答题 19.(10分)计算: (1)(2y+x)2﹣4(x﹣y)(x+2y) (2)[(ab+1)(ab﹣2)﹣2a2b2+2]÷(﹣ab). 20.(8分)因式分解. (1)3x3﹣12xy2 (2)n2(m﹣2)+4(2﹣m). 21.(10分)先化简,再求值. (1)2(x+1)(x﹣1)﹣x(2x﹣1),其中x=﹣2. (2)[(x+y)(x﹣y)+2y(x﹣y)﹣(x﹣y)2]÷(2y),其中x=1,y=2.22.(10分)已知a+b=3,ab=﹣1,求下列代数式的值. (1)a2+b2; (2)(a﹣b)2. 23.(8分)已知一个正数的平方根为2a﹣1和﹣a+2,求这个正数.24.(10分)已知5x=36,5y=2,求5x﹣2y的值.

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