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英语期中考试后反思 期中考试结束了,这个学期也过去了一半。为了能够查找教学中的不足, 更好的做好下一步的教学工作,现就期中考试试题特点、学生答题情况、教学 中存在的问题以及改进方案进行认真的分析研究,总结经验教训,为更好进行 今后的教学做好准备。 一、试卷分析 本次测试主要考查的内容为世界历史第一册,按照中考要求,分两个题型,分别是单项选择题20个,非选择题5个。知识分布与难易比例均遵照学业水平 测试要求,综合性稍强。知识点覆盖面广,重点突出,有针对性。 二、考情分析 我所任教的初三1-4班,考试成绩基本与平时教学反馈情况一致。班级之 间差距不大,大致均衡。从卷面上看,大部分学生对基础知识掌握较为扎实, 也能够规范的书写在卷面上,正答率较高。但是班级之间仍有差距,学生个体 成绩也不均衡。 三、反思教学中存在的问题 1、对一些最基本的知识点巩固力度仍然不够,有些同学还存在眼高手低 的现象,会说不会写。 2、对学生考试技巧训练仍不是很到位,不是很扎实,部分学生卷面书写 潦草,审题不仔细、粗心马虎,丢掉了很多不应丢的分。 3、本学期时间紧、任务重,为赶进度,平时的训练量相对较小,没有及 时进行反馈、督促。 4、分层教学做得不够,没有针对性的安排教学内容,因材施教落实不好。 5、部分学生学习态度不很积极,却没有对他们进行及时有效的指导。 四、今后教学中采取的措施 1、抓好落实,对于学过的知识,要采取多种方式进行巩固落实,既要记牢,又要写准,力争基础知识不失分。

2、重视对学生进行学习方法指导。尤其是自主学习的方法和快速准确记 忆地方法。 3、关注每个学生的学习状况,及时与学生交流沟通,针对学生个人情况,展开分层教学,有的放矢。 4、抓好考试规范指导,从平时做起,养成规范答题的良好习惯。包括正 确书写、规范书写、认真审题、全面答题等。 5、注意对学生联系及考试中出现的错题的收集、整理、分析,通过错题 及时查找教学中的不足并加以弥补。 6、继续加强个人教学技术的锤炼,努力由单纯的技术向艺术迈进,提高 学生学习兴趣。精备、精讲、精练,提升学生学业水平。 总之,期中考试让我们看到了成绩,有了继续前行的动力。期中考试也让 我们看到了不足,有了继续完善自我的方向。在今后的教学中,我会扬长改短,争取教学质量再上一个新台阶。


西电附中七年级英语第一次月考模拟测试 温馨提示:同学们,开学已经1个月了,我们学到了许许多多的知识,今天,要对你们所学的知识进行一次测试,这次考试90分钟,满分103分,细心是关键加油! 注意:不能使用改字工具,卷面分3分 一、请写出26个英文字母大小写并标出五个元音字母。(5分) 二、选择(25分) ( )1 That is ______ key. A. my a B. a my C. me D. my ( )2 –What’s this in English? -__________. A. It’s red B. It’s a key C. It’s a green D. I’m OK. ( )3 It’s _______ orange. It’s _______ yellow orange. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, the D. a red, a red ( )4 My pen is ______. It’s ______ pen. A. a red, red B. red, a red C. red, red D. a red, a red ( )5 –What ______ that? -It’s a map. A. is B. are C.am D. be ( )6 -What’s your ______ name? -Brown. A. first B. family C. nice D the ( )7 –What’s his phone number? -_______ 257-6890. A. Its B. That’s C. It’s D. His ( )8 Jack is a boy, ______ last name is Brown. A. he’s B. my C. his D. he ( )9 –Are you Linda? -Yes, _________. A. I’m B. I’m not C. I am D. I amn’t ( )10 Hello, My name’s _________. A. Li DeHua B Li De Hua C. Li Dehua D.Li De hua


人教版初一英语上册期中测试题(六) 时间:90 分数:100 Ⅰ.单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. –Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. –Hi, Jim. _______. A. Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you too . C. Good morning D. How do you do ( ) 2. –Do you know how to _______this word? –Yes, B-A-L-L. A. spell B. read C. see D. meet ( ) 3. –Where _______ the socks? --_______ on the bed. A. is; It’s B. are; They C. are; They’re D. is; It ( ) 4. This is my little sister. _______ name is Jenny, we all like_______. A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her D. Her; she ( ) 5. —Is this_______ English car ? —No, it’s______ Japanese car. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; an D. an; a ( ) 6. There is a computer _______ the desk. A. on B. in C. under D. for ( ) 7. This is ________ bike . __________ is black . A . her , My B. hers , mine C . her , Mine D .hers ,My ( ) 8. —Your English is very good. — A. Thank you. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s not good. D. No, no. ( ) 9. I like apples _______ bananas, but I don’t like pears. A. or B. and C. so D. because ( )10. This is _______room. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily’s D. Lucy’s and Lily ( )11. —What’s Jim Smith family name? ---_________ A. Jim B. Smith C. Jim Smith D. Green ( ) 12. —What’s that English . —It’s an egg. A. with B. at C. in D. / ( ) these apples yours ? Yes , _____________ . A.Are , they’re B .Is , it is C . Are , they are D . Are , they aren’t ( ) 14. This is a picture ___________ our family. A. of B. on C. in D. at ( ) 15. . –Where _______ the shirt? --_ ______ on the sofa.


作为一名新上岗的英语教师,经过了几次考试,从我任教的两个班级来看,差别很大,成绩很不平均,平均分四班92,三班87,两个班的成绩总是有一定的差距,而且与其他老师的班级成绩有很大的差距,还有很多要学习和进步的地方,我认为我身上的担子很重,对于英语教学还还是新手上路,经验很少,需要自己不断的摸索和请教,还有不断的向老师学习,不断的听课,通过这次的考试,又有了很多的反思和见解,现反思如下 一、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。 1、创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地说英语,对他们在学习过程中犯的错误采取宽容的态度. 根据教材中的情境,真实再现于课堂并创造新的怀境,英语教学中,老师根据课文的内容,老师设计对话与学生进行对话,这样就无形中发展学生运用英语交际能力,培养他们创新灵活运用英语的习惯。 2、在教学过程中注重学生的听、说、读、写综合能力,鼓励他们大胆的说并运用到实际中去. 教师还可以利用插图来创设情景,培养学生的创新精神,让学生根据图画的内容编一段对话。学生会运用所学过的知识,编成各种对话,进行练习。这样既练口语,又练习听力。 二、创造宽松、和谐的气氛

在教学过程中,注重与学生沟通,让学生消除对英语学习的恐惧感,只有对英语感兴趣,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得好成绩.刻板的学习,不仅会影响英语学习的效果,适得其反让他们厌恶学习英语.因此创造宽松、和谐的学习氛围有利于英语学习. 1、尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们大胆的尝试. 要培养学生的创造个性,仅停留在创设教学情境上是不够的。教师首先要具有创新的精神,注重创设宽松、和谐的教学氛围,尊重学生个体,注重抓住一切时机激发学生创新的欲望,注意对学生的学习行为和学习结果、反应等做出客观、公正、热情、诚恳的评价…… 2、鼓励学生大声的朗读课文并背诵,使自己听的见自己的声音,渐渐做到流利,顺畅.促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验成就感. 3、对于底子薄的或性格内向的同学,降低他们的学习标准,当他们取得一点小小的进步,都要鼓励他们,让他们感到有成就感. 三.记忆方法 学习语言就是要开口多说,多记, 多背,只要功夫到家了,学习英语的困难就迎刃而解了.英语琐碎的知识点太多,每天都有新的知识点增加,这就需要学生多记,多背.这往往是学生最


人教版新目标七年级英语下册第一次月考试卷一.单项选择。) 1.Tony can play ______chess, but he can’t play _____violin. A. the the B. the a C. / the D. the / 2.—Can you swim?—______.But I can sing. 3. A. Yes,I can. B.No,I can’t. C. Yes,I do D.No,I don’t. 3.You are very good at _______Chinese kung fu. A.do B.to do C.doing D.does 4.Can you ______kids ______swimming? A.helps to B.helping with C.help with D.help to 5.—Can he ___to them and ____them stories?—Yes,he can. A.say talk B.talk tell C.talk speak D.speak tell 6.I can sing English songs,but she ______. A.can. B. can’t. C. does D. doesn’t. 7.Anna always goes to work_____8:00 in the morning. A.in B. on C. at D.for 8.Lucy either runs______plays volleyball after class. A.but B.or C. and D.so 9.Wang Li is good ______singing English songs. A.at B.with C. to D.for 10.The food _____good, so many people like it. A.sounds B.gets C. tastes D.looks at 11.What’s 3:10 in English? A.ten to three B.three to ten C.ten past three D.three past ten 12.—_______is it form the post office to the hospital? —Two kilometers. A. How B.How far C. How long D. How often 13.It will take them half a mouth ______the work. A. to finish B.finishing C. finishes D.finish 14.Ann often goes to school______. A.rides a bike B.ride her bike C.by bike D.by a bike 15.Our math teacher is _____a father _____us. A.like for B.like with C.to like D.to to 二.完型填空。I have a good friend named Jack.He is an 1 boy.He speaks English.And he can also 2 Chinese.but only a little .He often 3 to China with his father and he is 4 in our class now.He is never 5 for class. Every day he goes to school by bus,After school,he 6 home on foot.He says walking is good 7 health. We are friends.He likes 8 things a lot. Look,he is making a paper bird. He helps me 9 my English lesson and I help him study Chinese.He likes Chinese kung fu very much. And I like Chinese kung fu, 10 . 1.A.12-years-old B.12-year-old C.12 year old D.12 years old 2.A.speaks B. speaking C. to speak D.speak https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a9673475.html,e B. comes https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a9673475.html,ing D. To come 4.A.study B.studies C. studying D.to study https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a9673475.html,ter B. late C. to late D. latest 6.A.gets B.get to C. gets to D.getting 7.A.to B. at C. for D.with 8.A.make B. makes C.to make D. making 9.A.to B. with C. for D.at 10.A.either B. also C.too D.to 三.阅读理解。) Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. Y ou can’t open th e window. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like traveling by train.I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one .you can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. But it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road. 1. Why do many people like to travel by plane? A. Because it is fast. B. Because it is safe. C. Because they can walk around in the plane. D. Because they can look out of the window. 2. Which is not the good thing about the train? A. It is safe. B. It takes a little more time. C. You can open the windows. D. You can see many interesting things on your way. 3. If you want to take a lot of things with you ,what do you take to go out? A.A bus B.A car. C.A train D.A subway 4. What is the bad thing about the car ? A. Y ou needn’t go to a station. B. You can start your journey when you want to. C. There are too many cars on the road. D.You can carry many things with you. 5. What does the writer think of the plane ,train and car? A. he thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport. B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time. C. He likes to take a car because he has a car. D. He likes all the types of transportation. Mr.Smith is a very old man,every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he comes home at about twelve thirty for his lunch. But today a police car stops at his house at 12 o’clock.Two policemen help him out.One of them says to Mr.Brown’s daughter.“The old man can’t find his way in the park.He asks us to take him home in the car.” The daughter thanks the policemen.After they


昆明三中、滇池中学2012——2013学年上学期期中考试 初一英语试卷 一.听力。(20%) (一)听对话或句子,选出与所听句子相关的图画。(每个句子听两遍。) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. A B C (二)听句子,选出能回答该句子的正确答语。(每个句子听两遍。) 6. A. I’m fine. B. He is my father. C. Yes, I’m good. 7. A. J-A-C-K-E-T. B. It’s a jacket. C. They are blue. 8. A. It’s yellow. B. I’m OK. C. It’s a key. 9. A. No, she isn’t. B. No, I am. C. No, I’m not. I’m Helen. 10. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. It’s hers. (三)听对话,选出能回答该问题的正确选项。(每个对话听两遍。) 11. Is this Bob’s pen? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s Helen’s. 12. What color is the key? A. Red. B. Black. C. Black and white. 13. Who’s the girl? A. Cindy’s sister. B. Cindy’s cousins. C. Tom’s friend. 14. What’s Grace’s cousin’s name? A. Jenny. B. Grace. C. Linda.


初二英语期中考试反思总结 导读: 反思一初二英语期中考试反思 这次期中考试,学生英语成绩很不理想,两极分化十分明显,部分语法知识的掌握不够牢固,尤其是个别题反复做过几次也没能把握好,阅读理解能力和书面表达能力比较弱。具体有以下几点: 1.部分学生的基础知识不够扎实,学生遗忘知识快,过去滚瓜烂熟的东西一段时间不用就忘了。 2.学生的应变能力有待提高,不能正确写出单词的正确形式。 3.理解能力不强,阅读理解失分较多,不能理解通篇大意。 4.不能熟练运用学过的句型。 造成这种结果的原因是多方面的,但最重要的有下面几方面: 1.对学生要求不够严格;部分学生偷懒。 2.没能充分调动学生的积极性;提高课堂教学效率。 3. 典型题讲解不够,训练不到位。 4.平时检查督促力度不够。 在今后的教学中, 1、继续抓好双基知识的训练,打牢基本功。 2、引导学生梳理知识,掌握语法规则,逐步引导学生灵活运用英语知识的能力。

3、培养学生上课时的听课习惯,要求学生全神贯注,要和老师同步思考出现的问题。 4、讲课时,尽量使用简明、准确、形象、生动的语言,坚持用英语教学,让学生用英语来想英语。 5、在平时要通过阅读,培养学生阅读多种文体的能力,如何从文章中获取信息的能力和运用英语解决实际问题的`能力。在训练中要注意方法的多样化和灵活性,同时,启发他们学会运用多种不同的方法来表达同样的思想,逐步培养良好的英语语感。 6、设计全面、高校的课外作业,并进一步培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范,正确地书写;每周写一篇作文。 7、在教学过程中,还需加大学习力度,积极研究探索教学方法并及时改变,就一定能提高整体英语水平。 反思二初二英语期中考试反思精 本次英语考试以中考题型命题,加强对基础知识的考查,侧重考查学生综合运用语言的能力。命题材料贴近学生生活,难度适中。其中听力笔录要点和书面表达失分较多。我所教两个班级19班比20班在人平,及格率和优秀率方面稍高。 从本次考试所反映的现状来看,今后的教学中应注意: 1.加强单词听写和课文背诵的落实工作,多关注课文文本知识。 2.狠抓基础知识,加强写作训练。书面表达能客观地反映学生英语基础知识掌握情况,并且一直是学生的薄弱环节。


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 1文档收集于互联网,如有不妥请联系删除. (交卷只交答题卡) 一.按顺序写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分) 二.请按字母顺序写出从c —n 中所缺字母的小写形式。(5分) 三.根据图示内容,在四线格内写出单词(小写形式)(5分) 16.__________ 17.___________ 18_________19.___________20.__________ 四. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) 从A ,B ,C ,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. 下列字母中含有与字母Aa 相同因素的一组是_________ A. H; K B. H; F C. K;G D. M; S ( ) 2. “英国广播公司”的英文缩写是________ A. USA B. UFO C. UN D. BBC ( )3. —Good morning, Alice! —______ ! A. Good morning,Jack. B. Good,Jack C. Good evening,Jack. D. Good afternoon, Jack. ( )4. —How _____ you? —I ______fine ,thank you ! A. are; are B.am; am C.are; am D. am; are ( )5. It ’s _______ black. It ’s _______ black ruler. A. a, / B. /, a C. a; a D. / ; / ( )6. —______ color is the pen? —______ green. A. What; It B.How; it C. What ’s; It D. What; It ’s ( )7. — What ’s this in English? —It ’s ______ apple. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )8. —What color is it ? —It ’s ______ orange. . A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )9. —What ’s your telephone number? —________ 278---1066.. A. I ’m B. It C. It ’s D. Its ( )10. ______ is a boy. _______ name is Bob. A. He; His B.He; his C. She; Her D. She; He ( )11. Lucy and Lily sisters. A. is B. am C. are D. / ( )12. This is book, and that is book. A. I; her B. my; her C. my; she D. my; he ( )13. ----_____ he Jack? -----Yes,______. A. Is; he isn ’t B. Is; he is. C. Are; he is D.Are; he isn ’t ( )14. My name is Tony Brown. Tony is my _______ name. A. last B. family C.good D. first ( )15. — _______________ — His name is Mike. A. How are you B. What ’s his name C. What ’s her name C. What ’s he name 五.完形填空(10分) A : Hello! My___16____Wang Gang. What ’s __17______name ? B : I ___18____ Zhang Qian. ____19_____ to meet you. A: Nice to meet you,___20______. What ’s this ___21_____ English ? B : It ’s __22_____ orange. A: ____23___ it, please. B: O —R —A —N —G —E 市五中2013年秋季学期七年级英语(上) 1301-10班第一次月考试卷(总分100分)


英语期中测试题 时间:80分钟满分:100分 Ⅰ.单项选择:(15分) ( )1.There is(有) ______”u” in the word(单词) “quilt”. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) 2.-______. Are you Mary -No, I’m Gina. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Goodbye ( ) 3.Jim, ______ is Julia. She is my good friend. A. She B. this C. he D. that ( ) 4.-Is this a photo________ your father A. in B. of C. to D. at ( ) 5.A set of_______ on the table. A. key is B. keys is C. keys are D. key are ( ) 6.-Is this your pencil - Yes, _______. A. it’s B. this is C. its D. it is ( ) 7.My friend isn’t________. His computer games are everywhere. A. good B. fine C. tidy D. nice ( ) 8.This is _______ pen. ________pen is nice. A. an; The B. a; The C. a; A D. the; A ( ) 9.-Where’s my computer game -It’s_______ the bed, ________ the floor.(地板) A. on; under B. on; on C. under; on D. under; under ( ) 10.-Are these_______ pencils -No, they’re________. A. your; his B. your; her C. his. her D. his; my ( ) 11. -Jenny, where is my toy -_______. A.Yes, it is. B He is under the table B.No, it isn’t D. I don’t know. ( ) 12.-Your backpack is ______ the lost and found case. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( ) 13-.Could you please get me some________ -I’m hungry. A. apple B.water C. bread D. egg ( )14.Some keys are in Classroom 3F. Please ask the teacher ________ them. A. to. B. for C at D. in ( ) 15.This is the key______ the door. A. at B. of C. to D. in II.完形填空 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(10分)


2015-2016学年度年包四十三中初一英语期中测试卷 第一部分听力(20分) 1.听句子,选择恰当的应答语 ()(1).A.Nice to meet You, too. B. I’m fine. C. Thank you. ()(2).A.It’s his. B. It’s under the chair. C. It’s white. ()(3).A.No,it isn’t. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is. ()(4).A. She is Linda. B. It’s a pen. C. He’s my cousin. ()(5).A. Yes, it’s mine. B. That’s a schoolbag. C. No, they aren’t. 2.听对话,选择正确的图片 ()(6).Where is the clock? ()(7).Where is Mary’s notebook? ()(8).Who is John? ()(9).Who is Tom?

()(10).Where is Jack’s mother? 3.听对话,选择正确答案 听第一段对话,完成11,12小题 ()(11).What color is Tim’s hat? A.Yellow. B. Blue. C. White. ()(12).Where is Jack’s hat? A.On the chair. B. Under the desk. C. On the sofa. 听第二段对话,完成13-15小题 ()(13).Where’s t he photo? A.On the desk. B. Under the table. C. In the bookcase. ()(14).What are Tony’s? A.The dictionary and the keys. B. The model plane and the dictionary. C. The keys and the model plane. ()(15).Who’s Tony? A. Tina’s friend. B. The boy’s brother. C. Tina’s brother. 4.听短文,选择正确答案、 ()(16).What’s Jane’s last name A.Smith. B. Brown C. Green ()(17).What color is the box? A.White. B. Blue. C. Yellow. ()(18).How many people () are there in the photo? A.Two. B. There. C. Four ()(19).Who is David? A.Jane’s father. B. Jane’s uncle. C. Jane’s grandfather.


初中英语期中考试总结 本次考试的题型分为选择题和非选择题,其中选择题60分,非选择题40分,共100分。从学生答题的总体情况看,选择题部分做得好一些。由于我所带的八(1)、八(2)两个班为平行班,又加上学生平时没有完整的练习资料,所以此次考试对他们有一些难度,两个班均无人及格.我从学生的试卷里审阅了一下,认为主要存在下面的问题: (一) 词汇与句子失分多。做的最好的准确率也只在50%左右。虽然我平时比较重视词汇的训练和做题方法,但平行班的学生基础较差,有的连题都看不懂,更不用说写了,这对他们来说有很大的难度。所以以后要要求学生熟记单词、多练习,注重理解能力的培养。 (二)语言知识运用存在问题。常用短语记得不牢固,选择题几乎是平时都练习过的、而且很贴近书本知识,但出错还是很严重,这些基础知识还需巩固。 (三)完形填空、阅读理解仍需多加练习,平时这样的题我都讲解的比较详细、也很注重做题的方法,但学生常常说看不懂短文,遇到生单词就想放弃了,在这方面要多做学生的思想工作,比如通读全文,猜词等方法,让他们克服心理障碍,不要求词词,句句都看懂等等。 (四)综合知识不够全面。有五个小题是根据所掌握的文化或背景知识选择正确答案,大多数学生都只做对了2到3道题。

(五)看图写句子、补全对话在平时都练习过,这两类题做的比较好。 (六)书面表达:要求写一封委婉的拒绝信.因课文上学习了相关内容,学生比较熟悉,但用词还不够准确生动,句与句之间的过渡还不够好,以后要多加练习。 通过以上情况分析可以看出,学生对基础知识掌握仍不扎实,如单词的拼写,句子的结构等等,卷面上仍有很多不该出现的错误。语音、选择填空和阅读的答题情况则反映出学生的实际运用语言的能力特别差,没有灵活性,训练太少,没有掌握答题的技巧。 根据期中考试所反映和存在的问题,我在下阶段的教学工作中将采取以下的改进措施: 1、利用好早读课,增强学生听、说读能力。 2、在提高课堂教学效率的基础上,尽可能多地为学生提供练习的机会,特别是加强听力训练和阅读理解的训练。对学习不好的学生尽可能的多创造一些机会。并且坚持每周为学生补充一些相关的习题。 3、针对学生基础知识掌握不扎实的情况,加强单词默写,并每周将前面的单词拿出来复习复习。进行默写。坚持每天一小练,练习做一些基本的语法题。 4、对后进学生采取老师面批、当面辅导的方式,同时在班里寻找成绩优秀并且认真负责的学生和他们结成“一帮一”的对子,每天帮助他们解决学习中出现的问题,督促他们学习。


达州外国语学校初2014(七)年级英语下学期 第一学月考试题 亲爱的同学们,如果这份试卷是一片蔚蓝的天空,你就是那翱翔的雄鹰。请自信地握起你的笔,也许你会比雄鹰飞得更高、更远!本试卷总分100分,分为听力部分和笔试部分,考试时间100分钟,请将1-65题所有答案写在答题卡上。(命题人:庞小勇) 第一部分,听力部分:(20分,每小题1分) 一、录音中有五个句子,听一遍后选择与其相符的图片。 1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 二、听对话,选择正确答案,读一遍 ( )6. What’s the weather like today? A. It’s fine. B. I’m fine. C. I like it very much. D. It’s bad weather. ( )7. What’s your new teacher like? A. She likes all of us. B. She is tall. C. She often plays computer games. D. She teaches very well. ( )8. What is his favorite sport? A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Table tennis. D. Tennis. ( )9. What’s the price of the newspaper? A. 15 dollars. B. 50 yuan. C. 50 dollars. D. 75 cents. ( )10. What day is it tomorrow? A. It’s Monday. B. It’s March 1st. C. It’s Sunday. D. It’s Wednesday. 三、情景反应根据所听问题选择正确的答语,读一遍。 ( )11. A. Near the bank. B. In the post office C. Turn left. ( )12. A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Yes, please. C. I’m all right. ( )13. A. In the middle. B. Near here. C. Across from it. ( )14. A. You’re welcome. B. All right. C. No. ( )15. A. No, there isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, there is. 四、录音中有一段招工广告,听两遍后,完成下表。


英语期中测试题 时间:80分钟 满分:100分 I .单项选择:(15分) < )is(有) ________ ?? U M in the word(单词)U quilt n ? A. / B. a C ? an D ? the : )2. — ______ ? Are you Mary —No, I , m Gina ? A. SOrry B. EXCUSe me C. Thank you D ? GOOdbye ( ) ? is TUIia ? She is mv ROOd friend ? A. She B. this C. he D. that ( ) 4?—Is this a DhOtO VOUr father A. in B. Of C. to D. at ( ) Set Of On the table ? A. key is B. keys is C. keys are D ? key are ( ) 6. —Is this your PenCil —Yes. ? A. it , S B. this is C. its D. it is ( ) friend isn* t ? HiS COmDUter RailIeS are everywhere ? A. good B. fine C. tidy D. nice ( ) is Den ? Den is nice. A. an; The B. a; The C. a; A D. the; A ( ) 9. —Where' S my COmPUter game — It , S the bed ? the floor.(地板) A. on; Under B. on; On C. Under; Orl D. Under; Under ( ) 10. —Are these DenCiIS —No ? thev t re ? A. your; his B. your; her C. his ? her D. his; my ( ) 11. —Jenny, Where is my toy A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn* t )12. -YOUr backpack is B He is Under the table D ? I don , t know ? the IOSt and found case. A. in B. at ( )13 —? COUId you PIeaSe get —I , m hungry. A. apple )keys are in CIaSSrOOm 3F ? A. to. B. for ( ) is the key the doo A. at B ?Of me SOme C. bread D. egg PIeaSe ask the teacher C at D. in ■ C. to D ?in C. On D ? them

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