当前位置:文档之家› 成长励志英语美文摘抄精选




于是有一天他问上帝:“听说明天您就送我去人间了,但是,我这么弱小和无助,我在那儿怎么生活呢?God replied, "Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."上帝答道:“在众多的天使中,我特别为你挑了一位。


But the child wasn't sure he really wanted to go. "But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy."小孩还是拿不准自己是否真的想去:“但是在天堂,我除了唱唱笑笑外,什么也不做,这就足以让我感到幸福了。

"Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."“你的天使每天会为你唱歌,为你微笑。


"And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me," the child continued, "If I don't know the language that men talk?"“如果我不懂人类的语言,他们对我说话时,我怎么听得懂呢?孩子继续问道。

God patted him on the head and said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."上帝轻轻地拍



"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"“如果我想与你说话怎么办?But God had an answer for that question too. "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."上帝胸有成竹地回答:“你的天使会将你的双手合拢,教你如何祈祷。

"I've heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?"“听说尘世有很多坏蛋,谁来保护我呢?"Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her life!"“即使冒着生命危险,你的天使也会保护你的。

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore," the child continued warily。



God smiled on the young one. "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you。

" 听到这儿,上帝对着小孩笑了。


At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child knew he had to start on his journey very soon. He asked God one more question, softly, "Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."此时,天堂一片宁静,凡间的声音已可听到,小孩明白自己得赶紧上路了。

他又轻声问了最后一个问题:“哦,上帝,假如我现在就出发,请你告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字?God touched the child on the shoulder and answered, "Your angel's name is not hard to remember. You will simply call her Mommy."上帝把手放在小孩的肩上,答道:“你的天使的名字很容易记住,你就叫她--妈妈。


When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all nightlong.你1岁时,她为你哺乳,为你沐浴。


When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. You thanked her by running away whenshe called.你2岁时,她教你走路。


When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. You thanked her by tossingyour plate onthe floor.你3岁时,她满怀爱心为你准备三餐。


成长励志英语美文摘抄精选 于是有一天他问上帝:“听说明天您就送我去人间了,但是,我这么弱小和无助,我在那儿怎么生活呢?God replied, "Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."上帝答道:“在众多的天使中,我特别为你挑了一位。 她会守候你,无微不至地照顾你。 But the child wasn't sure he really wanted to go. "But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy."小孩还是拿不准自己是否真的想去:“但是在天堂,我除了唱唱笑笑外,什么也不做,这就足以让我感到幸福了。 "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."“你的天使每天会为你唱歌,为你微笑。 你会感受她的爱,并且因此而幸福。 "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me," the child continued, "If I don't know the language that men talk?"“如果我不懂人类的语言,他们对我说话时,我怎么听得懂呢?孩子继续问道。 God patted him on the head and said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."上帝轻轻地拍


经典英语美文欣赏80篇(适用于成人) 英语美文欣赏80篇 01-The Love of Beauty 英语美文欣赏80篇 02-The Happy Door 英语美文欣赏80篇 03-Born to Win 英语美文欣赏80篇 04-Work and Pleasure 英语美文欣赏80篇 05-Mirror,Mirror-What do I See 英语美文欣赏80篇 06-On Motes and Beams 英语美文欣赏80篇 07-An October Sunrise 英语美文欣赏80篇 08-To be or not to be 英语美文欣赏80篇 09-Gettysburg address 英语美文欣赏80篇10-First Inaugural Address

英语美文欣赏80篇11-American black bears 英语美文欣赏80篇 12-Coal-fired power plants 英语美文欣赏80篇 13-Statistics 英语美文欣赏80篇 14-Obtaining Fresh water from icebergs 英语美文欣赏80篇 15-The source of Energy 英语美文欣赏80篇 16-Vision 英语美文欣赏80篇 17-Folk Cultures 英语美文欣赏80篇 18-Bacteria 英语美文欣赏80篇 19-Sleep 英语美文欣赏80篇 20-Cells and Temperature 英语美文欣赏80篇21-Youth 英语美文欣赏80篇 22-Three Days to See 英语美文欣赏80篇 23-Companionship of Books 英语美文欣赏80篇24-If I Rest,I Rust 英语美文欣赏80篇 25-Ambition 英语美文欣赏80篇 26-What I have Lived for 英语美文欣赏80篇 27-When Love Beckons You 英语美文欣赏80篇 28-The Road to Success


美文欣赏600字励志 【篇一:美文欣赏600字励志】 生长在非洲荒漠地带的依米花,默默无闻,少有人注意过它。许多 旅人以为它只是一株草而已。但是,它会在一生中的某个清晨突然 绽放出美丽的花朵。 那是无比绚丽的一朵花,似乎要占尽人世间所有色彩一样。它的花 瓣儿呈莲叶状儿,每瓣自成一色:红、白、黄、蓝,与非洲大地上 空的毒日争艳。 但是,它的花期很短,最多只有两天。两天后它就会随着母株一起 枯萎,开花意味着它的生命的终结。 在非洲的荒漠地带,植物的生长需要水分,而开花的植物对水分的 需求更大。非洲一般植物都有庞大的根系采水,以供自身的水分需求。但是依米花没有根系,它只有惟一的一条主根,孤独地蜿蜒盘 曲着钻入地底深处,寻找有水的地方。那需要幸运和顽强努力,一 株依米花往往需要四至五年的时间在干燥的沙漠里寻找水源,然后 一点点积聚养分,在完成蓓蕾所需要的全部养分后,它开花了!所 以在它最美丽的时候,它因耗尽了自己的所有的养分而凋零。 用五年的时间为开一朵花努力,这是何等顽强而心酸的事情。假若 依米花生长在水草丰沃的地方,它将会美丽一辈子的,偏偏,它的 家乡在荒漠。 这个世界上,万物都有灿烂一回的时候,这是上苍赐给万物的权利。人要比依米花智慧和理性,人想灿烂一回的理想要比依米花更强烈。但我们却往往没有一生都不屈不挠和努力,在遭遇困难和阻挠的时候,往往接受环境给予自己安排的命运。 人生的道路有几十年,但像依米花那样地勇往直前的岁月真的太少了。用一生定要美丽一次的心情去努力和坚持,每个人都会比现在 做得更好! 篇二:你可以不成功,但是不能不成长 还记得我第一次采访基辛格博士,那时我还在美国留学,刚刚开始 做访谈节目,特别没有经验。问的问题都是东一榔头,西一棒子的,比如问:那时周总理请你吃北京烤鸭,你吃了几只啊? 后来在中美建交30周年时,我再次采访了基辛格博士。那时我就知 道再也不能问北京烤鸭这类问题了。虽然只有半小时,我们的团队 把所有有关的资料都搜集了,从他在哈佛当教授时写的论文,演讲,


关于励志的美文美句摘抄大全 不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法……小编为大家整理了关于励志的美文美句摘抄,希望对大家有所帮助! 励志美文美句摘抄1、不要放弃自己就是真正的坚强,虚心就是坚强,努力就是坚强,从头再来就是坚强,正直就是坚强,学会坚强之前要学会如何爱惜自己。 2、命运,不过是失败者无聊的自我安慰,不过是懦怯者的解嘲。人们的前途只能靠自己的意志、自己的努力来决定。 3、千万不要因为自己已经到了结婚年龄而草率结婚。想结婚,就要找一个能和你心心相印相辅相携的伴侣。不要因为放纵和游戏而恋爱,不要因为恋爱而影响工作和事业,更不要因一桩草率而失败的婚姻而使人生受阻。感情用事往往会因小失大。 4、常言道,失败是成功之母,而我却认为,失败是一种解脱和潇洒,也是一种“得”。人生中,有成功有失败,成功是鲜花,失败同样也精彩。 5、不要让灰色的乌云笼罩一辈子,生命中还有很多美好的不要让其遮盖,不要因为一片乌云毁了一切,人生中还有很多可以去把握。 6、人生,无非只有三天,昨天,今天,明天。昨天很长,说不清有多少天,但不管有多少天,不管是受到挫折,还是取得辉煌,都只能代表过去,昨天你失败了,将来可能会成功,昨天你辉煌了,将来你可能会萎靡不振,只有把过去的挫折和辉煌都变成今天的基石,才能登上美好的明天。 7、面对人生的烦恼与挫折,最重要的是摆正自己的心态,积极面对一切。再苦再累,也要保持微笑。笑一笑,你的人生会更美好! 8、你或许无法改变身高和体形,但是可以改变你的态度。我们每个人都有力量去培养和保持为我所用的积极态度,提高我们的人生质量,完成我们的人生目标。态度是人生理想的昭示,而非既有成果的反映。改变你的态度,就可以改变你的人生。 9、不要像玻璃那样脆弱。有的人眼睛总盯着自己,所以长不高看不远;总是喜欢怨天尤人,也使别人无比厌烦。没有苦中苦,哪来甜中甜?不要像玻璃那


Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2015 Aspose Pty Ltd.英语励志短文带翻译 英语励志短文:A New Day (崭新的一天) The sun has begun to set and I hang up the smile I’ve worn all day, though I will make sure it is the first thing I put back on in the mo rning just in case it is “that day.” I want her to see me at my very best. 太阳将要下山,我收起挂了一天的微笑,不过我会确保明天早上第一件事就是将它又挂回去,以防这天就是“那一天”。我希望她看到我的最佳状态。 I do the normal routine, eat dinner, clean the house, write—the usual stuff. And then I lay down hoping to fall asleep quickly so my new day will hurry up and arrive. A new day with a brand new sun. But as I lay there and wait for the world to turn half way around, I think about her. And sometimes I smile, and sometimes that smile will turn into asnicker, and then often that snicker will turn into a burst of laughter. 我按平时的规律吃晚餐、打扫屋子、写作——做着日常事务。然后我躺下,希望能快点入睡,新的一天就能快点到来——拥有新生太阳的崭新的一天。可当我躺在那儿,等待着世界的日夜回转时,我想到了她。有时我会笑起来,有时那微笑变成了窃笑,然后窃笑又常常变成爆笑。 And then there are times I get that lump in my throat and that tight feeling in my chest, and sometimes that feeling overwhelms me and begins to turn into a tear, and often that tear multiplies itself and I can no longer fight the feeling and I lose the battle. Then somehow through either the joy or the sadness I drift and find myself asleep. Then the dreams begin and keep me company until my new day arrives. 也有些时候,我的喉咙像是被一块东西哽住了,胸口发闷;有时那种伤感席卷 而来,我开始流泪,眼泪常常越流越多,我再也无力抵抗悲伤,败下阵来。然后不知怎的,我在或喜悦或悲伤中飘荡,逐渐入眠。然后梦境开始伴我左右,直至新的一天到来。 When I awake it’s with such excitement because I tell m yself this could be the day that every other day has led up to and the first day of the rest of my life. I quickly don my smile because I do so want her to see me at my very best. Then I look out the window because, even though I know it’s dawn, I still have to confirm I’ve been given another chance to find her.


优秀英语美文摘抄大全 学生通过大量的经典美文阅读能够开阔自己的视野,通过经典的美文阅读可以增加文化积淀和思想内涵,通过经典美文导读可以陶冶情操,提高素养。精心收集了优秀英语美文,供大家欣赏学习! 匆忙中停留片刻 Be still. Just for a moment. Listen to the world around you. Feel your breath coming in and going out. Listen to your thoughts. See the details of your surroundings. Be at peace with being still. In this modern world, activity and movement are the default modes, if not with our bodies then at least with our minds, with our attention. We rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages, clicking from browser tab to the next, one link to the next. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no time for stillness -- and sitting in front of a frenetic computer all day, and then in front of the hyperactive television, doesn't count as stillness.


励志英文美文带翻译 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 励志英文美文带翻译精选不做有才华的穷人 The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day.A few days ago, my car was not running well. 世界上满坑满谷都是精明能干、才华横溢、学富五车以及极具天赋之人,我们每天都会见到他们。几天前,我的汽车运转不灵了。 I pulled it into a garage, and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine. I was amazed. The sad truth is,great talent is not enough. 我把它开进维修厂,一位年轻的机械工只消几分钟就把它修好了。他仅凭倾听发动机的声音就能确定哪儿有毛病,这让我惊奇不己。然而遗憾的是,光有非凡才华是不够的。 I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. 找常常吃惊,为什么有才华的人却只有微薄的收入。 I heard the other day that less than percent of Americans earn more than $100,000 a year.Abusiness consultant who


短篇励志英语美文摘抄带翻译【三篇】 导读:本文短篇励志英语美文摘抄带翻译【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 短篇励志英语美文:A Better Tomorrow People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records. Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books? Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations1 of government officials and the events during wars? We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen. Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, can help us decide what to do and what not to do. If we are ever to create lasting peace, we must seek its origins in human experience and in the records of human history. From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations of youth. History records the suffering, the self-denial2, the devotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past. These records can help us when we are confused and when we really need peace.


关于经典英语美文摘抄 【篇一】关于经典英语美文:美国革命的历史意义 The Historical Significance of American Revolution The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated in the ascent of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency can be regarded as the outstanding example not only of the birth of a new way of life but of nationalism as a new way of life. The American Revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century, in which modern England became conscious of itself, and the awakening of modern Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. It may seem strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but only in the North American colonies could a struggle for civic liberty lead also to the foundation of a new nation. Here, in the popular rising against a "tyrannical" government, the fruits were more than the securing of a freer constitution. They included the growth of a nation born in liberty by the will of the people, not from the roots of common descent, a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king or dynasty. With the American nation, for the first time, a nation was born, not in the dim past of history but before the eyes of the whole world. 美国革命的历史意义


励志美文美句摘抄 1、不要放弃自己就是真正的坚强,虚心就是坚强,努力就是坚强,从头再来就是坚强,正直就是坚强,学会坚强之前要学会如何爱惜自己。 2、人生,就没有,永远的悲痛;也没有,永远的欢欣。能使我们 坚强的,往往不是顺境,而是逆境;能让我们醒悟的,往往不是高兴,而是伤心。学会忍受,懂得艰辛,于曲折中前进。 3、人都说比天空和大地更远的距离是人与人的距离,因为人心里 都会藏匿太多的猜忌和戒备,想要快乐就甩开生命中这些过于沉重, 却又不必要的行李吧,生命中有爱就充足了。试着给周围你所熟识的 还有你还陌生的人一个真诚无惕的微笑吧,它能够触摸到他人的心灵,微笑是有感染力有连带性的,它会无声的渗透进每个易感的心灵,更 会让更多的心灵为之感动,心中有爱就会快乐,就会让微笑发自心底,灿烂在脸上。 4、千万不要因为自己已经到了结婚年龄而草率结婚。想结婚,就 要找一个能和你心心相印相辅相携的伴侣。不要因为放纵和游戏而恋爱,不要因为恋爱而影响工作和事业,更不要因一桩草率而失败的婚 姻而使人生受阻。感情用事往往会因小失大。 5、你要从现在开始,微笑着面对生活,不要抱怨生活给了你太多 的磨难,不要抱怨生活中有太多的曲折,不要抱怨生活中存有的不公。当你走过世间的繁华与喧嚣,阅尽世事,你会幡然明白:人生不会太 圆满,再苦也要笑一笑! 6、不要让灰色的乌云笼罩一辈子,生命中还有很多美好的不要让 其遮盖,不要因为一片乌云毁了一切,人生中还有很多能够去把握。 7、每一个成功者的背后都有一个心路的旅程,雨中漫步你不会比 别人先一步看到彩虹。

8、面对人生的烦恼与挫折,最重要的是摆正自己的心态,积极面 对一切。再苦再累,也要保持微笑。笑一笑,你的人生会更美好! 9、命运,不过是失败者无聊的自慰,不过是懦怯者的解嘲。人们 的前途只能靠自己的意志、自己的努力来决定。 10、你或许无法改变身高和体形,但是能够改变你的态度。我们 每个人都有力量去培养和保持为我所用的积极态度,提升我们的人生 质量,完成我们的人生目标。态度是人生理想的昭示,而非既有成果 的反映。改变你的态度,就能够改变你的人生。 11、不要像玻璃那样脆弱。有的人眼睛总盯着自己,所以长不高 看不远;总是喜欢怨天尤人,也使别人无比厌烦。没有苦中苦,哪来 甜中甜?不要像玻璃那样脆弱,而应像水晶一样透明,太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强。既然睁开眼睛享受风的清凉,就不要埋怨风中细小的 沙粒。 12、常言道,失败是成功之母,而我却认为,失败是一种解脱和 潇洒,也是一种“得”。人生中,有成功有失败,成功是鲜花,失败 同样也精彩。 13、该来的会来,该走的会走,有时候离开并不意味着结束,而 是另一种开始。 14、人生,无非只有三天,昨天,今天,明天。昨天很长,说不 清有多少天,但不管有多少天,不管是受到挫折,还是取得辉煌,都 只能代表过去,昨天你失败了,将来可能会成功,昨天你辉煌了,将 来你可能会萎靡不振,只有把过去的挫折和辉煌都变成今天的基石, 才能登上美好的明天。 15、每个人都有每个人的做法,每个人都有每个人的想法,别人 做什么,想什么,我们无法掌握,也无法控制。我们能做的,就是做 好自己,管好自己,凭自己的本身,靠自己的良心,踏踏实实地做事,老老实地做人,即使遭遇不公,遭遇不平,也能想开,懂得包容,学


短文1. Luck and Hard Work运气和努力 Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that everyone here wants to be successful in life. But how can we succeed? Nowadays,it is generally believed among young people that success comes from luck. They believe it in love, in examinations and even in promotion. But in fact, success depends on knowledge and hard work. You can get whatever you dream of if you work hard enough. Even if you may fail sometimes, you are bound to succeed someday if you stick to your goals. Remember your fate lies in your own hands. Your future also lies in your own hands. As long as you put your heart into your work, you will realize all your dreams.It’s diligence, not good luck that can bring you success in your life and career. Luck doesn't come alone. It goes hand in hand with knowledge and hard work. Shallow men(肤浅的人) believe in luck. Hard work is the first secret of success. 短文2. Happiness Is Your Own Choice选择快乐你就快乐 Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happier, a relative, someone we know a lot, or someone we hardly know. As a result, what we do remember is anything that makes the other happy and anything that makes ourselves unhappy, totally forgetting that there is something happy in our own life. So the best way to destroy happiness is to look at something and focus on even the smallest flaw. It is the smallest weakpoit that would make us complain. And it is the complaint that leads us to become unhappy. If one chooses to be happy, he will be blessed.Happiness is just what you think will make you happy. 短文3. How to live a productive life 如何过丰富的生活 Ladies and gentlemen, Today I’m going to talk about how to live a productive life. Every day is a gift, even days that are difficult or days you feel down. Appreciate every day. Learn something new every day. Do something to improve yourself every day. Don’t delay. Don’t let your dreams die. Don’t waste time. Just do it. Life is too short to waste even one single day. If you live every day fully and productive ly, you’re bound to succeed. Remember, yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a dream, live for today. Thank you for your listening! 短文4. Key Factors to Success成功的关键因素 No doubt, everyone wishes to be successful in life. But most success depends on three factors: diligence, devotion, and perseverance. The first key factor is diligence. Diligence can help us remove ignorance and overcome difficulties .It can make a fool wise ,and a poor man rich .If we are diligent now, we will surely be successful in the future. Devotion, which means the concentration of our mind and effort in doing things, is another key factor to success. Whatever job we are doing ,we must love it and do it heart and soul .Only when we set our minds on the job can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance is also necessary for any success. If we study or work day after day, there is nothing that cannot be achieved. Without a strong will, on the other hand, we are likely


【关于孝的英语美文欣赏】经典英语美文欣赏50篇 对父母亲的感恩就是对老人孝顺,孝敬有多种形式。吃好穿暖心情爽,精心照顾不添烦。自由生活无拘束,玩牌购物遂心愿。了关于孝的英语美文,欢迎阅读! “Enough! Enough!”I said when Father and Mother were still giving me more fish ad meat. My bowl was piled up like a little hill. “Don't study too late into the night. Do be careful of your health. Have you had any examinations recently?”Father asked me in great concern. My face turned red. I didn't dare to give Father an answer. I hadn't made any progress in my studies. I did badly in all subjects. I only got 60 for maths and failed in physics. “It doesn't matter. Try to find better study methods and to work harder. I am sure you can enter a college!”Hearing these words, I bent my head down. What a kind father! He didn't scold me, but encouraged me instead.


那些静好的时光,刻骨的情感和暖煦的风景,就掖藏在我们丰茂的成长岁月里。 有时一个转身,却令这些情感和光景消弥不见。 与其转身,不如前行。 少年静好时光 炽盛的静好时光在我们身后眠藏,如同一粒粒饱满的果实。 我们年少时在摇荡的秋千上含风吮露,后来又躲在玩具城堡后面,带上各种样式的卡通人物面具。 那时的我们无忧无虑,不必考虑成人的烦恼,不去猜想社会背后的秘密。 直到有一天,我们抛弃了球鞋和娃娃,长大成人。 此刻转身,只会牵起我们对美好的眷恋和不舍,在荆棘未来面前张皇和畏惧,最终身后的温暖将朽蚀我们步入寒冷的决心。 这种转身倾覆了我们心灵深处的勇气,将一切勇敢的跋涉变得不堪一击。 与其转身而让心沉过往,不如前行来用勇气探索人生。 转身,是懦弱胆怯的犹豫徘徊,只有前行,方能让自己不断成长。 别离刻骨情感 蝉在夏末的腑腔里终结了聒噪而碧绿的嘶鸣,秋季转瞬即至。 落木萧萧,猎猎作响,湖岸在黄昏里头被浸淫,雁阵在秋天里头被梳理。 铁轨是冰凉的金属,像一条条蛇行的疤痕刻在秋的思念里。 站台上,人们张望着同一个地方,面色相近,装束不一。 亲友的别离总是如一湾割绞不断的秋水,那般缠绵,那般难以弃舍。 有时我们已拾起行囊,准备步履坚定地迈向美好未来,却因一个转身而泪水决堤,愁绪盎然。 这种转身倾覆了我们心灵深处的坚强,将一切有准备的奔赴变得遥远。

“一看肠一断,好去莫回头。 ”与其转身而让泪流满面,不如前行来让坚强驻扎心底。 转身,是软弱的断瓦颓垣,只有前行,方能将其连根拔起。 再营暖煦风景 热带雨林里,棕榈树像是滴着油墨般光泽滑亮,绿色正浓,不焦躁也不朦胧。 荒草及膝,软茸茸地和着夏日暖煦的风,簇拥在眼里。 澄明的川流发出清脆的声响,一如一条绿色丝带。 可是在人类走下一个又一个沉重的步迹后,曾经的森林变成沙漠,物质文明带来了精神的野蛮和荒芜,工业城市和钢筋森林拔地而起,污浊的烟气笼罩苍穹。 你转身,可能会失望,可能会对人类的罪行惶惑不安,绞痛不已。 这种转身倾覆了我们心灵深处的希望,将一切应持有的愿景变得模糊。 与其转身,而让心生灰意,不如前行来让曙光撑起希望。 转身,是苦痛的再次回忆,只有前行,方能用全新行动改变过去,营造未来。 终结一条路,最好的方法就是走下去。 与其转身,让诸多因素阻止我们的步伐,不如前行,让心胸旷阔,搏一个美好未来。 走一步,再走一步。 勇敢走下去,你会发现世界每一秒都在吟哦,生活每一刻都在萌芽。 不要转身,秉持着一种坚定的信念,走下去,走下去,总有一份美好在前行的方向上等待。 与其转身,不如前行。 一个人的处境是苦是乐常是主观的。 有人安于某种生活,有人不能。因此能安于自已目前处境的不妨就如此生活下去,不能的只好努力另找出路。你无法断言哪里才是成功的,也无法肯定当自



名家励志散文摘抄 【篇一:名家励志散文摘抄】 名家美文摘抄及赏析(一) 《守住一颗宁静的心》 生活是一望无际的大海,人便是大海上的一叶小舟。大海没有风平浪静的时候,所以,人也总是有快乐也有忧愁。当无名的烦恼袭来,失意与彷徨燃烧着每一根神经。但是,朋友,别忘了守住一颗宁静的心,痛苦将不再有。 每个人的前面,都有一条通向远方的路,崎岖但充满希望。不是人人都能走到远方,因为总有人因为没倒掉鞋里的沙子而疲惫不堪半途而废。所以,主宰人的感受的并非快乐和痛苦本身,而是心情。 当生活的困扰袭来,请丢下负荷,仰头遥望明丽、湛蓝的天空,让温柔的蓝色映入心田。就像儿时玩得疲倦了,找一块青青的软软的草地躺下,任阳光在脸上跳跃,让微风拂过没有褶皱的心。 当层层的失意包围,请打开窗户,让沁人心脾的新鲜空气走进来,在芬芳甘甜的泥土气息中寻找一丝的宁静,就像儿时,拿起蒲公英的细须,鼓起两腮吹开一把又一把的小伞,带着惊喜闭上眼睛,许下一个心愿。于是,心中便多了一份慰籍与欣喜。 当无奈的惆怅涌来,请擦亮眼睛,看夕阳的沉落,听虫鸣鸟叫。就像儿时在小院里听蛐蛐的叫声,抬头数天上闪烁的星星。于是,一切令人烦恼的嘈杂渐渐隐去,拥有的是一颗宁静的心。 守住一颗宁静的心,你会由衷的感叹:即使我不够快乐,也不要把眉头深锁,人生本短暂,为什么还要栽培苦涩?

守住一颗宁静的心,你会明白博大可以稀释忧愁,宁静能够驱散困惑。是的,没有人知道远方究竟有多远,但是打开心灵之窗,让快乐的阳光和月光涌进来,宁静之心便有了一支永不熄灭的快乐之歌。 守住一颗宁静的心,你便可以不断超越,不断自我挑战。即使远方是永远的地方,也会诞生一种东西奇迹。 赏析: 尘世浮华,人心浮躁,很多人在这个物质的世界里像无头苍蝇般到处乱撞,很难守住一颗宁静的心。因人心难以宁静,烦恼多了,快乐少了;伙伴多了,朋友少了;枯灯独坐者多了,闲庭信步者少了;萎靡颓废者多了,积极进取者少了淡泊以明志,宁静以致远,好一个宁静致远。是的,只有宁静,我们才会有开阔的胸襟,才会有挑战的勇气,才有可能迈向的顶峰。让心宁静吧,你会变得更加美丽而有内涵,你会变得更加成熟而又稳重,你会和快乐结缘和成功握手。守住一颗宁静的心,也就守住了整个世界。 名家美文摘抄及赏析(二) 《心田上的百合花开》 偏僻遥远的山谷、高数千尺的断崖,预示了野百合追求美好愿望的道路必然艰难曲折。恶劣的生长环境,并没有消磨它作为花一棵百合的天性,虽然它刚诞生时长得跟其他野草一模一样。但一个坚定的念头在它的心中悄悄萌生:我要开花,我要以花作证。为此,它努力地吸收水分和阳光,深深地扎根,直直地挺着胸膛与自然环境顽强地抗争。 如果说与生长环境的抗争,只是野百合为实现美好心愿迈出的第一步的话,那么,野草的讥讽嘲笑、蜂蝶的鄙夷才是野百合面对的更严酷的考验。野百合是执着的,野百合更是智慧的。面对野草的嘲讽讥笑、蜂蝶的鄙夷劝导,野百合坚定的始终没有动摇:不管有没有人欣赏,不管你们怎么看我,我都要开花!


英语励志美文美段摘抄 【篇一:英语励志美文美段摘抄】 英语励志美文篇一 eagle in a storm 风雨中的雄鹰 did you know that an eagle know when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? 你知道吗?鹰在暴风雨爆发之前就可以预知它的来临。 the eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. when the storm hits. it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. while the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring about it. 鹰会飞到一个很高的地方,等待着风暴的来临。当暴风雨来临的时候,它会张开双翅,这样暴风就可以把它拖起,将它置于暴雨之上。当暴风雨肆虐的时候,鹰已经翱翔于狂风暴雨之上。 the eagle does not escape the storm. it simply uses the storm to lift it higher. it rises on the winds that bring the storm. 鹰没有逃避暴风雨,它只是利用暴风雨让它飞得更高,它翱翔于带 来暴风雨的飓风之上。 when the storms of life come upon us and all of us will experience them we can rise above them by setting our belief that we can make it. the storms do not have to overcome. we can allow our inner power to lift us above them. 当生活中的暴风雨降临的时候这是我们每个人都要经历的我们可以 坚定我们必胜的信念,这样我们就可以凌驾于风暴之上。暴风雨并 不一定会摧毁我们,我们内心的力量可以让我们超越暴风雨。


关于经典英语美文摘抄 【导语】在英语教学中,开展经典美文教学不仅能提高学生的文学水平,而且能提高学生的语文素养,对培养学生的语言素养和人文素养具有极大益处,更能丰富学生的精神世界,磨炼学生的意志。本文是由小编整理的关于经典英语美文,希望对大家有帮助! 【篇一】关于经典英语美文:美国革命的历史意义 The Historical Significance of American Revolution The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated in the ascent of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency can be regarded as the outstanding example not only of the birth of a new way of life but of nationalism as a new way of life. The American Revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century, in which modern England became conscious of itself, and the awakening of modern Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. It may seem strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but only in the North American colonies could a struggle for civic liberty lead also to the foundation of a new nation. Here, in the popular rising against a "tyrannical" government, the fruits were more than the securing of a freer constitution. They included the growth of a nation born in liberty by the will of the people, not from the roots of common descent, a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king or dynasty. With the American nation, for the first time, a nation was born, not in the dim past of history but before the eyes of the whole world.

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