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Index 翻译(Fluid Mechanics)

Absolute pressure,绝对压力(压强)Absolute temperature scales, 绝对温标Absolute viscosity, 绝对粘度Acceleration加速度centripetal, 向心的convective, 对流的Coriolis, 科氏的

field of a fluid, 流场

force and,作用力与……local, 局部的

Uniform linear, 均一线性的Acceleration field加速度场Ackeret theory, 阿克莱特定理Active flow control, 主动流动控制Actuator disk, 促动盘

Added mass, 附加质量Adiabatic flow绝热流

with friction,考虑摩擦的isentropic,等熵的

air, 气体

with area changes, 伴有空间转换Bemoullii’s equation and, 伯努利方程Mach number relations,马赫数关系式,pressure and density relations, 压力-速度关系式sonic point,critical values, 音速点,临界值,stagnation enthalpy, 滞止焓Adiabatic processes, 绝热过程Adiabatic relations, 绝热关系

Adverse pressure gradient, 逆压力梯度

Aerodynamic forces, on road vehicles, 交通工具,空气动力

Aerodynamics, 空气动力学

Aeronautics, new trends in, 航空学,新趋势


testing/modeling in, 对……实验/建模

useful numbers for, 关于……的有用数字

Airbus Industrie, 空中客车产业



new designs, 新型设计

Airfoils, 翼型

aspect ratio (AR), 展弦比

cambered, 弧形的

drag coefficient of , 阻力系数

early, 早期的

Kline-Fogleman, 克莱恩-佛莱曼

lift coefficient, 升力系数


(美国) 国家航空咨询委员会separation bubble, 分离泡

stalls and, 失速

stall speed, 失速速度

starting vortex, 起动涡

stopping vortex, 终止涡

Airfoil theory, 翼型理论

flat-plate vortex sheet theory, 平板面涡理论

Kutta condition, 库塔条件

Kutta-Joukowski theorem, 库塔-儒科夫斯基定理


thick cambered airfoils, 厚弧面翼型

thin-airfoils, 薄翼型

wings of finite span, 有限展宽的翼型

A-380 jumbo jet, 大型喷气式客机Alternate states, 交替状态

American multiblade farm HA WT, 美式农庄多叶水平轴风机Angle of attack, 攻角

Angle valve, 角阀

Angular momentum角动量

differential equation of , 关于…的微分方程relation/theorem, 联系/理论

Annular strips, 环形带

Applied forces, linear momentum, 外加力,线性冲力Apron, of a dam, 大坝的护坦

Arbitrarily moving/deformable control volume, 任意运动/可变形控制体Arbitrary fixed control volume, 任意固定控制体Arbitrary viscous motion, 随机粘性运动Archimedes, 阿基米德

Area changes, isentropic flow. 域变换,等熵流

Aspect ratio (AR), 展弦比

Automobiles, aerodynamic forces on, 汽车,气动力

A verage velocity, 平均速度

Axial-flow pumps. 轴流泵

Axisymmetric flow, stream function 轴对称流,流函数Axisymmetric Potential flow, 轴对称有势流hydrodynamic mass, 水力学质量

Point doublet, 点偶极子

point source or sink, 点源与点汇

spherical Polar coordinates and, 球极坐标

uniform stream in the x direction, x方向的均匀流

uniform stream plus a point doublet, 均匀流附加点偶极子

uniform stream plus a point source, 均匀流附加点源


Backward-curved impeller blades, 后向曲叶轮片,

Backwater curves, 回水曲线

Basic equations, non dimensional, 基本方程,无量纲的Bernoulli obstruction theory, 伯努利障碍理论

Bernoulli's equation, 伯努利方程

with adiabatic and isentropic steady flow, as绝热、等熵稳态流

frictionless flow, 无摩擦流

assumptions/restrictions for, 假想/约束

HGLs and EGLs, 水力坡度线和能量梯度线steady flow energy and, 定常流动能量

in rotating coordinates. 在旋转坐标下,

Best efficiency point (BEP), pumps, 最佳效率点,

Betz number, 贝兹数

Bingham plastic idealization, 宾汉塑性理想化,

Biological drag reduction, 生物学阻力衰减

Blade angle effects, on pump head, 叶片安装角效率,泵头处Blasius equation, 布拉修斯方程

Body drag, at high Mach numbers, 机体阻力,在高马赫数下Body forces, 体力

Boeing Corp., 波音公司

Boundaries, of systems, 边界,系统

Boundary conditions. 边界条件,

differential relations for fluid flow, 流体的微分关系

nondimensionalizalion and, 无量纲化

Boundary element method (BEM), 边界元方法


Boundary layer (BL) analysis, 边界层分析boundary layer flows, 边界层流动boundary layer separation on a half body, 边界层半体分离displacement thickness, 位移厚度

drag force and, 阻力

equations, 方程

flat-plate. 平板,

Karman's analysis, 卡门分析momentum integral estimates, 动量积分估计momentum integral relation. 动量积分关系momentum integral theory, 动量积分理论pressure gradient 压力梯度separation on a half body, 半模分离

skin friction coefficient, 表面摩擦系数

two-dimensional flow derivation, 二维流推导Boundary layers with Pressure gradient, 边界层压力梯度adverse gradient, 反梯度

favorable gradient, 正梯度

laminar integral theory, 层流积分理论,nozzle-diffuser example,喷口扩散算例Bourdon tube, 波登管

Bow shock wave, 弓形激波

Brake horsepower,制动马力

Broad-crested weirs, 宽顶堰Buckingham Pi Theorem, 白金汉 定理

Bulb Protrusion, 球形突出物(船头)Bulk modulus. 体积模量Buoyancy, 浮力

Buoyant particles, local velocity and, 悬浮颗粒,局部速度

Buoyant rising light spheres, 浮力作用下自由上升的球体Butterfly valve, 蝶形阀


Cambered airfoils, 弓型翼

Cauchy-Riemann equations, 柯西-黎曼方程

Cavitation/Cavitation number, 气穴/气蚀数

Celsius temperature scales, 摄氏温标

Center of buoyancy, 浮心

Center of Pressure (CP),压力中心,压强中心

Centrifugal pumps, 离心泵

backward-curved impeller blades, 后曲叶轮片

blade angle effects on pump head, 泵头处叶片安装角效率

brake horsepower, 制动马力

circulation losses, 环量损失

closed blades, 闭叶片

efficiency of, 效率的

elementary pump theory. 基泵理论

Euler turbomachine equations, 欧拉涡轮机方程

eye of the casing, 泵体通风口

friction losses, 摩擦损失

hydraulic efficiency, 水力[液压]效率

mechanical efficiency.机械效率

open blades, 开放式叶片

output parameters, 输出参数

power, delivered, 功率,传递

pump surge, 泵涌,

scroll section of casing, 卷形截面,泵体,

shock losses, 激波损失

vaneless, 无叶片的


volumetric efficiency, 容积效率[系数]

water horsepower, 水马力

Centripetal acceleration, 向心加速度

Channel control Point, 传送控制点

Characteristic area. external flows, 特征区域,外流

Chezy coefficient, 薛齐系数

Chezy formula, 薛齐公式

Chezy coefficient,薛齐系数

flow in a Partly full circular pipe, 流体非充满的圆管流Manning roughness correlation. 曼宁粗糙度关系,

normal depth estimates, 法向深度估计

Choking, 壅塞;堵塞

of compressors, 压缩机的

due to friction, compressible duct and, 由于摩擦,可压缩管的isentropic flow with area changes, 变横截面积等熵流

simple heating and, 单纯加热

Circular cylinder, flow with circulation. 圆柱体,


and flow past circular cylinder, 流体经过圆柱体

losses, in centrifugal pumps, 损失,离心泵

potential flow and, 有势流

Circumferential pumps, 环型泵

Classical venturi, 标准文氏管

Closed blades, centrifugal pumps. 闭叶片,离心泵

Closed-body shapes, 闭体外形,

circular cylinder, with circulation, 圆柱体,环量

Kelvin oval, 开尔文椭圆,

Kutta-Joukowski lift theorem,库塔-儒科夫斯基升力定理,Potential flow analogs, 有势流模拟

Rankine oval, 兰金椭圆

rotating cylinders. lift and drag, 旋转柱体,升力与阻力

Coanda effect, 柯恩达效应( 沿物体表面的高速气流在Cobra P-530 supersonic interceptor, 眼镜蛇超音速拦截机

Coefficient matrix. 系数矩阵

Coefficient of surface tension, 表面张力系数

Coefficient of viscosity, 粘滞系数

Commercial CFD codes, viscous flow, 商业的计算流体力学代码,粘流Commercial ducts, roughness values for, 商业管道

Composite-flow, open channels, 合成流,开槽道

Compressibility, non dimensional. 压缩性,无量纲

Compressibility effects, 压缩效果

Compressible duct flow with friction, 伴有摩擦的可压缩管流

adiabatic, 绝热的, 隔热的

choking and, 壅塞;堵塞

isothermal flow in long pipelines, 管线中的等温流动,

long pipelines, isothermal flow in, 管线,等温流动,

mass flow for a given pressure drop, 给定压降下质量流动

minor losses in, 最小损失

subsonic inlet, choking due to friction, 亚音速进口,摩擦引发阻塞,supersonic inlet, choking due to friction, 超音速进口,摩擦引发阻塞,Compressible flow, 可压缩流

flow with friction摩擦流

choking and, 壅塞;堵塞

converging-diverging nozzles, 拉瓦尔喷管

converging nozzles, 收缩喷嘴

Fanno flow, 法诺流动,

gas flow correction factor, 气流校正参数

hypersonic flow, 高超音速气流


incompressible flow, 不可压缩流isentropic.等熵的

isentropic Process, 等熵过程,

Mach number, 马赫数

normal shock wave. 正激波

the perfect gas, 理想气体

Prandtl-Meyer waves. 普朗特-麦耶膨胀波shock waves. 激波

specific-heat ratio, 比热比

speed of sound and,声速

subsonic, 亚音速的supersonic,超音速的transonic, 跨音速的

two-dimensional supersonic, 二维超音速的Compressible gas flow correction factor, 可压缩气流校正因数Compressors, 压缩机Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 计算流体力学pump simulations, 泵模拟

viscous flow. 粘流

Concentric annulus, viscous flows in, 同心环

Cone flows, 锥体绕流Conformal mapping, 保角映射[变换] Conservation of energy, 能量守恒定律Conservation of mass. 质量守恒定律Consistent units, 相容单元Constants, 常量dimensional, 空间的

pure, 纯粹的

Constant velocity, fluid flow at, 常速度, 等速度

Constructs, 结构

Contact angle, 交会角

Continuity, 连续性,

equation of ,方程

nondimensionalization and, 无量纲的

Continuum, fluid as, 连续流体

Contraction flow, 收缩流动

Control Point, channel, 控制点,管道

Control volume analysis,控制体分析

angular momentum theorem. 角动量定理,

arbitrarily moving/deformable CV,任意运动/可变形控制体arbitrarily fixed control volume, 任意固定控制体

conservation of mass, 质量守恒定律

control volume moving at constant velocity, 控制体以等速运动

control volume of constant shape but variable velocity作变速运动的刚性控制体energy equation. 能量方程

introductory definitions, 介绍性定义

linear momentum equation. 线性动量方程,

one-dimensional fixed control volume, 一维固定控制体,

one-dimensional flux term approximations, 一维通量项近似

Physical laws. 物理定律。

Reynolds transport theorem, 雷诺输运定律

volume and mass rate of flow, 体流率和质量流率

Convective acceleration, 对流加速度

Converging-diverging nozzles, 超音速喷管(拉瓦尔喷管)Converging nozzles, 收缩喷嘴

Conversion factors, 收缩因数

Coriolis acceleration, 科氏加速度

Coriolis mass flowmeter, 科氏流量计


Correlation, turbulent flow velocities, 关联,湍流速度Couette flow,库埃特流动Creeping flow. 蠕流

Creeping motion, 蠕动

Critical points, 临界点

Critical-Point state, 临界点状态

Critical pressure, 临界压力

Critical slope, open channel flow, 临界倾角

Critical temperature, 临界温度

Critical uniform flow, open channels, 临界均匀流,开槽道Critical values, at the sonic point, 临界值,音速点处,Crump Weir,

Cylindrical polar coordinates, 无量纲泵性能


d'Alembert's paradox, 达朗贝尔详谬Dams.坝,

Darcy friction factor,达西摩擦系数Darrieus wind turbines, 德锐乌斯风机DeLaval-Stork V.O.F.,

Density, 密度,浓度adiabatic, isentropic flow, 绝热的, 等熵流动Depressions, in channels, 低压,管道中Design flow rate, pumps, 设计流速,泵Design pressure ratio, of nozzles, 设计压力比Diamond foil 金刚石片Diaphragm, 膜片、隔膜Diaphragm pump, 膜片泵

Differential analysis,.差值分析、微分分析relations关联

gradually varied open channel flow, 缓变开槽道流

Differential Pressure, 微分压力

Differential relations, 微分关系

acceleration field of a fluid, 流体的加速度场

angular momentum, 角动量

boundary conditions, 边界条件,

incompressible flow with constant properties, 定常不可压缩流

inviscid flow approximations, 无粘流动假设

kinematic boundary condition, 运动学边界条件,

simplified free surface conditions, 简化的自由表面条件

energy, differential equation of , 能量,微分方程的

frictionless irrotational.无旋无摩擦

incompressible viscous flows, 不可压缩无粘流

Couette, between fixed and moving plate, 库埃特,在定板和动板之间

flow due to Pressure gradient between two fixed plates,压力梯度引起的固定板间不可压缩流fully developed laminar pipe flow. 完全发展的层管流

between long concentric cylinders. 两同心圆筒间

rotating inner cylinder flow, 旋转内柱面流动,

linear momentum. 线动量

mass conservation. 质量守恒

plane Potential flows, 平面势流,

line irrotational vortex, 线形无旋旋涡,

line source or sink at the origin, 初始线源或汇

Rankine half body, 兰金半模

sink Plus a vortex at the origin, 汇与涡叠加

source plus an equal sink, 源加等强度汇

superposition' source plus an equal sink, 重合的源加等强度汇

uniform stream in the x direction, x方向的均匀流

uniform stream plus a sink at the origin, 均匀流附加点源


stream function. 流函数,vorticity and irrotationality, 有旋与无旋Diffuser flow, 扩散流boundary layers pressure gradient, 边界层压力梯度diffuser stall, 扩散段失速performance, experimental, 运行,试验pressure-recovery coefficient, 压力恢复系数,subsonic, 亚音速Dilatant fluid, 膨胀流动,Dimensional analysis, 量纲分析Buckingham Pi Theorem, 白金汉定理dimensionless variables, 无量纲变量,fluid mechanics properties, dimensions of , 关于流体力学的homogedeity. 一致性,modeling建模nondimensionalization and, 无量纲化&,boundary conditions, 边界条件,cavitation number, 空化数compressibility parameters, 压缩性参数continuity, 连续dimensionless parameters, 无量纲参数drag coefficient, 阻力系数Eckert number, 埃克特数

Euler number, 欧拉数

fixed solid surface, 固壁面

free surface, 自由面

friction factor, 摩擦因数Froude number, 佛汝德数Grashof number, 格拉肖夫数,

inlets, 入口区

lift coefficient, 升力系数

Mach number, 马赫数

Navier-Stokes, 纳维-斯托克斯

oscillating flows, 脉动通量, 脉动流量other dimensionless parameters. 其他无量纲数

outlets, 出口

Prandtl number, 普朗特数

Pressure coefficient, 压力系数

Rayleigh number, 瑞利数

Reynolds number,雷诺数

Rossby number, 罗斯比数,

roughness number,粗糙度

skin friction coefficient, 表面摩擦系数

specific-heat ratio, 比热比

Strouhal number, 斯特劳哈尔数,temperature ratio, 温度比

Weber number, 韦伯数

similarity, 相似性

Dimensional consistency, 空间连续

Dimensional constants, 量纲常数

Dimensional homogeneity, principle of (PDH), 量纲一致性

ambiguity and, 不明确的

dimensional constants, 量纲常数

dimensional variables, 维度变量

Hazen-Williams formula, 海森-威廉公式

Manning's open-channel formula, 曼宁开槽道流公式parameters defined, 参数定义

peculiar engineering equations, 奇异的工程学方程


pure constants, 绝对常数,repeating variables, 重复变量

scaling paramters, 缩放参数

variables and constants, 变量和常量variables defined. 变量定义Dimensionally homogenous equations, 尺寸均一方成Dimensionally inconsistent equations, 尺寸不相容方程Dimensional variables, 量纲变量Dimensionless parameter无量纲数Dimensionless pump Performance, 无量纲泵性能Dimensionless variables, 无量纲变量Dimensions and units, 维数和单元consistent units, 相容单元dimensional analysis, 量纲分析dimension defined, 维数定义的homogeneous vs. dimensionally inconsistent, 均一性与维数不相容primary dimensions, 主要维度

unit defined, 定义单元Discharge coefficients, 流量系数

weirs, 堰

Discontinuous flow theory, 间断流理论Displacement thickness, (流线)位移厚度Doppler shift, 多普勒频移

Double circumferential piston Pumps, 双环活塞泵

Double circumferential pumps,双环泵

Double-screw pumps, 双螺杆泵

Doublet (source-sink Pair), 偶极子(源-汇对)Drag阻力

of airfoils, 机翼的

coefficient, 系数,

airfoils, 机翼

three-dimensional bodes, 三维物体

defined, 定义

friction, 摩擦

at high Mach numbers. 高马赫数下

immersed bodies and, 浸入体

lift, 起落,上升

pitching moment, 俯仰力矩

pressure type, 压力型

reduction, 衰减

rolling moment, 滚动力矩

of rotating cylinders, 旋转柱体

side force, 侧力

of surface ships, 水面舰艇的

of two-dimensional bodies, 二维物体的

wave-making, 制波

yaw, 偏转

Drowned sluice gates. 沉没水门


compressible flow, with friction. 可压缩流,伴有摩擦的,flow with friction摩擦流

frictionless, with heat transfer. 无摩擦的,伴有传热的with heat transfer伴有传热的

isentropic flow with area changes, 变横截面积等熵流

viscous flows in. 粘性流

Dutta-Joukowski lift theorem,库塔-儒科夫斯基定理Dynamic pumps, 动力泵

Dynamics. defined, 动力学


Dynamic similarity, 动力学相似,


Eckert number, 埃克特数

Eddy viscosity, 涡粘性


of an open channel, 开槽道的

best efficiency point (BEP), 最佳效率点,

of centrifugal pumps, 离心泵的, hydraulic, 水力的, 水压的mechanical, 机械的, 机械制的, volumetric, 测定体积的

of wind turbines, 风力涡轮机的Efficient uniform-flow channels, 高效均匀槽道流Eirtricity (Irish electricity board),

Ejector pumps, 喷射泵

Elastic deformation Pressure, 弹性单位变形力弹性变形压力Electric output pressure, 输出电压Electromagnetic meters, 电磁表Electromagnetic pumps, 电磁泵Elementary pump theory, 基泵理论

Energy equation, 能量方程

friction and shaft work, 摩擦和轴功

kinetic energy correction factor, 动能修正函数

one-dimensional energy-flux terms, 一维能量通量项shear work from viscous stress, 粘性应力剪切功steady flow energy equation, 稳态的流体能量方程Energy grade line (EGL), 能量梯度线Enthalpy, 焓

Entrance region, 入口区

Entropy, 熵,

Equation of continuity, 连续方程

Equations, dimensionally homogenous, 方程,维度均匀的

Equilibrium of a fluid element, 流体元平衡

arbitrary viscous motion, 随机粘性运动

flow at rest or at constant velocity. 静止或匀速运动流体

gage pressure and vacuum pressure, 表压,真空压

irrotational motion, 无旋运动

rigid-body translation and rotation, 刚体平移和旋转

Eulerian frames of reference, 欧拉参考系

Eulerian method, 欧拉法

Euler number, 欧拉数

Euler's equation,欧拉方程,

Euler's turbine relation, 欧拉湍流关联

Euler turbomachine equations, 欧拉涡轮机方程

Experimental analysis. 实验分析,

Experimental data, uncertainty of . 实验数据,不确定的

Experimental external flows, 实验的外部流动

aerodynamic forces on road vehicles, 交通工具的空气动力

biological drag reduction, 生物学阻力衰减

body drag at high Mach numbers, 高马赫数下的机体阻力buoyant rising light spheres, 浮力作用下自由上升的球体characteristic area, 特征区域

creeping flow, 蠕动流

drag at high Mach numbers, 高马赫数下的阻力

drag of surface ship, 水面舰艇的阻力,

drag of two-dimensional bodies, 二维机体阻力

drag on immersed bodies. 浸入体阻力

drag reduction, 阻力衰减


forces on lifting bodies. 升力体受力

friction drag, 摩擦阻力,

pressure drag, 压阻

three-dimensional bodies, 三维物体

two-dimensional bodies, 二维物体

Explicit models, 明显的模型

External gear pumps, 外齿轮泵

External viscous flow, internal vs.外部/内部粘性流

Eyes, pump casing, 风眼,泵体盖


Fahrenheit temperature scales, 华氏温标,

Fanno flow, 法诺流动,

Fanno line, 法诺,

Fans, 747风机,

Favorable pressure gradient. 顺压力梯度,

F- l8 Hornet fighter plane. F-18黄蜂战斗机,

Finite difference method (FDM), 有限差分法,

Finite element method (FEM), 有限元法,

Finite span, wings of, 有限跨度,机翼的,

First law of thermodynamics, 热力学第一定律,

Fixed solid surface, non dimensional, 无滑移固壁,无量纲的,Flat-plate airfoil vortex sheet theory, 平板翼型涡面理论,

Flat-plate boundary layer, 平板边界层,

Kaman's analysis of, 卡门分析,

laminar flow condition, 层流状态,

turbulent flow, 湍流,

Flettner rotor ship, 佛莱特纳旋筒式风力推进船,Flexible tube pumps, 柔性管泵,

Flexible-tube Squeegee pumps, 柔性橡胶滚子管泵,Floating bodies. 浮动物体。

Floats, for local velocity measurements, 浮子,用于局部速度测量,Flow. 流动。

Flow nozzle, 流量喷嘴,

Flow visualization, 流动显示,Fluctuations, in turbulent flow, 脉动,湍流的,

Fluid-actuated pumps, 流动控制泵,

Fluid circulation.流动循环,

Fluid density, 流体密度,

Fluid element, equilibrium of , 流体元,平衡,

Fluid flow流体流动

analysis assumptions, 分析假设,

around a corner of arbitrary angle, 流经任意角度的角隅,circulation and. 循环&。

classification by depth, 以深度分类,classification by Froude number, 以佛汝德数分类,coefficient, 系数,

at constant velocity, 以恒定速度,

creeping motion, 蠕动,

differential. 微分,

laminar flow, 层流,

between long concentric cylinders, 介于长同心圆柱间,normal to a flat Plate. 垂直于平板,

between parallel plates, 介于平行平板间,

past a vortex,流经旋涡,

past immersed bodies, 流经浸没物体,boundary layer analysis. 边界层分析。

external flows. 外流。

geometry effects, 尺度效应,


momentum integrals, 动量积分,Reynolds number effects, 雷诺数效应,pathline, 径线,

patterns, 模式,

pipe flow rate problems, 管道流动速度问题,between plates, 平板间,

at rest or at constant velocity, 静止或以恒定速度,Reynolds number,雷诺数,streakline,纹线,streamline, 流线,

timeline, 时线,

turbulent flow, 湍流,

viscosity. 粘性。visualization, 显示,

Fluid mechanics流体力学dimensions,量纲,

history and scope of , 历史和研究范围,physical laws. 物理定律。

Fluid meters, 流体测量仪器,local velocity. 局部速度。

volume flow. 容积流量。

Fluid pressure, 液体压力。


Bingham plastic idealization, 宾汉塑性理想化,boundary conditions, 边界条件,cavitation, 空化,

cavitation number, 空化数,

concept of, 概念,

as a continuum, 连续性,

defined, 定义,

density of , 密度,

dilatant fluid, 膨胀流动,

layered, hydrostatic forces in, 分层的,静水力,

Newtonian, 牛顿的,

nonnewtonian, 非牛顿的,

no-slip conditions, 无滑移条件,

no-temperature-jump conditions, 无温度跃变条件,

plastic, 塑性的,

pressure distribution.压力分布,

pseudoplastic fluid.假塑性流体

rheopectic, 流变的,

speed of sound in, 音速,

thermal conductivity of , 导热性,

thermodynamic properties.热力学性质。

thixotropic, 触变的,

vapor Pressure, 蒸汽压力,

velpcity field. 速度场。

Flux term approximations, 通量项近似,


coefficient, 系数,

on lifting bodies. 作用于升力体。

on mass, acceleration and, 作用于物体,加速度&,Fourier's law of heat conduction, 傅立叶热传导定律

Francis mixed-flow turbines, 弗朗西斯混合流动涡轮机,Francis radial turbines, 弗朗西斯辐流式涡轮机,Francis turbines. 弗朗西斯水轮机,

Free-body concept, 隔离体概念,

Free surface, 自由液面,


Friction摩擦阻力,compressible duct flow. 可压明槽流动。friction drag, 摩擦阻力,

friction factor, 摩擦系数,

friction losses, centrifugal pumps, 摩擦损失,离心泵,friction relations. 摩擦关系。

friction velocity, 摩擦速度,

shaft work and, 轴功&,

Frictionless duct flow with heat transfer, 传热无粘管流,choking effects due to simple heating, 单纯加热的节流作用,Mach number, heat transfer effects on, 马赫数,传热作用,normal shock wave and, 正激波&,

Rayleigh flow, 雷利流动,Frictionless irrotational flows. 无粘无旋流动。generation of rotationality, 旋涡生成,orthogonality of streamlines and potential lines, 流线与等势线正交,velocity potential,速度势,Frictionless open channel flow over a bump, 经凸缘无粘明渠流动,Frontal area, 最大截面,

Froude number, 佛汝德数,

Full-width weirs, 全宽坝,

Fully developed axial velocity, 完全发展的轴向速度,Fully developed laminar pipe flow, 完全发展的层流管流,Fully rough flow, 完全粗糙流动,

Fully turbulent flow, 完全湍流,Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination 工程学基础考试,Fused-quartz bourdon tube. 熔凝石英低音管,


Gage pressure表压,

equilibrium of a fluid element, 流体元平衡,

formulas, 公式,

and vacuum pressure. 真空压,

Gases. M气体,

compressible gas flow correction factor, 可压缩气体流动修正系数,gas behavior methods, 气体性能方法,

hydrostatic pressure distributions in, 流体静力学压力分布,

perfect, 理想的,

Prandtl-Meyer Perfect-gas function, 普朗特-麦耶理想气体函数pressure measurement. 压力测量,

state relations for, 状态关系式,

Gas Lift pumps, 气升泵,

Gate valve, 闸门阀,

Gear pumps,齿轮泵,

General Conference of Weights and Measures, 国际计量大会,

Geometric interpretation, stream function (W), 几何解释,流函数,

Geometric similarity, 几何相似,


effects, flow past immersed bodies, 效应,流经浸没物体,

as obstacle to theories of fluid flow. 作为流体流动理论的障碍,Globe valve, 球形阀,


pressure, 压力,


Gradual contraction in pipes. 渐缩管,

Gradually varying flow,渐变流。

Grand Coulee Dam. 大古力水坝,

Graphical method, of superposition, 图解法,叠加,

Grashof number, 格拉肖夫数,


Gravity-based Pressure measurement, 基于重力的压力测量方法,Grumman Corp., 格汝曼公司,


Hagen-Poiseuille flow, 哈根-泊肃叶流动,

Hazen-Williams formula, 海森-威廉公式,

Head loss chart, 水头损失图,

Head loss factor, 水头损失系数,

Heat conduction equation. 热传导方程,

Heat transfer, 传热。传热无粘管流,

Hele-Shaw technique, 希尔-肖伯纳技术,Herschel venturi, 赫歇尔文丘里管,

High-molecular-weight- Polymer additives, 高分子量聚合物添加剂,Hodograph, 速度矢量图,Homogeneous equations, 其次方程,

Homologous points, 同源点,

Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HA WTs), 水平轴风轮机,

Horizontal jump, theory for, 横向突跃,理论,

Hot-wire anemometers, 热线测速计,Hydraulically smooth walls, pipe flow and. 水力光滑壁面,管道流动&,Hydraulic diameter, viscous flows and, 水力直径,粘性流动&,Hydraulic efficiency, centrifugal pumps, 水力效率,离心泵,Hydraulic grade lines (HGL), 水力坡度线,

Hydraulic jump, 水跃。

Hydraulic ram pumps, 水压机泵,

Hydrodynamic mass, 水动力学质量,Hydrodynamics, 水动力学,

Hydrofoil flow, 水翼流动,

Hydrostatic condition, 流体静力学条件,Hydrostatic forces.静水力,

on curved surfaces, 曲面的,

gage Pressure formulas, 表压公式,

in layered fluids, 分层流动,

on Plane surfaces, 平面上的,

Hydrostatic pressure distributions, 静水压力分布,

in gases. 气体的,

linear formula for gases, sufficiency of , 气体线性公式,充分条件,

in liquids. 液体,

manometry. 测压法。

mercury barometers, 水银气压计,

specific weight. 比重,

variable gravity, effect of , 重力变化,影响,Hydrostatic relation, 流体静力学关系,Hypersonic flow, 高超音速流动,


Icebergs, 冰山,

Ideal pump theory, deviations from, 理想泵理论,偏差,

Images method, plane potential flow, 镜像法,平面势流,Immersed bodies, flow past. 浸没物体,流经,

Implicit approach, viscous flow computer models,隐式方法,粘性流体计算机模型Impulse turbines, 冲击式涡轮机,Incompressible flow, 不可压流动,

conservation of mass,质量守恒,

constant properties boundary conditions, 恒定边界条件,

mass conservation equation, 质量守恒方程,

plane, stream function (W). 平面,流函数,

stream function (t), 流函数,

Inertial coordinate system, 惯性坐标系,

Infinite row of vortices, plane Potential flow, 无限长行旋涡,平面势流,


Infinitesimal systems. 无穷小系统。

Initial condition, 初始条件,

Inlets入口,nondimensionalization and, 无量纲化&,

shear work from viscous stress, 粘性应力的剪切功,Instability, of rotating inner cylinder flow, 非稳定性,旋转内柱面流动,Integral analysis for a control volume.控制容积积分积分分析。Intensity, of turbulence, 强度,湍流,

Interfaces, 界面,

Internal energy, 内能,

Internal viscous flow, external vs., 内粘性流动,与外流比较,International System of Units (SI), 国际单位制(SI),

Inviscid flow无粘流动approximations, 近似,

Euler's equation for, 欧拉方程,

Irregular channels, gradually varied flow, 不规则通道,渐变流动,Irrotational flows, 无旋流,


Irrotational motion. 无旋运动,

Isentropic flow, 等熵流动,

adiabatic. 绝热的,

with area changes, 空间变换,

choking, 堵塞,

duct geometry and. 管道尺寸&,

local mass flow function, 局部质量流动函数,

Perfect-gas area change, 理想气体空间变换,Isentropic process, 等熵过程,

weak shock waves, 弱激波,

Isothermal flow, with friction, pipelines, 等温流动,考虑摩擦,管道,J

Jet exit, pressure condition at, 射流出口,压力条件,Jet flow. 射流,

Jet pumps, 射流泵,


Kaplan turbines, 卡普兰水轮机,Karman's analysis, flat plate boundary layers, 卡门分析,平板边界层,Karman's constant, 卡门常数,

Karman vortex street, 卡门涡街,

Kelvin oval, flow past, 开尔文椭圆,Kinematic boundary condition, 运动学边界条件,Kinematic similarity. 动力学相似,Kinematic viscosity, 运动粘度,

Kinetic energy, 动能,

correction factor, 修正系数,

of a fluid, 流体,

Kline-Fogleman airfoil, 克来恩-福格曼翼型,Kutta condition, 库塔状态,

Kutta-Joukowski theorem. 库塔-儒科夫斯基公式,L

Lagrangian description, velocity fields, 拉格朗日描述,速度场,Laminar flow, 层流,

element, 元件,

flat-plate boundary layer, 平板边界层,

pipe flow, fully developed, 管流,完全发展的,steady two-dimensional viscous model, 定常二维粘性模型,viscous flows in noncircular ducts, 非圆管粘性流动,Laminar integral theory, 层流积分理论,

Large-eddy breakup devices (LEBUs). 大涡破碎器(LEBUs),



Large-scale analysis.

大尺度分析。控制容积分析 Laser doppler anemometry (LDA), 激光多普勒测速仪(LDA), Laser particle tracking velocimetry (LPTV), 激光粒子示踪测速仪(LPTV), Law of the wall,

壁面律, Laws of mechanics,


Layered fluids, hydrostatic forces in, 分层流动,静水力 Length, as primary dimension, 长度,基本量纲, Lift, 升力 oscillating. 振荡, of rotating cylinders, 旋转圆柱体, Lift coefficient, 升力系数, supersonic, 超音速, Lifting bodies. 升力体。 angle of attack,


forces on,


Lifting-Line theory (Prandtl), 升力线理论(普朗特), Linear differential equations,


Linear formula for gases, sufficiency of , 气体线性公式,充分条件, Linearizer,

线性化单元, Linear momentum,

线性动量。 differential equation of , 微分方程, inviscid flow' Euler's equation, 无粘流动欧拉方程, Newtonian fluid, 牛顿流体, Linear momentum equation, 线性动量方程, applied forces, action of ,

作用力,作用, momentum flux correction factor, 动量通量修正系数, momentum flux sign conventions, 动量通量符号规则, noninertial reference frame, 非惯性参考架, one-dimensional approximation,


one-dimensional momentum flux, 一维动量通量, pressure condition at a jet exit, 射流出口压力条件, pressure on a closed control surface, 闭合控制面压力, solution tips. 解法技巧, as vector equation.

以矢量方程, Line irrotational vortex, 线形无旋旋涡, Line source, 线源, plus an equal sink, 附加相同的汇, at a point

在某点, Line vortex at a point b, 在某点的线性涡, Liquids, M.

液体, hydrostatic pressure distributions in. 静水压力分布 nonwetting. 不粘湿的, state relations for, 状态关系式, surface tension of , 表面张力, wetting, 粘湿的, Lobe pumps.

凸轮泵, Local acceleration, 局部加速度, Local mass flow function, 局部质量流动函数, Local Reynolds number, 局部雷诺数, Local velocity measurements, 局部流速测量, buoyant particles, 浮动粒子, electromagnetic meters, 电磁表, floats,


hot-wire anemometers, 热线测速计,

Laser-Doppler anemometer, 激光多普勒测速计, pitot-static tubes, 皮托-静压管, rotating sensors, 旋转式传感器, Lockheed-Martin Co.,


Logarithmic overlap law, 对数过渡区,

Long concentric cylinders, flow between, 长同心圆柱,之间的流动,Loss coefficient, 损失系数,

Luminescent coatings for surface pressures, 表面压力发光涂层,


Mach cone, 马赫锥

Mach number. 马赫数

adiabatic and isentropic steady flow, 绝热和等熵稳流,

body drag at high Mach numbers, 高马赫数物体阻力,

heat transfer effects on, 传热的影响,nondimensionalization and, 无量纲化&,

normal shock wave, 法向激波&,

Mach waves, 马赫波,

Magnus effect, 马格纳斯效应

Manning roughness correlation, 曼宁粗糙度关系,Manning's open-channel formula, 曼宁明槽公式,Manometers/Manometry, 压力计/测压法, hydrostatic relation and, 流体静力学关系&, manometer formula. 压力计公式,Mappings, 变换,

Mass. 质量。

hydrodynamic, 水力学,

as primary dimension, 作为基本量纲,

Mass conservation, 质量守恒,

cylindrical polar coordinates. 柱面极坐标,

differential equation of, 微分方程,incompressible flow, 不可压流动,

steady compressible flow, 稳定可压流动,systems, 系统,Mass flow, 质量流动,flowmeter, 流量计,

function, local, 功能,局部,

for a given pressure drop, 按一定压降,

rate of, 速度,

Mass flowmeter, 质量流量计,

Material derivative, 物质导数,

Measured performance curves, pumps, 实测工作特性曲线,泵,Mechanical efficiency. centrifugal pumps, 机械效率,离心泵,Memory device, manometry and, 存储设备,测压法&,Meniscus, 弯液面,

Mercury barometers, 水银气压计,

Mesh generation and gridding, 网格生成,Metacentric, 稳心,

Metacentric height, 稳心高度,

Meters, fiuid. 仪表,流动。

Metric Convention, 米制公约,Microbubbles. 微气泡,

Minor losses in pipes, 管道局部阻力损失,angle valve, 角阀,

butterfly valve, 蝶形阀,

diffuser, 扩散管,

disk valve, 平板阀,

gate valve, 闸门阀,

globe valve,球心阀,

gradual contraction, 逐渐收缩,

loss coefficient, 损失系数,

sharp edges and, 锐边&,

submerged exits and, 水下出口&,


sudden contraction (SC), 突缩(SC)

sudden expansion (SE). 突扩(SE),

Swing-check valve. 摆动式止回阀,valve designs. 阀门设计,

vena contracta, 静脉收缩,

Mixed-flow pumps, 混合流动泵,Mixing length, of turbulent eddies, 混合长度,湍流涡,MLB Co., MLB公司,Modeling, 建模

dynamic similarity, 动力学形似geometric similarity, 几何相似kinematic similarity, 运动学相似similarity, 相似性

water and air testing. 水和空气测量,Mohr's circle, 莫尔圆,Molecular dynamics model, 分子动力学模拟Momentum flux, one-dimensional, 动量通量,一维,Momentum flux correction factor, 动量通量修正系数,Momentum flux sign conventions, 动量通量符号规则,Momentum flux term, 动量通量项,Momentum integral relation, 动量积分关系Momentum integrals, 动量积分

flow past immersed bodies.浸没物体Momentum thickness, drag force and, 动量厚度,阻力&,Moody chart, 穆迪图,

Moving normal shock waves, 运动正激波,Multiple-pipe systems, 多管系统,

pipe networks. 管路网络

pipes in parallel, 并联管道,

pipes in series, 串联管道,

three-reservoir junction, 三储水池汇合,

Multiple rotor pumps, Multistage pumps, 复合转子泵,


NACA airfoils, NACA翼型

Nappe, supercritical, 水舌,超临界,

NASA, 国家航空和宇宙航行局National Research Council, Canada, 国家研究理事会,加拿大,Navier-Stokcs equations纳维-斯托克斯方程,of linear momentum, 动量,

nondimensionalization and, 无量纲化&,

solver with turbulence modeling, 湍流模型求解器,

Net positive-suction head (NPSH), 净正吸水头,

Net pressure, closed control surface, 净压,闭合控制面,

Neutrally buoyant bodies, 零浮力浮子,

Newtonian fluids, 牛顿流体,

Newton's second law, 牛顿第二定律。


Nodes, 节点,

Noncircular ducts, viscous flows in, 非圆管道,粘性流动

concentric annulus, 同心环面,

flow between parallel plates, 介于平行平板的流动,hydraulic diameter, 水力直径,

laminar flow solution. 层流解,

turbulent flow solution, 湍流解,

Nondimensionalization. 无量纲化,

Noninertial effects, 非惯性效应,

Noninertial reference frame, 非惯性参考架,

Nonlinear convective accelerations, 非线性对流加速度,


Nonnewtonian fluids, 牛顿流体,

Nonwetting liquid, 不粘湿液体,

Normal depth, 法向深度,

Normal Power, turbines. 正常功率,涡轮机,Normal shock wave, 法向激波,

frictionless duct flow with heat transfer. 传热无粘管流,

Mach number relations. 马赫数关系式,

moving, 移动的,

Rankine--Hugoniot relations, 兰金-许贡纽关系式,Normal to the flow inlet/outlet surfaces, 正交于入口/出口流动表面,Northrop Grumman, 那斯罗蒲·格汝曼

No--slip condition, 无滑移条件

No-temperature-Jump conditions, 无温度跃变条件,Nozzles喷嘴,

converging, 收缩的,

converging-diverging, 扩张的,

design Pressure ratio, 设计压力比,

flow, 流动

nozzle-diffuser boundary Layers with Pressure gradient管嘴

pressure ratio, design of, 压力比,设计,

volume flow measurements, 容积流动测量,Numerical analysis, of potential flow.数值分析,势流。Numerical solution, open channel gradually varied flow,数值解,渐变明槽流动,Nutate, 章动,

Nutating disc meter, 摆盘式流量计,


Oblique shock waves, 斜激波,

Ocean engineering, 海洋工程,

One-dimensional approximation一维近似,linear momentum equation, 动量方程,

open channel flow, 明槽流动

One-dimensional energy-flux terms, 一维能量通量项,One-dimensional fixed control volume, 一维固定控制体,One-dimensional fiux terms, 一维通量项,

One--dimensional momentum flux, 一维动量通量,

One-dimensional unsteady flow, 一维非定常流动

open blades, centrifugal pumps, 开放式叶片,离心泵,Open channel flow, 明渠流动,

Chezy formula. 薛齐公式。composite-flow transitions, 复合-流动转捩critical dopth. 临界深度。

efficient uniform-flow channels, 高效率均匀流动通道,trapezoid angle, best, 四边形角,最优,flow classification by depth variation, 以深度变化流动分类,flow classification by Froude number, 以佛汝德数流动分类,gradually varied flow, 渐变流动,composite-flow transitions, 复合流动转捩,differential equation, basic, 微分方程,基本的,irregular channels. 不规则通道,numerical solution, 数值解法,solutions, classification of , 解法,分类,hydraulic jump, 水跃,classification, 分类,

horizontal jump, theory for, 横向突跃,理论,one-dimensional approximation,一维近似,

specific energy and critical depth. 比能和临界深度,critical slope, 临界斜面,

critical uniform flow, 临界均匀流动,



frictionless flow over a bump, 经凸缘无粘流动, nonrectangular channels, 非矩形通道, rectangular channels, 矩形通道, sluice gates, flow under, 水闸,流经, surface wave speed, 表面波速度, uniform flow' Chezy.


uniform-flow channels. efficient, 均匀流动通道。高效率的, weirs and. 坝&。 Orthogonal flow,

垂直流动, Oscillating flows, nondimensionalization and, 脉动流,无量纲化&, Oscillating lift.

振荡上升, Outer layer, turbulent flow, 外层,湍流, Outlets

出口, nondimensionalization and,


normal to the flow inlet/outlet surfaces, 正交于流动入口/出口表面 shear work from viscous stress, 粘性应力的剪切功 Output parameters. centrifugal pumps, 输出参数,离心泵, Overlap layer, turbulent flow, 过渡层,湍流,


Parachutes, for drag cars, 降落伞,拖拽汽车, Parallel system flows, 并联系统流动, Parameters

参数 centrifugal pump output, 离心泵输出, compressibility, 可压缩性, dimensionless, 无量纲的, PDH, defined, PDH ,定义, scaling,


Pascal's law, hydrostatic relation and, 帕斯卡定律,流体静力学关系&, Pathline,


Pelton wheels, 佩尔顿水轮, Perfect gases, 理想气体 area change equations, 气体空间变化, perfect-gas law,


Prandtl-Meyer Perfect-gas function. 普朗特-麦耶理想气体函数 Perfect-Liquid law,

理想液体定律 Performance curves, pumps, 特性曲线,泵, axial-flow pumps, 轴向流动泵, best efficiency point (BEP), 最佳效率点, design flow rate,

设计流动速度, deviations from ideal pump theory, 理想泵理论偏差, dimensionless pump performance, 无量纲泵性能, deal pump theory, deviations from, 理想泵理论,偏差, measured performance curves. 实测特性曲线, net positive-suction head (NPSH), 净正吸水头, similarily rules, 相似准则, viscosity effects, 粘度效应, Peristaltic pumps, 蠕动泵, Physical laws,

物理定律, angular momentum theorem, 角动量定理, conservation of mass. 质量守恒。 control volumes. 控制容积。 differential analysis. 微分分析。 dimensional analysis. 量纲分析。 energy equation. 能量方程。 frictionless flow.

无粘流动。 linear momentum.


systems vs. control volumes, 系统比较控制容积 Piezoelectric transducer,


Pipe flow problem solutions, 管道流动问题解法。flow rate, finding, 流速,决定,

head loss chart, 水头损失图isothermal flow with friction, 考虑摩擦的等温流动,laminar fully developed flow, 完全发展的层流流动,pipe diameter, finding, 管道直径,

pipe networks, 管路网络

pipes in parallel, 并联管路,

pipes in series, 串联管路,

Piston pumps, 活塞泵,

Pitching moment, 俯仰力矩,

Pitot formula,皮托公式

Pitot-static tubes, 皮托-静压管

Plane flow solutions, potential flow and, 平面流动解法,势流& Plane potential flow, 平面势流,

airfoil theory. 翼型理论,

closed-body shapes. 封闭体外形。conformal mapping, 保角变换

coner of arbitrary angle, 任意角度角隅

images method, 镜像法,

line source at a Point Zo,在点Zo处的线源,line vortex at a point Zo, 在点Zo处的线涡,Plane potential flow -- Cont.平面势流,

normal to a flat plate, 正交于平板superposition of solutions, 叠加解法,boundary layer separation on a half-body, 半模边界层分离,doublet (souree-sink Pair). 偶极子(源汇对)examples, 例子,

graphical method, 图解法,

infinite row of vortices, 无限长行旋涡,

vortex, flow past. 旋涡,流经。

vortex sheet. 涡面。

uniform stream at an angle of attack, 有攻角的一致流动,Plane surfaces, hydrostatic forces on, 平面表面,静水力,Planform area, 俯视区域,

Plastic fluids, 塑性流体,

Plunger pumps, 柱塞泵,

Point doublet, axisymmetric Potential now, 对偶点,轴对称势流,Point source, 点源,

Poise, 平衡,

Poiseulle flow, 泊肃叶流动,

Polar coordinates. stream function (W), 极坐标,流函数

Polygonal weir, 多边形坝,

Positive-displacement pumps (PDPs), 正排量泵,

Potential energies, 势能,

Potential flow, 势流,

analogs, closed-body shapes, 相似体,闭体外形,axisymmetric.轴对称,

fluid circulation, 流动循环,

numerical analysis of , 数值分析,

boundary element method (BEM). 边界元法(BEM),

finite difference method (FDM), 有限差分法(FDM)

finite element method (FEM), 有限元法(FEM)

viscous flow. 粘性流动。

plane flow solutions.平面流动解法。

plane Polar coordinates, 平面极坐标,

stream function (W) concepts, 流函数,概念,

velocity Potential concepts, 速度势概念,




14选择的材料取决于于高流动速度 降解或材料由于疲劳,腐蚀,磨损和气蚀故障糜烂一次又一次导致泵运营商成本高昂的问题。这可能通过仔细选择材料的性能以避免在大多数情况下发生。一两个原因便可能导致错误的材料选择:(1)泵输送的腐蚀性液体的性质没有清楚地指定(或未知),或(2),由于成本的原因(竞争压力),使用最便宜的材料。 泵部件的疲劳,磨损,空化攻击的严重性和侵蚀腐蚀与流速以指数方式增加,但应用程序各种材料的限制,不容易确定。它们依赖于流速度以及对介质的腐蚀性泵送和浓度夹带的固体颗粒,如果有的话。另外,交变应力诱导通过压力脉动和转子/定子相互作用力(RSI)真的不能进行量化。这就是为什么厚度的叶片,整流罩和叶片通常从经验和工程判断选择。 材料的本讨论集中在流之间的相互作用现象和物质的行为。为此,在某些背景信息腐蚀和经常使用的材料,被认为是必要的,但是一个综合指南材料的选择显然是超出了本文的范围。在这一章中方法开发出促进系统和一致方法选择材料和分析材料的问题领域。四个标准有关,用于选择材料暴露于高流动速度: 1.疲劳强度(通常在腐蚀环境),由于高的速度在泵本身与高压脉动,转子/定子的相互作用力和交变应力。 2.腐蚀诱导高的速度,特别是侵蚀腐蚀。 3.气蚀,由于已广泛在章讨论。 4.磨耗金属损失造成的流体夹带的固体颗粒。 磨损和汽蚀主要是机械磨损机制,它可以在次,被腐蚀的钢筋。与此相反,腐蚀是一种化学金属,泵送的介质,氧和化学试剂之间的反应。该反应始终存在- 即使它是几乎察觉。最后,该叶轮尖端速度可以通过液压力或振动和噪声的限制。 14.1叶轮和扩散的疲劳性骨折 可避免的叶轮叶片,整流罩或扩散器叶片的疲劳断裂施加领域的状态;它们很少观察到。在高负荷的泵,无视基本设计规则或生产应用不足的医疗服务时,这种类型的伤害仍然是有时会遇到。的主要原因在静脉或罩骨折包括: ?过小的距离(间隙B或比D3*= D3/ D2)叶轮叶片之间扩散器叶片(表10.2)。 ?不足寿衣厚度。 ?不足质量:叶片和护罩之间的圆角半径缺失或过于引起的小,铸造缺陷,脆性材料(韧性不足)热处理不足。 ?可能地,过度的压力脉动引起的泵或系统,第一章。10.3。 ?用液压或声叶轮的固有模式之间共振激发。也可能有之间的一个流体- 结构交互叶轮的侧板,并在叶轮侧壁间隙流动.. 转子/定子的互动和压力脉动章中讨论。10产生交替在叶轮叶片的压力和所述整流罩以及在扩散器叶片。这些应力的准确的分析几乎是不可能的(甚至虽然各组分能很好通过有限元程序进行分析),因为叶轮由不稳定压力分布的水力负荷不能定义。它不仅取决于流在叶轮,集电极和侧壁的差距,同时也对声学现象,并可能在脉动系统(也指章。10.3)。为了开发一致的实证过程评估装载叶轮和扩散器,用于选择叶片和护罩厚度或对所述的损伤的分析中,可以使用下一个均匀的负荷的简单梁的模型作为起点。因此,封闭的叶轮或扩散器的叶片是通过夹紧在两端的梁建模。开式叶轮或扩散器的描述由光束夹紧在一端,但游离在其他。根据表14.1和14.2的计算是基于以下assumptions1: 1.考虑叶片的最后部分中,在所述叶轮出口处的束夹在两者的宽度为X =5×e和跨度L = B2(E =标称叶片端厚度没有可能配置文件)。如果刀片是异形,平均叶片厚度青霉用于确


计算流体力学英语 abort 异常中断, 中途失败, 夭折, 流产, 发育不全,中止计划[任务] accidentally 偶然地, 意外地 accretion 增长 activation energy 活化能 active center 活性中心 addition 增加 adjacent 相邻的 aerosol浮质(气体中的悬浮微粒,如烟,雾等), [化]气溶胶, 气雾剂, 烟雾剂 ambient 周围的, 周围环境 amines 胺 amplitude 广阔, 丰富, 振幅, 物理学名词 annular 环流的 algebraic stress model(ASM) 代数应力模型 algorithm 算法 align 排列,使结盟, 使成一行 alternately 轮流地 analogy 模拟,效仿 analytical solution 分析解 anisotropic 各向异性的 anthracite 无烟煤 apparent 显然的, 外观上的,近似的 approximation 近似 arsenic 砷酸盐 assembly 装配 associate 联合,联系 assume 假设 assumption 假设 atomization 油雾 axial 轴向的 battlement 城垛式 biography 经历 bituminous coal 烟煤 blow-off water 排污水 blowing devices 鼓风(吹风)装置 body force 体积力 boiler plant 锅炉装置(车间) Boltzmain 玻耳兹曼 Brownian rotation 布朗转动 bulk 庞大的 bulk density 堆积密度 burner assembly 燃烧器组件 burnout 燃尽


中英文学科专业名称 哲学 Philosophy 马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学 Logic 伦理学 Ethics 美学 Aesthetics 宗教学 Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学 Economics 理论经济学 Theoretical Economics 政治经济学 Political Economy 经济思想史 History of Economic Thought 经济史 History of Economic 西方经济学 Western Economics 世界经济 World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学 Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学 Applied Economics 国民经济学 National Economics 区域经济学 Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学 Industrial Economics 国际贸易学 International Trade

劳动经济学 Labor Economics 统计学 Statistics 数量经济学 Quantitative Economics 国防经济学 National Defense Economics 法学 Law 法学 Science of Law 法学理论 Jurisprudence 法律史 Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学 Science of Procedure Laws 经济法学 Science of Economic Law 环境与资源保护法学 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law) 军事法学 Science of Military Law 政治学 Political Science 政治学理论 Political Theory 中外政治制度Chinese and Foreign Political Institution 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement


金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematic 静力学static 分析力学analyse mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 强度intensity 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation 应力stress 硬度rigidity 热处理heat treatment 退火anneal 正火normalizing 脱碳decarburization 渗碳carburization 电路circuit 半导体元件semiconductor element

反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 逻辑代数logic algebra 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding 平面磨削plane grinding 变速箱gearbox 离合器clutch 绞孔fraising 绞刀reamer 螺纹加工thread processing 螺钉screw 铣削mill 铣刀milling cutter 功率power 工件workpiece 齿轮加工gear mechining 齿轮gear 主运动main movement 主运动方向direction of main movement 进给方向direction of feed 进给运动feed movement 合成进给运动resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth 前刀面rake face 刀尖nose of tool 前角rake angle 后角clearance angle 龙门刨削planing 主轴spindle 主轴箱headstock 卡盘chuck 加工中心machining center 车刀lathe tool 车床lathe 钻削镗削bore 车削turning 磨床grinder 基准benchmark 钳工locksmith


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


Index 翻译(Fluid Mechanics) Absolute pressure,绝对压力(压强)Absolute temperature scales, 绝对温标Absolute viscosity, 绝对粘度Acceleration加速度centripetal, 向心的convective, 对流的Coriolis, 科氏的 field of a fluid, 流场 force and,作用力与……local, 局部的 Uniform linear, 均一线性的Acceleration field加速度场Ackeret theory, 阿克莱特定理Active flow control, 主动流动控制Actuator disk, 促动盘 Added mass, 附加质量Adiabatic flow绝热流 with friction,考虑摩擦的isentropic,等熵的 air, 气体 with area changes, 伴有空间转换Bemoullii’s equation and, 伯努利方程Mach number relations,马赫数关系式,pressure and density relations, 压力-速度关系式sonic point,critical values, 音速点,临界值,stagnation enthalpy, 滞止焓Adiabatic processes, 绝热过程Adiabatic relations, 绝热关系 Adverse pressure gradient, 逆压力梯度 Aerodynamic forces, on road vehicles, 交通工具,空气动力 Aerodynamics, 空气动力学 Aeronautics, new trends in, 航空学,新趋势 Air空气 testing/modeling in, 对……实验/建模 useful numbers for, 关于……的有用数字 Airbus Industrie, 空中客车产业 Aircraft航行器 airfoils机翼 new designs, 新型设计 Airfoils, 翼型 aspect ratio (AR), 展弦比 cambered, 弧形的 drag coefficient of , 阻力系数 early, 早期的 Kline-Fogleman, 克莱恩-佛莱曼 lift coefficient, 升力系数 NACA, (美国) 国家航空咨询委员会separation bubble, 分离泡 stalls and, 失速 stall speed, 失速速度 starting vortex, 起动涡 stopping vortex, 终止涡 Airfoil theory, 翼型理论 flat-plate vortex sheet theory, 平板面涡理论 Kutta condition, 库塔条件 Kutta-Joukowski theorem, 库塔-儒科夫斯基定理 1


流体力学英语词汇翻译(2) 流体力学英语词汇翻译(2)流体力学英语词汇翻译(2)动量厚度momentum thickness 能量厚度energy thickness 焓厚度enthalpy thickness 注入injection 吸出suction 泰勒涡taylor vortex 速度亏损律velocity defect law 形状因子shape factor 测速法anemometry 粘度测定法visco[si] metry 流动显示flow visualization 油烟显示oil smoke visualization 孔板流量计orifice meter 频率响应frequency response 油膜显示oil film visualization 阴影法shadow method 纹影法schlieren method 烟丝法smoke wire method

丝线法tuft method 氢泡法nydrogen bubble method 相似理论similarity theory 相似律similarity law 部分相似partial similarity 定理pi theorem, buckingham theorem 静[态]校准static calibration 动态校准dynamic calibration 风洞wind tunnel 激波管shock tube 激波管风洞shock tube wind tunnel 水洞water tunnel 拖曳水池towing tank 旋臂水池rotating arm basin 扩散段diffuser 测压孔pressure tap 皮托管pitot tube 普雷斯顿管preston tube 斯坦顿管stanton tube 文丘里管venturi tube u形管u-tube 压强计manometer


附录Ⅰ流体力学词汇(部分)英汉对照 A absolute pressure绝对压力 acceleration加速度 acceleration of gravity重力加速度 acceleration of transport迁移加速度 acoustic wave声波 adhesive forces粘滞力,附着力 adiabatic flow绝热流动 airfoil翼型 angle of attack冲角 angular velocity角速度 apparent shear stresses表面剪切应力 apparent stresses表面应力 Archimedes law阿基米德定律 atmospheric pressure大气压 axial-flow轴向流动 Axisymmetric around cylinder no circulation ideal 轴对称绕圆柱体无环流理想流动flow B back pressure背压 baroclinic fluid斜压流体 barometer气压计 barotropic fluid正压流体 Bernoullis equation伯努利方程 blade叶片 body-force质量力 boundary condition边界条件 boundary layer边界层,附面层 boundary layer separation边界层分离 boundary layer thickness附面层厚度 bulk modulus体积模量 bulk stress体积应力 bundle of streamline流束 buoyant force浮力 butter layer过渡层


流体动力学 fluid dynamics 连续介质力学 mechanics of continuous media 介质 medium 流体质点 fluid particle 无粘性流体 nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid 连续介质假设continuous medium hypothesis 流体运动学 fluid kinematics 水静力学 hydrostatics 液体静力学 hydrostatics 支配方程 governing equation 分步法 fractional step method 伯努利定理 Bernonlli theorem 毕奥-萨伐尔定律 Biot-Savart law 欧拉方程 Euler equation 亥姆霍兹定理 Helmholtz theorem 开尔文定理 Kelvin theorem 涡片 vortex sheet 库塔-茹可夫斯基条件 Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解 Blasius solution 达朗贝尔佯廖 d'Alembert paradox 雷诺数 Reynolds number 施特鲁哈尔数 Strouhal number 随体导数 material derivative 不可压缩流体 incompressible fluid 质量守恒 conservation of mass 动量守恒 conservation of momentum 能量守恒 conservation of energy 动量方程 momentum equation 能量方程 energy equation 控制体积 control volume 液体静压 hydrostatic pressure 涡量拟能 enstrophy 压差 differential pressure 流[动] flow 流线 stream line 流面 stream surface 流管 stream tube 迹线 path, path line 流场 flow field 流态 flow regime 流动参量 flow parameter 流量 flow rate, flow discharge 涡旋vortex 涡量 vorticity 涡丝 vortex filament 涡线 vortex line 涡面 vortex surface 涡层 vortex layer 涡环 vortex ring 涡对 vortex pair 涡管 vortex tube 涡街 vortex street 卡门涡街 Karman vortex street 马蹄涡 horseshoe vortex 对流涡胞 convective cell 卷筒涡胞 roll cell 涡 eddy 涡粘性 eddy viscosity 环流 circulation 环量 circulation 速度环量 velocity circulation 偶极子 doublet, dipole 驻点stagnation point 总压[力] total pressure 总压头 total head 静压头 static head 总焓 total enthalpy 能量输运 energy transport 速度剖面 velocity profile 库埃特流 Couette flow 单相流 single phase flow 单组份流 single-component flow 均匀流uniform flow 非均匀流 nonuniform flow 二维流 two-dimensional flow 三维流 three-dimensional flow 准定常流 quasi-steady flow 非定常流 unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流 transient flow 周期流 periodic flow 振荡流 oscillatory flow 分层流 stratified flow 无旋流 irrotational flow 有旋流 rotational flow 轴对称流 axisymmetric flow 不可压缩性 incompressibility 不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow 浮体floating body 定倾中心 metacenter 阻力 drag, resistance


机械专业英语词汇 陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank


金属切削metal cutting 机床machine tool 金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter 摩擦friction 联结link 传动drive/transmission 轴shaft 弹性elasticity 频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error 响应response 定位allocation 机床夹具jig 动力学dynamic 运动学kinematics 静力学static 分析力学analysis mechanics 拉伸pulling 压缩hitting 剪切shear 扭转twist 弯曲应力bending stress 强度intensity 三相交流电three-phase AC 磁路magnetic circles 变压器transformer 异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical 精度precision 正弦形的sinusoid 交流电路AC circuit 机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force 变形deformation应力stress 硬度rigidity 热处理heat treatment 退火anneal 正火normalizing 脱碳decarbonization 渗碳carboniz ation 电路circuit 半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback 发生器generator 直流电源DC electrical source 门电路gate circuit 逻辑代数logic algebra 外圆磨削external grinding 内圆磨削internal grinding


数值numerical 卫星satellite 可靠性reliability 流场flow 直升机helicopter 火箭发动 rocket 复合材料composite 燃烧combustion 叶片blade 神经网络neural 机载airborne 机翼wing 航空发动 aeroengine 组合导航navigation 民航civil 雷诺reynolds 液体火箭rocket 天线antenna

进气道 inlet 翼型 airfoil 粘性 viscous 颤振 flutter 燃速 rate 模拟器 simulator 空中 air 运载火箭 launch 超声速 supersonic 热流 heat 失速 stall 导弹 missile 固体推进 propellant 旋转 rotating 阻尼 damping 迎角 attack 惯导 navigation 卡尔曼滤 kalman 数值分析 numerical 挠性 flexible

可靠性分 reliability 太阳 solar 敏感器 sensor 飞控 flight 飞行试验 flight 导热 heat 力矩 moment 鲁棒性 robustness 高空 altitude 型飞机 aircraft 喷流 jet 隐式 implicit 摄动 perturbation euler 方程 e uler 可靠度 reliability 数字仿真 simulation 光纤陀螺 fog 相流 flow

系统可靠 reliability 直升机旋 helicopter 进口 inlet 冲压发动 ramjet 自然对流 convection 编队飞行 formation 天平 balance 管内 tube 紊流 turbulent 仿真技术 simulation 羽流 plume pid 控制 pid 分格式 scheme 轴流压气 compressor 载人航天 manned 导数 derivatives 燃烧过程 combustion


实验室专业术语中英文翻译对照自动化实验室Automation Lab 语言实验室Language Lab 现代产品设计与制造技术实验室Modern Product Design & Manufacturing Technology Lab 计算机集成制造实验室Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Lab 先进设计技术实验室Advanced Design Technology Lab 机械设计基础实验室Machine Design Lab 包装工程实验室Packing Engineering Lab 机械制造技术实验室Machine Manufacturing Lab 精密机械测量技术实验室Precise Machine Measuring Technology Lab 数控技术与传动控制实验室NC Technology & Transmission Control Lab 设计创新实验室Innovation & Practice Lab 机械CAD中心Mechanical CAD Center 工作设计与时间研究实验室Job Design & Time Study Lab 企业资源规划实验室Enterprise Resource Planning Lab 系统仿真与设施规划实验室System Simulation & Facility Layout Lab 人因工程实验室Human Factors & Ergonomics Lab 液压与气动实验室Hydraulic & Pneumatic Lab 汽车性能和结构实验室Auto Performance & Construction Lab 发动机性能实验室Engine Performance Lab 汽车电子电气实验室Auto Electronic & Electric Lab 数字媒体技术实验室Digital Media Technology Lab 数字媒体技术基础实验分室Digital Media Technology Foundation Lab 数字影视实验分室Digital TV & Film Lab 计算机动画与虚拟现实实验室Computer Animation & Virtual Reality Lab 先进控制技术实验室Advanced Control T echnology Lab 楼宇智能化实验分室Intelligent Building Lab 智能测控实验分室Intelligent Measurement & Control Technology Lab 运动控制与图象识别系统实验分室Motion Control & Image Recognition System Lab 控制网络实验分室Control Network Lab 自动控制系统实验分室Automatic Control System Lab 自动控制原理实验分室Automatic Control Principle Lab 自动化学科创新实验室Automation Subject Innovation Lab 电力电子技术分室Power Electronics Technology Lab 计算机控制技术实验分室Computer Control T echnology Lab 高压实验室High Voltage Technology Lab 电机与控制实验室Electrical Machinery & Control Lab 电路与系统实验室Circuitry & System Lab IC设计实验室IC Design Lab ESDA 与嵌入式技术实验室ESDA & Embedded Technology Lab 微机原理实验室Microcomputer Principle Lab 电力系统继电保护实验室Power System Relay Protection Lab 供配电技术实验室Power Supply Lab 电力系统仿真实验室Power System Emulation Lab


土木工程专业英语词汇(整理版) 第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语 Specialty English 3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程 Civil Engineering 5 地下工程 Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程 Port Engineering 13 安全性 safety 17木结构 timber structure 18 砌体结构 masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构 steelstructure 21 钢 - 混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土 plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋 rebar 25 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构 truss structure 29 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure 30 近海工程 offshore engineering 31 静力学 statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁 simply supported beam 35 固定支座 fixed bearing 36弹性力学 elasticity 37 塑性力学 plasticity 38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics 40 土力学 soil mechanics 41 水力学 hydraulics 42 流体力学 fluid mechanics


水力学、河流动力学、流体力学专业词汇 Fundamental Glossary in Hydraulics Hydrostatics 水静力学 Hydrodynamics 水动力学 Physical properties of water 水的物理性质 Density 密度 specific gravity 比重 Kinematic viscosity 运动粘性 absolute viscosity 动力粘性 Elastic modulus 弹性模量 surface tension 表面张力 Temperature 温度 isotropic (y) 各向同性 Anisotropic (y) 各向异性 uniform (ity) 均匀(性) Heterogeneous (ity) 不均匀(性) Main force 主要作用力 Gravity 重力 inertia force 惯性力 pressure 压力(强) drag 阻力 Mass force 质量力 surface force 表面力 Constitutive relationship 本构关系 Stress 应力strain 应变 deformation 变形 displacement 位移 normal 法 向 tangent 切向 shear 剪力acceleration 加速度 Angular deformation 角变形 Local acceleration 当地加速度 convective acceleration 迁移加速度 compressibility 压缩性 continuity连续性 Scalar 纯量 vector 矢量 tensor 张量 magnitude 模(大小) direction 方向 Divergence 散度 curl 旋度 gradient 梯度

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