当前位置:文档之家› 出国签证英语面试题





1) What will you study in the United States?

2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you


3) What will you do in USA?

4) Are you going to study in USA?

5) When/where did you get your BS/MS(Bachelor/Master Degree)?

6) What/where are you studying now?

7) How long will you study in USA?

8) Have you any scholarship?

9) What do you want to study in USA?

10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD?

11) What is your purpose for the visa?

12) What is your academic background?

13) How do you know this Univ.(University)?

14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?

15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didnt come back?

17) Why do you choose this Univ.?

18) Why do you like your major?

19) Why do you want to study in USA?

20) Why do you want to pursue a doctors degree?

21) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?

22) What is the difficult class do you have?

23) Do you want your wife to go with you?

24) Why do you change your major?

25) Whats the difference between your major now and the major

in USA?

26) How many universities have you applied? How many of them admitted you? How many of them give you financial aids? ...

27) Please explain why you chose **** University in academic

standard level in details.

28)Please give me FIVE reasons why you select this university!

29)Where do/will you live ? Where is your Hukou(户口,用中文)?

30) What are you doing for living? Which university are you in?

31) Why you are refused at last time and what kind of visa you


32)Will you get a bachelor/master degree?

33) How much is your TOEFL/GRE score ?

34) What is your purpose to the USA ?

35) Why will you want to get the PhD degree in ** universityor **(specialty)?Why do you want to go to USA for the Ph.D. degree?(注:对类似句法的问题,要注意对方重音落在何处,是侧重


36) Is it you?

37)Why are you nervous?

38) Any relative in the united states? Parents? ...Anybody else

in the United States? ...

39) Do you have any speciality?

40) what specialty will/did you study ?

41) Why your specialty is important to China?

42) Where does your sponsor get the funds from?

43) When was the university founded?...Who found the

university?...Who is the chairman of the department?

44) Why didnt you get married?

45) You will be an American engineer after you finish your PH.D!!

How can you convince me that you will come back?

46) What is your plan after you come back to china, as a teacher

or find a high salary job?

(注:这类似诱供,若回答high salary,对方会说美国工资更高,


47) Who will offer you the money?

48) Why does the univ. give you funding?

49) How long will you get your financial support?

50) How much is your salary of one month?

51) Can you talk something about the course of *** ?

52)Why your Diploma look so new ? Are they forged ?

53) Do you feel that you are trapped in a logic loop? you see, you said you come back to earn money and you said you will not be attracted by good living conditions?

54) TELL ME the standard to judge a school.

55) Why did you apply this Univ., please give me some academic reason?(我回答的最后一条原因是有很多著名教授。)...Then, specify someone. (说出教授名字)

56) What is the thing you like best in America. ...Then what

is the thing you dont like most in China? ...

57) What is your dream?

58) Do you think it is just luck which makes one receive his

visa or not ?


Nice to meet you!/ Good morning, sir!

1 Which university did you study?

2 When did you graduate from University?

3 whats your subject/major?


Whats your highest level of education ?

Which degree do you have?

5 Where do you live?

6 What will you do in Australia?

7 How did you know the company?

8 Have you been to Australia? @UUlsC|3.

9 Where did you work before? How long? What did you do in

this company?

10 What will you do in Australia Company ? Detail

11 Whats business of your company?

What kind of project your company are doing?

Could you please describe the company?

12 How many persons are there in your company in Australia?

13 Whats the partner of your company?

14 Whats your Special skill?

15 What kind of project did you do?

16 Why did the company hire you?



What is your future plan? / What will do after graduation?

Would you come back after graduation?

What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?

Will you want to immigrate (settle in) to the UK?

After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK?

In the UK, you will earn much more money than in China. Then why do y ou say you will come back to China?

If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come?

What do you think your future position after your study?

And what do you think your future salary?

Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?

Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it?

And how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay (study) ther e?

Are you travelling along or with someone else?

Do you know anyone at all in the United Kingdom?

Is any of your family outside China now? If so, who are they and wher e?

Do you know anyone else who intends to travel to the United Kingdom?

Do you know anyone you know been refused a visa to go to the United K ingdom?

Are you one of any political parties in China?

Have you ever applied for a visa to go to any other country?

Is this your first time applying for a visa?

Is this your first time going out of China?

Why do you want to go to the UK?

What will you do in the UK?

Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than in China?

What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?






































11)打算留英否?(回答就一个字 "否" 不要多说)












VO:“What is your plan after the course?”

Ans:“I think I will come back。。。。。。”

VO:“Is there any other options?”

Ans:“ No, no options。 just this。

VO:“But you say ‘I think I will come back..’”

Ans::“Oh,I am sorry. There must be some wrongs in my expression. Not I think I will but I will come back definitely.”


VO:“Have you applied othe r universities?”

Ans:“No, I only applied this university。”


Ans::“This university is my favourite,。。。。。。”

VO:“Have you made any comparisons?”

Ans::“Yes,I have。。。。。。”

VO:“Then, Why not the University of Cambridge?”

Ans::“Yes. Cambridge is more fam ous, but its business school is not so good as that of ***university。”


Ans:“Yes, really.”








空乘自我介绍范文4篇 空乘面试自我介绍应该注意的细节主要有四个方面 一、空乘面试时应该注意自身形象和气质。面试中主要考察的是面试本人的形象和气质。 二、空乘面试自我介绍简单明了。 三、空乘面试时记得微笑。微笑往往是最动听的“语言”。微笑能个考官带来好的印象。 四、空乘面试时不要害怕考官,心态平衡。往往考官可能会面无表情,不用太担心。很可能只是考官审美疲劳了。 以下是一篇范文,供大家参考。 评委老师们:大家好! 翁去八百载,醉乡犹在; 山行六七里,亭影不孤。我来自风景秀丽的琅琊山脚下滁州市的一所省重点中学,我叫xxx。 我出生在一个xx家庭,从小受到良好的文化熏陶,善解人意。十八岁的我自信、洒脱,有着良好的交际能力。也有着打篮球,爬山、跑步等业余爱好。我喜欢听抒情音乐,背抒情诗,看小说,英语、聊天、哼歌。老师都说我是个永不疲倦的乐天派。 从小的我就渴望翱翔蓝天,能够为世界各地的朋友做好热情周到的服务是我的荣幸。我知道作为一名空中乘务员,不仅要有服务他人的满腔热忱,还要有隐忍、宽容、海纳百川的胸襟。这是关系国家形象的光荣而又神圣的事业,我会关心别人的感受,学会沟通,学会微笑,学会享受飞翔带给自己和他人的快乐。 也许,我还稚嫩,离那个梦想还缺少很多条件,但是我会努力,去学习更多的东西来充实自己,也渴望从评委老师这里得到一次让梦想飞翔的机会。我相信,当梦想被赐予一双翅膀,飞翔再也不是一种渴望。我知道我的梦想就在那片更高的天空,我要用纯真的心灵去感化着每一位一闪而过的旅客。谢谢! 中英文版空乘面试自我介绍空乘自我介绍范文(2) | 中英文版空乘面试自我介绍 good morning / good afternoon, my name is , you can call me i like the swallow flying in the air. it really can have this opportunity to interview a great honor, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today.

英语教师面试问题 合集

1、你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? How are you going to give lessons to little kids? A: a good lesson is based on the teacher’s fully prepared. B: I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. C: I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 2、你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同? What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children? A: when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient. B: He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English.The forms of each lesson should be different. C: Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children. 3、如何让小学生对英文感兴趣? How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English? /如何将你的课上得有趣?How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?


史上最全的面试英语问题汇总你是不是也遇到过这样的场面:面试过程中,面试官的问题各种刁钻和难以回答,你慌乱应付过去却与工作失之交臂。以下这个汇总文章贴,总结了典型的英语面试问题,让我们以后面试有备无患啦。 1. Tell me about yourself? 1.向我介绍一下你自己。 2. What are your greatest strengths? 2.你最大的优点是什么? 3. What are your greatest weakness? 3.你最大的缺点是什么? 4. Why did you quit your last job? 4.你为什么从上一份工作离职? 5. Why do you want to work here? 5.你为什么想在这儿工作? 6. What do co-workers say about you? 6.你的同事如何评价你? 7. Are you applying for other jobs? 7.你有应聘其他的工作吗? 8. What do you know about us? 8.你对我们公司有什么了解? 9. What kind of salary are you looking for? 9.你的期望薪资是多少? 10. How long would you expect to work for us if hired? 10.如果被录用了,你预计会在我们公司工作多久? 11. Do you know anyone who works for us? 11.你认识在我们公司工作的员工吗? 12. Why should we hire you? 12.我们为什么要雇用你? 13. What Is Your Dream Job? 13.你理想的工作是什么?


美国签证面试英语E C 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

美国签证面试英语培训 During the interview : Greet the Interviewer when you see him/her at the beginning. My English is not perfect , but I will try my best to answer your questions . to repeat or rephrase the question, if you don't understand the question.面试过程中: 友好的与面试官问好。 我的英语不是很好,但我会尽力回答你的问题。 如果你没听清他的问题,可以礼貌的要求其再说一遍。 Generally asked questions:常见问题: Q: Why are you going to the US? Ans: "I am going to visit my son/daughter and for tourism purposes." Q: Have you been to the U.S. before? Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No. Note: The consulate can check to confirm this answer.Q: Do you have relatives in the US If yes, who Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No. "My son/daughter lives there." If you have other relatives in the U.S. mention them. Note: Do not give details of other relatives unless they ask first. 问:你为什么要去美国?


空乘面试英语自我介绍4篇 应聘自我介绍的内容,首先请报出自己的姓名和身份,这是礼貌的需要,还可以加深考官对你的印象。下面为你带来空乘面试英语自我介绍的内容,希望你们喜欢。 关于空乘面试英语自我介绍篇一Good morning/afternoon, my name is XXX ,you can call me XXX. I like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. Now i will introduce myself briefly.I am 20 years old,born in XXX.I grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brother and myself.I am an optimistic and confident girl.I have full confidence in a bright future,and i believe i can do well in caac.punctuality and diligence are crucial to most future careers,i will try my best. Altough i just graduated from school, i have confidence to venture my funture. Scoaring in the sky as an airhostess has been a dream for me since childhood.This is why i’m longing for a job on a plane, and this is why i’m standing here for this


1.为什么要选择教师这个行业? 我之所以选择就是这个行业,首先这是我从小到大的梦想。我特别崇敬老师。我上中学的时候曾经遇到一位非常优秀的老师,她的人格力量在短短的一年里影响了我的人生理想。因此,我考大学时义无反顾的选择了师范专业。立志做一名优秀的人民教师。其次,我个人很喜欢和孩子们相处。喜欢校园的工作环境和氛围。 2.你认为一个优秀的教师应该具备哪些素质? 首先要爱岗敬业,热爱和关心学生,其次要有扎实的专业水平和教学能力,另外还要拥有开朗的个性,,良好的道德品质。因为自己也是从学生时代过来的,从学生的角度来说,学生喜欢能够尊重学生,理解信任学生,民主公正,学识渊博,有耐心,真诚值得信赖的老师。而不喜欢偏心,不平等对待学生,照本宣科、心胸狭窄,辱骂体罚学生的老师。 3.你怎么理解为人师表? 所谓“为人师表”,在我看来,至少要具备两个方面:即“学为人师,行为世范”。 教师不仅要教书,更要育人,以自己模范的品行来教育和影响学生,成为学生的典范。教师把学生造就成一种什么人,自己就首先应当是这种人,成为学生的榜样;必须先受教育,躬行自明。在学生的心目中,教师是智慧的代表,是高尚人格的化身。教师的言行就是道德的标准。同时,青少年学生又具有“向师性”强、可塑性大的特点,他们往往把教师的一言一行、一举一动都化作自己学习的内容,仿效的榜样。因此, 教师从思想到作风,从言行到举止,处处都应带头做得最好,成为“学生之范”。 4.你同意“没有不合格的学生,只有不合格的教师”这句话吗? 本句话源于教育家陈鹤琴老先生的名言“没有教不好的学生,只有不会教的老师” 我不完全赞同。这句话说的太过绝对,造成不合格学生的原因有很多,每位学生自身条件和生活环境都是完全不同的,因此出现不合格的学生老师不能完全负责。但是老师对待资质不高和成绩不好绝对不能视而不见听而不闻,任其自生自灭,对待此类学生,老师应该积极努力帮助学生找到落后的原因,平时多关心,多辅导,尽快帮助学生把成绩赶上来。 5.你的座右铭是什么? 我的座右铭是,只有辛勤的付出和努力,才会有秋天的收获。 6.谈谈你自己的个性特征,是否外向,内向,是否有幽默感 我想,每个人的性格都是双向的,有外向的一面,也有内向的一面,要看所处的环境,所面对的人。 我本人是比较文静的,尤其在师长面前,比较内向。而在同学和朋友面前,则很开朗活泼。我自认为,还算是是一个比较幽默的人。 如果当了老师,我希望自己幽默中不失严肃,严肃中有幽默。与学生做朋友,但也会保持一定的距离,师是师,友是友。 1..怎样当好班主任?


世界500强常见英语面试题大全 500强企业时,常常用英语来进行问答,当面试官用英语向你提出问题时,你要是能讲一口流利的英语,再配合使用眼神、手势等形体语言,那无疑是为您的面试锦上添花,所有的面试官都会对你刮目相看。宏威管理咨询有限公司的美籍华人、核心咨询师Dejun Lee 告诉大家:在国内,英语的口语有两大类:一类是中国式的英语,这种口语是将要回答的问题先用汉语组织好文章或句子,然后再翻译成英语,这当然是口语不过关的表现,也是不过关的症结所在;另一类就是完全按外国人的方式和习惯,直接用英语来组织语言,这当然是英语口语已经很顺畅或完全过关了。二者之间当然还跨越着一段距离,还需今后继续努力,目前,你达到哪类就按哪类准备,先解燃眉之急吧,反正那也不是一日之功。 500强企业面试时,常用英语提出问题。宏威职业顾问经过归纳总结,将500强面试的问题基本上是按前面我们所说的能力素质

模型,分成3类16条,每一条里有几个不同的问题,大体如下: 分析判断能力: 1.分析能力: 1) 请给出一个事例,表明你在面对情况非常复杂的局面的时候是如何分析和评估的。 Tell me about a complex situation which you have had to analyze and assess. 2) 当你面对一个有矛盾冲突的问题时,你会怎么做? When you have been faced with conflicting information about a problem, what have you done?

3) 请列举一个你在工作中面对一种微妙而又困难的局面时,能够成功地保持客观的分析能力的例子。 Tell me about an occasion where you successfully maintained your objectivity in addressing a sensitive and difficult situation at work. 2.市场敏感度: 1) 请给出一个你满足消费者或客户需求变化的例子。 Tell me about a time when you have addressed a change in consumers or customers needs. 2) 你最近的一次创新活动是什么?


美国留学签证面试常见问答和分类 一、你是谁? 1) What's your name? 2) How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental? 3) Where are you from? Where is your hometown? 4) Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad? 5) What's your favorite food? 6) How old are you? 7) How long have you been in Shanghai? 8) What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time? 9) Where is your HUKOU(户口)? 10) Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)? 11) Where do you live? Where will you live? 12) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning? 13) what kind of computer do you have? 14) what is your favorite color? 15) What do you think of the XXX (a question VO is interested to know concerning your major) in China? 16) What is your favorite pet? Why? 17) What's your best/worst quality. 18) Why did you live in Shanghai? 19) Who do you think is the best president of the US? 20) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why? 21) Do you want your wife to go with you? 22) Do you have any relatives in the United States? 23) What do your parents do? 24) Have you any relatives in US? 25) Do you have sisters or brothers? 26) What is your favorite American movie? 27) Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study? 二、你去做什么? 28) What will you do in USA? 29) What is your purpose for the visa? 30) Are you going to study in USA? 31) How long will you study in USA? 32) Why do you want to study in USA? 33) Why do you want go to the United States for further study? (if the accent is on "United States") 34) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in xxx. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study? 35) When are you going to enter US?


空姐面试自我简介: 范文一: Good morning/afternoon, I’m very glade to stand here make the speech to introduce myself . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. my name is yanghaiyan , i am 21 years old,I’m come from zhenjiang .i grow up in a sweet family,my family has my dad,mom, and me .i am an optimistic and confident boy and I like the feeling flying in the sky. i have full confidence in a bright future,and i will try my best. So i believe i can do well in it . altough i just gradu1ated from school, i have confidence to venture my funture. Fly in sky that is my dream since I’m a child.this is why i'm longing for a job on a plane, and this is why i'm standing here for this interview. So i hope my application will be success.


内容摘要:你打算怎么样给小朋友上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids? I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. 关键词:教师面试题 一.幼儿英语教师面试技巧 面试可能问的问题: 你教了几年书? How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for... 有教小学的经验吗? Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school? Yes, I did. or No, I didnt. 你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? How are you going to give lessons to little kids? I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 能否示范一下?


Oxbridge Math Interview Questions Part 1: Questions Part 1: public 1. How many 0s does the number 30! have in the end? 2. Show that if n is an integer, then n %?n is divisible by 6. 3. Derive the formula for volume of the sphere. 4. Find the derivative of x ), and then sketch it. 5. How would you write 0.1 as a fraction? 6. Estimate the fifth root of 1.2 (i.e. find the value of √1.20). 7. Integrate x ln x . 8. Show that if n is an odd integer, and then n 4?1 is always a multiple of 8. 9. Prove the Pythagorean Theorem. 10. What is the square root of i ? 11. How long does a mirror have to be for you to see your whole body? 12. Evaluate the integral ∫xe 9:;dx => and ∫x %e 9:; dx =>. 13. Evaluate the integral ∫? :; dx ?9? and describe the difficulties you’ve faced in doing this.


说完申根签证,就发现好多小伙伴对美签地疑问也很多.所以贴心地本周为大家整理了关于美国签证地一些常见问题地解答. 不过在开头就先说明,想拿美签?哈哈哈,看人品,看签证官心情.因为美签需要面签,所以有了很多不可避免地主观因素.可能两个人类似地条件也会有不同地结果,尽管需要天时地利人和,之前你也必须要好好准备,打好基础! 以下整理地问题地答案,仅供大家参考(本篇只讲类签证). .什么是签证? 美国签证可分为移民签证和非移民签证.在非移民签证中,申请最多地为类签证——短期访客. 签证:签证签发给从事短期商务活动地申请人.商务活动包括签订合同,参加展览或会议,短期培训或与客户洽谈业务.该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业.申请人应出示其拟在美从事商务活动地相关文件,包括发自美国邀请方地邀请函,表明访美目地和证明申请人个人情况地文件.b5E2R. 签证:签证签发给赴美国旅游地申请人,包括观光、治病、探亲访友以及参加会议.该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业.因此,除了法律另有规定来证实外,非移民签证地申请人应该举证他并没有移民美国地企图.而-签证又是由美国领事当场决定,带有浓厚地主观色彩,所以很容易被认为有"移民倾向"而拒签.这也使得许多申请者在面谈时非常紧张.p1Ean. .美国签证地新规是什么? 根据新规定,自年月日起,持有中国护照及年有效商务或旅游签证(/、或)地旅客,入境美国前须在“签证更新电子系统”()上登记个人信息.DXDiT. 什么是? 签证更新电子系统是指持有十年有效或(访问者)签证地中国公民所使用地个人基本信息在线定期更新系统,以协助其赴美旅行.除了有效签证以外,在年月之后,上述旅客必须完成登记,以便获得许可进入美国.RTCrp. 是否对目前地签证持有人、新申请人或两者都有影响? 两者都会受到本项新规定地影响.持有年月之前签发地十年有效期、或签证地申请者,必须在该规定生效后登陆登记,方可使用签证.自年月起获得十年有效期、或签证地申请者,必须在首次前往美国旅行前登记.所有申请者地登记维持两年有效,若旅客地签证或护照两者中有任何一者过期,登记地信息便失效.那么签证持有人必须在前往美国前再次登陆更新个人信息.5PCzV. 旅客需要多久更新一次地信息? 每次信息更新视为一次登记.一次登记一般保持两年有效,若旅客地签证或护照两者中有任何一者过期,登记地信息便失效.持有十年有效期、或签证地中国公民在前往美国旅行(如果两年期登记已过期)或获取新护照时,需要更新信息.jLBHr. 旅客在哪里可以找到关于地更多信息? 最新信息可查见.请查看此网站来获取最新信息. .国内哪些城市可以办理美签? 办理地点:


提供专业的word版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除 空乘面试自我介绍英文 空乘面试自我介绍英文,当一名空乘需要面试,那么空乘面试自我介绍英文范文怎么写呢?下面带来空乘面试自我介绍英文范文,可以作为参考哦。 空乘面试自我介绍英文【1】 goodmorningeveryone,mynameisxxx.Iamxxyearsold.Igrad uatedfromxxx.IhaveadreamsinceIwasachild.Idreamthato nedayIcanflyintheblueskylikethebird.NowIhavethechan cetomakeitcometrue.Ificantakethisjob.Illtrymybestto doeverythingwell.becauseIlovethisjob.Thankyou.

hellomynameisxxx.Iamxxyearsold.Igraduatedfromxxx.Ih aveadreamsinceIwasachild.IdreamthatonedayIcanflyint heblueskylikethebird.NowIhavethechancetomakeitcomet rue.Ificantakethisjob.Illtrymybesttodoeverythingwel l.becauseIlovethisjob. hellomynameisxxx.Iamxxyearsold.Igraduatedfromxxx.Ih aveadreamsinceIwasachild.IdreamthatonedayIcanflyint heblueskylikethebird.NowIhavethechancetomakeitcomet rue.Ificantakethisjob.Illtrymybesttodoeverythingwel l.becauseIlovethisjob. goodmorningeveryone,mynameisxxx.Iamxxyearsold.Igrad uatedfromxxx.IhaveadreamsinceIwasachild.Idreamthato nedayIcanflyintheblueskylikethebird.NowIhavethechan cetomakeitcometrue.Ificantakethisjob.Illtrymybestto doeverythingwell.becauseIlovethisjob.Thankyou.


月嫂面试问题集锦 1)我先看下你的身份证、职业资格证和健康证好吗?如果不介意,我抄下你的姓名和证件号码好吗? 参考答案:因为提前告知她要带证件来,所以每个阿姨都会带上。不要太迷信资格证,看过一个很好的阿姨,就没有考资格证的。 身份证可以知道阿姨的年龄(年龄偏大的可能体力不行)一定要抄下姓名、号码。有人建议要求身份证复印件留存,个人认为如果不是最终确定是这个阿姨就没必要。好月嫂最基本的要求就是业务熟练,不能光有理论知识,还要有丰富的实际操练经验才行。对年龄太轻的,我们心里可能不自觉的会打个问号,但对于年龄比较大的,你也得考虑她的体力是否能够承受这一高负荷的工作。 健康证:一般这个证的有效期是一年,证上有颁发健康证的日期(要看仔细).特别要仔细问一下肝功是否好(怕有HA阳性的)容易传染家人。如果不放心,可以跟阿姨商量是否可以在我们陪同下去再做一次体检,费用我们支付。基本阿姨们都会同意。另外,细节上,月嫂如果从公用场合进来一定会先洗手;月嫂的手指甲一定是不留的,也不佩戴任何首饰或者手表之类的装饰物。 2)你为什么要来做月嫂?你自己有孩子吗?他现在在哪里呢? 你做月嫂,负责的具体工作都有哪些?负责做饭吗?做谁的饭?如果孩子和产妇暂时不需要照顾,你是否能帮助分担家庭其他一些家务? 答案解析:即使是作为一种谋生的手段,也应该对工作喜欢,有热情

才行,尤其终日和新生儿打交道,更是要求月嫂有高度的道德感和责任感。对方有亲身生养的经历固然好,但如果家中孩子过小或者有年龄很大的长辈,可能需要中途回去照顾的话,也往往会让你陷入措手不及的境地。 月嫂的职责是负责产妇和宝宝的一切,她不是保姆,不能指望她能主动、勤快地包揽你家所有的家务活儿。她帮不帮洗尿布啊?帮不帮家里人做饭啊?产妇、婴儿的衣服洗不洗啊?都确定了,避免日后发生矛盾。如果家里有条件,人手够的话,最好能把月嫂的那份饭也做出来,这样她就能有更多的时间投入到产妇和宝宝身上。对方擅长的烹饪类型也要问清楚,只有对你的口味,你的食欲才能好,继而身体才能更好恢复,宝宝才能吃到更多奶,你的心情才能更好,才能吃更多……这一系列的连锁反应,都源于月子餐的口味。 3)你做这一行大概做了多少年了?做过多少个家庭?主要分布在哪里?这个工作一定挺辛苦吧,你觉得哪些家庭比较好做?为什么?会不会碰到一些特别难对付的家庭?比如说…有没有照顾双胞胎和早产儿经历? 参考答案:寒暄和大致了解一下她的情况,看看她的表达和沟通能力。同时在她的回答中看有没有漏洞。也了解下她喜欢做开的家庭,看她适不适合你的家庭情况。通过这个问题,可以大致了解月嫂对带孩子的看法,了解她从前的工作情况和她对孩子是否有爱心,是否细心? 别人遇到的事情你不见得会遇到,但处理过的“疑难杂症”越多,从中积累的经验往往也越多,反应也更迅速。 4)你在夜里是否能照顾宝宝?能将宝宝抱到妈妈身边吃奶吗?每天如此你的身体能承受吗?


美国签证面试问题及答案 1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA? (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?) 1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcom#e the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis. Why do you choose US but not Europe? Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have com#pletely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice. (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.) 2. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is. 3. Why do you choose *** University? 1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***. 2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (the Association of collegiate business schools and programs). 3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency. 4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability. 4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US? It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama. 5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for?


空乘面试英文自我介绍范文3篇 用英文自我介绍是空乘面试过程中非常关键的一步,下面是由分享的空乘面试英文自我介绍范文,希望对你有用。 空乘面试英文自我介绍范文(一)I am a lively, cheerful and ambition girl. I am 170cm talland 54KG weight. I like to treat everything around us with a smile. A friendly smile can pass a good intention to people. To be a stewardess is that I have always dream of, I like the feeling of flying in the blue sky. When facing difficulties, I never backed down, I always smile to confrot them and have the courage to move forward. I love to be a flight attendant, this is a noble profession. Positive and optimistic attitude, tradition of hard work are all I have, I believe I can do it. I am a extroverted and aspirant girl. I am 1.7 meters tall and 54 kilogrames. I like smile with all thinkgs around me for smile can give friendly message to others. Being a stewardess is my dream for I like feeling flying on the sky. I never give up facing difficulties. I always smile with them and keep forward. I love the job of being a stewardess. I have optimistic attitude and work hard. I believe that I am competent enough to fill the


英语教师招聘面试题目 I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes, songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work. ,m Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success. How have you handled a situation where a student is consistently late to your class Your answer should highlight your ability to deal immediately with a potential issue in a calm and controlled manner. Include details about questioning the student to find out the underlying cause of the problem, explaining the negative impact of his/her behavior to the student and coming to an agreed commitment to appropriate behavior in the future. "The purpose of discipline is to facilitate learning and foster better relationships and respect between the students. It is also intended to help students become more self- directed, self-disciplined and accountable for their behavior. I have found that students respond poorly to forceful discipline but well to discipline that is helpful. My philosophy is to provide clear limits and rules that are communicated to the students so that they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. The rules are discussed and agreed upon to encourage accountability from the students........." How do you build rapport with your class Teacher interview questions and answers about establishing rapport should include an understanding of the role of rapport in contributing to effective teaching. Demonstrate what behaviors you use to develop rapport such as sense of humor, Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT showing interest in the students, availability, encouragement and relating lessons in

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