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G: Oh, you can say I want to go to the store to borrow a film, let’s borrow 2 films this week.

A: And in our conversation, we leaned about Fanny’s films, that‘s the name of a company they has film rentals.

G: Well, Hey, I think we should go and see a little more about what Thomas has to tell us.

A: Let’s go.

Conversation C

G: Well, in this conversation, Max says he would rather watch TV, and these are two good words to know, would rather, say them with me, would rather, would rather, this is a phase that you can use if you want to do something more than something else, you say I would rather do this than do that.

A: Let me give you an example, I would rather play sports than watch sports on TV.

G: And you can use this like a question, you could ask somebody, would you rather do this, and they could answer, I would

rather do that. So let’s give an example.

A: OK,

G: OK, Andrea, would you rather eat at home or at a restaurant?

A: Well, I would rather eat at home.

G: You would rather eat at home, I would rather eat at a restaurant, of course, I would rather eat my mom’s home cooked food.

A: Well, that sounds good. Now, Gabe, I have a question for you.

G: OK.

A: Would you rather eat sweet popcorn or salty popcorn?

G: Hmm, good question, I would rather eat salty popcorn most of the time.

A: So you like salty popcorn better.

G: That’s right. And students, what would you rather do right now? Listen to us teach, or go to Thomas. Well, I think we should let them go to Thomas.

A: OK, let’s do that.

G: Yeah.

Movie Minute

Today on travel Hua Lian, we are visiting Hua Lian’s Carp Lake. Carp Lake is one of the largest lakes in Hua Lian. It’s called Carp Lake because some said mountains around lake look like a carp, Carp Lake is a really beautiful and quiet place. It’s great place to enjoy a sunny day, you can do many outdoor activities there, if you like to take a walk, or ride a bike, there is a 4- kilometer long path around lake. The path is great for a walk, or a bike ride. It takes about an hour to walk the path, and about 40 minutes to ride it. If you like being out on the water, you can rent a boat, and row out onto the lake with some of your friends, sit in the boat and relax, Carp Lake is also a great place to play with your friends, bring a Frisbee or a ball, and have fun, there are many other things you can do at Carp Lake, but you don’t have to do any of these things, Carp Lake is also a great place to just sit and enjoy the scenery. Next time you’re in Hua Lian, maybe you can plan a visit.

Calendar Phrase

G: So ,you know, Andrea, I really want to go to the theater this


A: Oh, What, Gabe, are there any good movies on?

G: Well, I hope so, because I really want to watch a movie. There should be some good movies on.

A: I hope there are some good movies on.

G: Well, first, let’s lean a calendar phrase today, the phrase today is: are there any good movies on?

A: Are there any good movies on?

G: So if you or your friends want to go and watch a movie, then this is a good question to ask, are there any good movies on?, A: Well, are there any good calendar Phrase skits on?

G: Yeah, the one for today, let’s watch it right now.

Are there any good movies on?

What do you want to do?

We can play games or watch TV.

Are there any good movies on?

I’m not sure. let’s turn on the TV and find out.

Are there any good movies on?

There are a lots of movies on.

But Are there any good movies on?

Yes, the sound of music.

Do you want to watch it?



G: It was a great calendar phrase, the comedy was great,

A: Yes, it was great.

G: Yeah, ok. What time is it? And time for the question of the day. Eddy!

E: Yeah

G: Do you have a question for us?

E: Yeah, yeah, ah, of course, haha, yes ,ok, here it is, would you rather watch a movie in a theater, or at home. Why?

G: Would you rather watch a movie in a theater, or at home. Why?

A: I would rather watch a movie in a theater, because you can watch the movie on a big screen.

G: Good answer, well, think about this answer, we want to thank you for joining us here on Let’s talk in English on PTS.

A+G+E: Where learning English can be fun! Bye-bye!

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